Bio 111 Final Review (unit 1-5)

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How do invasive species impact ecosystems?

(All of the answer choices are correct) They occupy niches that other organisms traditionally occupy. They outcompete other organisms for limited resources They are more capable of adapting to rapidly changing climates.

Individuals receive ______ (how many) chromosomes from their mother?


In the Calvin Cycle reaction, how would you describe CO2 fixation?

3 CO2 molecules reaction with 3 RuBP molecules to form 6 3PG molecules

If a breast cancer patient has not responded to treatment and the cancer has spread to the brain, the patient is classified as having Stage ______ cancer.


In the Calvin Cycle reaction, how would you describe CO2 reduction?

6 ATP molecules are dephosphorylated and 6 NADPH molecules are oxidized, which results in 6 BPG molecules

In humans, energy stored in food is converted into ______ to perform work by the cells.


Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 0 of breast cancer?

Cancer is localized and less than 2 cm

Which characteristic corresponds with Stage 4 of breast cancer?

Cancer spreads to other organs

Malignant tumors need nutrients and oxygen to grow. From what structures do they obtain nutrients and oxygen?


Which process is responsible for moving bulk cellular wastes across the cell membrane?


Which of the diseases below results in the adaptive immune system memory being deleted?


Which part of solar energy is important in photosynthesis?

The visible spectrum of light

What type of cells are used to collect DNA for genetic testing?

White blood cells

Cells within the inside of a tumor secrete growth factors, which cause capillaries to grow toward the tumor. This process is called ______, and contributes to the growth and spread of the tumor. **


During previous flu seasons, small variations in the influenza virus resulted in the immune system's inability to fully recognize and respond to flu exposure. As a result, vaccine effectiveness could be as low as 30%. This is an example of __________.

antigenic drift

Sunlight consists of a wave and a particle. The particle is also known as a(an)


Enzymes are __________.


During translation, a polypeptide chain is created using an RNA template. Which of the following components is responsible for bringing amino acids to the growing polypeptide chain?


As cancerous cells accumulate mutations, the cells will continue to divide rapidly. This uncontrolled division results in

(All of the answer choices are correct) cells growing in blood vessels. a change in cellular appearance. cells moving to different parts of the body. cells becoming less specialized

Climate change influences individuals and species by

(All of the answer choices are correct) decreasing the amount of habitat available to animals. causing droughts and heat waves. increasing the spread of diseases.

What two products of the light reaction are used in the Calvin cycle?


Which of the following statements best describes ATP?

ATP consists of an adenine, ribose, and three phosphate groups.

Which of the following statements best describes the human life cycle?

Adult humans produce haploid sex cells through meiosis. During fertilization, these cells form a diploid zygote. The zygote divides through mitosis to form a human.

Which of the following would be detected in a blood test that would indicate the immune system is responding to cancer?


Which event (or events) occur in the prophase II phase of meiosis II?

Condensing of the chromosomes and the nuclear envelope breaks down

In most organisms, the flow of information is from

DNA, RNA, then protein.

The plasma membrane regulates the transport of materials in and out of the cell. What process would be used to move a noncharged molecule across the membrane?


Which of the following best describes enzymatic activity?

Each enzyme has a preferred pH at which the enzyme reaction rate is highest.

The largest number of ATP molecules is produced in which phase of cellular respiration?

Electron transport chain

When a car burns gasoline, much of the energy is released in the form of heat. Which of the following best describes this process in relation to the first law of thermodynamics?

Energy can be changed from one form to another.

The F1 generation results from the fertilization of __________.

F1 gametes

Energy drinks contain large amounts of energy.


Seasons are characterized by the position of the earth to the sun. In the summer solstice, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun in June.


The closer two organisms are related, the more time there has been for mutations to occur in the genetic information.


The ______ law of thermodynamics explains the transfer of solar energy into chemical energy.


What is the first reaction of the body due to the influenza virus disrupting the normal function of the epithelial cells in the respiratory system?

