BBA 340

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Project management

Activities include planning work, assessing risk, estimating resources required, organizing the work, assigning tasks, controlling project execution, reporting progress, analyzing results

More likely to fulfill end-user requirements

Advantages of prototyping

information system activities (35)

All information systems (manual or automated) share the same characteristics


An SaaS provider maintains a large Web server, or series of servers, and provides fee-paying subscribers with space to maintain their Web sites.

MIPS (94)

An acronym standing for Millions of Instructions per Second. This is a way of measuring relative CPU speed (see also cycles per second - measured in MHz)

database management approach (204)

An approach to the storage and processing data in which independent files are consolidated into a common pool or database of records and made available to different application programs and end users for processing and data retrieval.

multiplexer (252)

An electronic device that allows a single communications channel to carry simultaneous data transmissions from many terminals.

virus protection software that runs and updates itself automatically.

An example of autonomic computing is

You work for a highly successful advertiser that is just about to expand nationally. Of utmost importance will be finding a way to store and disseminate their client's constantly updating branding and style guides, which include multiple image files and text documents, to all of their branches. What system will best serve these needs?

An extranet with KMS capabilities

autonomic computing

An industry-wide effort to develop systems that can configure, optimize, tune, and heal themselves when broken, and protect themselves from outside intruders and self-destruction is called

knowledge management system (66)

An information system that helps manage organizational learning and business know-how. These systems help knowledge workers create, organize, and make available important business knowledge wherever and whenever it's needed.

computer-based information system (8)

An information system that uses computer hardware and software to perform its information processing activities.


Building experimental system rapidly and inexpensively for end users to evaluate

developing successful information system solutions (18)

Business professionals are responsible for proposing new or improved systems to support their business activities as well as managing their development. Using a systematic development process increases the likelihood of a successful project.

e-business applications (12)

Businesses today are using the Internet, corporate intranets, and inter-organizational extranets to support business activities with suppliers, partners, customers, accounting, finance, research and development, manufacturing, marketing, sales, and customer service.

A system that uses data mining to guide decisions about customer retention can be categorized as a:


________ systems are designed to help firms manage their relationships with their customers.


_______________________ uses a set of integrated applications to address all aspects of the customer relationship.


data resources (33)

Data is now thought of as a valuable raw material that should be used, maintained, and secured as such. Data resources include not only structured information typically found in databases, but also the unstructured information found in e-mail or other collaborative systems, audio, and video

Outcomes of poor Project Management

Cost overruns

Which of the following is an example of a cross-functional business process?

Creating a new product


Customer Relationship Management

Which of the four generic strategies to combat competitive forces did 7-Eleven implement?

Customer and supplier intimacy

May not undergo full testing or documentation

Disadvantages of prototyping

Limitations of financial models

Do not take into account social and organizational dimensions that may affect costs and benefits


Domain Name Services



two-tiered client/server

A client computer networked to a server computer, with processing split between the two types of machines, is called a(n) ________ architecture.

Authorization refers to the ability to know that a person is who he or she claims to be.

False (authentication)

- False

False (defines acceptable uses of the firms information resources and computing equipment including desktop...)

Malicious software programs referred to as spyware include a variety of threats such as computer viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.

False (referred to as malware)

- False

False (uses systems that read and interpret individual human traits such as fingerprints in order to grant or deny access)

relational model (184)

A logical data structure in which all data elements within the database are viewed as being stored in the form of tables. Applications can link records between various tables via common data elements. This is the most widely used database structure.

hierarchical structure (183)

A logical data structure in which the relationships between records form a hierarchy or tree structure. The relationships among records are one-to-many, since each data element is related only to the parent element stored above it.


A mainframe is a type of legacy workstation

data resource management (193)

A managerial activity that applies information systems technology and management tools to the task of managing an organization's data resources. Its three major components are database administration, data administration, and data planning.

extranet (12)

A network that links selected resources of a company with its customers, suppliers, and other business partners using internet technologies

magnetic tape (113)

A plastic tape with a magnetic surface on which data can be stored by selective magnetisation of portions of the surface. Tapes can only be read sequentially from beginning to end. As a result, magnetic tapes are primarily used for data archiving and data backups.


A private cloud is operated by a single organization but may be managed by a third party and be located off premises

database development (190)

A process that involves data planning, requirement specification, conceptual design physical design and logical design. Understand each of these concepts.

data mining (200)

A process where data in a data warehouse is searched and analyzed to discover useful, new insights.

multidimensional model (185)

A relational database containing summary information cross tabulated by various data categories

parallel strategy

A safe and conservative conversion approach where both the old system and its potential replacement are run together for a time until everyone is assured that the new one functions correctly.

hard disk (113)

A secondary storage medium consisting of metal disks covered with a magnetic recording surface. It holds data in the form of magnetised spots. Microcomputers typically have at least one built in hard drive. They may also have the capacity to add additional internal and/or external drives. Single drive storage capacity ranges up to 1.5 TB and continues to increase.

byte-B (108)

A sequence of adjacent binary digits operated on as a unit and usually shorter than a computer word. In many computer systems, a byte is a grouping of eight bits. In the ASCII coding scheme, this would represent a single character, number, or symbol. Fun fact: a "nibble" is equal to four bits or half a byte.

value chain (56)

A series of activities with each activity adding value to an organization's products and services.

database management system-DBMS (204)

A set of computer programs that controls the creation, maintenance, and use of an organization's databases.

programs (33)

A set of instructions that cause a computer to perform a particular task. These tasks may include managing the operational components of the information system, or they may directly support business operations


A set of self-contained services that communicate with each other to create a working software application is called

data dictionary (188)

A software application and database containing descriptions and definitions concerning the structure, data elements, interrelationships, and other characteristics of an organization's databases.


A software package for a mainframe usually requires a programmer to install it

includes full-featured versions of application software bundled as a unit

A software suite

database administrator-DBA (188)

A specialist responsible for the development, maintenance, and security of an organization's databases.

optical disks (114)

A storage device using a laser to read tiny spots on a plastic disk. The disks are currently capable of storing billions of characters of information

pilot study

A strategy to introduce the new system to a limited area of the organization until it is proven to be fully functional; only then can the conversion to the new system across the entire organization take place

magnetic stripe (105)

A strip of magnetic tape embedded in a plastic card and widely used for credit/debit cards and identification cards. These stripes hold up to 200 bytes of information.

coaxial cable (246)

A sturdy copper or aluminum wire wrapped with spacers to insulate and protect it. Groups of coaxial cables may be bundled together in a bigger cable for ease of installation.

network computing (242)

A system of computing in which "the network is the computer," that is, the view that a few powerful computers on the network provide the central computing resource for the network's users.

network terminal (85)

A terminal that depends on network servers for its software and processing power

petabyte (109)

A unit of computer, or binary storage, equal to one quadrillion bytes

a Java Virtual Machine to be installed on the computer

Running a Java program on a computer requires

System Testing

Test functioning of system as a whole

Unit Testing

Tests each program in system separately

Implement the solution.

The 4 steps to building an information system

OSI Layer 7

The Application Layer

OSI Layer 2

The Data Link Layer

system software

Software that manages the resources of the computer is called

data management software

Software that organizes, manages, and processes business data, such as data concerned with inventory, customers, and vendors, is called

query languages

Software tools that provide immediate online answers to requests for information that are not predefined

Application software

Software used to apply the computer to a specific task for an end user is called

Revise and enhance prototype

Steps in prototyping

What strategy was implemented by Stonyfield Farm's use of blogs?

Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy


Structured Query Language



OSI Layer 3

The Network Layer

information products (35)

The degree to which information is packaged into an easy to use form. Information products include messages, reports, forms, and graphic images.

data integration (203)

The degree to which necessary data is integrated into a single database for access.


Five major variables that project management must address:

Agile development(1)

Focuses on rapid delivery of working software by breaking large project into several small subprojects

post implementation audit

Formal review process conducted

From your reading of the text, which general strategy to overcome market forces is an overarching focus for Stonyfield Farm?

From your reading of the text, which general strategy to overcome market forces is an overarching focus for Stonyfield Farm?

This information system uses data visualization technology to analyze and display data for planning and decision making in the form of digitized maps.


As discussed in the chapter case, the COMPSTAT system developed by the New York City Police was a type of:



Geographic Information Systems

PERT Chart

Graphically depicts tasks and interrelationships

component-based development

Groups of objects that are assembled or integrated with existing software components to provide software components for common functions such as graphical user interface or inline ordering capability; helps expedite software creation


HTML5 is the latest evolution of HTML, and is designed to make it much easier to embed third-party add-ons, such as Flash animations, in web pages

information appliance (86)

Hand-held microcomputer devices. Most of these devices now include wireless connectivity to the Internet and innovative I/O methods such as touch screens, pen-based handwriting recognition, and detachable keypads

media (33)

Hardware designed to hold data such as paper forms, magnetic disks, optical disks, magnetic tape, magnetic strips, and memory "sticks".

