Aviation Safety Final

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How many total number of employee should be to record and report all employee occupational (work-related) deaths, injuries, and illnesses on OSHA Forms 300 and 301? a) 9 or more b) 11 or more c) 13 or more d) 30 or more

11 or more

Select the components that is not belong to PBN: a) RNAV accuracy above 95 percent. (RNAV 1, 2, 10) b) RNP with RAIM (Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) for curved approach paths to an airport. c) RNP approach, RNP 0.3, RNP 1, 2, 4 d) 2D legacy RNAV using VOR/DME or INS

2D legacy RNAV using VOR/DME or INS

FAR Part 107 defines drone weigh less than _______ pounds. a) 45 b) 55 c) 65 d) 75


CRM can be seen as a human victory over the potential errors that can surface in the complex aviation system. Select the very serious accident happened that provided irrefutable proof that CRM principles worked : a) Crash of a Boeing 737 operated as Air Florida flight 90during a winter storm in Washington, D.C. in 1982, b) A Douglas DC-8 operating as United Airlines Flight 173 crashed near Portland, Oregon, after running out of fuel c) A DC-10 operating as United Airlines Flight 232 experienced the uncontained failure of its #2 engine, resulting in a loss of normal flight controls. d) Lockheed L-1011 operating as Eastern Airlines Flight 401 flew into the Everglades in Florida as all members of the flight deck crew were focused on a burned-out light bulb.

A DC-10 operating as United Airlines Flight 232 experienced the uncontained failure of its #2 engine, resulting in a loss of normal flight controls.

What is the concept of structural fail-safe designs? a) A fail-safe is a device or system that is designed to remain safe in the event of a failure. A fail-safe isn't designed to prevent failure but mitigates failure when it does occur. b) practice to design engineering structures such as aircraft to a required amount of strength for an undamaged structure, plus a certain margin of safety. c) structure design that is adequate as these airplanes approach or exceed their original useful life objectives d) a design technique to prevent corrosion cracks

A fail-safe is a device or system that is designed to remain safe in the event of a failure. A fail-safe isn't designed to prevent failure but mitigates failure when it does occur.

What is ICAO SARPs? a) A standard to which Contracting States must conform in accordance with the Convention b) A standard that contracting States will endeavor to conform c) A recommended practice that comprise operating practices d) Procedures for Air Navigation Services

A standard to which Contracting States must conform in accordance with the Convention

Select incorrect statement about Automatic Dependent Surveillance−Broadcast (ADS−B) Services a) 1090 MHz transponders with integrated ADS−B functionality extend the transponder message sets with additional ADS−B information. This additional information is known as an "extended squitter" message and referred to as 1090ES. b) ADS−B equipment operating on 978 MHz is known as the Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) is required above 18,000 feet. c) ADS-B receiver can receive Traffic Information Service - Broadcast (TIS−B) d) ADS-B receiver can receive Weather, Flight Information Service - Brocast (FIS−B)

ADS−B equipment operating on 978 MHz is known as the Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) is required above 18,000 feet.

This system to allow for collaborative data sharing and analysis between government and industry. What is this? a) ASIAS (Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing) b) ATSAP (Air Traffic Safety Action Program) c) ACAS (AirCraft Analytical System) d) ASPM (Airspace Performance Metrics)

ASIAS (Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing)

The principle of this program is to have the specific requirements of piloting a given aircraft at a specific airline determine the content of training and checking activities instead of simply making those activities generic for all airline pilots. What is this program? a) Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) b) Flight Operational Quality Assurance ( FOQA ) c) Aviation Safety Action Program ( ASAP ) d) Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS)

Advanced Qualification Program (AQP)

Which bureau in ICAO keep rulemaking current through updating ICAO's governing document, the Annexes of the Chicago Convention? a) Air Transport Bureau b) Technical Cooperation Bureau c) Legal Affairs and External Relations Bureau d) Air Navigation Bureau

Air Navigation Bureau

Select the process that contribute to the proactive safety (we do not have to wait for bad things to happen) a) Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) b) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) or the Aviation Safety Reporting System (ASRS) c) Line Operations Safety Audits (LOSA) d) All of the Above

All of the Above

SMS is: a) to institutionalize the processes for safety decision making throughout an organization that rely on managing safety through measurement b) moving from a reactive to a proactive or predictive safety culture through collected numerical data or the input of employees, recognizing that there are many opportunities to prevent an accident c) a scientific approach to managing safety. d) All of the above

All of the above

Select the major safety aviation issue in future: a) software failure and glitch and hacking, cyberattacks b) laser that severely compromise the safety of pilots c) pilots psychological fitness for duty d) All of the above

All of the above

Why do we do briefing? a) For planned previous communication b) For shared awareness of situation c) To coordinate actions without the need to communicate in real time. d) All of the above

All of the above

Select the best statement: a) "It is better to be lucky than good!" The expression means that, despite an aviator's expert skills and knowledge, sometimes just plain and simple good luck saves the day. b) Of course, the opposite can also be true in the sense that bad luck can overcome the efforts of everyone contributing positively to a safety value chain and result in an undesirable outcome. c) Preparation meeting opportunity. Certainly the more prepared we are, the more likely we will be to produce a good outcome to an unexpected situation. d) All the statements of the above are correct and in addition to the above, plan for the unexpected, "Safety is about making your own luck!"

