Bio 14 Final Qs

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1.0 Points You know that the genotype frequencies at a locus are as follows. UPPER case letters represent dominant or co-dominant alleles; lower case letters represent recessive alleles. What are the corresponding allele frequencies? N1N1 = 0.64 N2N2 = 0.05 n3n3 = 0.09 N1N2 = 0.08 N1n3 = 0.06 N2n3 = 0.08 A. N1= 0.71, N2= 0.13, n3= 0.16 B. N1= 0.75, N2= 0.12, n3= 0.13 C. N1= 0.80, N2= 0.10, n3= 0.10 D. N1= 0.72, N2= 0.13, n3= 0.15 E. N1= 0.60, N2= 0.10, n3= 0.30


Which one of the following populations has the fastest growth rate at its present N? Assume the time unit for r is the same for all the populations, r = [number] added per day per current individual. Population T, haploid organism, growing exponentially, r = 0.1 per day, N = 10 Population U, diploid organism, growing logistically, r = 0.1 per day, N =10, K = 200 Population V, diploid organism, growing logistically, r = 0.2 per day, N = 5, K = 200 Population W, diploid organism, growing exponentially, 0.15 per day, N = 20 Population X, diploid organism, growing logistically, r = 0.2 per day, N = 50, K = 100 A. Population X B. Population T C. Population U D. Population V E. Population W


Below are some hypothetical data on genotypes and their survival to adults (the starting total = 1000 individuals). Which of the statements below is most accurate? [UPPER case letters indicate dominant or co-dominant alleles, lower case indicate recessive alleles.] Genotypes: G1G1 G1G2 G2G2 G1g G2g gg Born: 490 280 40 140 40 10 Survive to adults: 200 150 34 100 34 9 A. Fitness of G2g = fitness of G2G2; Fitness of gg = 1.0 B. Fitness of G2G2 = 0.944; fitness of gg = 0.9 C. Fitness of G1g = 0.794; fitness of G2g = 0.85 D. Fitness of G1G2 = 0.536 E. Fitness of G1G1 = 0.408; fitness of G2G2 = 0.944


Genotype frequencies in a diploid population provide evidence for random or non-random mating among the parents that produced this generation. What kind of mating occurred in the following populations? [UPPER case letters = dominant or co-dominant alleles, lower case = recessive alleles.] Population Q: QQ = 0.7, Qq= 0.2, qq= 0.1 Population R: RR= 0.20 Rr= 0.60 rr= 0.20 Population G: GG= 0.80 Gg= 0.20 Population T: TT= 0.51 Tt = 0.38 tt = 0.11 A. Populations R and G have negative assortative mating B. Population G has been inbreeding or positively assortatively mating for more than 1 generation C. Populations Q and R are inbreeding or have positive assortative mating. D. Population T has random mating E. All of these populations appear to be mating randomly.


In addition to a large population size, which of the following specific Hardy-Weinberg factors will best prevent loss of an allele at a polymorphic locus? A. negative frequency-dependent selection B. random mating in a very large population C. inbreeding D. stabilizing or normalizing selection E. single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)


It has been suggested that some caterpillars in the USA have markings that "mimic" the head and eyes of small tree snakes in the New World tropics. Many songbirds spend their winters in the tropics and migrate north to breed in the USA in summer, where they hunt for caterpillars to feed their naïve (inexperienced) babies. Assume that most tree snakes have eyes that look like these markings. Assume that tree snakes like to prey on songbirds in the winter. Which statement must be true if these caterpillar markings are "Batesian mimicry" that deceives songbirds? A. Experienced adult songbirds respond differently to caterpillars with "eye" markings compared to caterpillars without "eye" markings. B. Experienced adult songbirds try to catch tree snakes if they see them. C. Naïve (inexperienced) juvenile songbirds try to avoid caterpillars if they see them. D. Experienced songbirds can kill tree snakes. E. Songbirds prey on any kind of insect they can catch, with or without "eye" markings.


Sympatric speciation is most likely to occur in which of the following situations? A. . where an insect species' breeding season lasts for several months but individuals mate only once, within a few days of the date when they hatched B. where strong inbreeding occurs among relatives in small populations vulnerable to genetic drift C. where a bee pollinator visits flowers of several different colors to gather nectar before returning to its nest or hive D. where plants have [S]terility-allele polymorphism with only a few different alleles E. where strong sexual selection causes only a few males to be the fathers of almost all of the offspring in the next generation


To determine whether two somewhat different-looking groups of organisms are two species, all of the following would provide strong evidence that the two groups were two species, except. . . A. observation of random mating in a greenhouse, among individuals of the two groups. B. observation of sterile hybrids under natural conditions. C. observations of inviable hybrids between the 2 groups, in a greenhouse. D. observation of character displacement across a series of natural populations. E. observations of positive assortative mating under natural conditions.


