bio 101 nvcc final

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What make up the hominines?

Gorillas, chimpanzees, humans

What is the hominid group composed of?

"Great apes" (orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, humans)

What is the 'Primordial Soup' Theory?

3.5 Mil. years ago, inorganic chemicals on the planets surface reacted to form biochemicals, those biochemicals aggregated into the first prokaryotic cells.

What is a taxon?

A group at any rank

What is a clade?

A group of organisms sharing a common ancestor and ALL of their descendants. Also called a monophyletic group.

According to the Hardy-Weinberg principle, if 75% of the alleles in the gene pool are A1 and 25% are A2, what is the proportion of individuals with genotype A1A2 in this population? A. 0.1875 B. 0.5625 C. 0.375 D. 0.0625 E. 0.025

A. 0.1875

Which epoch contained the last common ancestor for eukaryotes? A. Cambrian B. Ordovician C. Silurian D. Devonian E. Carboniferous F. Permian

A. Cambrian (Cambrian explosion)

Which isotope, with a half-life of 5,730 years, is used for dating more recent samples? A. Carbon-14 B. Potassium-40 C. Argon-40

A. Carbon-14

Polyphyletic organization will: A. Exclude the most recent shared ancestor B. Show all links between two species C. Compare descendants, but not ancestors, of two species D. Define which is the "more pure" species

A. Exclude the most recent shared ancestor

What is the oldest eon? A. Hadeon B. Proterozoic C. Phaterozoic D. Archeon

A. Hadeon Earth forms. 4600 MYA

Which of the following would you predict would evolve in guppies that are taken from streams in Trinidad with predators and put into streams lacking predators? A. Male guppies will become more colorful B. Male guppies will become less colorful C. Male guppies will not change in coloration D. Guppies would evolve to have females avoid more colorful males E. Guppies would evolve to have females prefer less colorful males

A. Male guppies will become more colorful

Which epoch contained the first dinosaurs and mammals? A. Triassic B. Jurassic C. Cretaceous

A. Triassic

Which of the following is MOST likely to experience genetic drift? A. a population of endangered birds that includes only five individuals B. a population of common rodents that includes millions of individuals C. a species of insect that occurs all across North America D. a population of bears that is growing by thousands of individuals each year E. a plant species that has spread to many different habitats all around the world

A. a population of endangered birds that includes only five individuals

The gene pool for a particular gene is made up of: A. all the genes that occur in the population B. all the genes for a certain trait that occur in the population C. the sum of all the heterozygous individuals in the population D. the sum of all the homozygous individuals in the population E. all the alleles for a certain trait in a given individual

A. all the genes that occur in the population

Which of the following can cause evolutionary change in a small population? A. genetic drift B. lack of mutations C. homozygous individuals D. all recessive alleles E. lack of gene flow

A. genetic drift

Evolution by genetic drift is most obvious in: A. large populations B. aquatic organisms C. small populations D. invertebrate species E. migratory species

A. large populations

The theory that life began in the distant past from nonliving molecules that became able to reproduce themselves is called: A. prebiotic evolution B. prehistoric evolution C. natural selection D. spontaneous evolution E. endosymbiont evolution

A. prebiotic evolution

What composes the hominoid group?

All apes (including humans) - including both lesser and great apes

Describe derived character

An organism with features different from an ancestor. Phylogenetic

What are some common causes of adaptive radiation?

Availability of new resources, island populations, major environmental change, an inherited adaptation gives an advantage

What characteristics do all primates (apes, humans, monkeys) share?

Grasping hands with opposable thumbs Flat nails instead of claws Large brain to body size ratio Eyes in the front for binocular vision

In a very small population of birds, assume 5 out of 20 alleles are the type that code for blue feathers. What is the allele frequency of the "blue feather allele" in this population? A. 0.20 B. 0.25 C. 0.40 D. 0.50 E. 5

B. 0.25

In a population of dogs, long ears are dominant over short ears. If 50 of 200 dogs in a population have short ears, how many of the long-eared dogs are homozygous dominant? A. 25 B. 50 C. 75 D. 100 E. 60

B. 50

Which epoch was first to contain birds? A. Triassic B. Jurassic C. Cretaceous

B. Jurassic

Which era was the called the "Age of Reptiles"? A. Paleozoic B. Mesozoic C. Cenozoic

B. Mesozoic

Which epoch had the first land plants and invertebrates? A. Cambrian B. Ordovician C. Silurian D. Devonian E. Carboniferous F. Permian

B. Ordovician

What is relative dating? A. Assigning an age by testing either the fossil itself OR the sediments above below B. Placing a fossil in a series of events without a specific date C. Using radioactive isotopes to assign a date D. Making an educated guess at the year the fossil was from by comparing it to something that looks similar