All the statements of the above are correct and in addition to the above, plan for the unexpected, "Safety is about making your own luck!"

Select the correct statement which is not common myth (normally incorrect conception) about safety. a) It won't happen to me as accidents happen to stupid people b) If it ain't broken, don't fix it. If it hasn't been a problem before, why now? c) An accident happens because of multiple causes normally. d) There is a smoking gun behind an accident or accident is an act of God

An accident happens because of multiple causes normally.

What would be the future safety effort? a) Anticipatory and Predictive safety b) reactive safety c) active safety d) applying safety knowledge which is the result of accident investigation

Anticipatory and Predictive safety

What is the definition of PBN (PERFORMANCE-BASED NAVIGATION)? a) Area navigation based on performance requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on an instrument approach procedure or in a designated airspace. b) Navigation that allows an aircraft to choose any course within a network of navigation beacons , rather than navigate directly to and from the beacons. c) navigation system for aircraft, enabling aircraft with a receiving unit to determine its position and stay on course by receiving radio signals transmitted by a network of fixed space based satellites. d) any navigation system that is programed to perform GPS based approach and enroute navigation.

Area navigation based on performance requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on an instrument approach procedure or in a designated airspace.

Select incorrect statement about "Swiss Cheese Model" a) Systems are protected by multiple layers of defenses that are designed to prevent hazards or system failures from cascading into accidents. b)Each layer of protection, however, can develop "holes" or flaws through safety deficiencies, resembling Swiss cheese. c) As the number and size of these holes in the defenses decrease, the chances of accidents increase. d) When the holes in each of the layers of defenses line up, an accident occurs.

As the number and size of these holes in the defenses decrease, the chances of accidents increase.

What is the program's strategy is to create a nonpunitive environment through incentives for employees to report safety issues, even though these issues may involve an alleged violation of aviation regulations? a) Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) b) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) c) Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIS) d) Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA)

Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP)

What is the first and best method to deal with the wind shear is? a) Avoidance b) detection for better assessment c) getting maximum performance out of the airplane d) prepare worst condition for successful landing.


What does "sterile cockpit" means? a) The cockpit have to be clean to avoid the flight crew from getting sick b) Banning all unnecessary communication in all phase of the flight c) Ban on nonpertinent conversation among members of a flight crew during critical phases of flight to minimize distraction. d) Only captain can talk and F/O must listen during critical phase of light

Ban on nonpertinent conversation among members of a flight crew during critical phases of flight to minimize distraction.

What is too steep TAG(Transcockpit Authority Gradient) a) Captain being too domineering b) Nearly equal perceived authority c) Subordinate has more authority

Captain being too domineering

Select the incorrect statement about UAV a) Although there has yet to be a confirmed midair collision between a UAS and a piloted aircraft in the United States, it is just a matter of time until it occurs. b) Close calls with UAV have been near airports. In a number of these cases, the event happened outside of 5 miles of an airport and at altitudes lower than 400 feet, showing UAV pilots are actively avoiding the commercial flight. c) UAS obviously can operate far into the airspace that is regularly used by commercial aircraft. d) Currently, aircraft engine manufacturers test their designs against bird strikes but have not taken UAS into consideration.

Close calls with UAV have been near airports. In a number of these cases, the event happened outside of 5 miles of an airport and at altitudes lower than 400 feet, showing UAV pilots are actively avoiding the commercial flight.

The Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Transportation Act (HMTA) requires reporting hazardous material released during shipping and handling. Who administer these regulations? a) Department of Transportation (DOT) b) FAA c) EPA d) OSHA

Department of Transportation (DOT)

An increase in space operations combined with continued growth in air traffic operations could place a huge demand on the airspace system and air traffic control. Select incorrect airspace management strategies for space and regular air traffic without disrupting the space mission and compromising safety. a) Minimizing the duration of the launch and reentry operation's window b) Moving the operating window away from peak traffic times c) Altering the launch or reentry trajectory to avoid placing airspace restrictions in congested airspace d) Designating special use airspace so that reserved airspace cannot be used during the operation to avoid collision and catastrophic inflight breakups that spray underlying areas with falling debris.

Designating special use airspace so that reserved airspace cannot be used during the operation to avoid collision and catastrophic inflight breakups that spray underlying areas with falling debris.

