assessments quiz 3

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According to the National Institute for Mental Health approximately _______ of American adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year.


Which of the following behaviors would be considered latency behavior?

A child who takes 3 minutes to get their workbook out of their desk after the direction is given.

Which of the following is NOT one of the "big five" personality factors?


Which of the following does NOT apply to the client-counselor interaction in the context of qualitative career assessment?

Authoring a coherent, continuous, and credible career story

Why does an observer need to be aware of reactivity?

Because a client may change their behavior as a result of being observed

An instrument that incorporates self-estimates of abilities is the:

Campbell Interest and Skills Inventory (CISS)

The most appropriate interest inventory for a young adult not interested in a college education would be the:

Career Assessment Inventory-Vocational Version (CAI-VV)

If a counselor is interested in measuring clients' levels of career indecision, then he or she might use the:

Career Decision Scale

Which of the following is not one of the topics covered in the PREPARE/ENRICH program?


Which of the following would be considered best practice when assessing the interests of a client with a severe reading disability?

Consider using a pictorial instrument such as the Wide Range Interest-Opinion Test

The premarital assessment PREPARE has been found to be more useful if the results were combined with _____________ rather than only receiving feedback.


Duffy and Chenail (2004) suggest that when observing families, therapists should focus on each of the following aspects of the family except:


Although the norming group consisted of only 218 White married individuals, reliability estimates for the __________________ suggest that it may be suitable for use with couples of varying sexual orientation, gender, ethnicity and marital status.

Dyadic Adjustment Scale

Which of the following accurately describes the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF)?

It is a shorter version of the MMPI-2 and includes numerous clinical scales.

Whose theory has had a significant influence on the General Occupational Themes of the Strong Interest Inventory?

John Holland's

Which of the following instruments was constructed primarily based on factor analysis?

NEO Personality Inventory 3 (NEO-PI-3)

Which of the following instruments is designed to measure the "big five" factors of personality?

NEO Personality Inventory-3 (NEO-PI-3)

When they target behavior is not clearly defined and the counselor responds to an extraneous factor, which systematic error is likely to occur?

Observer bias

During the observation, you decide that the target behavior is really no big deal. This error is called:

Observer drift

Which of the following instruments would be appropriate to use with a couple seeking premarital counseling?


A widely used measure of the self-perceptions of children and adolescents is the:

Piers-Harris Children's Self Concept Scale, Second Edition

Which premarital assessment is comprised of 276 items and measures the four broad areas of personality/values, family and friend support, communication skills, and background/upbringing?


What is self-monitoring?

Recording one's own behavior

Is it appropriate to have a child participate in self-monitoring?

Yes, because they need to see how often they do the behavior.

A client is having trouble sleeping. You ask them to record what they do from the end of dinner until they lay down in the bed. This is an example of:

anecdotal records

Narrative recordings are also called:

anecdotal records

Which of the following are not measured when completing a behavior assessment?


The Kvebaek Family Sculpting Technique and other family sculpting techniques involve having the family members:

arrange figurines or other objects in a manner representing the family relationships

Ratings recordings can be completed:

at the beginning, the middle and the end of the counseling session.

If an individual has an elevated L Scale (Lie Scale) on the MMPI-2 then the individual:

attempted to "look good" while answering some of the questions.

One of the reasons interests are assessed in career counseling is because interests are a good predictor of:

career direction and occupational choice

Behavioral assessment is different from career assessments because a behavioral assessment measures:

client behaviors

The Strong Interest Inventory assesses:

clients' likes and interests

FACES-IV provides measures of family:

cohesion and flexibility

The Marital Satisfaction Inventory-Revised (MSI-R) is designed to assist couples in:

communicating about relationship issues

One of the strengths of the Strong Interest Inventory is it:

compares the individual's interests to the interests of individuals working in different occupations

Pope (2009) recommends the O*NET Interest Profiler may be used with each of the following groups except:

elementary students

The empirical criterion keying method of constructing a personality inventory means items are selected based on:

their relationship to some external criterion

Assessment instruments in the area of marriage and family:

typically have very limited psychometric information, requiring caution in their use

Which of the following instruments is based on social climates or environments?

Family Environment Scale (FES)

Genograms are based on which of the following ideas?

Family patterns are transmitted multigenerationally.

How many versions of the BASC-2 are there?


Many career counselors trace the origins of career assessment back to:

Frank Parsons

An introverted client who uses senses to perceive information, uses feelings to process information, and whose orientation to the outer world is judgment would have which of the following Myers-Briggs personality types?


The Exner Comprehensive System, which examines location, determinants, and content, is associated with which projective technique?

Rorschach Inkblot Test

Which of the following instruments is easy to use and can be self-scored by the client?

Self-Directed Search (SDS)

Which of the following is NOT one of the higher-order scales on the MMPI-2-RF?

Somatic Complaints (RC1)

Which scale was added to the Child Behavior Checklist/1 1/2-5 in 2010?

Stress Problems scale

The most widely-researched career counseling instrument is the:

Strong Interest Inventory

The assessment of couples and families has been influenced by the theoretical approach of many marriage and family therapists. This theoretical approach is:


Which of the following instruments involves "criss-cross" testing where each individual first takes the instrument and then takes it a second time, but provides answers they believe the other person would give?

Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis

Which of the following is an advantage of using an interest inventory?

They often connect clients' general interest areas to specific occupations

What is the difference between whole-time interval sampling and partial-time interval sampling?

Whole-time means that the client demonstrated the behavior the whole time.

The difference between an analogue observation and a natural observation is that an analogue observation is in:

a simulated setting

Projective techniques, as distinguished from other personality instruments, have usually been designed to measure the:

covert and underlying aspects of personality

The Semistructured Clinical Interview of Children & Adolescents (SCICA) asks open-ended questions to cover all of the following activities except:

cultural identity

When constructing interviews to assess personality, counselors should be sure to:

develop questions that are conceptually related to personality assessment

One of the initial steps in interpreting the MMPI-2 of MMPI-A is to:

examine how long the individual took to complete it.

The roles and rules (spoken and unspoken) within a family, and expectations for behavior that contribute to family functioning is known as:

family organization

We find that family variables are:

fluid and often fluctuate

The mapping of a genogram typically involves:

going back three generations

Interest inventories:

have historically yielded different results for men and women

In comparison to the original version of the MMPI, the MMPI 2:

includes norms based on a more diverse and representative standardization sample.

Recent research on the interests of minority clients indicates that:

individuals from diverse ethnic groups use the same cognitive map or structure of preference

The two major types of informal personality assessment techniques are observation and _____________.


In addition to allowing counselors to examine congruence in the couple's personalities, the "criss-cross" testing feature of the Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis also allows counselors to:

look at consistencies or inconsistencies in how the members of the couple view themselves and each other

Examining how clients spent their time and their preferred activities is a way to identify _____________ interests; asking clients about their interests helps to identify their ___________ interests.

manifest; expressed

The Personal Styles scales of the Strong Interest Inventory:

measure preferences in working, learning, leading, making decisions, and participating on teams

What makes the Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS) unique is that it:

measures preferences in both work styles and work roles.

Research indicated that computer-assisted career guidance systems are:

more effective when they are used in conjunction with counseling.

When interpreting a client's Strong Interest Inventory, the counselor should:

move from general interests to more specific interests (e.g., certain occupations)

In interpreting client drawings, a counselor can conclude that:

no simple conclusions can be made as interpretation is complex.

The most widely employed method of personality assessment is:


Today instead of observing for an entire hour at one time, you decide to observe in three, twenty minute blocks. What error are you trying to avoid?

observer fatigue

Aptitude tests are often used in career counseling because they are good predictors of:

occupational success

Work values are highly correlated with:

occupational success

Cierpka (2005) has proposed a model of family assessment where individually-oriented assessment can be focusing on how the individual:

organizes himself or herself within the family

The MMPI-2 is primarily designed to identify:

patterns of personality and emotional disorders

Research on the general stability of the five factors of personality over the lifespan indicates all of the following except:

personality changes most dramatically in adolescence and is largely set by the age of 30.

One strategy that may help to facilitate the integration of interests, abilities, and values assessment is:

portfolio assessment

Within formal personality assessment, there are two major categories: structure instruments and ____________________.

projective techniques

In addition to the ten clinical scales of the MMPI-2, there are validity scales that:

provide an indication of the accuracy of the profile

In the BASC-2, the teacher and parent scales include:

ratings from never to always

You have asked your client to record what they eat for the next 72 hours. When the client returns to the next counseling session, it looks like the client copied a menu out of a diet magazine. This is an example of:


Increasing the amount of time that counselors spend observing clients may be one way to enhance the _______________, and therefore, the validity, of observations.


The tendency for individuals to respond to personality test items in a socially acceptable way, rather than in a way that truly reflects their personality, is known as:

social desirability

The "what?" of a behavioral assessment focuses on:

target behavior

The most commonly used instrument from the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessments is:

the Child Behavior Checklist System/6-18

In addition to information on family structure and patterns of functioning, a genogram may also include information about the following, except for:

the clinician's observations of the family while the genogram is constructed.

What is recorded during an event recording?

the frequency of the behavior

One recent revision made to the Strong Interest Inventory was:

the inclusion of nonprofessional in addition to professional occupations

If a counselor is using a systemic approach, then his or her assessment strategy would be focused on:

the interactions among the family members

A counselor using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator in the context of family counseling would most likely focus on ________________ when interpreting the results.

the interactions that occur between family members, using the framework of their MBTI codes

Besides frequency of a behavior, what else can an event recording measure?

the latency of the behavior

Interval recording allows the observer to focus on a specific amount of time and document:

the presence or absence of a behavior

In assessing couples, the focus is typically on:

the relationship and couple distress

Concerning measures of self-concept or self-esteem:

there is no universal agreement on the definition of the concepts nor how to measure them.

Because rating recordings utilize a rating scale:

there is subjectivity

In order to use a projective technique to make a clinical decision, the counselor should be:

trained extensively in using and interpreting the technique

A significant problem in developing family assessments is:

utilizing a theoretical approach

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