BIO - 275 Quiz 3

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Glycolysis makes products that feed into ________.

- Krebs cycle - electron transport - fermentation

What two main types of by-products are produced in fermentation?

- acids - alcohol

The presence of microbes in food can be ________.

- beneficia - harmful - neutral

Place the steps in the correct order to review the process of binary fission.

1) a young cell 2) chromosome is replicated 3) protein band forms in center of cell 4) septum formation 5) septum is complete and cells are divided

The generation time of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is _______.

12 hours

What is the total ATP yield per glucose in organisms that carry out fermentation?


During one cycle, the sodium-potassium pump binds and moves _______.

3 Na+ and 2 K+

How much ATP is generated in the electron transport system?


You ingest 20 cells of Salmonella. This bacterium has a doubling time of 30 minutes. After 4 hours, how many of these bacteria would be present in the body (assuming no immune system responses or other biological activities affect its growth)?


After six generations, how many bacteria would have formed from the reproduction of one bacterium?


How many generations does it take for a single bacterial cell to become 256?


If there were 4 viable bacterial cells in an oyster, how many cells would be present after 4 hours if the bacterium exhibited a 20 minute generation time?


Which of the growth curves represents a facultative anaerobe grown in the presence of oxygen?


Which of the growth curves represents an obligate aerobe grown in the presence of oxygen?


What is a biofilm?

A group of bacteria that accumulate in layers and secrete an protective extracellular material

Which of the following is the enzyme used to synthesize ATP?

ATP phosphodiesterase ATP hydrolase ATP kinase ATP phosphorylase None of the choices are correct. None of the choices are correct.

What factors can affect the doubling time of a bacterial cell?

All of these factors can affect growth rates.

________ refer(s) only to energy-requiring processes that result in synthesis of cell molecules and structures.


Which of the growth curves represents an aerotolerant anaerobe grown in the presence of oxygen?


Consider the biochemical pathway: A - E1 -> B - E2 -> CIf Enzyme 2 is inactive, which of the following compounds will accumulate?

B only

What does the increase in lactate do to blood pH?

Decreases pH

Which of the following is an example of a biofilm commonly found in the human body?

Dental plaque

Which of the following correctly represents the mechanism of enzyme function, where S is "substrate" and E is "enzyme" and P is "product"?

E + S -> E-S -> E-P -> E + P

Where do NADH and FADH2 go after being produced in the Krebs cycle?

Electron transport chain

Which organization monitors commercial food safety in the United States?


The presence or absence of oxygen has profound effects on the growth of microorganisms based on their ability to tolerate and/or use oxygen in their metabolism. Label the images to demonstrate your understanding of the expected growth patterns in thioglycollate medium based on an organism's oxygen preferences.

Facultative Anaerobe Obligate Anaerobe Microaerophile Obligate Anaerobe Aerotolerant Anaerobe

A hydrogen atom consists of a proton and a pair of electrons.


Both human and bacterial cells divide by mitosis.


Cells cannot begin a new round of replication until they have completely finished dividing.


If you measure turbidity using a spectrophotometer during the death phase, the turbidity will be much lower than it was during the exponential phase.


Which of the following signs in the patient would indicate that their body is fighting the microbes causing the UTI?

Fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit

The physician informs Lisa that cranberry juice appears to reduce the ability of microbes to attach to the urinary tract. Which structures are used for attachment in microbes causing UTIs?


Which of these represents a proton?

Hydrogen ion

What organ is damaged in Type I diabetes?


What type of relationship is depicted in this image?


Which of the following is NOT a catabolic process?


Based upon the data collected, which juice do you hypothesize contains the greatest amount of tannins?


What type of bacteria will grow in the refrigerator, and why is this usually not a concern?

Psychrophiles; very few are pathogenic to humans

Based on this case, what practice would have helped to prevent the contamination of oysters?

Put the oysters into deeper colder waters.

The two 3-carbon molecules that glucose is split into during glycolysis are converted through a series of steps ending in what 3-carbon molecule?


What serves as an electron acceptor in fermentation?

Pyruvate or other organic molecule

Which enzyme is NOT involved in DNA replication?

RNA polymerase

Where do the electrons for the electron transport system come from?

Reduced coenzymes

What is the main purpose for fermentation reactions?

