BA206 Ch.10

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In Business Brilliant, Louis Schiff writes that most millionaires are ___ ; for example, they believe that "it's important in negotiations to exploit the weaknesses in others" to come out on top.


A company recently conducted an employee survey and found that many employees report a "lack of trust" in their managers. How can the company's managers improve trust?:

Make sure employees have the training, tools, and information they need to perform well

When Elliott took credit for your idea, you felt a strong negative ___ , specifically anger.


In the process of ___ , people select, organize, and interpret information from the environment.


Which of the following statements describe people who are high on Machiavellianism? Check all that apply. 1. They are pragmatic 2. They manipulate others for personal gain 3. They are capable of lying to achieve their goals 4. They thrive in highly structured work situations 5. They are more likely to be persuaded than to persuade

1, 2 &3

Which of the following occupations would be best suited for someone with an intuitive-feeling style? Check all that apply. 1. Public Relations 2. Engineering 3. Systems Analysis 4. Politics 5. Counseling 6. Law 7. Systems Design

1, 4, 5, 6, 7

Modern psychologists such as Robert McCrae and Paul Costa classify people based on "the Big Five" personality traits. Which of the following traits are included in this group? Check all that apply. 1. Agreeableness 2. Locus of Control 3. Machiavellianism 4. Emotional Stability 5. Humility 6. Openness toExperience 7. Conscientiousness 8. Emotional Stability

1, 4, 6, 7, & 8

Match each person with his or her exhibited personality characteristic. 1. Amy got into trouble last week. She was hanging out with some of her friends, and when they suggested that shoplifting would be fun, she went along with the idea 2. When you call Kendrick, you that you'll always get a call back that day. You often hear Kendrick say, "I just don't like going to bed until everything is checked on my to-do list." 3. Allen is a traveler; he loves new places, people, and food. While some people are nervous about being in a different culture, Allen is always ready for an adventure. 4. Everyone in the office seems to gravitate toward Nolan. He's the one who is most likely to invite a new employee to have lunch, and he brings people together, forming effective teams

1. High Agreeableness 2. High Conscientiousness 3. High Openness to Experience 4. Extroversion

Alondra has captured everything in her mind, and now she is trying to decide her next actions. Which of the following activities will help her to do this? Check all that apply. 1. She should look at her activities list weekly and figure out what activities need to be added to the list 2. She should ask herself if she's the best person to complete the tasks on her lists. If not, she should hand the tasks to someone else 3. She should organize her time so that she can accomplish bigger activities promptly 4. She should look at her list and simply complete everything that takes less than 2 minutes of her time

2 & 4

Which of the following statements describe people who have a strong internal locus of control? Check all that apply. 1. They believe that luck plays an important role in life 2. They are achievement oriented 3. They handle complex information well 4. They are independent 5. They have low job involvement

2 - 4

People who are high on authoritarianism do not do well: 1. In traditional, hierarchical organizations 2. In situations that demand toughness 3. In organizations where employees expect to be empowered 4. In organizations where employees expect clear directions


Sondra loves gardening, so she experiences high ___ from working in a nursery where she gets to give customers advice about which plants to buy and how to help them thrive.

Job Satisfaction

Maria is finding the research paper her instructor assigned to be ___ because she cannot find a good topic to write about and is afraid that she will get a bad grade.

A Stressor

Use you knowledge of time management to fill in the 5 missing labels A. Empty Your Head B. Decide the Next Action C. Get Organized D. Perform a Weekly Review E. Do It

A. Collect all the thing you need or want to do B. Do it, delegate it, or defer it C. Schedule Appointments, Tasks; Set Up Calendars, Action Lists D. Update Calendars, Action Lists; Process New Items E. Consider Time & Context, Energy Level, and Task Priority

Trainers need to coordinate schedules, share a locker room and equipment, and support each other in taking care of the gym's clients. Which personality factor is most important to perform this task successfully?


Every Thursday at 1:30 pm, Celine's cell phone sounds an alert, reminding Celine that she has a weekly appointment with her yoga trainer. Celine is using ___ to remind herself of her appointments.

An Organized System

Personal Style: Intuitive-Feeling Action Tendencies: - Is charismatic, participative, people oriented, and helpful - Focuses on general views, broad themes, and feelings - Decentralizes decision making, develops few rules and regulations

Avoids specifics

The ___ —extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience—are general dimensions that describe an individual's underlying traits.

Big Five Personality Factors

Elaine Hatfield, a therapist, reported feeling anxious during a therapy session. It was only later that she realized that her feelings mirrored the feelings of her client who was afraid that Elaine would ask her about her drug use.

Describes Emotional Contagion

S. Douglas Pugh and colleagues found that customers seemed to "catch" the feelings of bank employees. When employees greeted customers, smiled at them, made eye contact, and thanked them, ratings of service quality increased.

