Bill of Rights

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The 6 goals found in the Preamble

-Provide for the common defense -Promote the general welfare -Establish Justice -Ensure domestic tranquility -Secure the blessings of liberty -To form a more perfect union

Ratifying Amendments

Amendments can be ratified by state legislatures, or state conventions

Executive Power

Belongs to the president

All amendments today have been proposed by:


The formal amendment process begins


9th Amendment

Declares that rights not mentioned in the constitution belong to the people.

3rd Amendment

Declares that the government may not require people to house soldiers during peacetime. Don't have to house soldiers in time of peace.

First three articles of the Constitution

Describe the 3 branches of government: legislative, judicial & executive


Division of powers between the states and the federal (national,central) government.

5th Amendment

Guarantees that no one may be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law due process- ____ Amendment

7th Amendment

Guarantees the right to a fair trial by jury in civil cases.

6th Amendment

Guarantees the right to a fair trial by jury in criminal cases.

Job of the Courts

Interpreting the meaning of citizens rights

10th Amendment

Powers not given to the national government belong to the sates or people.

8th Amendment

Prohibits excessive bail, fines, and punishments.

4th Amendment

Protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures.

2nd Amendment

Protects the right to possess firearms. Protects rights to bear firearms.

Miranda Warning

Rights under the 5th Amendment including the right to remain silent, be tried by jury, put up bail.

Concurrent Powers

That the national government has and the states may also have the same powers/privileges.

Protections against the abuse of power by the government

The bill of rights (The first 10 Amendments) offers protections against the abuse of power(tyranny) by the government.

Popular Sovereignty

The constitution is based on popular sovereignty


They were afraid of tyranny b) wanted a bill of rights added to the constitution

1st Amendment

This Amendment protects 5 individual freedoms. Guarantees freedom of religion, speech, and of the press; the right assemble peacefully; and the right to petition the government.

Agreements the delegates had at the Constitutional Convention

a national government was needed; b)power should be divided among 3 branches of government; c) the governments power should be limited

The amendments process takes a long time.

a) farmers wanted to make sure amendments were taken seriously; b) amendments must win a lot of support:2/3 of congress or a national convention must approve and 3/4 states must ratify.

Limits on the government's power

a) separation of powers; b) checks and balances; c) priority of federal law

Individual freedoms in the Bill of Rights

are listed in the 1st amendment.

Freedom of Petition

ask the government for help.

Organization of the Constitution

by articles

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