B2C Commerce Cloud

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Create a Site in Business Manager - steps

1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites. Use the sort buttons to list your sites in the order that you want them to appear. 2. Click New. 3. On the New Site page, enter the following information: - ID--Name the site up to 32 alphanumeric characters. You can't use spaces or special characters, but you can use hyphen and underscore characters. - Currency--Select a default currency for the site. As of version 14.2, you can use multiple currencies for a single site, but only one currency is the default. See Multi-Currency Sites. - Taxation--Select Net or Gross. U.S. sites usually require Net. and EMEA/Asia sites usually require Gross. - Description--Enter a description for the site. 4. Click Apply. The site is created with the General, Settings, Cache, and Security tabs active. Salesforce B2C Commerce also creates directories for storefront-specific data (for example, images) and a domain for the new store on the server database. Note: To develop on this site, you must have access privileges.

Best Practices:

1. keep a SiteGenesis cartridge for comparison, not make it a part of cartridge path 2. <client>_core: common code reuse in multiple sites 3.<app>_site: site-specific functionality, overwrite the core 4. int_<site>: integration code


1.Either define a connection to a Demandware instance Or point to a Demandware cartridge 2.never compile Java projects (not use java in dw) 3.one client <->one server connection<->one workspace

Core: business layer:

"server" side components: Pipelines , Demandware Scripts non-JavaScript version simple presentation layer: contain ISML templates, Common CSS files, Forms and Resource files. no JS, AJAX

Developers use Business Manager

, Code & Data Replication code data replication , Code Versioning code version control , Site Development , Data Import/Export , Global Preferences for all sites /Organization global configuration parameters

Merchandisers use Business Manager

, Products & Catalogs , Content , marketing campaigns , Search settings , Customers , Site Analytics , Site URL's , Site Preferences


-Merchandisers configure site data, such as products, images, campaigns, promotions, and search settings. -Administrators configure B2C Commerce site settings, import and export site data, and roll out code and data changes. -Developers use Business Manager to access the storefront application directly to debug and troubleshoot problems, and configure development-specific settings.

Demandware Cartridges functionality:

1. Generic: reusable code used in multiple sites 2. An integration to an external system 3. Specific to a localized site: css , images and resource files for a language-specific site.

Every PIG includes 3 Demandware instances:

1. Production : production , live instance, actual eCommerce storefront 2. Staging : uploading code, preparing for testing in the Development instance 3. Development: test processes without impacting (the production storefront (ie. effect) commodity import)

Register Your Cartridge steps

1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > site. 2. On the Settings tab, enter one or more cartridge names in Cartridges, separated by colons. Cartridges take precedence in order from left to right. 3. When creating a storefront project, choose whether to base it on controllers or pipelines. Controllers are preferred, because they are intended to replace pipelines. If you include both options, the controller cartridge is used. 4. Click Apply.

Create a Hostname Whitelist steps

1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites. 2. On the Storefront - Sites page, click the Manage the Business Manager site . 3. On the Sites-Site - Settings page, click the Hostnames tab. A list of allowed hostnames appears. B2C Commerce provided hostnames and configured hostname aliases are automatically included. 4. Enter up to 10 additional hostnames. If you want to access Business Manager with a customer-specific hostname (for example, staging.customer.com), you must add this hostname to the list of allowed hostnames. If you don't add this hostname, some new Business Manager modules (for example, the Promotions or Coupons modules) display an error message.

Projects (Cartridges)

A project = a cartridge = a folder with specific sub-folders and files inside of it


A single running Demandware server, hosted in the Demandware hardware infrastructure

Share data between sites

A site must have only one site catalog, but may have one or many master catalogs.

Register Your Cartridge

After creating a cartridge, upload it to a server and register it to a site. You can register a cartridge to multiple sites.

Site Configuration site configuration:

After import site, Disable the cache.

Administrator Responsibilities

An admin is responsible for granting access to instances and functionality on instances. The admin restarts instances, manages data feeds, and uploads certificates.

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 1. Start Node

Begins the logical branch of a pipeline.

