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(also non-flowering plants) have reduced gametophytes


-2 plants are used to develop a new plant with combined traits from the 2 parent plants. -the scion is the above ground part of one plant. The scion is attached to the stock which is the rooted part of the second plant.

perfect flowers

-A flower having both stamens and carpels. -Most angiosperms have perfect flowers.

Conifer Pollination

-Conifers are wind-pollinated plants. -Chance allows some pollen to land on the scales of female cones. -Pollen germinates, grows a pollen tube into the egg to allow sperm to fertilize the egg.

Post fertilization

-Fertilization that result to zygote formation, that eventually divides and develops into embryo. -The differentiation and development of the zygote depends on the organism itself and its life cycle.

Natural vegetative propagation

-New plants grow from parts of the parent plant. -includes stems, roots,leaves, and bulbs

pollen go-between

-Showy flowers are the result of selection for more efficient pollination strategies. -Flower parts are modified leaves. Those that were brightly colored attracted insects in search of pollen.


-The action or biological process of making a copy of something/ new offspring. -The production of the process by which plants and animals give rise to offspring and which fundamentally consists of the segregation of a portion of the parental body by a sexual or an asexual process and its subsequent growth and differentiation into a new individual.


-The event prior to fertilization -Gametes formation (gametogenesis) and transfer of gametes are the two process that being take place. -Gametes or sex cell which are haploid (23 chromosomes) in nature and distinct for male and female.


-Where the gametes meet and fused together to form zygote -This may occur outside or inside


-Zygote develops tough coat and called _________ -it hatches when conditions favorable

vegetative propagation

-a form of asexual reproduction of a plant. -Only one plant is involved and the offspring is the result of one parent. The new plant is genetically identical to the parent.


-a shoot of a parent plant is bent until it can be covered by soil. The tip of the shoot remains above ground. -New roots and eventually a new plant will grow. These plants can then be separated.


-are seed-bearing vascular plants. -Their reproductive structures are flowers in which the ovules are enclosed in an ovary. -found in almost every habitat from forests and grasslands to sea margins and deserts. -display a huge variety of life forms including trees, herbs, submerged aquatics, bulbs and epiphytes. -The largest plant families are Orchids, and Compositae (daisies) and Legumes (beans).


-contains an underground stem. Leaves are attached to the stem. -These leaves contain much stored food. At the center of the ____ is an apical bud. Also attached are lateral buds. -The "apical bud" will produce 'leaves and a flower' while the "lateral buds" will produce 'new shoots'. As the plant grows and develops it will form a new bulb underground.


-diploid, produce haploid spores by meiosis. -This phase in the life cycle of a plant is the asexual, spore-bearing generation of the plant, featuring diploid cells. -This means the cells of the plant in this generation or phase have two sets of chromosomes in their cells. The zygote or fertilized cell is what conduces to form the sporophyte.


-haploid, produce gametes by mitosis. -This is that phase of the plant in which the gametes, that is the egg and sperm formed are haploid (n), having only one set of chromosomes in them. -this phase is the sexual, gamete producing stage in the life cycle of the plant.


-occurs when pollen falls from the anther onto the stigma of the same flower -not desirable as it reduces variation


-part of the plant that is cut off of the parent plant. -Shoots with leaves attached are usually used. -New roots and leaves will grow from the cutting. -The shoot is cut at an angle. A growth promoter may be used to help with the growth of the roots.


-seed-bearing vascular plants, such as cycads, ginkgo, yews and conifers, in which the ovules or seeds are not enclosed in an ovary. -seeds develop either on the surface of scale or leaf-like appendages of cones, or at the end of short stalks.


-the pollen travels from one flower to a different flower. -This is desirable in plants as it promotes variation.


-transfer of pollen from anther to the stigma -Wind pollination - ancestral (all gymnosperms) -Animal pollination - derived for angiosperms

complete flowers

A flower having all four floral parts: sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels

sexual reproduction in lower organism

Conjugation- Conjugation bridge; Exchange or transfer of genetic material; No male/female; Bacteria, paramecia, spirogyra

external fertilization

Female releases eggs in water Male releases sperm in water Problems? Sperm find eggs Many gametes made! Spawning behavior or Amplexus


Flowers are ____________ if they have all parts, and perfect if they have both male and female parts.

feathery stigma

Flowers are adapted for wind-pollination by having ________


Flowers will prevent self-pollination by either having stigma above stamen or by having stamen and stigma mature at different times.

artificial vegetative propagation

Horticulturists and farmers use this to produce plants that are identical to the parent plant. -some of the methods used are: cutting, grafting, layering

egg cell

Larger, Few, Nonmobile, Round, May have Yolk

Non-flowering plants

Mosses, ferns, and related plants have motile, swimming sperm.