What are the allele frequencies in this population? RR = 360 Rr = 340 rr = 300 (total = 1000) A. R = 0.53, r = 0.47 B. R = 0.35 r = 0.59 C. R = 0.52, r= 0.48 D. R = 0.60, r = 0.40 E. None of the other answers is an accurate calculation (none of them is correct).


A population of small birds, such as one of the finches on the Galápagos Islands, have beaks with an average size. This average stays the same over a long period of observation—several decades of measuring beaks at the same season of the year. The beak size is determined genetically and its inheritance is quantitative, similar to height in humans. The following hypotheses are all consistent with such an observation, except. . . A. There is strong balancing selection. B. There is strong stabilizing selection. C. There is seasonal cyclic selection. D. There is strong negative frequency-dependent selection. E. There is natural selection against larger beaks, and there is simultaneous gene flow from individuals with smaller beaks.


A series of large populations is tested for allele frequencies at the A locus, and the results are as follows. It is known that except for a few extremely rare alleles, the two most common alleles in these populations are A1 and A2. Population G Population H Population I Freq (A1) 0.50 0.65 0.87 0.94 Freq (A2) 0.50 0.35 0.13 0.06 What is the least plausible (least likely to be true) interpretation of these data? A. The populations have been separated geographically from each other for some time B. The populations are exchanging many individuals at nearly every generation C. The populations are vulnerable to genetic drift D. The populations may be experiencing natural selection (in different environments) at locus A E. The populations are quite close to Hardy-Weinberg conditions


Agricultural geneticists have bred dairy cattle with high milk production. Similar increases in egg production, growth rate of fish, oil in vegetable seeds (e.g. canola oil) and other farmed species have resulted from directional selection for greater production of certain animal or plant products that are inherited quantitatively. Suppose you are in charge of such a breeding program, and one of your assistants reports to you that s/he has failed to achieve an increase in the desired product after several (4-7) generations of attempts to produce such an increase. Which suggestion would be most helpful to him/her to examine causes of this problem? A. Is there a normal mutation rate in the population for the relevant phenotypic traits and loci? B. Is there a selective agent that causes selection in the opposite direction from the desired trend? C. Is there a direct linkage between phenotypic variation and specific loci? D. Is the staff checking on the breeding experiments at regular times? E. Is there a change in environment that prevents the experimenter from detecting phenotypic variation?


Below are genotype frequencies found at different loci in a number of different diploid populations. Which of these populations shows evidence of inbreeding or positive assortative mating? (UPPER case = dominant or co=dominant alleles; lower case = recessive alleles) A. C1C1= 0.04, C2C2 = 0.09, C3C3 = 0.25, C1C2 = 0.12, C1C3 = 0.20, C2C3 = 0.30 B. DD = 0.64, Dd = 0.2, dd = 0.16 C. B1B1 = 0.1, B2B2= 0.1, B3B3= 0.3, B1B2= 0.06, B1B3 = 0.32, B2B3 = 0.12 D. A1A1 = 0.25, A1A2 = 0.54, A2A2 = 0.21 E. E1E1=0.01, E2E2 = 0.04, ee= 0.49, E1E2 =0.04, E1e =0.14, E2e = 0.28


Data reported in 2012 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) suggest that IA, IB and iO alleles of the ABO blood type system were present at least 20 million years ago, as far back as the common ancestor of humans and Old World monkeys. It has been proposed that natural selection might favor a mix of blood types in a population because each phenotype was immunologically advantaged at some time in the past. Which of the following observations best supports this hypothesis? [note, the notation IA, IB and iO is intended to be alleles at the locus I which has 3 alleles, 2 co-dominant alleles IA and IB, and one recessive allele iO] A. Inheritance of co-dominant alleles IA and IB from a single common ancestor would explain why the DNA sequences are so similar among primate species. B. People with type O blood are more susceptible to some infectious diseases, while people with type A blood are more susceptible to different infectious diseases.* C. The DNA sequences of the I-locus (at which alleles for ABO blood type are found), differ only slightly among primate species. D. Chimpanzees, gorillas, and other primates are also susceptible to flu-like virus-caused diseases, similar to humans. E. People with blood type O are more susceptible to certain kinds of cancers than people with type A, type AB, or type B blood.


