Aug part3

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Use the adjective ______ to describe something that is large in amount. Things you probably spend a ______ amount of time on: homework and laundry. 相当多的 相当大的 The fire caused ________ damage to the church. _______ progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. The project wasted a ________ amount of time and money.

a puddle of water

When I finally got to work, I was completely soaked and left __ _____ ___ ______ everywhere I sat. 一滩水

in the same way

You use __ ____ _____ _____ to introduce a situation that you are comparing with one that you have just mentioned, because there is a strong similarity between them. Apparently the lounge had also been closed __ ____ _____ _____ the day before.


noun /ˈbærəl/ 桶 a large round container, usually made of wood or metal, with flat ends and, usually, curved sides: a beer/wine ______ The art of _______-making is an ancient skill. 2. the part of a gun like a tube through which the bullets are fired 枪管 The ______ was aimed directly at me. He fired one _____ and then fired again.他开了一枪,然后又开了一枪


noun /ˈfrɪkʃn/ 1. the action of one object or surface moving against another 摩擦 ______ between moving parts had caused the engine to overheat. When you rub your hands together the ______ produces heat. 2. a lack of friendship or agreement among people who have different opinions about something: 争执 分歧 不和 There's a lot of ______ between my wife and my mother. ______ between neighbours


noun /ˈfæsɪt/ The difference with aspect is _______ can describe gem, diamond, for example: one of the _____ of this diamond is cracked. one part of a subject, situation, etc. that has many parts: Now let's look at another _____ of the problem. The report examines every _____ of the prison system. the many ______s of rural life


noun /ˈkeɪbl/ a set of wires, covered in plastic or rubber, that carries electricity, phone signals, etc. 电缆 a power _______ overhead/underground/undersea ______s a USB ______ They're digging up the road to lay _______s. 铺设电线用lay


noun /ˈrɪtʃuəl/ a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially as part of a ceremony:程序; 仪规; 礼节; (尤指)宗教仪式; 习惯; 老规矩; religious _______s Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning _______. The birds were performing a complex mating _____. Sunday lunch with the in-laws has become something of a _______.


noun /ˌdiːˌfɔːrɪˈsteɪʃn/毁林; 滥伐森林; 烧林; the act of cutting down or burning the trees in an area: ________ in Brazil is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.


noun /ˌdɪsəˈluːʃn/ (formal) the act of officially ending a marriage, a business agreement or a parliament; the act of breaking up an organization, etc. the _______ of their marriage The company was set up following the ______ of the Soviet Union.


noun /ˌklɔːstrəˈfəʊbiə/ fear of being in closed spaces:幽闭恐怖(症); He suffers from _______ so he never travels on underground trains. 2. the unpleasant feeling that a person gets in a situation that limits them 因受限制而产生的不适感; She felt she had to escape from the ________ of family life.


noun /ˌriːɪnkɑːrˈneɪʃn/ the belief that after somebody's death their soul lives again in a new body: Do you believe in ________? Hindus and Buddhists believe in ________.


noun /ˌæspəˈreɪʃn/ a strong desire to have or do something: 渴望 抱负 I didn't realize you had political ________ It's a story about the lives and _______s of poor Irish immigrants. He has never had any _______ to earn a lot of money. I've never had any _______ for my career


noun [usually plural] a reduction in something: 削减; 缩减; 减少; Schools and hospitals will need to be prepared for sharp _________ in public spending.


noun an object or a piece of equipment that has been designed to do a particular job: a tracking/recording/listening _______ This _______ allows deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking.


noun preˈstiːʒ/ 注意读音 the respect and value that somebody/something has because of their social position, or what they have done: 声望 威望 The company has gained international _______. Many people are attracted by the ______ of working for a top company. jobs with low _______


noun ˈkreɪən/ a coloured pencil or stick of soft coloured chalk or wax, used for drawing: 彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔) She coloured the picture in with ______s. She used _______s to draw the picture.