B. Placing a fossil in a series of events without a specific date

Which isotope, with a half-life of 1.3 billion years, is used for dating very old samples? A. Carbon-14 B. Potassium-40 C. Argon-40

B. Potassium-40

What eon saw an accumulation of O2? A. Hadeon B. Proterozoic C. Phaterozoic D. Archeon

B. Proterozoic

What eon saw a the first eukaryotes and multicellular organisms? A. Hadeon B. Proterozoic C. Phaterozoic D. Archeon

B. Proterozoic 2500 MYA

The extreme loss of genetic diversity that has occurred in cheetah populations due to overhunting is the result of: A. the founder effect B. a population bottleneck C. coevolution D. genetic drift E. natural selection

B. a population bottleneck

The fact that whales have pelvic and leg bones indicates that: A. they probably evolved from fish B. ancestral whales had legs C. whales should have functional legs D. having a pelvis is advantageous E. whales did not evolve by natural selection

B. ancestral whales had legs

A population in which an extreme phenotype is favored undergoes ____ selection. A. disruptive B. directional C. stabilizing D. artificial E. polynomial

B. directional

One species of fish feeds in the muddy bottom of a lake. A second species eats insects that land on the water surface. This is an example of: A. geographic isolation B. ecological isolation C. temporal isolation D. behavioral isolation E. mechanical incompatibility

B. ecological isolation

The human upper arm bone (the humerus) is structurally similar to the upper wing bone of a bat. The structural similarity is an example of: A. analogous structures B. homologous structures C. vestigial structures D. adaptation E. mutation

B. homologous structures

Habitat loss, natural catastrophes, and/or excessive harvesting of a species often result in: A. increased mutation rates B. population bottlenecks C. increased fitness of individuals D. artificial selection E. increased gene flow

B. population bottlenecks

Based on current knowledge about the conditions of the early Earth, the first organisms were most likely: A. photosynthetic prokaryotes B. photosynthetic eukaryotes C. anaerobic prokaryotes D. anaerobic eukaryotes E. multicellular eukaryotes

C. anaerobic prokaryotes

Which describes punctuated speciation? A. a steady increase in the number of new species over time B. rapid bursts of new species followed by periods of little change C. a stagnating number of species that undergoes little evolution D. a single species remains with no changes over time

B. rapid bursts of new species followed by periods of little change

Imagine that one of the original four mice that escape from a research lab is blind due to a genetic defect. If the mice breed and most of the mice born in subsequent generations are blind from birth, this is most likely a case of: A. artificial selection B. the founder effect C. selective mutation D. an equilibrium population E. natural selection

B. the founder effect

The scenario of prebiotic evolution leading to the origin of life on Earth is plausible because: A. experiments suggest that all the chemical components of living cells can be formed quickly from inorganic precursors B. there was a vast period of time for simple chemicals to evolve into complex cells C. it has been observed to occur near thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean D. it has been observed under laboratory conditions E. it has been observed to occur on other planets

B. there was a vast period of time for simple chemicals to evolve into complex cells

Which isotope is used for dating samples 300,000 years or older? A. Carbon-14 B. Potassium-40 C. Argon-40

C. Argon-40

Which era was the called the "Age of Mammals"? A. Paleozoic B. Mesozoic C. Cenozoic

C. Cenozoic

Which epoch was the last to contain dinosaurs? A. Triassic B. Jurassic C. Cretaceous

C. Cretaceous

What is the correct order? A. Eon, Epoch, Era, Period B. Epoch, Era, Eon, Period C. Eon, Era, Period, Epoch D. Era, Eon, Epoch, Period

C. Eon, Era, Period, Epoch

A fossil is evidence of any organism from: A. More than 2,500 years ago B. More than 5,000 years ago C. More than 10,000 years ago D. More than 15,000 years ago

C. More than 10,000 years ago

Which epoch had the first fish with jaws? A. Cambrian B. Ordovician C. Silurian D. Devonian E. Carboniferous F. Permian

C. Silurian

Which is an example of allopatric speciation? A. Two populations only can mingle at a shared border B. Two populations share territory but do not interact. C. Two populations cut off from each other by a mountain range D. Two populations share a territory and interbreed.

C. Two populations cut off from each other by a mountain range

Sea squirts and lampreys, which are both aquatic animals, have a perforated pharynx, a ventral heart, and a notochord at some stage of development. These similarities are BEST explained by: A. artificial selection B. inheritance of acquired characteristics C. a common ancestry D. uniformitarianism E. the "Ladder of Nature

C. a common ancestry

What is the acronym to remember eons?

