BIO 2870 CHP 6

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2 frontal and 2 parietal bones; it covers a major blood vessel; parietal bones; 2 frontal bones;

*Anterior fontanelle is the junction where the ___ and ___ bones meet. *Anterior fontanelle pulses because ___. This is where the ___ bones meet. *Newborns have 2 ___ bones and adults have 1.

atlas; occipital condyles; "nodding yes" axis; "shaking the head no"

*C1 is the ___ and it holds up the head. It articulates with the ___. Allows for a specific movement of ___. *C2 is the ___ and it has a projection up toward the atlas, called the dens, or odontoid process. It allows for rotational ___ movement.

frontal and the sphenoid bone; 2 nasal bones 2 maxillae 2 lacrimals 2 palatines 2 inferior nasal conchae the vomer bone

*Ethmoid bone articulates with 13 bones. Ethmoid bone articulates with 2 bones of the neurocranium—the ___, and ___ bone. 11 bones of the viscerocranium which are ___.

occipital condyles; 71cm/28in;

*C1 articulates with ___ of occipital bone; *___ is the average length of the spine.

maxillary sinus; under the eyes; above the eyes; between the eyes; behind the eyes; sphenoidal sinus

Infraorbital foramen is below the ___ sinus. The maxillary sinuses are located ___. The frontal sinuses are ___. The ethmoidal sinuses are ___. The sphenoidal sinuses are ___. *Palatine sinuses drain into the ___.

stable; strong ligaments;

The hinge portion of the elbow is very ___. It is where the Humerus and ulna interlock. It has a very thick joint capsule and the joint capsule is reinforced by ___.

30 bones; Arm (brachium); Humerus; 4 bones;

upper limb has ___ bones and consists of the bones of the ___. ___ extends from the scapula to the elbow. Pectoral girdle has ___ bones.

lateral; superior and middle nasal conchae; nasal septum; slow airflow;

*Ethmoid bone contains ethmoidal sinuses in ___ portions as well as ___ and ___. Ethmoid bone projects into nasal cavity toward ___. Superior and middle nasal conchae ___, allowing time to clean, moisten, and warm air before entering respiratory tract.

Frontal bone (frontal sinus) Nasal bonep Cribriform plates Sphenoid bones (sphenoid sinus and Pterygoid process) Ethmoid (sup. and mid. conchae) maxillae inferior nasal conchae palatine bones lacrimal bones Maxillae (palatine processes) Palatine (horizontal plate) FEMS Frontal, Ethmoid, Maxillary and Sphenoidal sinuses

*Nasal complex roof is ___. Nasal complex walls are ___. Nasal complex floor is ___. Nasal complex is also made of the parasinuses which are ___.

frontal parietal ethmoid temporal zygomatic palatine vomer occipital

*Sphenoid bone articulates with the ___(8) bones and helps to connect the neurocranium to the facial skeleton.

inferior articular processes; transverse costal facets; Lumbar vertebrae;

*Superior articular facets articulate with ___. *___ are unique to thoracic vertebrae. *___ has no costal facets.

auditory ossicles in the middle ear; External acoustic meatus Mandibular fossa Mastoid process Styloid process External acoustic meatus; auditory ossicles;

*Temporal bones house the ___. Its key bone markings are: ___ is the passageway that leads to the tympanic membrane (eardrum). Tympanic membrane goes to the ___ that translate sound into vibrations.

sacrum; five fused vertebrae; puberty; pelvic cavity; pelvic girdle; attachment sites for muscles;

*The ___ is a triangular-shaped bone and consists of ___ fused vertebrae that finishes at ___. Sacrum protects organs in ___. Sacrum has lateral articulations with ___. Broad surface provides ___, especially those for leg movements.

Anterior fontanelle; easier delivery of the head; age 4;

*___ commonly called the "soft spot" and these flexible areas allow for ___. Fontanelles disappear and skull growth is finished by about age ___.

Sinusitis; reduce weight of the bone and release mucus;

*___ is inflammation and swelling of mucus membrane that lines the sinuses (nasal passages are inflamed). All sinuses help to ___ and ___.

Cleft palate; feeding; cleft lip;

*___ is when maxillary bones aren't fused completely along the midline of the bony palate (hard palate). *It causes difficulty with ___. ___ is when there is improper fusion of the lip.

articulation; synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis or diarthrosis; fibrous, cartilaginous or synovial;

A joint category is also called ___. The functional categories of articulations are: ___, ___ or ___. The structural categories of articulations are ___.

round head of one bone rests within the cup of another bone; Flexion/Extension Adduction/Abduction Internal/External Rotation -shoulders and hips

Ball and socket joint is when the ___. It allows for movement in an indefinite number of axis which are ___. Ball socket joints are found at:

fibrous; sutures, gomphoses, and syndesmoses; cartilaginous; synchondrosis and symphyses;

Bone connected by fibrous connective tissue (no joint cavities) is ___. These are ___, ___ and ___. Adjacent bones are united by cartilage (No joint cavity) are ___. These are ___ and ___.

