Astronomy 3 Final Exam Study Guide

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The speed of light is about...

- 186,000 mi./sec - 300,000 km/sec

(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): What type of star (Main Sequence, Giant, Supergiant or White Dwarf) is Capella?


Who first determined the Sun's correct location within the Milky Way Galaxy?

Harlow Shapley

The physicist Stephen Hawking theorized that back holes can leak energy from their event horizons. this energy is called:

Hawking radiation

Even though the concept of "space-time" was made famous by Albert Einstein, it was first proposed by....

Herman Minkowski

If a main sequence star has a higher mass than another main sequence star, what can you say about its Absolute Magnitude (Luminosity) (compared to the lower mass star)?

Higher (Brighter)

If you are in a room that has only one wavelength of red light illuminating it, and then looked at your DVD's surface, what color(s) would you see coming from the DVD?

Just red

If and when the Sun becomes a giant star, what would be a good estimate for its spectral type when it is a giant? - A9 - G1 - F7 - G2 - K0


What is the spectral type (letter and number) of the star Aldebaran?


Which spectral type star would emit less orange light than the other 4 listed? - M2 - A6 - B7 - G5 - K5


If a main sequence star has a higher mass than another main sequence star, what can you say about its relative amount (is the massive star more or less common) (compared to the lower mass star)?

Less common

(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): What type of star (Main Sequence, Giant, Supergiant or White Dwarf) is Sirius B?

Where Dwarf

What color would the star Sirius be?

White or Blue-white

What color would the star Vega be?

White or Blue-white

Who discovered Uranus and also formulated a Milky Way Galaxy model that looked like a "grindstone"?

William Herschel

(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): Which star has the coolest surface temperature?

Wolf 359

What color would the Sun be?


What color would the star Alpha Centauri A be?


What would be the distance (from Earth) to a star if its apparent magnitude (m) is 10 and its absolute magnitude (M) is 3? - farther than 10 parsecs - 10 parsecs - closer than 10 parsecs

farther than 10 parsecs

What would be the distance (from Earth) to a star if its apparent magnitude (m) is 2 and its absolute magnitude (M) is -6? - farther than 10 parsecs - 10 parsecs - closer than 10 parsecs

farther than 10 parsecs

What is the escape velocity from your scantron?

less than c (less than the speed of light)

What is the most important property of a star?


Which type of black hole (assume all exist) would have the strongest tidal forces as your approach its event horizon?


The Greek scientist Eratosthenes determined the circumference of Earth by observing...


If a main sequence star has a higher mass than another main sequence star, what can you say about its total lifetime (compared to the lower mass star)?


The Milky Way Galaxy is now thought to be a ........ galaxy

barred spiral


big ball of hot gas

How many stars are farther than a parsec from the Sun?


What color would an O5 spectral type star be?


What color would a B1 spectral type star be?


What type of EMR has a slightly longer wavelength than red visible light? a) microwaves b) radiowaves c) x-rays d) gamma rays e) visible f) infrared g) ultraviolet

f) infrared

What type of EMR has the 2nd highest frequency? a) microwaves b) radiowaves c) x-rays d) gamma rays e) visible f) infrared g) ultraviolet

f) infrared

What type of EMR has the 3rd lowest energy? a) microwaves b) radiowaves c) x-rays d) gamma rays e) visible f) infrared g) ultraviolet

f) infrared

Who first developed the "Stellar Spectral Sequence"?


More massive stars have the CNO cycle as their fusion process. What does the "CNO" stand for?

Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen

Who first realized that the "Stellar Spectral Sequence" represented the different temperatures of stars, also writing a thesis on "Stellar Atmospheres" that is regarded as the most influential in the field of astronomy?

Cecilia Payne

The first Cepheid Variable star was found in the constellation of...


Who discovered that the band of light called the "Milky Way" consisted of stars?


What color would a M4 spectral type star be?


What is the spectral type (letter and number) of the star Alpha Centauri A?