HAPP Hadeon, Archeon, Proterozoic, Phaterozoic

In many species of fireflies, males flash light from their abdomens to attract females. Each species has a different flashing pattern. This is an example of: A. geographic isolation B. ecological isolation C. behavioral isolation D. temporal isolation E. mechanical incompatibility

C. behavioral isolation

The process by which allele frequencies are altered in a population due to chance is called: A. random evolution B. assortative evolution C. genetic drift D. random mutation E. fitness

C. genetic drift

The biological concept of species requires that: A. organisms are morphologically similar B. geographic isolation occurs C. organisms reproduce sexually D. only asexual reproduction occurs E. individuals are able to reproduce outside the group

C. organisms reproduce sexually

Which of the following are vestigial structures? A. fish fins B. vertebral columns in snakes C. pelvic bones of whales D. wings of bats E. hoofs of horses

C. pelvic bones of whales

The idea that river mud left in the sun will turn into frogs illustrates: A. the endosymbiont theory B. prebiotic evolution C. spontaneous generation D. self-replication E. how prokaryotes evolve

C. spontaneous generation

The 30,000 elephant seals alive today are genetically very similar due to: A. natural selection B. artificial selection C. the bottleneck effect D. the founder effect E. random mutation

C. the bottleneck effect

Strong evidence for the common ancestry of all vertebrates is: A. they all have legs B. their means of reproduction C. the similarity of their embryological stages D. they all evolved from fish E. they all possess DNA

C. the similarity of their embryological stages

Humans still have body hair even though it is greatly reduced and serves little function. The hair is a(n): A. analogous structure B. homologous structure C. vestigial structure D. adaptation E. mutation

C. vestigial structure

What is an adaptation? A.a genetic change over time increase in reproductive success by certain individuals C.a trait that is heritable and confers reproductive success D.differential reproductive success of a particular individual E. B & D

C.a trait that is heritable and confers reproductive success

What was the early atmosphere composed of?

CO2 and hydrogen

What are the epochs of the Paleozoic?

Cambrian Ordovician Silurian Devonian Carboniferous Permian COS-DC-P

Which statement illustrates Lamarck's theory on the mechanism of evolution? A. Fish with coloration that matches the river bottom they inhabit will survive to reproduce B. Plants that can survive in less light will become the dominant species in shaded areas C. Birds with bright colors will attract more mates and pass on the colorful plumage D. A man who routinely shaves the hair off his head will have sons who become bald E. Giraffes with longer necks survived and reproduced faster because they could reach a better food source

D. A man who routinely shaves the hair off his head will have sons who become bald

What eon saw the first bacteria/life form? A. Hadeon B. Proterozoic C. Phaterozoic D. Archeon

D. Archeon 3800 MYA

Which epoch had the first amphibians? A. Cambrian B. Ordovician C. Silurian D. Devonian E. Carboniferous F. Permian

D. Devonian

Which epoch was called the 'Age of Fishes'? A. Cambrian B. Ordovician C. Silurian D. Devonian E. Carboniferous F. Permian

D. Devonian

Which is can result in sympathetic speciation? A. Lack of evolution B. No variance in alleles C. New species separating D. Polyploidy

D. Polyploidy It is the process through which new species evolve from a single ancestral species while inhabiting the same geographic region

Paraphyletic means: A. Two species share a common ancestor and all descendants. They share a clade. B. Two species share a common ancestor and all descendants. They do not share a clade. C. Two species share a common ancestor, but not all descendants. They share a clade. D. Two species share a common ancestor, but not all descendants. They do not share a clade.

D. Two species share a common ancestor, but not all descendants. They do not share a clade.

Imagine a population of monkeys in South America whose habitat has been reduced to the point where only 20 individuals survive. This is an example of: A. genetic drift B. the founder effect C. natural selection D. a population bottleneck E. sexual selection-

D. a population bottleneck

A population is defined as: A. all individuals of the same species located throughout the world B. all individuals of the same species located in a given geographic region C. all individuals of all species located throughout the world D. all individuals of all species located in a given country E. those individuals of the same species that have an identical genetic makeup

D. all individuals of all species located in a given country

The interaction of genes and environment produces a specific: A. genotype B. allele C. population D. phenotype E. gene pool

D. phenotype

To be classified as a eukaryote, an organism must have: A. a cell wall B. flagella C. internal membranes D. sexual reproduction E. centrioles

D. sexual reproduction

Before the modern era of science, organisms were assigned to species on the basis of: A. behavioral similarities B. the existence of fossils of earlier forms C. their capability of interbreeding D. similarities in appearance E. geographic location

D. similarities in appearance

Two different species of pine release their pollen at different times. This is an example of: A. geographic isolation B. ecological isolation C. behavioral isolation D. temporal isolation E. mechanical incompatibility

D. temporal isolation

In general, each species of fruit fly in the Hawaiian archipelago is restricted to a single island. One hypothesis to explain this pattern is that new species formed after a small number of flies colonized each new island. This mechanism is called: A. sexual selection B. genetic equilibrium C. artificial selection D. the founder effect E. assortative mating

D. the founder effect

What is the order of the taxonomic hierarchy?

Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species (dear king philip, come over for good spaghetti)

Two species of snails are physically unable to mate. This is an example of: A. geographic isolation B. ecological isolation C. behavioral isolation D. temporal isolation E. mechanical incompatibility

E. mechanical incompatibility

What is the primate term for the group that only contains modern and extinct humans?


Which of the following supports the idea that all organisms share a common ancestry? A. All cells use DNA as a cellular energy carrier B. All cells use ATP as the template for protein synthesis C. All cells use the same collection of lipids D. All cells use amino acids as a carrier of genetic information E. All cells have a similar biochemistry, including amino acids, nucleic acids, and ATP

E. All cells have a similar biochemistry, including amino acids, nucleic acids, and ATP

Which epoch had the first reptiles and winged insects? A. Cambrian B. Ordovician C. Silurian D. Devonian E. Carboniferous F. Permian

E. Carboniferous

Of all the possible amino acids, all living organisms make use of only the same 20 amino acids. This supports the idea that: A. only a limited number of DNA mutations are possible B. bacteria, animals, and plants developed independently C. each species uses a unique set of amino acids D. plants and animals have a completely different ancestry E. all living things are derived from a single common ancestor

E. all living things are derived from a single common ancestor

One method of protecting the genetic isolation of a population is the inability of sperm to fertilize eggs of a different species. This is called: A. ecological isolation B. temporal isolation C. behavioral isolation D. hybrid inviability E. gametic incompatibility

E. gametic incompatibility

Horses and donkeys can mate successfully to produce mules, which are always sterile. Which genetic isolating mechanism prevents horses and donkeys from becoming a single species? A. hybrid inviability B. hybrid infertility C. mechanical isolation D. behavioral isolation E. temporal isolation

E. temporal isolation

Most commercial pesticides are effective for only two or three years because: A. new pests invade the area B. the chemicals induce mutations that provide immunity C. the chemicals mutate and become ineffective D. the pests learn to hide when the chemicals are being applied E. those pests born with mutations that provide immunity will survive and reproduce

E. those pests born with mutations that provide immunity will survive and reproduce

Boa constrictors have tiny pelvic girdles and leg bones inside their bodies. Because these structures are nonfunctional "evolutionary baggage," they are called: A. convergent B. analogous C. maladaptive D. homologous E. vestigial

E. vestigial

What is modern evolutionary synthesis?

Gamete variations create heritable variation. This is the raw material upon which natural selection acts.

Define homeotic

General term that describes any gene that, when mutated, leads to structures in abnormal places

What are the categories of primate grouping from most inclusive to least?

Hominoids Hominids Hominines Hominins (-ids first, then -in)(longer word is first in both series)

What does cladistics build upon?


What are progenotes?

Hypothetical ancient ancestors. Aggregates of RNA, DNA, proteins, and lipids. Precursors to cells

What is heterozygote advantage and give an example of when it occurs.

It is when a person with two different alleles (heterozygote) has a greater fitness than a homozygote. Ex: Sickle cell

What is balanced polymorphism? What can maintain it?

It is when multiple copes of a gene can persist indefinitely in a population at the same rough frequency. Heterozygote advantage can maintain.

How are dates of fossils expressed when using absolute dating?

MYA (million years ago)

What is a group of organisms that share a common ancestor called?

Monophyletic (also called a clade)

What is the Hardy-Weinberg equation?

P+Q=1, p2+2pq+q2=1

What are the epochs of the Cenozoic?

Paleocene Eocene Oligocene Milocene Pliocene Pleistocene Holocene (Recent) (all that end in -ene) PEOM PPR

What are the three eras?

Paleozoic, Mesozoic, Cenozoic

Define ancestral character

Phylogenetic classification based on inherited attributes that resemble an ancestor.

What are the two types of reproductive barriers?

Pre-zygotic (temporal, mechanical, behavioral, habitat, gametic) Post-zygotic (hybrid inviability/infertility/breakdown)

What did RNA use for a catalyst for polymerization and energy?

Pyrite and sun energy

What is the evidence supporting endosymbiosis?

Shape of organelles, double membrane, similarity of photosynthetic pigments, contain DNA

What are homologous structures?

Similarities that reflect common ancestry. They may share the same origin but not the same function.

What are the two periods in the cenozoic?

Tertiary, Quaternary

What is endosymbiosis?

The concept that mitochondria and chloroplasts developed as bacteria living inside prokaryotes.

What are analogous structures?

They are ones that appear similar but are not homologous; they evolved independently

When does parapatric speciation occur?

When two populations share a common border

What is the only remaining trait unique to Homo?

bipedal locomotion

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