Project team

Hierarchy in large firms


Hypertext markup language specifies how text, graphics, video, and sound are placed on a document

Verizon's implementation of a Web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with real-time information such as customer complaints is an example of

Improved decision making

twisted pair wire (266)

In telecommunication networks, twisted pair wire is the most common method for both voice and data transmission.

custom software (130)

Individuals and organizations can develop their own software using any number of programming tools in order to create specialized applications.

types of information systems (13)

Information systems are classified in order to spotlight the major roles each plays in the operations and management of a business

support of strategies for competitive advantage (8)

Information systems can make available new types of products and services through which an organization might gain a competitive advantage.

roles of IS in business (8)

Information systems perform three vital roles in any type of organization

cross-functional information systems (15)

Information systems that cross the boundaries of functional business areas and management levels in order to support business processes throughout the organization.

management support system (14)

Information systems that provide information and support for effective decision making by managers. These types of systems include executive information systems, decision support systems, and management information systems.

basic computing systems are composed of (78)

Input, processing, output, storage and control components


Integrated Services Digital Network

The concern that the structure of data is consistent within an information source reflects which quality dimension of information?



Internet Protocol

Mobile web app

Internet-enabled app with specific functionality for mobile devices that is accessed through a mobile device's Web browser

intranet (12)

Internet-like networks and websites developed for use within an organization

phased approach

Introduces the new system in stages either by functions or by organizational units.

Portfolio analysis(2)

Inventories all of the organization's information systems projects and assets

How does the implementation of enterprise applications introduce switching costs?

It is costlier to switch vendors.

Why is an order-to-cash service considered a complex process to implement as an enterprise application?

It needs information from many different functions of the enterprise.

Joint application design (JAD)


Which types of systems consolidate the relevant knowledge and experience in the firm to make it available to improve business processes and management decision making?


What type of information system is an intranet most easily adapted to:


The expected results

Keys to developing a Test Plan

Engineers, scientists, or architects, who design new products or services for a firm, belong to which level of a business hierarchy?

Knowledge Workers

midrange system (87)

Larger, more powerful, and more expensive than most microcomputers but are smaller, less powerful, and less expensive than most large mainframe computer systems, these computers are used to handle large-scale processing for integrated enterprise wide manufacturing, distribution, and financial applications, large websites, or data warehouse management and related data mining and online analytical processing (OLAP) applications.

they are too expensive to redesign

Legacy systems are still in use today because

Experience with Technology

Level of Project Risk is influenced by:

an example of open-source software

Linux is:

25 percent

Linux plays a major role in supporting business information systems, and has garnered about ________ of the U.S. server market.

is a Windows-like operating system


According to the case study, Boeing's decision to implement new knowledge management systems for its engineers was based on effecting what generic strategy to overcome market forces?

Low-cost leadership

According to your reading of the text, Procter & Gamble's use of DSS illustrates the use of information systems to implement which common business strategy?

Low-cost leadership

What strategy to counter competitive forces does US Airways emphasize in the case study for this chapter?

Low-cost leadership

Which type of system would you use to determine the five suppliers with the worst record in delivering goods on time?


An information system for a building company that tracks construction costs for various projects across the United States would be categorized as a type of:


Insufficient user involvement in design effort

Major cause of system failure

Acceptance Testing

Makes sure system is ready to be used in production setting


Management Information Systems

data integrity (203)

Refers to the accuracy of the data stored within a database.

Which of the following is not one of the four main classifications for collaboration tools identified by the space/time matrix?


Agile Development (Programming & Testing)

Techniques used in RAD

In the chapter-opening case, which of the four generic strategies against competitive forces did NASCAR focus on in implementing its new information systems?

a. Customer and supplier intimacy


Which of the following types of computer is used for weather forecasting


Which of the following types of computer would you use to support a computer network

Desktop publishing software

Which type of software provides more control over text and graphic placement in the layout of a page than word processing software

Two primary activities performed during the maintenance phase

build a help desk to support the system users, provide an environment to support system changes

Two primary activities performed during the development phase

build the technical architecture, build the database and programs


changes in hardware, software, documentation, or procedures to a production system to correct errors, meet new requirements, or improve processing efficiency

process specifications

describe the logic of the processes occurring within the lowest levels of a data flow diagram

sequential access (109)

describes a sequential method of storing and retrieving data from a file. Access times for any one piece of information will vary depending on its location. This method is typical for tape drives and is typically used for archiving and backups.

network interoperability (261)

describes the ability for one network to communicate with other networks.

network topologies (254)

describes the relationship between network nodes and telecommunications media


descriptions of how an information system works from either a technical or end-user standpoint

Two primary activities performed during the design phase

design the technical architecture required to support the system, design the system models

function-specific application software (134)

designed to perform task-specific work or work only within a specific functional area of a business.

Pilot implementation

only a small group of people using the new system until you know it works correctly; then the remaining people are added to the system

The discipline that focuses on mathematical techniques for optimizing parameters of organizations, such as transportation and inventory control is:

operations research.

The support activities of a firm include

organization infrastructure human resources technology and procurement.

The set of business processes, culture, and behavior required to obtain value from investments in information systems is one type of :

organizational and management capital.

Faulty requirements analysis

The leading cause of systems failure and high systems development cost.

Web-based productivity software such as Google Apps

The main challenge coming to Microsoft's Office software suite will be

end-user interface

The part of an information system through which the end-user interacts with the system, such as on-line screens and commands

binary representation (108)

The presence or absence of electronic, magnetic, or optic "signals" in the computer's circuitry or in the media it uses. There are only two possible states or conditions - presence or absence. These may also be interpreted as on/off, or 0/1.

storage networks, magnetic tape, magnetic disk, and optical disk

The primary storage technologies are

unit testing

The process of testing each program separately in the system. Sometimes called program testing

storage (36)

The retention of information such that it can be later retrieved.


Web services can exchange information between two different systems regardless of the operating system or programming languages on which the systems are based

Responsive Web design

Web sites programmed so that layouts change automatically according to user's computing device

Systems Analysis

What are the first 3 steps in building and information system referred to as.


What is the foundation technology for Web services

- False

True (Secure Sockets Layer)

External vendors

Types of Outsourcing


Which of the following is a type of optical disk storage?

- False



Which of the following is not one of the most important programming languages for business?

4 functions in the systems development process that prototyping can perform

1. Gathering requirements; 2. Helping determine requirements; 3. Proving that a system is technically feasible (proof-of-concept prototype); 4. Selling the idea of a proposed system (it's relatively fast; selling prototype)

Which of the following are environmental actors that interact with an organization and its information systems?

1) customers

The four basic strategies a company can employ to deal with competitive forces are

1) strengthen customer and supplier intimacy (2) focus on market niche (3) product differentiation and (4) low-cost leadership.

4 important issues in self-sourcing

1. Aligning your self-sourcing efforts with organizational goals (your time is valuable); 2. Determining external support required (chances of building a successful system increase greatly when you have both end-users and IT specialists working together); 3. Documenting the system once complete (other people will use and change it, document how your system works from a technical point of view as well as create an easy-to-read user's manual); 4. Provide ongoing support (be prepared to support other end-users, you're solely responsible for ensuring the system continues to function properly and continues to meet all the changing business requirements)

4 requirements for development tools for end-users

1. Easy to use; 2. Support multiple platforms; 3. Offer low cost of ownership (price, training time, speed of application development, required skill level); 4. Support a wide range of data types

5 advantages of prototyping

1. Encourages active end-user participation (they see and work with models); 2. Helps resolve discrepancies among end-users (if involve MANY end-users); 3. Gives end-users a feel for the final system (more likely to see its potential for success); 4. Helps determine technical feasibility; 5. Helps sell the idea of a proposed system

6 advantages of outsourcing

1. Focus on unique core competencies; 2. Exploit the intellect of another organization (often you won't be able to find individuals with all the expertise required to develop a system); 3. Better predict future costs (you know the exact costs); 4. Acquire leading-edge technology (without having to acquire technical expertise and bear the inherent risks of choosing the wrong technology); 5. Reduce costs (one of the important reasons); 6. Improve performance accountability

5 main reasons behind the rapid growth of the outsourcing industry

1. Globalization (increased competition both with native company and outsourcing companies, outsourcers can deliver a company's international services; 2. The Internet (e-business has reduced barriers to entry); 3. Growing economy and low unemployment rate (harder and more expensive to grow a competitive workforce domestically); 4. Technology (companies often lack the resources, workforce, or expertise to keep up to rapidly advancing technology); 5. Deregulation (open markets means more competition)

4 steps in the prototyping process

1. Identify the basic requirements (including input and output information desired and possibly some simple processes); 2. Develop initial prototype (often only user interfaces); 3. End-user reviewing (beginning of the truly iterative process, involve as many end-users as possible to help resolve discrepancies in such areas as terminology and operational processes); 4. Revise and enhance the prototype (then back to step 3, repeat until end-users are happy with the prototype)

4 advantages of self-sourcing

1. Improves requirements determination (end-users essentially tell themselves what they want); 2. Increases end-user participation and sense of ownership (results in a better product); 3. Increases speed of systems development (insourcing may be slower than self-sourcing for smaller projects because "analysis paralysis" i.e. don't fit well in a structured step-by-step approach; 4. Reduces the invisible backlog (i.e. all of the systems that an organization need to develop but never get funded because of the lack of organizational resources)

