BA 470 Final Exam (Conlin)

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The size of the population under study is an important part of the formulas for determining the sample size for a study.


Typically, which section of a research report contains the most pages?


Different types of scatter diagrams

Strong Linear Positive Strong Linear Negative Parabolic No Relationship Balances out

Which of the following graphs would be the simplest way to report the net income of Wal-Mart over the 10-year period?

Line charts

Which of the following is the simplest form of graph in marketing research?

Line charts

What type of analysis fits a plane to observations in a multidimensional space?

Multiple regression analysis

What is the flaw in the following question: What was your total annual income last year from all sources? Above $60,000 $50,000 - $60,000 $40,000 - $50,000 $30,000 - $40,000 Below $30,000

The choices are not mutually exclusive.


Non-probability sampling. Participants are chosen based off of specific amount requirements for specific groups of people. (ex. conducting a study that requires 10 freshman, 3 sophomores, and 7 juniors)


Non-probability sampling. Participants are hand-picked because they just seem good for the study. (ex. if you are conducting a study regarding the waves cafe food offerings, it is strategic to select participants walking out of the cafeteria)


Non-probability sampling. These respondents are chosen based off of convenience and how close the participant is to the survey conductor. (ex. it is easier to sometimes interview your friends because you already have their contact information)

Oi Ei

Observed, Expected

Random sampling error

Only reduced by increasing sample size, but sometimes this is not possible :(

A survey question to which the respondent replies using her own words is what type of question?


What type of question is the following: "Who was your favorite character in the movie you saw yesterday?"


A statistical difference is important from a manager's viewpoint only if the difference is "sufficiently different."


A survey study should always include a pretest of the survey questions.


Least-squares regression produces a straight line that "fits" the data in the scatter plot better than any other possible line.


Many personal interview studies are conducted by field service companies.


Screening questions are used to estimate the budget cost for a survey study.



Probability sampling. Choosing the "nth" number in the frame. (ex. scanning through a phone book and choosing every 10th entry)

What is some criteria for a good questionnaire?

-provides necessary decision-making information -appropriately considers the respondent -Meetings editing and coding requirements

Suppose that you wanted to know if the "favorability rating" of the Mayor of St. Louis was still at 65 percent when this survey question was asked three months ago. If the sample size of your study is to be 200 registered voters, what is the approximate value of the standard error of the proportion for these data?


If the population has 3,000 people in it and the desired sample size if 600 people, the probability of a sample element being selected is about:


The goal of discriminant analysis is to predict a categorical variable.


In a study comparing adult men and adult women, if the standard deviation of the group of 49 men is 5.3 while the standard deviation of the 64 women is 4.8, what is the approximate standard error of the difference of the means for these data?


If 200 people were asked a question during an in-depth interview, and 25 of them answered: "Don't Know," how many people should be analyzed as answering the question?


The normal distribution is symmetric about the mean.


The probability of not making a Type II error is called statistical power.


If z = 1.96, the standard deviation is 4.5, and the error is plus or minus $1.75, what is the approximate sample size needed for this study?


If a researcher wanted to determine if three different prices in three different test market cities produced a significant difference in the number of units of a new shampoo that were sold during the test market study, what type of statistical test should this researcher use?


What is the first step in the design of a questionnaire?

Determine the survey objectives, resources, and constraints

What type of question is the following: "Do you agree or disagree that the Mayor of St. Louis is doing a good job as Mayor?"


In regression analysis, when males are coded as "0" and females are coded as "1", what type of variables are being used?

Dummy variables

E, Z, SD, P

E= sampling error Z= level of confidence SD= standard deviation P=population proportion

Typically, which of the components of the research report is the most difficult to write?

Executive summary

External v. Internal Ethical considerations

External (JD Power): low balling prices, sharing info that you get about one company with a competing company Internal (Davis): lying about time commitment for surveys, selling under the guise of research

Another term for the ANOVA test is the:


If the y-intercept is 2.34 and the slope of the line is 6.23, what is the regression function for these data?

