ATMO Tube Pro info

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Media guide with some more details

turned off "pause app activity if unused" in android at 8:24 on 5/9

this setting has to do with revoking permission after several months of not using the app. Could turn it on for the later 1 week study periods, to make pairing and connecting easier.

If the device is paired to my pixel... then I turn off bluetooth and pair it to my old phone... then I pair it again to my pixel... how will the data be saved? Will it be split between both phones? Trying to simulate what would happen if the device were paired with my phone then paired with patients phone then paired with my phone again... would I get the data from when the phone was in participants possession without asking them to send data through the app or enable cloud on the app?


Must do complete mock run of what you would do with participants

1. Pair phone and atmotube device before shipping 2. Make sure all settings in atmo app are correct 3. Turn off atmotube - not absolutely necessary but allows us to get a better idea of when the participant received it because they have to manually turn it back on. 4. Make sure charger for phone and atmotube, printed instructions for how to turn it on and other basic info, and any other accessories are included in the shipment. 5. Ship it out 6. Have the participant plug it into charger to turn it on and wear it for 7 days. Use cloud to make sure it collecting data properly. 7. Ask them to turn it off before they ship it.

Temperatures that the device can be used in

23°F and 122°F

Explain the difference between phone storage transfer and using cloud API

AND master all of these other cards here and be prepared to explain anything and everything come the meeting next week

Atmotube is compatible with what devices

All iOS 14.1+ devices and android 9.0+ devices with Bluetooth Low Energy support

If the device is connected to a phone that only has internet some of the time (like when at the person's house), will all the data be uploaded to the cloud or only some?

All the data should be uploaded to the cloud each time it is connected to the internet.

How long will the battery last

Always On - 1 day 5 min - 4 days 10 mins - 8 days 15 mins - 10 days. Over 24 hours, charge went from 46% to 37%, did not open the app or press the button during this time.

How many days of data can you get with just 1 csv file?

At most 7 days through app and through Cloud. Remember, when using cloud, the time is 5 hours ahead of CT.

How do you initially set up the device

Charge up the device using the USB Type-C cable from the box for at least 2 hours. The LED light will change its color from orange to green once the Atmotube is fully charged.

If the LED is blinking red or there is no light, what should you do

Check the Atmo site FAQ page here:

If you plug the atmo into a computer, what happens?

Does it charge? Can you access the data? It charges but cannot access data.

Why are temperature and humidity values inactive?

During charging and for some time after it temperature and humidity values may be increased. At this time they are hidden in the app.

What is a MAC address?

Each Bluetooth device has unique identifier - a MAC address. You can find the MAC address of your Atmotube in the Atmotube application -> Settings -> About.

How is atmotube calibrated?

Each sensor comes pre-calibrated, You don't need to calibrate Atmotube PRO or PLUS. Sensors have sophisticated embedded algorithms to perform automatic calibration over time. ‍

How does the atmotube compare to other wearable particulate matter sensors?

In a study comparing 5 PM sensor devices, the Atmotube Pro performed the best.

How can you ensure that the device is connected to the phone?

In the app, near the top it should say "CONNECTED" and give the battery % of the device.

What are some steps to reduce pollutant levels

Increasing ventilation using a ventilation system or by opening a window or door. Using an air purification device. Removing the source of pollution like VOCs.

How long is data stored for

The Atmotube PRO can store 14,400 data points, which correspond to one data point per minute over 10 days (1440 minutes per day x 10 days). Atmotube PRO's internal data storage is 10 days. To retrieve the collected data, the device should be synchronized with the mobile app at least once within 10 days.

What is the atmotube pro and what does it measure?

The Atmotube pro is a wearable device that measures air quality. It measures: - PM1/PM2.5/PM10 particles - Volatile Organic Compounds - Atmospheric pressure - Temperature and relative humidity

What if participants paried the device with their own phone?

- Data would be sent to their phone, which means they would have to send us the csv file, select the correct date range. Or use the cloud.

What if we shipped the device and did not pair it to any phone?

- No GPS data - up to 10 days of data from onboard flash memory - participants cannot check the AQS and other measures on the app but they can click the button to get an idea of air quality

What should you do if having problems connecting to the device and the LED color is blue, green, yellow, orange, or red

- Reboot phone - Reboot atmotube by holding button for 7.5 seconds until blinking red. Then it will start blinking orange as the VOC sensor is heating. - Make sure only 1 device is connected to the Atmo - For Android smartphone - make sure you gave "Location" permission to the app and "Location" is enabled in the system settings.

How often does the device take measurement

Atmotube PRO takes readings every few seconds while ON. In order to extend your Atmotubeʼs battery life you can select one of the few interval modes for PM sensor readings in Settings Mode. Apart from the selected intervals for PM sensor readings, pressing the button on Atmotube or opening your mobile app will automatically start the PM sensor measurements. VOC measurements are taken every 2 seconds and store them to the memory every minute. Atmotube PRO measures PM by timer and on demand (by button press or via application). It takes PM measurements every 1 second when on and store them to the memory every minute. Atmotube PRO timer options for PM sensor: always ON always ON when charging 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes All devices take tempearture, humidity and pressure measurements every 1 second and store them to the memory every minute.