5 disadvantages of self-sourcing

1. Inadequate end-user expertise leads to inadequately developed systems (if system is never completed, all of that time is wasted); 2. Lack of organizational focus creates "privatized" IT systems (there may be many private IT systems that do not interface with other systems and that contain uncontrolled and duplicated information which can lead to only more problems); 3. Insufficient analysis of design alternatives leads to sub-par IT systems; 4. Lack of documentation and external support leads to short-lived systems (all systems must change over time and making those changes will be easier if the system is documented well); 5. Lack of considerations for security leads to potential gaps in protection (tendency to build in access to critical resources without consideration that they may have role-based access to such resources that others might not have)

2 keys to a successful strategy for self-sourcing

1. Knowing which applications are good candidates 2. Providing end-users with the right tools

3 disadvantages of prototyping

1. Leads people to believe the final system will follow shortly (it may take months or even years, the developer may have left out risk code or code that is difficult to build or test); 2. Gives no indication of performance under operational conditions (potentially the most significant drawback, you must prototype operational conditions as well as interfaces and processes); 3. Leads the project team to forgo proper testing and documentation

3 geopolitical outsourcing options

1. Onshore outsourcing; 2. Nearshore outsourcing (often a country that shares a border with the native country); 3. Offshore outsourcing (geographically far away)

7 steps in the self-sourcing process

1. Planning 2. Analysis 3. Identify basic requirements 4. Develop initial prototype 5. End-user reviewing 6. Revise and enhance the prototype 7. Maintenance (steps 3 through 6 are the prototype process)

6 fundamentals of RAD

1. Planning and analysis phases (as SDLC); 2. Review the software library for usable existing components; 3. Create prototypes - design, develop, and test them until they become fully functional software components; 4. Integrate the existing and new software components and test them as a complete system; 5. Implement (as SDLC); 6. Provide ongoing support and maintenance.

9 steps in outsourcing process

1. Planning; 2. Define project scope; 3. Select a target system; 4. Establish logical requirements (identification of the business requirements drives the entire systems development effort); 5. Develop a RFP; 6. Evaluate RFP returns and select a vendor (according to a scoring mechanism you identified in the RFP); 7. Create a SLA; 8. Test and accept the solution (develop detailed test plans and test conditions that test the entire system, accepting a solution involves granting your sign-off on the system which releases the vendor from any further development efforts or modifications to the system); 9. Monitor and re-evaluate (not just system, but also working relationship with vendor)

4 forms of IT outsourcing for software development

1. Purchase existing software; 2. Purchase existing software and pay the publisher to make certain modifications; 3. Purchase existing software and pay the publisher for the right to make modifications yourself; 4. Outsourcing the development of an entirely new and unique system for which no software exists

2 most important documents in the outsourcing process

1. RFP 2. SLA

4 disadvantages of outsourcing

1. Reduces technical know-how for future innovation; 2. Reduces degree of control; 3. Increases vulnerability of your strategic information; 4. Increases dependency on other organizations

3 challenges to SoA

1. Security: application needs to be open to interacting to other systems; 2. Testing: not nearly as mature as other methods (even those of component-based development); 3. Management: thousands (or more) of messages from distributed services, must manage all of this information

Linux plays a major role in back office operations with about ________ of the U.S. server market


Phased approach

4 Main Strategies of Conversion


2 Phases of system implementation.

fourth-generation language (159)

4GLs are programming languages that are easier to use than high-level languages. They are also known as nonprocedural, natural, or very high-level languages.

Place the following eras of IT infrastructure evolution in order, from earliest to most recent: (1) Mainframe and Minicomputer; (2) Client/Server; (3) Enterprise Internet; (4) Personal Computer; and (5) Electronic Accounting Machine.

5, 1, 4, 2, 3

competitive strategies (49)

A business can develop: 1) cost leadership 2) product differentiation 3) innovation 4) growth 5) alliance or other strategies to confront its competitive forces

lock in customers and suppliers (50)

A business may lock in customers and suppliers by building valuable relationships with customers or by intimidating managers into accepting a less profitable relationship.

competitive forces (46)

A business must confront: 1) rivalry of competitors within its industry 2) threat of new entrants 3) threat of substitutes 4) the bargaining power of customers 5) the bargaining power of suppliers.

data warehouse (199)

A central store of data that has been copied from various organizational databases, standardized, and integrated for use throughout an organization for market research and decision support.

information (34)

A collection of data that have been converted into a meaningful and useful context for specific end users


A computer language translation program is an example of system software

total quality management (TQM)

A concept that makes quality control a responsibility to be shared by all people in an organization.

bit-b (108)

A contraction of "binary digit". It can have the value of either 0 or 1.

graphical user interface (97)

A design approach that enables users to interact with a computer by manipulating images or "icons" that represent objects or actions.

request for proposal (RFP)

A detailed list of questions sbumitted to vendors of software or other sevices to determine how well the vendor's product can meet the organization's specific requirements

information requirements

A detailed statement of the information needs that a new system must satisfy; identifies who needs what information, and when, where, and how the information is needed

Which of the following would NOT be used as an input for an information system?

A digital dashboard

structured query language (206)

A high-level human-like language provided by a database management system that enables users to extract data and information from a database. Know the syntax.


A high-speed network dedicated to storage that connects different kinds of storage devices, such as tape libraries and disk arrays so they can be shared by multiple servers, best describes

Mobile web site

A version of a regular web site that is scaled down in content and navigation for easy access and search on a mobile

hypermedia (197)

A website stores information in a database consisting of a home page and other hyperlinked pages of multimedia or mixed media (text, graphics and photographic images, video clips, audio segments, and so on).

multitouch interface

A(n) ________ allows users to interact with a computer by using several fingers to perform gestures without using a mouse or keyboard

minimized response time for transaction processing

All of the following place strain on system capacity, except for:

hardware resources (32)

All physical devices and materials used in information processing. This includes not only machines, but storage media such as disks, tape, and paper.

Test Plan

All preparations for series of tests


Allowing departments to make their own software and hardware purchases increases efficiency and minimizes the need for centralized support

End-User Development(1)

Allows end-users to create simple information systems with little or no assistance from technical specialists

network structure (184)

Allows many-to-many or web-like relationships between data records.

microcomputer (83)

Also called a "Personal Computer" or "PC", these are small computers, ranging in size from a "computer on a chip" to a small typewriter-size unit. These networked workstations are critical to individuals and business professionals.

knowledge-creating company (66)

Also known as "learning organizations", are companies that consistently create new business knowledge, disseminate it widely throughout the company, and quickly build the new knowledge into their products, services, and business processes.

ROM (110)

Also known as firmware; a memory chip that permanently stores instructions and data that are programmed during the chip's manufacture. Three variations on the ROM chip which that are re-writable. These are PROM, EPROM, and EEPROM. All forms of ROM are non-volatile.

RAM (110)

Also known as main memory or primary storage; type of memory that temporarily holds data and instructions needed shortly by the CPU. RAM is a volatile type of storage.

How would you best categorize the types of systems Kia implemented in their defect early warning system?

An MIS to create reports from existing TPSs and a DSS for high-level analysis and forecasts

raise barriers to entry (52)

An organization may raise barriers to entry by creating technological, financial, or legal requirements that deter competitors from offering similar products or services.

agile company (62)

An organization with the ability to profitably operate in a competitive environment of continual and unpredictable changes by adapting quickly to emerging customer preferences and producing high-quality, high-performance, customer-configured products and services.

systems analysis

Analysis of a problem that the organization will try to solve with an information system

Systems Analysis(2)

Analysis of problem to be solved or a new opportunity to be exploited by developing a new system


Application server software is responsible for locating and managing stored Web pages

object-oriented development

Approach to systems development that uses the object as the basic unit of systems analysis and design. The system is modeled as a collection o objects and the relationship between them.


Approaches to Building Information Systems

require the user to have an online connection.


IS specialists (32)

Are people who develop and operate information systems.

end users (32)

Are people who use an information system or the output it produces.

User-designer communication gap:

Arises from Users and Info-Systems specialists having different:

feasibility study

As part of the systems analysis process, the way to determine whether the solution is achievable, given the organization's resources and constraints.

ATM (networking)

Asynchronous Transfer Mode

Tangible benefits of Information system costs and benefits

Can be quantified and assigned monetary value

Real options pricing models (ROPM)

Can be used when future revenue streams of IT projects are uncertain and up-front costs are high

Intangible benefits of Information system costs and benefits

Cannot be immediately quantified but may lead to quantifiable gains in the long run

Iinternal rate of return (IRR)

Capital Budeting Models used for IT


Changes in hardware, software, documentation, or procedures to a production system to correct errors, meet new requirements, or improve processing efficiency

Organizational impact on new Info Systems

Changes in how information is used often lead to new distributions of authority and power

A mashup, which combines Google Maps with crime data for the city of Chicago, is an example of:

Which of the following illustrates the use of information systems to strengthen customer and supplier intimacy

Chrysler Corporation's use of information systems to facilitate direct access from suppliers to production schedules.


Client/server computing is the most widely used form of centralized processing

COTS software (130)

Commercial off the shelf software can be purchased or licensed and does not require (or allow) customization beyond its own configuration settings

external (197)

Commercially operated databases that provide information for a fee and that can be accessed through the Internet. These are also known as "commercial databases".