Regenerate NAD molecules for glycolysis

Why did the child's breath have a fruity odor?

She was burning fats instead of glucose for fuel

Which of the following will pass through a cell membrane most easily?

Small nonpolar molecules

Looking at the data in this table, this bacterial population is likely in what growth phase between 20 and 24 hours?

Stationary phase

Which of the following binds to the active site of an enzyme?


The rate of diffusion is affected by which of the following?

Temperature, size of molecules, and steepness of the concentration gradient

Why was hyperbaric oxygen therapy an effective treatment in this case?

The causative agent is an anaerobe

Why were antibiotics prescribed for Mr. Jones?

The causative agent was a bacterium

How is anaerobic respiration different from aerobic respiration?

The final electron acceptor

Why did the patient's lactate levels rise?

The lactate levels increased due to anaerobic metabolic reactions

Why was it unusual that the oysters from Prince William Sound were contaminated with this bacterium?

The temperature of the Sound is normally too low.

When you inoculate a fresh tube of broth medium, it doesn't instantly turn cloudy. Why is this?

There is lag phase before growth occurs at a level that is visible in the broth.

Which of the following statement(s) about biochemical pathways is(are) TRUE?

They are very well organized and structured and they convert an initial substrate via a series of steps into an end product

For one turn of the Krebs cycle, how many NADH are produced?


Why was the patient treated with IV fluids and oxygen?

To increase oxygen concentration and delivery to tissues

Environmental factors control microbial growth through their influence on enzyme activity.


If the doubling time of a bacterium is short, the x-axis of a population growth curve will have smaller numbers.


NADH serves as an electron carrier that can donate its hydrogen to other molecules.


Protons received from NADH ________.

are pumped outside the cell

Type I diabetes can be considered a(n) ________ disease.


Sepsis is treated with antibiotics to control the ______ that are multiplying in the bloodstream.


Most bacteria increase their numbers by _______.

binary fission

Most bacteria reproduce by ________.

binary fission

Most cultured bacteria tend to multiply by ________.

binary fission

Early in glycolysis, two phosphates are added to the glucose molecule. These phosphates come from ________.

breaking down ATP

The NADH involved in the electron transport chain is made ________.

by oxidation reactions in glycolysis and the Krebs cycle

The electron transport system in bacteria is located on the _______ and in eukaryotic cells on the _______.

cytoplasmic membrane; mitochondrion

All biochemical pathways have the same number of enzymatic reactions.


An enzyme can only bind one reactant at a time.


An enzyme speeds up a chemical reaction in the cell, but can only be used once.


Cell division is triggered exclusively when cells attain a threshold mass.


DNA helicase is responsible for adding nucleotides to the growing end of the DNA


During the stationary phase, binary fission stops.


Escherichia and Salmonella are cocci that divide by binary fission.


In prokaryotes and eukaryotes, the Krebs cycle takes place in the mitochondria.


Only yeast are able to carry out fermentation for catabolism.


The Krebs cycle is part of fermentation, as well as cellular respiration.


The membrane is permeable to protons.


The molecules in a solid lump of sugar do not move.


True or False: Females consuming cranberry juice exhibited the greatest incidence of UTIs as compared to the group with no treatment.


True or False: The incidence of Type II diabetes is greater than Type I diabetes, regardless of ethnicity.


The type of microbial metabolic pathway that is most often exploited to make acids and alcohols industrially is ________.


Most bacteria reproduce by _______.


The two 3-carbon molecules which glucose is split into are converted through a series of steps into the final 3-carbon molecule. During these later steps, ________ molecule(s) of ATP are made.


The final acceptor for electrons and hydrogens in aerobic respiration is ________.

free oxygen

Clostridium perfringens is the causative agent of ________.

gas gangrene

Glycolysis is the breakdown of ________.


During glycolysis, _______ is oxidized and _______ is reduced.

glucose; NAD+

The Krebs cycle occurs after ________.


Individual bacteria (such as Salmonella) ________.

grow best at an optimum temperature and a range above and below it

A cell exposed to a hypertonic environment will ______ by osmosis.

lose water

Because this bacterium requires a temperature above 16.5 degrees Celsius, it would be classified as a _______.


Most of the microbiota in the human body are classified as ______.


