Behavioral 2 quiz review

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A kindergarten teacher is yelled at by her boss for being late to work. The teacher then gets very angry, and ends up yelling at her kindergarten students. Which defense mechanism is this teacher using? A.Displacement B.Passive aggression C.Projection D.Denial

A Displacement is a neurotic defense mechanism where a person takes out the feelings/attitudes they have towards one person (boss) on a different person (kindergarten students). This should not be confused with projection, where a person projects traits of themselves onto others.

A group of environmentalist university students meets to discuss passing a campus-wide recycling policy. This policy would require students to recycle their paper and plastic in order to be eligible for participation in school organizations. After this discussion, what is likely to happen? A.The group is more likely to pass the rule, because their original views have become more polarized. B.The group is less likely to pass the rule, because the discussion will likely cause arguments to arise. C.The group is less likely to pass the rule, because the group likely has heterogeneous views. D.The group is more likely to pass the rule, because the discussion will increase harmony.

A According to the concept of group polarization, a group that starts out with similar views will eventually become more extreme in their views (more polarized).

Each semester, a computer science student is tasked with several projects that involve writing his own code. Although some creativity is required for the project, he avoids trying out his own ideas for code, as he believes that they will always be wrong. Which of Erikson's stages of development has the student had a negative outcome with? A.Initiative vs. guilt, because he feels inadequate, rather than purpose-driven. B.Autonomy vs. doubt, because he feels shame, rather than will. C.Autonomy vs. doubt, because he feels inadequate, rather than purpose-driven. D.Initiative vs. guilt, because he feels shame, rather than will.

A Around ages 3-5, children experience the initiative vs. guilt stage when they exercise curiosity and begin to initiate play. If they are encouraged to do so, then they will grow up to feel confident about their purpose in initiating actions. If not, they will feel inadequate or guilty about their purpose, as is the case with the student in the question stem.

Suppose a single mother must balance the care of her son with a busy job. As a result, she is unable to breastfeed the child at an appropriate frequency. According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, which of the following behaviors is the child unlikely to exhibit into adulthood? A.Inferiority complex B.Overeating C.Chewing gum D.Psychological dependence on romantic partners

A At the oral stage of development, a baby develops the skill of feeding and libido is focused around the mouth. If fixation occurs at this stage (in the case that they are unable to breastfeed), then this can manifest in problems with dependence/trust, overeating, smoking, biting nails, chewing gum, and other oral fixations. A child who becomes fixated at the oral stage of development is unlikely to develop an inferiority complex.

In China, the one-child policy was implemented to control the growth rate of the country's population. This resulted in many families abandoning or killing baby girls due to the cultural bias for sons in China. Which of the following describes the potential long-term effects of the one-child policy? A.The population pyramid will shift from stationary to constrictive due to the changes in the birth rate. B.The policy increased the mortality rate, which can be depicted by an early expansive population pyramid. C.The policy prevented overpopulation and the fifth stage of Demographic Transition, when birth rates fall below death rates. D.After the end of the one-child policy, the population pyramid will return to normal due to rising birth rates that will increase the female population.

A Due to the cultural bias for sons, the population pyramid will display a large gender imbalance. Even after the end of the policy, this imbalance will still be apparent in the future as the primarily male generation ages. The decrease in birth rate and the characteristic of having a larger elderly population, as opposed to a younger population, will result in a shift from a stationary to a constrictive population pyramid. An early expansive population pyramid is characterized by a high birth rate and a lower mortality rate. Because the birth rate is decreasing, this answer is incorrect. A Malthusian Catastrophe, the hypothetical fifth stage of Demographic Transition, would occur if the rate of population growth increased above what a country's resources could support. There is no way to determine if the one-child policy prevented this from occurring.

Parents are often surprised to find that their children have very different personalities. A pair of identical twins is struggling with their grades, but for different reasons. Twin A loves to spend time with their friends and hates to work alone on their assignments. Twin B will independently allot time for homework, but becomes stressed and anxious very easily with their assignments. According to Eysenck's Trait Theory of personality, what trait do twin A and twin B display to a high degree, respectively? A.Extraversion, neuroticism B.Extraversion, psychoticism C.Openness, neuroticism D.Openness, psychoticism

A Eysenck's Trait Theory of personality proposes that each person displays three traits to varying degrees: psychoticism, neuroticism, and extraversion. Psychoticism is the degree to which individuals engage in psychotic behaviors, such as risk-taking, impulsivity, and being non-conformist/anti-social. Neuroticism is the degree to which people display anxious or nervous behavior, and measures emotional instability. Extraversion is the degree to which people are sociable and are energized by spending time with others.

Tiger Woods was a golf prodigy from a young age. Because his parents, teachers, and coaches approved of his golf skills during childhood, Tiger likely grew up to feel competent in the sport and proud of his accomplishments. Which of the following psychosocial crises did he successfully overcome, if this is the case? A.Industry vs. inferiority B.Initiative vs. guilt C.Autonomy vs. shame and doubt D.Generativity vs. stagnation

A From ages 6-12, children tend to demonstrate different "competencies" to teachers and parents which can include academics, sports, and other hobbies. If a child receives approval for their demonstration of competencies, they will feel "industrious," or competent and confident in their abilities. This describes the industry vs. inferiority stage.

An assignment in a psychology class requires students to pair up and describe the traits of their partner. Jimmy describes Anne as shy as well as anxious in situations that require public speaking. According to Allport's Trait Theory of personality, which type of traits is Jimmy describing, respectively? A.Central, secondary B.Secondary, central C.Central, cardinal D.Cardinal, secondary

A Gordon Allport's Trait Theory broke up all traits into 3 main categories: Cardinal, Central, and Secondary traits. Cardinal traits are a person's most dominant traits and are rare. They often emerge later in life and are so prominent that the person becomes synonymous with this trait (i.e "Machiavellian"). An example of a cardinal trait is Mother Theresa's kindness. Central traits are less dominant but still describe major aspects of a person's personality (i.e "shy"). This applies to Jimmy's description of Anne as shy; it is a major aspect of her personality. Secondary traits define attitudes or preferences and often appear in specific situations ("gets angry when interrupted"). This applies to Jimmy's description of Anne as anxious when public speaking, since it defines Anne's attitude in a particular situation.

A physician is hoping to persuade their patients to become fully vaccinated in the upcoming flu season, as many have been uninterested in receiving a vaccine. The physician finds what they consider to be a compelling talk and panel discussion recorded online. The physician sends this video to their patients. When watching the video, which type of processing are the physician and their patients likely to use, respectively? A.Central, peripheral B.Peripheral, central C.Shallow, deep D.Target, source

A In the elaboration likelihood model of persuasion, those that are interested in a message are likely to use the central route of persuasion, which includes deep processing of the merits of the information itself. Those that are uninterested in the message are likely to use the peripheral route of persuasion that focuses on superficial information, such as the attractiveness of the speaker.

A scientist is struggling with how to motivate his research participants during his study on learning. Each participant needs to come into the lab for a 30-minute exercise for 5 days in a row, and the scientist wants to minimize attrition from participants missing sessions. He contemplates giving participants a $50 check after completing all 5 days, or scheduling the sessions during lunchtime and then offering a slice of pizza upon completion of each study visit. Which theories of motivation best describe these two options? A.Incentive theory, drive-reduction theory B.Maslow's hierarchy of needs, extrinsic motivation C.Intrinsic motivation, incentive theory D.Drive-reduction theory, incentive theory

A Incentive theory postulates that positive reinforcement increases the occurrence of a target behavior (completion of study visit) by using a motivating reward ($50 check). Drive-reduction theory explains motivation in terms of drives and needs. When a physiological need arises (hunger), a drive arises as a motivation (completion of study visit and receiving the pizza) to fulfill that need.

