Basic Handbook Of Police Supervision

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Troubled employee

- Gentle questioning in private is key - it may take some persistence - you'll have to be the best judge of when to back off and try again later - many times all you will need to do is offer a readily available, patient, non critical ear to a troubled soul who just wants to talk

Rules to live by

- Seek respect, not affection - make expectations clear - realize you can't be everything to everyone - respond on some calls but stay out of the way - take time to listen - don't neglect personal touches - serve as a positive role model - emphasize officer safety and equipment

What you owe yourself

- a healthy lifestyle - taking care of yourself includes strengthening your mind as well as your body - you cannot take care of others if you do not also take care of yourself

Succeed at being misunderstood

- bias and prejudice - distractions - emotional involvement - inappropriate language, and poor attitude

Supervisor toolbox (6)

- command presence - vision - credibility - reliability - integrity - courage

Supervisor toolbox (6)

- common sense - job knowledge - tact - impartiality - empathy - ability to communicate

Traits of a supervisor (7)

- empathetic - intelligent - good sense of humor - fair - emotionally and physically fit - forgiving - exceptional communicator

Supervisor (can't)

- gripe without offering realistic solutions - display a bad attitude - choose sides and participate in intradepartmental fights and intrigues

Being a role model

- it's alright to answer questions, but ultimately you must direct them to learn answers - model great human relations - avoid doing things you would punish your subordinates for

effective communication

- openness and credibility - two way information exchange - good communication habits - clear message - unemotional approach

Supervisor ( must)

- see the need for sharing resources agency wide ( seeing the bigger picture) - master and maintain a new outlook - set a great example as a positive role model )

What you owe your profession

- support by participating in professional groups and associations - by refraining from illegal, unethical, immoral or plain wrong conduct both on duty and off you avoid harming your profession and it's good image

Set a great example by:

- telling the truth - avoid playing favorites - play fair - honestly represent your employees views and interests - accurately relay leaderships direction - praise and correct as appropriate - help them grow - and really care

Saying it in writing

- the written comments of the first line supervisor can provide the evidence needed for the recognition or correction of an employee - a well written communication can help inform and move others to accomplish change needed

Traits of a supervisor (7)

-loyalty -truthfulness - personal courage -technically competent - good decision making - ethical and honest - politically astute

How to fail

-playing favorites - lying - lack of self control - setting a bad example - absence of loyalty - cheating - holding a grudge


Always giving your boss your honest views and conducting yourself as an excellent role model in front of your subordinates and your community


Among the most valuable attributes of a leader.


As a ________, you just be an effective writer and speaker as well as a good reader and listener.

Role model

As a ____________ , - you are always on display , whether on duty or off - do things the right way without cheating or taking shortcuts - do the right thing always


Avoid holding ____________ or showing favoritism

Regarding Ethics

Bad means never justify good ends

self confident

Be __________________ without crossing the line into arrogance


Best displayed in small doses


Criticize in ____________.

Personal courage

Display the ________________ to lead even when you do not agree with the directions you have been given


Do not __________ your boss or organization In front of your subordinates

Talk down

Do not _______________ to your audience, or rely on profane or otherwise inappropriate language in an effort to make a point


Do your best to __________ rumors rather than helping them spread


Doing the right thing when nobody is watching


Everything depends on a supervisors ability to _____________.

Non threatening, non critical

Help make learning opportunities available by asking what your employees need in a __________________ manner.

Acknowledge the error

If you realize you acted unsafe, ____________________ to your officers and assure they know the right way to do it

Effective communication allows

Information to flow both ways between sender and receiver

solving the problem

It is important that you do not take on the responsibility of _____________________.


Leadership demands _____________.

It's up to you to

Look, sound, and act like the law enforcement you want your people to be

What you owe your boss

Loyalty, open and honest comm, integrity, and your best

Formal disciplinary measures

May be required if the employee fails to respond favorably to your counseling directions


May know what's going on well before a supervisor does

Positive role model

Nothing is more important that serving as a ________________.


Praise in___________.

Failure to respond

Realize that an employees ____________________ to counseling is not your fault


Requires that you consistently support your boss decisions in public but tell him in private when he clearly is head down the wrong path


Seek to ___________, not impress people with your vocabulary.

High standards

Set very _______________ for yourself including personal integrity


Subordinates of a strong leader display a higher __________ that those of a weak or incompetent one


Supervisors engage in _____________.


Supervisors evaluate _____________.

Complaint and grievance processor

Supervisors serve as a _________________ for the public as well as his own ppl


The _________ that a leader engages in that he wants his subordinates to emulate,


The ____________ employee will be the best source of information for the leader who wants to help

In person interaction

The ___________________ allows the communicator to determine almost instantly the effect the message is having on it recipients.

Golden rule

Treat others as you would wish to be treated

Further effort

Will be required if the new knowledge failed to take hold

Hurt and confuse

Words, spoken or otherwise, can _________________ as easily as they can inform and clarify.

Build upon success

You can bolster your abilities as a leader by studying your job and remaining always open to learning new things about how to guide and direct others

Positive contribution

You owe your employer a _______________ to the image and reputation of the agency

Reasonable balance

You will need to reach a _______________ in paying attention to your many task and be wise time manager in determining how many minutes to afford each one


Your role as a __________ - employees will expect you to know enough about their jobs that you can lend a genuinely contributing hand when necessary - doing grunt work when necessary, earn respect of their employees - never forgot how to do the job


Your role as a ____________ - the product of your planning efforts does not have to be perfect so long as you learn from the experience, and make it plain that you did - the most successful leaders have a self generated roadmap of where they intend to go


_____________ who are informed, included and in the know are more likely to feel a part of the organization and mission

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