Describes Emotional Contagion

Kent Thiry took over DaVita Inc. in 1999 at a time when the dialysis company was on the verge of failure. From 2000 to 2005, he turned the company around by creating a company culture where employees could "feel an emotional level of trust and mutual commitment." Thiry reached out to employees and helped them to see that they were a community first and a company second, changing their emotional reactions.

Describes Relationship Management

Ronald Williams wants to be CEO of Caterpillar one day. For now, he is working hard as an associate engineer, learning as much as he can from more experienced employees and going to school at night. He doesn't have as much time as he'd like to spend with his friends, but he's willing to make this short-term sacrifice for long-term gains.

Describes Self-Management

___ has four components, including ___ , which is the ability to connect to others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others, and influence others.

Emotional Intelligence ; Relationship Management

___ has four components, including ___ , which is the ability to understand others and practice empathy.

Emotional Intelligence ; Social Awareness

Personal Style: Sensation-Thinking Action Tendencies: - Is a decisive, applied thinker - Focuses on short-term, realistic goals - Develops rules & regulations for judging performance

Emphasizes details, facts, certainty

If Ana is working with a client with an ___ locus of control, this client is probably ___ but more likely to believe that following Ana's recommendations is the best way to achieve his fitness goals.

External ; Hard to motivate

Trainers need to lead group fitness classes with confidence and energy. Which personality factor is most important to perform this task successfully?


The marketing manager needs to give compelling presentations about MBSC and constantly pick up on themes about what people are seeking in a strength and conditioning experience. Which problem-solving style is the best fit?


Emotional intelligence is particularly important for jobs that require a ___ degree of social interaction.


People who have a strong internal locus of control do well:

In jobs that link rewards to work outcomes

Kumi, your coworker, has been working on his taxes for the last two months. If Kumi gets a larger-than-average tax return this year, he is likely to believe that it happened because of an ___ cause, such as ___ . Kumi's perception is being influenced by the ___ .

Internal ; His Superior Financial Skills ; Self-Serving Bias

"Jennifer, a cafeteria worker, often forgets to put the cheese on sandwiches because she is easily distracted and does not focus on the task at hand," is an example of ___ .

Internal Attribution

You are taking the ___ if the results indicate you have 1 of 16 personality types, such as one with a preference for introversion, intuition, thinking, and judging (INTJ).

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment

Parmeet heard his manager tell her boss that the idea for the new product was hers, even though it had really been Jean's idea. Parmeet was completely disgusted by his manager's lie. He was feeling a ___ emotion, and if Parmeet often feels this way at work, he will probably be ___ effective.

Negative ; Less

A person may have different moods from day to day, but his ___ the consistent foundation determining his responses to the environment.

Personality is

Studies show a ___ relationship between job performance and high levels of emotional intelligence in a variety of jobs.


Personal Style: Intuitive-Thinking Action Tendencies: - Is a creative, progressive, perceptive thinker - Focuses on possibilities using impersonal analysis - Is able to consider a number of options and problems simultaneously

Prefers dealing with theoretical or technical problems

Monica recently got a promotion to a management role with greater scope and responsibility. She wants to be as effective as possible in her new job. Which of the following could help her improve her ability to manage her new subordinates?

Reflecting on the effects of her past actions to evaluate how they affected herself and others

Josie works for an organization with a matrix structure and reports to the head of the finance department and to the leader of her current project team. She experiences ___ because these two managers have different priorities and she cannot meet both sets of objectives.

Role Conflict

At age 34 and with Sjogren's syndrome, tennis player Venus Williams still had ___ , saying, "I'm persistent. I don't give up and I believe in myself no matter what the odds are and what you may experience."


Employees read scientific research studies and attend expert presentations to identify the training and nutrition protocols most likely to help clients achieve their fitness goals. Employees translate the data of research findings into guidelines for developing training programs and measuring success. Which problem-solving style is the best fit?


Personal Style: Sensation-Feeling Action Tendencies: - Is pragmatic, analytical, methodical, and conscientious - Emphasizes detailed facts about people rather than tasks - Focuses on structuring organizations for the benefit of people

Shows concern for current, real-life human problems

Whenever Ashley needs to meet with the programmer assigned to her department, Rajiv who was born in India, she is anxious because she believes all Indian men have sexist attitudes toward women. Ashley is ___ Rajiv.


Every day in your job, you need to make snap decisions about which stocks to buy and sell, usually without knowing with certainty how the stock will perform in the future. Your job has high ___ .

Task Demands

If Marco's client tries out for a professional team but doesn't make the cut, Marco is likely to believe that this result is mostly due to ___ , as a result of the ___ .

The clients lack of effort or ability ; Fundamental attribution error

Roger knows he frequently exhibits ___ because he is competitive and impatient and puts the job first.

Type A Behavior

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