Examine these populations for their allele frequencies and any evidence that they are mating at random, with similar-phenotypes or dissimilar phenotypes mating with each other, or inbreeding. Which statement about these populations is accurate? Genotypes→ QQ Qq qq Population 1 0.49 0.42 0.09 Population 2 0.50 0.40 0.10 Population 3 0.55 0.30 0.15 Population 4 0.45 0.50 0.05 A. None of these populations is mating randomly. B. Populations 1-4 have the identical (same) allele frequencies. C. Populations 1 and 3 have the same allele frequencies but one is negatively assortatively mating and the other is randomly mating. D. Populations 2 and 4 have the same allele frequencies but one is inbreeding or positively assortatively mating and the other is randomly mating. E. Populations 2 and 4 have different allele frequencies.


For a population of haploid organisms, which of the statements below is most likely to be accurate? A. Haploid individuals may be heterozygous. B. Haploid individuals do not have homologous chromosomes. C. Haploid individuals usually have a single chromosome. D. Dominant alleles in haploid individuals may be heterozygous. E. Recessive alleles in haploid individuals may be hidden.


Given the following genotype frequencies in a population, which statement is most likely to be accurate? [UPPER case letters = dominant or co-dominant alleles.] T1T1 = 0.40 , T1T2 = 0.40 , T2T2 = 0.20 A. Frequency of T1 = 0.6, population is negatively assortatively mating B. Frequency of T1 = 0.6, population is possibly inbreeding C. Frequency of T1 = 0.4, population is possibly inbreeding D. Frequency of T2 = 0.4, population is experiencing negative frequency dependent selection E. Frequency of T1 = 0.4, population is randomly mating


In comparison to logistic growth, a population growing according to an exponential model has the fastest growth rate when. . . A. Population size is a middle value between "small" and "large." B. Population size is biggest. C. Population size is smallest. D. Population size is stable over time. E. Population size = K.


Many populations of the peppered moth, Biston betularia, very rapidly became darker (more melanic) during the Industrial Revolution because A. the insect-eating birds are attracted by the movements of the melanic moths B. two opposing cases of directional selection caused the carbonaria allele to be polymorphic at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution C. the predatory birds ate the melanic moths on trees in unpolluted forests before the Industrial Revolution, and continued to do so in some woods during the Industrial Revolution D. coal dust/soot coated the wings of the adult moths and made them more cryptic at night E. the typica allele is dominant and easily selected against by predatory birds


Motmots are a tropical bird that eats small snakes & lizards. However, they avoid snakes with conspicuous alternating bands of black, yellow or white, and red. There are many such snakes, and despite their bright colors and conspicuous bands, they are often difficult for humans to distinguish from each other. Some of them are coral snakes (potentially fatally poisonous to humans and other animals), and others are apparently pretty harmless (not poisonous). Susan Smith, a tropical biologist in Panamá tested juvenile motmots to see if they would attempt to eat these banded snakes versus plain-colored ones to see whether Batesian or Mullerian mimicry might be involved. She tested 5 motmots and offered each of them a red-yellow-black banded snake versus a plain-colored snake. Each of the 5 motmots refused the banded snake; each of the 5 motmots ate the plain-colored snake regardless of what color it was. She tested many more individual juvenile motmots of various ages ranging from newly fledged (just begun hunting on their own) to a few months old (experienced), and got the same results. The most plausible interpretation of her results is. . . A. Motmots learn to avoid banded snakes before they leave the nest and begin hunting on their own. B. No mimicry is involved; motmots avoid banded snakes instinctively. C. Her motmots were not sufficiently experienced to learn which snakes are poisonous. D. She needed to use birds that were even older than the ones she used. E. Mullerian or Batesian mimicry is involved in confusing predators of these banded snakes, but it's not clear which type of mimicry is involved.


