BIO 1050 Chapter 4 Quiz

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Two internal compartments of mitochondria

1. Inter-membrane space- Narrow region between inner and outer membranes that contains cristae (folds) 2. Mitochondrial matrix- contains DNA, ribosomes and enzymes to catalyze reactions of cellular respiration

Place the following discoveries/technological advances in order: visualization using an electron microscope, isolation of actin and myosin from muscle cells, immunofluorescence, use of a video camera to observe events in real time, molecular Cytochemistry, and microscopy used to establish how actin and myosin interact

1. Isolation of actin and myosin 2. Microscope he used to establish actin and myosin 3. Visualization using electron microscope 4. Immunofluorescence 5. Molecular Cytochemistry 6. Use of video camera in real time

List the four basic functional groupings of eukaryotic organelles and structures

1. Nucleus: *control center* 2. Golgi apparatus, ER, lysosomes, peroxisomes: *Manufacture and distribute molecules* 3. Mitochondria: *Energy processing* 4. Plasma membrane: *structure*

List three pieces of evidence that suggests mitochondria and chloroplasts evolve from prokaryotic cells

1. Single circular chromosome similar to prokaryotes 2. Ribosomes similar to prokaryotes 3. Reproduce themselves similar to prokaryotes

endomembrane system

A network of membranes inside and around a eukaryotic cell, related either through direct physical contact or by the transfer of membranous vesicles.

Neurons are very long cells that require the movement of substances from one end of the salt to the other. Which type of cytoskeletal fiber would you expect to find participating in this process?

A network of microtubules


A protein with one or more covalently attached carbohydrates.


A stack of interconnected sacs (light-> chemical energy)

Which of the following spans a cell membrane and allows for signaling between the ECM and cytoskeleton A. Integrins B. Glycoproteins C. Collagen D. Actin

A. Integrins

Which component of cytoskeleton is most important in A. Holding nucleus in place within animal cell B. Guiding transport from Golgi to plasma membrane C. Controlling muscle cells

A. Intermediate filaments B. Microtubules C. Microfilaments

Which microscope would you use to study A. Changes in shape of a living human white blood cell B. Finest details of surface texture of human hair C. Detailed structure of organelle in living cell

A. Light microscope B. SEM C. TEM

Place the following steps in the order in which they occur: A. Proteins are modified as they pass through the Golgi apparatus B. A vesicle from the rough ER fuses with the Golgi membrane C. A vesicle buds off from a Golgi sack D. A vesicle containing a secretory proteins fuses with the cells plasma membrane


The nuclear envelope has passages for substances moving into and out of the nucleus. These passages are called nuclear pores and they are made by proteins that are inserted into the plasma membrane that make up the nuclear envelope. These proteins are assembled by which of the following? A. Free ribosomes B. The nucleus C. Bound ribosomes D. Nuclear pores

C. Bound ribosomes

Which of the following associations is incorrect? A. Light microscope; Live bacterial cell B. TEM; internal cellular structures C. SEM; detailed structure of a nucleus D. All of the above are correct

C. SEM; detailed structure of a nucleus

Identify the structures in the plant cell not present in an animal cell

Chloroplasts, central vacuole, cell wall, plasmodesmata

How do you know when he cell is preparing to divide

Chromatin fibers are coiling up and preparing for cell division

Compare and contrast cilia and flagella

Cilia- short hair like structure, large numbers, signal receiving Flagella- Long hair like structures, one or two Both- composed of microtubules wrapped in extension of plasma membrane


Contain chlorophyll molecules embedded into a membrane (trap solar energy)


Control center of the cell. Contains DNA. Dna organized by chromosomes

Which of the following cellular components is not part of Endomembrane system A. Vacuoles B. Golgi apparatus C. Endoplasmic reticulum D. Mitochondria

D. Mitochondria

Which of the following is the correct sequence of structure for a mitochondrion, from outside to inside: A. Cristae B. Outer membrane C. Inter-membrane space D. Matrix


Describe processes that occur in nucleus

DNA is *copied and passed* on to daughter cells in cell division; rRNA is made and ribosomal subunits assembled; protein-making instructions in DNA are transcribed into mRNA.

nuclear envelope

Double membrane perforated with pores that control the flow of materials in and out of the nucleus. Each membrane has a separate phospholipid by layer associated with proteins

You are an evolutionary biologist working for the Smithsonian. On a fossil dig in the eastern Montana badlands, you discover fossil evidence that shows early eukaryotic cells containing only free ribosomes. Briefly state what conclusions could be drawn from this evidence?