Fluid accumulation in the lungs

Which researcher used X-ray crystallography to suggest that DNA is a double helix and was highly repetitive?


At which checkpoint is DNA assessed for accuracy before cell division?


There are three checkpoints during cell division. Which checks for DNA replication?


Which of the following is responsible for the storage of extra bile, used to aid in the digestion of fats?


Which of the following is the correct sequence of events in cellular respiration? **

Glycolysis → preparatory reaction → citric acid cycle → electron transport chain

Sickle-cell disease is a disorder that results in malformed hemoglobin molecules. What is the result of this in terms of hemoglobin function?

Hemoglobin has a reduced ability to bind to and transport oxygen in red blood cells.

Which of the following is a likely physiological effect of caffeine ingestion?

Increased metabolic rate

What is the role of the enzyme ligase in DNA replication?

It links the gaps between Okasaki fragments in the lagging strand.

You are examining models that represent organs of the digestive system. You are asked to label all the accessory organs. Which of the following would you label? (Check all that apply.)

Salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder

Both starch and cellulose are made by stringing together many glucose molecules. However, while starch is easily digested by humans, cellulose is indigestible. The starch polysaccharide has bonds occurring below the sugar rings, while the bonds in cellulose alternate above the ring and below the next ring. How can you explain humans' inability to digest cellulose? **

The enzyme that breaks down starch can only fit the specific bond configuration of bonds below the ring.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationships between the genome, genes, and proteins?

There is one genome; it consists of many genes that encode for multiple proteins.

The immune system's role is to

actively seek and destroy pathogens.

Adaptive immunity differs from the innate immune system in its abililty to respond to specific pathogen antigens. The antigens trigger

both antibody-mediated immunity and cell-mediated immunity.

Alkylating agents work by **

breaking the DNA and introducing mutations.

Because fossil fuels are the remains of once living organisms, they contain reservoirs of ______ that are released into the atmosphere when they are burned.


Hemoglobin is not a good carrier of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is converted into ______ before it is transported to the alveoli.

carbonic acid

A(An) ______ represents the interactions of biological communities and the abiotic factors within the inhabited location.


Meiosis is different from mitosis in that meiosis results in

four haploid daughter cells that are genetically diverse, whereas mitosis results in two diploid daughter cells that are genetically identical.

Carbon cycles naturally between

geologic and atmospheric reservoirs and living organisms.

Photosynthesis takes carbon in from the atmosphere and uses it to form ______, the energy source for all plants and animals to use in cellular respiration.


Over the past several decades, the overall trend for earth's temperatures has been

increases in overall global temperatures at an accelerating rate, a phenomenon known as global warming.

Topoisomerase inhibitors work by

interfering with the cell's ability to unwind DNA during DNA replication.

The greenhouse effect

is caused by gases such as carbon dioxide trapping heat in the earth's atmosphere.

Images of unreplicated chromosomes that allow researchers to organize and identify each chromosome, as well as missing or extra chromosomes are called __________.


The appearance of cancerous cells differs from normal cells. If you were to view cancerous cells under the microscope, you would notice enlarged __________.


DNA replication is considered to be ______ because the end product consists of one old strand and one newly synthesized strand.


In humans, male gametes are called ______, while female gametes are called ______.

sperm; eggs

From the following list, select those that are characteristics of life. (Check all that apply.)

the ability to respond to the environment, reproduce, and acquire materials and energy

Mutations can occur with a single nucleotide change. The misfolding of the hemoglobin protein results from

the amino acid valine replacing the normal glutamic acid amino acid in the beta-globin gene.

The light reactions of photosynthesis occur within the ______ of the chloroplast and the Calvin cycle reactions occur within the ______ of the chloroplast.

thylakoid; stroma

Which of the following statements relates most closely to a disease's R0?

The number of people who will contract an illness from a single individual in a population with no pre-existing immunity.

Cells have checkpoints to regulate cell division. The G1 checkpoint

(All of the answer choices are correct) may cause the cell to enter a resting phase. is regulated by growth hormones. may delay division. allows the cell to move into S phase.

