BIO 110 Exam 3

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Hunter's syndrome is a sex-linked recessive disease. A man with Hunter's syndrome and a woman without the disease (but her father had the disease) are having a daughter. What is the likelihood that she will have the disease?


The pedigree above tracks Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) through several generations. DMD is an X-linked recessive trait. If individuals I-1 and I-2 had another son, what is the chance that he would have DMD?


The recessive alleles for scute bristles (s) and vestigial wings (v) identify two autosomal genes on the third chromosome of drosophilia melanogaster. When females, heterozygous at these two genes (SsVv) were crossed with scute-bristled, vestigial winged males, the following classes and numbers of progeny (n=1000) were obtained: wild type bristles, wild type wings: 108 wild-type bristles, vestigial wings: 382 scute bristles, vestigial wings: 112 scute bristles, wild type wings: 398 based upon these results, the map distance between the s and v genes is estimated to be

22.0 map units

In birds, sex is determined by a ZW chromosome scheme. Males are ZZ and females are ZW. A recessive lethal allele that causes death of the embryo is sometimes present on the Z chromosome in pigeons. What would be the sex ratio in the offspring of a cross between a male that is heterozygous for the lethal allele and a normal female?

2:1 male to female

the recessive alleles for scute bristles(s) and ebony body (e)...... wildtype bristles, wildtype body: 188 scute bristles, wildtype body: 307 wildtype bristles, ebony body: 313 scute bristles, ebony body: 192 what proportion of the females gametes are S e?


In which direction is RNA always synthesized?

5' to 3' on the mRNA corresponding to the 3' to 5' direction on the DNA template strand

You start with genotypes AABB and aabb in the P generation. This produces an F1 generation with the genotype AaBb. The F2 generation is then created by crossing an F1 individual with an individual that is aabb. If the A and B gene are completely linked, which of these genotypes could be seen in the F2 generation

NOT "AaBb, Aabb, aaBb, and aabb

In corn plants, the yellow kernels (Y) and smooth kernels (S) are dominant to shrunken (S). When female corn plants that are heterozygous at these two genes (YySs) were crossed with white, shrunken kerneled males, the following classes and numbers of progeny (n=1000) were obtained: yellow kernel, smooth kernel: 254 yellow kernel, shrunken kernel: 253 white kernel, smooth kernel: 246 white kernel, shrunken kernel: 247 Which of the following statements about the distance between these two genes is true?

NOT "these two genes are located on different chromosomes"

Which of the following does NOT describe the process of DNA replication? Select all that apply

NOT: it produces two genetically variable DNA molecules, the nitrogenous base adenine binds with the nitrogenous base uracil but these ARE correct about DNA replication: it uses each strand of the original DNA molecule as a template, it produces two identical molecules of DNA, and it is a semi-conservative process

A geneticist found that a particular mutation had no effect on the polypeptide encoded by a gene. This mutation probably involved:

a substitution of one nucleotide

Which of the following is true of the fungi?

all are predominately haploid during their life cycle

In fruit flies, a gene for eye color is found on the X chromosome. Red eyes are wild-type and white-eyes are the mutation. If a female who is heterozygous is mated to a male with red eyes, what are the expected phenotypes in their offspring?

all females will have red eyes, half of the males will have red eyes and half will have white eyes

A woman who has hemophilia will pass the allele for her disease to

all of her sons

The pedigree above tracks the presence of attached earlobes through a family. Having attached earlobes is an autosomal recessive trait. If individual III-6 reproduced with a man who was homozygous for unattached earlobes, what is most likely to be true regarding their children?

all of their children would have unattached earlobes

Which of the following fungal groups form mycorrhizal symbioses with plant roots?

ascomycota, basidiomycota, and glomeromycota

Which of the following is NOT true of the sex chromosome in humans?

both x and y chromosomes can undergo inactivation the ones that are all correct: the Y chromosome has fewer genes than the x, both the maternal x and paternal y chromosomes have an equal chance of becoming inactivated, the presence of a functional x chromosome causes an individual to develop into a male

The elongation of the leading strand during DNA replication.....

depends on the action of the DNA polymerase

Why is a liver cell different from an eye cell?

different genes are expressed in each kind of cell

DNA is replicated:

during interphase, producing sister chromatids

Based upon what you know about the position of genes and the frequency of crossing-over between them, which gametes would you expect to be produced more often by crossing over? (picture of the blue chromosomes)

gametes with the genotypes ab and AB

For a trait that is inherited as autosomal codominant, which of the following statements are true? select all that apply

heterozygotes will have a unique phenotype, the phenotype of the heterozygote will not be the same as either homozygote

In carnations, pink flower color occurs in the heterozygous (CrCf) offspring of red (CRCR) and white (CfCf) homozygotes. Which of the following crosses would produce offspring in the ratio of 1 red: 2 pink: 1 white?

heterozygous x heterzygous

Coat color in labs is determined by two genes. Gene B codes for coat pigment (B-black, b-brown) and Gene E codes for whether or not the pigment is deposited in the fur (E=pigment, e=no pigment). If a yellow female (both her parents were brown) is crossed with a black male that is heterozygous for both genes, what are possible phenotypes of their offspring?

it is NOT: 1/2 will be yellow and 1/2 will be black

During DNA replication, okazaki fragments are produced along the _____________ strand because DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to the ______________

lagging / 3' end of the new strand of DNA

________________ are fungi that are involved in a mutualistic association with the roots of plants. The plants benefit from this relationship by getting ____________ from the fungi

mycorrhizae, water and minerals

During the process of transcription:

one DNA strand serves as a template

Normally, human females have two X chromosomes and males have one. In spite of this, males do not have less of the proteins produced by the genes on the X chromosome. This is because

one X chromosome is inactivated in the cells of females

WT disease is a genetic condition that is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait. People with WT disease have a variety of symptoms including limb and hand abnormalities, animals and increased risk of developing leukemia. This is an example of:


Traits such as height and skin color in humans are examples of

polygenic inheritance

You are studying two different autosomal genes and each gene has two alleles. Each allele is either completely dominant or recessive. You cross one parent that is homozygous recessive with a parent that is heterozygous for both genes, and observe four phenotypic classes in a ratio 1:1:1:1: you conclude that:

the genes may or may not be on the same chromosome

What is the function of primase during DNA replication?

to add RNA primers using the DNA strand as a template

A man with blood type "AB" reproduces with a woman with blood type "O": which of the following blood types are possible in their children? Select all that apply

type B, type A

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