Y = 2.34 + 6.23 X

In multiple discriminant analysis, the discriminant score is typically identified as a(n) ________ score.


Independent variable

believed to affect the dependent variable

Dependent variable

believed to be caused by independent variable

factor loading

correlation between factor scores and original variables

The ability to generate and recognize potentially useful ideas is called:


The process of converting information so that it can be read by a computer is called:

data entry.

In selecting probability samples, sampling error ________ at a rate equal to the _______ of the relative _______ in sample size.

decreases; square root; increase

scatter plot

depicts correlation between 2 variables

The Executive summary of a research report should contain all of the following EXCEPT:

detailed statistical procedures.

scaling of coefficients

directly compairing magnitudes of regression coefficients of independent variables by scaling them in same units

The process of checking completed interviews to find mistakes that were made by the interviewer is called:


Multiple Regression Analysis

enables researcher to predict level of magnitude of dependent variable based on levels of more than one independent variable ex. coogies survey (food, atmosphere, people)

Sampling error

error that occurs because the sample selected is not perfectly representative of the population

3 types of research

exploratory, causal, and descriptive

The range of values within which the population mean is expected to fall is called the:

interval estimate.

When the data describing the association between two variables are used to create a straight-line through the data points such that this least-squares line summarizes the relationship between these variables, this is called a(n):

least-squares procedure.

Sampling frame

list of population elements from which units to be sampled can be selected (ex. 27 year old males living in New York City)

The final computer check of data that has been entered into a computer is called:

machine cleaning.

Cluster analysis

objects/people classified into mutually exclusive and exhaustive categories on basis of 2 or more variables

Hiring a company in another country to perform some of the marketing research project steps is known as:


Perceptual Mapping

perception of brands and maps accordingly

If the sample size is greater than 40, and the researcher wants to be 95 percent confident that the population mean lies somewhere in a confidence interval, the population mean will be somewhere between the sample mean ________ 1.96 ________ the ________.

plus or minus; times; standard error of the mean

The entire group of people about whom the researcher wants to obtain information in a marketing research study is called the:


Multiple discriminant analysis

predicting group membership for a (nominal or categorical) dependent variable on basis of 2 or more independent variables (ex. law school, drescher, and waves cafe food)

Confidence level

probability that interval will include true value of population mean. The interval is called confidence interval. The more confident I need to be, the higher the sample size

Define sampling

process of obtaining information from a subset of a larger group

In a political science study, the list of registered voters in Webster Groves, Missouri, is called the:

sampling frame.

The list of people from which the researcher plans to select a sample of potential respondents is called the:

sampling frame.

In statistical testing, if a difference between two groups is large enough to be unlikely because of chance, we say that this difference is:

statistically significant.

The variance of a set of data is equal to:

the square of the standard deviation.

When a field supervisor phones respondents who were interviewed yesterday in a shopping mall to ask them if they were asked a few critical questions during the interview, this is part of the process of:


When the instructions for an interviewer tell the interviewer to go ahead to Question #20 if the respondent answers "No" to Question #16, this is an example of a(n):

skip pattern.

The standard error of the mean equals the:

standard deviation divided by the square root of the sample size.

If the mean of a set of scores equals 4, what is the z-score for a score of 2 if the standard deviation of the scores equals 0.5?

- 4.0

Wording considerations

-clear -avoids bias -considers respondent's ability to answer the questions -considers respondent's willingness

Characteristics of normal distribution

1. bell shaped 2.only 1 mode 3. mean, median, mode all the same 4. symmetric about its mean

4 types of non-probability sampling

1. convenience 2.judgment 3.quota 4.snowball

In a research report, the conclusions are derived by what process?