Project Managers, Change Managers, Release Managers/Coordinators

Common Enterprise Job Titles:

Selecting projects in a system portfolio

Companies should examine their portfolio of projects in terms of potential benefits and likely risks. Certain kinds of projects should be avoided altogether and others developed rapidly. There is no ideal mix. Companies in different industries have different profiles.

Dell Computer's use of information systems to improve efficiency and implement "mass customization" techniques to maintain consistent profitability and an industry lead illustrates which business objective?

Competitive advantage

CASE tools (168)

Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools support and standardize the activities associated with systems analysis, design, programming, testing, and maintenance.

Grid computing

Connecting geographically remote computers in a single network to create a "virtual supercomputer" is called:

machines (32)

Consist of all input, processing, output, networking, and storage devices including computers, keyboards, printers, monitors, and pointing devices.

The chapter case on Renault's information systems illustrates the use of which type of system to move to a pull-based model for its supply chain?


Which type of system would you use to forecast the return on investment if you used new suppliers with better delivery track records?


Dell Computer's online tools for selecting and customizing a new PC are a type of:



Data Support System

metadata (188)

Data describing the attributes, entities, relationships, and other characteristics of a database.

Which type of enterprise application or technique would help you best identify hidden buying patterns of your customers?

Data mining using a CRM system

feedback (29)

Data or information concerning an information system's performance.

file processing (202)

Data organized, stored, and processed in independent files of data records and accessed and manipulated directly by one or more applications

magnetic disks (112)

Data storage technology that uses magnetised spots on metal or plastic disks.

processing (35)

Data transformation including calculating, comparing, sorting, classifying, and tabulating.

operational (193)

Databases that support the major business functions of an entire organization, also called subject area databases, transaction databases, and production databases.


Decision Support System

Develop the project plan

Defines the what, when, and who questions of the systems development. The guiding force behind ensuring the on-time delivery of a complete and successful information system.

cycles per second (94)

Denoted as Hz, cycles per second is a measure of the speed of the computer's timing circuits or internal clock. The higher the number, the faster the CPU. Cycles in the millions per second range are called megahertz (MHz), in the billions per second range are called gigahertz (GHz), and in the trillions per second range are called terahertz (THz).

Systems Design

Describes system specifications that will deliver functions identified during systems analysis

Systems Proposal Report

Describes the costs/benefits and advantages/disadvantages for each alternative

Request for Proposal (RFP)

Detailed list of questions submitted to packaged-software vendors

systems design

Details how a system will meet the information requirements as determined by the systems analysis

leverage investment in IT (52)

Developing new products, services, and business processes through the use of new information made possible by investments in information technology.

A suite of integrated software modules for finance and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and production, and sales and marketing that allows data to be used by multiple functions and business processes best describes:

ERP systems.

secondary storage (93)

External or auxiliary storage device that supplements the primary storage of a computer. Examples include magnetic disks, magnetic tape, optical disks, and solid state devices. Devices that contain a mechanical component have slower read/write times than solid state devices. However, all secondary devices maintain data even without power

You manage the IT department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time statistics such as views and click-throughs about their current banner ads. Which type of system will most efficiently provide a solution?


The information system used by Caesar's Entertainment, which combines data from internal TPS with information from financial systems and external sources to deliver reports such as profit-loss statements, impact analyses, is an example of:


Which type of system would you use to determine what trends in your supplier's industry will affect your firm the most in five years?


communications satellites (247)

Earth satellites serving as relay stations for microwave communications signals.

Agile development(2)

Emphasizes face-to-face communication over written documents, allowing collaboration and faster decision making

What is the most important benefit of an enterprise application?

Enabling business functions and departments to share information


Ensures system produces right results


Enterprise Information Portal


Enterprise Resource Planning

These systems are designed to support organization-wide process coordination and integration.

Enterprise applications


Entity-Relationship Diagrams

support of business processes and operations (8)

Examples include activities such as sales transactions, inventory ordering, and payroll processing.


Examples of different types of design specifications


Executive Information Systems

data (34)

Facts or observations about physical phenomena or business transactions. More specifically, data are objective measurements of the attributes (characteristics) of entities, such as people, places, things, and events.

Types of system failure

Fail to capture essential business requirements

- False


Over 70 percent of malware today is aimed at small businesses.





IT infrastructure technology is the set of physical devices required to operate the entire enterprise

Information Systems Development Plan:

Identifies systems projects that will deliver most business value, links development to business plan

The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; survival; competitive advantage; operational excellence; and

Improved decision making

peripherals (97)

In a computer system, any unit of equipment, distinct from the central processing unit, that provides the system with input, output, or storage capabilities.

the work of the entire network is balanced over several levels of servers

In a multitiered network:

Hybrid cloud

In a(n) ________ computing model, companies use their own infrastructure for essential computing tasks and adopt public cloud computing for less critical operations or additional processing during peak business periods.

the computer that acts as the user point of entry

In client/server computing, the client is


In cloud computing, rapid elasticity refers to the ability of computing resources to be quickly altered to meet demand

purchases and owns their Web server but locates the server in the physical facility of a hosting service

In co-location, a firm


In order to manage their relationship with an outsourcer or technology service provider, firms need a contract that includes a(n)

Capital Budgeting Models(1)

Measure value of investing in long-term capital investment projects

Capital Budgeting Models(2)

Measures the firm's cash outflows and inflows

volatility (110)

Memory (RAM) that loses its contents when electrical power is interrupted.

semiconductor memory (110)

Microelectronic storage circuitry etched on tiny chips of silicon or other semiconducting material

spreadsheet software

Microsoft Excel is an example of

data management software

Microsoft Word is an example of:

test plan

Prepared by the development team in conjunction with the users; it includes all of the preparations for the series of tests to be performed on the system.

What quality of the DSS did Procter & Gamble employ that was most integral to the determination of an effective solution for optimizing their supply chain?

Modeling capabilities

Advantages of End-user development

More rapid completion of projects

telecommunications processors (251)

Multiplexers, concentrators, communications controllers, and cluster controllers that allow a communications channel to carry simultaneous data transmissions from many terminals. They may also perform error monitoring, diagnostics and correction, modulation-demodulation, data compression, data coding and decoding, message switching, port contention, and buffer storage.


Nanotechnology uses individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are thousands of times smaller than current technologies permit

A manufacturer of deep-sea oil rigs may be least concerned about this marketplace force.

New market entrants

Which of the following business objectives best describes the strategy behind the use of technology in the new Yankee Stadium?

New products and services

Disadvantages of End-user development

Not designed for processing-intensive applications

off-line (97)

Off-line pertains to devices not under control of the central processing unit or to a computer not connected to a network. A connected device powered down is also considered off-line (not available).

Traditional Systems Lifecycle

Oldest method for building information systems

gigabyte-GB (109)

One billion bytes. More accurately, 2 to the 30th power, or 1,073,741,824 in decimal notation.

megabyte-MB (109)

One million bytes. More accurately, 2 to the 20th power, 1,048,576 in decimal notation.


One of the main benefits of moving to mobile business computing platforms is the dramatically lower costs of hardware.

Terabyte-TB (109)

One trillion bytes. More accurately, 2 to the 40th power, or 1,009,511,627,776 in decimal notation.


Online Analytic Processing


Online Transaction Processing


Open Systems Interconnection

Which type of software is created and updated by a worldwide community of programmers and available for free?

Open source

Which of the following objectives best describes the business strategy behind the development of smart grid initiatives by power companies, as discussed in the chapter case?

Operational Excellence

offshore outsourcing

Outsourcing systems development work or maintenance of existing systems to external vendors in another country

people resources 32)

People are an essential component of an information system. Broadly, this resource includes IS specialists and end users

knowledge workers (32)

People whose primary work activities include creating, using, and distributing information

online (97)

Pertains to equipment or devices under control of the central processing unit or that are connected to a network.


Plain Old Telephone Service

Seven phases of SDLC

Planning, Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation, Maintenance


Private Key Encryption

rapid application development (RAD)

Process for developing systems in a very short time period by using prototyping, fourth-generation tools, and close teamwork among users and systems specialists


Process of changing from old system to new system

Rapid application development (RAD)

Process of creating workable systems in a very short period of time

joint application design (JAD)

Process to accelerate the generation of information requirements by having end users and information systems specialists work together in intensive interactive design sessions.

Based on your reading of the case study text, which of the four generic strategies to deal with competitive forces was the motivating factor behind eBay's acquisition of JotSpot and Kaboodle?

Product differentiation

acceptance testing

Provides the final certification that the system is ready to be used in a production setting

utility computing

Purchasing computing power from a central computing service and paying only for the amount of computing power used is commonly referred to as:

Real Options Pricing Models


paradigm shift

Radical reconceptualization of the nature of the business and the nature of the organization

RFID (115)

Radio Frequency Identification Device. A class of small active or passive transmitters that can be embedded in or affixed to objects to facilitate identification and tracking.

agile development

Rapid delivery of working software by breaking a large project into a series of small sub-projects that are completed in short periods of time using iteration and continuous feedback.

