Because You'll Never Meet Me

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In BYNMM, How old is Oliver?


In BYNMM, What is the name of the doctor that frequently comes to visit/ check up on Olliver in the woods?

Dr. Auburn-Stache

In BYNMM, Who said that Oliver reminded him of a 5 year old sometimes?

Dr. Auburn-Stache

In BYNMM, What color is the "light" that Ollie sees coming off of MRI machines?


In BYNMM, How was Uncle Joe injured when he, Liz, and Olliver went camping?

He broke his back falling down out of a rotting deer blind.

In BYNMM, What is the name of Moritz's gym teacher?

Herr Gebor

In BYNMM, What is Olliver's last name?


In BYNMM, How do Fieke and Owen want to be repayed by Moritz for Owen giving his goggles back and Fieke's kindness?

They want him to beat up Lenz Monk

In BYNMM, What did the kids at her school call Liz when she had to move out to Rochdale, Michigan?

White trash

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what do Oliver and Moritz have in common in the first two letters?

they both have died before (CH 2)

In BYNMM, What color "light" do power sockets make to Ollie?

"Blue-white confetti curls"

In BYNMM, What was the first thing Liz said to Olliver when they first "officially" met?


In BYNMM, What did it say on the paper airplane that the goth girl threw at Moritz on the steps outside the high school?

"If you're a decent fluffing human being, stay away from Owen. - Fieke"

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, how was the inside of the soundproof chamber at the laboratory described?

"Like a bunch of foam blocks stacked up in horizontal and vertical lines sticking out of the walls and ceiling and most of the floor. A whacked-out bouncy castle."

In BYNMM, What is a glockenspeil?

"Like the metallic, cooler older brother of the xylophone."

In BYNMM, What did Liz and Oliver yell out by the campfire whenever smoke blew in their faces?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what does Rostchnurrbart translate from German to English?

"Rust Mustache" or "Auburn-Stache"

In BYNMM, What color "light" does Ollie see from fluorescent bulbs?

"Silver mist that drifts down like craft-glitter"

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Auburn-Stache refer to Olliver as when he asked how many expiriments/ kids there were at the lab/ hospital?

"Specimen 17"

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Olliver's dad ask each of the expiriments/ kids when he visited them at the hospital/ lab?

"What is it like to be you?"

In BYNMM, How did Ollie sign off of the first letter that he wrote to Moritz Farber?

"~ Ollie Ollie UpandFree P.S. Here's a teaser to make you want to read my autobiography: I've died before"

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, to what extent did Dr. Merrill's soundproof chamber negate sound?

-28.2 decibles

In BYNMM, What did Oliver assume of Moritz after receiving his first letter?

1) He had a pace-maker 2) There is something wrong with his eyes 3) People probably had said cruel things to him in the past 4) He has a computer

TWO PART QUESTION: In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what were two of the three accidents from his childhood that Oliver wrote about?

1. the first, Oliver accidentally started a fire at his home 2. Junkyard Joe (Joe) helped Oliver after he got a seizure when a hunter came on property 3. the day he met Liz (CH 5)

In BYNMM, How old was Liz when she and Oliver first officially met?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, how old was Ollie turning when Liz and Ollie's mom threw him a party?

13 (CH 15)

In BYNMM, How old is Moritz?


In BYNMM, How many stitches did Dr. Auburn-Stache have to make to heal Ollie's tongue when he bit through it in a seizure?

7 on top, 5 on the bottom.

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was the first kid Olliver was going to visit with Auburn-Stache?

A girl who keeps her heart in a lunch box far from her body so she doesn't have to feel things.

In BYNMM, What did Liz put in Olliver's 13th birthday tent that they had an inside joke about?

A humidifier

In BYNMM, What did Liz bring to Oliver to "test" on him when she came over?

A small book light.

In BYNMM, What was depicted on the tapestry Olliver's mother was sewing when he asked about the day he was born?

A stag-hunting scene

In BYNMM, What does Ollie's mom keep in her closet that he thinks belonged to his father?

A white lab coat.

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Moritz send Olliver in the mail so that he could go see Liz at the Halloween dance?

A womble

In BYNMM, Who did Olliver's mom dress up as for his zombie birthday party?

A zomb-ified Miss Havisham from Charles Dicken's Great Expectations.

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, when did Olliver's mom die?