Suppose that there is a shopping mall interview situation in which the interviewer wants to find respondents who have been snow skiing in the past year so that she can ask them questions about what type of equipment they prefer. She approaches a shopper, and after introducing herself and explaining the purpose of the study, she asks: "Have you been snow skiing in the past year?" What type of question is this?



grouping and assigning numeric codes to various responses -close-ended should be precoded while open-ended needs to be consolidated and assigned codes)

Central Limit Theorem

the larger the population, the closer to a normal distribution

In a research report, the recommendations are derived by the process of induction.


In statistical testing, Type I errors and Type II errors are complementary.


Multiple regression fits a plane to observations in a multidimensional space.


Multivariate statistical analysis procedures are a logical extension of both univariate and bivariate statistical procedures.


ROI is theoretically flawed because it divides profit return by the expenditure instead of subtracting it.


The budget for a research project frequently is a major factor in setting the sample size for the research study.


The correlation coefficient is the square root of the coefficient of determination.


The design and execution of a research project should be based on the objectives for the study.


The key to good supplier-client relationships is good two-way communication.


The null hypothesis is assumed to be true until there is sufficient evidence that it is likely to be false.


The people who work at a research company are that company's most important asset.


1. validation and editing

-find failure to follow key instructions -recontact some of the respondents from each interviewer to make sure they were there and the right questions were asked

4 factors that sample size is determined by

1. budget available 2. rule of thumb (what's normally done) 3. number of subgroups analyzed 4)statistical calculation for sample size

3 conditions of causal research

1. comcominant variables 2. time of occurrence 3. lurking variables

10 steps in questionnaire design process

1. determine objectives, constraints and resources 2.determine data collection method 3. determine question response format 4. decide on wording 5. establish questionnaire flow and layout 6.evaluate the questionnaire 7.obtain approval of all relevant parties 8. pretest and revise 9. prepare final copy 10. implement

4 key considerations of population

1. geographic 2.demographic 3.usage 4.awareness

3 factors to determine if statistically significant

1. how big your sample size is 2. how big difference in means are 3. range and data

3 testing of differences

1. mathematical difference 2.statistical significant 3. managerially important differences

Suppose that you wanted to select a stratified random sample of graduate students by gender for an in-depth personal interview of 50 students about the curriculum for a Master's degree in Marketing. If the Marketing M.A. program had 200 students enrolled in it, and 60 percent were females and 40 percent were males, how many males would you select from the sampling frame?


What is the mean of the following set of scores? 2 4 8 6 3


If "R squared" in a regression analysis is found to be .65, this means that ________ percent of the variation in the dependent variable can be explained by variation in the independent variable.


If z = 1.96, the standard deviation is 3.5, and the error is plus or minus $0.25, what is the approximate sample size needed for this study?


The statement: "If we lower the price of this product by 5 percent, then our profit will increase by 3 percent" represents what type of statement?

A hypothesis

If McDonald's sets a standard that orders from the drive-in of a restaurant should be presented to the customers within three minutes of the order, then the statement: "The average waiting time for drive-in orders at the Webster Groves McDonald's is three minutes" represents what type of statement?

A null hypothesis

If computed value of chi-square is lower you...


nonsampling error

All errors other than sampling error (measurement error)

Bivariate Regression Analysis

Analysis of strength of linear relationship between 2 variables when one is considered independent and other dependent

In which section of a research report should the survey questionnaire be included?


Which of the following is the most popular type of cluster sample in marketing research?

Area sample

Which component of the research report should state the goal of the research and the decisions that need to be made?


What type of property of the normal distribution states that, for any population, the distribution of sample means approaches a normal distribution as sample size increases?

Central limit theorem

Which type of multivariate analysis should be used when a researcher wants to identify subgroups of individuals that are homogeneous within subgroups and different from other subgroups?

Cluster analysis

Which type of multivariate analysis should be used when a researcher wants to estimate the utility that consumers associate with different product features?

Conjoint analysis

Which type of statistical analysis is used to determine what features a new car should have and how this car should be priced?