Can Atmotube connect to several smartphones?

Atmotube can keep Bluetooth connection only with 1 device at a time. But you can use Atmotube with more than one smartphone (one by one) with the following considerations: If Atmotube is connected to one smartphone - it is completely invisible for other smartphones. When several smartphones are nearby - disable Bluetooth on the smartphones you currently do not use so it cannot connect to the Atmotube. Atmotube data history can be synced only once. After the sync history data is marked as "synced" and cannot be retrieved with the other smartphone.

How does the VOC sensor work?

Atmotube constantly monitors air pollution in real time. We utilize a MOx-based (metal-oxide) VOC sensors in our products, which change conductivity at gas exposure, and these changes can be externally measured and analyzed.

What is Air Quality Score?

Atmotube detects a very wide range of harmful gases, toxins and volatile organic compounds as well as PM. For your convenience we created an accumulative parameter called Air Quality Score (AQS) that can instantly give you an understanding of the quality of air around. AQS changes from 0 (severely polluted air) to 100 (very clean) points. There's a LED on the front of Atmotube. What does each color mean? The LED color represents the current Air Quality Score. (Red - severely polluted, Orange - very polluted, Yellow - polluted, Green - moderate, Blue - good).

Is the atmo tube pro water resistant

Atmotube is not a water-resistant device; keep the Atmotube away from water or any moisture

What should you do if the LED is blinking white

Blinking white means hardware error. - Reboot the atmo by holding the button for 7.5 seconds until blinking red. - If that does not fix it: Check for firmware update. Reboot Atmotube by pressing button for ~7.5 seconds. Start firmware update

How does the Atmotube work?

Here is how Atmotube PRO works: there is a tiny fan inside, which is engineered for optimal air flow. It takes the air in and pushes it through several chambers equipped with sensors. The sensors then take readings of the air as it passes through. Collected data is sent to your smartphone in real-time or stored in the device's internal memory for up to 10days if your smartphone is not around. The internal structure of Atmotube PRO is engineered in such a way that there is no maintenance required for the sensors or fan.

When is the data stored on the phone storage? When is stored on the onboard flash memory?

Historical data is stored in the onboard flash memory when the Atmotube PRO is not connected to a smartphone. The historical data is transferred to the smartphone during data synchronization that occurs each time the device is connected to a smartphone. This enables the device to make data points available for new data to be stored in the onboard flash memory. When you connect Atmotube PRO to a smartphone, all historical data is uploaded to phone memory; Once the historical data is transferred to the smartphone, the data is not available on the onboard device flash memory anymore. When handling multiple Atmotube PRO units, it is therefore recommended to backup data synced from one Atmotube PRO unit, before attempting to extract data from another Atmotube PRO unit;

Questions to be answered

If the app is open in the background, are the PM measurements taken every minute? No. Is data collected when the device is turned off? No. If I wipe the data and then unpair the device but keep it turned on... then a day or 2 later, I pair the device again... will the data from the past day or 2 be saved on the phone? Wiping data and disconnecting device at 7:30 on 5/15. Turning device back on at 8:15 on 5/16. After turning it back on, the data is transferred to the phone from the period when they were unpaired. Interestingly, the PM measures are from every minute rather than every 10. (8:17 email from 5/16) However, battery is only down to 42%. Let's see if it goes back to once every 10 now that it is paired with the phone again. It does. If the battery runs out, are measures still taken? I assume not. What difference does high-accuracy GPS mode make? Why reboot rather just turn off and back on? Reboot when you just want to restart the device, perhaps to try to fix an issue. Turn off the device when you want to preserve the battery and prevent measures from being taken. If the device is turned off and plug it into the charger, will that turn it on? Yes. If the device is turned off for a few days (like during shipping), and then it is turned on, will it connect to the phone it was connected to before it was turned off? Yes, but can take a few minutes. Turned it off at 10:20 AM on 5/12, on at 7:15 on 5/15. How much does the battery drop when turned off? When turned on after 3 days off, battery at 58%... where was it before I turned it off? Is the data from the cloud the same as the data from the phone storage? Yes, but there is less precision with some measures and more precision with the GPS coordinates, even though high-accuracy GPS mode is turned off. Does the algorithm correspond with the AQS calculated from the phone storage data? Yes, but there are slight differences likely due to fewer decimal places with the cloud data. To check ticket status -

Your Atmo MAC address and API key

MAC address: DF:83:46:ED:A5:CB API Key: 5c14af3d-b03f-40ab-a977-d97961a95524

If the phone is turned on and the app is opened in the background, are the PM measurements taken every minute?