Select the incorrect answer regarding the Enhanced GPWS, termed EGPWS: a) The Advanced terrain warning system used in most modern commercial airline fleets. b) The EGPWS improves situation awareness and increases warning times by using a terrain database c) EGPWS compares actual location of the aircraft to terrain in the database and uses a "look ahead" feature to detect what terrain ahead of the flight path d) EGPWS require mode S transponder to detect terrain ahead of aircraft

EGPWS require mode S transponder to detect terrain ahead of aircraft

What is most dangerous factors of Volcanic Ash? a) Engine failure b) cabin contamination c) rapid decompression d) control problem

Engine failure

Select one answer that is not a effective followership : a) Assertiveness with respect b) Sense of ownership c) Dependability d) Exercise delegated authority by challenging the captain's authority

Exercise delegated authority by challenging the captain's authority

To whom NTSB aviation safety recommendations are made as the NTSB's end product? a) FAA b) General Public c) the President of U.S.A d) Department of Transportation (DOT)


Select the factor which is least related to ADM (Aeronautical Decision Making) a) CRM b) TEM c) SSA d) FRM


What is the first proactive aviation safety program featured entails taking quantitative (numbers) flight data from routine operations and using the data to detect hazards? a) Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA) b) Aviation Safety Reporting Systems (ASRS) c) Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) d)AVIATION SAFETY INFORMATION ANALYSIS AND SHARING (ASIAS)

Flight Operational Quality Assurance (FOQA)

Select the FAA facilities that is NOT the Air Traffic Control (ATC) a) Airport traffic control towers (ATCTs) b) Terminal radar approach control (TRACON) facilities c) Air route traffic control centers (ARTCCs) d) Flight Service Stations (FSS)

Flight Service Stations (FSS)

In FAA who handles the dual functions of safety inspection and advice for airlines as well as for General aviation? a) Flight Standards District Offices (FSDOs) b) Airports (ARP). The Airports organization c) The Air Traffic Organization (ATO) d) Aviation Safety (AVS)

Flight Standards District Offices (FSDOs)

Select the equipment's which is not used as basic NAVAID and radar surveillance equipment in the ATC system tranditionally. a) VHF Omni-directional Range (VOR) and Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) stations b) Instrument Landing System (ILS), which is a precision approach and landing aid that normally consists of a localizer, a glide slope, marker beacon, and an approach light system. c) Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR), used in conjunction with a transponder radar beacon device, is an approach control radar system used to separate aircraft within the immediate vicinity of an airport; d) Global Positioning System, a space-based positioning, velocity and time system, developed and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense

Global Positioning System, a space-based positioning, velocity and time system, developed and operated by the U.S. Department of Defense

Select the incorrect aspect in Next Gen national airspace system set to be in place by 2025. a) to transform the air traffic control system from a radar based system to a satellite-based one with GPS. b) performance-based navigation c) data communication d) Ground based navigational aids

Ground based navigational aids



What is the difference between hazard and risk? Good description or example of hazard and risk will be: a) Hazard - leak in the hydraulic line. Risk - The assessment of the consequences of literally running off the runway b) Hazard - consequences, Risk - cause c) Hazard - assessement, Risk - consequences d) Harzard = Probability X Severity

Hazard - leak in the hydraulic line. Risk - The assessment of the consequences of literally running off the runway

Proper way to transfer the airplane control is? a) I got it b) I got the control c) I have the control

I have the control

An even uglier truth, though, is that much of the safety produced by government agencies are the result of blood priority. This means: a) Once the regulation is made to prevent a particular accident, it reduced reoccurring such accidents. b) If lives had not been lost from an airplane accident there is often little chance that changes would have been made to existing policies. c) Governmental safety guidance, be it compulsory or advisory in nature, is one of the most important defenses against human error in every cases. d) Spilling of blood always modified government regulations.

If lives had not been lost from an airplane accident there is often little chance that changes would have been made to existing policies.

How would you define an excellent pilot? The very nature of the profession has been redefined. Select that does not fit recent definition of an excellent pilot. a) It is one who knows how to seek out the right type of accurate information and apply it at key moments, b) It is one who can make accurate decisions without proper information with good intuition. c) it is one who is operating the aircraft at peak efficiency through automated flight control systems while fostering outstanding teamwork among the crew. d) it is someone who can coordinate the actions of numerous highly trained team players while mastering the technical intricacies of a complex system, knowing which resource to tap from an extensive collection, all with grace and a level head in a time-sensitive environment.

It is one who can make accurate decisions without proper information with good intuition.