Business Manager

Configure storefronts in real time. Categorize, price, search, display, navigate, and promote merchandise.

Import and Export

Feeds data from external systems into B2C Commerce, such as product, pricing, and inventory information. You also Import and Export to move data from one instance type to another. Create XML feed files that conform to B2C Commerce schemas to import data into B2C Commerce. We recommend using the scheduled job feature to automate data import and export. Developers, administrators, and merchants need to work together to determine the frequency and schedule of import feeds. Developers are responsible for implementing the cartridges. Admins are responsible for creating the XML files containing data from the systems of record for products, pricing, and other data. They are also responsible for configuring the jobs needed to run the import. Data is validated during import. If the import experiences too many errors it can fail. To recover from a failed import, you must successfully complete another import.

Create a new empty cartridge

File -> New -> Demandware Cartridge

Control Center

Gives your IT staff operational control over your site, such as starting instances, and managing users.

Create a Hostname Whitelist

Hostname whitelisting is when you provide a list of allowed hostnames to protect your site from certain host header attacks. Salesforce B2C Commerce is gradually introducing this functionality for all request types. A B2C Commerce instance responds to a request only the hostname used was previously configured (whitelisted) by the instance owner. B2C Commerce-provided hostnames (ending with demandware.net) are always valid and don't need to be whitelisted explicitly.

One Site, Multiple Storefronts

If you have many storefronts and a single team maintaining them, you can manage them easier as a single site, even if the products are different for each site. Similarly, if you want to share baskets between storefronts, the storefronts must be part of a single site. If you are deploying many localized sites with similar branding and products, it's faster and easier to manage new storefronts as an extension of an existing site.

Sites and Storefronts

In Salesforce B2C Commerce, a site is the application and associated code that runs a storefront. A storefront the user's online experience. A site can have multiple storefronts with different URLs for different brands, locales (with currency and tax differences), or multiple channels. If you are referring to a specific URL, B2C Commerce uses the term storefront.

UX Studio

Install on your local machine. Modify site presentation and business logic, such as payment processors, and shopping carts.


Instance Type: All instances

Quality Assurance Engineer

Instance Type: Development


Instance Type: Sandbox, Staging


Instance Type: Staging


Integrated Development Environment

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 4. Call Node

Invokes a specified sub-pipeline. After the sub-pipeline execution the workflow returns to the calling pipeline.


Point of Delivery

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 8 Interaction Continue Node (interactive to node)

Processes a template based on user action via a browser.

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 7. Join Node

Provides a convergence point for multiple branches in workflow.

Import Reference Application Data into a Sandbox

Reference application data (for example, SFRA or SGJC data) are usually imported only into sandboxes. If you need to import reference application data into a Staging instance for testing purposes, export RefArch, RefArchGlobal, SiteGenesis, or SiteGenesisGlobal as a site from a sandbox and import it to the Staging instance using Site Import/Export.

Commerce Cloud provides two reference applications

SFRA (Storefront Reference Architecture) SGJC (SiteGenesis JavaScript Controllers)

Instance Types

Sandbox, Staging, Development, and Production

Searching for Text in Files:

Search -> Search

Data Replication/Code Replication

Securely moves data and code between instances. Replication is a one-way process from Staging to either a Development or Production instances. You can roll back from a replication to the previous version of the instance.

SaaS platform

Software as a Service; Software and applications are hosted on the internet and delivered to customers who pay for access.


Storefront Reference Architecture

Commerce Cloud

The Commerce Cloud is the underlying resources used to run your instances and live site that are managed by Salesforce. You never interact directly with the cloud, but it is the foundation that supports your site.

Primary Instance Group

The primary instance group has three instances, which merchants use to add data, test code, and run live sites. A realm can have only one PIG per realm.

Secondary Instance Group

The secondary instance group (SIG) contains your sandbox instances. The minimum number of sandboxes in a SIG is 3, and the maximum is 47.

Quality Assurance Engineer Responsibilities

This role is responsible for testing the site in conditions as close to production as possible. No code development is done on the Development instance.