Conjoint analysis

What type of sampling procedure is being used if all of the students in all of the sections of undergraduate marketing research at Webster University in St. Louis during fall semester are included in the sample of a research study?

Convenience sample

The recommendations included in a research report are created by what type of process?


Numbers that are mathematically different are always significantly different in a statistical sense.


When a marketing researcher at Procter & Gamble decides to perform a test market for a new type of shampoo in St. Louis and Kansas City, what type of sampling procedure is being used?

Judgment sample

Which of the following would be the best way to summarize the "average income" in Webster Groves, Missouri?



Non-probability sampling. This generally occurs when populations are hard to find and there is a lower incidence rate. (ex. grab one baseball player and tell him to tell his friends to participate as well)

If computed value of chi-square is higher you...


Which of the following sampling methods is the best known and most widely used probability sampling method in marketing research?

Simple random sampling

When a marketing researcher wants to interview teenagers between the ages of 16 - 19 about what types of music they prefer, and asks the researchers to go to a shopping mall and ask teenagers if they own at least 100 music CDs in order to select her interview sample, and then asks shoppers who qualify for this screening question to suggest the names of two of their male friends who own at least 100 music CDs to see if they want to participate in the study as well, what type of sampling procedure is being used?

Snowball sample

Which of the following components of a research report should contain the major sections of the report along with their page numbers in the report?

Table of contents

Bivariate Analysis

Technique used to analyze relationship between 2 variables

The difference between the sample value and the population value is called the:

acceptable error.

4. logical cleaning of data

check for error, routines may be programmed into computer


close-ended questions which response choices are designed to capture intensity of respondent's feelings

In regression, R squared is known as the:

coefficient of determination.

In regression, the statistic that measures the percentage of total variation in Y that is "explained" buy the variation in X is known as the:

coefficient of determination.

In a research study, all of the following are tactical issues, instead of strategic issues, EXCEPT:

developing new products.

The most important objective of research management is to:

ensure the quality of the data produced by the research process.


entire group of people about whom information is needed/of interest

5. tabulation and statistical analysis: cross-tabulation

examination of responses to one question relative to responses to one or more other questions (ex. age v. ice cream preference)


if you have too much of it, you can't do multiple regression. ex. var 1= nice, var 2= friendly

The percentage of people in the population that "fit" the qualifications needed in order to be interviewed in a research study is called a(n):

incidence rate.

When the degree of association between two variables is studied, the independent variable is called the:

predictor variable.

A set of questions intended to generate data necessary to achieve the objectives of a research project is called a(n):


close-ended questions

requires respondent to make selection from list of responses

open-ended questions

respondent replies in own words

General questionnaire flow/layout

screeners/easy questions first, "work questions" in the middle, and sensitive ones at the end

Define questionnaire

set of questions designed to generate data necessary to accomplish objectives of research project

stacked bar chart

shows frequency and distribution while also depicting cross-tabulation

bar chart

shows frequency and distribution; this is the simplest form

5. tabulation and statistical analysis: one-way frequency table

shows number of respondents choosing each answer to survey question

conjoint analysis

used to quantify value that consumers associate with different levels of product/service attributes *however, artificiality doesn't accurately portray buyer decision ex. golf balls

The first step in developing a sampling plan is to:

define the population of interest.


linear combination of variables that are correlated together

The correlation coefficient can range from ________ to ________.

minus one; plus one

The formula for a z-score equals the score ______ the ________, and then ________ the standard deviation of the variable.

minus; mean; divided by

When more than two variables are involved in a research study, the appropriate statistical tests are called:

multivariate techniques.

Sample size when estimating/determining proportions formula

n= z^2 (P-(1-P))/E^2

Sample size when estimating/determining mean formula

n= z^2(SD^2)/E^2

Sample size

need a good sample size to be significant

In multiple discriminant analysis, the dependent variable must be ________, while in multiple regression analysis, the dependent variable must be ________.

nominal; metric

standard normal distribution

normal distribution with a mean=0, standard deviation=1

A table that shows the number of respondents who gave each possible answer to each question in the data set is called a(n):

one-way frequency table.