Select incorrect statement about GPS enhancements: a) Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) is an extremely accurate navigation aid using satellite based augmentation. b) Satellite−based augmentation systems (SBAS) is an extremely accurate navigation aid using satellite based augmentation like WAAS c) GBAS is augmented by ground equipment and has been developed to provide GLS precision approaches similar to ILS at airfields. d) LAAS is Local Area Augmentation System, using satellite based augmentation like SBAS

LAAS is Local Area Augmentation System, using satellite based augmentation like SBAS

This program involves an observer, often a trusted airline captain, who rides in the jump seat in the flight deck of an aircraft to annotate data about flight crew behavior. What is this program? a) Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS) b) Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) c) Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) d) Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)

Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA)

According to Boeing statistics: most fatal accident occurs due to: a) Loss of Control in flight or CFIT b) Landing c) System failure d) Fuel

Loss of Control in flight or CFIT

Select the incorrect answer: a) Deicing operation is performed first to remove contaminants b) Anti-icing operation is to prevent future contamination if precipitation is still occurring c) Once deiced or anti-iced, aircraft will be safe for takeoff at least for a few hour d) All icing fluids are effective only for pre-determined duration.

Once deiced or anti-iced, aircraft will be safe for takeoff at least for a few hour

Which area safety analysts focus on the most today? a) Technical Factors b) Human Factors c) Organization Factors

Organization Factors

Select correct sequence of FAA SMS maturity model a) Orientation and commitment - planning and organization -proactive processes- reactive process - continuous improvement b) planning and organization - reactive process -Orientation and commitment - proactive processes - continuous improvement c) Orientation and commitment - reactive process - proactive processes - planning and organization - continuous improvement d) planning and organization - reactive process- proactive processes -Orientation and commitment - continuous improvement

Orientation and commitment - planning and organization -proactive processes- reactive process - continuous improvement

Risk mitigation is to reduce probability and/or severity as shown on risk equation (R=P x S). Select incorrect pairing among risk control methods: a) Design and Engineering - reduce Probability side mainly. b) Employment of Safety devise - reduce probability and severity c) Procedure and training - Probability and severity d) Personal Protective equipment - Probability side mainly

Personal Protective equipment - Probability side mainly

Federal Flight Deck Officers (FFDOs) are: a) Pilots armed and trained by the Federal Air Marshal Service on the use of firearms and other tactics. b) Federal Air Marshals who fly aboard selected U.S. commercial aircraft. c) Behavior detection officers. d) Airport document checkers.

Pilots armed and trained by the Federal Air Marshal Service on the use of firearms and other tactics.

ASAP, ASRS, FOQA,LOSA is for ______________ initiative a) Reactive safety b) Proactive safety c) Predictive safety

Proactive safety

"Cradle-to-grave approach governs all phases of the waste from generation and transportation through treatment, storage, and disposal. Which regulation govern this aspect? a) CLEAN WATER ACT (CWA). b) RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT (RCRA) c) COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION, AND LIABILITY ACT (CERCLA) or "SUPERFUND". d) OIL POLLUTION ACT (OPA).


Select the incorrect statement about the safety challenge the aviation faces in the future? a) The significant increases in commercial air travel strain the planet's airspace, especially when coupled with the explosive growth of unmanned aircraft systems (aka "drones"). b) The seemingly incessant increase in the demand for air transportation will mean that more and more aircraft will fill the skies. c) The overriding challenge is how to simultaneously enhance airspace capacity, particularly in the airport areas, while decreasing the commercial aviation accident rate. d) RNP allows pilots to land in hazardous weather conditions that might otherwise require holding, diversion, or even cancellations.

RNP allows pilots to land in hazardous weather conditions that might otherwise require holding, diversion, or even cancellations.

The 4 layers of TEM are? (read page 131/132) a) Recognition of Threat, Cancel Threat, Recognition of potential Error and Error management. b) Identify Threat, Observe CRM behavior, enforce CRM, Eliminate human Error. c) Error avoidance, Threat management, Error management, undesired aircraft state management d) Communication, teamwork, decision making, and leadership.

Recognition of Threat, Cancel Threat, Recognition of potential Error and Error management.

On December 21, 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over the village of Lockerbie, Scotland, killing the 259 people aboard and 11 people on the ground. What is the major lesson learned from the Pan Am tragedy? a) Carriers to institute 100% screening of passenger and carry-on items b) All scheduled carriers and public charter operators carry Federal Air Marshals on a priority basis, c) New standards to protect cockpits from intrusion, small-arms fire, and fragmentation devices, such as grenades. d) Reconciling baggage to passengers, which is sometimes called bag matching

Reconciling baggage to passengers, which is sometimes called bag matching

This single enhancement has proven to be a very successful measure to counter cockpit invasions: What is this? a) Replacement of reinforced cockpit door b) No Fly Watch List system. c) Strengthen aircraft frames and to plan redundancies in vital systems such as controls, electrical systems, and hydraulics d) Global Entry and TSA pre-check screening.

