ATMO Quiz 1

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Which percentage denotes the maximum concentration of water vapor by volume that occurs in the lower troposphere? Question options: 1% 4% 21% 78%


About 99.9% of the atmosphere lies within approximately _____ of the Earth's surface. Question options: 0.5 km 4.5 km 45 km 450 km

45 km

Which instrument measures wind speed? Question options: Wind vane. Velometer. Anemometer. Barometer.


Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) are permanent greenhouse gases. Question options: True False


Clouds are poor absorbers and poor emitters of infrared radiation Question options: True False


Which instrument is used to measure precipitation? Question options: Anemometer. Thermometer. Tipping bucket. Barometer. Altimeter.

Tipping bucket.

As an object warms, the wavelength at which the most radiation is emitted by the object shortens. Question options: True False


Most of the molecular oxygen (O2) in the earth's present-day atmosphere comes from photosynthesis. Question options: True False


Knots are units of ____. Question options: Density Pressure Pressure Altitude Wind speed

Wind speed

Which instrument measures the direction of the wind? Question options: Anemometer. Wind vane. Barometer. The thermometer. Speedometer.

Wind vane.

An object that radiates more energy than it absorbs will ____. Question options: become colder become warmer maintain the same temperature reach radiative equilibrium

become colder

The transfer of heat from molecule to molecule within a substance is called ____. Question options: conduction convection radiation latent energy


A heat transfer process in the atmosphere that depends upon the movement of air is ____. Question options: conduction reflection convection radiation


Air molecules are held near the earth's surface by ____. Question options: solar wind gravity clouds temperature changes


Average atmospheric CO2 concentrations have ____ over the past 100 years. Question options: decreased remained constant slightly decreased increased


In a temperature inversion, air temperature ____ . Question options: increases with increasing height decreases with increasing height increases with decreasing height is constant with increasing height

increases with increasing height

Without the atmospheric greenhouse effect, the average surface temperature of the earth would be ___. Question options: higher than at present lower than at present the same as it is now much more variable than it is now

lower than at present

Which gas is responsible for the temperature inversion in the stratosphere? Question options: carbon dioxide nitrogen ozone chlorofluorocarbons


Air density is greatest in the ____. Question options: thermosphere mesoosphere stratosphere troposphere


On an infrared satellite image, high clouds appear _____ because they are _____. Question options: dark, warm white, warm dark, cold white, cold

white, cold

Atmospheric pressure changes are ____. Question options: more rapid in the horizontal direction than in the vertical more rapid in the vertical direction than in the horizontal about the same rate in the horizontal and vertical directions more rapid in the vertical direction over the oceans than over continents

more rapid in the vertical direction than in the horizontal

The two most abundant gases in the earth's present day atmosphere (by volume) are ____. Question options: carbon dioxide and nitrogen nitrogen and oxygen oxygen and helium oxygen and water vapor

nitrogen and oxygen

Farenheit to Celsius

C= 5/9 (F-32)

The air pressure at the summit of Mount Everest is always higher than the air pressure at sea level. Question options: True False


The elevation of the noontime sun above the horizon decreases between Christmas and New Year's Day in Tucson. Question options: True False


When an object emits and absorbs energy at equal rates, its temperature increases. Question options: True False


A southerly wind blows: Question options: From the west to the east. From the east to the west. From the north to the south. From the south to the north.

From the south to the north.

Pressure in the International System of Units is expressed in units termed _____. Question options: Joules. Pascals. Newtons. Radians.


Infrared satellite images are obtained by ____. Question options: Measuring the heat reflected by Earth. Measuring the visible radiation reflected by Earth. Measuring the infrared radiation emitted by Earth. Measuring the infrared radiation reflected by Earth. Measuring the visible radiation emitted by Earth.

Measuring the infrared radiation emitted by Earth.

If a person climbs a mountain to a certain height on a cold winter day and returns to the same spot on a hot summer day, which of the following statements is correct? Question options: The change in pressure is the same during both hikes. The change in pressure is greater during the winter hike. The change in pressure is less during the winter hike.

The change in pressure is less during the winter hike.

When a cloud appears white in an infrared image, we know that ____. Question options: It emits a lot of visible radiation. It absorbs a lot of visible radiation. It is at a higher temperature than a gray cloud. The cloud top is colder and therefore higher in the atmosphere. The cloud is lower in the atmosphere and therefore warmer.

The cloud top is colder and therefore higher in the atmosphere.

Air pressure is related to _____. Question options: The average speed of the molecules. The number of molecules in a cubic meter of air. The intensity and frequency of collisions between molecules. The average distance between neighboring air molecules.

The intensity and frequency of collisions between molecules.

