Basic computer images exam

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Which common lens flaw is the Lens Correction Filter used to quickly fix straight lines that bend inward?

Pincushion Distortion

Which are alignment options in Illustrator?

Align to the artboard Align objects to each other Align to a key object Align anchor points

What are "bookmarks" in Adobe Acrobat?

Electronic table of contents that provide links directly to the content they describe

What is the "default workspace" called in Illustrator?


Which filter is useful when you want to distort part of an image like a person's eyes, nose or mouth?

Facial-Aware Liquify

It moves an image element and convincingly fills the area where the image used to be

It is grouped with the Spot Healing Brush Tool and the Red Eye Tool

What does an adjustment layer do?

It lets you make changes to your image without affecting the pixels

What does the Dodge Tool do?

It lightens areas in an image

What is the benefit of using the Content-Aware Move Tool?

It moves an image element and convincingly fills the area where the image used to be

How do you add a border to a layer?


The outline or border of shapes and paths is referred to in Adobe Illustrator as:


Where do you go to make adjustments to align text VERTICALLY within a frame?


Which Adobe application is the benchmark for digital imaging, with editing tools to transform images easily?


What happens to the size of the file if you decrease the number of pixels per inch, but leave the image dimensions the same size?

The file size decreases

What is a Widget?

The icon on the bottom of text box with a "square"

Which masking feature icon is easily found below the foreground/background swatches at the bottom of the Tools Panel?

Quick Mask Mode

Which image color mode is used for web and mobile devices?


What are TABS used for?

TABS mark specific horizontal ruler locations in a column of the text frame

How do you convert editable text in a text box to a non-editable shape made up of anchor points


Where do you find the controls to "optically correct" punctuation (like quotation marks) outside the text frame?


What are the characteristics of the "Presentation" viewing mode?

The document fills the entire screen, it cannot be edited, and you can exit the mode by pressing the ESC key

Making changes to an area within an image in Photoshop is a 2-step process. First, you must:

Use one of the selection tools to select part of an image you want to change

What is a Drop Cap?

When the first character or word in a paragraph is larger and spans the height of multiple lines of text

Which is not listed as a "view option" when working in the Select and Mask dialog box to show the contrast of the masked vs. unmasked areas?

blending mode

Which filter, when applied to part of an image, allows you to reduce unintended camera motion and gives you a sharper image?

camera shake reduction

Which type of mask restricts editing (ie: CMY or K) and is useful for making intricate, fringed or wispy-edge selections?

channel mask

Which panel shows text formatting settings including font size, scaling and leading?

character panel

What is an IMPORTANT (and often forgotten) step before printing and distributing a document?

check the spelling

Which Text Frame Option allows you to force text to the top of the next column?

column break

Non-printing elements such as tabs, spaces and paragraph returns are referred to as:

hidden characters

Which tool "paints a copy of the selected state or snapshot into the current image window?"

history brush tool

What visual indicator alerts you that there are errors in your layout?

There is a red circle at the lower left corner of the Document Window

Which of the following are true about "Smart Guides"?

They are temporary guides that help you align, edit and transform objects or artboards, They are typically turned ON by default when you first launch Illustrator, and They contain words, lines or measurement labels

In Illustrator, functions including "move, rotate, skew and scale" are called:


When creating a mask with The Brush Tool, which color ADDS to the mask?


When using a selection tool, the selected area on the screen is sometimes referred to as:

"Dancing ants" or "marching ants"

Which properties/values can you apply to arrowheads?

-Align the arrowhead -Scale the arrowhead -Select the style of the arrowhead -Placement of the arrowhead at either end (or both ends) of the line

What is Red Eye?

-Image flaw that occurs when the retina of a subject's eye is reflected by the camera flash -Common photo flaw that occurs when photos are taken in a dark room -A photo flaw that is easy to fix in Photoshop

Which of the following image types can you work with in Photoshop?

-Bitmapped digital images -Vector graphics -Original artwork -Captured images from video

How can you change the Zoom Level (magnification) of your document?

-By using the Zoom tool -By using keyboard shortcuts -By choosing a zoom level in the application bar -By choosing one of the presets in the View Menu

Which of the following are ways to create a group?

-Command/Ctrl + G -Right-click, then select GROUP from the context menu -OBJECT > GROUP -Properties Panel > Quick Actions > Group

Which is a type of Mask in Photoshop?

-Layer Mask -Vector Mask -Clipping Mask

Which of the following is TRUE about masks and channels?

-Masks are saved as an alpha channel -Channels do not print -They let you edit an image non-destructively

Which of the following allow you to change the shape of an existing text/graphic frame?