noun 佛教 In 1741 Catherine the Great issued an edict of toleration for __________


noun 佛教徒 adj 佛教的 a ________ area (adj) she is a _______ (noun) a _______ monk/temple


noun 独居 独处 the state of being alone, especially when you find this pleasant: She longed for peace and ______. He shut himself away to pray in _______.


noun 花粉 Bees pollinate the plants by carrying the ______ from one flower to another. Seeds and ______ are spread by the wind. I am allergic to _______


verb /dɪsˈɪntɪɡreɪt/ 注意读音 to become weaker or be destroyed by breaking into small pieces:碎裂; 解体; 分裂; 衰微; 瓦解; 崩溃; The spacecraft ________d as it entered the earth's atmosphere. The Ottoman Empire _________d into lots of small states. The plane ________d as it fell into the sea.


verb /dɪˈvaɪz/ to invent something new or a new way of doing something: a new device has been ______d to control traffic in the city. 2. to use knowledge and imagination to think of or plan something: He set about _____ing a plan to revive the automaker and improve its profitability.


verb /rɪˈzaʊnd/ 注意读音 to sound loudly or for a long time, or (of a place) to be filled with sound:回响; 回荡; 回荡着声音; 回响着声音; The noise of the fire alarm ______ed through/throughout the building. Laughter ______ed through the house. The tragedy _______ed around the world. The room _______ed with screams and shouts.

in the first place

用在句子后面used at the end of a sentence to talk about why something was done or whether it should have been done or not 起初 开始: I still don't understand why you chose that name ___ ____ ______ ______. I should never have taken that job ___ ____ ______ ______. 首先: Well, ___ ____ ______ ______ he has all the right qualifications. 噢,首先,他符合一切条件。

sixth sense

第六感觉; 直觉 My ______ ______ told me to stay here and wait. my intuition told me to stay here and wait


/əˈstreɪ/ 注意读音 adj./adv.迷途的,越轨的,误入歧途的 **(Idioms) go ______ 1. to become lost; to be stolen The letter must have gone ______ in the post. We locked up our valuables so they would not go ______. 2. to go in the wrong direction or to have the wrong result: Fortunately the gunman's shots went ______. The argument is so complex, a reader might easily go ______. ***(Idioms) lead somebody ______ to make somebody go in the wrong direction or do things that are wrong: Jack's parents thought the other boys might lead him _______.

eight minutes after nine

09:08 right now is _____ _____ _____ _____ in the morning

get involved in or with someone or something

Become associated, especially in an emotional or sexual way. For example, He joined the company last year but never really _____(got) _______ ____ the work, or It's been two years since Tom ______(got) _______ _____(with) Jean. A monk shouldn't ______ _______ __ politics Your stupid schemes are going to cost me everything I have; I should never have ______(gotten) ______ (with) you!

well underway

______ means currently in progress: _____ _______ means proceeding fully, quickly, or completely; thoroughly begun and in progress. Ethereum 2.0 is _____ _____, what will that accomplish what problem will it solve?

rubbing soap

_________ _____ on glasses to prevent fogging up when wearing a mask. ________ ______ wash your hands completely.


adj slightly wet, often in a way that is unpleasant: The cottage upon the hill was cold and ______. It feels _____ in here. ______ clothes Wipe the surface with a ______ cloth. Wet is the highest degree of wetness. Moist, ____ and humid are not as wet. When something is soaked in and is dripping of liquid, we call it wet. A swab well soaked with water is wet. Moist and ____ have more or less the same degree of wetness, but moist is used mainly in places where the wetness is desirable, i.e. it is a positive word. _____ on the other hand is used when wetness is undesired, i.e it is a negative word. For example, if you play football (English - football/American - soccer) you will understand that a moist field is good, but a ____ field is not. Cake and bread must be moist, but not ____. Clothes that aren't dry enough to be worn are _____, not moist. The mud by the river is _____. Humidity is connected with atmosphere/air. Air has moisture in it and it causes humidity, too much of which makes one feel ______.