A set of self-contained services that communicate with each other to create a working software application is called



SaaS providers deliver and provide Web-based, remote access to storage


Sales Force Automation


Search Engine Optimization


Select the functions of the system you wish to use.

procedures (33)

Set of instructions used by people to complete a task.

floppy disk (112)

Small, flexible, plastic disk enclosed in a protective envelope and hard plastic shell. It holds data in the form of magnetised spots. These were once widely used to provide a removable direct access storage capability for microcomputer systems.


Software applications that combine different components of online software applications are referred to as


Software localization refers to the entire process of converting software to operate in a second language.

java (164)

Sun Microsystems created Java as an object-oriented programming language with a syntax similar to the "C" programming language. It is widely available on multiple hardware platforms, easy to learn, and powerful. It is widely used for developing web applications. Therefore, Java is widely used as a software development platform.


Supply Chain Management

A firm that must invest in new information systems capabilities in order to comply with federal legislation can be said to be investing to achieve which business objective?


The move of retail banking to use ATMs after Citibank unveiled its first ATMs illustrates the use of information systems to achieve which business objective?


The use of information systems because of necessity describes the business objective of


structure chart

System documentation showing each level of design, the relationship among the levels, and the overall place in the design structure; can document one program, one system, or part of one program.


System specifications from design stage are translated into software program code


Systems Development Life Cycle

support of business decision making (8)

Systems can support less structured business activities such as deciding which product lines to add or discontinue. While these types of decisions require human creativity, information systems can support managers in this process by providing them with useful information on demand.


Systems integration means ensuring the legacy systems work with new elements of the infrastructure

functional business systems (15)

Systems that focus on basic business functions such as accounting, marketing, sales, finance, and human resource management.


T/F Generally do not solutions require new systems to be developed.


T/F Some solutions do not require an information system.

Which type of system would you use to change a production schedule if a key supplier was late in delivering goods?


You have been hired by a non-profit agency to implement a system to handle their donations. Event fundraisers need to be able to quickly access a donor's information and history. The marketing department needs to be able to create customized mailing lists, in order to send different messages to different types of donors. What system(s) will best meet these needs?

TPS with MIS capabilities

OSI Layer 1

The Physical Layer

OSI Layer 6

The Presentation Layer

OSI Layer 5

The Session Layer

OSI Layer 4

The Transport Layer

data or information processing (35)

The act of converting data into information. This includes both input and processing activities. Processing includes calculating, comparing, sorting, classifying, and summarizing

database interrogation (206)

The activities associated with retrieving data in a database. Understand the basic syntax of Structured Query Language (SQL)

systems development

The activities that go into producing an informational systems solution to an organizational problem or opportunity

information system (4)

The arrangement of all the components and resources necessary to deliver information and functions to the organization. These resources include hardware, software, and people to perform input, processing, output, storage, and control activities that transform data resources into information products.

centralized maintenance

The business case for using grid computing involves all of the following except


The collection of Web services that are used to build a firm's software systems constitutes what is known as a service-oriented architecture

central processing unit (93)

The component of a computer system that includes the circuits controlling the interpretation and execution of instructions. The CPU includes the arithmetic-logic unit and the control unit

magnetic ink (105)

The computer systems of the banking industry can magnetically read checks and deposit slips using magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) technology.

distributed (193)

The concept of mirroring or replicating databases or portions of a database to remote sites where the data is more easily accessed. Sharing is made possible through a network connecting the databases.

information system model (31)

The conceptual view of an information system.

Production and maintenance

The core activities that go into developing an information system solution to an organizational problem or opportunity

customer value (54)

The customer perceives the value or benefit associated with a given transaction or business relationship. Vendors can provide this by recognizing that quality rather than price has become the primary determinant. Vendors must focus on anticipating future needs, responding to customer concerns, and providing top-quality service.

data redundancy (203)

The degree to which data has been duplicated between various files and databases. The greater the redundancy, the more difficult data maintenance tasks become.

business process reengineering (58)

The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, speed, and service.

wireless technologies (223)

The hardware, software, and protocols used to connect devices without the use of cables by means of radio, microwave (high frequency radio), or infrared transmissions.

From a business perspective, raw data is transformed systematically during various stages, transforming it into valuable information, in a process called

The information value chain


The interactive, multiuser operating system developed by Bell Laboratories in 1969 to be highly supportive of communications and networking is

understand the effect the internet has had on business (49)

The internet has create an avenue where a business can enter a market quickly with low cost of entry.

rationalization of procedures

The streamlining of standard operating procedures, eliminating obvious bottlenecks, so that automation makes operating procedures more efficient

control (29)

The systems component that evaluates feedback to determine whether the system is moving toward the achievement of its goal and then makes any necessary adjustments to the input and processing components of the system to ensure that proper output is produced.

Web services

The toy manufacturer you work for wants to exchange data with a chain of toy stores in order to improve their distribution and speed to market. The toy stores use different software than your firm. Which of the following tools or technologies presents the best solution?

enterprise collaboration systems (13)

The use of groupware tools and the Internet, intranets, extranets, and other computer networks to support and enhance communication, coordination, collaboration, and resource sharing among teams and workgroups. These systems allow the creation of "virtual" teams of people who may work together without ever meeting in person.

distributed processing

The use of multiple computers linked by a communications network for processing is called

total cost of ownership model

To analyze the direct and indirect costs and determine the actual cost of specific technology implementations, you would use a

Portfolio analysis(3)

To improve return on portfolio, balance risk and return from systems investments

workstation computer (83)

These computers are high-end microcomputers which support processor intense applications such as mathematical computing, graphics rendering, computer aided design (CAD), and powerful analytical software

inter-enterprise information systems (64)

These systems consist of extranets linking suppliers, customers, subcontractors, and competitors together.

operations support systems (13)

These systems help enable the day to day operations of an organization. They include office automation systems, transaction processing systems, and process control systems.

process control systems (14)

These systems monitor and control physical processes such as production lines, package routing, and heating and cooling systems.

management information systems (15)

These systems provide information to managers and business professionals

mainframe system (89)

This category comprises large, fast, and powerful computer systems. Processing speeds range up to billions of instructions per second. Primary memory may consist of hundreds or thousands of gigabytes. Usage considerations include cost, space, air-conditioning, and uninterrupted power supplies. They are used for computationally tense applications such as managing airline reservation systems or financial transactions in banking institutions

minicomputer (88)

This category comprises mid-range computer that might be used as a high-end workstation for computationally intense applications. They are often found in industrial process control systems such as computer aided manufacturing (CAM) applications. These computers may also serve as front-end servers to relieve mainframe computers of telecommunications and network management tasks. While microcomputers would fit on, under, or next to a desk, minicomputers are larger and are generally not co-located with its users

supercomputer (90)

This category comprises the most powerful computer systems. They are designed to solve massive computational problems such as creating complex models for long-term planetary weather forecasting, exploring the origins of the universe, and simulating nuclear reactions at the atomic level.

network server (83)

This is a powerful microcomputer used to co-ordinate telecommunications and resource sharing across local area networks (LAN), manage large websites, Intranets, and extranets.


Today, most system and application software is custom built by in-house programmers


Total cost of ownership components include costs for downtime, training, and support

software localization

Translating software to different languages is commonly referred to as


Transmission Control Protocol

Which of the following can force a business and its competitors to compete on price alone?

Transparent Marketplace

Which of the following can force a business and its competitors to compete on price alone?

Transparent marketplace

- False




Formal planning and control tools

Used for documenting and monitoring project plans

Joint application design (JAD)

Used to accelerate generation of information requirements and to develop initial systems design

Portfolio analysis(1)

Used to evaluate alternative system projects

Scoring Models

Used to evaluate alternative system projects, especially when many criteria exist

object-oriented model (185)

Uses objects as data elements, i.e. elements that include both data and the methods or processes that act on the data. Works well with complex data types such as video clips, audio segments and other subsets of web pages.

optical scanning (103)

Using a device (scanner) that reads characters or images and generates their digitally coded representations


Using an online storage service such as DropBox is a type of virtualization

An example of an organizational complementary asset is

Using the appropriate business model

The concern that data values of an information source fall within a defined range reflects which quality dimension of information?


can boost server utilization rates to 70% or higher


Gantt Chart

Visual representation of timing and duration of tasks


Web browsers are the primary interface for accessing the Internet

Input device

What type of device gathers data and converts them into electronic form for use by the computer

When you need more powerful computational abilities

What would be a reason for using a workstation rather than a personal computer

kilobyte-K/KB (109)

When referring to computer storage capacity it is equivalent to 2 to the 10th power, or 1,024 in decimal notation


Which of the following devices collects data directly from the environment for input into a computer system?


Which of the following is an open-source operating system designed for mobile devices


Which of the following is not a type of output device


Which of the following refers to the ability of a computer, product, or system to expand to serve a larger number of users without breaking down

It removes the concern about data and systems security for businesses

Which of the following statements is not true about cloud computing

Magnetic tape

Which of the following storage technology stores data sequentially?


Working but preliminary version of information system


XML is limited to describing how data should be presented in the form of Web pages; HTML can perform presentation, communication, and storage of data.