A college professor's favorite student, Jane, fails a test. The professor believes Jane to be an academically gifted young woman and notices that more students than usual failed this test. How is the professor likely to attribute Jane's failure and why? A.He will externally attribute the behavior because it is distinct and based on a consensus. B.He will internally attribute the behavior because it is distinct and based on a consensus. C.He will internally attribute the behavior because it is consistent and based on a consensus. D.He will externally attribute the behavior because it is consistent and based on a consensus.

A Jane's behavior is distinct, since she is believed to be academically gifted, and therefore probably generally does well in school. Her behavior is also based on a consensus since a significant number of students also failed the test. When behavior is distinct and based on a consensus, we tend to externally attribute that behavior. External attribution assumes that a person is behaving a certain way because of the situation he or she is in.

A company begins as a small start-up with every worker on equal footing, except for the CEO. What will happen to the company if it grows, according to the Iron Rule of Oligarchy? A.The CEO will promote workers to managers in charge of specific divisions of the company. B.Due to the decrease in written regulations for each division, creativity will increase. C.Employment will occur based on networking and nepotism. D.Each worker's skill set will be broadened instead of specialized.

A The Iron Rule of Oligarchy states that as a democratic organization grows, it becomes more bureaucratic. The characteristics of a bureaucracy include: 1. Division of Labor 2. Hierarchy of Organizations 3. Written Rules and Regulations 4. Impersonality 5. Employment based on Technical Qualifications The statement that employment will occur based on networking and nepotism violates the idea that employment would be based on technical qualifications. Worker's skill sets should be specialized instead of broadened, in order to establish a division of labor. As a bureaucracy develops, there must be an increase in written rules and regulations. Promoting workers to managers in charge of specific divisions of the company is an example of developing a hierarchy within the organization.

A doctor needs to drive to the hospital for a patient, but cannot attend her daughter's back-to-school night. A principal investigator struggles with balancing time between mentoring his graduate students on their research projects and writing grant applications. What are the phenomena that the doctor and the principal investigator are struggling with? A.Doctor - role conflict; principal investigator - role strain B.Doctor - role strain; principal investigator - role strain C.Doctor - role conflict; principal investigator - role conflict D.Doctor - role conflict; principal investigator - role conflict

A The doctor is experiencing role conflict due to her two roles as a physician and a mother colliding. The principal investigator is experiencing role strain due to the numerous responsibilities he has from his role as the head of a lab. Role conflict refers to difficulty balancing multiple roles while role strain involves difficulty balancing multiple obligations within a single role.

Self concept can be divided into the existential self and the categorical self. An individual with which of the following mental disorders would most likely struggle with the concept of their own existential self? A.Schizophrenia B.Major depressive disorder C.Generalized anxiety disorder D.Bipolar I disorder

A The existential self is the sense of being separate and distinct from others. Those with schizophrenia typically experience auditory hallucinations, which can take the form of the voices of others. Interpreting reality abnormally, especially through thoughts or sensations that are generated involuntarily, may cause individuals to have a difficult time distinguishing between themselves and others. The other three answer choices are mood disorders, which are less likely to affect an individual's ability to distinguish their selfhood.

During an experiment, a bunsen burner is used to heat a beaker. After ten minutes, a student touches the beaker with their bare hands. The student rushes to the sink to run their hands under cold water, as instructed in the lab safety orientation. In this scenario, the heated beaker is the: A.Unconditioned stimulus. B.Conditioned response. C.Unconditioned response. D.Conditioned stimulus.

A The heated beaker is not a behavior (response), so it must be a stimulus.The hot beaker caused the instinctive withdrawal of the student's hand once they started feeling pain, indicating an unconditioned response. A conditioned response is performed in response to a neutral stimulus that has become conditioned. Because the heated beaker is an unconditioned stimulus, rather than a neutral or conditioned stimulus, the student's actions are an unconditioned response, rather than a conditioned response.

A 7-year-old boy is often picked last for sports teams during recess at his school. The other boys his age exclude him, and as a result, he does not get the chance to develop social skills with anyone outside of his family. According to Freud's theory of psychosexual development, which of the following is he unlikely to experience as an adult? I. Excessive orderliness or messiness II. Sexual dysfunction III. Biting nails A.I, II, and III B.I and III only C.I only D.II and III only

A The latent stage occurs from 6-12 years of age and involves the development of social skills. This stage does not involve libido focused at any particular any of the body and fixation at this stage does not develop into any adult fixation.

A developing country has a high birth rate and a high mortality rate. The introduction of sewage systems decreases the mortality rate. Which of the following events could lead to the next stage in Demographic Transition Theory? A.Advocacy for reproductive rights B.A civil war C.A widespread epidemic D.Introduction of vaccines

A The stages of Demographic Transition include: high birth and mortality rates (early expanding), high birth rate and decreasing mortality rate (late expanding), decreasing birth rate and low mortality rate (stationary), and low birth and mortality rates (contracting). The decrease in mortality rate associated with sewage systems correlates with the late expanding stage. The next stage, stationary, involves a low mortality rate and a low birth rate. Advocacy for reproductive rights is the most likely cause of a lowered birth rate. A widespread epidemic and a civil war would cause an increase in the mortality rate of the country. The introduction of vaccines would decrease the mortality rate of the country.

A teacher wishes to get her kids to read more books. She creates a system in which after finishing a book, a student will not have homework the next Monday. Furthermore, if they don't read during the week, they will instead be given extra homework for the following Monday. Which term best represents this scenario if a student finishes their book? A.Negative reinforcement B.Positive reinforcement C.Positive punishment D.Negative punishment

A The teacher removes a negative stimulus (homework) after a student finishes their book. This action is taken to encourage reading. The removal of this stimulus with the intention to encourage a behavior indicates negative reinforcement. It is negative because a stimulus (homework) is taken away, and it is reinforcement because a behavior (reading) is encouraged. The teacher does not add something to the situation, ruling out the choices with "positive." The teacher doesn't want to discourage the kids from reading, so it can't be a punishment.

A population has high birth and death rates. Access to food supplies and healthcare is improving, and the fertility rate is at exactly 2. How does the population growth rate change? A.Population growth rate does not increase due to the fertility rate. B.Population growth rate increases due to the fertility rate. C.Population growth rate decreases, according to Demographic Transition Theory. D.Population growth rate increases due to the high birth rate.

A When the fertility rate is higher than 2, the population will increase. At exactly 2, the current population will be replacing itself, even though access to food supplies and healthcare is improving. This is because each set of 2 parents produces 2 children to replace them. It is possible that improving access to food and healthcare has decreased the death rate or increased the birth rate to support this fertility rate, but the fact that the fertility rate is 2 is the key to answering this question.

Joan is the manager of a small restaurant. If her employees are more than one minute late, she becomes angry and stressed. When they close down the restaurant at the end of the night, she double checks all of their work and scolds them if they do not complete the side work to her exact liking. Which of the following developmental milestones did Joan experience difficulty with, according to Freud's theory of psychosexual development? A.Social skills B.Toilet training C.Sexual maturity D.Breast feeding

B Because Joan's behavior reflects neurotic tendencies surrounding control, she likely has an anal fixation. An anal fixation occurs when an individual experiences issues with the anal stage of development, during which an individual learns how to control his or her bowels.

Suppose an 18-year-old is afraid of leaving the house and does not trust others. Which of the following statements explaining his behavior agrees with both Freud's psychosexual theory of development and Erikson's psychosocial theory of development? A.The individual's personality has been influenced by his or her society. B.The individual's personality is a result of his progress at various stages of development. C.The individual's personality was influenced by past developmental stages and will continue to be influenced by future stages. D.The individual's personality is a result of an imbalance between tension and pleasure.