Keeping track of the development of communication systems, data quality, time schedules, cost controls, client profitability, and staff development is called:

research management.


respondents choose between 2 close-ended answers


respondents choose between several choices

Least squares procedure

results in a line that fits better than any other one y=a +b + e

Line Charts

simplest form of graph; useful for showing measurement taken during multiple points of time

Coefficient of Determination

% of total variation in dependent variable that is explained by independent variable (percentage 0-1) Always positive and shows strength of determination

Formula for determining chi square (one variable)

(Oi-Ei)^2/ Ei

Formula for determining chi square (multiple variables)

(Oii-Eii)^2/ Ei *you may have to find expected first, and that calls for another formula ex. (total males - total in category)/ (total in study)

All of the following should be included in the methodology section of a research report EXCEPT:

detailed information on the statistical procedures.

Formula for normal distribution

(x-m)/ SD

In a study comparing adult men and adult women, if the mean score of the men is 4.5 and the mean score of the women is 6.5, and if the standard deviation of the group of 49 men is 5.3 while the standard deviation of the 64 women is 4.8, what is the approximate value of the Z-test result for these data?

- 2.06

If bivariate regression, if the mean for Y is 512, the mean for X is 230, and the slope is 2.35, what is the approximate value of the y-intercept?

- 28.5

Suppose that a researcher wants to check to see if the average household income in Webster Groves, Missouri, has changed from the $60,000 it was three years ago. The researcher takes a random sample of households in Webster Groves and finds that the average income of these households is $58,000. If the standard error of the mean for this sample is $500, what is the approximate value produced by the Z-test?

- 4.00

Data required for statistical calculation of sample size

-an estimate of standard deviation, acceptable level of sampling error, and desired level of confidence that the sample result will fall within certain range of true population value

4 potential interpretation problems for multiple regression

1. multi-collinearity 2. causation 3. scaling of coefficients 4. sample size

Steps in hypothesis testing

1. state hypothesis 2. choose appropriate test 3. develop decision rule 4. calculate value of test statistic 5. state conclusion

Basic elements of a chart

1. title 2.main point (headline) 3. labeled axes 4.legends are clear

If the sample size is 25 and the standard deviation is 5, what is the standard error of the mean?


If the standard deviation is 12 and the sample size is 144, what is the standard error of the mean?


7 steps in developing a sample plan

1.define population of interest 2. choose data collection method 3.identify sampling frame sampling method 5.determine sample size 6.develop operational procedures for selecting sample elements 7.execute operational sampling plan

7 steps in developing a sampling plan

1.define population of interest 2.choose data collection method 3.identify sampling frame sampling method 5.determine sample size 6.develop operational procedures for selecting sample elements 7.execute operational sampling plan

4 types of probability sampling

1.simple random 2.systematic 3.stratified 4.cluster

5 steps once questionnaires are returned from the field

1.validation and editing 2.coding entry 4.logical cleaning of data 5.tabulation and statistical analysis

If z = 1.96, the standard deviation is 2.5, and the error is plus or minus $0.50, what is the approximate sample size needed for this study?


Which type of multivariate analysis should be used when a researcher wants to reduce a set of variables to a smaller set of composite variables by identifying underlying dimensions of the data?

Factor analysis

A sample includes every member of the population of interest to the researcher.


All research reports should include recommendations from the researcher.


Bivariate correlation can be used to prove that one variable caused the change in another variable.


It is very important to precode answers to open-ended questions on a survey.


The Executive Summary of a research report should summarize every statistical finding of the project.


Simple Random

Probability sampling. Everyone has an equal chance in being chosen. (ex. choosing 100 people at random out of a group of 1,000- everyone has a 1% chance of being chosen)

Which component of the research report should state how the research was done and why it was done in that way?


Which of the following dominates the market in terms of publishing research presentations to the Web?