Replacement of reinforced cockpit door

Overly assertive first officer means? a) Too steep TAG (transcockpit Authority Gradient) b) Optimal TAG c) Reverse TAG

Reverse TAG

Select the items that is not belong to the system that is to prevent runway incursion. a) Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) b) Runway Status Lights (RWSL) c) Final Approach Runway Occupancy Signal (FAROS) d) Runway End Identifier Light (REIL)

Runway End Identifier Light (REIL)

Establishing Safety policy, management commitment, appoint key safety personnel and set up Emergency Response Plan (ERP) and documentations are belong to which component of SMS? a) Safety Policy b) Safety Risk Management (SRM) c) Safety Assurance d) Safety Promotion

Safety Policy

What is the Four Components (Pillars of SMS) of Safety Management Systems? a) Safety policy, Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Safety Promotion b) Safety Action, Emergency Response Plan, Safety documentation, and Safety Assessment c) Management Commitment, Hazard Identification, Internal Evaluation, and awareness d) Emergency Response, Risk Assessment, Data Analysis, Communication

Safety policy, Risk Management, Safety Assurance, and Safety Promotion

Select the answer that does not match properly: a) First Generation CRM - Charm school b) Second Generation CRM - AQP (Advanced Qualification Program) and LOE (Line Oriented Evaluations) c) Third Generation CRM - include Cabin Crewmembers d) Sixth Generation CRM - Threat and Error Management

Second Generation CRM - AQP (Advanced Qualification Program) and LOE (Line Oriented Evaluations)

What is most dangerous icing condition in flight? a) freezing drizzle b) light freezing rain c) Super-cooled large drops d) moderate snow

Super-cooled large drops

Select the function that is not the function of FMS (Flight Management System). a) Automatic flight control b) Performance management c) Precision navigation d) System malfunction warning

System malfunction warning

select correct statement about EPA a) The EPA takes enforcement action against every releasers b) Notification of releases is usually required immediately or within a week of knowledge of the release. c) The EPA does not necessarily take enforcement action against releasers but it is quite strict against those violators who fail to report releases. d) reportable release include only intentional discharge.

The EPA does not necessarily take enforcement action against releasers but it is quite strict against those violators who fail to report releases.

Select correct statement a) Most general-aviation accident investigations are not conducted by of the NTSB b) The FAA conducts investigations and submits factual reports of the investigations to the NTSB. c) The NTSB has full regulatory authority over the FAA and aviation industry, d) FAA always comply NTSB's most wanted list immediately

The FAA conducts investigations and submits factual reports of the investigations to the NTSB.

What is the definition of risk? a) The future impact of a hazard that is not controlled or eliminated. The consequence or outcome from an existing hazard. b) A present condition, event, object, or circumstance that could lead to or contribute to an unplanned or undesired event such as an accident. c) It is a source of danger. d) FOD (Foreign Object Damage), Maintenance error in the Concord accident case

The future impact of a hazard that is not controlled or eliminated. The consequence or outcome from an existing hazard.

What is most effective counter measure against airframe and engine icing? a) The identification of temperature and moisture conditions conducive to airframe icing that would alert pilots to activate the ice protection system. b) visual detection of ice build up. c) automatic detection system. d) automatic activation system.

The identification of temperature and moisture conditions conducive to airframe icing that would alert pilots to activate the ice protection system.

Select the incorrect statement regarding SMS (safety Management Systems) a) a standardized approach to controlling risk across an entire organization that promotes the sharing of safety data and best practices. b) The policy that puts safety as the top priority c) The formal, top-down business-like approach to managing safety risk. d) A systemic approach to managing safety, including the necessary organizational structures, accountabilities, policies and procedures.

The policy that puts safety as the top priority

Using models (such as swiss cheese model) help us grasp "the big picture" so we can try to make sense of it all. We call the process "conceptual modeling." Such modeling helps make sense of very intricate factors and helps show how the factors interrelate. However, what is the price (fault) of using these models? a) The price of simplification, models can sacrifice knowledge of the nuances that are sometimes critical to getting the full picture of all the types of factors involved in an accident. b) Models cannot aid in visualizing things that cannot be directly observed. c) Models cannot help explain the relationship between hazards and accidents. d) Model is not useful to approximate conditions that exist in reality .

The price of simplification, models can sacrifice knowledge of the nuances that are sometimes critical to getting the full picture of all the types of factors involved in an accident.

What is correct statement? a) The NTSB law judge is to act will be the first judge to determine certificate suspension or revocation. b) The role of the NTSB Office of the Administrative Law Judge is to act as an initial appeals court for persons c) NTSB law judge's initial decisions and orders will be final. d) FAA or the airman or seaman can take an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals.