No. The app has to be on the screen order to have the PM measures taken every minute (with the 10 minute interval)

What is PM

Particulate Matter (PM), also known as soot, is made of microscopic solid particles or liquid droplets that are either emitted directly into the air or formed by pollutants that combine in the atmosphere. PM is usually measured in three size ranges, which are the most harmful to health: PM10, PM2.5, and PM1PM10 or coarse dust particles refer to particles with a diameter less than or equal to 10 microns in size. They are about 30 times smaller than the width of a human hair and are small enough to evade our defensive nose hairs and get inhaled into our lungs. Sources of this PM10 include crushing/grinding operations, and dust stirred up by vehicles. Pollen, mold, and plant and insect particles are also considered PM10. Finally, the evaporation of sea spray can also produce large particles in coastal areas.Dangerous level: 125 μg/m³ (microgram per cubic meter) or more.PM2.5 or fine particles are 2.5 micrometers in diameter or smaller. Fine particles are produced from all types of combustion, including motor vehicles, power plants, residential wood burning, wildfires, agricultural burning, and some industrial processes. While PM10 ends up in your lungs, PM2.5 is more dangerous as it can transfer from your lungs into your bloodstream. From your bloodstream, it can it end up anywhere in your body, thereby making it "the invisible killer".Dangerous level: 90 μg/m³ or more.PM1 - particulate matter with a diameter smaller than 1 micron - is a major subset of PM2.5. These are extremely fine particles that are even more likely to reach deeper into the respiratory system than PM2.5. PM1 is the by-product of emissions from factories, vehicular pollution, construction activities, and road dust. It is not dispersed and stays suspended in the air that you breathe.Dangerous level: 61 μg/m³ or more.

How does the PM sensor work?

The PM sensor uses a laser scattering principle, which works by using a laser to radiate suspending particles in the air. Then scattering light is collected in a certain degree, and finally the curve of scattering light change with time is obtained. In the end, equivalent particle diameter and the number of particles with different diameter per unit volume can be calculated by microprocessor based on MIE theory.

How accurate are the temperature and relative humidity measures

The temperature measure is +- ~1 degree Fahrenheit and the relative humidity +- 3%.

How to turn the device on and off

To turn device off: Hold the button for 4 seconds until red LED color Release the button Atmotube will blink red several times as a confirmation You can also turn device off via mobile application (see Atmotube 2.0/1.0 section below) To turn device on: Hold the button for 4 seconds until LED will light up Release the button Atmotube will start blinking orange (sensor heating) blinks red turning off and orange when on

If I don't wipe the device but just unpair the phone and device (via unpairing on app) for some time then pair them back together, will the data be uploaded to the phone storage and to the cloud?

Unpairing through app starting at 7:55 on 5/31. Pairing again at 8:51 on same date. Downloaded data on 9:13 and... this hour period is missing from the csv file. Don't know if it will appear later. Will check again later and will download cloud data after 9:23 or so when the cloud server updates. Cloud also missing that data. Download phone storage data again at 9:33 and it's still missing. I wonder... Maybe turning off bluetooth but keeping the pair between phone and app will have the data transfered from when they were not connected but unpairing the two in the app does not transfer the data. In other words, phone and atmo must be paired before the connection is lost (either through bluetooth off, atmo off, or (maybe) phone off). I am turning off bluetooth at 9:37. Turning bluetooth back on at 9:50, can do a longer period test later on. The data during this period of disconnect DID transfer over to the phone and cloud. So it does appear that when the connection is broken between the phone and atmo, it has to be because bluetooth was turned off or the atmotube was turned off (but data will not be collected when atmo is turned off) and Using data from cloud and phone storage from 5/15-5/16 when phone and atmo were not connected; both the cloud and phone storage got the data during that period when they were not connected. PM measures were taken every minute and rounded to nearest whole number with both data methods. Phone transfer data started adding 1 decimal place to pm measures after re-pairing but cloud date continued rounding to nearest whole number.

What are VOCs

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. In fact, they may be emitted by a wide array of products, including paints and lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, household products such as varnishes and wax, cleaning and disinfecting, products, building materials (plywood and particleboard) and furnishings, office equipment such as copiers and printers, glues and adhesives. VOCs can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation as well as headaches, loss of coordination, and nausea. They may also cause damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system. Some are suspected or known to cause cancer.

Why does Atmotech recommend using android?

We recommend the use of Android-based smartphones for data collection via the Atmotube application, as iOS-based smartphones have some operating system-based limitations on background app activity that may result in loss of GPS information.

How to determine the air pollution using just the device

When you press the button, the LED lights up to show the current AQS level. The LED light color represents the current Air Quality Score, from Red (severely polluted) to Blue (clean). blue = good green = moderate yellow = polluted orange = very polluted red = severely polluted

The first power on

You can turn the Atmotube on by connecting Atmotube to a 5V power source via a USB cable. After the device has been switched on for the first time or after prolonged inactivity, the VOC sensor requires approximately three minutes to preheat. While in preheating mode, the LED will blink orange; during this period, the device will be unresponsive and will not take any measurements.

Site link for accessing the Atmo cloud API Site link for getting 7 days of data If you want most recent 7 days of data, have to make the end date tomorrow and the start date 7 days before tomorrow (19th and 12th, for example)

Go through this page and create more cards based on the info included therein

Very detailed storage info

What do the LED colors mean

If the value for PM2.5 is 10, what is the unit for this value?

micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m³), it means that there are 10 micrograms of PM2.5 particles per cubic meter of air

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