Early eukaryotic cells mostly made proteins that function with cytosol

True or false: gap junctions prevent substances from leaking through cell layers

False, tight junctions

Briefly explain how the plasma membrane is supported both internally by the elements of the cytoskeleton and externally by the ECM

Fibrous proteins help to provide structure intracellularly and extracellularly. For example, collagen forms a large portion of the ECM, which helps to protect the cell and holds cells together.


Fluid found within the inner membrane (sugars are made by enzymes of Calvin cycle)


Fluid with contents between plasma membrane and nucleus (eukaryote); interior of prokaryote


Found inside the nucleus and produces ribosomes

Free ribosomes and bound ribosomes

Free- suspended in cytosol Bound- attached to outside of ER/nuclear envelope

What other organelle of the Endomembrane system Would you expect to find in great abundance?

Golgi apparatus in pancreas: ships enzymes out of the cells of the pancreas

Extra cellular matrix (ECM)

Holds cells together in tissues and protects and supports the plasma membrane Main components- glycoproteins *collagen*

central vacuole

In a plant cell; large membranous sack with roles of growth in storage of chemicals and waste

The literal translation of endoplasmic reticulum is " within the cytoplasm" and "little net." Briefly explain why endoplasmic reticulum was a good choice of words for naming that organelle

It covers the nucleus like an extensively folded net. It is positioned well to receive genetic information coming from the nucleus

Cells of people with inherited lysosomal storage disease=

Lack one or more lysosomal enzymes

Internal compartmentalization is crucial to the proper function of a cell. List 2 organelles where this is important and briefly explain why you chose them

Lysosomes- compartmentalize acids and destructive enzymes Peroxisomes- make hydrogen peroxide as a byproduct of their metabolism

Functions of lysosomes, vacuoles, vesicles

Lysosomes- digest engulfed food, cycling centers Vacuoles- variety of functions; digestive, protection, absorb water Vesicles- develop into lysosomes/vacuoles Transport/fuse with plasma membrane

Function, location, and relative thickness of: Microtubules, intermediate filaments, microfilaments

Microtubules: act as tracks organelles equipped with motor proteins, Cilia/flagella, thickest Intermediate filaments: reinforce cell shape and anchor organelles, animal cells, intermediate Microfilaments: 3-D network involved in cell movements, plasma membrane, thinnest

Endosymbiotic theory

Mitochondria and chloroplasts were formally small prokaryotes that began living with larger cells

Compare and contrast mitochondria and chloroplasts

Mitochondria- structure- plant and animals Functions- takes glucose to make ATP Chloroplasts- Structure- only plant cells Functions- photosynthesis Both- types of respiration and have outer/inner membrane

Golgi apparatus

Modify, store, and ship products of ER

Large cells have ______ then small cells

More surface area

The Endo membrane system includes

Nuclear envelope, ER, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vesicles, vacuoles Largest component- ER


Organelle responsible for performing photosynthesis

_________ our connections between plant cells that allow for the passage of water and nutrients (freely move)


Similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotes- domains of bacteria and archaea; Smaller and simpler structure/ no nucleus Central Vacuole, chloroplasts, cell wall Eukaryotes- Domain Eukarya Membrane enclosed nucleus (houses dna) and membrane enclosed organize for specific functions Both- plasma membrane, cytosol, chromosomes, ribosomes, cytoplasm

motor proteins

Protein interacts with cytoskeleton producing whole/ parts of a cell

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum lacks _______ which gives it a "smooth" appearance


What role do ribosomes play in carrying out genetic instructions of a cell

Ribosomes synthesize proteins according to the instructions of messenger RNA, which was transcribed from DNA in the nucleus.

Cell wall

Rigid structure that helps maintain bacterial cell shape

Which type of ER would you expect the cells of the pancreas to have in greater abundance than other cells

Rough ER: large amount of proteins for excretion

Rough ER and Smooth ER

Rough: Protein synthesis , contains ribosomes, large amt. in pancreas Smooth: Lipid synthesis, detoxification, calcium ion storage. Lacks ribosomes. Large amt. in liver cells.