About 2 weeks after the Halloween dance.

In BYNMM, How old was Oliver when his mom took the training wheels off his bike?

Almost 11.

In BYNMM, When was the first time that Oliver saw a computer?

Also the first time he saw Liz. At Junkyard Joe's trailer.

In BYNMM, What is the term for sensing an oncoming seizure?

An aura

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, who placed the children with their families or foster families after Moritz's mother's studies began to fail?

Auburn-Stache (CH 31)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, who took baby Oliver deep into the woods to help his stop seizing when he was a newborn?

Auburn-Stache, Dr. Augurn-Stache (CH 3)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, Moritz misled Ollie and later told him that Rostchnurrbart was really who?

Auburn-Stache, Ollie's (Oliver's) doctor (CH 27)

Leah Thomas is the author of which book?

Because You'll Never Meet Me

In BYNMM, Why does Moritz like loud music so much?

Because he can "see" everything better

In BYNMM, Why are Olliver's mom's hands usually cold?

Because she has bad circulation

In BYNMM, What is the German word for handicapped?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, where did Moritz's mom study medicine before working in the laboratory?


In BYNMM, What does Moritz wear in public to avoid being gawked at?

Black goggles

In BYNMM, What color "light" do batteries in use make to Ollie?

Bronze, when they are running low the "light" turns grey

In BYNMM, What is the name of Moritz's high school?

Burnholdt- Regan High School

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, how did Olliver's dad die?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what colour did Dr. Merrill want to paint the soundproof chamber?

Cherry red like a Corvette.

In BYNMM, What did Moritz describe Lenz Monk as smelling like?

Cigarettes and pimpernickel bread

In BYNMM, What does Oliver usually smell before seizures?


In BYNMM, What book did Frau Pruwitt gove to Moritz to learn to read?

Daredevil Visionaries Volume 1 by Frank Miller

In BYNMM, What color "light" do motor-vehicles make to Ollie?

Dark/ Black

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Moritz's mom do for work?

Doctor/ scientist

In BYNMM, What was the name of Olliver's cat?

Dorian Gray

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what artist did Moritz use for his personal rendition on the stage at the bar, The Sickly Poet?

Dr. Dre (CH 14)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was the name of the doctor who had the anechoic chamber?

Dr. Merrill (CH 27)

In BYNMM, What did Uncle Joe do while Liz and Oliver were doing the scavenger hunts he organized for them?

Drank beer, read Noam Chomsky books, and "took pictures of birds"

In BYNMM, What is Liz's full name?

Elizabeth Becker

In BYNMM, What is one of the bookshelves completely full of in Olliver's house?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Ollie's father have that Ollie has?

Epilepsy (CH 26)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Olliver's mom make corsages for the Halloween dance out of?

Fiery chrysanthemum

In BYNMM, Who wrote the monologue that was being performed when Fieke and Moritz first entered The Sickly Poet pub?

Frank Wedekind

In BYNMM, What is the name of the librarian at Moritz's school?

Frau Pruwitt

In BYNMM, Who offered Moritz an application to Gymnasium?

Frau Pruwitt

In BYNMM, What books did Oliver get for his 13th birthday from his mom and Auburn-Stache?

From his mom: some books on King Arthur From Auburn-Stache: The Adrian Mole Diaries and some Terry Pratchett books

In BYNMM, Where is Moritz from?


In BYNMM, What color "light: do music players, laptops, and phones make to Ollie?


In BYNMM, What is Auburn-Stache's first name?


In BYNMM, What is the German word for elementary school?


In BYNMM, What is the name of Moritz's cardiovascular disease, and what type is it?

He has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

In BYNMM, What does Moritz discover as to why Owen is so quiet?

He has no tongue

In BYNMM, What was Owen doing at the discothek when Fieke and Moritz walked in?

He was DJ'ing

In BYNMM, Why can't Moritz see?

He was born without eyes.

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Moritz's step-father do before he adopted Moritz?

He was the janitor at the lab/ hospital thing

In BYNMM, What book were they reading in Moritz's Literature class before he got suspended for getting in a fight with Lenz Monk?

Herman Hesse's Siddartha

In BYNMM, What is Moritz's stepfather's name?

Herr Farber

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, who saved Moritz in the laboratory pool when the girl tried to drown him?