XML provides a standard format for data exchange, enabling Web services to pass data from one process to another.

capacity planning

You use ________ to predict when a computer hardware system becomes saturated

green computing

________ describes the practices and technologies used minimize the environmental effects of manufacturing and managing computing devices


________ is an operating system-independent, processor-independent, object-oriented programming language that has become a leading interactive programming environment for the Web.

open source software

________ is free software created and updated by a worldwide community of programmers

local area networks-LAN (239)

a communications network that connects computers, terminals, and other computerized devices within a limited physical area such as an office, building, floor, manufacturing plant, or worksite.

wide area network-WAN (238)

a data communications network covering a large geographic area.

modems (251)d

a device that converts the digital signals from input/output devices into analog signals for transmission over an analogue carrier at the sending node and converts analog signals back into digital signals at the receiving node.

Critical success factor

a factor critical to your organization's success

machine language (157)

a first generation language where instructions are expressed in the binary code immediately recognizable for execution by a computer's CPU.

Agile methodology

a form of XP, with less focus on team coding and more on limiting project scope. Aims for customer satisfaction through early and continuous delivery of useful software components. Sets a minimum number of requirements and turns them into a deliverable product. Fast and efficient; small and nimble; lower cost; fewer features; shorter projects.

Requirements definition document

a formal comprehensive document which contains prioritized business requirements; send to users for sign-off.

Service level agreement (SLA)

a formal contractually obligated agreement between two parties. In the context of systems development, defines the work to be done, the time frame, the metrics that will be used to measure the success of the systems development effort, and the costs. If the vendor will be providing post-development maintenance and support, the SLA outlines those activities, their costs, and key metrics by which the success of those activities will be measured.

Request for proposal (RFP)

a formal document that describes in excruciating detail your logical requirements for a proposed system and invites outsourcing organizations to submit bids for its development. Eventually it becomes the foundation for a legal and binding contract into which your organization and the vendor will enter.

middleware (222)

a general term for any program that serves to "glue together" or mediate between two separate programs.

system (26)

a group of interrelated components working together toward a common goal by accepting inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process.

HTML (161)

a language that creates formatted hypertext or hypermedia documents.

Waterfall methodology

a version of the SDLC which is a sequential, activity-based process in which one phase of the SDLC is followed by another, from planning through maintenance

Project scope document

a written document of the project scope and is usually no longer than a paragraph.

wireless LAN (249)

a local area network supported entirely without telecommunications cables.


a process of repeating over and over again the steps to build a system

direct cutover strategy

a risky conversion approach where the new system completely replaces the old one on an appointed day

assembler language (158)

a second generation language that uses a few letters and numbers to directly represent machine code or memory locations.

six sigma

a specific measure of quality, representing 3.4 defects per million opportunities' used to designate a set of methodologies and techniques for improving quality and reducing costs

Systems development life cycle (SDLC)

a structured, step-by-step approach for developing information systems with seven key phases and numerous activities within each

VoIP (258)

a system through which voice communications transmit over the internet in a manner similar to a telephone call.

systems life cycle

a traditional methodology for developing an info system that partitions the systems development process into formal stages that must be completed sequentially with a very formal division of labor between end users and information systems specialists

object-oriented language (160)

a type of 5th generation language. An object consists of data variables and the actions that can be performed on the data within these variables.

groupware (141)

a type of general purpose software that supports collaboration between members of a work group with networked computers.

transaction processing systems (14)

a type of operations support system. A TPS processes routine business transactions such as sales or purchases.

strategic initiatives

a. Lock customers and suppliers by building valuable new relationships. b. Create switching cost in relationships between a firm and its customers or suppliers. c. Raise barriers to entry wthat would discourage or delay other companies from entering the market. d. Leverage investment in IT by developing new products and services that would nto be possible without a strong IT capability

What is a business value of RSS?

a. Lowers costs and improves efficiency by minimizing Internet access

Which of the following is an important capability for service-category business processes that is found in most major CRM software products?

a. Returns management

In the information age, the obligations that individuals and organizations have concerning rights to intellectual property fall within the moral dimension of:

a. property rights and obligations.

Responsive web design

ability of a web site to automatically change screen resolution and image size as a user switches to devices of different sizes, such as a laptop, tablet computer, or smartphone; eliminates the need for separate design and development work for each new device

Prioritize the business requirements

activity during the analysis phase; in order of business importance and place them in a formal comprehensive document, the requirements definition document.

Gathering the business requirements

activity during the analysis phase; similar to performing an investigation; talk to all stakeholders, possibly via a joint application development session.

Design the technical architecture

activity during the design phase; design hardware, software, and telecommunications (encompasses access to the Internet and the ability for end-users to connect remotely to the server) required to run the system. Typically explore many before choosing final.

Design the system models

activity during the design phase; drawing a graphical representation of a design, including screens, reports, software, and databases (ER diagrams)

Build the database and programs

activity during the development phase; initiate and complete creation of supporting databases and writing of software required for the system. Usually done by IT specialists, may take months or even years.

Build the technical architecture

activity during the development phase; purchase and implement equipment necessary to support the technical architecture from the design phase - i.e. build the platform on which the system will operate (servers, networks, etc.)

Write detailed user documentation

activity during the implementation phase; to highlight how to use the system

Provide training for the system users

activity during the implementation phase; you can provide several different types of training, the most popular being on-line training (set your own schedule) and workshop training (most suitable for difficult systems)

Set the project scope

activity during the planning phase; define the scope and create a document which clearly defines the high-level requirement. Often referred to as the 10,000-foot view of the system or the most basic definition of the system. Helps you avoid scope creep and feature creep.

Define the system to be developed

activity during the planning phase; support the strategic goals of the organization and contain critical success factors

Perform the testing of the system

activity during the testing phase; many different types of tests must be performed including: unit testing, system testing, integration testing, user acceptance testing (UAT), risk-based testing, volume testing, stress (or load) testing, regression testing (p. 167)

Write the test conditions

activity during the testing phase; the detailed steps the system must perform along with the expected results of each step, typically hundreds or thousands in a systems development effort; each test condition is executed and the results are compared with the expected results to verify that the system functions correctly; if the results differ, a "bug" is generated and the system goes back to development for a "bug fix"

Software used to apply the computer to a specific task for an end user is called

application software

Electronic questionnaires in a GDSS

aid the organizers in pre-meeting planning by identifying issues of concern.

Which industries did the first wave of e-commerce transform?

air travel books music

Which technology allows a client and server to exchange small pieces of data behind the scene so that an entire Web page does not have to be reloaded each time the user requests a change


Self-sourcing system development

aka end-user development, the development and support of IT systems by end-users (knowledge workers) with little or no help from IT specialists

Rapid application development (RAD) method

aka rapid prototyping. Emphasizes extensive user involvement in the rapid and evolutionary construction of working prototypes of a system to accelerate the systems development process. End-users actively involved in analysis phase and iterative approach to design, development, and testing of new software components. Accelerates the collecting of business requirements and the develo9pment of the software.

Service level specification (SLS)

aka service level objective (SLO). A supporting document to the SLA similar to a contract addendum that includes technical specifications

programming language (157)

allow a programmer to develop the instructions that a language translator or interpreter will turn into machine executable instructions.

spreadsheet package (139)

allow users to develop sophisticated calculators and mathematical models using an intuitive spreadsheet interface, formulas, and custom programs (macros).

virtual memory (150)

allows an operating system to use a secondary storage device as an extension of primary storage. Thus it gives the computer the appearance of having a larger main memory than actually exists. Overreliance on virtual memory will cause applications to run considerably slower when using hard disk drives for secondary storage (as is common practice). However, solid state drives will significantly mitigate this problem.

natural language (159)

also called fifth-generation languages, are programming languages that resemble human language.

Build a help desk to support the system users

an activity in the maintenance phase; a group of people who respond to users' questions

Service-oriented architecture (SoA)

an important technology paradigm. Suggests, in part, that business processes can be decomposed into their most granular tasks, and software implementations can then be created to exploit the similarities between such granular processes. A software architecture perspective that focuses on the development, use, and reuse of small self-contained blocks of code (called services) to meet all the application software needs of an organization. Then choose from among the different component-based development methodologies that support the concept of reusable services for the development of specific systems (RAD, XP, agile)

Project manager

an individual who is an expert in project planning and management, defines and develops the project plan, and tracks the plan to ensure that all key project milestones are completed on time.

operating system (147)

an integrated system of programs that manages the operations of the CPU, controls the input, output, storage resources, and security, of the computer system, and provides various other support services as the computer executes the application programs of users.

telecommunication network (235)

any arrangement in which a sender transmits a message to a receiver over a channel consisting of some type of medium .

computer terminal (85)

any device that enables both input and output between a user and a computer via telecommunications link.

component-aided software engineering (CASE)

automation of step-by-step methodologies for software and systems development to reduce the amounts of repetitive work the developer needs to do

What competitive force do intelligent agent shopping bots enhance?

b. Bargaining power of customers

Tools for consolidating, analyzing, and providing access to vast amounts of data to help users make better business decisions are known as:

b. business intelligence.

A DSS database is a collection of:

b. current or historical data from several applications or groups.

The most successful solutions for consistently and effectively achieving a business objective are referred to as:

best practices.