Natural selection requires all of the following conditions except: A. Phenotypes must reflect underlying genetic variation among individuals B. Some individual adults must survive better than other adults C. There must be difference(s) in fitness among phenotypes D. Natural selection is the differential (non-random) reproduction of genotypes E. There must be more potential reproduction (at least more gametes) than are represented in the next generation


Negative assortative mating and negative frequency-dependent-selection A. may each increase the speed of sympatric speciation processes B. each (alone) do not usually cause evolution in a population C. can each (alone) increase the speed of natural selection in a population D. can each (alone) decrease the amount of genetic variation in a population E. can each (alone) often cause speciation in a population


Over many generations, which factor is least likely to cause evolutionary change in a population? A. directional selection with some phenotypes s= 0, others s = 0.3 B. negative frequency-dependent selection C. genetic drift in a population of 25-50 individuals D. positive frequency-dependent selection E. inbreeding combined with selection against one of the homozygotes


Reduced air pollution (due to 'clean air' legislation) caused populations of formerly melanic moths such as Biston betularia to return to high frequencies of wild type phenotypes (speckled white and grey). This occurred because wild type phenotypes were more cryptic (and escaped from their visual predators) compared to melanic adults in forests with living lichens on the trees, and because . . . A. evolution is a net change in phenotype frequency. B. generations of prior natural selection against typica alleles had failed to eliminate them. C. most recessive typica alleles are present in homozygous typica phenotypes. D. the different alleles for moth phenotypes spread rapidly via gene flow. E. dominant phenotypes have an enzyme that catalyzes melanin synthesis highly effectively.


Sexual selection may cause any of the following except... A. evolution of "extreme" phenotypes such as colorful feathers, huge horns, unusual floral morphology, huge bird tails B. positive assortative mating C. rapid anagenesis in a lineage of insects such as Drosophila D. evolution of unusual ornaments only in one sex E. rapid changes in allele frequency


The cartoon diagrams below represent cells (and their chromosomes) from the 'adult' (conspicuous green-plant) stage of flowering plants. What is the ploidy level of each cell?Recall that homologous chromosomes have same size and shape; differing colors or patterns indicate different alleles. Answers are given in sequence W,X,Y,Z A. none of these B. 2, 4, 1, 3 C. 8, 12, 8, 9 D. 4, 3, 8, 3 E. 3, 2, 1, 5


Why would it be very difficult to select against diseases such as heart disease and cancers that appear in middle aged humans (age 50+)? A. Many human diseases are infectious rather than having some partial genetic basis, which are the subject of much contemporary medical research. B. There is very little to no variation for heart disease or cancer phenotypes among humans of reproductive age (~ages 15-49). C. Males and females in the human species show differing rates of heart disease and different kinds of cancer D. The human genome carries many recessive alleles that would be harmful if they occurred in homozygotes. E. It is difficult to select against recessive alleles in human and other diploid populations.


You know that the genotype frequencies at a locus are as follows. UPPER case letters represent dominant or co-dominant alleles; lower case letters represent recessive alleles. What are the corresponding allele frequencies? E1E1 = 0.56 E1E2 = 0.12 E2E2= 0.32 A. E1= 0.60, E2= 0.40 B. E1= 0.50, E2= 0.50 C. E1= 0.64, E2=0.36 D. E1= 0.62, E2= 0.38 E. E1= 0.72, E2= 0.28


You want to determine whether a group of about 120 flowering plant species whose flowers are mouse-pollinated represents an adaptive radiation. You are able to use evidence from DNA sequences, morphology of flowers, knowledge of habitats and pollinators. To most convincingly demonstrate that this group of plant species is an adaptive radiation, you would need to find evidence for which of the following? A. The 120 species with mammal-pollinated flowers are ancestors to large numbers of other flowering plants, regardless of how those other plants are pollinated. B. These 120 plant species are each others' closest relatives. C. These 120 plant species are a small number compared to some groups like the orchids. D. The mammal-pollination trait is a shared among the ancestors of these 120 species. E. The mammal-pollination trait evolved independenƒtly several times during the past 1 million years.


[photo credit: James Warnick, Getty Images] Zebras have characteristic black and white stripes. A recent article "Zebra stripes evolved to keep biting flies at bay" offered evidence that these stripes change the polarized light reflected from zebra fur so that biting horseflies [which use mammal blood for their own nutrition] are not attracted to the zebra. To most convincingly argue that natural selection might have a role in the evolution of zebra stripes, an experimenter should gather evidence to... A. show that (unstriped) horses and donkeys withstand biting fly attacks better than zebras B. show that attacks by biting flies reduce zebra ability to survive or reproduce C. show that biting flies survive and reproduce better with zebra blood than horse blood D. show that zebras are a distinct species from horses and donkeys E. show that the uniformly dark coats (fur) of some horses and donkeys attract more flies compared to zebras


Allopatric speciation is a form of cladogenesis; its important features include all of the following except A. it is the type of speciation that can be followed by reinforcement or character displacement B. it depends on post-zygotic reproductive isolation to drive species formation C. it is responsible for the most spectacular flower species diversity in the world D. it requires time and geographic separation; evidence suggests that half a million years of separation is not enough time to form species in some cases E. it occurs much faster on islands and where founder effect occurs