Herr Farber, Mr. Farber, Moritz's father (CH 25)

In BYNMM, What is the name of the headmaster at Burnholdt-Regan high school?

Herr Hayden

In BYNMM, Why do German students do to "Hamptschulen" after ellementary school?

If they do not excel at school, are indifferent to their future, or are a problem student.

In BYNMM, Why do German students go to "Realschule" after ellementary school?

If they want to be a technician of some kind (like a mechanic for example).

In BYNMM, Why do German students go to "Gymnasium" after ellementary school?

If they want to go to college or excel acedemicly.

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, where did Olliver bury his mom?

In his backyard by Dorian Gray the cat.

In BYNMM, What is Junkyard Joe's full name?

Joe Fay

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, where did Liz and Ollie's mom set up the tent for Ollie's 13th birthday party?

Joe's, Junkyard Joe's, the junkyard (CH 15)

In BYNMM, What are some of Olliver's hobbies?

Juggling forks, kanji calligraphy, whittling (pine wood).

In BYNMM, When is Moritz's birthday?

July 3

In BYNMM, Where did Fieke and Moritz get off the subway on their way to the discothek to meet Owen?

Kreiszig Central

In BYNMM, Where does Moritz live (city and country)?

Kreiszig, Germany

Who is the Author of Because You'll Never Meet Me?

Leah Thomas

In BYNMM, What is the name of the boy who bullies Moritz?

Lenz Monk

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what is the name of Moritz's bully at school?

Lenz, Lenz Monk (CH 4)

In BYNMM, What is the name of the girl that Ollie has a crush on?


In BYNMM, What are the lowest and highest frequencies that humans can hear?

Lowest is 20 hertz, highest is 20,000 hertz

In BYNMM, What does MBV stand for, according to Oliver?

Magic Brain Vision.

In BYNMM, What is the name of the lake that Liz, Joe, and Olliver were going to go camping by near Joe's deer blind?

Marl Lake

In BYNMM, Who did Liz say she was going to her high school's Halloween dance with?

Martin Mulligan

In BYNMM, What is the full name of the librarian at Moritz's school?

Maxine Pruwitt

In BYNMM, What is the name of the bouncer at the discothek that Fieke and Moritz went to to meet Owen?


TWO PART QUESTION: In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what were the names of the two friends Liz brought to Ollie's 13th birthday party?

Mikayla and Tommy (CH 15)

In BYNMM, What did Oliver ask if he could nickname Moritz?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was the name of the girl in the laboratory with the second mouth on the back of her head?


TWO PART QUESTION: In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was the name of the girl in the laboratory that tried to drown Moritz in the pool and what was unique about her?

Molly, she had two mouths (she had another mouth on the back of her head) (CH 25)

In BYNMM, What is the full name of the boy who Ollie writes letters to?

Moritz Farber

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Moritz do that made Ollie write him, "How could you? How could you do what everyone else does?"

Moritz lied to Ollie, Moritz didn't tell him about Auburn-Stache (Ollie's doctor) (CH 28)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, why did Moritz have his father stop by Fieke and Owen's apartment before going to the hospital?

Moritz wanted to ask if they would go to the hospital with him, he asked if they would visit Lenz with him (CH 31)

TWO PART QUESTION: In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, who wrote Ollie a letter when Moritz stopped writing Ollie and what else did they put in the envelope?

Moritz's father (Mr. Farber, Gerhardt Farber), he included Moritz's (last) letter (CH 23)

In BYNMM, What kind of music was playing on Liz's music player when Olliver took it and put in the earbuds?

New Wave

In BYNMM, What king of signs did Olliver's mom put up all around their property?

No trespassing (VIOLATORS will be SHOT)

In BYNMM, What song did Moritz perform to prove his dedication to Fieke's plan in the pub?

Nuthin' but a 'G' Thang by Dr. Dre

In BYNMM, When is Olliver's birthday?

October 11th

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, where were Auburn-Stache and Olliver first going when they went on their road trip?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, who does Moritz blame for getting suspended from school?

Oliver (CH 6)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what author did Oliver ask Mortiz if he had read, and Moritz responded that he listed to two of his books?

Oliver Wilde (CH 4)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, why didn't Liz's phone work when Joe fell out of the tree?

Oliver/Ollie carried it, electromagnetism, Ollie carrying it shorted the phone (CH 19)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what name do most people call Oliver?

