Bible Unit 5: Esther--A Story of Divine Providence

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True or False: After Haman's death, King Xerxes gave his signet ring to Queen Esther.


True or False: Esther asked Mordecai to have all the Jews fast for two days.


True or False: Esther invited King Xerxes and Mordecai to come to her banquet.


True or False: Haman was honored by wearing the king's robe, riding the king's horse, and being paraded through the streets of Susa.


True or False: The Feast of Purim is celebrated on the 13th and 14th days of the month of Adar.


The man arranged for a law to have all the Jews killed.


This man walked the streets in sackcloth and ashes.


This person refused to bow down to Haman.


This person uncovered a plot to kill King Xerxes


What plot did Mordecai overhear as he sat at the king's gate?

Mordecai overheard two of the king's officers plotting to king the king.

What secret did Mordecai tell Esther to keep?

Mordecai told Esther not to tell anyone she was a Jew.

Why do Jews today still celebrate the Feast of Purim?

Purim is a celebration of God's faithfulness, deliverance, and protection. Mordecai and Esther commanded the people to keep the feast of Purim forever as a day of Thanksgiving, feasting, and joy. During the Feast of Purim, the Jews remember how God used Mordecai and Esther to save them from Haman's evil plot.

How did the Feast of Purim get its name?

The name Purim comes from the world pur, which means "to cast out lots." The name Purim was given to this festival because of the casting of lots by Haman to see what dates gods would indicate as favorable for carrying out his wicked plan.

What is the theme of the Book of Esther?

The theme of the book of Esther is God's overruling providence--the remarkable way in which God worked through events, circumstances, and people to save his chosen people, the Jews.

True or False: Haman cast lots to find a favorable day to kill the Jews.


True or False: King Xerxes gave Mordecai permission to send out a new decree in the king's name.


True or False: King Xerxes ordered Haman to be hanged on the very gallows he had prepared for Mordecai.


True or False: Out of fear of Mordecai, many officials and nobles helped the Jews.


True or False: Vashi was removed from her position as queen.


The queen refused to come when called by the king.


The king gave a feast for all the nobles in Susa.


The king ordered a beauty contest to find his next queen.


This person convinced Haman to build gallows on which to hang Mordecai.


Put in order: 1) Esther became queen 2) Mordecai uncovered a plot to kill the king. 3) Vashi refused to appear at King Xerxes' banquet 4) The Jewish people celebrated Purim 5) Esther accused Haman of plotting to kill her people

3, 1, 2, 5, 4

This woman was an orphan who became queen.


This woman was brought up by her cousin.


Give three examples of how God worked through the events and people in the story of Esther to protect and save his chosen people.

1) God put Esther, a young Jewish woman, in a position of power by allowing her to become queen. 2) He allowed Mordecai to sit at the king's gate so that Mordecai would find out about the plot to kill the king and so that he could encourage Esther to seek help from the king when they learned of Haman's plot against them. 3) God worked in Esther's hesitation to make her request so that he wouldn't sleep and would discover that Mordecai had not been recognized. 4) Once Haman was dead, God had Mordecai become the highest official in the kingdom so that Mordecai could write a degree that allowed the Jews to defend themselves.

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