-OBJECT > PATHFINDER -OBJECT > CONVERT SHAPE -Moving, adding and deleting anchor points with the Direct Selection Tool / Pen Tool

What indicator lets you know that you are working on a document that uses a missing font?

-Text is highlighted in pink -A red circle "preflight error" indicator appears at the bottom of the document window -A triangle-shaped alert icon may appear next to the missing font name in the font list

Which tool gallery lets you rotate, roll, pan and slide dimensional objects?

3d tools

Which statement is true about working with groups?

A group is treated as a single unit

What is a TINT SWATCH?

A lighter, screened version of a color swatch

Which statement is TRUE about default path settings?

A path can show a stroke color but not a fill color

Which Adobe program is essential to electronic workflow, providing the ability to edit text and images in PDF documents, initiate reviews, create interactive forms and share documents?


What are used to control the shape of the path and work like pins holding a wire in place?

Anchor points

What is the area of the workspace that represents the printable artwork/page?


hy is the color on the screen not always accurate when you print?

Because computer screens are not usually calibrated for accuracy

What type of images are created using a rectangular grid of pixels?

Bitmapped digital images

How do you convert Area type to Point type?

Click on the text box Annotator

Which is NOT a way to exit Isolation Mode?

Click the EXIT button in the OBJECT panel

Which are characteristics of the Properties Panel?

Contains the most commonly used options in one place, Displays properties for the content that is selected, and is Located on the right side of the workspace by default

What is NOT true about SMOOTH anchor points?

Direction handles on smooth points are always symmetrical and are even length

What are artifacts?

Dissimilar pixels in an image that are fixed by retouching (ie: dust, scratches or colored dots from scanning)

What is an important step to remember before creating a panorama?

Do not open any files. Use the "automate" feature and let Photoshop do the work for you

Which of the following is true when creating a gradient in InDesign?

Dragging a shorter distance creates a sharper transition

Which feature found in the EDIT menu allows you to adjust the way objects in your image relate to the scene?

EDIT > Perspective Warp

Where can you go to customize your toolbar?


Which statement is NOT TRUE about flattening layers?

Flattened images still retain the individual layers that have been "locked"

What is "Threading?"

Flowing text across multiple text boxes that are linked to one another

What are Photoshop's default foreground and background color settings?

Foreground = black; Background = white

In Adobe programs like Illustrator, a "color blend of two or more colors" is also known as a:


Which Adobe application is the industry standard that is used mainly for creating print, multimedia and online graphics?


Which Adobe program is used to create page layouts for output on a variety of print and electronic devices?


What does the Bounding Box do?

Indicates that an item is selected and is ready to be modified

What are pixels?

Individual small squares that describe an image and establish the degree of detail

What does the Color Theme Tool do?

It analyzes an image/object, then selects representative colors to create 5 color themes

How does "Feathering" soften the hard edges of a selection?

It blurs the edges by building a transition boundary between the selection and the surrounding pixels, but it may cause some loss of details at the edges

What does the Type Mask Tool do?

It creates a selection in the shape of type

What does "Stacking Order" determine?

It determines how objects are displayed when they overlap

What are Context Menus?

Menus that display commands that are relevant to the active tool, selection or panel when you right-click

What is Isolation Mode?

Mode that allows you to easily select and edit specific objects or parts of an object without having to ungroup the objects first

Which of the following is true about the Shape Builder Tool?

Overlapping shapes are temporarily divided into separate objects with a red line preview

What is a benefit of setting "rules" (aka: lines) within a paragraph, rather than drawing them manually in the layout?

Paragraph settings apply, so the line adjusts as the paragraph reflows

Which of the following is TRUE about paths?

Paths should have the fewest points possible

Which function allows you to embed or link a raster image in Illustrator?


The acronym "PDF" stands for...

Portable Document Format

When working with shapes in Illustrator, you can apply color to which of the following?

Stroke and Fill

What is Threaded Text?

Text that flows continuously between multiple area type text boxes

Let's say you have selected an area in your image, by using one of the Selection Tools. If you click on the "Move Tool" and also press the Option Key, the icon changes to a "double arrow." Why?

The "double arrow" indicates that a duplicate will be made when you move the selection

Which "JOIN" option creates extended or trimmed paths when you "scrub" across them?


Which Pen Tool icon indicates you will continue drawing from an open endpoint on an existing path?

The Pen Tool icon with a forward slash /

Which indicates that an individual anchor point is "NOT selected'?