Precipitation measurements by radar are based on: Question options: The temperature and density of rain drops. The number and size of aerosols on which rain drops are forming. The emission of visible sunlight by rain drops. The emission of infrared radiation by rain drops. The reflection of radio waves by rain drops.

The reflection of radio waves by rain drops.

Absolute zero is: Question options: The theoretical temperature at which the Celsius scale and the Fahrenheit scale intersect. The freezing point of air. The freezing point of water. The theoretical temperature at which all molecular motion is presumed to cease.

The theoretical temperature at which all molecular motion is presumed to cease.

Seasons on earth are regulated by ___. Question options: only the length of daylight hours both the length of daylight hours and the angle at which sunlight strikes the earth's surface only the angle at which sunlight strikes the earth's surface only the earth's distance away from the sun

both the length of daylight hours and the angle at which sunlight strikes the earth's surface

The boundary that separates sharp changes in temperature is known as a ____. Question options: a ridge front trough a col


The boundary that separates sharp changes in temperature, humidity, and wind direction is known as a(n) ____. Question options: front anticyclone posterior ridge anterior ridge


Low ________ on a constant pressure analysis would correspond to low ________ on a constant height analysis. Question options: pressures, heights pressures, pressures heights, heights heights, pressures

heights, pressures

The most common unit that is used by meteorologists for wind speed on weather maps is _____. Question options: miles per hour kilometers per hour knots meters per second


Carbon dioxide (CO2) is removed from the atmosphere through the process of ____. Question options: fuel combustion respiration volcanic activity photosynthesis


Which of the following processes is NOT a process by which carbon dioxide (CO2) enters the atmosphere? Question options: burning of fossil fuels volcanic eruptions respiration photosynthesis


The letters H and L on a surface weather map refer to regions of high and low ____. Question options: temperature wind speed pressure density


On an upper-level map, weather varibles are analyzed on a surface where: Question options: temperature is constant. altitude is constant. wind is constant. pressure is constant.

pressure is constant.

Ozone (O3) is found in highest concentrations by volume in the: Question options: mesosphere troposphere stratosphere thermosphere


An air mass is characterized by relatively uniform distribution of ____. Question options: visibility temperature pressure wind


The average speed of the molecules of a substance is proportional to: Question options: gravity. pressure. density. volume. temperature.


An area of low atmospheric pressure is also known as a ____. Question options: tornado ridge trough hurricane


The primary source of water vapor and carbon dioxide to the earth's early atmosphere was most likely due to ____. Question options: organic reactions ozone reactions volcanic outgassing photosynthesis

volcanic outgassing

The only substance found naturally in the atmosphere that can exist as a solid, a liquid, and a gas is ____. Question options: carbon dioxide water nitrogen oxygen


The contour lines drawn on a 500 hPa chart are lines of constant: Question options: height. density. wind. pressure.


Which first (1) entry denotes a positive feedback loop, and which second (2) entry denotes a negative feedback loop? Question options: (1) Ice-albedo feedback (2) Increased water vapor, enhanced greenhouse feedback (1) Ice-albedo feedback (2) Planck feedback (1) Planck feedback (2) Increased water vapor, enhanced greenhouse feedback (1) Increased water vapor, increased cloudiness feedback (2) Planck feedback

(1) Ice-albedo feedback (2) Planck feedback

Consider a balloon filled with air. As the balloon descents through the atmosphere, the volume of the balloon: Question options: Decreases. Remains constant. Increases. Cannot be determined from the above information.


Celsius to Fahrenheit

F= 9/5 (C+32)

Consider a balloon filled with air. As the balloon descents through the atmosphere, the pressure inside the balloon: Question options: Decreases. Remains constant. Increases. Cannot be determined from the above information.


On which date would the sun's rays be closest to being perpendicular to the earth's surface in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere? Question options: March 21 June 21 September 22 July 21

June 21

The return signal (reflectivity) on a standard radar provides information on _____. Question options: Air density and distance between the radar and precipitation. Rate of precipitation and wind speeds. Clouds and wind speeds. Rate of precipitation and distance between the radar and precipitation.

Rate of precipitation and distance between the radar and precipitation.

The ozone hole is over Antarctica because: Question options: Everywhere else, there is a temperature inversion that protects the ozone layer. That is the only region of the stratosphere that can be reached by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. That is the only region of the stratosphere where it gets cold enough to form polar stratospheric clouds that enhance the breakdown of ozone. There is no anthropogenic production of ozone in Antarctica. That is the only region of the stratosphere where photodissociation of ozone can take place.

That is the only region of the stratosphere where it gets cold enough to form polar stratospheric clouds that enhance the breakdown of ozone.