What is the spectral type of the Sun?


Which spectral type main sequence star would have a total lifetime of slightly longer than the Sun's total lifetime (according to present calculations?) - B1 - G3 - B4 - G1 - O3


Why does the Milky Way galaxy look like a band of light when we view it in the night sky?

- Because we are viewing it from inside of it. - Because our galaxy is relatively flat and we are seeing distant stars along its plane.


- a method to determine distances - the farther something is, the smaller the parallax seems to be - ex: as you drive it appears as if the moon is following you, but really it is so far away that the parallax looks like it is 0.

Considering Planck's Law, which star from below would have the lowest surface temperature (λpeak = peak wavelength)? - a star with a λpeak in the "green" - a star with a λpeak in the "red" - a star with a λpeak in the "ultraviolet" - a star with a λpeak in the "blue"

- a star with a λpeak in the "red"

What keeps gravity from collapsing a main sequence star?

- gas pressure - radiation pressure

If you and your friend were separated by a distance of "1 astronomical unit", what else can you say about this distance?

- it is equivalent to 93 million miles - it is the average Earth to Sun distance

On average, it takes light about 8 minutes to travel to the Earth from Venus. What else can we conclude from this information?

- that Venus is about 8 light minutes away - that if Venus blows up, we would have to wait about 8 minutes to see the explosion - that when we see Venus through a telescope, we are seeing it the way it looked about 8 minutes ago

If you find out that a galaxy was just discovered and astronomers are calling it the Orion Dwarf Galaxy, what other conclusion can you correctly make about this galaxy?

- that it is a smaller galaxy than the Milky Way Galaxy - that it is found in the same direction but farther than the stars within the constellation of Orion

Assume that you use a prism to disperse the light from a certain source and observe a spectrum that has all visible colors with no breaks in between. From this observation, you can correctly conclude that...

- that the source of light is emitting "white light" - that the source of light is a dense solid, liquid or gas

What data would you have to collect about globular clusters in order to discover the Sun's correct location within the Milky Way Galaxy?

- their direction - their distance

List three facts about Gravity Waves:

- were recently detected - are predicted in general relativity - are thought to be rippleds through space-time

What is the approximate apparent magnitude (m) of the Sun?


Approximately how many stars, in total, have parallaxes greater than 1 arc second, using the stellar triangulation method (baseline of 1 au)?


If somebody were to ask "How many Solar Systems are there in the universe?" the most correct answer should be...


How many stars are there in the solar system?

1 (the Sun)

How far will light travel in one year?

1 light year

List these following 10 bodies/areas in order from their distance from Earth outward (closest being #1): - Andromeda Galaxy - Alpha Centauri - Large Magellanic Cloud - Quasar 3C 273 - Jupiter - Sun - Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy - Oort Cloud - Kuiper Belt - Moon

1) Moon 2) Sun 3) Jupiter 4) Kuiper Belt 5) Oort Cloud 6) Alpha Centauri 7) Canis Major Dwarf 8) Large Magellanic Cloud 9) Andromeda Galaxy 10) Quasar 3C 273

List all the members of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EM Spectrum) in order of decreasing wavelength

1) Radiowaves 2)Microwaves 3) Infrared 4) Visible 5) Ultraviolet 6) X-Rays 7) Gamma Rays

Lists the following objects in order of increasing (lowest to highest) density: - Earth - white dwarf - black hole's singularity - neutron star - fluffy ball of cotton candy

1) fluffy ball of cotton candy 2) white dwarf 3) neutron star 4) black hole's singularity

Think of 3 reasons that some stars appear brighter than others when you look up into the night's sky

1. Dust and debris in our atmosphere can affect the apparent brightness of a star from our point of view. 2. Dust in space can diminish starlight 3. The star's size. Larger stars tend to be brighter 4. The star's temperature. Hotter stars tend to be brighter than cooler stars.