Tools Support

Use XChange to enter support tickets, visit user forums, and participate in the Commerce Cloud community.

Business Manager Overview

Used by both merchants and developers for managing administrative (administrative) tasks

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 11 Assign Node (an assign node)

Used to assign values to new or existing Pipeline Dictionary entries, using up to 10 configured pairs of dictionary-input and dictionary-output values.

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 9. Script Node

Used to execute Demandware scripts.

Catalog Feeds

Used to process .zip files from Certona. This feature is only for additional information that is added to the catalog that isn't part of the normal catalog import and export process.

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 5. End Node

Used to terminate a sub-pipeline, returns to the calling pipeline.

Code Upload

Used to upload code from a developer's local machine via UX Studio to a Sandbox or Staging instance. Developers are responsible for code upload.

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 2 Interaction Node (Interactive node)

Used when a request requires a page as a response.

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 6. Jump Node

Used when the pipeline forwards the request to another pipeline.

The Navigation tab :

all files in a tree view

OnlineFlag attribute

allow for one product to be online in one site, but offline on another site.

A workspace =

an Eclipse-specific local directory ( contains Eclipse projects)

A Realm =

collection of resources (used for developing, testing, hosting one or more Demandware eCommerce sites)


flexible deployment mechanism for customized functionality


for search for products from the storefront

Creating server connection (1-way push only)

for: upload your code to a Demandware server not be able to : pull the code onto your personal computer from the Demandware server under: File -> New -> Demandware Server Connection


hardware deployed in a data center contains multiple state-of-the-art(Tip)application servers, database servers and the clustering(Polymerization) and BACKUP infrastructure (Infrastructure) to support multiple client Realms

Production instance

hosts the live site that is used by customers.

Create a new version on the server

i. Administration -> Site Development -> Code Deployment. ii. Click Add to create version2. Click Apply. iii. open the Demandware -> Change Upload Staging Directory...

View WebDAV cartridge directory in BM :

i. Administration -> Site Development -> Development Setup ii. In the WebDAV Access section, click the link for Cartridges.

make changes to the new storefront cartridge view immediately show changes:

i. Set the cartridge to be uploaded to your workspace server ii. Put the new cartridge in the cartridge path iii. Have site caching disabled for the site

Cartridge Types:

i. Storefront cartridge ii. Demandware cartridge iii. Business Manager cartridge At least one storefront cartridge

A customer realm

includes a primary instance group and a secondary instance group, both of which have tools that you can use to configure your ecommerce sites.

Business Manager

is the Salesforce B2C Commerce online tool for configuring and managing B2C Commerce storefronts. This important tool is the command center for your B2C Commerce merchandising, administration, and site development capabilities.

SiteGenesis Foundation Architecture (Infrastructure)

sample for developers: pipelines, scripts, and ISML templates sample for merchants: configurations for catalogs, categories, products

Rich UI:

specific CSS, advanced UI elements, no ISML, but an initialization mechanism in order to effect changes to the rendering of Core templates in the client browser

Demandware Views

specific Demandware programming files: Cartridges, Pipelines, Pipelets, Templates, and Scripts.

Cartridges: Contain many different types of files:

static files: CSS, JavaScript,images, WSDL files Demandware specific files:pipelines, scripts, templates, form definitions storefront.properties (A Required File) generated by Studio When create new cartridge


stored in XML files both locally on your PC and on the server stored within the context of a cartridge searches for the pipeline in the cartridge's path and uses the first one it finds

Developer Responsibilities

A developer creates or modifies templates, pipelines, and scripts on a local machine and uploads them to a Sandbox instance to test. Ultimately, the developer is responsible for uploading code to the Staging instance. The developer can also export data added by merchandisers on the Staging instance to use as test data for the sandboxes.

Merchandiser Responsibilities

A merchandiser or online marketer is usually responsible for creating campaigns and promotions, managing product information, and configuring search behavior.