An Alaskan dog breeder has been raising sled dogs for the Iditarod race, a winter sled race requiring fast dogs with lots of endurance. Despite observing variation in running speed among her breeding dogs (a population of about 30), she has not been able to breed dogs with better measured performance for several generations. What is the most likely explanation for her lack of progress in breeding a faster, better sled dog? A. lack of phenotypic variation for speed in her breeding dog population B. . lack of adequate training for speed among her dogs C. lack of genetic variation for speed in her breeding dog population D. an abnormally low mutation rate in her dog population E. lack of appropriate nutrition for young developing dogs


Calculate the fitness of the homozygous recessive genotype tt in the population below; determine the type of natural selection that occurs, if any. Genotypes→ TT Tt tt totals Gen. 1 born 600 300 100 1000 Gen. 1 adults 60 30 10 100 Gen. 2 born 562.5 375 62.5 1000 [yes, it's biologically not correct to have 0.5 of an individual, but it makes your calculation easier] A. Wtt = 0.94, no selection B. Wtt = 0.67, directional selection C. Wtt = 1.0, no selection D. Wtt = 0.63, directional selection E. Wtt = 1.0, balancing selection


Calculate the reproductive rate and fitness of the heterozygote: Genotypes N1N1 N1N2 N2N2 Adults 200 400 400 Offspring (total per genotype) 200 700 900 A. reproductive rate = 1.75 offspring per individual, fitness W = 1.286 B. productive rate = 0.571 offspring per individual, fitness W = 1.75 C. reproductive rate = 1.75 offspring per individual, fitness W = 0.778 D. reproductive rate = 0.571 offspring per individual, fitness W = 1.0 E. reproductive rate - 1.75 offspring per individual, fitness W = 0.286


Females of an insect species produced an average of 200 eggs per female in 2008, 250 eggs per female in 2009, and 300 eggs per female in 2011. Individual females live for 6 months and have non-overlapping generations (all parents die before the new generation hatches and begins to grow up). All other things being equal, including the weather and environmental factors staying the same from year to year, which statement is least likely to be accurate? A. Unless the insect population is increasing very rapidly, the survival rate of young insects must be very low, less than 1%. B. r for this population appears to be increasing. C. A female that produced 300 eggs in 2008 has greater fitness than a female that produced 300 eggs in 2011. D. K for this population appears to be increasing. E. Even if the insect population grows exponentially, it will probably encounter limits to growth imposed by their environment.


Given the following allele frequencies in a randomly mating diploid population, predict the number of genotype and phenotypes in this population: R1 = 0.3, R2 = 0.1 , r3 = 0.6 A. 6 genotypes, 6 phenotypes B. 6 genotypes, 5 phenotypes C. 6 genotypes, 4 phenotypes D. 8 genotypes, 4 phenotypes E. 4 genotypes, 4 phenotypes


Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PdHase) deficiency in the red blood cell is a mutation that gives heterozygotes resistance against malaria parasites. It is common particularly in populations living near the Mediterranean (where malaria has occurred for a long time). Yet the frequency of G6PdHase deficiency alleles is fairly high among people living North America and northern Europe, particularly among some ethnic groups. What is the most likely hypothesis to explain these relatively high frequencies in North America and northern Europe? A. The frequency of G6PdHase deficiency alleles will slowly increase because despite the lack of malaria in northern Europe or North America B. The frequency of G6PdHase deficiency alleles has slowly increased over time because these alleles accumulate in the population C. Gene flow accounts for the observed high frequencies of G6PdHase deficiency alleles D. Heterozygote individuals who travel to areas of the world where malaria is present will be better protected than 'normal' homozygotes. E. The frequency of G6PdHase deficiency alleles will stay mostly unchanged because there is very little phenotypic variation within these populations.


Phylogenies of many species constructed from some traits, e.g., morphological, sometimes conflict with phylogenies constructed from other traits, e.g., DNA sequences. When this occurs, what kind of evidence is most likely to resolve the conflicting phylogenies? A. Use a shared, ancestral trait with widespread distribution among different groups. B. Use a unique synapomorphy found in one species. C. Use a synapomorphy that is believed to have evolved only once. D. Use a symplesiomorphy that is believed to have evolved only once. E. Obtain more fossil evidence, or more extensive DNA evidence.