B Both Freud's and Erikson's theories postulate that an individual's personality is based on their progression through various stages of development. Freud believed that these stages take place throughout childhood, while Erikson believed that these stages take place throughout all of life. Therefore, Freud would not agree that an 18 year old's personality would continue to be influenced by future developmental stages. Erikson's theory emphasizes the role of culture and society on personality development while Freud's does not. Freud's theory postulates that personality development is based on balancing tension and pleasure while Erikson's does not.

Suppose a Nigerian student receives a top score on the MCAT. Which of the following best describe how his grandparents would likely explain his score? I. Support from his parents II. Tutoring sessions with a medical student III. Disciplined adherence to a studying schedule A.III only B.I and II only C.I only D.I, II, and III

B Collectivist cultures such as those in Africa and Asia tend to attribute success to external factors and failure to internal factors. Therefore, they are likely to attribute the student's top score to parental support and tutoring sessions, as these are circumstances external to the student himself. They are unlikely to attribute his success to internal factors, such as his own adherence to a studying schedule.

Public health researchers compare the percentages of two populations that are suffering from mental health disorders. Group A has significant access to mental health community groups. Group B has significantly lower access to mental health community groups. Which group is more likely to have a higher population percentage suffering from mental health disorders and why? A.Group B; lack of informational support B.Group B; lack of companionship support C.Group A; lack of tangible support D.Group B; lack of emotional support

B Companionship support describes a type of social support that comes from having a sense of social belonging. Individuals who have access to less social support are more likely to develop mental health disorders. Individuals in Group A are more likely to acquire companionship support by being a part of the mental health community groups. Therefore, Group B is more likely to have a higher population percentage suffering from mental health disorders due to lack of companionship support. Tangible support describes financial support, material goods, or services. Emotional support includes affection, love, trust, and caring. Informational support involves sharing information or giving advice.

An exchange student visits Japan. During their stay, they notice that the people there wear masks when they are sick in order to prevent others from getting sick. If this exchange student starts wearing a mask when he is sick, what psychological concept(s) is he experiencing? I. Obedience II. Conformity III. Identification A.II and III only B.II only C.I only D.I and III only

B Conformity refers to people changing their attitudes or behaviors based on a group they are a part of. In this case, the exchange student is conforming to the social norms exhibited by the Japanese population. Obedience describes the process of following the instructions of someone with power or authority. This does not apply since no one in power told the exchange student to start wearing a mask when he is sick. Identification is a type of conformity whereby a person changes their behavior in order to align with a specific person, such as a famous soccer player. This also does not apply.

Lisa is writing a paper on the distinction between material culture and nonmaterial culture and the negative effects of the disconnect between the two. Which of the following is not an example she can use in her paper? A.Because traffic laws were not established until after the rapid production of cars, new automobiles led to dangerous environments for pedestrians and new drivers. B.The creation of smartphones may be beneficial for the younger generation, but senior citizens may find it difficult to navigate technology. C.The development of nuclear power outpaced the consideration of the ethics and dangers of nuclear energy. D.Currently, genetic editing technology such as CRISPR is improving and expanding much faster than regulations on research are being passed.

B Culture lag refers to the concept that technology, or material culture, advances and changes faster than ethics and beliefs, or nonmaterial culture. Lisa's paper on the negative effects of the disconnect between the material and nonmaterial culture focuses on culture lag. While technology has rapidly advanced within the past few decades, this is not an example of culture lag. This example focuses on the generational disconnect, not on the disconnect between material and nonmaterial culture.

Ellen buys her family and friends expensive gifts for their birthdays, and does not expect anything in return. Erin helps her roommates with their math homework if they first edit her papers. What types of altruism would you assign Ellen and Erin? A.Ellen - kin selection; Erin - reciprocal altruism B.Ellen - cost signaling; Erin - reciprocal altruism C.Ellen - reciprocal altruism; Erin - reciprocal altruism D.Ellen - reciprocal altruism; Erin - cost signaling

B Ellen engages in cost-signaling by showing that she has the resources and money to buy gifts. Reciprocal altruism can be assigned to Erin because she is helping her roommates for their help in return. Kin selection refers to altruistic behavior for those who are related to each other in order to increase chances of reproductive success, which is not applicable in either Ellen or Erin's situations.

A sales team meets to discuss their new marketing strategy. Many outspoken members of the group want to continue using their previous strategy of targeted commercials to sell their product. If the group decides on using targeted commercials without considering new marketing strategies or consulting experts, what phenomena are they exhibiting? A.Peer pressure B.Groupthink C.Group polarization D.Confirmation bias

B Groupthink is a phenomenon in which members of a group will default to the majority opinion or opinion of a leader, rather than critically analyze the information for themselves, in order to maintain harmony. Group polarization describes when a group that starts out with similar views will become more extreme in their views (more polarized). Peer pressure describes when there is pressure from equals to conform or act in a certain way. Confirmation bias describes when an individual or group seeks out information that confirms their preexisting beliefs.

Sarah is a biologically assigned female who identifies as a male. As he nears age 18, he begins to get involved with LGBTQ+ advocacy groups and is offered an internship with an advocacy group right out of high school. Has Sarah achieved fidelity or rebellion in the identity vs. role confusion stage? A.Rebellion, as he has likely rebelled against his parents. B.Fidelity, as he has found his identity within society. C.Rebellion, as he is now part of a subculture. D.Fidelity, as he has a promising career opportunity.

B In the identity vs. role confusion stage, individuals consider their identity and role in society. A positive outcome at this stage is known as fidelity, where an individual sees themselves as a unique and integrated person. A negative outcome at this stage is known as role confusion, where an individual feels as though they don't belong within society and don't have a good idea of who they are as a person. Sarah has defined his identity as a male and has a promising beginning to a career in advocacy - his assumed role in society.

A professor employs several postdoctoral scientists and requires them to work 10 hours each day. One postdoctoral scientist realizes that the graduate students in the lab, who work 8 hours a day, are paid more than postdoctoral scientists. After applying to several other labs, the postdoctoral scientist compares the salaries of each offer he received. Which implementation of a sociological theory will lead to the desired outcome of higher pay for all post-docs? I. According to Marxist theory, the postdoc will first inform his fellow workers that the professor is taking advantage of his postdoctoral scientists. II. According to Rational Choice theory, the postdoc will encourage the other postdocs to leave the lab. III. According to Marxist theory, the postdocs' actions will lead to the maintenance of dynamic equilibrium. A.II only B.I only C.I and III only D.I and II only

B Marxism, or conflict theory, states that the postdoc must take several steps to fight against those in power. The postdocs in the lab must realize that they are being taken advantage of and organize together to incite change. This is class consciousness, awareness of one's place in a system of social classes. After making their demands known to the professor, a compromise, or synthesis, must be made between the professor's adherence to the status quo - the thesis - and the postdocs' demands - the antithesis. Rational choice theory posits that individuals always make rational choices by considering costs and benefits, in order to make a choice that benefits them the most. Answer choice II does not describe any cost-benefit analyses, nor does it describe the postdoc scientist making a choice that benefits him the most (a choice that results in a salary increase for him).

A therapist meets with Susan, who has recently lost her husband. The therapist attempts to coach Susan to use mature defense mechanisms to cope with her feelings. Which method would the therapist NOT suggest? A.Sublimation, in which Susan channels her sadness into running. B.Repression, in which Susan focuses on other distractions. C.Humor, in which Susan looks for funny or joyful situations around her. D.Suppression, in which Susan avoids thinking about her husband.

B Repression is a neurotic defense mechanism whereby a person unconsciously represses their feelings. Meanwhile, the related concept of suppression is a mature defense mechanism where a person consciously keeps their mind off of unwanted thoughts. Sublimation is a mature defense mechanism whereby someone subverts their negative emotions into a positive outlet. Humor is also a mature defense mechanism involving the telling of jokes or engaging in humorous activity.

