ATR 4132 Quiz 1-4, Exam 2-3 Material Human Injuries

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If lightning is observed, outdoor play cannot resume until ____ minutes after the last lighting or thunder.


the ideal completion time for the PPE is

6 weeks prior to the start of practice sessions

Sciatica issues with soft signs may involve removing an athlete from sport participation for ____________ weeks


Which of the following joints forms the "knuckles" of the hand?

Metacarpophalangeal (MCP)

clinicians commonly use one of three scales to efficiently communicate the impact or strength of individual pieces of evidence and overall clinical recommendation. those scales include all except


The months with the highest pediatric concussion diagnoses are

September and October

A wrist (forearm) fracture in which the radius and ulna are forced in a volar direction is called a________

Smith fracture

Flexion of the neck, produces a straightened cervical spine that acts like a segmental column, predisposing the spine to permanent neurologic injury with further axial loading:

Spear Tackler's spine

Which of the following structures is injured with gamekeeper's thumb?

Ulnar collateral ligament

Signs and symptoms of viral meningitis include all of the following except

abdominal rigidity

After receiving a blow to the anterior lower leg, an athlete has a diminished dorsalis pedis pulse and paresthesia between the great and second toe. What condition might the athlete be experiencing?

acute compartment syndrome

when assessing level of responsiveness the acronym AVPU stands for

alert voice pain unresponsive

Plantar fasciitis signs and symptoms include:

all of these: - pain with first steps in the morning - increased pain with weight bearing activity - point tenderness at medial calcaneal tubercle

what is the term used to described unequal pupils


the EAP should be practiced


In designing an individualized therapeutic exercise program, the first step is to

assess the present level of function and dysfunction

the NATA website highlights the importance of proper athletic training terminology as it helps eliminate confusion and/or inconsistencies when defining the ATs role in health care. please select all of the following that are the preferred terms for an athletic trainer (when referring to the person now the credential)

athletic trainer AT

the emergency action plan should

be comprehensive and flexible

which of the following is responsible for awarding the ATC credential and managing continuing education for ATs?

board of certification

An athlete approaches you with his head turned to the right side and supporting his right arm with his left arm. What type of injury should be suspected?

clavicular fracture

Which of the following best describes the sequence of sensations experienced during the application of cold therapy?

cold, burning, aching, analgesia

After impact, the brain continues to accelerate and rotate, causing tearing of the veins away from the actual injury site, which can lead to a _____ injury.


What is the first phase of a therapeutic exercise program?

controlling inflammation

the air bladder in a football helmet should be inspected


in severe brain injuries posturing characterized by extension of all four extremities is

decerebrate rigidity

in the absence of an athletic trainer, which of the following is not a responsibility of the coach?

design a rehabilition program

what type of injury is likely to result from a low velocity high-mass force


physiological information such as blood pressure would be ___ -oriented evidence.


Which of the following structures would present the symptom of tinnitus?


Collectively, the primary movers for back extension are called the ___________________.

erector spinae

a written guarantee that a product is safe for use is called a(n)

expressed warranty

Benefits to TBI (traumatic brain injury) assessment include many subjective measures.


Following a hit in the face, an individual's cheek appears flat and depressed with swelling about the eye. A mandibular fracture should be suspected.


In order for an athlete to return to play, they need to be in excellent physical shape, (able to participate in a large number of different sports).


One of the benefits of the NFL five step process for return to play following a concussion is a clearly defined timeline for progression.


The rate of ACL injuries is higher in men, particularly for those in jumping and pivoting sports. The reason for this, is that men typically run faster and have more mass.


if an athlete provides their own protective equipment the athletic trainer is not responsible for ensuring that it fits correctly and is maintained properly


it would be appropriate for a parent to recognize their high school childs group PPE for football as the equivalent of an annual check up with a family physician


the completion of a dental examination as part of the PPE is considered optional.


the purpose of an assumption of risk form is to warn athletes and their parents of the dangers inherent in participating in a sport. by having this form compelled, the coach is no longer viable for any injuries that may occur.


individuals who have a positive diagnosis according to the diagnostic test but really do not have the injury according to the reference standard are

false positives

clinical practice guidelines, CATs, cochrane reviews, and meta analysis are all examples of

filtered information

Sagittal plane movements of the humerus at the shoulder include

flexion and extension

knee braces designed to provide proprioceptive feedback and protect unstable anterior cruciate ligament injuries are


Dizziness, headache, rapid and shallow respirations, and a rapid, weak pulse are signs of

heat exhaustion

An athlete is not sweating any longer, reddish skin, and has hot, dry skin. What condition might the athlete be experiencing?

heat stroke

subjective information is gained through the ___ of the HOPS process


Which of the following is an open chain kinetic exercise?

leg extension

the primary survey determines

level of responsiveness and assesses airway breathing and circulation

critical information that should be obtained during the on site history includes

mechanism of injury

The flexors of the wrist and hand are innervated by the _____ nerve.