Suppose you have some hypothetical data on genotypes and their survival from birth to adulthood (starting with 1000 individuals at birth). Given the data below, identify the type(s) of natural selection (if any) and choose the most accurate prediction about long-term evolution in this population, if the type(s) of selection you identified continues for many generations. Genotypes: Q1Q1 Q1Q2 Q2Q2 Q1q Q2q qq Born: 500 275 40 95 80 10 Survive to adults: 200 150 34 81 68 9 A. directional selection, assuming a gradient of some trait from left to right; expect eventually that Q2 will be the most common allele B. positive frequency-dependent selection, with highest number of individuals surviving from the most abundant genotype; eventually expect Q1 allele to be fixed C. directional selection and negative frequency-dependent selection; expect q will eventually be fixed. D. negative frequency-dependent selection, with expectation that eventually qq will be fixed (and Q1 and Q2 will be eliminated). E. positive frequency-dependent selection, with highest number of individuals surviving from the most abundant genotype; eventually expect Q1 allele to be abundant but not fixed, because q allele is recessive


The plant family Orchidaceae contains many species that successfully form viable and fertile hybrids in the greenhouse because A. they are genetically very different from each other. B. human select for new flower forms with unusual morphology. C. they shared a common ancestor very recently. D. they have positive assortative mating in nature. E. they participate in gamete-transfer mutualisms.


These factors will cause evolutionary change in a population, except A. inbreeding combined with selection against one of the homozygotes B. directional selection with some phenotypes W= 1, others W = 0.3 C. strong balancing selection D. positive frequency-dependent selection E. genetic drift in a population of 200 individuals


These genotype frequencies provide evidence that the parents of this generation probably. . . . T1T1 = 0.49 T1T2 = 0.42 T2T2 = 0.09 [recall that UPPER case letters represent dominant or co-dominant alleles; lower case represent recessive alleles] A. had some phenotypes with high fitness in sexual or natural selection. B. mated non-randomly, positive-assortative mating or inbreeding. C. mated randomly. D. experienced differential reproduction or survival. E. mated non-randomly, negative assortative.


What are the phenotype frequencies in this population? [Recall that UPPER case letters represent dominant or co-dominat alleles; lower case letters represent recessive alleles.] Q1Q1 = 100 Q1Q2=120 Q2Q2 = 250 Q1q= 130 Q2q = 150 qq= 250 (total=1000) A. Q2 phenotype = 0.25 B. q phenotype = 0.50 C. q phenotype = 0.25 D. Q1 phenotype = 0.10 E. Q1Q2 phenotype = 0.24


You work with a young frog that is a visual predator and you have watched it attack and eat house flies, which it likes very much. You then collect the following data about its encounters with several species of flies that it has never seen before. You present one fly species and give the frog 20 min to decide to attack/not attack and to eat/not eat the fly. After 20 min you record whether the frog attacked and ate the fly, and then you give the frog another fly species (and wait 20 min). Right after these experiments, your frog is alive, hungry and attacks and eats the house flies you offer to it. Time (order of encounter) Frog behavioral response Fly species encountered Attacked insect Ate insect 1 Y yes yes 2 W yes yes 3 X yes yes 4 Y no no 5 W no no 6 X yes yes 7 Y no no What is the most likely explanation for this pattern of data? A. Species X is most probably a Batesian mimic of Species W. B. Species Y is most probably a Mullerian mimic of Species W. C. Species Y is most probably a Batesian mimic of Species W. D. Species W is most probably a Batesian mimic. E. Species X is unpalatable (tastes bad) to the frog.


Allopatric speciation may result in all of the following except. . . . A. two species with many genetic differences at many loci. B. two species that may appear especially distinct from each other when they are found together. C. two species whose individuals may completely ignore members of the other species D. two species that can produce viable, fertile hybrids in captivity but do not do so when they are in the wild. E. two species that are unable to exchange genetic material in nature.


BRCA1 and BRCA2 are ______________ on a chromosome(s). They became highly publicized in relation to actress Angelina Jolie's decision to have preventative mastectomy to prevent breast cancer. A. single nucleotide polymorphisms B. loci C. heterozygous D. alleles E. loci and alleles


Chromosomal speciation mechanisms A. produce new plant species that successfully hybridize with their diploid parental species B. occur in plants with a locus for different S[terility]-alleles in pollen C. are one of the most common forms of genetic mutation D. produce new species that can outcompete their parental species E. occur mostly in wasps and bees because of their haplo-diploid genetic system.