Name any 5 galaxies which are in the Local Group:

1. Milky Way Galaxy. 2. Andromeda Galaxy. 3. Large Magellanic Cloud. 4. Small Magellanic Cloud. 5. Pinwheel Galaxy. 6. Canis Major Dwarf. 7. Sagittarius Dwarf. And about 40 others

Which star (of the 5 listed by mass), should be most common in the universe? - 5.3 Mo - 2.0 Mo - 8.5 Mo - 7.9 Mo - 1.2 Mo

1.2 Mo

Assume there is an extrasolar planet discovered orbiting around a GO spectral type main sequence star. What would be a good estimate of this planet's distance from its star in order to be in the star's "habitable zone" (region where liquid water can exist?)

1.3 au

What would be the distance (from Earth) to a star if its apparent magnitude (m) is 4 and its absolute magnitude (M) is 4? - farther than 10 parsecs - 10 parsecs - closer than 10 parsecs

10 parsecs

On the magnitude scale, every 5 magnitudes is equivalent to ....... times in brightness.


Which of the listed properties pertain to globular clusters?: - 10 to a few thousand stars in number - relatively flat in shape - contains relatively young stars - 100,000 - 1 million stars in number

100,000 - 1 million stars in number

The 1st mission to land people on the Moon was Apollo... - 1 - 11 - 8 - 13 - 18


Which main sequence star, of the ones listed, would be the least common in the universe? - 11.4 Mo star - 5.3 Mo star - 2.8 Mo star - 3.2 Mo star - 6.6 Mo star

11.4 Mo star

Which star (of the 4 listed by mass), should be least common in the universe? - 15.3 Mo - 2.0 Mo - 8.5 Mo - 7.9 Mo

15.3 Mo

Which star listed below would have the shortest total lifetime on the main sequence?: - 15.5 Mo star - 14.3 Mo star - 0.8 Mo star - 10.0 Mo star - 0.3 Mo star

15.5 Mo star

About how many light days are in a light year?


The star Alpha Mensae has an apparent magnitude (m) of 5 and is just about 10 parsecs away. What is its approximate Absolute Magnitude (M)?


What is the Absolute Magnitude (M) of the Sun?


If the Death Star were to blow up Venus (5 light minutes away) at this instant in time, how long would we have to wait, on Earth, to see the explosion?

5 minutes

According to calculations, the Sun has ........... years left to go on the main sequence.

5-7 billion

In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find the Sun about 10 billion years from now? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


What is the escape velocity from the "event horizon" of a black hole?

C - the speed of light

Explain why one car might appear blue to your eye while another one appears red.

A car will absorb all colors except the color its paint reflects back. If a car appears blue this means that that wavelength of blue light is being reflected back while any other color (wavelength) hitting it will be absorbed. If a car appears red it is reflecting red light and absorbing all the other colors.

astronomical unit

A unit of measurement that refers to the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Approximately 93 million miles

What is the spectral type (letter and number) of the star Vega?


What is the spectral type (letter and number) of the star Sirius?


Which star system listed has the largest parallax (using the method of triangulation)? - Alpha Centauri (4.3 LY away) - Sirius (9 LY away) - Vega (26 LY away) - Betelguese (427 LY away) - Deneb (1600 LY away)

Alpha Centauri (4.3 LY away)

Which star (of the 30 listed on HW 7), besides the Sun, is the most Sun-like? How can you tell?

Alpha Centauri A; It is close to Sun on diagram meaning it has about same temperature and absolute magnitude.

What region of the Solar System are most asteroids found?

Asteroid Belt

In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find a 6.2 solar mass main sequence star? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find the Sun about 3 billion years ago? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find the coolest star? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find the least luminous star (star with the fairest Absolute Magnitude)?(See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find stars fusing hydrogen in their cores (two responses (regions) required)? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):

B and C

What spectral type star (of the 5 listed) has the highest surface temperature?: - A4 - B5 - G3 - K8 - B7


Which spectral type star would emit more orange light than the other 4 listed? - M2 - A6 - B7 - G5 - K5


Which spectral type star would emit more red light than the other 4 listed? - M2 - A6 - B7 - G5 - K5


Which of the following stars has the coolest surface temperature? - Sun (G2) - Vega (A0) - Sirius (A1) - Betelgeuse (M2) - Alpha Centauri A (G2) - Aldebran (K5)


(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): Which star is largest?