adj /beɪðd/ 注意读音 covered with light:被(光线)覆盖; 沐浴着(光线); The castle was _______ in moonlight. The moon _____ the countryside in a silver light.


adj /faʊl/ 注意读音 1. dirty and smelling bad:肮脏恶臭的; 难闻的; ______ air/breath a _____-smelling prison 2. extremely unpleasant:; very bad:很令人不快的; 很坏的; Those toilets smell _____! I've had a _____ day at work. She's in a _____ mood. His boss has a ____ temper. Why are you in such a ____ mood this morning? What _____ weather! 3. including rude words and swearing:充满脏话的; She exploded in a torrent of ______ language. I'm sick of her ____ mouth (= habit of swearing). There's too much ______ language on TV these days. 4. (of weather) very bad, with strong winds and rain: a _____ night


adj /prəˈfɪʃnt/ skilled and experienced: 熟练的 精通的 a _______ swimmer She's _______ in two languages. It takes a couple of years of regular driving before you become _______ at it. With practice, you should become ______ within six months. He's _______ at his job. He studied Chinese and became ______ in the language.


adj /pɪˈkjuːliər/ unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way: a _______ smell/taste The meat tasted rather ________. He died in very _______ circumstances. She has the most ______ ideas. 2. belonging or relating to one particular place, situation, person, etc., and not to others (某人、某地、某种情况等)特有的,特殊的, 独有的 a species of bird _______ to Asia He has his own ______ style which you'll soon get used to. This type of building is _______ to the south of the country.


adj /ræd/ (especially North American English, old-fashioned, slang) means very good: a ______ new computer game


adj /veɪn/ 徒劳的 that does not produce the result you want: She closed her eyes tightly in a ____ attempt to hold back the tears. The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the ______ hope that he might recover. It was _____ to pretend to himself that he was not disappointed. 2. unsuccessfully: 无结果的 I tried in _____ to start a conversation. All the police's efforts to find him were in ____. 3. too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements 自视过高的; He was very _____ about his hair and his clothes. She's too ____ to wear glasses.


adj /əbˈskjʊr/ If something is _______, it's vague and hard to see. Be careful if you're driving in heavy rain — the painted lines can be _______. We tend to use ______ in the metaphorical senses: an ______ sound is unclear, an ______ village is hidden away in the countryside, and an ______ poet is little known and probably insignificant. 1. not well known 无名的 鲜为人知的 an ______ German poet We went to see one of Shakespeare's more ______ plays. He was born around 1650 but his origins remain _______. an ______ island in the Pacific 2. difficult to understand 费解的 难以理解的 I found her lecture very ________. For some ______ reason, he failed to turn up. The meaning of his comment was _______ to everyone but himself.


adj /ɪkˈsentrɪk/ You're most likely to encounter the adjective _______ in a description of an unusual or quirky person — like a scatterbrained aunt who leaves her life savings to her cat. both as an adjective and as a noun, too: an ______ is an unconventional, odd person. Think of them as following a slightly different orbit from the rest of society. _______ behaviour/clothes an _______ aunt


adj /ˈhektɪk/ very busy; full of activity: to lead a _____ life They've got a a ______ schedule planned. Today was too ______ for me. The job gets a bit ______ at times. Think about a calm, beautiful island with the sun shining and nothing to do but read a book. That kind of peacefulness is the opposite of _____. When things get ______, people sometimes say things are getting crazy or bananas: events are happening too fast for us to keep up, so we tend to get agitated or even angry. Because there's so much work to do, being a student is often a ______ job.


adj /ˈluːdɪkrəs/ unreasonable; stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at: ______ things are funny, absurd, or nonsensical. If someone says something silly or far-fetched, you could say "That's _______!" a ________ idea/suggestion He looked _______ in that suit! a _______ suggestion He is paid a _______ amount of money.