The role of the NTSB Office of the Administrative Law Judge is to act as an initial appeals court for persons

Select the aircraft system that is not required by FAA as stopping system. a) Antiskid brake b) Fuse plugs c) Speed brake (ground/flight spoiler) d) Thrust reversers

Thrust reversers

What is the components of good briefing? a) Create big picture b) Direct the small picture of who will do what c) Exploring contingencies through if-then problem scenarios d) To avoid repetition of normal function of the checklist

To avoid repetition of normal function of the checklist

What is Engineered Materials Arrestor System (EMAS) for? a) To stop runway incursion b) To stop taxiway inursion c) To stop runway excursions d) To stop taxiway excursions

To stop runway excursions

Level one ICAO and FAA SMS maturity model begins with a) Implementation Plan b) Gap Analysis c) Top Management commits to providing the resources necessary for full implementation of SMS throughout the organization. d) requests for information from the FAA on SMS implementation

Top Management commits to providing the resources necessary for full implementation of SMS throughout the organization.

Which is not belong to runway incursions? a) Operational Incident—a surface event attributed to ATC action or inaction. b) Pilot Deviation—action of a pilot that violates any federal aviation regulation. c) Vehicle/Pedestrian Deviations—any entry or movement on the movement area or safety area by a vehicle d) a veer off or overrun from the runway surface

a veer off or overrun from the runway surface

Human make errors. it is recognized that the aviation system cannot be completely free of hazards and associated risks. Safety is ―the state in which the possibility of harm to persons or of property damage is reduced to, and maintained at or below, an ______ level through a continuing process of hazard identification and safety risk management.


Who is responsible for preventing cargo or checked baggage from being loaded aboard its aircraft unless they were handled in accordance with the certificate holder's security procedures. a) TSA b) FAA c) Air carriers d) Airport operator

air carriers

In an airline, what is the fundamental component of safety communication link between the pilots and maintenance department. a) aircraft logbook b) pilot's operation handbook c) maintenance manual d) operation specification

aircraft logbook

What is the problem of automation? a) Automation surprise b) mode confusion c) inadvertent selection of wrong mode d) all of the above

all of the above

Rate of accidents records shows steady and continuous decrease until reaching an asymptotic state in the past two decades. However, even if this low accident rate remains constant over the next few years, we can expect to see an increase in the actual number of hullloss accidents each year a) as the fleet increases in number of departures. b) as the fleet's age increases. c) as pilot's age increases d) as human error increases

as the fleet increases in number of departures.

Select the early concern (controversy) raised by the Fly-by-wire control system? a) automated limits placed on control inputs might limit their ability to operate outside of the normal aerodynamic and performance flight regime during emergency situations. b) protection from overreacting to situations and producing overly aggressive control inputs. c) prevent overstressing the aircraft. d) too sensitive control input.

automated limits placed on control inputs might limit their ability to operate outside of the normal aerodynamic and performance flight regime during emergency situations.

One of the major reason why controllers keep wider separation between aircraft, which decreases the capacity of the airspace is. a) because it takes a radar dish 1 12 seconds to rotate. To cope with the time gap for new information, controllers keep wider separation between aircraft. b) because the pilot demand increased seperation c) because the conventional nav aids are not accurate d) because the data that belong to the air traffic is not readable if it get closer.

because it takes a radar dish 1 12 seconds to rotate. To cope with the time gap for new information, controllers keep wider separation between aircraft.

What is the reason of stick-shaker and pusher is installed ? a) to shorten the landing distance b) to shorten the take off distance c) because of inadequate aerodynamic stall warning to the pilot d) to improve stall characteristics

because of inadequate aerodynamic stall warning to the pilot

The reduced performance during nighttime hours, particularly between 2 am and 6 am for those who are used to being awake during daytime and asleep at night is called? a) Transient fatigue b) cumulative fatigue c) circadian fatigue

circadian fatigue

typo (wrong entry to FMS) or garbage in, garbage out, miniscule error that could potentially cause big error can be prevented by? a) by designing fail safe computer b) cross-checking by both pilots. c) by proper checklist usage d) by fail tolerance design

cross-checking by both pilots.

What would be the major challenge with the development of Next Gen technologies ? a) cybersecurity b) real time networking c) interconnectivity d) replacing a radar-based air traffic control system with one that connects controllers and aircraft via data and satellite links


Select the answer that will positively enhance SA (Situational Awareness) a) Bad communication b) fatigue or stress c) too much workload or too little workload d) delegating task to prevent workload from getting too demanding

delegating task to prevent workload from getting too demanding

Select one variables which will not affect human performance a) Motivation b) Psychological c) Complacency d) element of luck

element of luck

What is Nonstandard briefings? a) takeoff briefing b) approach briefing c) emergency briefing d) initial crew briefing

emergency briefing

Select the items which is not a fundamental CRM skill set. a) leadership b) communication c) crew coordination d) empowered accountability

empowered accountability

Some causes more obviously linked to an event then others; yet all remain causes of the event regardless of how closed they appeared to be to the event. This linkage is call the event chain or _____ _____

error chain

Virtually all accidents are associated with human failure of some sort. Such failures often contribute to a loss of SA, which precedes the accident. Select the answer that does not have any relation with the three level of Situational Awareness (SA)? a) Perception b) Understanding c) Projection d) Experience