Evolution will only occur when changes in genetic information are passed on to the next generation.


Which of the following statements explains the relationship between mutations and natural selection?

(All of the answer choices describe the relationship between mutations and evolution.) A mutation may result in a variation of a trait that may be more advantageous. A mutation in the genetic material may or may not have an effect on the protein. A mutation may result in the death of an organism or cell.

Mutations in DNA can result in cancerous cells. These cells are structurally altered but their functions remain normal.


Which of the following is the most likely cause for the sudden sharp increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels?

Human activities, including the use of fossil fuels, changes in agricultural practices, and deforestation

Which of the following best describes proteins?

Proteins can be in the form of enzymes used in cellular reactions.

Digestion of energy nutrients requires specific enzymes for each molecule. Which of the following enzymes is incorrectly matched with its corresponding molecule?


Which structure on the influenza virus provides attachment to the surface of the targeted host cell?

The H spikes

At which point of the respiratory system would sickle-cell disease cause an impact? **

The diffusion of gases across the alveoli into the capillaries

Which of the following best describes the effects climate change is having on tropical reef biomes?

The increase in water temperature disrupts the algae-coral symbiotic relationship, which results in death to the coral reefs.

Several different researchers contributed to the study of the structure of DNA. What did Erwin Chargaff contribute?

The percent of adenine is equal to the percent of thymine and the percent of guanine is equal to the percent of cytosine

From the list provided, select the two circumstances necessary for evolution to occur.

There must be a variation for a trait within a population.There must be a variation for a trait within a population. An advantageous trait must be passed on to the next generation.

Which of the following structures are associated with the lymphatic system? (Check all that apply.)

Thymus Spleen Red bone marrow Lymph nodes

When two different forms of a virus infect the same cell, the host cell may manufacture viral particles from both viruses to reassemble them into a new form of virus. This process is called __________.

antigenic shift

Vitamins are

molecules that assist enzymes in chemical reactions or assist in energy-related pathways.

What are the two most important insect vectors involved in the spread of bacterial and viral diseases?

mosquitoes and ticks

Which of the following best describes the action of B cells?

(All of the answer choices relate to the actions of B cells.) B cells change into plasma cells after encountering an antigen and then produce antibodies. B cells develop and mature in the bone marrow. B cells carry receptor molecules on their cell surfaces.

The information contained in genes is expressed

(All of these are required for gene expression to be complete) through transcribing the DNA segment into mRNA. by folding the polypeptide into a structural protein. by translating the mRNA into a polypeptide.

One of the four mechanisms of the innate immune defenses is the inflammatory response. Its role is to

(All the answer choices are correct.) increase blood flow to the infected area.Incorrect allow fluid, containing cells from the immune system, to reach the infected area. isolate the infection to a limited area.

From the list provided, select the roles of complement proteins in the innate immune system. (Check all that apply.)

Enhancing inflammationEnhancing inflammation Lysing cellsLysing cells Marking cells for phagocytosis

Climate change can influence the ecosystem levels. However, these influences do not impact the animals.


Genes are always influenced by the environment. This influence determines the trait that is shown by the individual.


If there were no solar energy, humans would not be affected because they rely on chemical energy.


The enzyme ______ does not have a high degree of fidelity, and therefore more mutations can be introduced in the genetic material of RNA viruses.

RNA polymerase

Sickle-cell disease results in malformed hemoglobin molecules. Which cell type contains millions of hemoglobin molecules per cell?

Red blood cells

Thinking about the evidence of climate change presented in this chapter, select from the following those factors that have decreased as a result of climate change.

Sea ice Snow coverage glaciers

Anaphase is a step of mitosis. What key event happens during anaphase?

Sister chromatids are pulled apart

Glucose molecules are linked together through dehydration synthesis to form starch. Based on this description, glucose is a __________ and starch is a __________.

monomer; polymer

The purpose of translation is to **

use mRNA codons to link together amino acids to form a polypeptide chain.

