ASVAB Word Knowledge Set 6 - 30 words

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I am often afflicted by terrible headaches. surprised caused pain confused infuriated

Afflicted means caused pain. Surprised means unexpected. Confused means bewildered. Infuriated means to feel extreme anger.

The word aggression most nearly means: attack soothing approval bewilder

Aggression means attack, or forceful behavior. Soothing means calming. Approval means authorization or blessing. Bewilder means confuse

When she walked into the room, she instantly felt that something was amiss. ornate sinister surprising wrong

Amiss means wrong. Sinister means evil or malicious. Surprising means unexpected. Ornate means excessively detailed or fancy.

The word boast most nearly means: assault brag challenge approach

Boast means brag. Assault means to attack. Challenge means to dispute or question. Approach means to request or a suggestion.

He bolted down the stairs when the phone rang. fell skipped sprinted jumped

Bolted means sprinted or ran quickly. Fell means to tumble accidentally. Skipped means to bounce or jump over. Jumped means to hop over.

I approached the snarling dog with much trepidation. bravery caution excitement recklessness

Caution Trepidation means caution or fearfulness. Bravery means courage. Excitement means enthusiasm or exhilaration. Recklessness means carelessness.

The word clarify most nearly means: question explain forget abuse

Clarify most nearly means to explain. Question means to ask. Forget means to cease to remember. Abuse means to harm someone.

The war was the most costly in US history. dangerous expensive mistaken rare

Costly means expensive. Dangerous means menacing or threatening. Mistaken means incorrect. Rare means unusual or precious

Over many years, the soil at the coast began to erode. wear away wither energize reappear

Erode means to wear away. Wither means to wilt or dry up. Energize means to enliven or give energy. Reappear means to appear again.

It was evident that we were not wanted there. secretive clear honest disguised

Evident means clear or revealed. Secretive means mysterious. Honest means truthful. Disguised means unrecognizable or camouflaged

I could have done better in school, but I never wanted to exert myself. befriend scold make use of release

Exert means to make use of. Befriend means to make friends with someone. Scold means to reprimand. Release means to free.

She did an exhaustive study on the effects of pollution. quick angry healthy thorough

Exhaustive means thorough. Quick means fast. Angry means mad or cross. Healthy means in good health.

Paul always buys extravagant gifts. expensive broken inappropriate unattractive

Extravagant means expensive or indulgent. Broken means damaged or not working properly. Inappropriate means not suitable. Unattractive means ugly.

After being stranded on an island alone for months, he was quite gaunt. lethargic satisfied reluctant extremely thin

Gaunt means extremely thin. Lethargic means extremely lazy. Satisfied means pleased. Reluctant means hesitant or unwilling.

The monk was known for being very humble. proud ambitious meek jealous

Humble means meek. Proud means arrogant or self-important. Ambitious means desiring success. Jealous means envious.

The family was humiliated by the comments in the newspaper. enraged embarrrassed wicked proud

Humiliated means embarrassed. Enraged means infuriated. Wicked means evil or sinister. Proud means arrogrant or feeling pride.

The word impart most nearly means: leave interrupt transmit steal

Impart means to transmit, particularly knowledge. Leave means to depart. Interrupt means to bother or interfere. Steal means to

He maintains a very busy schedule. keeps loses wants hopes for

Maintains means keep. Loses means to means to miss or squander. Wants means to desire something. Hopes for means to desire or to wish for.

The word mysterious most nearly means: puzzling wander invincible immature

Mysterious means puzzling or inscrutable. Wander means to roam or to travel. Invincible means indestructible. Immature means childish or not fully developed.

The word obstinate most nearly means: stubborn unruly creative childish

Obstinate means stubborn. Unruly means not submissive. Creative means having the power of creating. Childish means immature.

The collector was thrilled to obtain an original Van Gogh painting. find acquire reject disrupt

Obtain means to acquire or come into possession of. Find means to locate. Reject means to deny or dismiss. Disrupt means to interrupt.

After college, she bought a house on the outskirts of town. Apparel Outlying areas Apartments Beaches

Outskirts means outlying areas. Apparel means clothing. Apartments means multiple-family dwellings. Beaches are areas at the seashore

Her father seemed to be in a perpetual bad mood. former constant improved apparent

Perpetual means constant. Former means pervious. Improved means to be made better. Apparent means obvious.

Her test results did not look promising. certain passionate harmful hopeful

Promising means hopeful or optimistic. Certain means definite. Passionate means ardent. Harmful means detrimental or dangerous.

She often gets in trouble because of her defiance. loudness violence rebelliousness dishonesty

Rebelliousness Defiance means resistance to authority or rebelliousness. Loudness means noisy. Violence means cruelty or brutality. Dishonesty means the act of lying.

His new job comes with a substantial responsibility. sizable small lonely expensive Substantial means sizable or large.

Small means not large. Lonely means feeling friendless. Expensive means costly.

He toiled for years before buying his home. worked saved wandered questioned

Toiled means worked. Saved means to put money away. Wandered means to roam aimlessly. Questioned means asked for an answer.

I was vexed by her strange behavior. irritated pleased confused saddened

Vexed means irritated or annoyed. Pleased means satisfied. Angered means to be made angry. Saddened means to make sad.

Vibrant most nearly means: vivid dull crooked shy

Vivid Vivid means bright or colorful. Dull means colorless. Crooked means not straight. Shy means reserved or awkward when meeting new people.

The word irate most nearly means: joyful sinister lonely furious

rate means furious or very angry. Joyful means happy. Sinister means threatening or malicious. Lonely means solitary.

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