Ollie (CH 1)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, who does Moritz admit he loves?

Ollie (CH 29)

In BYNMM, Who is allergic to electricity?

Ollie (Olliver)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what/who died during the week when Ollie was waiting for Mortiz's reply after he finished his camping story?

Ollie's cat, Dorian Gray (CH 20)

In BYNMM, Where did Olliver's mom hide the keys when he was "almost 11"?

On the second oak bookshelf.

In BYNMM, Where do Fieke and Owen live?

Ostzig, Germany

In BYNMM, What is the name of the "notoriously quiet" boy at Moritz's high school who gave him his goggles back after Lenz beat him up in gym class?

Owen Abend

In BYNMM, Where did Moritz agree to meet with Owen outside of school to thank him?

Partyganger Diskotek

In BYNMM, Where does Oliver live?

Rochdale, Michigan

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what does "vergangenheitsbewältigung" mean (in English)?

Roughly: "correcting a broken past for the sake of the future"

In BYNMM, What color "light" does Ollie see from x-rays?

Scarlet ringlets

In BYNMM, What kind of accent does Moritz's dad have?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what term did Ollie use when talking about his feelings for Moritz, which Liz referred to as "bromance"?

Shakespearean Love (CH 34)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what is the name of the establishment where Fiecke recites poetry?

Sickle Poet (CH 18)

In BYNMM, What was the second book that Frau Pruwitt wanted Moritz to read?

The Lord of the Rings

In BYNMM, What is the name of the pub that Fieke lead Moritz to?

The Sickly Poet

In BYNMM, When was Olliver's first seizure and what caused it?

The day he was born, because the doctor shined a penlight down his throat to make sure he was healthy.

In BYNMM, What do Liz's parents do for work?

They are both social workers. Her mom works crisis calls (stops people from commiting suicide)

In BYNMM, How did Fieke, Moritz, and Owen go about beating Lenz Monk?

They waited under the bridge while Lenz was walking home and put Owen out as "bait." When Lenz pushed Owen, Moritz jumped out and jabbed him in the neck with his cane and then shoved him down. Lenz accidentally fell backward and hit his head on the pavement.

In BYNMM, What were the names of Liz's 2 friends that she invited to Olliver's 13th birthday party?

Tommy and Mikayla

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what day of the week does Oliver usually meet Liz on the driveway?

Wednesday (CH 5)

In BYNMM, On what day of the week does Liz usually visit Oliver?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what day of the week did Liz visit Ollie every week when her father dropped her off at the end of his driveway?

Wednesdays (CH 13)

In BYNMM, What is a "fuzz sandwich"?

When Lenz Monk puts a dead mouse in a sandwich and forces someone to eat it.

In BYNMM, At what age did Moritz become aware of what other people thought of him?

When he was "just shy of 6"

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Liz give Olliver for his birthday?

a booklight

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did the camper wrap around Ollie that made him pass out?

a heating blanket, an electric blanket (CH 19)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was Liz's dad dressed as at the Halloween dance?

a knight

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what does Oliver's mother have hanging in her closet from Oliver's father?

a lab coat (CH 1)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did the "piercing girl" throw at Moritz his first day back at school from suspension and what did she tell him to do with it?

a paper airplane and she told him to read it (it was a note) (CH 10)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what specifically caused Oliver's first seizure?

a penlight, the doctor's penlight, a flashlight (CH 3)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Liz bring to Ollie's house every week when she visited to try to cure him?

a reading light, her dad's reading light (CH 13)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was in the oven when Liz came to visit Ollie at his home for the first time?

a shepherd's pie (CH 11)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was the name of the science suit that Moritz sent Ollie so that he could attend the Halloween dance?

a womble (CH 31-32)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what kind of car dies Auburn-Stache drive?

an Impala

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, where did Oliver first see Liz?

at Junkyard Joe's, on the porch at Joe's, while crawling around in cards at the junkyard (CH 3)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, why does Moritz walk way from Owen on the dance floor when they kiss?

because he didn't love Owen, because Moritz loved Ollie (CH 29)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, why does Moritz say that he never learned how to read Braille?

because he is not blind (CH 4)

TWO PART QUESTION: In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, when Liz and Ollie first met in the woods, what two things did she gather from the woods and put in her pockets when she walked Ollie home?