If a person has a cancer that interferes with organs of the urinary system, that person may have trouble

with regulating the water-salt balance of the blood.

What is the correct sequence of events in viral reproduction?

Attachment, penetration, biosynthesis, maturation and release

Which of the following is a passive mechanism used to move materials into and out of the cell?

Facilitated diffusion

Select three of the components that were proposed by Darwin for natural selection to occur.

Populations experience differential reproductive success. Variation within a population is heritable. Populations experience competition for resources.

Which of the following acts as a source of carbon dioxide within the carbon cycle?

Respiration from humans and animals

Metaphase is a step of mitosis. What key event happens during metaphase?

Sister chromatids align on the spindle equator

Which of the following statements about mitochondria and chloroplasts provides support for the endosymbiotic theory?

They have their own genomes.

Select all of the following statements that describe the structure of a molecule of DNA. (Check all that apply.)

Twisted double helix Contains the nitrogenous bases adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine Contains deoxyribose sugar

Which of the following blood cells would be measured to evaluate a patient for cancer?

White blood cells

Several different researchers contributed to the study of the structure of DNA. What did Rosalind Franklin contribute?

X-ray crystallography was used to show DNA is a repeating helical structure

Tumor suppressor genes

halt cell division if an error is found in the DNA.

Carbon sinks are reservoirs that hold large amounts of carbon. Which of the following are considered to be carbon sinks?

(All of the answer choices are correct) fossil fuels deep underground the atmosphere oceans

The carbon cycle includes

(All of the answer choices are correct) photosynthesis and respiration. the decay of dead organisms and their waste. CaCO3 sedimentaion in the ocean.

DNA is packaged into chromosomes to

(All of the answer choices are correct.) compact the large amount of DNA into each cell. keep the DNA organized and accessible to the cell. fit within the nucleus of the cell.

Which of the following vitamins is categorized as water-soluble?


Carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins have high amounts of potential energy. Where is the potential energy found in these energy nutrient classes?

Between the carbon-carbon bonds

If an influenza strain mutation results in the production of different H spikes, this could be life threatening because

H spikes are used as antigens to identify the virus by the immune system.

Mendel crossed pea plants dominant for two different traits (tall and green pods) with pea plants recessive for those same two traits (short and yellow pods). This cross resulted in pea plants that had combinations of all four traits (tall with green pods, tall with yellow pods, short with green pods, and short with yellow pods). Which law of inheritance best describes why this happens?

The law of independent assortment

Some scientists think viruses should be classified as living organisms because some viruses possess the ability to manufacture their own proteins. Group starts


Which of the following events would result in the formation of an influenza virus that would threaten humans?

Viral genetic material exchange between different populations

Cellular respiration is a process that

harvests the potential energy found in the chemical bonds of organic molecules.

In a normal cell, topoisomerase **

helps unwind DNA during DNA replication.

Place the following events of inflammation in order from the time of tissue damage to the healing process.

histamines are released - 1 clotting factors close the wound - 4 neutrophils remove dead cells - 3 macrophages enter the infected area, locate and destroy bacteria or viruses present - 2 pressure builds, causing a red and tender appearance - 5

Since the 1950s, there has been a steady increase in the levels of atmospheric CO2 as a result of

increased human activity.

In normal cells, tumor suppressor genes **

monitor the rate of cell division and check newly synthesized DNA for damage before being passed on to daughter cells.

How do greenhouse gases cause climate warming?

Greenhouse gases prevent radiation of infrared energy back into space, trapping the heat near the earth's surface and causing the climate to warm.

From the list provided, select all that can be inferred from the given sample pedigree for sickle-cell disease. (Check all that apply.)

Both parents in the first generation are carriers of sickle-cell disease, but do not have the disease. Sickle-cell disease is a recessive disease. In the second generation, only one offspring has sickle-cell disease.

Place the following events, of the flow of information in all organisms, in order, with the exception of retroviruses.

DNA provides the "blueprint" for a protein. Amino acids are linked together to make a protein. RNA is synthesized to provide codons.

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