Compared to Mullerian mimics, Batesian mimics . . . A. are defended by stored toxins such as cardenolides. B. are more numerous. C. are highly colorful. D. are tasty good food. E. are less cryptic.


Eradicating malaria doesn't seem likely to happen soon in the world. Hb-A, Hb-S, and Hb-C alleles occur in human population at one locus, and natural selection is still operating on phenotypes at this locus. Given balancing selection for the Hb-A and Hb-S alleles, and the observation that the very highest fitness is in the Hb-C homozygote, what is the most likely outcome of long-term natural selection in humans? Assume environmental conditions and medical technology stay the same. A. None of these predictions is likely given what we know about this locus and malaria. B. In South Asia, Afghanistan, and other areas where malaria and Hb-S occur, Hb-S frequency will increase. C. In the US and northern Europe, the frequency of Hb-S will not change. D. In areas where Hb-C occurs, it will eventually become fixed, displacing other alleles. E. In areas where malaria occurs, Hb-C behaves like a dominant allele.


Gene flow during sympatric speciation. . . A. is vital to enabling populations to re-colonize empty habitats. B. is vital to maintaining genetic similarity between populations by causing slow mixing. C. stops when the two parts of a speciating population are quite different from each other. D. occurs between two species when gamete-transfer mutualisms operate differently than they do in nature. E. does not occur because the distance between one part of the population and the other part is greater than individuals can easily move.


Negative frequency-dependent (NFD) selection is used by organic farmers to reduce damage to apples from apple maggot flies. "Sustainable agriculture" advocates claim that NFD-selection prevents evolution of resistance to anti-pest treatments, including chemical pesticides. If this is so, which statement below explains how or why NFD-selection prevents evolution of pest populations that are resistant to the anti-pest treatments? A. The industry would save on expensive chemical pesticides. B. The public is willing to pay more for organic food. C. The phenotypes selected against by NFD-selection change over time. D. Under NFD-selection no phenotype or genotype can become and stay numerically dominant in the population. E. NFD-selection favors all rare phenotypes in the population.


On a cloudy cold day in March, you admire new phenotypes of flowering plants made by hybridizing different plants in a greenhouse. If these greenhouse hybrids are viable and fertile, what does this tell you about their parental plants? A. Their parents will appear in the fossil record as distinct lineages B. Their parents are pollinated by the same pollinators in the field (nature). C. Their parents are sympatric species in the wild. D. Their parents come from groups haven't been separate long enough to accumulate many genetic differences. E. Their parents have different chromosome numbers or arrangement of loci along the chromosome.


There are 3 alleles (2 co-dominant, one recessive) in this population. The genotype frequencies of newborns are as follows (they total to 1.0). There is evidence that the parents of these individuals have . . . G1G1 = 0.25 G2G2 = 0.16 gg = 0.05 G1G2 = 0.22 G1g = 0.18 G2g = 0.14 A. mated non-randomly, sexual selection. B. mated randomly. C. mated involving sexual selection. D. mated non-randomly, inbreeding. E. mated non-randomly, negative assortative mating.


Which of the following populations are most likely to increase rapidly? A. populations where dN/dt = 0 B. populations limited by environmental factors such as temperature or food supply C. bacteria such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis that have not evolved resistance to rifampin or isoniazid (antibiotics) D. populations whose density is about K/2 E. populations of endangered species


Which of the following statements about selection and/or evolution is false? A. A population sampled before an evolutionary change will be different from this population sampled after the evolutionary change B. Natural selection does not always result in early deaths C. Natural selection is not necessary for evolutionary change in populations D. Evolutionary change may occur in individuals E. Phenotypic plasticity in individuals (acclimation is an example) may prevent natural selection from occurring


You know that the genotype frequencies at a locus are as follows. UPPER case letters represent dominant or co-dominant alleles; lower case letters represent recessive alleles. What are the corresponding allele frequencies? P1P1 = 0.05 P2P2 = 0.06 P3P3 = 0.07 P1P2 = 0.22 P1P3 = 0.34 P2P3 = 0.26 A. P1= 0.16, P2= 0.48, P3= 0.36 B. P1= 0.40, P2= 0.20, P3= 0.20 C. P1= 0.38, P2= 0.29, P3= 0.33 D. P1= 0.33, P2= 0.30, P3= 0.37 E. P1= 0.33, P2= 0.34, P3= 0.33


You observe two groups of similar-looking butterflies R and W that occur in New England. They fly in the same geographic areas, but at different seasons of the year, with a small period of overlap. How do you decide if this is 1 species with 2 generations per year or 2 different species? Which question, if the answer is "yes", is most likely to enable you to decide it is ONE species? A. Do butterflies R and W have different phenotypes? B. If you put a male R butterfly with a female W butterfly, do these two individuals mate? C. Do the butterflies R and W have the same chromosome number and ploidy level? D. Do offspring of R butterflies resemble W butterflies? E. When you grow the R butterflies in the lab, do their offspring closely resemble other R butterflies?