The most successful solutions or methods for achieving a business objective are called:

best practices.

Extreme programming (XP) methodology

breaks a project into tiny phases, and developers cannot continue on to the next phase until the current phase is complete. Different from SDLC because XP divides its phases into iterations. Similar to RAD because relies heavily on reusing existing software components. Stresses customer satisfaction, emphasizes teamwork, enables group style development, allows developers to respond to changes even late in the SDLC.

inter-network processors (252)

bridges, routers, hubs, or gateways to other networks.

What category best describes the FBI's CODIS system described in the chapter case?

c. KMS


c. Low-cost leadership, product differentiation, and strengthening customer and supplier intimacy

Which type of system, from a constituency perspective, did Whirlpool need to improve?

c. TPS

In order to achieve maximum benefit from an enterprise software package, a business

c. changes the way it works to match the software's business processes.

__is the process of predicting when a computer hardware system becomes saturated

capacity planning

Which of the following would not be a complementary asset for a solar panel manufacturer?

centralized hierarchical decision making

Key support tasks in self-sourcing

completely document the system, provide ongoing support

software resources (33)

comprise all sets of information processing instructions. This includes not only software but the human procedures associated with managing information systems as well.

RAID (113)

comprises two or more interconnected microcomputer hard disk drives and their controllers. They provide, fault tolerant storage capacities. RAID arrays are characterized by their ability to continue running without data loss even if one drive should fail.

protocol (255)

consist of a set of rules and procedures for the control of communications in a network.

telecommunications (221)

consist of the exchange of analogue or digital signals between computer nodes over a distance.

telecommunications media (245)

consist of the hardware or channel through which signals travel. They include, twisted-pair wire, coaxial cables, fiber optic cables, terrestrial microwave, communications satellite, cellular, radio frequency, and infrared systems.

integrated package (136)

consist of two or more software applications designed to seamlessly share functions and data. These includes less functionality, but at a lower cost, than a software suite.

virtual private network-VPN (239)

consists of a network created by two private networks connected securely to each other via the Internet.

computer system (92)

consists of input and output devices, primary and secondary storage devices, the central processing unit, and other peripheral devices.

Provide an environment to support system changes

constantly assess changes in the business environment to see if the system must be adapted or updated to meet current needs

Planning phase

create a solid plan for developing your information system.


d. implement structured methods for organizing and evaluating ideas.

Advances in data storage techniques and rapidly declining storage costs have:

d. made routine violations of privacy cheap and effective.

Types of functions or projects that make good candidates for offshore outsourcing

data conversions and system migrations (well-defined requirements and specifications with minimal end-user interaction with development team); application development projects (mostly in development and testing phases where end-user interaction is limited and task is well defined); maintenance activities (for stable applications, can be performed remotely); call centre or help desk functions (with the right communication infrastructure and a clear understanding of your company's business language requirements

input (35)

data entry

Software that organizes manages and processes business data such as data concerned with inventory customers and vendors is called

data management software

The components of a DSS are the:

database, software system, and user interface.

Key planning tasks in self-sourcing

define system goals in light of organizational goals, create a project plan, identify any systems that require an interface, determine what type of external support you will require

Three primary activities performed during the planning phase

define the system to be developed, set the project scope, develop the project plan

Outsourcing system development

delegation of specific work to a third party for a specified length of time, at a specified cost, and at a specified level of service

Plunge implementation

discards the old system completely and immediately uses the new system

presentation graphics software (140)

displays graphics such as charts, illustrations, animations, audio, and/or video to illustrate the information in presentations.

Implementation phase

distribute the systems to all the users and they begin using the system to perform their everyday jobs

The use of multiple computers linked by a communications network for processing is called

distributed processing

Disadvantage to traditional SDLC

does not allow development team to find and use existing code. I.e. all software is written from scratch each time it is needed for each application.

The use of digital technology and the Internet to execute the major business processes in the enterprise is called:


XML (162)

eXtensible Markup Language provides data and its meta-data (contextual labels) to web browsers and other applications.

digital (244)

electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states. These states are typically represented as "0" and "1".

What is the most important function of an enterprise application?

enabling business functions and departments to share information

user interface (147)

ends and receives information between the computer and the person using it. It includes keyboard, monitor, pointing device, and related software.

Based on your reading of the International House of Pancakes case study, which strategy for combating competitive forces was a chief focus of IHOP's updated information systems?

engthen customer and supplier intimacy

This software is built around thousands of predefined business processes:

enterprise software.

This type of software enables data to be used by multiple functions and business processes for organization coordination and control:

enterprise software.

All of the following place strain on system capacity

except for,minimized response time for transaction processing

Which of the following is not one of the competitive forces of Porter's model

external environment

enterprise collaboration systems (14)

facilitate team or workgroup communications and productivity. These include e-mail, instant messaging, message boards, digital whiteboards, wikis, and videoconferencing

Idea organizers in a GDSS:

facilitate the organized integration and synthesis of ideas generated during brainstorming.

Allowing departments to make their own software and hardware purchases increases efficiency and minimizes the need for centralized support.


Application server software is responsible for locating and managing stored Web pages


In an efficient customer response system digital answering systems are used to monitor and respond to customer inquiries


The law of diminishing returns always applies to digital as well as traditional products.


Today most business firms have discontinued operating their legacy systems and they have been extremely inexpensive to replace with newer technology


XML is limited to describing how data should be presented in the form of Web pages HTML can perform presentation communication and storage of data


MIS typically produce:

fixed, regularly scheduled reports based on data extracted from the organization's TPS.

Applications that IT staff should focus on (not self-sourcing)

focus on high-cost, high-return applications with the following characteristics: infrastructure-related; mission-critical ES such as ERP, CRM, SCM, as well as BI and e-business systems; support large numbers of concurrent users

Hilton Hotels' use of customer information software to identify the most profitable customers to direct services to is an example of using information systems to:

focus on market niche.

Two primary activities performed during the analysis phase

gather the business requirements for the system, prioritize the business requirements

Component-based development (CBD)

general approach to systems development that focuses on building small self-contained blocks of code (components) that can be reused across a variety of applications within an organization. Requires teams to (1) look through the software library for reusable code that already exists and (2) build new software in the form of components that can be reused later in other software development projects.

Two categories of fourth-generation languages are

graphics language and application software package

An essential component in the ability of GDSS to contribute to a collaborative environment is:

guarantee of user anonymity.

middleware (157)

helps diverse software applications and networked computer systems exchange data and work together more efficiently.

Sociologists study information systems with an eye to understanding

how systems affect individuals, groups, and organizations

Compensation analysis is an example of:

human resources information systems.

Concur Expense Service software, described in the Interactive Session: Management as software that automates the travel and entertainment expense-reporting process, would be classified as

human resources system.

GDSS are most useful for tasks involving:

idea generation, complex problems, and large groups.

The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; survival; competitive advantage; operational excellence; and:

improved decision making.

analog (244)

in which a base carrier's alternating current frequency is modified in some way, such as by amplifying the strength of the signal or varying the frequency, in order to add information to the signal. Broadcast and telephone transmission have originally used analog technology. An analog signal can be represented as a series of sine waves. The term originated because the modulation of the carrier wave is analogous to the fluctuations of the human voice or other sound that is being transmitted.

Insourcing system development

in-house IT specialists within your organization to develop the system

input (93)

include keyboards, touch screens, pen, electronic mice, and optical scanners. They convert data into electronic form for direct entry into a computer system.

output (93)

include video display units, printers and audio response units. They convert electronic information produced by the computer system into human-intelligible form for presentation to end users.

control (36)

includes feedback regarding input, processing, output, and storage activities as well as actions performed in response to this information.

A software suite

includes full-featured versions of application software bundled as a unit.

telecommunications software (253)

includes network operating systems, telecommunications monitors, web browsers, and middleware, that controls and supports the communications activities in a telecommunications network.

output (35)

information made available to end uses. This may take the form of messages, reports, forms, images, sound, and video.

strategic information system (46)

information systems that support or shape an organization's competitive position and strategies.

open systems (222)

information systems that use common standards for hardware, software, applications, and networking.

The three main activities in an information system are

input, processing, and output

Three primary choices as to who will build your system

insourcing, self-sourcing, outsourcing

Results of prototyping process for different system builders

insourcing: a technical blueprint or design for the final system (because you use special prototyping development tools, holds true for traditional SDLC); self-sourcing: the final system (because you develop the prototypes using the targeted application development environment, also holds true for CBD methodologies)

Phased implementation

installs the new system in phases (e.g. AP then AR, etc.) until you're sure it works correctly; then the remaining phases of the new system are implemented

Business processes are collections of:


To automate routine tasks to help firms search for and filter information for use in electronic commerce and supply chain management a firm would most likely use:

intelligent agents.

An information system can enable a company to focus on a market niche through:

intensive customer data analysis.

business process management (BPM)

is an approach to business which aims to continuously improve and manage business processes

Which of the following statements is not true about cloud computing

it removes the concern about data and systems security for businesses

Which of the following is not one of the most important four programming languages for business


Which of the following is not a type of output device


The easy use of graphics in an ESS allows the user to:

look at more data in less time with greater clarity.