It is possible to develop simple solutions to complex aviation safety problems. a) True b) False


Select the statement that is incorrect regarding the jet engine characteristics. a) fast acceleration from the idle to high thrust b) reliability of jet engine. c) fuel efficiency at high altitude. d) reduced complexity and less maintenance.

fast acceleration from the idle to high thrust

According to Boeing statistical summary, percentage of accidents highest in: a) takeoff and initial climb b) cruise c) descent and initial approach d) final approach and landing

final approach and landing

Select the incorrect methods that is deployed recently to improve the safety. a) simplification of the aircraft system (Boeing) b) flight deck standardization. c) full and complex automation d) removal of the pilot from the loop for sophisticated automation (Airbus)

full and complex automation

Which item is not necessary when the pilot communicating key information to the lead flight attendant during an emergency as a nonstandard briefing? a) Nature of the problem b) Time available until landing c) Whether to have passenger brace for landing d) how the cockpit crew will evacuate

how the cockpit crew will evacuate

Well trained, highly conscientious individuals remain vulnerable to commit the runway incursions. Runway incursions are invariably the result of _____________ a) human error b) Only ATC controllers mistakes. c) Only Pilot's mistakes d) Tug driver's mistakes

human error

The primary difference between "safety" and "security" is _______.


Select the incorrect answer about usage of the flight simulation: a) as a valuable tool in improving aircraft safety, and used for engineering evaluation b) hazardous training to occur in a simulated environment on the ground was a great benefit to flight safety. c) also been used to evaluate accident and incident data to better understand what might have gone wrong d) is used for nacelle design for cruise, engine-out second-segment climb, and engine-out extended-range twin-engine operations (ETOPS)

is used for nacelle design for cruise, engine-out second-segment climb, and engine-out extended-range twin-engine operations (ETOPS)

Select incorrect procedures for aircraft refueling. a) Follow correct grounding and bonding procedures b) Turn off radar c) no electric sparks d) jet fuel are less susceptible to ignition so grounding/bonding is not required

jet fuel are less susceptible to ignition so grounding/bonding is not required

Simplistically speaking, active causes are obvious, and root causes are hidden. Active causes are sometimes termed proximate or apparent. Alternative terms for root causes are enabling and ______. a) omitting b) deficient c) encouraging d) latent


Select the answer that is least related to aging aircraft structural integrity: a) rapid growth cracks b) MSD - multiple-site damage c) local hot spot cracks d) widespread fatigue damage (WFD)

local hot spot cracks

What are potential problem with ATC data link communication? a) loss of the "party line" effect (hearing the instructions to other pilots), which removes an important source of information for building pilot SA about the ATC environment. b) party line is also a source of errors for pilots who act on instructions provided to other aircraft so ATC data link will solve this problem c) decrease pilot's workload by reading instead of hearing

loss of the "party line" effect (hearing the instructions to other pilots), which removes an important source of information for building pilot SA about the ATC environment.

The disadvantage of the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) is: a) Transmitting the airplane left the gate, liftoff time, touchdown time, and time of arrival at the gate. b) Data communication of the ATC clearance on the ground before departure. c) Tools to relieves the crew of having to send many of the routine voice radio messages by instead downlinking preformatted messages at specific times in the flight. d) making the pilot to type messages in flying increasing the head down time.

making the pilot to type messages in flying increasing the head down time.

Select the correct statement about safety statistics: a) fatality rate per year is most reliable indicators b) accident rate per year is most reliable indicators c) no single measurement provides the complete safety picture d) fatalities per departure in one year is most reliable indicators

no single measurement provides the complete safety picture

Select correct statement a) NTSB relies on teamwork to resolve accidents, naming "parties" to participate in the investigation to be fair to the concerned organization. b) party system enables the NTSB to leverage its limited resources and personnel by bringing into an investigation the technical expertise c) the companies, operator employee organizations (such as unions), and individuals who were involved in the accident or who might be able to participate so they may protect their interest. d) members of the news media, lawyers, or insurance personnel are permitted to participate in any phase of the investigation.

party system enables the NTSB to leverage its limited resources and personnel by bringing into an investigation the technical expertise

Select the unrelated factor regarding functions of the slat . a) lower approach and landing speed b) decrease in stall speed c) lower take off speed and distance d) poor pilot's visibility

poor pilot's visibility

What is dual mandate for FAA? a) promoting both the growth of industry and safety b) rulemaking and safety c) promoting aviation industry and spaceflight operation d) creating regulation and protection of public

promoting both the growth of industry and safety

Select the function that NTSB is not assigned to do a) act as "accredited representative" to assist the international investigation. b) reviews appeals of adverse actions by the FAA and U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) involving pilot certificates c) regulate, fund, or be directly involved in the operation of any mode of transportation d) act as an initial appeals court for persons who might have had licenses or certificates suspended, revoked

regulate, fund, or be directly involved in the operation of any mode of transportation