Given the following genotype frequencies in a population, what are the allele frequencies, and the probable kind of mating in this population? [UPPER case letters = dominant or co-dominant alleles, lower case = recessive alleles.] Q1Q1 = 0.09 , Q2Q2 =0.04 , qq = 0.25 , Q1Q2 = .50 , Q1q = 0.06 , Q2q = 0.06; (total = 1.0) A. Q1 = 0.37, Q2 = 0.32, q = 0.31, random mating B. Q1= 0.37, Q2 = 0.32, q = 0.31, negative assortative mating C. Q1 = 0.3, Q2 =0.2, q = 0.5, non-random mating D. Q1 = 0.3, Q2 = 0.2, q = 0.5, random mating E. Q1 = 0.37 , Q2 = 0.32 , q = 0.31, non-random mating


In a mimicry system, if a model prey species suddenly disappears (goes locally extinct over a few days' time and does not reappear; this occurs for reasons unrelated to predation). . . A. the other prey species will probably not be affected if it is a Batesian mimic. B. the other prey species will increase its population size if it is a Batesian mimic. C. the other prey species will probably be more vulnerable to genetic drift. D. the other prey species will grow logistically to fill the space left by the model prey species. E. the other prey species will probably not be affected if it is a Mullerian mimic.


In a population of haploid organisms, there are two alleles at the B locus (B1 and B2), found in the following frequencies, B1= 0.7, B2= 0.3. Which of the following statements about this situation is most likely to be accurate? A. This population's B locus could have genotype frequencies of B1B1 =0.45, B1B2=0.50, B2B2= 0.05 B. This population's genotype frequencies at the B locus could be B1B1= 0.49, B1B2= 0.42, B2B2= 0.09 C. The organisms in this population are genetically identical to each other. D. It is not possible to say what the genotype frequencies are at the B locus in this population E. This population could have genotype frequencies at the B locus, B1=0.70, B2= 0.30


In the survival pattern in the following population provides evidence of. . . . [In case Trunk mis-aligns, the BB genotype lines up above the number 200, 400, and 80; the Bb genotype lines up above 100,200, and 40, etc.] A. negative frequency-dependent selection B. selection favoring BB genotypes C. massive mortality, selection favoring B phenotypes D. negative assortative mating E. massive mortality, no selection


Linnaeus (18th century botanist) chose differences among flowers to determine which groups of plants are most closely related to each other. On this basis, he organized plants into species, genera (plural of genus), and families, such as the Solanaceae examined in lab. His choice resulted in an understanding of plant phylogenetic relationships that remains the foundation of modern plant work because A. the form and color of flowers is under genetic control in green flowering plants. B. flowers are often the most difficult plant parts to collect and preserve. C. flowers attract different insects that can pollinate them. D. flowers are the most attractive part of green flowering plants. E. flowers control genetic exchange between groups of green flowering plants.


Sympatric speciation. . . . ["sometimes" means in some cases; "usually" means in most cases] A. soemtimes involves geographic isolation. B. sometimes involves character displacement. C. usually involves hybrid inviability. D. usually involves hybrid sterility. E. sometimes involves sexual selection.


Which of the following statements about selection and /or evolution is false? A. It is virtually impossible to select against diseases such as cancer because they usually occur after middle age in humans, after most individuals have reproduced B. A population sampled before an evolutionary change will be different from this population sampled after the evolutionary change C. Phenotypic plasticity in individuals (training for a marathon is an example) may prevent natural selection from occurring. D. Migration and natural selection may balance each other by working in opposite directions E. Evolutionary changes in populations require natural selection


You observe that allele frequencies stay the same at a particular locus for 10 years (measured each spring) in a population of diploid annual plants (individuals live 1 year). What explanation below is least likely to account for your data? A. The population experiences strong cyclic selection B. The population is inbreeding in relation to this locus C. The population has a S(terility)-allele locus with negative frequency-dependent selection D. Conditions are quite close to Hardy-Weinberg conditions for this locus E. The population experiences strong directional selection


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