berries and acorns (CH 9)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what is the name of Moritz's cardiovascular disease?

cardiomyopathy (CH 25)

TWO PART QUESTION: In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, Moritz says that his bully, Lenz Monk, smells like what two things?

cigarettes and (sweet) pumpernickel bread (CH 8)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what were the coordinates to that Moritz's father wrote down on a piece of paper for him?

coordinates to the hospital, to the hospital where he was raised, to his mother's old hospital (CH 33)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, Moritz said that his mother did not feel things like other people, that she processed the __________ of feelings.

echoes (CH 31)

In BYNMM, What did Olliver's mom use to keep him on the property?

electric fence

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what kind of makeup did Liz start wearing after Joe died?

eyeliner (CH 22)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what can Oliver juggle?

forks (CH 1)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Fieke's nickname for Moritz, Brille, mean in English?

glasses or goggles (CH 14)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what instrument is Ollie almost a master of?

glockenspiel (CH 1)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, why did Moritz say he did not want to share the details of his life with Oliver in his first letter?

he did not trust Oliver (CH 2)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Lenz's father tell the police happened to Lenz on the bridge?

he fell, he fell off the bridge (CH 33)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Ollie do when Liz went to the bathroom the night of his birthday after they got in a fight?

he listened to her music, he took her phone and listened to music using her earbuds (CH 24)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Moritz's father expect Moritz to take to school in order to return after he was suspended?

his cane (CH 10)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, who does Oliver show Moritz's letter to when he worries that Moritz may be suffering from depression or a mood disorder?

his doctor, Auburn-Stache (CH 7)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was Seb's, Ollie's father's, ulterior motive for getting a job as a therapist at Moritz's mother's lab?

his fiancee's unborn baby (Ollie) was not well, he wanted to get Ollie help (CH 32)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Owen Abend give back to Mortiz on his way to the office right before he was suspended for getting in a fight with Lenz?

his goggles (CH 8)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what about Lenz's father physically reminded Moritz that he was the baker and the father of the young boy that Moritz frightened at a young age?

his hands, he hand cracked hands (CH 32-33)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what is Owen missing?

his tongue (CH 18)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, where did Moritz jab Lenz with his cane to get Lenz to leave him and Owen alone?

in the throat (CH 23)

In BYNMM, What are some of Olliver's mom's hobbies?

knitting, sewing, painting, making model train layouts, collecting/ pressing flowers, making mobiles and pottery, and book binding.

In BYNMM, How long did Oliver and his mom live in a tent after their house accidentally burned down?

one month

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, when Ollie used his "sophisticated" analogy of Moritz and himself being left in the toilet by their parents, he insisted that he and Moritz were not what?

poop, the poop (CH 30)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Fieke respond to Moritz with when they were visiting Lenz in the hospital and he said he couldn't cry because he didn't have eyes?

she said of course he could cry, Fieke said Moritz could cry (CH 31)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what was Liz dressed as at the Halloween dance?


In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what kind of weather makes it difficult for Moritz to see?

snow (CH 17)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what does Moritz use to "see" things around him?

sound waves, echolocation (CH 4)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, in Moritz's second letter to Oliver, he tells him that Oliver is a natural what?

storyteller (CH 4)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, instead of clothes, what did Fieke's childhood barbies have?

tattoos, tattoos colored with Sharpies (CH 16)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Liz bring Ollie for his birthday when she didn't attend his party and she didn't invite any of her friends?

the book light (CH 24)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what does Liz return to Ollie when they both go to Joe's trailer to get some things for his hospital room?

the fishbowl (CH 21)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, Auburn-Stache told Ollie that his father did what for a living?

therapy, he was a therapist (CH 32)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, how did Fieke know Owen?

they are brother and sister (CH 14)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what does Moritz say he believes is superior in his first letter to Oliver?

they metric system (CH 2)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did the librarian, Frau Pruwitt, insist Moritz teach himself to do in the library?

to learn how to read (CH 12)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what does Ollie plan to do with Auburn-Stache at the end of the book?

travel with him, travel with him to see other patients/kids from the hospital (CH 34)

In the book Because You'll Never Meet Me by Leah Thomas, what did Moritz say he wanted to do the year before he would enter University?

travel, possibly travel to meet Ollie (CH 33)

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