adj /ˈpærənɔɪd/ 1. feeling extremely nervous and worried because you believe that other people do not like you or are trying to harm you: 多疑的 She's getting really ______ about what other people say about her. You're just being _________. 2. suffering from a mental illness in which you believe that other people are trying to harm you: 有妄想狂的 患偏执症的: ______ delusions 偏执妄想 a _______ killer 偏执的杀手 noun a person who suffers from paranoia 偏执狂


adj /ˈtrænʃnt/ lasting for only a short time; temporary:短暂的; 转瞬即逝的; 倏忽; 暂住的; 过往的; 临时的; The city has a large ______ population (= many people who are living in it only temporarily). The weakness was _______, and soon I was feeling strong again. ______ workers come to pick apples and then head south to harvest other crops.


adj /ˈθrɪfti/ careful about spending money and not wasting things: 节俭的 He was brought up to be ______ and never to get into debt. They have plenty of money now, but they still tend to be ______.

preconceived notion

adj /ˌpriːkənˈsiːvd/ [only before noun] (of ideas, opinions, etc.) formed before you have enough information or experience of something: Before I started the job, I had no ______ notions of what it would be like. ______ notions 先入为主的观念 You must judge each film on its own merits, without any ________ notions about what it's like.


adj \ ˈpō-lə-ˌrī-ziŋ\ separating into two extremes 两极分化的 a _______ political issue Our media's attention often spins around unnuanced, polarizing opinions and hasty, inflammatory statements. 我们媒体的注意力经常围绕着无差别、两极分化的观点和草率、煽动性的言论


adj making you feel sadness, sympathy, etc.: 令人同情的; 感人的; 动人的; a _______ story The way she took care of her little sister was really_______. The adjective _______ comes from a particular meaning of the verb touch, "to affect or move mentally or emotionally," from the idea that something has "touched" your mind or heart. Your book report might describe the story you read as _______ if it left you wiping away a tear.

stressed out

adj too anxious and tired to be able to relax 极度焦虑的 心力交瘁的 I was really _____ ______ before finals. He was feeling very ______ ______ and tired. I've got too much to do and I'm completely _______ _______.


adj 独自的 独处的 喜欢独处的 I'm enjoy long _______ walks. I want led a _______ life.


adv after the time mentioned: 后来 We had tea, and ______ we sat in the garden for a while. They separated, and soon/shortly ______ Jane left the country. Let's go out now and eat _________.

lucky charm

an object that is believed to bring its owner good luck 护身符 He did not have on his other _______ ______, a pair of green socks.

torn up

damaged, ripped 撕毁 现在时 tear up why you ____ _____ your book?


noun 1. an idea, a belief or an image you have as a result of how you see or understand something: 观点 见解 Each generation has a different _______ — view, idea or understanding — of what is cool. There is a general public ______ that standards in schools are falling. 2. the way you notice things, especially with the senses 知觉 感知 Everyone's _______ of reality is slightly different. 3. the ability to understand the true nature of something 洞察力 She showed great _______ in her assessment of the family situation. They have little _______ of how ordinary people live their lives.


noun (especially North American English) (British English usually torch) 手电筒 He shone a ______ in the boy's face.


noun A trick; an attempt to make someone believe something that is not true欺骗; 蒙骗; 诓骗; 诡计; 骗术; 骗局; a drama full of lies and _______ He was found guilty of obtaining money by ________. His elaborate _______ fooled everyone.


noun a large area of land that has never been developed or used for growing crops because it is difficult to live there: 荒野 a beautiful mountain _________ Alaska is the last great ________. the barren ______ of modern life it was a _______ preserved for the hawks and mountaineers 2. an outside area in which plants are left to grow naturally or untidily: 杂草丛生 Their garden is a _______ of grass and weeds. They transformed the _______ into a garden.


noun selfish (adj) 的名词 Her _________ and greed is beyond belief. Don't these ideas encourage the ______that got the world into this recession in the first place? He was the victim of his own greed and _______.