The Temperance Movement in the United States attempted to decrease alcohol consumption, leading to the unsuccessful Prohibition Act, which was repealed after thirteen years of banning alcohol. A scholar argues that the movement was unable to find a charismatic leader to set firm objectives and inspire the group to action. What is a similar critique this scholar might make? A.The Temperance Movement did not address the need for the sense of community and refuge in a social movement. B.The Temperance Movement did not have the monetary resources to sway government officials with. C.Members of the Temperance Movement did not have full knowledge of the consequences of passing of the Act, which led to its downfall. D.Because of their reliance on conventional methods of lawmaking, the movement was unable to gather support.

B Resource Mobilization Approach suggests that social movements require certain resources such as time, money, charismatic leaders, etc. The scholar argues for this theory, stating that without a charismatic leader who unites the people under clear objectives, the Temperance Movement failed. Along this line of thinking, the Temperance Movement needed money to gather and unite more people in support of its objectives, such as government officials who may have been able to help them achieve their goals. A scholar using Relative Deprivation Theory would state that the movement's reliance on conventional methods was what led to their failure. A scholar applying Rational Choice Theory would argue that the members of the movement did not possess full knowledge of their actions. A scholar who argues for Mass Society Theory would suggest that the social movement did not bring a sense of community to the people.

To alleviate health disparities, many government-funded health scholarships involve the assignment of healthcare workers to rural areas of the United States. With increased access to healthcare, citizens of the rural U.S. are more likely to fulfill their functions in society. Who would be at the driving force of this effort, and what are the goals of this movement? A.Functionalists seek to increase healthcare delivery services to combat the proletariat and achieve equality for all members of society. B.Social epidemiologists seek to increase delivery of healthcare services in rural areas of the U.S. to combat health disparities. C.Marxists seek to increase healthcare delivery services to ensure all social institutions are functioning to the highest degree and contributing to society. D.Social epidemiologists seek to increase the medicalization of illnesses in rural areas of the U.S.

B Social epidemiology investigates how social structures, institutions, and relationships influence health. They aim to minimize health disparities across socioeconomic classes. This is most applicable to the question stem. Increasing the medicalization of all illnesses is not a goal of social epidemiology. Medicalization occurs when conditions previously defined as normal become defined as medical conditions. Functionalism states that all social institutions are interdependent and have independent functions that allow society to exist in dynamic equilibrium. While functionalists may seek to increase healthcare delivery services to all areas of the U.S., they would do so to ensure all social institutions are functioning to the highest degree and contributing to society. On the other hand, Marxists focus on class relations and social conflict to ensure equality for all members of the society.

A medical school encourages medical students who are underrepresented in medicine (URM) to participate in a mentoring program for premedical students who are also URM. The URM medical students share personal stories and advice with URM premedical students throughout the year. Which of the following sources of self efficacy would this program provide to the premedical students? A.Psychological responses B.Social modeling C.Mastery of experiences D.Social persuasion

B Social modeling involves seeing an individual who is like oneself performing a task. By seeing URM individuals in medical school, URM premedical students may feel more confident in their abilities to succeed in a career in medicine. Mastery of experiences involves performing a task successfully, which also increases an individual's self efficacy. Social persuasion involves verbal encouragement from others. Psychological responses involve one's own response to challenges.

A core nation aids in the restructuring of a peripheral nation's economic system. How would researchers predict the peripheral nation's population growth in the next few years? A.According to a Skeptic, the peripheral nation's population will not grow due to the increased interdependence of the global economy. B.According to Modernization theory, the peripheral nation's population will grow and stabilize as the country becomes more industrialized. C.According to a Hyperglobalist, the peripheral nation's population will not grow due to the regionalization of countries' economies. D.According to Dependency theory, the peripheral nation's population will grow and stabilize as the peripheral country's economy becomes more interdependent with the core nation's economy

B The Modernization theory states that any country can be modernized and industrialized through the same process. Due to industrialization, population growth will occur. The Dependency theory states that peripheral countries or third-world countries are dependent on core nations and cannot follow the path to industrialization like core nations. This theory does not suggest that a peripheral country's economy becomes more interdependent with a core nation's economy but remains dependent. Hyperglobalists believe that globalization leads toward a future of interdependence of global economies and all countries. Skeptics believe that in the future, country borders will lead to the regionalization of separate country's economies. These answers incorrectly assign these theories.

Globalization and the interdependency of countries' economies lead to the development of trans-national corporations. Large companies from industrialized nations build factories and hire workers in developing countries to take advantage of cheap labor and tax-free zones. This leads to positive effects, such as an increase in technological advances, as well as negative effects, such as the exploitation of workers through substandard wages and poor working conditions. The existence of trans-national companies is an example of which of the following concepts? I. Dependency theory II. Conflict theory III. World-Systems theory A.I and II only B.III only C.I only D.I, II, and III

B The World-Systems theory separates nations into core countries (those with a strong central government, industrialization, and high-skill, capital-intensive production), peripheral countries (those with a weak central government and focus on sourcing raw materials), and semi-peripheral countries (developing countries). Particularly, peripheral countries are economically dependent on core nations, and core nations are able to exploit peripheral countries to obtain natural resources and raw materials. This is displayed by the positive and negative effects of trans-national corporations. The Dependency theory states that peripheral countries or third-world countries are dependent on core nations and cannot follow the path to industrialization like core nations. The growth of trans-national corporations does not speak to the process by which third-world countries can grow. Conflict theory characterizes societies where competition over limited resources and social inequalities lead to competition between groups. This macrosociological concept applies to situations where people of lower socioeconomic class must organize together to fight against inequalities perpetuated by those of a higher socioeconomic class. The question stem does not establish bourgeoisie vs proletariat tensions or class consciousness. Additionally, the question stem describes interactions between groups in two different societies (that of a core nation and that of a peripheral nation).

A researcher designs a study to evaluate the effects of mass media on society. He evaluates how television defines expectations of how men and women behave, and reinforces gender roles. Which of the following is NOT a potential conclusion he may draw? A.Mass media is controlled by corporations in power, allowing the audience to see television that reinforces gender roles and stereotypes. B.Mass media enforces social norms and expectations through television, movies, and social media. C.Mass media is dependent on a dominant ideology that perpetuates divisions in society. D.Television draws upon gender stereotypes to portray certain characters.

B The researcher studies mass media from the Feminist perspective, which stems from the Conflict perspective. Other examples of conclusions he may draw using these perspectives include the perpetuation of gender stereotypes and gender roles, and the presence of powerful corporations led by a dominant ideology that enhances social divisions. However, the idea that mass media enforces social norms and expectations comes from a functionalist perspective.

In Medieval Europe, the previously established Roman sewage system was neglected until the Enlightenment era, when water supply and sanitation improved significantly, controlling disease outbreaks. According to Demographic Transition Theory, what type of population pyramid illustrates the corresponding stage of population growth? A.Late expanding population pyramid B.Early expanding population pyramid C.Constructive population pyramid D.Stationary population pyramid

B The stages of Demographic Transition include: high birth and mortality rates, high birth rate and decreasing mortality rate, decreasing birth rate and low mortality rate, and low birth and mortality rates. The improvement of sanitation in a population would prevent the deaths of many people due to disease, decreasing mortality rate. The population pyramid that would depict this growth rate is an early expanding population pyramid.