What is the similarity among FAA, OSHA, EPA? a) rulemaking process b) belong to same government branch c) conducts research and provides technical assistance to industry on various safety and health hazards. d) give careful consideration to the environment before any major federal undertaking such as airports

rulemaking process

Unfortunately for pilots, negative aspects can also be associated with professional culture and its value. Select one that is not associated with these negative values. a) a false sense of invulnerability b) feel impervious to the effects of fatigue c) refusals of assistance offered by other employee groups d) significant self-esteem and pride

significant self-esteem and pride

When we speak of a professional culture we refer to the traits and values common to a given profession that distinguish it from other employee groups. Select the culture which is not belong to piloting profession. a) resolute decision making b) technical know-how c) rigorous training d) susceptible to fatigue

susceptible to fatigue

As a minimum what level of knowledge the operational personnel should understand ? a) the airline's safety policy and have at least a functional understanding of how SMS operates. b) in-depth understanding of the safety processes used by their airline to include hazards identification and change management to address the risk associated with such hazards. c) understanding must go beyond SMS fundamentals to ensure that organizational standards and regulations are observed. d) understanding only for compliance with regulations

the airline's safety policy and have at least a functional understanding of how SMS operates.

Fears arose that the manual flying skills of flight crews using automation deteriorated due to an overreliance on computers. Deterioration of basic pilot skills was one of these concerns. These are example of : a) latent failure b) the law of unintended consequences c) root causes

the law of unintended consequences

When speaking of pilots and flight attendants, it has been determined that three cultures primarily impact their shared values. Select incorrect one: a) the national culture of each individual crewmember b) the professional culture of each employee group c) the organizational culture at their place of work. d) the regional culture of location the company is located

the regional culture of location the company is located

Under federal environmental laws, any facility or vessel (e.g., oil spills from ships) must report to government authorities about any hazardous substance that is released into the environment in quantities that exceed a ___________ amount (reportable quantities). a) large b) threshold c) critical d) small


The best way to by which commercial flight crews can avoid getting hit by SAMs is : a) to possess flare, chaff, or jamming systems b) to prepare pilots for handling missile threats is to increase pilot training, such as putting pilots through specific simulator exercises using missile attack situations. c) to avoid potentially dangerous areas d) Countering the proliferation of missiles

to avoid potentially dangerous areas

The Anti-hijacking or Air Transportation Security Act of 1974 provided the statutory basis for the rules requiring a) that all scheduled carriers and public charter operators carry Federal Air Marshals on a priority basis, without charge b) the TSA subsequently moved from the DOT to the DHS c) U.S. airline operators to install reinforced doors d) to institute 100% screening of passenger and carry-on items

to institute 100% screening of passenger and carry-on items

Most airline already put a procedures to check the total distant before entering the plan: Why? a) In order for crew to know the fuel consumption b) to compare with passenger mileage benefit c) to make crew to detect the waypoint entry error d) to make crew to detect their flight time limitation

to make crew to detect the waypoint entry error

The best way to check airfoil surfaces for icing is: a) to perform a bare hand tactile contamination inspection of airfoils prior to flight. b) to rely on pilot's instinct and deduction by checking temperature and dewpoint c) to rely on other observers such as airport operators or passenger d) rely on icing sensors on the aircraft on the ground before take off.

to perform a bare hand tactile contamination inspection of airfoils prior to flight.

what would be the impossible function the future artificial intelligence will perform a) to detect accidents as they are about to happen and alert operators b) to combine many data and would learn greatly from both accident and nearmiss information c) to perform as an autonomous entity that monitors with sensors and acts within a given environment to achieve preset goals. d) to take the form robot sitting in a jump seat on the flight deck

to take the form robot sitting in a jump seat on the flight deck

Some studies have shown sleep deprivation in pilots causing performance reductions equivalent to having a blood-alcohol level of 0.08%. a) True b) False


There is a difference between technical and soft skills. Technical skills are teachable skill sets and professional knowledge that can easily be quantified, while soft skills relate to interpersonal skills and how people interact with one another. a) True b) False


Select the answer that is not a function of TCAS ( I and II ) a) traffic advisory (TA) b) resolution advisory (RA) c) Display the relative position of other traffics d) uses aircraft radar to detect other traffic

uses aircraft radar to detect other traffic

Most accidents are caused by potential negative factors, and we, aviators should be trained to search them actively. What is the factor we should not ignore? a) Distractions b) Rushing c) Operating outside one's training, procedures, and regulation d) Warning sign

warning sign

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