New plants will grow out of swollen, modified _____ called "tubers".

asexual reproduction

One parent, No reproductive organs, No genetic variation, Identically the same as the parent


Ovaries and testes in same animal; In slow or sessile organisms (worm ,hydra snail); Self fertilization rare

Animals or wind

Pollen can be carried between flowers by ________________

Steps of flower reproduction

Pollination 1. The Anther produces pollen 2. That pollen is transferred to the stigma of itself or another flower through pollination. Fertilization 3. Pollen travels down the style to the ovary to fertilize the eggs. 4.The eggs grow into a seed or seeds and can now reproduce.


Pollination mechanism by water


Process wherein the missing part are produced


Reproduction involving the division of body into two or more equal parts.


Runners are ______ that grow horizontally above the ground. They have nodes where buds are formed. These buds grow into a new plant.

internal fertilization

Safer Terrestrial animals and some aquatic Need moist female repro. tract Fewer eggs needed Short life span of gametes (24hrs) Need specialized organs Timed release of gametes (Hormonal)

Types of asexual reproduction

Spores Fission Budding Fragmentation Regeneration Vegetative Propagation

pollen grain

The __________ contains the male sex cell (gamete).


The word "gymnosperm" comes from the Greek word ____________, meaning "naked seeds".

sexual reproduction

Two parents; Fusion of sex cells; Genetic variation; Survival of species -Natural way of reproduction in humans, animals and majority of the plants. -more complex and lengthy as compared to asexual. -The benefits of this variation are the unique characteristic of the organism.


Visual -perianth ( THE FLORAL Structure of the plant) -stamens (e.g., Myrtaceae, Mimosoideae) -staminodes (e.g., Zingiberaceae, Cannaceae)


_____ of some plants will grow into a new plant if they become detached from the parent plant. -Other plants grow small plants called "plantlets" on the edge of their leaves.


a new individual arises as an outgrowth (bud)from its parent, develops organs like those in parent, and detaches itself.

Spores (Sporulation)

a new individual forms from an aggregation of cells surrounded by a resistant capsule or spore, which later on germinates.

Insect-pollinated flowers

are adapted to attract insects to them to enable transfer of pollen

Wind-pollinated flowers

are different in structure because they do not have to attract insects to them but do need to be exposed to the wind.


becomes the seeds when sperm cells fertilize the egg cells.


cell division, which produces two genetically identical cells.


colorful part of a flower used to attract insects and birds.


complete and perfect, although the sepals are the same color as the petals


contains the ovules and becomes the fruit.


ex: fooling male insect into "mating" with orchid


having a single set of chromosomes in each cell.


having two sets of chromosomes in each cell.

Gametogenesis (Oogenesis, Spermatogenesis)

how are gametes made?

Grass flowers

incomplete, usually imperfect (separate male and female flowers)

Female gametophyte

is a few cells inside of the structures that become the seed.

Male gametophyte

is contained in a dry pollen grain.


pollination mechanism by bats -nocturnal anthesis -large, colorful or white -produce copious nectar or pollen


pollination mechanism by wind -flowers small, numerous, often unisexual -perianth absent or non-showy -flowers often produced in mass


pollination mechanism of bees -flowers are showy, colorful, fragrant, with: nectar guides and landing platforms


pollination mechanism of birds -red (often, not always) -tubular (often)


pollination mechanism of butterflies -flowers are showy, colorful, fragrant -no nectar guides -long tubes or spurs


pollination mechanism of flies -maroon/brown in color -foul smelling (like rotting flesh)


pollination mechanism of insects


pollination mechanism of moths -large, white, fragrant -no nectar guides -usually tubes or spurs


produces pollen grains which develop sperm.


protects the bud of a young flower.


provides the stems and leaves with water and dissolved minerals from soil.


reduction division, which produces four haploid reproductive cells.


reproductive parts of a plant are attached here.

Sexual reproduction

requires fusion of male cells in the pollen grain with female cells in the ovule.

Nectar, Pollen, Waxes, Resins


sperm cell

small, many, Mobile (1-4mm/min), Complex shape


sticky pollen-receptive part of the pistil.


supports the Anther.


the body breaks into two or more parts, with each fragment capable of becoming a complete individual


the female reproductive part of a flower.


the male reproductive part of a flower.


the stalk of the pistil down which the pollen tube grows.


where the reproduction of a plant takes place?

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