Ron argues that the legal system is necessary to maintain order in society and protect citizens from injustice. Alex argues that the legal system is subjective and needs to be checked by the people to ensure injustice does not fall on marginalized people. Which of the following is true about Ron and Alex? A.Ron believes that the legal system must be redesigned to protect its citizens, while Alex believes that the legal system should not be changed based on people's opinions. B.Ron argues for a progressive view of the legal system, while Alex argues for a conservative view of the legal system. C.Ron believes that the legal system formed naturally, while Alex sees the legal system as man-made. D.Ron sees the legal system as an artificial creation while Alex sees the legal system as a byproduct of society's needs.

C A conservative view of social institutions states that the institutions are naturally formed to address a societal need. A progressive view of social institutions states that the institutions are man-made and need to be controlled by society. Conservative views of social institutions tend to oppose change, while progressive views tend to support and advocate for change. Because Ron argues that the legal system is necessary and therefore naturally formed, he argues for a conservative view. On the other hand, Alex argues for a progressive view because of his belief that the legal system must be controlled by society.

A child psychologist interviews students at a K-12 school. Which of the following behaviors would a child in George Herbert Mead's game stage display? I. Playing a game that involves acting like a firefighter II. Playing with a bowl while their mother cooks III. Paying attention to their manners A.I only B.I, II, and III C.III only D.I and II only

C According to Mead, the preparatory stage is characterized by imitation, like playing with a bowl while watching an adult cook. The play stage is characterized by pretend play, such as a game in which a child acts like a firefighter. The game stage is when children begin to understand the attitudes and beliefs of society and that those can be influenced by how they act. This is the stage at which a child would develop manners, in order to behave in a way that is in line with society's expectations.

A toddler with a neurotic mother learns to play on the playground. Each time the toddler stands up, the mother stops him from walking on his own and holds his hand. According to Erikson's psychosocial theory of development, which of the following best describes how the child might feel as an adult? A."I don't trust others and get suspicious easily." B."I don't know who I really am or where I belong." C."It's hard for me to make decisions without input from others." D."I can't contribute anything to society."

C Around age 2, a child goes through the "autonomy vs. shame and doubt" crisis. This is the stage during which the child begins to make independent choices. If the child is encouraged to do so, they will develop the virtue of will. If not, as is the case with the child in the question stem, they will doubt their own decisions.

A mother attends a parenting class for parents of struggling junior-high school students. The class teaches parents how they can help their children develop their self-concept in order to increase resilience and mental health. According to Carl Rogers, what concepts are likely discussed in this parenting class? I. self-image II. genuineness III. unconditional positive regard A.I only B.I and III only C.II and III only D.III only

C Carl Rogers is one of the psychologists associated with the Humanistic Theory of personality. According to the Humanistic Theory, everyone has an innate drive for self-actualization. Rogers also believed that everyone can achieve self-actualization if they are genuine to themselves and receive unconditional positive regard from others. A person's self image describes how they see themself whereas a person's self-concept is more broad and refers to an individual's comprehensive perception of themself, including how they feel about themself.

A study places a mother, her child, and a stranger in a room. When the mother leaves the room, her child, Child A, does not explore the room as much as he did when his mother was present. When the mother returns, the child seeks comfort from her. The researchers repeat the study with Child B and his mother. Child B explores his environment less than Child A did when the mother leaves the room. He is distressed when the stranger tries to play with him. The child then clings to the mother when she returns. Which child from the study would be more likely to struggle with anxiety in adult relationships and why? A.Child B; his mother adopted an authoritative parenting style. B.Child A; his mother adopted an authoritarian parenting style. C.Child B; his mother adopted an authoritarian parenting style. D.Child A; his mother adopted an authoritative parenting style.

C Children with insecure attachment styles are more likely to struggle with anxiety in adult relationships. A child such as Child B, who is unable to explore his environment without the mother present and cannot be comforted until the mother returns displays insecure ambivalent attachment. Insecure attachment styles usually stem from an authoritarian parenting style, where a mother seems cold and distant to the child. On the other hand, children with secure attachment styles recognize their mother as a secure base and are more likely to explore the room without her presence. A child with a secure attachment style likely had a mother who adopted an authoritative parenting style and showed affection and attention toward them. From these definitions, Child A can be classified as having a secure attachment style, while Child B can be classified as having an insecure ambivalent attachment style. Therefore, Child B is more likely to struggle with anxiety in future relationships, and most likely had a mother who adopted an authoritarian parenting style. Permissive parenting involves enforcing few rules and allowing a child to do as they please. An authoritarian parenting style is parent-driven and involves strict rules and punishments. An authoritative parenting style is fair, involves open communication, and allows a parent and child to solve problems together.

Citizens of the European Union (EU) can live and work in any country that is a part of the EU. This links together the economies of the individual nations, leading to shifts in the importance of individual governments and economies. Which of the following is an example of how a skeptic would respond to this? A.The economies of individual nations change in unpredictable ways; we cannot determine whether these ways are good or bad. B.Globalization allowed for the interdependence of global economies, as shown by the EU's economic system. C.Although the EU's economic system links many nations together, stronger nations continue to grow at a rapid pace and poorer nations fall into debt crises. D.To achieve the optimal state of economy, EU citizens should advocate for the social ownership of means of production and resources.

C Hyperglobalists believe that globalization leads toward a future of interdependence of global economies and all countries. This can be supported by the growth and development of the EU's economic system. On the other hand, skeptics would need to refute this evidence of globalization. Skeptics believe that in the future, country borders will lead to the regionalization of separate country's economies. This will cause strong countries to become stronger and poor countries to become poorer. Transformationalist theory states that the importance of national governments is changing but we cannot conclude whether this occurs in a good or bad way. Socialists advocate for the social ownership of means of production and resources. This does not relate to globalization.

John becomes addicted to drugs and is sent to a rehabilitation facility. During his time there, he is expected to suffer withdrawal symptoms and is excused from many of his former social responsibilities. John himself must adjust to the physical symptoms of withdrawal. Which of the following describes phenomena that John may experience due to his situation? I. Social stigma of mental illness: John's family and close friends may carry negative feelings towards his addiction. II. Sick role: John continues to cope with his addiction at rehab by changing his behavior and self-identity to revolve around getting clean. III. Illness experience: as John goes to rehab, his supervisors excuse his absence from work and encourage him to get better. A.II and III only B.I and II only C.I only D.I and III only

C Illness experience refers to how an individual adjusts to health problems. This occurs when John must change his behavior and identity to get healed. Sick role is the concept that illness leads to an impact on an individual's privileges and obligations. Entry into the sick role allows exemption from normal responsibilities, such as going to work. This occurs when John's supervisors excuse his absence. Options II and III incorrectly assign examples of sick role and illness experience. The only correct option is I, where the social stigma of addiction may lead to negative perceptions of John from his family and close friends.

A group of geriatricians design a study to investigate how their patients respond to the aging process. The researchers examine the details of their patients' medical records over the course of their lives to connect their patients' experiences with their current roles in society. While some patients replace their jobs with other activities and hobbies, others are engaged in self-reflection. What is the main sociological theory that the geriatricians are studying? A.Disengagement theory B.Continuity theory C.Life Course theory D.Activity theory

C Life Course theory examines the aging process over a long period of time, focusing on someone's entire life rather than just the current situation. The geriatricians are looking at their patients' entire lives rather than focusing on their response to retirement. Activity theory suggests that a new activity should replace a stopped activity to maintain well-being and contribution to society. Disengagement theory suggests that the elderly should remove themselves from society to focus on self-reflection. These two theories are displayed in the patients, but these are not the main theories that the researchers are studying. Continuity theory is the theory that people attempt to maintain the same foundational structure throughout their lives to maintain consistency. This concept is not present in the question stem.

