Bankruptcy, Closed-end credit, Collateral, Collection agency, Creditor, Credit report, Credit score, Debt, Debtor, Down payment, Installment loan, Open-end credit, Payday loan, Predatory lending, Secured loan, Title loan, Unsecured loan, Wage garnishment

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Property that can be sold by the lender if the borrower fails to repay the loan.

Collection agency

A business representing a creditor that can go after the borrower's assets to pay off the debt.

Down payment

A cash payment made to the seller of a good or service.

Wage garnishment

A legal action where a creditor withholds wages to satisfy a debt.


A legal status for individuals or entities who are unable to repay their debts.

Unsecured loan

A loan that does not require collateral.

Installment loan

A loan that is repaid in increments over time.

Secured loan

A loan that requires collateral to secure it.

Credit score

A numerical summary of the information on a consumer's credit report.

Credit report

A record of the financial and credit history of a consumer.

Title loan

A short-term loan that uses a car title as collateral.

Payday loan

A short-term unsecured loan that is due to be repaid with the debtor's next paycheck.

Closed-end credit

An agreement that states the repayment terms for a loan.


An institution that lends money to borrowers.

Predatory lending

Lenders purposefully deceiving borrowers during the loan process.


Money that is owed or due.

Open-end credit

Revolving credit with loans made on a continuous basis.


The receiver of money that was lent.

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