Betelgeuse, because it is closest to upper-right of diagram - meaning cool yet very luminous. The only way to be very luminous if a star is cool is to have a very large radius (surface area)

(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): Which star has a greater luminosity (total energy output), the Sun or Betelgeuse? And how many times more luminosity? How do you know?

Betelgeuse; 10,000 X; It is 10 magnitudes brighter and every 5 magnitudes = 100 X in brightness (luminosity), therefore 100x100=10,000 X


Bodies that orbit planets

Describe how you can produce the "Continuous" type of Spectrum

By dispersing the "white light" emitted from a dense, hot, luminous solid, liquid or gas.

Describe how you can produce the "Dark Line (Absorption)" type of Spectrum

By dispersing the light from a "white light" source which has passed through a "relatively cool", thin gas.

Describe how you can produce the "Bright Line (Emission)" type of Spectrum

By dispersing the light from a hot, thin gas

In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find an O4 star? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


Name the 3 types of Spectra

Continuous, Bright Line (Emission), Dark Line (Absorption)

In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find stars about to go through the planetary nebula stage?(See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find the next (after where it is now) stage of evolution for the Sun? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


The star "Sirius" is known as the

Dog Star

In which entire region (A, B, C, D, E or AB) do we find stars undergoing silicon fusion in their cores? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas):


Who discovered that there were many different "types" of galaxies?

Edwin Hubble

Define a "wave"

Energy, or a disturbance, propagated from one place to another through a medium


Everything! Every galaxy and all the stuff inbetween.

What is the spectral type (letter and number) of the Sun?


Who was the first to discover that other galaxies existed?


The name of a neutrino detection facility in Antartica that we discussed in class is........


How does a protostar become a star?

In an emission nebula, regions of gas and dust start to collapse. Eventually, this object becomes a protostar. This protostar keeps collapsing due to gravity and heating up. gas pressure pushes back against gravity but is not enough to stop the collapse. The core of the protostar keeps heating up until it reaches at least 10 million degrees F. At this temperature, hydrogen fusion begins and produces gamma rays which push back (radiation pressure) against gravity. When this balance is reached, the protostar is now a star.

If you were going to design a pair of glasses for humans to see mice running around at night, you would want them to convert...

Infrared to Visible light

The "LGM" in the LGM sources stood for...

Little Green Men

What is the spectral type (letter and number) of the star Betelgeuse?


(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): What type of star (Main Sequence, Giant, Supergiant or White Dwarf) is Vega?

Main Sequence

(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): What type of star (Main Sequence, Giant, Supergiant or White Dwarf) is Wolf 359?

Main Sequence

The 4th major planet from the sun is...


Explain why some of the most massive bodies in the universe are spherical while lower mass bodies are a variety of shapes

Massive bodies, like stars and major planets, have gravitational pulls so strong that gravity is able to pull everything as close as possible to the center of that body's mass. The only way to get all of a body's mass as close to its center as possible is for that mass to form a sphere. Meanwhile, smaller bodies, like minor planets, houses, and bicycles, don't have enough mass, and therefore not enough gravitational pull, to accomplish this.

The star Algol represents the head of .......... in the constellation Perseus.


There was a planet whose variation in predicted position led to the General Theory of Relativity. Which planet was this?


Which type of EMR has the 2nd longest wavelength?


If a main sequence star has a higher mass than another main sequence star, what can you say about its color (compared to the lower mass star)?

More blue light (bluer) or more shorter wavelength colors

The 1st astronaut to walk on the Moon was...

Neil Armstrong

Are "mass" and "size" the same thing? Explain using an example.