Simple diffusion is defined as the movement of _______.

molecules from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration

Glycolysis starts with _______ and ends with _______.

one glucose; two pyruvate molecules

Hydrogen consists of ________.

one proton and one electron

Consider the biochemical pathway: A - E1 -> B - E2 -> CEnzyme 1 can utilize ________.

only A as substrate

Enzymes that can be shut down or activated based on the presence of chemicals in their environment are called ________.


The process of decarboxylation involves ________.

removing carbon

Cells must ________ their DNA prior to cell division.


The FtsZ protein is needed to form the ________.


In the United States, the CDC estimates that ________ people suffer each year from some form of foodborne infection.

several million

Pathogens usually have _____ doubling times.


A red blood cell placed in a hypertonic medium will _______.


During the electron transport chain in bacteria, protons are ________.

shuttled to the outside of the cell membrane

The energy source for contraction of the FtsZ ring during cell division comes from ________.

the hydrolysis of GTP

The safe temperature ranges for the storage of foods are determined by _______.

the low temperature where microbes stop multiplying and the high temperature where they physically die

Oxygen acts as ________.

the terminal electron acceptor

Cells prefer to use carbohydrates as energy sources because ________.

they are such good donors of hydrogen and electrons

The type of food-borne infection known as an intoxication is caused by ________.

toxins produced by microbes as they grow in the food

Coenzyme Q ________.

transfers protons from inside the membrane to outside the membrane

A 5% urea solution is hypotonic to a 10% urea solution.


Diffusion is one of the processes whereby materials are exchanged between a cell and its environment.


If a cell is placed in an isotonic medium, there will be no net movement of water.


In a biochemical pathway, the product of the first reaction becomes the substrate in the second reaction.


Rod-shaped bacteria synthesize new cell walls over the entire surface of the cell.


The binding and release of sodium or potassium ions are due to conformational changes in the protein.


The energy captured in the phosphorylation of ADP to ATP comes from the proton motive force created in respiration.


The protons are generated during oxidation reactions.


The sodium-potassium pump is a trans-membrane protein.


True or False: In kids under the age of 19, there are some ethnic groups that have a greater percentage of Type II diabetes than Type I diabetes.


Whenever a molecule is oxidized, another molecule must be reduced.


The NET production of ATP upon the completion of the series of glycolytic reactions is ________ molecule(s) of ATP


The last carrier protein in the electron transport chain transfers ________.

two electrons to oxygen

During binary fission, one bacterial cell becomes _______ cells.

two genetically identical

Looking at the composite data across all ethnic groups, which type of diabetes is most common in youth under the age of 19?

type I

Many coenzymes are formed from ______.


Osmosis is best defined as the movement of _______.

water molecules across a membrane from an area of high water concentration to an area of lower concentration

What is the effect of cold on a population of bacteria?

Cells survive but do not divide at temperatures below the minimum.

What food product is least likely to contain viable vegetative pathogens?

Chicken cooked to 170 degrees F

What food product is least likely to contain viable vegetative pathogens?

Chicken cooked to 170°F

The energy released during the reactions of glycolysis is used to form ________.

adenosine triphosphate

Bacteria that grow in oxygenated environments are referred to as ________.


The electron transport chain is part of ________.

aerobic respiration

Most bacteria associated with UTIs make the urine more _______, creating an environment favorable for their growth


Bacteria that thrive in environments with a pH of greater than 7 are classified as ________.


C. perfringens causes tissue damage by release of ________.

alpha toxin

In eukaryotes, glycolysis takes place in the ________.


During the electron transport chain, ATP will be made from ________.

ADP + Pi

Why are biofilms important in infectious disease?

Bacteria in biofilms are often protected from antibiotics.

In the case, the patient is treated with antibiotics for her UTIs. Which type of organism must the physician suspect is causing her infections?


What is the source of energy used to power the sodium-potassium pump?

Breakdown of ATP

Which of the growth curves represents an obligate anaerobe grown in the presence of oxygen?


What is a by-product of the Krebs cycle?

Carbon dixoide

What is the effect of heat on a population of bacteria?

Cells begin to die at a temperature slightly above the maximum.

Conduct some additional research on gas gangrene, and then move the statements to their proper category to assess your understanding of clinical findings associated with this infection.