Microsoft's PowerPoint

In predictive analytics, which task deals with using regression to predict subgroup membership with high predictive accuracy?


For which statistical analysis is the following formula used? Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + ... + bn Xn

Multiple regression

Which of the following techniques is most appropriate for analyzing one metric dependent variable and its relation to several metric independent variables?

Multiple regression

Which type of multivariate analysis should be used when a researcher wants to predict a dependent variable based on the levels of more than one independent variable?

Multiple regression analysis

When an interviewer in a personal interview situation shows a 3" x 5" card to the interviewee with six categories of age groups listed on the card, and asks the interviewee: "Please tell me which of these age categories applies to you," what type of question is this?


What type of question is the following: "Why did you decide to attend Webster University?"



Probability sampling. Incidence and cooperation rates are taken into consideration There are 2 parts to this: 1)Original population is divided into 2 or more mutually exclusive and exhaustive subsets 2) random sample from within that (ex. think of Ritz carlton v. marriott) *preferred over simple random because its potential for greater statistical efficiency


Probability sampling. Random samples chosen from similar areas (ex. visiting a neighborhood in thousand oaks and choosing three random blocks to interview)

In a personal interview situation, when an interviewer asks the interviewee: "How did the pizza you ate yesterday taste?", and the respondent says: "It tasted pretty good," and then the interviewer asks: "What do you mean by 'pretty good'"? What type of question does the latter question represent?


In a personal interview situation, when the interviewer is not sure what the interviewee meant when answering a question and then says to the interviewee: "Tell me more about what you mean by that." What type of question is the latter question?


In a personal interview situation, when the interviewer says: "Tell me more about that," what type of comment is this?


When a marketing researcher who is performing an exploratory research study has researchers ask people in a shopping mall which brand of television they own and why they purchased that brand, and asks the researchers to survey 10 shoppers who own the RCA brand, 15 shoppers who own the Toshiba brand, and 12 shoppers who own the Panasonic brand, what type of sampling procedure is being used?

Quota sample

A key argument against the traditional accounting way of determining return on investment is that it:

ROI focuses on short-term instead of long-term marketing development.

When a political poll states that the data have "a margin of error of 4 percent," what does this refer to?

Random sampling error

Suppose that a researcher wants to check to see if the average household income in Webster Groves, Missouri, has changed from the $60,000 it was three years ago. The researcher takes a random sample of households in Webster Groves and finds that the average income of these households is $58,000. If the standard error of the mean for this sample is $500, what is the approximate conclusion produced by the Z-test if the critical Z-value is 1.96?

Reject the null hypothesis and accept the research hypothesis

Null hypothesis

The hypothesis meets the status quo, there is no significant difference in results

In selecting probability samples, the general relationship is that the ________ the sample size, the ________ the sampling error.

larger; smaller

Suppose that a personal interviewer asks a respondent during a taste test of a new cake product: "How did you like the taste and smoothness of the cake?" What is the flaw in this question?

This is a double-barreled question.

What type of question is the following: "Have you purchased a high-quality RCA television set in the past year?"

This is a leading question.

What type of question is the following: "Should Macy's department store continue its excellent return policy for its customers?"

This is a leading question.

If there are four experimental groups in an ANOVA test, how many degrees of freedom are there for MSA in this study?


An effective presentation of the research report should be tailored to the audience that receives the report.


Cluster analysis is used to identify people who are similar to one another in regard to specific variables.


Data that can be shown as a line chart can also be shown as a bar chart.


During an in-depth personal interview, the interviewer should record the respondent's responses verbatim.


Estimating the financial return from a research project provides a quantitative way to identify good research projects.


For each cell in a cross-tabulation, there are three percentage figures that can be recorded.


If the relationship between a predictor variable and a criterion variable is strong, the predictor variable can be used to estimate the criterion variable using regression analysis.


In regression analysis, the unexplained variation is a measure of the scatter around the regression line.


