Athletic Injuries Chapter 11 Review Questions

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Describe the common signs and symptoms of injury to this articulation (Sternoclavicular Joint)

1. In most cases there will be gross deformity present at the SC joint. 2. In all but the least severe cases, swelling will be immediate. 3. Movement of the entire shoulder girdle will be limited owing to pain within the SC joint. 4. The athlete will typically report having heard a snapping sound or may have experienced a tearing sensation at the SC joint. 5. Note the body position of the athlete, because in this injury the arm may be held close to the body and head/neck may be tilted/flexed toward the injured shoulder.

List four signs and/or symptoms of impingement syndrome of the GH joint.

1. Pain when the GH joint is abducted and externally rotated in conjunction with loss of strength. 2. Pain whenever the arm is abducted beyond 80 to 90 degrees. 3. Nocturnal pain. 4. Pain felt deep within the shoulder.

List four signs and/or symptoms of a fractured clavicle.

1. Swelling and/or deformity of the clavicle 2. Discoloration at the site of the fracture 3. Possible broken bone end projecting though the skin 4. Athlete reporting that a snap or pop was felt or heard 5. Athlete holding the arm on the affected side in order to relieve pressure on the shoulder girdle.

Describe and/or demonstrate the appropriate first aid procedures for a fractured clavicle.

1. Treat for possible shock 2. Carefully apply a sling-and-swathe bandage 3. Apply sterile dressings to any related wounds 4. Arrange for transportation to a medical facility.

Describe the common signs and symptoms of AC joint injuries.

1. With first- and second-degree sprains there will be mild swelling with point tenderness and discoloration around the AC joint 2. Any movement of the shoulder region will elicit pain 3. With a third-degree sprain there will be significant deformity in the region of the AC ligament. In the case of ruptures of both the AC and CC ligaments, there will be total displacement of the clavicle. 4. The athlete may report having felt a snap or heard a pop.

What anatomical structure forms a ceiling for the subacromial space?

The acromion process and coracoacromial ligament.

Describe the primary ligaments of the Sternoclavicular (SC) joint

The anterior and posterior SC ligaments, the interclavicular and costoclavicular ligaments.

List the major ligaments of the GH joint

The capsular ligament and the coracohumeral ligament.

Which one of the following is the correct derivation of the brachial plexus?

- C5 - T1

Which two bones make up the shoulder girdle?

- Clavicle and Scapula

To what structure is the glenoid labrum attached?

- Glenoid Fossa

Which one of the following arteries provides the blood supply to the shoulder region and upper extremity?

- Subclavian Artery

List the four muscles of the rotator cuff group and identify one action common to each muscle.

- Supraspinatus: Adduction - Infraspinatus: External Rotation - Teres minor: External Rotation - Subscapularis: Internal rotation, Adduction

Muscles of the shoulder girdle

- the levator scapulae, trapezius, rhom-boids, subclavius, pectoralis minor, and serratus anterior.

Describe the common signs and symptoms of a GH joint dislocation.

1. Deformity of the shoulder joint: The normal contour of the shoulder is lost, and it appears to slope down abnormally. 2. The arm of the affected side will appear longer than normal. 3. The head of the humerus will be palpable with the axilla. 4. The athlete will be supporting the arm on the affected side with the opposite arm; the affected arm will be slightly abducted at the shoulder and fixed at the elbow. The athlete will resist all efforts passively or actively to move the GH joint.

Explain and/or demonstrate the appropriate first aid care for AC joint injuries.

1. Immediately apply ice and compression 2. Apply a standard sling-and-swathe bandage 3. Immediately refer the athlete to a medical facility for further evaluation.

Explain and/or demonstrate the appropriate first aid treatment of an athlete with a suspected SC joint injury.

1. Immediately apply ice and compression 2. Once the ice and compression are in place, apply a standard swing-and-swathe bandage 3. If severe soft-tissue damage, treat for shock.

List several of the signs and symptoms of rotator cuff as described in the chapter.

1. Pain within the shoulder, especially during the follow-through phase of a throw or swing. 2. Difficulty in bringing the arm up and back during the cocking phase of a throw or swing. 3. Pain and stiffness within the shoulder region 12-24 hours after a practice or competition that involved throwing or swinging. 4. Point tenderness around the region of the humeral head that appears to be deep within the deltoid muscle.

Which one of the following structures (ligaments) holds the biceps (long head) tendon in the bicipital groove?

Transverse humeral ligament

True or False. Athletes involved in sports placing a heavy emphasis on arm movements above the shoulder level demonstrate a higher incidence of impingement syndromes.


True or False. The vast majority of strains of the rotator cuff occur during the follow through phase of the throw and/or swing.


True or False: The most common type of GH joint dislocation is anterior.


Describe the major ligaments that form the AC joint.

The synoviated articulation is supported by the superior and inferior AC ligaments. Additional support to the AC joint is provided by the coracoclavicular ligament, which comprises the trapezoid and conoid ligaments.

Describe briefly the two mechanisms of injury for the AC joint as discussed in the chapter.

The two mechanisms of injury for the AC joint are a downward blow to the distal end of the clavicle and a fall forward on an outstretched arm.

Define the condition known as chronic GH subluxation.

- The joint capsule, ligaments, and supporting musculature are often stretched; therefore, as the athlete continues to participate in stressful activity the joint becomes progressively less stable.

Explain and/or demonstrate the appropriate first aid treatment of an athlete with a suspected GH joint dislocation.

1. Immediately apply ice and compression 2. Once the ice and compression are in place, apply a standard swing-and-swathe bandage 3. Immediately refer the athlete to a medical facility for further evaluation 4. Because soft-tissue injury may be extensive, treat for shock.

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