A growing social movement has reached its incipient stage due to the use of social media. Because the members are united across different social media platforms and different states, it is difficult to follow one leader with distinct goals for the movement. Still, new members are inspired to join the active community. How would sociologists analyze the growth of the movement? A.According to the Resource Mobilization Approach, members will continue growing due to cohesive communication within the movement via the Internet. B.Because the movement is only a craze, it will be short-lived and will die down before coalescing into a strong organization with specific goals and objectives. C.According to Mass Society Theory, members chose to join the movement to have a sense of online belonging. D.According to the Rational Choice Theory, members do not have the full knowledge of the expanse of the movement, which will lead to its growth.

C Mass Society Theory argues that social movements provide a sense of community and belonging to their people, which accounts for the growth of these movements. According to the Resource Mobilization Approach, without resources such as a leader that unites the members via an organizational base, the social movement will fail. Rational Choice Theory requires the members of a movement to evaluate the pros and cons of actions and fully understand the effects of their actions in order to be actively involved in the movement. There is no evidence that this movement is only a craze, due to the movement reaching its incipient stage.

A medical student becomes interested in pursuing Dermatology as his specialty when he reads about the work-life balance most Dermatologists have. As a result, he decides to join the Dermatology interest group at his medical school. As part of his membership to this group, he is required to shadow a dermatologist for one hour each week. Which of the following describes the cognitive aspect of reciprocal determinism in the student's situation? A.The student reading about the work-life balance in Dermatology B.The student's membership to the Dermatology interest group C.The student's interest in dermatology D.The student's time spent shadowing dermatologists

C Reciprocal determinism describes how an individual's cognition, environment, and behaviors are all determinants of one another and shape who that individual becomes. Cognition involves an individual's thoughts, such as an interest in a particular specialty. Environment describes the circumstances an individual is in, such as belonging to a Dermatology interest group. Behavior describes the actions one takes, such as shadowing dermatologists.

Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection in 1859. Later, public schools began to teach the theory of evolution and include it in their manifest curriculum. Which of the following would have been the institutional reactions to this change in society? I. Fundamentalists would celebrate the forward movement of education. II. Secularists would fight back against the newfound persecution in the Hidden Curriculum of Education. III. Religious institutions would not advocate for this new concept to be taught in public schools. A.II and III only B.I, II, and III C.III only D.I only

C Secularization refers to decreased commitment to religious practices and institutions. When secularist theories spread worldwide, there is pushback from fundamentalists and religious institutions. Fundamentalism refers to the strict devotion to religious practices and institutions. Fundamentalists would not celebrate the inclusion of the theory of evolution in public schools and would advocate for creation science to be taught instead of evolution. Fundamentalists would also see the inclusion of evolution in public schools as oppressive toward religious beliefs.

As part of a research study, an online survey asks married participants to rate their similarities to their spouse on a scale of 1 to 10. What is NOT a potential bias in the study design? A.Self-reporting bias B.Sampling bias C.Similarity bias D.Response bias

C Self-reporting bias, response bias, and sampling bias all may affect participants' perceived similarities. Participants may perceive themselves as very similar to their spouses, when in reality, they are very different. As a result, they may rate their similarities as very high (self-reporting bias). Additionally, only participants who feel that they are very similar to their spouses may respond to the online survey (response, sampling bias). The only option that is not potential bias is similarity bias, which is the tendency for people to associate with others with similar appearances, characteristics, and interests. This is not relevant to the study design.

Two sociologists analyze the growth of a social movement. Sociologist A claims that the movement grew due to the personal relationships that one builds within an organization, which exponentially increases with outreach and recruitment. Sociologist B theorizes that the movement grew due to the organization of people who strove to improve circumstances they perceived as unfair. Which of the following statements are true? I. Sociologist A would describe the motivation behind the social movement as irrational and dangerous. II. Sociologists A and B would suggest that to continue growing, the social movement requires enough resources such as time and money to gather more members. III. Sociologist B would claim that the movement also grew due to desire to change the status quo. A.I only B.I, II, and III C.I and III only D.II and III only

C Sociologist A's claims match with those of Mass Society Theory, which claims that social movements rise due to the psychological need for involvement and the movement's sense of community and refuge. Additionally, Mass Society Theory involves a negative view of movements as irrational and dangerous. Sociologist B's theories match with Relative Deprivation Theory, which postulates that people organize in response to perceived oppression and injustice. In addition, these members have a desire to change the status quo. Neither of these theories would suggest that the movement requires time and money to gather more members, which applies to the Resource Mobilization Approach.

A mother is described by others as warm, honest, and trustworthy. According to the Biological Theory of personality, her son's personality will be: A.Dissimilar, because he will inherit different personality traits from his father. B.Dissimilar, because he have different genes than his mother. C.Similar, because similar traits will be inherited from his mother. D.Similar, because he will learn similar traits from his mother.

C The Biological Theory of personality proposes that personality traits can be passed on from parents to offspring. In this case, the son's personality will be similar to his mother's because he will have inherited these traits from her. He will also inherit traits from his father, but those traits will not necessarily counteract those from his mother.

Student A turns on their camera 50% of the time for their online class with Professor X. Student B turns on their camera 100% of the time, while Student C does not attend lecture. According to the mere exposure effect, which student will Professor X write the best letter of recommendation for? A.Student A B.Student C C.Student B D.Both students A and B

C The Mere Exposure Effect states that we tend to like or favor things that we have had more exposure to. Student B has had the most facetime with Professor X, so Professor X is more likely to favor Student B over Students A and C.

In one country in 2017, a woman was expected to give birth to five children in her lifetime. In addition, there were 54.2 births per 1,000 women in the same year. A disease spreads through the country, mainly affecting the older population. Which of the following is true about the population? I. The fertility rate is 54.2 births per 1,000 women. II. The birth rate is 5. III. A high stationary pyramid would illustrate the population growth of the country. A.I and III only B.II only C.III only D.I and II only

C The fertility rate is the number of children a woman would be expected to give birth to throughout her life. The fertility rate is 5 children per woman. The birth rate is the number of new babies per 1,000 people per year. The birth rate is 54.2 births per 1,000 women. Many members of the older population are dying due to the disease spreading throughout the population. A high birth rate and fertility rate coupled with a high mortality rate can be described with a high stationary pyramid.

A six-year-old boy learns how to ride a bicycle with the help of his father. Which of the following details does not support Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of development? A.The son's father provides verbal instructions for keeping balance on the bicycle. B.The son's father has been riding bicycles for 30 years. C.The son gains approval from his father by demonstrating the competency of riding the bicycle. D.The son can ride a tricycle, but can only ride a bicycle if the father holds onto the back of the bicycle.

C The son's father having ridden bicycles for 30 years makes him a more knowledgeable other, who interacts with the son to prompt his learning. The difference between the son's ability to ride a tricycle and bicycle represents a zone of proximal development, the difference between what a child can do supported and unsupported. Vygotsky believed that language is the means by which information is transferred from adults to children, which supports the idea that the father would provide verbal instructions for maintaining balance. The son gaining approval from his father for demonstrating a competency represents the conflict of industry vs. inferiority, which is part of Erikson's psychosocial stages of development.

A worker uses a piece of machinery that emits a low-pitched beeping, which the worker ignores. At the end of his task, a higher pitched beep sounds from a different piece of machinery. The worker immediately inspects this other piece of machinery for issues. Which of the following is this an example of? A.Generalization B.Acquisition C.Discrimination D.Unconditioned response

C The worker is able to differentiate between the pitches of the beeps and reacts to them differently. The higher pitched beep is unexpected and elicits a response, while the lower pitched beep is ignored due to its consistency and lack of meaning. This best represents discrimination, which is when an organism learns to respond differently to similar stimuli. The stimuli do not evoke the same response, ruling out generalization. An unconditioned response refers to one behavior; this question compares two. Acquisition refers to the learning stage during which an unconditioned stimulus is paired with a neutral stimulus.