Structures within cells that assemble proteins

Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)

Study details of internal cell structures

What is the relationship of Golgi apparatus to the ER in a protein secreting cell

The Golgi receives transport vesicles budded from the ER that contain proteins synthesized by bound ribosomes. The Golgi finishes processing the proteins and dispatches transport vesicles to the plasma membrane, where the proteins are secreted.

Your small intestine absorbs nutrients from the food you eat. Are you able to draw any conclusions about the surface area to volume ratios of the cell that lines the small intestine? If so, please explain

The cells that line the small intestine have a high surface area to volume ratio. Allows them to maximize absorption of nutrients

Briefly describe the relationship between the nucleus and ribosomes. Your answer should include the following key terms mRNA, rRNA , and proteins synthesis

The nucleus contains DNA that is copied into mRNA copy. The RNA is made within the nucleolus, which is a structure within the nucleus. RNA becomes part of ribosome. Ribosome uses mRNA copy to perform protein synthesis

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

The transportation system of the cell. It moves materials around the cell

The cells membrane acts as both a boundary and barrier for the cell. Briefly explain how the wall and roof of a home or a good analogy for the plasma membrane

The walls and roof define boundary of home (inside vs outside) and act as a barrier: keeps whats outside out and inside in.


Thick fluid inside cells

How many sources of DNA does a typical plant cells contain


Which membrane any chloroplast appears to be the most extensive


Tight junctions, anchoring junctions, gap junctions

Tight- knit tightly together by proteins (prevent leakage) Anchoring- fasten cells together into strong sheets; intermediate filaments made of sturdy proteins anchor junctions Gap- (communicating junctions) made of small molecules to flow through protein lined pores

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

Biologist used to study architecture of cell surfaces

True or false: a protein that is destined to be inserted into the plasma membrane as opposed to being secreted still travels through the golgi sacs


electron microscope

Two types: Scanning electron microscope and Transmission electron microscope Achieves hundredfold greater resolution than light microscope


Used for movements by certain cells

transport vesicles

Vesicles in transit from one part of the cell to another.

DNA and its associated proteins are referred to as ____________.

chromatin (when cells do not divide)

Which structure includes all the others on the list: ER, vesicle, Endo membrane system, nuclear envelope

endomembrane system

Which animal cell junction is analogous to a plasmodesma?

gap junction

_________ are the distinguishing characteristic of eukaryotic cells

internal membranes

A ______ uses a beam of light to illuminate the specimen

light microscope

Beginning students usually confuse magnification and resolution. Briefly explain magnification with resolution

magnification- apparent increase in size of an object Resolution- ability to distinguish between two points Both are important factors in microscopy

What are the three types of fibers that make up the cytoskeleton

microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments

rRNA and mRNA

rRNA- forms ribosomes made in the nucleolus and travels to cytoplasm mRNA- messenger directs protein synthesis made in gene's DNA and travels to cytoplasm


site of protein synthesis that carries out commands from nucleolus

plasma membrane

(Cell membrane) flexible boundary between cell and surroundings


Cellular respiration: CO2 -> C2 in transforming chemical energy of foods to form ATP


Region where bacterial dna residents


Where microtubules grow out in animal cells *2 centrioles, each composed of ring microtubules*

Chloroplasts contain

Granum, stroma, thylakoid

Describe the structures that provide support to the plasma membrane

The membrane is attached through membrane proteins (integrins) to microfilaments in the cytoskeleton and collagen fibers of the ECM

How do lysosomes act like a recycling center

Breaks down damaged organelles and recycles molecules


Carry genes

The_____ Refers to a collection of protein fibers that provide structural support to the cel in addition to movement


True or false: we mitochondrion has three separate phospholipid layers.

False, a mitochondrion has two separate plasma membrane's

Nucleus contains _____

Organelles- specialized function within a cell

____ are organelles involved in the metabolism of fatty acids. *DOES NOT* originate from Endo membrane system

Peroxisomes In liver= detoxify horrible compounds

phospholipid bilayer

Phospholipids group together to form a double layer

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare disease in which cilia and flagella lack motor proteins. PCD is characterized by recurrent respiratory tract infections and immotile sperm. How would you explain those unrelated symptoms?

Without motor proteins, microtubules cannot bend. Thus, cilia cannot cleanse respiratory tract and sperm cannot swim

Are scientists able to see atoms with an electron microscope


cell theory

all living things are composed of cells and all cells come from other cells

cellular metabolism

all the chemical activities of a cell

A muscle tear injury would probably involve the rupture of which type of cell junction?

anchoring junction

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