In survey research, the basic determinants of the estimated cost of the project are the questionnaire and the incidence rate.


It is not necessary to select a random starting point as the first step in selecting a systematic sample.


The Z-test is typically used for large samples that have greater than 30 respondents, while the t-test is typically used for small samples that have less than 30 respondents.


The main advantage of snowball sampling is to reduce the search costs for selecting the sample or potential respondents.


The normal distribution is bell-shaped.


The primary purpose of a survey is to provide information to a marketing manager to help that manager to make a decision.


The purpose of factor analysis is to simplify the data.


The purpose of sampling is to use the results of the sample to estimate some characteristic of the population from which the sample was drawn.


When Market Directions Company asked marketing research clients to rate the importance of statements regarding research departments, the most important factor was maintaining client confidentiality.


Types of error in hypothesis testing

Type 1: rejection of null hypothesis when it is really true Type 2: failure to reject hypothesis when it is false

When the null hypothesis of a statistical test is rejected when, in fact, it is true, this represents a(n):

Type I error

When a researcher fails to reject the null hypothesis of a statistical test when, in fact, it is false, this represents a(n):

Type II error.

When the responses to one question on a survey are compared to the responses of another question on that survey, this process is called:

cross tabulation.


assumption or theory guess that a researcher or manager makes about some characteristic of population being investigated

When two variables are involved in a research study, the appropriate statistical tests are called:

bivariate techniques.

When a research supplier creates a wholly-owned subsidiary for outsourcing, this is called:

captive outsourcing.

In a research report, the generalizations that answer the questions raised by the research objectives are called the ________________.


3. data entry

convert to electronic format

The degree to which changes in one variable are associated with changes in another variable is known as:


When the degree of association between two variables is studied, the dependent variable is called the:

criterion variable.

pie charts

display results in wide range of situations

In accounting terms, return on investment equals after-tax income from an investment ________ the dollar amount of the investment.

divided by

In simple random sampling, the probability of a sample element being selected for the sample equals the desired sample size ________ the population size.

divided by

In systematic sampling, the skip interval equals the population size ________ the desired sample size.

divided by

The coefficient of determination equals the explained variation ________ the total variation.

divided by

A key argument against the traditional accounting way of determining return on investment is that it:

divides profit return by expenditure instead of subtracting it.

"ROI Lite" is found by taking the dollar value times increased confidence, and then:

dividing by the cost of research.

In factor analysis, a linear combination of variables that are correlated with one another is called a(n):


Another name for the chi-square test is the test of the ______________.

goodness of fit.

Factor analysis

group variables into dimensions (reducing smaller set of factors) ex. car features

When the measurement of a variable in one sample has no effect on the measurement of this variable in another sample, we say that the samples are:


In a scatter diagram, the ________ variable is plotted on the x-axis, while the ________ variable is plotted on the y-axis.

independent; dependent


inference that a change in one variable is responsible for another change in another variable

The successful implementation of creative ideas within a company is known as:


New knowledge that has the potential to create significant marketing impact is called:


When information is checked for violation of skip patterns during data entry, this process is called:

intelligent data entry.

Internal v. external validity

internal: very low chance of extraneous variables external: most like the real world; pros: real like situation, cons: competitor actions

Chi-Square test

test of the goodness of fit between observed distribution and expected distribution of variable

All of the following are properties of the normal distribution EXCEPT:

the distribution is asymmetric about its mean.

All of the following should be included on the title page of a research report EXCEPT:

the executive summary.

Typically, all of the following should appear in an Appendix of a research report EXCEPT:

the findings.

For a researcher writing her first research report, typically the most difficult section to write is:

the interpretation of the findings to obtain conclusions and recommendations.

In the regression equation: Y = a + b X, a is the ________, while b is the ________.

y-intercept; slope

The coefficient of determination ranges between ________ and ________.

zero; one

The standard normal distribution has a mean of ________ and a standard deviation of ________.

zero; one

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