Rising housing prices in San Francisco cause citizens to move out of the city and into surrounding areas. As a result, many neighborhoods begin to lose funding for government buildings and public schools, and crime rates increase. If the local governments take action against this trend, what is a potential consequence of their initiative for urban areas? A.Due to Suburbanization, poorer individuals may not be able to afford housing in lower density, private communities. B.Due to Urban Sprawl, the local government will aid citizens in randomly buying land around San Francisco, resulting in a disorganized urban areas. C.Due to Urban Renewal, poorer individuals may not be able to afford housing in increasingly clean and safe urban neighborhoods. D.Due to Urban Decline, the local government is forced to take actions to stop the condition of the city from worsening.

C Urban Renewal is the process by which urban areas are improved. This results in rising property values, forcing less affluent individuals to leave the area and move instead to more economically disadvantaged areas with a lower overall quality of life. This is a potential consequence of the initiative to fix loss of funding and increased crime rate. Urban Renewal is a response to Urban Decline, which occurs when a city declines into a worse condition. This occurs when crime rate increases, buildings are abandoned, and local schools' funding decreases. This already occurs in the question stem. The question addresses the consequence of the local governments' initiative against Urban Decline, which refers to Urban Renewal. Suburbanization occurs when people move away from the city to smaller, low-density, private neighborhoods. Less affluent individuals may not be able to afford housing in the suburbs. However, this does not answer the question. Urban Sprawl occurs when a city expands in a disorganized fashion, resulting in segregation of land use and car dependency. This does not apply to the question.

A study places a mother, her child, and a stranger in a room. The mother leaves the room to let the stranger play with the child. The child does not explore the room as much as he did when his mother was present. When the mother returns, the child smiles and goes to her. What attachment type does the child display? A.Insecure avoidant B.Insecure ambivalent C.Disorganized D.Secure

D A child with secure attachment style is distressed when the mother leaves the room, less likely to explore his environment without the mother, and is content and happy when he and the mother reunite. A child with an insecure ambivalent attachment style would be distressed when the mother leaves and not feel comforted when she returns. A child with an insecure avoidant attachment style would display little to no emotion when the mother leaves and returns. A child with a disorganized attachment style would not seek comfort when he is scared and would avoid touch or comfort from his mother. Note that a disorganized attachment style is thought to be a sign of child abuse.

Gary is a 30-year-old male who believes that women are unkind. Which of the following best describes a self-fulfilling prophecy in Gary's life? A.Gary discriminates against women in his position as a restaurant manager. B.Several of the women in Gary's life have abused him. C.Gary has the cognition that women are unkind, which leads to an attitude of hatred towards women. D.Women choose not to speak to Gary because he avoids them.

D A self-fulfilling prophecy describes a prediction or expectation that comes true simply because a person believes that it will; that person aligns their actions in order to make it come true. Gary believes that women are unkind and decides to avoid them. As a result, women choose not to speak to Gary.

A psychologist asks a young woman to tell him a bit about herself to begin therapy. Which of the following parts of her answer is not one of Carl Roger's components of self-concept? A."I don't have very much respect for myself." B."I see myself as an unattractive and undesirable person." C."I wish that I looked like a supermodel." D."I don't believe that I can succeed in beauty school."

D Carl Roger's idea of self-concept has three components: self image (how one sees themself), self esteem (confidence in one's worth), and the ideal self (who one aspires to be). The woman expresses her self image ("I see myself as..."), her self esteem ("...respect for myself"), and her ideal self ("I wish that I..."). Her belief in her success in beauty school relates to self efficacy, which is not one of Carl Roger's components of self-concept.

Spurred by global change and the rise of industrialism, many rural citizens moved to urban areas in the early 19th century. The increase in urban population brought attention to inequalities in socioeconomic class, status, and cultural beliefs. This caused citizens of the lower socioeconomic class to form organizations that fought for workers' rights. What social phenomenon is exhibited most by this social movement? A.Urbanization B.Functionalism C.Emigration D.Conflict theory

D Conflict theory posits that competition over limited resources and social inequalities lead to constant conflict between groups. This macro-sociological concept applies to situations where people of lower socioeconomic class must organize together to fight against inequalities perpetuated by those of a higher socioeconomic class, as is described in the question stem. Urbanization refers to the population increase in urban areas as opposed to rural areas. This occurred in the 19th century due to industrialism. Emigration occurs when people migrate out of an area. While these concepts apply to the first part of the question stem, the question refers to the social movement of the urban citizens. Functionalism is the macrosociological theory that posits that social institutions work together with a distinct purpose.

A researcher presents a dollar bill to a child and studies their response. After some time, the dollar bill is replaced with a toy and the child's response is again measured. The researcher finds that the child is indifferent to the dollar bill and excited at the sight of the toy. The dollar bill in this scenario best represents a: A.Conditioned response. B.Neutral response. C.Conditioned stimulus. D.Neutral stimulus.

D During the trial, there is no response to the dollar bill. The dollar bill is not a behavior (response), so it must be the stimulus that would influence a response. The stimulus elicited no response, so the best answer choice is neutral stimulus. A neutral stimulus is a stimulus that elicits no response at first. Note that a neutral stimulus can become a conditioned stimulus if paired with an unconditioned stimulus.

Researchers conduct a study exploring how restaurants adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic and relied on food delivery apps for their businesses to thrive. The societal changes drove some businesses to bankruptcy and increased competition between remaining businesses. Remaining businesses needed to enact change to stabilize their business and gain profit. What macrosociology theory does this reflect? A.Symbolic interactionism B.Social constructionism C.Conflict theory D.Functionalism

D Functionalism states that society is a complex system in which all institutions work together to maintain dynamic equilibrium and stability. To maintain this stability, institutions must adjust to social change that disrupts equilibrium. Restaurants that relied on food delivery apps adjusted to the social change the pandemic caused to stabilize their businesses. Conflict theory states that society and social classes are in conflict due to competition over limited resources. While the question stem mentions increased competition between surviving businesses, conflict theory refers to conflict between social classes with different statuses and levels of power. Here, we cannot categorize the businesses as either proletariat or bourgeoisie classes. They do not represent struggles between socioeconomic classes. Symbolic interactionism is a microsociology concept that focuses on individual interactions and relationships, not institutions such as businesses. Social constructionism states that knowledge and experience inform a person's interactions and understandings with objects.

Martin has a goal of running a marathon but has been struggling to reach his goal. He meets with a sports psychologist who suggests that Martin should stop focusing on the past and start focusing on behaviors in the present that can bring him closer to or block him from achieving his marathon goal. Which psychological theory is most consistent with this sports psychologist's approach? A.Fictional Finalism B.Psychoanalytic theory C.Humanistic theory D.Force Field analysis theory

D Kurt Lewin's Force Field Analysis Theory focuses on how factors in the present influence movement towards or away from actualization of goals. Martin's psychologist's approach is most consistent with this theory, since he suggests that Martin focuses on factors influencing his current behavior and how those affect his goal of running a marathon. The Psychoanalytic Theory focuses on unconscious urges and childhood experiences that shape personality in adulthood. The Humanistic Theory focuses on people's innate drive towards self-actualization. Fictional Finalism is a theory that proposes that people are more motivated by future possibilities than they are by past events.

Mohad is working on a group paper in her psychology class. In a meeting with her group, Mohad discovers that everyone wants to use MLA formatting for the reference section, but she wants to use APA formatting because it is what the professor specified. Mohad contemplates speaking up but ultimately decides to stick to MLA formatting like her group suggested. What type of social pressure influenced Mohad's decision? A.Informative influence B.Obedience C.Compliance D.Normative influence

D Normative influence describes when a person changes their behavior to be in harmony with the majority and avoid social rejection, even if they do not agree with the opinion of others. The example of Mohad demonstrates normative influence. Informative influence is when a person changes their behavior due to the knowledge provided by a group. Obedience describes when a person changes their behavior due to the order or request of a person with power or authority. Compliance is going along with something or following instructions in pursuit of a reward or in avoidance of a punishment.