Storefront Cartridge :

A new storefront cartridge = a copy of the default SiteGenesis cartridge


Can't import SiteGenesis to PIG. Can import SiteGenesis to SIG. Import SiteGenesis(may not work) Before import CUSTOM sites(work ok).

Demandware Help

Click : Help ->Help Contents. Expand the Demandware API link

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 3 Transition Node ( transition node)

Defines a path along a pipeline between pipeline nodes.

Cartridge Path

Demandware server will use the first one it finds Administration -> Sites -> Manage Sites -> Select Site -> Settings tab


Each Demandware Customer is allocated one or more Realms.

Fifteen different pipeline elements: 10 Eval Node (operational node)

Evaluates an expression.

Primary Instance Group

Every Realm includes a Primary Instance Group (PIG)

Secondary Instance Group

Every Realm includes a Secondary Instance Group (SIG) which includes 5-47 Demandware Sandboxes (this is old, Commerce cloud allows 3-47)

Account Manager

Lets your IT staff create user accounts on B2C Commerce, grant and revoke user access to B2C Commerce instances.

Key SFRA Benefits

Mobile first design: Recent industry trends makes it clear that a greater percentage of shoppers are making purchases directly from mobile phones and tablets instead of from laptops or desktops. SFRA was therefore designed from a Mobile-First perspective, optimizing the experience of mobile shoppers. Extensibility: SFRA was designed with extensibility in mind, allowing merchant developers to implement storefronts by adding a customization layer on top of the core reference application code, without having to modify the core. SGJC, in contrast, requires merchants to directly modify the core reference application code.

Site Architecture Scenarios

When designing your site, your architect must consider the following: -The geographical relationship between storefronts and the teams that maintain them -Data that is shared between sites, such as product data, tax and payment information, user roles and permissions, promotions, or application code -Whether the storefront needs to be localized for different market locales or restructured for them -Data that must remain separately controlled due to corporate structure or legal requirements -Whether customer, basket, or transaction data carries over from one storefront to the next -Example: An apparel retailer lets customers shop simultaneously at both their adult and children's sites. On the other hand, a retailer with two very different customer bases, such as a book publisher for religious books and fantasy fiction, can prevent crossover.

Create a Site in Business Manager

When you create a site in Business Manager, it contains no content or business data such as, products, prices, or features. Add data and images as part of your customization. Most developers use SiteGenesis as a starting point for the ecommerce storefront because it is optimized for performance and usability. Note: If your data is based off of SiteGenesis, you can import SiteGenesis data for testing purposes.

Cartridge Path Format:

a colon (:) between cartridge , case sensitive , no spaces between each item e.g. training:storefront_richUI:storefront

Creating a Storefront Cartridge

a copy of the sitegenesis_storefront_richUI , sitegenesis_storefront_core cartridges will be downloaded to your workspace and renamed with the name you specify

A cartridge =

a directory structure

Create Version Directories

You can create version directories on your server instance via the Business Manager if you have the appropriate permissions. When developing your application in Studio, you can select which directory to upload files. Using version directories lets you retain previous versions while saving your changes to a specific server directory so that you can retest the application against an older version. In Business Manager, define your directories and set one of them as active. In Studio, each time you create a project, define the upload directory.

Multiple Sites, Multiple Storefronts

You can have multiple sites, each of which supports multiple storefronts. You can also choose to share site data, such as customer data, between sites.

Disable a Site in Business Manager

You might need to disable a site to test the offline maintenance page, to perform offline maintenance, or discontinue a microsite created around an event or product line. 1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites. 2. Click Site Name. 3. On the General tab on the Manage Sites page, in the Status list, select Maintenance. 4. Click Apply. 5. To confirm that the site is disabled, click Storefront on the main menu. Only the offline maintenance page for the site appears.

Get latest version SiteGenesis:

the read-only SiteGenesis package needs to be imported as a sample site in every Sandbox instance(!!Sandbox)


used by developers to develop and test their code. not as powerful as PIG instances in performance, memory and storage.

Staging instance

used for site configuration, data enrichment, and data import.

Development instance

used to test your site before deployment.

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