Behavioral Analysis Ch.18

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Define a prompt.

An added stimulus that increases the probability of making the correct response

Define the procedure of "programming.

The temporary use of a prompt to establish a generalization

Define the procedure of fading

The temporary use of a prompt to establish a specific discrimination.

Suppose that Bev called the baseball a "ball" but she didn't call the bat a "bat." Because the behavior of saying "ball" is higher in the presence of the ball than in the presence of the bat, we call the behavior __________ behavior.


Fading is the use of a prompt to establish a specific __________.


Darlene praised her daughter for saying "crow" when shown a picture of the large black bird and ignored her for saying "crow" when shown the picture of the small black bird. What behavioral procedure was Darlene using? _________

discrimination training

Marvin ignored Sheila when he was using the headphones to listen to his new stereo. Marvin gave her a lot of attention when he was listening to the stereo without headphones. Sheila started sitting next to Marvin only when he did not have the headphones on. What behavioral procedure influenced when Sheila sat next to Marvin? __________

discrimination training

Professor Brainbuster shunned Samantha when she wore jeans, but one of her students, David, didn't mind. Samantha learned to wear jeans around David but not around the prof. What procedure influenced when she wore jeans? __________

discrimination training

Ann pointed to the table and asked Shigura, "What is this?" and then said the word "table" so he could hear it. She praised him when he also said the word "table." Gradually, she said the word more and more softly. What behavioral procedure did Ann use to teach Shigura to label this table correctly? _________


Darlene praised her daughter for saying "crow" when shown a picture of the large black bird and ignored her for saying "crow" when shown the picture of the small black bird. Darlene then gave the child hints for "bigness' when showing the picture of the crow. She gradually withdrew these hints. What behavioral procedure was Darlene using? __________


Fran taught Jimmy to write "P" when shown a "P" but not when shown a "B." Fran drew some light dashed lines that Jimmy drew over. She made the dashed lines fainter until they were no longer needed. What behavioral procedure did Fran use? _________


Melba taught Hilda to read the word "dog" by making cards with the word "dog" printed across the head of a picture of a dog. She then made a series of cards with less and less of the dog sketched in. She praised Hilda for saying "dog" when that was the word she was reading but ignored her when it was not. Melba used what procedure to teach Hilda to read the word "dog?" _________


Moore and Goldiamond (1964) had the correct answer light up while the incorrect answers remained dark. They always used the same problem with the same correct answer. They reinforced pushing the correct answer but ignored pushing the incorrect answer. They then gradually increased the brightness of the incorrect answers until they were as bright as the correct answer. What behavioral procedure were they using when they gradually made the correct and incorrect answers equally bright? ___________ `


Mr. Hearthstone taught Greg to sing middle C by first playing the note loudly on the piano and asking Greg to copy it, which he could do easily. Mr. Hearthstone then played the note more and more softly until Greg was singing the note without any reminder from the piano. What procedure did Mr. Hearthstone use? _________


The gradual elimination of a prompt when teaching a discrimination is called _________.


The teacher praised Juanita if she said "car" when he showed her the word "car," but not when he showed her the word "cat." To help her learn "car," he put a picture of a car next to the word. He gradually made the picture smaller until Juanita could no longer see it. What behavioral procedure was the teacher using? __________


Tom gets a ride home after school every day from Carol. He praised Carol every time she made a correct turn. The first day she didn't know the way, so he told her which way to turn at "five corners;" the next day he only said "here" at the turn and didn't tell her which way to turn; on following days, he gave no instructions at all. Carol learned the way perfectly in three days. What behavioral procedure did Tom use? __________


The book showed Roger a picture of a red ant. It used many repetitions of the question "This is a ___ ant." It reinforced him for the correct answer. Later, the book showed Roger a red mat. The first time he saw the mat, he answered "red" to the question "This is a ___ mat." The occurrence of his response to the new example of a red object would be an example of what behavioral process? __________


Bob showed Tom a big red ball and asked, What is this?" When Tom said "ball," Bob gave him a tiny candy. After many trials, Tom would always say "ball." Next Tom held up a little green ball up many times, asked what it was and gave Tom candy when he said "ball." When Bob held up any kind of ball after that, Tom always called it a ball. What behavioral procedure did Bob use to teach Tom the idea of a "ball?" _________

generalization training

Programming is the temporary use if a prompt during generalization training to establish a(n) __________.


Her workbook showed Carol pictures of many red objects: ants, balls, houses, fire engines. It asked her: "What color is this?" _____. The book reinforced Carol for writing "red' for the series of objects. At first, the question had one or more of the letters in "red" attached to the blank as a clue. But the book gradually eliminated these letters. Eventually, Carol could label an object as red even when she had not seen it before and had no prompt. What behavioral procedure did the book use to teach Carol to label red objects as "red?" __________.


Mr, Kline taught Roberta to label the kitchen floor as a rectangle by asking her "What shape is that? A rect______?" then "What shape is that? A rrr____?" and finally, with no prompt. He praised her when she said "rectangle." Mr. Kline taught Roberta to label the shape of a piece of paper in the same way. Roberta came to label any novel object with parallel sides, with right angles, and length greater than width as a rectangle. What procedure did Mr. Kline use? _________


Schaefer (1963) used the German word "ich" to replace the English "I" in several short stories by Poe. The context of redundant sentences was enough to serve as an effective prompt for proper translation. By placing the German word in many different sentences, students learned to always recognize the word. What behavioral procedure did Schaefer use to teach the meaning if "ich?" __________


The temporary use of a prompt to establish a generalization is called _________.


The temporary use of a prompt to establish a generalization is called __________.


An added stimulus that increases the probability that a person will make the correct response is called a(n) _________


In "Programmed Reading," the child is shown a picture of a girl in a bag and then required to fill in the blank "That is Ann in the ba-." Showing one or more letters contained in the correct answer is called a(n) __________.


Roger was shown a picture of a red ant and the words "This is a r--d ant" (he had been taught to fill in such a blank). Next he got a picture of a red ant and the words "This is a r-- ant." After each problem, Roger was given an M&M if he filled in the blank correctly and was ignored if he got it wrong. As the sequence developed, fewer letters in the word "red" were given to him. Those letters would be called a(n) __________.


Terry was taught to add by a teacher who showed him two piles of blocks, with two and three blocks in each, and who asked the question, "How much is two plus three?" As the training went on, the locks were moved farther and farther from Terry. The blocks would be called a(n) _________.


To use the stimulus control strategy to help solve human problems, (3) create new stimulus control by temporarily using __________.


Programmed instruction requires a written response, provides immediate __________ in the correctness of the response, and uses small steps.


A method for gradually changing a behavior is called [a] a method for gradually changing one stimulus is called [b]

shaping; fading

A prompt is an added _________ that increases the probability of a person's making the correct response in the presence of a novel stimulus.


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