An object with a high albedo appears brighter than an object with a low albedo Question options: True False


Only selective absorbers in the atmosphere emit radiation Question options: True False


During the summer months at the North Pole, the sun does not set for ____. Question options: 2 months 24 hours 6 months 4 months

6 months

A cold front is ____. Question options: A region of the atmosphere where it snows because it is very cold. A region of the atmosphere where a cold air mass moves into and replaces a warm air mass. A very cold air mass. An air mass in which the temperature decreases with height. A layer of the atmosphere where the temperature is unusually cold.

A region of the atmosphere where a cold air mass moves into and replaces a warm air mass.

Which instrument is used to measure pressure? Question options: Weather vane. Anemometer. Hydrometer. Barometer. Thermometer.


The length of daylight decreases between Christmas and New Year's Day in Tucson. Question options: True False


Infrared satellite pictures depict high clouds in dark gray and low clouds in bright white. Question options: True False


Microwave radiation has a longer wavelength and carries more energy per wave than visible light. Question options: True False


A single geostationary satellite can detect weather over the entire globe whereas a polar-orbiting satellite can track hourly changes thunderstorms. Question options: True False


Air is an excellent conductor of heat. Question options: True False


In the midlatitudes, atmospheric pressure at sea level is approximately ____, whereas pressure at a height of 5.5 km is approximately _____. Question options: 1000 hPa, 500 hPa. 1000 hPa, 250 hPa. 500 hPa, 250 hPa. 500 hPa, 1000 hPa. 250 hPa, 500 hPa.

1000 hPa, 500 hPa.

A surface station at an altitude of 600 m (almost 2,000 feet) above sea level measures an air pressure of 930 hPa. Under normal conditions, which value below do you think would be the most realistic sea level pressure for this station? Question options: 850 hPa 930 hPa 1010 hPa 1830 hPa

1010 hPa

When a midlatitude cyclone is approaching, the level of a mercury barometer typically: Question options: Remains constant. Rises. Falls.


If you dive 20 meters underwater, your body experiences the equivalent of: Question options: 2 atmospheres of pressure. 3 atmospheres of pressure. 4 atmospheres of pressure. 20 atmospheres of pressure. 30 atmospheres of pressure.

3 atmospheres of pressure.

Geostationary satellites are positioned _____ kilometers above mean sea-level (AMSL) whereas polar-orbiting satellites are positions about _____ kilometers AMSL. Question options: 36,000; 22,000 22,000; 500 93 million; 22,000 36,000; 800

36,000; 800

Air temperature is related to _____. Question options: The number of molecules in a cubic meter of air. Average speed of the molecules. The intensity and frequency of collisions between molecules. The average distance between neighboring air molecules.

Average speed of the molecules.

When a thermometer is always shielded from the direct rays of the sun: Question options: It indicates a higher temperature than the true temperature of the air. It indicates a lower temperature than the true temperature of the air. It measures the day's minimum temperature accurately, but not the day's maximum temperature. It accurately measures the temperature of the air.

It accurately measures the temperature of the air.

What distinguishes trace gases from aerosols? Question options: Aerosols are only emitted by volcanoes and burning of fossil fuels, whereas trace gases are not. Trace gases are anthropogenic whereas aerosols only occur naturally in the atmosphere. Aerosols do not remain airborne for more than a few hours, whereas trace gases have a lifetime of thousands of years in the atmosphere. Trace gases are completely disappearing from the atmosphere. Aerosols are liquid or solid, but not gaseous.

Trace gases are completely disappearing from the atmosphere.

Starting from the surface and moving upwards, list the layers and levels of the atmosphere in the correct order. Question options: Stratosphere, Stratopause, Troposphere, Tropopause, Mesosphere, Mesopause Troposphere, Tropopause, Mesosphere, Mesopause, Stratosphere, Stratopause Tropopause, Troposphere, Stratospause, Stratosphere, Mesopause, Mesosphere Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Stratopause, Mesosphere, Mesopause

Troposphere, Tropopause, Stratosphere, Stratopause, Mesosphere, Mesopause

Nearly all clouds in the earth's atmosphere are found below the tropopause. Question options: True False


On the average, each year the Earth-atmosphere system emits to space just as much energy as it absorbs from the sun Question options: True False


The direction of the wind is defined as the compass direction from which the wind is coming. Question options: True False


You are facing north and the wind is blowing in your face. This wind would be called ____. Question options: a south wind an east wind a north wind a southerly wind

a north wind

Tiny solid or liquid suspended atmospheric particles of various composition are called ____. Question options: aerosols pollutants carcinogens greenhouse gases


Water vapor is _____. Question options: a cloud of very small ice crystals. an invisible gas a cloud of liquid water droplets. a visible gas.

an invisible gas

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