noun the act or process of joining people, things, parts of a country, etc. together so that they can form a single unit the _______ of Germany If your marriage turns your feuding families into one big happy group, you pulled off a ______ that would make Romeo and Juliet jealous. he looked forward to the _______ of his family for the holidays


noun the land along the edge of the sea: 海岸 海滨 there is a _______ near where I'm living, and I like to look for shells on the _______. As we walked along the ______ we saw several different sorts of seaweed.


noun the state of being slower and less active than usual: 松懈 懈怠 There was evidence of ________ in security at the prison. 2. the fact of not being stretched tight 松弛 It should be possible to adjust the _______ in the cables.


noun (formal) the fact of two or more things becoming one:(事物的)汇合 a body is the _______ of earth a ______ of social factors


noun /dɪˈstres/ 1. a feeling of extreme worry, sadness, or pain: 忧虑 悲伤 痛苦 The newspaper article caused the actor considerable _______. She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological ______. She was obviously in _______ after the attack. 2. severe problems caused by not having enough money, food, etc. 困苦 economic/financial _______ The charity aims to relieve poverty and _____ caused by natural disasters. 3. a situation in which a ship, plane, etc. is in danger or difficulty and needs help (船、飞机等)遇难,遇险; a _______ signal (= a message asking for help) It is a rule of the sea to help another boat in _____.

the gist

noun /dʒɪst/ 主旨 要点 the most important pieces of information about something, or general information without details: 通常前面加the That was ____ ____ of what he said. I think I got (= understood) ____ _____ of what she was saying. I missed the beginning of the lecture—can you give me _____ ______ of what he said? I'm afraid I don't quite follow your _____ (= what you really mean). 不带the


noun /raɪt/ a ceremony performed by a particular group of people, often for religious purposes: (宗教等的)仪式,典礼; funeral/marriage/fertility _____s You have to go through an initiation ____ before you become a full member.


noun /səˈræmɪk/ 陶瓷艺术 a pot or other object made of clay that has been made permanently hard by heat an exhibition of ______s by Picasso I want to learn _______ after retirement.


noun /taɪts/(North American English pantyhose) a piece of clothing made of very thin cloth that fits closely over a woman's hips, legs and feet:(女用)连裤袜,紧身裤; I have three pairs of ______ to replace in yoga class. one of my ______ is broken. Oh no, I've got a ladder/hole in my _______.


noun /əˈnɔɪəns/ the feeling or state of being annoyed(slightly angry):恼怒; 生气; 烦恼 Much to our ______, they decided not to come after all. His behaviour caused great ________ to his colleagues. I can understand your _______ - I'd be furious if she ever treated me like that.


noun /ɪkˈskɜːrʒn/ a short journey made for pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people: (尤指集体)远足,短途旅行 An ______ is taken more for pleasure than for practical reasons. Your business trip, when you spent most of the week waiting in airports and adjusting to different time zones, does not count as an ________. this year's annual _______ will be to Lincoln. Next week we're going on an ________. They've gone on an _______ to York. There are regular weekend ______s throughout the summer.


noun /ˈbeɪðɪŋ/ 注意读音 the activity of going into the sea, a river, etc. to swim: forest _______. a safe _______ beach Only one beach in the area has safe _______.


noun /ˈbrækɪt/ either of a pair of marks, ( ), placed around extra information in a piece of writing or part of a problem in mathematics: 括号(通常使复数) Publication dates are given in ________ after each title. Add the numbers in _______ first. 2. price, age, income, etc. ______ prices, etc. within a particular range: (价格、年龄、收入等的)组级,等级 People in the lower income _______ will not be able to afford this. the 30-34 age ________ (= people aged between 30 and 34)

dig up

phrasal verb 1. to take something out of the ground by digging: 挖出 It's time we ___ ___ those potatoes. 2. to break the ground into small pieces before planting seeds, building something, etc. 挖地 They are _____ing ____ the football field to lay a new surface. 3. to break the ground or to make a hole in it with a tool, machine, etc.: They're ____ing ___ the road outside to fix a faulty water main. 4. to discover secret or forgotten facts by searching very carefully: 查明信息或实施 I've been doing some research on our family history and I've ____(dug) ____ some interesting information. She's one of those reporters who's always trying to ___ ____ dirt on (= unpleasant private details about) celebrities.