No. A basketball and iron cannon ball can have the same size but the cannon ball is more massive. Also, a fluff ball of cotton candy can be compressed down to the size of a golf ball, having the same exact mass as another fluff ball of cotton candy.

Stellar Spectral Sequence

OBAFGKM (Oh Be A Fine Guy, Kiss Me) - O: blueish; hottest surface temp; most luminous - B: blueish - A: light blue - F: whitish - G: yellowish - K: Orangish - M: reddish; coolest surface temperature; least luminous?

Give an example you can see in everyday life of the property "Refraction"

Observing fish in different directions when looking in a fish tank from different angles. A spoon seeming to be "bent or broken" when part is submerged in water and part is sticking out. Raindrops creating a "rainbow". A prism bending light.

The philosophical concept that states that a simple hypothesis is more likely to be correct than a complex one is known as...

Occam's Razor

What color would the star Aldebaran be?


Assume you travel to the Alpha Centauri star system and look back at the Solar System with your naked eye. What would the Solar System look like? Would you see the Earth? Would you see Jupiter? Why or why not?

Our star, the Sun, would be just a speck of light in the sky, much like the stars of Alpha Centauri look to us from here on Earth. We would not be able to see any planets, let alone Earth or Jupiter, as they are much too small (and would be, apparently, very close to the Sun) and do not emit any visible light of their own (they only reflect it).

What color would the star Betelgeuse be?


Name 3 properties of waves (or EMR)

Reflection, Refraction and Diffraction

Who first solved the equations pertaining to rotating black holes?

Roy Kerr

Give an example you can see in everyday life of the property "Reflection"

Seeing your reflection in a mirror, or in a pool of water. Seeing anything (that is not emitting light). A wave in a spring bouncing back off a surface (like the demo in class)

According to the General Theory of Relativity, what would you (in orbit around a black hole) notive happening to your friend as she headed towards the event horizon of the black hole (assume spaghettification doesn't happen)?

She would appear to move slower and slower, eventually "freezing" in motion at the event horizon

According to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, what would happen to your twin sister if she traveled to the star Sirius (9 LY away) and back at faster than the speed of light (ignore the acceleration time and assume this is possible)

She would come back before she left (negative time would pass)

The Dogon tribe in Africa was very concerned with the star.......


minor planet

Smaller, non-spherical bodies which orbit a star. They include asteroids, meteoroids, and planetoids

Assume you are observing the spectra of two different stars. Star A exhibits a dark line shifted by 5nm (∆λ) towards the "red" end of the spectrum while Star B exhibits a dark line shifted by 10nm (∆λ) towards the "blue" end of the spectrum. From this date, what other conclusion can you make about these stars?

Star B has a greater radial velocity than Star A

What radiation law allows us to determine the distances to all stars?

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

Which type of black hole (assume all exist) could have a mass of 5 billion Mo?


(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): What type of star (Main Sequence, Giant, Supergiant or White Dwarf) is Betelgeuse?


If the Solar System were shrunk down to the size of a dime, on this scale, the Milky Way Galaxy would be the approximate size of...

The United States


The distance from crest to crest or trough to trough on a wave.


The number of wavelengths passing a given point in second

solar system

The sun and the bodies which orbit it

In class, which vehicle was used to represent a 0.3 Mo star?

Toyota Prius

The Ozone layer in Earth's atmosphere mainly protects us from...


Which type of EMR has the 3rd highest energy?


Which of the following stars has the hottest surface temperature? - Sun (G2) - Vega (A0) - Sirius (A1) - Betelgeuse (M2) - Alpha Centauri A (G2) - Aldebran (K5)


Which type of EMR has the 4th lowest frequency?


Give an example you can see in everyday life of the property "Diffraction"

Waves entering the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge and then "bending" around the shoreline and entering McCovey Cove. Seeing different colors on the surface of a CD or DVD.

What can we learn about stars and galaxies from using the Doppler Effect? Explain how this is done.