The functional unit of the spine is called the

motion segment

Primary deficits associated with prolonged immobilization include:

muscle weakness

In the U.S., it is estimated that 300,000 sports related concussions occur annually, this figure is probably________ due to reporting methods.

not very accurate

A basketball player has fallen on the tip of a flexed elbow. There is immediate isolated swelling over the apex of the elbow. What condition should be suspected?

olecranon bursitis

when taping for wrist hyperflexion injury support strips are placed

on the dorsum of the hand

in most taping techniques each subsequent strip of tape should overlap the previous strip by

one half to one third the width of the tape

movement of an injured body part through the range of motion with no assistance from the injured individual is termed

passive movement

Which of the following is NOT a rotator cuff muscle?

pectoralis major

Control of inflammation with minimal edema, swelling, muscle spasm, and pain, is one of the things we need to accomplish before progression to which phase:

phase 2

The focus of correcting any biomechanical inefficiencies in motion is addressed during which phase of the therapeutic exercise program?

phase 4

Air trapped in pleural space, causing portion of lung to collapse; lung can't fully expand:


Which of the following is not an airborne disease?


A baseball bat grip is a typical example of which grip?

power grip

which of the following is not a function of a neoprene sleeve

provides protection from external forces

Transmission of the tetanus bacillus is through

puncture-type wound

Which wrist motion is depicted by the arrow?

radial deviation

In assessing an eye injury, floaters and flashers suggest a(n)

retinal injury

Following head trauma, inability to recall events that took place earlier in the day is an example of

retrograde amnesia

HIV is transmitted through all of the following except


a slow bounding pulse could be indicative of

skull fracture

A loss of cerebrospinal fluid around the spinal cord because of deformation of the spinal cord or a narrowing of the neural canal is called

spinal stenosis

A bilateral fracture of pars interarticularis accompanied by anterior slippage of involved vertebra:


The _____ bursa may become irritated when repeatedly compressed during the overhand arm action.


which of the following best illustrates a diagnostic sign


The _____ joint is considered the true ankle joint.


the advantages of having an individual's primary care physician administor a PPE include all of the following except

the cost of the exam

The screwing-home mechanism occurs when the

tibia rotates laterally on the femur during the last degrees of knee extension.

A great danger with a ruptured spleen is its ability to splint itself and then produce delayed hemorrhage.


A preferred therapeutic massage for areas around joints and other areas where the tissue is thin would be friction.


All children should receive a complete series of hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccinations during the first 18 months of life.


Exercising moderately during repeated heat exposures can result in physiological adaptation to a hot environment, which can improve performance and heat tolerance.


Fractures of the lumbar vertebrae below L2 do NOT pose a serious threat to paralysis.


Ice is the preferred treatment modality for acute injuries.


Knee dislocations may occur in any direction


Low back pain in runners is associated with tightness in hip flexors and hamstrings.


The common mechanism of injury for Achilles tendon rupture is push-off of the forefoot with the knee extended.


The inability of the pupils to accommodate to light is a possible indication of head trauma.


The medical term for shin splints is Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome


The type of cleats used have an impact on ACL injury rates.


When air temperature is greater than skin temperature, body relies primarily on sweating for heat loss, through evaporation.


With a POSTERIOR glenohumeral dislocation the head of the humerus is forced out of articular capsule in a forward direction past glenoid labrum.


if a fracture is suspected the clinician should immobilize the joints above and below the fracture site


if prevention of hyperflexion of the great toe is desired support tape strips are applied on the dorsum of the foot


restricted circulation and reduced function of the body part can result from tape that is applied too tightly


skin temperature should be assessed by touching the forehead with the back of your head


visceral pain results from an injury to an organ in the thoracic cavity


when asking about the characteristics of symptoms it is important to determine location onset severity frequency and duration


when applying a wrap for a quadriceps strain, the wrap is directed in a(n)

upward and lateral manner

the assurance that measurements represent what we think they represent is


which of the following activities can be used to measure power?

vertical jump

Who has a greater chance for lateral patellar dislocation due to the Q-angle?

women, Q angle is greater

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