In a suburb near Los Angeles, a census in 2010 reported that the population of individuals 14 and under was 5,000 and the population of individuals 65 and older was 6,000. The population between 15 and 64 was 33,000. In 2020, the population that was 14 and under was 6,000 and the population that was 65 and older was 10,000. The population between 15 and 64 was 32,000. Given this information, what solutions may be proposed to adjust to the changes in cohort populations? A.Decrease the retirement age B.Increase the minimum wage of workers C.Focus healthcare resources on younger generations and childcare D.Increase number of nursing homes

D Refer to the formula: Dependency Ratio = (population that is 14 & under + 65 & older) / (population that is 15-64 years old). An increase in dependency ratio depicts an aging population and an increased burden on the workforce (population that is 15-64 years old). Increasing the number of nursing homes would help the workforce take care of the elderly population. Decreasing the retirement age would increase the percentage of the elderly population (part of the dependent population) and decrease the population of the workforce. This would increase the burden on the workforce and would not help. Healthcare resources such as nursing homes and the number of healthcare workers specializing in the care of elderly populations are needed to help the workforce. These resources should not pivot to younger generations and childcare. Increasing the minimum wage of workers does not have as strong an impact on caring for the elderly population as does increasing the number of nursing homes.

John and May are in the same biochemistry class. John asks May out for a coffee to study together. To May, the coffee implies only a time to study together, but John sees this as a date. What sociological theories are inherent in the interaction between John and May? I. Social constructionism II. Rational choice theory III. Symbolic interactionism A.I and III only B.I, II, and III C.II and III only D.III only

D Symbolic interactionism is a microsociology concept that focuses on how our own experiences shape the meanings we assign to different things and how individuals can apply different meanings to the same things. Since John and May view the coffee outing differently, symbolic interactionism applies to this interaction. Social constructionism states that knowledge and experience inform a person's interactions and understandings with objects. While one may argue that the coffee outing is the object of social constructionism, remember that social constructionism deals with macrosociological concepts, such as money, rather than microsociological concepts, such as a specific coffee date. The interaction between John and May is best described by a microsociological phenomenon. Rational choice theory and exchange theory, which is the application of rational choice theory to social interactions, are incorrect. John can think of the coffee outing with May with a cost-benefit analysis lens: he can study with her to raise his grade and gain a lot from the date. However, the question stem does not mention any other choices that he considered. He did not rank any other options to raise his grade.

Researchers investigate the effects of urbanization on the norms and values of different groups of a city, as well as the interaction between those in power and those who are disadvantaged. They design a study that tracks how a conflict in cultural values between social groups (observed through conversations) creates a rift in the city. What social theory is the focus of this study? A.Conflict theory; the study tracks how conflicts arise between social groups. B.Social constructionism; the study focuses on how social groups understand the city's cultural rifts. C.Functionalism; the study tracks the purpose of cultural values in a city. D.Symbolic interactionism; the study focuses on how cultural values create rifts in social groups' interactions.

D Symbolic interactionism is a microsociology concept that focuses on individual interactions and relationships. An individual may be socialized to adopt different norms and values, depending on which social group they are a member of. If the researchers studied the everyday conversations of members of these groups, they are likely using a symbolic interactionism perspective. While conflict theory relates to the tensions between social groups in the city, the main focus of the study is the interaction of groups and the development of different norms and values depending on which group an individual is a part of. Therefore, the main focus of the study is symbolic interactionism. Functionalism states that society is a complex system in which all institutions work together to maintain dynamic equilibrium and stability. Social constructionism states that knowledge and experience inform a person's interactions and understandings with objects. These do not apply to the question

Researchers gather data on the social and economic changes in a peripheral country since the introduction of industrialization and a capitalistic economic system by a core nation. They seek to obtain evidence of growth and development in replicating a more advanced economic system. Which of the following describes the researchers' goals? A.To support a World-Systems theory perspective on the categorization of nations B.To refute a Modernization theory perspective on the effect of outside help of core nations C.To support a Transformationalist perspective on the changes occurring for national governments D.To refute a Dependency theory perspective on the opportunity for peripheral countries to grow and develop

D The Dependency theory states that peripheral countries or third-world countries are dependent on core nations and cannot follow the path to industrialization like core nations. They have their own economic system and cannot adopt other developed countries' systems to thrive. The researchers' data can refute this theory by finding evidence of the peripheral country's growth and development. The Modernization theory states that any country can be modernized and industrialized through the same process. The researchers' data would support this theory. The Transformationalist perspective is that the nature of governments' role and power is changing, not necessarily in a good or bad way. The researchers' goals do not address this perspective. The World-Systems theory separates nations into core countries (those with a strong central government, industrialization, and high-skill, capital-intensive production), peripheral countries (those with a weak central government and focus on sourcing raw materials), and semi-peripheral countries (developing countries). This is not addressed by the researchers' study.

Although the faculty of most elementary schools do not outline manners and social cues in class syllabi, children often learn about these subjects through school. Which of the following accurately describes this phenomenon? I. Latent function of schools as social institutions II. Manifest function of schools as social institutions III. Hidden curriculum of schools A.III only B.I, II, and III C.II only D.I and III only

D The hidden curriculum of schools describes a set of rules related to societal norms and values that are learned by students but not openly intended to be taught by teachers in a school. Manners and social cues fit this description. The hidden curriculum can be considered a latent function of the societal institution of school, since it is a positive, unintended consequence of school. Latent functions are aspects of a social institution that are unintended. Manifest functions of an institution are intended, such as learning how to count and read in school.

A criminologist conducts interviews with members of the "Blood" and "Crip" gangs of central Los Angeles. If he finds that adolescent members of the gangs are taken on drive-by shootings to learn how to commit crimes, which of the following theories would this information support? A.Strain theory B.Labeling theory C.Conflict theory D.Theory of differential association

D The theory of differential association postulates that deviance is a learned behavior. If the information posed in the question stem were to be true, it would support this theory, since adolescent gang members learn how to commit crimes, which are deviant behaviors. Labeling theory postulates that a behavior is deviant if society has labeled it as deviant. Strain theory postulates that if a person is blocked from achieving a culturally accepted goal, they will exercise deviance in response. Conflict theory postulates that members of society are in a state of constant conflict due to competition for limited resources.

Lani volunteers to teach a Sunday school class for kids with learning disabilities every month. This volunteer opportunity has strengthened her teaching and speaking skills. In addition, Lani is inspired to become a pediatric neurologist because of the interactions with her students. What describes the manifest and latent effects of Lani's volunteering service? A.Manifest functions include Lani's refined career goals. Latent functions include the development of Lani's teaching and speaking skills. B.Manifest functions include the development of Lani's teaching and speaking skills. Latent functions include Lani's refined career goals. C.Manifest functions include the development of Lani's career skills and goals. Latent functions include instilling a shared sense of ethics and enforcing cultural norms for her students. D.Manifest functions include instilling a shared sense of ethics and enforcing cultural norms for her students. Latent functions include the development of Lani's career skills and goals.

D While manifest functions are consciously intended to produce beneficial outcomes, latent functions are not deliberate, but also produce beneficial outcomes. Here, the latent functions of the Sunday school class are the effects it has on Lani's life. These include developing her teaching and speaking skills and inspiring her to become a pediatric neurologist. The manifest functions of the class are the effects on the students themselves, which are the intended functions of the Sunday school. These include instilling a shared sense of ethics and enforcing cultural norms for the students. Because Lani's refined career goals or developed skills are not the intended functions of the class, these are latent functions.

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