We can determine if a star or galaxy is moving towards or away from us and how fast (its radial velocity) This is done by observing the absorption (dark line) of the star or galaxy and determining if there is a redshift or blueshift of is spectral lines. Then we can determine its radial velocity by measuring the Doppler Shift, or by what amount the lines have been shifted.

What type of spectrum do you get from the Sun (a star)? Name one thing you can learn about a star from its spectrum? How?

You get a dark line (absorption) spectrum and what this can tell you about the star is the composition of the gasses (type of elements) that are present within the star's outer layers. You can do this by observing where the missing wavelengths (colors) are. You can also determine many other properties of the star from the spectrum such as temperature, radial velocity, and rotation rate.

Stefan-Boltzmann Law

You get the sizes (Radii) of stars from this law

(Refer to H-R Diagram Graph and HW 7 to answer the following): Which star has the hottest surface temperature?

Zeta Puppis

What spectral class star (of the ones listed) would have its peak wavelength that emits shifted farthest towards the "blue" end of the spectrum? - a F2 star - a B3 star - a F6 star - a G7 star - a B6 star

a B3 star

What spectral class star (of the ones listed) would have its peak wavelength that emits shifted farthest towards the "red" end of the spectrum? - an A6 star - a K2 star - an O6 star - a B7 star - a B1 star

a K2 star

A rock from space that lands on Earth's surface is called...

a meteorite

major planet

a planet that orbits a star. it is relatively large, spherical, and has cleared its orbit of other bodies

Which type of telescope would you have to use to detect a HI region?

a radio (radio wave) telescope

star system

a star, or group of stars, and the bodies which orbit them

Cepheid Variable

a type of star that pulsates radially, varying in both diameter and temperature and producing changes in brightness with a well-defined stable period and amplitude

What color of visible light has the 3rd highest energy? a) blue b) yellow c) indigo d) green e) orange f) red g) violet

a) blue

What type of spectrum is a rainbow in the sky after a storm if created by sunlight? a) dark line (absorption) b) continuous c) bright line (emission)

a) dark line (absorption)

Which statement is correct about each successive fusion in the cores of supergiant stars? a) each successive fusion requires a higher temperature and does not last as long as the previous fusion b) each successive fusion requires a higher temperature and lasts longer than the previous fusion c) each successive fusion requires a lower temperature and does not last as long as the previous fusion d) each successive fusion requires a lower temperature and lasts longer than the previous fusion

a) each successive fusion requires a higher temperature and does not last as long as the previous fusion

Henrietta Leavitt discovered that the longer the period of a Cepheid Variable, the greater its .......... was. (fill in the blank)

absolute magnitude (luminosity)

Iron fusion leads to a supernova because iron fusion....

absorbs energy


an organized body of knowledge gained through a process called the Scientific Method

parallax (p)

angle of apparent shifts due to changing vantage points - the bigger the parallax, the father away the star

What type of spectrum would you get from molten lava (hot, glowing melted rock) in Hawaii? a) dark line (absorption) b) continuous c) bright line (emission)

b) continuous

What type of spectrum would you get from the fluorescent lights (hot, thin gas) in our classroom? a) dark line (absorption) b) continuous c) bright line (emission)

c) bright line (emission)

What is correct about Pluto? a) it is now considered to be a minor planet b) it has left its orbit c) it is now considered to be a dwarf planet d) it is found in the Oort Cloud e) both c and d are correct

c) it is now considered to be a dwarf planet

What type of EMR penetrates skin but gets absorbed by bone? a) microwaves b) radiowaves c) x-rays d) gamma rays e) visible f) infrared g) ultraviolet

c) x-rays

The most prominent Greenhouse gases in our atmosphere are ............... and water vapor

carbon dioxide

Considering general relativity, which clock would tick more slowly, one on the Moon (1/6 Earth's gravity) or one on the Earth (assume these are incredibly accurate clocks)?