The anchor point is "hollow"

Which indicates that an individual anchor point is "selected"?

The anchor point is "solid"

What is the Tools Panel?

The long narrow panel on the far, left side of the workspace containing tools for selecting, drawing, painting, editing and viewing page elements

What is "Preflighting?"

The process of evaluating a document for potential output issues

Which Selection Tool icon is a black arrow?

The selection tool

What is a Straddle Head?

When larger headline text spans evenly across multiple columns

Which statement about using Illustrator is TRUE?

You can drag artwork or page elements between open documents, and it makes a copy of the element on the destination page

Which type of anchor point abruptly changes direction and creates an angle instead of a smooth curve?

a corner point

Which of the following objects cannot be used to create warped text envelopes?

a graph

Which "JOIN" allows you to create joined paths by "scrubbing across" them?

a join tool

Which part of the InDesign work area contains quick access to the most-used layout aids, like zoom magnification level and guides?

application bar

Which "type" uses the boundaries of an object to control the flow of characters?

area type

Which output setting in the "Select and Mask" dialog box is used to suppress the color fringes for a cleaner edge, and automatically makes a copy of the layer?

decontaminate colors

Which is used to control the curve of a path when an anchor point is selected?

direction handles

Which part of the work area contains the printable, active page layout elements?

document window

Which interactive blur in the Blur Gallery applies a gradient blur to areas of the image, defined by "pins" you create and settings you apply for each?

field blur

There are four primary types of selections. Which category refers to selections made using the lasso tools?

freehand selections

Which interactive blur in the Blur Gallery simulates a shallow depth of field effect, gradually blurring everything outside the focus ring?

iris blur

Which tool is used to cut and divide shapes by dragging across a shape to create closed paths?

knife tool

Which tool set has freehand, polygonal and magnetic variations?

lasso tool set

Which tool allows you to select an image area based on color similarity?

magic wand tool

Which tool "simulates realistic painting techniques such as blending, canvas colors and varying paint wetness?"

mixer brush

Which view mode helps you locate items that are difficult to find in your layout, because they may be hidden under other page elements?


Which blending mode creates a vibrant, more colorful image with deeper shadows and brighter highlights?


What does a "red plus sign (+)" indicate?

overset text

When an Area text box is too small for the text it contains, what is the "extra," unseen text called?

overset text

When text does not fit within the frame, an error is indicated. What is this error called?

overset text

When you are navigating through an InDesign document, which on-screen feature lets you easily move through pages at the bottom-left area of the workspace, with options to move from page to page using arrows, or by directly type in the page number you are looking for?

page buttons

To which tool category do the Art History Brush, Paint Bucket and Color Replacement Tools belong?

painting tools

Which color set requires its own ink to print 100% accurately?

pantone color

Which color option in the Swatches Panel simulates the color of the paper that you are working on?


Once you have made a selection, any changes you make apply exclusively to:

pixels within the selection

Which "type" is created by clicking and expands as you enter characters?

point type

Which tool stretches parts of a path without distorting its overall shape?

reshape tool

name the shape

reshape tool

To which tool category do the Spot Healing Brush, Patch Tool and Clone Stamp Tool belong?

retouching tools

When you click to make a point, then move away from it you see a connector line. This line is called a:

rubber band

Which tool is used on a line or curve to create an open path?

scissors tool

Which tool allows you to visually and intuitively merge, delete, fill and edit overlapping shapes and paths directly in the artwork?

shapebuilder tool

Which slider setting in the "Select and Mask" dialog box is used to move the selection border outward (+) or inward (-)?

shift edge

Which tool "changes the color saturation of an area?"

sponge tool

Which tool is used to scale text by dragging the box handles?

text tool

Which tool uses specific pixels from one area of an image to replace the pixels in another part of the image?

the clone stamp tool

Which tool allows you to create a gradual blend between multiple colors?

the gradient tool

Which tool allows you to pan (move) around different areas of the page, regardless of the "zoom level" your are using?

the hand tool

What Illustrator tool is used to create both free-form and precise artwork?

the pen tool

Which tool allows you to use a click-and-drag motion to "draw" a horizontal or vertical line that will become the new "level" for the top side of the image area?

the straightening tool

Which mask is made of resolution-independent vector objects instead of pixels?

vector mask

Which is a helpful use for an alpha channel?

when creating shadows

Which tool allows you to adjust the weight of a stroke in uniform or variable widths to create a variable stroke on a path, not a filled shape?

width tool

name the tool

width tool

Which Text Wrap option wraps the text specifically around the frames graphic content?

wrap around object shape

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