ward off

phrasal verb o protect or defend yourself against danger, illness, attack, etc. In the winter I take vitamin C to ____ ____ colds. She was given a magic charm to ____ _____ evil spirits.

be able to do sth

to have the ability, opportunity, time, etc. to do something. will you ___ ____ _____ ____ _____ to come to the meeting next week? i've always wanted to ____ _____ ____ ____ to dance

per se

used meaning 'by itself' to show that you are referring to something on its own, rather than in connection with other things: 本身 __ __ is the phrase to use when you want to refer to a particular thing on its own The drug is not harmful ___ ____, but is dangerous when taken with alcohol. Research shows that it is not divorce ___ ____ that harms children, but the continuing conflict between parents. The authors' argument is not with the free market ____ _____ but with the western society in which it works


verb (old use or formal) to cure somebody who is ill; to make somebody feel happy again: I felt _____ed by his love. I thought when she is ______ed I will release her to the nature, but until she dead, she is never _______.


verb 1. to hold on tightly to somebody/something: ______ on tight! 2. to stick to something: Her hair _____(clung) to her hot damp skin. The wet shirt ______(clung) to his chest.


verb to cut down and destroy all the trees in a place: 砍掉(某地)的树林; 毁掉(某地)的森林; They're actually ______ing the entire area. The country has been largely ______ed by people combing hillsides for wood to burn as fuel. _____ is the opposite of reforest. a project to reforest the country's coastal areas


verb to deal with a situation, a person, an area of work or a strong emotion: the patterns on the wings can be ______d the same way like the tail, with some obvious patterns. A new man was appointed to ______ the crisis. She's very good at ______ing her patients. This matter has been ______d very badly. We all have to learn to _______ stress. 'Any problems?' 'Nothing I can't ______.' I've got to go. I can't ________ it any more (= deal with a difficult situation). You have to know how to _______ yourself in this business (= know the right way to behave).


verb to finish something successfully or to achieve something: The first part of the plan has been safely __________ed. I don't feel I've _________ed very much today. The students _________ed the task in less than ten minutes. I feel as if I've _________ed nothing since I left my job.


verb to gradually become less, worse, or lower:(数量、价值、质量等的)减少,下降,衰落,衰退; His interest in the project ______d after his wife died. Support for the party continues to _______. Her health began to _______.


verb & noun /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ an object or a collection of objects put in a public place, for example a museum, so that people can see it: The museum contains some interesting ______s on Spanish rural life. there was a Da Vinci's ________ in Singapore science museum last year.


verb /sweɪ/ 1. to move slowly from side to side: 摆动 The branches were ______ ing in the wind. The trees were _____ing in the wind. Back and forth...back and forth...back and forth...are you sea-sick yet? The _____, or rocking motion, of a boat is too much for many stomachs. People can ____ if they're dizzy, tilting from side to side as they walk. On a windy day you can see trees _____ing and bending in the wind. _____ing is usually a gentle motion, but if you're easily ____ed, you're in trouble. That means you're easily influenced by others. People of power often "hold _____" over their followers, controlling them with the seeming ease of the breeze. A drunk was standing in the middle of the street, _____ing uncertainly and trying hard to stay upright. 2. to persuade somebody to believe something or do something: 说服 使动摇 She wasn't ______ ed by his good looks or his clever talk. He's easily _____ed.


verb /əˈbeɪt/ 减弱 减轻 to become less strong: The storm/wind/rain has started to ______. The fighting in the area shows no sign of _____ing. Something that _____s becomes fewer or less intense. Your enthusiasm for skiing might ______ after falling off a ski lift and getting a mouthful of snow.