clock on Earth

What would be the distance (from Earth) to a star if its apparent magnitude (m) is -3 and its absolute magnitude (M) is 3? - farther than 10 parsecs - 10 parsecs - closer than 10 parsecs

closer than 10 parsecs

According to the "Potato Chip Rule", which should be most common (of the 5 listed below) in the universe? - stars - major planets - galaxies - dwarf planets - comets


What would you have to do to turn a baseball into a black hole?

compress it

The most accurate way of determining the evolution of stars from one region to another on the H-R diagram is......

computer modeling

Which of the following is correct about Type II supernovae? a) creates heavy elements b) happens to supergiants c) may give a nebula a "push" to create star formation d) all the previous are correct

d) all the previous are correct

Which phenomenon listed is an example of diffraction? a) a rainbow in the sky after a storm b) fish seeming to be "in different directions" when looking into a fish tank from different angles c) seeing the words on this paper d) being in the bay near McCovey Cove (in SF) and having a wave pass you that entered the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge

d) being in the bay near McCovey Cove (in SF) and having a wave pass you that entered the bay under the Golden Gate Bridge


dirty iceball, or icy dirt-ball, that orbits a star

An astronomer makes an observation of a galaxy which has very small amount (percentage) of gas and dust. What type of galaxy could this be? - spiral - barred spiral - irregular - dwarf elliptical

dwarf elliptical

Which star system listed below has the smallest parallax (using the method of triangulation)?: a) Alpha Centauri (4.3 LY away) b) Sirius (9 LY away) c) Vega (26 LY away) d) Betelgeuse (427 LY away) e) Deneb (1600 LY away)

e) Deneb (1600 LY away)

Which phenomenon listed is an example of refraction? a) a rainbow in the sky after a storm b) a spoon seeming to be broken or bent when sticking out of a glass of water c) seeing a "halo" around the Sun d) seeing different colors reflecting off of a CD or DVD e) all are correct except "d"

e) all are correct except "d": - a rainbow in the sky after a storm - a spoon seeming to be broken or bent when sticking out of a glass of water - seeing a "halo" around the Sun

If you observe a galaxy which appears very blue, what correct conclusion could you make about its constituents? a) it contains only very old stars b) it has relatively recent star formation occurring c) it contains relatively young stars d) it has a relatively high percentage of gas and/or dust e) all of the previous are correct except for "a"

e) all of the previous are correct except for "a": - it contains only very old stars - it has relatively recent star formation occurring - it contains relatively young stars - it has a relatively high percentage of gas and/or dust

If somebody were to ask "How many galaxies are there in the universe?", the most correct answer should be: a) 1 b) about 1 hundred c) about 1 thousand d) about 1 million e) billions

e) billions

What is correct about the Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy? a) it is "within" (in direction of) the constellation Leo b) it is now thought to be the closest galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy c) it is a smaller galaxy than the Milky Way Galaxy d) it is closer to the Sun than Alpha Centauri is e) both b and c are correct

e) both b and c are correct: - it is now thought to be the closest galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy - it is a smaller galaxy than the Milky Way Galaxy

Which of the following is not a unit of distance? a) kilometer b) astronomical unit c) light year d) Angstrom e) megahertz

e) megahertz

Which of the following is a candidate for a super-massive black hole?: a) Cygnus X-1 b) LMC X-3 c) V404 Cygni d) all of the previous e) none of the above

e) none

The individual stars you observe at night from Santa Rosa with your naked eye... a) are located inside the solar system b) are closer to us than the Alpha Centauri Star System is c) are all smaller in diameter than the Sun d) are located outside the Milky Way Galaxy e) none of the above are correct

e) none of the above are correct

A certain star has an apparent magnitude (m) of 8. With only this known, what else can you determine about that star?: a) it is closer than 10 parsecs away b) it is exactly 10 parsecs away c) it is farther than 10 parsecs away d) it is visible to the naked eye in a clear dark sky e) none of the previous are correct

e) none of the previous are correct

What keeps a stellar core (after death of the star) which is 1.3 Mo from collapsing due to gravity?