The four major types of competitive strategy are:

low-cost leadership; product differentiation; focus on market niche; and customer and supplier intimacy.

Which of the following storage technology stores data sequentially

magnetic tape

The Internet raises the bargaining power of customers by

making information avaiable to everyone

When a firm provides a specialized product or service for a narrow target market better than competitors, they are using a:

market niche strategy.

Software applications that combine different online software applications are referred to as


________ is the ability to offer individually tailored products or services using the same production resources as bulk production.

mass customization

___ uses individual atoms and molecules to create computer chips and other devices that are thousands of times smaller than current technologies permit


Languages that enable a user to make requests using conversational commands resembling human speech are called

natural languages

Feature creep

occurs when developers (and end-users) add extra features that were not part of the initial requirements. Can throw off a project plan.

Scope creep

occurs when the scope of the project increases beyond its original intentions. Can throw off a project plan.

The contracting of custom software development to outside firms is commonly referred to as


application service provider (143)

owns, operates, and maintains application software for access by others via the Internet.

Four implementation methods

parallel, plunge, pilot, phased

general-purpose application programs (130)

perform only common information processing jobs such as word processing, electronic spreadsheets, and graphics programs.

software suites (135)

powerful, integrated software packages that combine several individual applications with a common graphical interface in a manner that allows them to share data directly between them.

data flow diagram (DFD)

primary tool for structued analysis that graphically illustrates a system's compent process and the flow of data between them

The emergence of the World Wide Web acted as a disruptive technology for

print publishing

system software (147)

programs that control and support the operation of a computer system, including operating systems, file management applications, communications control programs, service and utility programs, and programming language translator programs. It performs 5 basic functions in the operation of the computer system, the user interface, resource management, file management, task management, utilities/support services.

cloud computing (145)

provides hardware and software as a service over the Internet.

application software (130)

provides tools to help users complete general informationAn application service provider processing tasks (such as word processing or spreadsheet calculations) or structured tasks (such as payroll or time tracking). Application and system software are the two majors types of software available to users.

3 system development methodologies in CBD

rapid application development, extreme programming, and agile

legacy systems (242)

refer to an organization's outdated business information systems.


refers to the fact that techniques are carefully drawn up, step by step, with each step building on a previous one

A widget is a(n)

small software program that can be added to Web pages or placed on the desktop


software building block that combines data and the procedures acting on the data

Project milestones

represent key dates by which you need a certain group of activities performed.

A substitute product of most concern for a cable TV distributor is

satellite TV

Network economics

sees the cost of adding new members as inconsequential

Which of the following is a device used to collect data directly from the environment for input into a computer system


Which of the following types of computer would you use to support a computer network


Joint application development (JAD)

session users and IT specialists meet, sometimes for several days, to define and review the business requirements for the system.

utilities (156)

set of programs that assist in the operation of a computer system. They perform tasks such as file type conversion, data backup, data recovery, virus protection, firewalls, data compression, disk partitioning, user authentication, and file defragmentation.

Outsourcing process vs. SDLC

similar: beginning with planning and defining project scope; different: turn over much of the design, development, testing, implementation, and maintenance steps to another organization

web services (165)

software components that are based on a framework of Web and object-oriented standards and technologies for using the Web that electronically link the applications of different users and different computing platforms. This allows various business applications to exchange information in real-time.

A(n) ____ is a prewritten commercially available set of software programs that eliminates the need for a firm to write its own software programs for certain functions

software package

Prewritten, commercially available sets of software programs that eliminate the need for a firm to write its own software programs for certain functions, are referred to as:

software packages.

3 major tools for self-sourcing

spreadsheets, database management systems, and Web development

Native app

standalone application designed to run on a specific platform and device and is installed directly on the mobile device

The primary storage technologies are

storage networks magnetic tape magnetic disk and optical disk

Key analysis tasks in self-sourcing

study and model the current system, understand the interfaces in detail, define and prioritize your requirements

Which of the following types of computer is used for weather forecasting


A network of organizations and business processes for procuring raw materials, transforming these materials into intermediate and finished products, and distributing the finished products to customers is called a:

supply chain.

The move of retail banking to use ATMs after Citibank unveiled its first ATMs illustrates the information system business objective of:


When the output of some units can be used as inputs to other units or if two organizations pool markets and expertise that result in lower costs and generate profits it is often referred to as creating


In 2006, new United Kingdom RFID-enhanced biometric passports were cracked by UK security experts in 48 hours using equipment costing less than $500. The moral questions raised by this accomplishment center primarily around the dimension of:

system quality.

Development phase

take all detailed design documents and transform them into an actual system; marks the transition from physical design to physical implementation; IT specialists are responsible for completing most of the activities in this phase.

Design phase

take business requirements generated during the analysis phase and define the supporting physical or technical architecture in the design phase.

Specifications that establish the compatibility of products and the ability to communicate in a network are called:

technology standards.

systems testing

tests the functioning of the information system as a whole in order to determine if discrete modules will function together as planned


the delegation of specific work to a third party for a specified length of time, at a specified cost, and at a specified level of service. Cuts costs and reduces time to market.

Business requirements

the detailed set of end-user requests that the system must meet to be successful; states what the system must do from the business perspective. e.g. "The CRM system must track all customer inquiries by product, region, and sales representative."

end-user development

the development of information systems by end users with little or no formal assistance from technical specialists


the exhaustive and thorough process that determines whether the system produces the desired results under known conditions

Maintenance phase

the final phase, usually longest in duration (even 20 years); monitor and support the new system to ensure that it continues to meet the business goals. Involves making minor changes to ensure that it continues to move your organization toward its strategic goals.


the modification of a software package to meet an organization's unique requirements without destroying the package software's integrity


the preliminary working version of an information system for demonstration and evaluation purposes


the process of building a model that demonstrates the features of a proposed product, service, or system. An iterative process in which you build a model from basic business requirements, have users review the prototype and suggest changes. An invaluable tool in the component-based development methodologies, self-sourcing, and in-sourcing.


the process of building an experimental system quickly and inexpensively for demonstration and evaluation so that users can better determine information requirements


the process of changing from the old system to the new system


the process of translating the system speicfications prepared durning the desing stage into program code


the stage after the new system is installed and the conversion is complete; durning this time the system is reviewed by users and technical specialists to determine how well it has met its original goals


the users' actual signatures indicating they approve all the business requirements; typically one of the first major milestones.

Primary goal of the design phase

to build a technical blueprint of how the proposed system will work.

Quality control is seen as an end in itself in

total quality management

Which systems are typically a major source of data for other systems?

transaction processing systems


transfers processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used

A computer language translation program is an example of system software


Customers are one of the competitive forces that affect an organization's ability to compete


In the value chain model primary activities are most directly related to the production and distribution of the firm's products and services that create value for the customer.


Probably the best single way to reduce quality problems is to reduce cycle time.


Strong linkages to customers and suppliers increase switching costs.


Systems integration means ensuring the legacy systems work with new elements of the infrastructure


Web services can exchange information between two different systems regardless of the operating system or programming languages on which the systems are based


business process redesign

type of organizational change in which business processes are analyzed, simplified, and redesigned

Parallel implementation

use both old and new systems until you're sure that the new system performs correctly

Stakeholder identification and analysis tools in a GDSS:

use structured approaches to evaluate the impact of an emerging proposal on the organization.

router (252)

used go connect various networks with somewhat dissimilar communications standards so data can be passed between the networks.

fiber optics (246)

uses cables consisting of one or more hair-thin filaments of glass fiber wrapped in a protective jacket. They can conduct pulses of visible light elements ( photons ) generated by lasers at transmission rates as high as trillions of bits per second (terabits per second, or Tbps).

desktop publishing-DTP (139)

uses computers, laser printers, and page layout software to produce a variety of printed materials at a level formerly done only by professional printers.

high-level language (158)

uses statements that closely resemble human language or mathematical notation to describe a procedure. Compilers or interpreters translate these instructions into machine code prior to execution.


using the computer to speed up the performance of existing tasks

A firm's value chain is linked to the

value chains of its suppliers distributors and customers

A(n) __ is a collection of independent firms that use information technology to coordinate their value chains to collectively produce a product or service for a market

value web

Testing phase

verifies that the system works and meets all the business requirements defined in the analysis phase.

A(n) __ organization uses networks to link people assets and ideas enabling it to work with other companies to create products and services without being limited by traditional organizational boundaries or physical locations


An example of autonomic computing is

virus protection software that runs and updates itself automatically

Analysis phase

what is required from a logical point of view, without respect to technology or technical infrastructure. End-users and IT specialists working together to gather, understand, and document the business requirements for the proposed system. An error found during this phase is relatively inexpensive to fix (unlike later phases as the cost to fix an error grows exponentially through the SDLC).

A(n) __ is an easy-to-use software tool for displaying Web pages and for accessing the Web and other Internet resources


Which is the most recent Windows operating system

windows 7

A(n) ___ fits on a desktop but has more powerful mathematical and graphics-processing capabilities than a PC


Two primary activities performed during the implementation phase

write detailed user documentation, provide training for the system users

Two primary activities performed during the testing phase

write the test conditions, perform the testing of the system

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