verb /ɪmˈpaʊər/ to give somebody the power or authority to do something: 授权 This amendment ______s the president to declare an emergency for a wide range of reasons. 2. to encourage and support the ability to do something: 给(某人)自主权 ________ might seem like a new word, but it's been around since the 17th century. Today, ___________ often refers to helping someone realize their abilities and potential, perhaps for the first time. For example, in the 1960s, when women felt like second-class citizens, the women's movement ___________ed them to stand up and demand their equal rights. We want to ________ individuals to get the skills they need.


verb /ɪnˈɡʌlf/ (formal) to surround or to cover somebody/something completely: He was ______ed by a crowd of reporters. The vehicle was ______ed in flames. The war is threatening to ______ the entire region.


verb /ɪˈluːmɪn/启发 点亮 To ______ is to shine a light on something, literally or figuratively. Your desk lamp might ______ the page of your book, while the words you're reading _______ your mind. though its original meaning was the figurative "enlighten spiritually." It's a graceful verb to use when you're talking about light that shines or glows: "The dancing candlelight cheerfully _______s the dim room." It's also useful for describing ideas that spark an intellectual or spiritual understanding: "It's the first time I've read philosophy that truly _______s my perception."


verb /ʃəʊn/ shine的过去分词和过去式 The sun ______ brightly in a cloudless sky.


verb /ˈdæzl/ If light _______s you, it makes you unable to see for a short time: 目眩 I was _____d by the sunlight. 2. to impress somebody a lot with your beauty, skill, etc. 使倾倒 使赞叹不已 He was _______d by the warmth of her smile. She knows a lot of famous people and tried to ______ me with their names. The dancer _______d the audience with his turns and jumps


verb /ˈpɑːləneɪt/ 授粉 传粉 to take pollen from one plant or part of a plant to another so that new plant seeds can be produced: Bees _______ the plants by carrying the pollen from one flower to another. ______ the flowers flowers ________d by bees/the wind


verb /ˌʌnˈwaɪnd/ 注意读音** If you ____ something that is wrapped around an object, you unfasten it, and if it _____s, it becomes unfastened:解开,打开,松开 He unwound his _____ from his neck. The bandage gradually _____(unwound) and fell off. ______ the screw. 2. to stop worrying or thinking about problems and start to relax: A glass of wine in the evening helps me to ______ after work.


verb to make something last longer: The operation could ______ his life by two or three years. We were having such a good time that we decided to _____ our stay by another week. She chewed each delicious mouthful as slowly as she could, ______ing the pleasure.


verb to remember something: 记起; 回忆起; 记得; I cannot ______ his name. As far as I can _______, his name is Edward. Do you _______ where she went? 'It was just before the war,' she _______ed.


verb to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction: She _______ed aimlessly around the streets. ______ is not wonder, wonder means think about something and try to decide what is true, what will happen, what you should do, etc.


verb ˈmænɪfest/ to show something clearly, especially a feeling, an attitude or a quality清楚显示(尤指情感、态度或品质) Choose the verb _____ when someone shows something for everyone to notice. You might _____ your dislike of school food by stirring it around into a big pile of slop on your tray. The workers chose to ______ their dissatisfaction in a series of strikes. Social tensions were _______ed in the recent political crisis. The illness first ______ed itself in/as severe stomach pains. the ghost _______s each year on the same day


verb 别人借给我,不可以用borrowed My landlady ______ me a book last year. 房东借给我一本书。 A friend _______ me $1 000. 朋友借给我1000


verb/bruːd/ to think a lot about something that makes you annoyed, anxious or upset:焦虑,忧思(使人厌烦、担忧或不安的事); You're not still ______ing over what he said, are you? I'm sit and _____ing in my room all day He _____ed over the insult. f a bird broods, or broods its eggs, it sits on the eggs in order to hatch them (= make the young come out of them):

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