electron pressure

According to the "Potato Chip Rule", which should be least common (of the 5 listed below) in the universe? - stars - major planets - galaxies - dwarf planets - comets


What is the escape velocity from a black hole?

greater than c (greater than the speed of light)


group of billions of star systems that are gravitationally bound together

A black hole is an object (region) which....

has collapsed inside its own gravitational radius

Which is not a property of a neutrino?: - high mass - high velocity - very non-interactive (not detected or stopped easily) - neutral (0) in charge

high mass is not a property of a neutrino

If a main sequence star has a higher mass than another main sequence star, what can you say about its surface temerature (compared to the lower mass star)?


The Greeks thought the Sun was a .........

hot rock

Absolute magnitude (luminosity)

how bright a star actually is

The most energetic supernovae are referred to as ........


Assume that the Sun suddenly collapses and becomes a black hole (ignore the idea that this is probably not possible, and assume no mass loss or gain by the Sun). What would then happen to the Earth?

it would keep the same orbit but get very cold

By observing the wavelengths of the missing lines (dark lines) in an absorption (dark line) spectrum, what can you determine about the source producing those dark lines?

its composition

What does this symbol stand for?: 𝝂


If you, using the Doppler effect, determine that a main sequence star has an unseen companion whose mass is 1.5 Mo, that unseen companion is most likely a....

neutron star

According to relativity, if you were to travel at the speed of light (assume this is possible and ignore acceleration time), how long would it take you, from your point of view, to travel to the star Vega (26 light years away) and back?

no time


our star

The Owl Nebula, Dummbell Nebula and Ring Nebula are examples of ......

planetary nebulae

The Kepler Planet Finder Mission has discovered many extrasolar planets by using the method of......

planetary transits

Emission nebulae are .............. in color


Why can't triangulation be used to determine the distances to all stars?

some stars are not visible or have parallaxes which are too small to measure

Which star has the highest luminosity? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas): - star 1 - star 2 - star 3 - star 4

star 1

Which star is an A5 star?(See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas): - star 1 - star 2 - star 3 - star 4

star 1

Which star is largest in diameter (of the ones listed)? (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas) - star 1 - star 2 - star 3 - star 4

star 2

Which star has the highest surface temperature (See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas): - star 1 - star 2 - star 3 - star 4

star 3

Which star is least massive?(See HR Diagram from exam 3 on canvas): - star 1 - star 2 - star 3 - star 4

star 4

Which type of black hole (assume all exist) would have the 2nd weakest tidal forces as your approach its event horizon?

stellar mass

If you, using the Doppler effect, determine that a main sequence star has an unseen companion whose mass is 2.8 Mo, that unseen companion is most likely a......

stellar mass black hole

You, using a telescope and camera, photograph a gaseous, veiny, web-like object consisting of multi-colored gasses. Later you find out that another astronomer has discovered a neutron star at the center of this region. This region is most likely a....

supernova remnant

apparent magnitude

the brightness of a star as seen from Earth

Canis Major dwarf

the closest galaxy to ours

light year

the distance light travels in a year

Henrietta Leavitt's Period-Luminosity Relation for Cepheid Variable stars allowed Edwin Hubble to determine....

the distance of these stars

Which of the following is correct about elliptical galaxies?: - they contain very small amounts of dust and gas - they contain only young stars - they are the most common type of galaxy observed

they contain very small amounts of dust and gas

Why do reflection nebulae appear bluish in color?

they scatter light from nearby stars

Confirmation of General Relativity came in 1919, when starlight was seen to be bent during a....

total solar eclipse

Sometimes, a planet moves in front of its star and blocks a little bit of the star's light. When this happens, it is called a(an)......


A dimension, according to Einstein, is a....

way of moving

What type of object do we find at the center of the Ring Nebula?

white dwarf

What color would a G4 spectral type star be?


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