BIble 5.18.2 Lesson:Intertestamental Period
What does the word "intertestamental" mean?
"between the testaments"
The Intertestamental Period was the _______ year time period between the last events in the Old Testament and the first events in the New Testament.
Who was responsible for the initial spread of the Greek language and culture during the Intertestamental Period?
Alexander the Great
During the Intertestamental Period, who eventually attacked Jerusalem, raided the temple, killed or captured many women and children, banned traditional Jewish practices and events, and set up altars to Greek gods where unclean animals were sacrificed?
Antiochus IV Epiphanes
What became the main language of education and trade during the Intertestamental Period?
During the Intertestamental Period, the traditional Jews revolted and sought independence from the tyrannical rule of Antiochus, which they eventually achieved under the _______ and the _______ dynasty.
Maccabees; Hasmonean
The legalistic understanding of religion that resulted from the difficult cultural conditions that the Jews faced during the Intertestamental Period led to the rise of at least three strict Jewish sects. What are these three sects?
Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes.
The _______ government continued in its prominence throughout the New Testament.
Who conquered the Judean region in 63 B.C. and set up a regional government?
The Romans
The Intertestamental Period is sometimes referred to as...
the second temple period