Badminton/table tennis

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serving doubles (6)

Doubles Service Court is short and wide, then changes to long and wide following the serve. Beginning of the game when the score is 0 - 0, the server serves from the right side Serve from the right side when the service score is EVEN and from the left side when the service score is ODD. If serving side wins a rally, the serving side scores a point and the same server serves again from the alternate service court. If the receiver wins the rally, the receiving side scores a point and the receiving side becomes the new serving side. The players do not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.


Fast, downward shot that cannot be returned; a "putaway."

grips (3)

Forehand Backhand The wrist snap is important with various shots

scoring (5.5)

Games are played to 21 points for both Singles and Doubles and you must win by 2 A match consists of the best of 3 games Rally scoring is used (every serve is a point) If the receiving team wins the rally it scores a point and will serve the next point At 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first wins At 29 all, the side scoring the 30th point, wins the game

history (5)

Originated from China as a simpler game called "Baggledore." The game we know today as "Badminton" came from India where they called it "Poona." Came to America from England in the 1870s. Rules weren't established until 1895. Now has become one of the leading recreational sports in America. The 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich saw the first appearance of badminton, as a demonstration sport. Two decades later the sport debuted in competition at the Barcelona 1992 games where 4 events were held, with singles and doubles events for both men and women.

net shot

Shot hit from the forecourt that just clears the net and drops sharply.

short service line

The line 6 l/2 feet from the net which a serve must reach to be legal.

serving generals (2)

The serve must be hit underhand and below the waist All serves must be diagonal

techniques (4)

Weight evenly on balls of feet with feet shoulder width apart Knees slightly bent Arms in front of body with racket held about head high and away from your body. Eyes on your opponent

serve or service

players put the shuttlecock into play for points by "serving" it to opponents, hitting it over the net into a special part of the court near their opponent


side-extension of the court by l½ feet on both sides that is used for doubles play.


this occurs when the players hit the bird back and forth several times before one side scores a point


A fast and low shot that makes a horizontal flight over the net.


- A shot hit deep to the opponent's back court.


- A shot hit sohly and with finesse to fall rapidly and close to the net on the opponent's side.

service court

Area into which the serve must be delivered. Different for singles and doubles play.


Back boundary line at each end of the court, that runs parallel to the net.

serving table tennis (4)

Hold the ball in the stationary open palm of the toss hand. Ball is to be held behind the endline of the table and above table level. Ball must remain visible to the opponent Toss the ball straight up a minimum of 6 inches and strike it as it falls. If you fail to make a good serve after you've tossed it, you lose the point, even if you don't contact the ball After the server contacts the ball, the serve must first contact the server's side of the table, clear the net without hitting it, and land somewhere on the opponent's side. If the serve hits the net and falls back on the the server's side, the point is lost. If the serve hits the net and lands on the opponent's side then the serve is called a "net" and is re-served. There is no limit of the number of consecutive "net" calls

faults (6)

When a player commits an act that results in a sideout, point, or loss of serve. The following are examples of faults: The birdie hits into the net or outside of the service court. The birdie is served into the wrong court, or the wrong person receives the serve. The birdie hits into the net, under the net, into the wall, roof, or outside the boundary lines. The birdie hits a person or their clothing. The player touches the net with their body, racket or clothing. The birdie is momentarily held or "carried" on the racket.


When a shuttle is floated high into the air, a player has time to unleash a powerful overhand shot straight to the floor of the opposing court.

long service line

In singles, the back boundary line. In doubles a line 2 l/2 feet inside the back boundary line. The serve may not go past this line.


The name for the object that players hit, made of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers in an open conical shape.


A legitimate cessation of play to allow a rally to be replayed.


A violation of the playing rules, either in serving, receiving, or during play.

table tennis basic rules (13)

All games are played to 11 points. Matches are the best of any odd number of games (3 of 5, 5 of 7) Agree on either one before you start your first game. To start do Rock, Paper, Scissors, to determine who serves first. Alternate serves every 2 points until the end of the game or the score reaches 10 - 10 duece. At 10 - 10 alternate serves each point until 1 player is ahead by 2 points to win the game. (Use Rally Scoring) The first server of game 1 will become the first receiver in game 2. Alternate turns who serves first. Switch ends of table at the conclusion of each game The ball must bounce only once of the receiver's side before being hit back by the receiver. From that point on, all returns must pass directly over or around the net assembly and land on the opponent's surface. If a player obstructs the ball by touching it before it has a chance to land on the player's side of the table, the point is lost, except if the ball is obstructed while returning a serve, in which case, the rally is a let and is re-played. A ball striking the top edge of the table is good but a ball striking the side is not good Returns rebounding directly off the racket hand or any part of the racket are still in play. Returns struck by both hand and racket, or hand with no racket, or racket not in hand are all lost points. A player touching the table with their free hand during a point losses the point. A player cannot strike the ball twice successively (double hit). Call a LET and play the point over, if there is a disturbance during play


An illegal tactic, also called a sling or throw, in which the shuttle is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke.

bird or bridie

Another name for the shuttlecock.

back alley

Area between the back boundary line and the long service line for doubles.

serving singles (4)

Singles Service Court and Playing Court are both long and narrow Beginning of the game when the score is 0 - 0, the server serves from the right side Each time the serving team scores a point, the SAME server serves the next serve from the other side of their court. Serve from the right side when the service score is EVEN and from the left side when the service score is ODD.

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