Clinical findings not associated with clostridial gas gangrene: - gram staining of cultures reveals gram-negative cocci - endotoxin from organism cause direct muscle tissue damage - optimal culture growth occurs under aerobic conditions Clinical findings associated with clostridial gas gangrene: - optimal culture growth occurs under anaerobic conditions - gram staining of cultures reveals gram-positive bacilli - staining of cultures reveals the presence of bacterial endospores - debridement usually required in combination with antibiotics - gas produced in affected soft tissue

Which of the following contain a metal ion which can accept and donate electrons?


Where does the Krebs cycle take place in bacteria?


What is the usual route for infection with Vibrio parahaemolyticus?

Ingestion of raw or undercooked shellfish

What does it mean to say that C. perfringens can be found as normal biota in the intestine?

It can live in a commensal/mutualistic relationship with the human host

Where does carbon dioxide go when it is released during reactions of the Krebs cycle?

It diffuses out of the cell

Which of the following statements describes Clostridium perfringens?

It is a gram-positive organism

Which of the following is true of passive transport?

It requires a gradient

Which of the following best describes the reduction of the coenzyme NAD+?

NAD+ + H -> NADH

The two 3-carbon molecules which glucose is split into are converted through a series of steps into pyruvate. During these steps _______.

NAD+ is converted to NADH

Hydrogens are transported from other reactions to the electron transport chain by ________.


What is oxidized at the beginning of the electron transport system?


What ethnic group is experiencing the most dramatic changes in Type II diabetes, and what is the trend?

Native American; increasing

You leave your potato salad out on the table at the company picnic. When you made it, you unknowingly introduced 100 cells of Salmonella. How much time will it take for the population of Salmonella to reach at least one million if its doubling time is 20 minutes at picnic conditions?

Over 4 hours

What is reduced at the end of the electron transport system?


For each glucose molecule that enters glycolysis, how many times does the Krebs cycle turn?


How many net ATP molecules are produced for each glucose molecule that enters glycolysis?


What is the likely explanation for the contamination of the oysters in this case?

Warmer waters allowed the bacteria to expand their natural habitat.

The energy for the synthesis of ATP in the electron transport chain is provided by _______.

a proton gradient

When protons are pumped outside the cell membrane, ________.

a proton motive force is created

The electron carrier proteins in the electron transport chain shuttle electrons to ________.

a terminal acceptor

The physician suggests that Lisa consume cranberry juice to prevent her recurrent UTIs, due to the fact that the juice makes the urinary tract more ______.


Proton pumps are an example of _______ transport.


If conditions are favorable, the generation time of bacteria _______.

can be as short as 30 minutes

The breakdown of glucose is an example of ________.


Synthesis of ATP via a proton gradient is called ________.


In a viable count, each _______ represents a _______ from the sample population.

colony; CFU

In this study, the group that did not receive treatment is called the ______ group; this data is necessary to compare results of the various treatments reliably.


The structure that divides the bacterial cell in two is termed the ________.

cross septum

Energy is carried from catabolic to anabolic reactions in the form of _______.

high-energy ATP bonds

In bacteria, the electron transport chain is located ________.

in the plasma membrane

Refrigeration will _____ the doubling time of most pathogens.


The patient was deficient in ________.


After glycolysis, pyruvate can be converted into ________ under anaerobic conditions.

lactic acid

The energy released during the reactions of glycolysis is released by ________ reactions


Cells obtain energy by ________ food molecules such as glucose.


A pathogen would most accurately be described as a ______.


An organism that can synthesize all its required organic components from CO2 using energy from the sun is a _______.


This patient's wound was likely caused by ________.

poor circulation from diabetes

The main purpose of cellular respiration is to ________.

produce energy

Enzymes are ________.


In this reaction, ATP synthase uses energy from ______ to make ATP.

protons reentering the cell

Proton pumps are protein complexes that ________.

pump protons from the interior of the cell to the exterior

The sodium-potassium pump functions to pump _______.

sodium ions out of the cell and potassium ions into the cell

The environmental factor that influences bacterial growth the most is _______.


When sugar is mixed with water, equilibrium is reached when _______.

the dissolved sugar molecules are evenly distributed throughout the solution

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