8 bones; 5 metacarpal bones; phalanges; 14 phalangeal bones; pollex (thumb);

Carpal bones of the wrist, or carpus consists of ___ bones arranged in proximal and distal rows. ___ metacarpal bones form the palm of the hand and articulate with the ___. Each hand has ___ phalangeal bones. Proximal, middle, and distal in four of each finger and proximal and distal in the ___.

manubrium at sternal end; acromion; acromial end

Clavicle is an S-shaped bone that articulates with ___ at the ___. Clavicle also articulates with the ___ of the scapula at the ___.

oval articular face nestled within a depression on the opening surface; 2 planes; Between: -radiocarpal joint; -metacarpal-phalangeal joints; -metatarsal-phalangeal joints

Condylar joints (ellipsoidal) have an ___. They permit movement in ___ planes, allowing flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and circumduction. Condylar joints are found at:

mandibular fossa; coronoid process; attachment point; closes the jaw;

Condylar process articulates with the ___ of the temporal bone. Anterior process of the mandible is the ___ process. It is an ___ for the temporalis muscle that ___ the jaw.

the frontal bone and the maxillae; lateral wall; laterally and posteriorly; zygomatic arch;

Each zygomatic bone articulates with ___ and the ___. Zygomatic bone forms the ___ wall of the orbit. Temporal process of the zygomatic bone curves ___ to articulate with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone and two processes together form the ___, or cheekbone.

intervertebral discs; synovial fluid;

Fibrous cartilage discs that act as shock absorbers in joints are called ___. ___ reduces friction within a joint.

orbits; Supraorbital foramen; frontal sinuses; above;

Frontal bone forms the forehead and the roof of the ___, or eye sockets. *___ forms a nerves passageway above each orbit for blood vessels and *___ are air-filled cavities above the orbits. "Supra" means ___.

flattened or slightly curved surfaces that slide across one another Joints at: -Both ends of the clavicle; -Between the carpal bones; -Between the tarsal bones; -Between the articular facets of adjacent vertebrae; -At the sacrum and hip bone;

Gliding joints provide ___ but the amount of movement is very slight. Gliding joints are found at:

angular motion in a single plane EKAP Elbow joints Knee joints Ankle joints Phalange joints

Hinge joints provide ___, like the opening and closing of a door. Hinge joints are found at:

Smooth condyle; Medial trochlea; Fossae; olecranon fossal

Humerus' ___ articulates with radius and ulna. ___ extends from coronoid fossa to olecranon fossa. ___ are depressions that articulate with projections from the ulna. The ulna's olecranon process articulates with the humerus' ___.

coronoid process; zygomatic process; temporal process;

If the ___ is fractured, you wont be able to close the mouth. Temporal process forms the ___ and the zygomatic process forms the ___.

Tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges and the hallux.

In the foot, bones are ___(5).

gliding and symphyseal joints; Symphyseal joints; intervertebral discs; Gliding joints;

Intervertebral articulations are between vertebrae. The two types are ___ and ___. ___ between the vertebral bodies and are separated and padded by ___. ___ are between the superior and inferior articular processes.

fibrocartilage; gelatinous; decrease in height;

Intervertebral discs made of a tough outer ___ layer surrounding a ___ core. Discs compress with age, causing ___.

Patellar ligament Posterior Fibular (lateral) and tibial (medial) collateral Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments Posterior ligaments;

Ligaments of the knee joint are the ___. ___ stabilize the back of the knee.

Femur (thigh bone) Patella Kneecap Tibia Fibula Ankle bones Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges 60 bones; 14 tarsal bones; 10 metatarsal bones; 28 phalanges;

List all the lower limb bones: There are ___ lower limb bones. There are ___ tarsal bones and ___ metatarsal bones and ___ phalanges.

2 Palatine bones; 2 Lacrimal bones; 2 Zygomatic bones; 2 Maxilla bones; 2 Inferior nasal conchae; 1 Mandible bone; 1 Vomer bone; Mandible;

Name the 14 facial bones: ___ is the only bone that is moveable.

superior and lateral walls of nasal cavities and the paranasal sinuses; nasal cavities; nose; nasal cavity

Nasal complex is larger organization that the nasal cavity. The nasal complex includes all the bones that form the ___ and the ___. The paranasal sinuses (FEMS) drain into the ___. The nasal cavities divide into two segments: the respiratory segment and the olfactory segment. The nasal cavity is not a sinus, but it is a large, air-filled space above and behind the ___ in the middle of the face. The nasal septum divides the ___ into two fossae. Each fossa is the continuation of one of the two nostrils.

parietal; lambdoid; foramen magnum; occipital; Occipital condyles; first vertebra of the neck;

Occipital bone articulates with two ___ bones at the ___ suture. Passageway surrounding the connection between the brain and the spinal cord is the ___. This structure is unique to the ___ bone. ___ are rounded surfaces on either side of the foramen magnum and articulate with the ___.

Perpendicular plate; mandibular fossa; mastoid process;

On ethmoid bone, the ___ extends inferiorly from the crista galli between the conchae and forms part of the nasal septum. *___ is the depression that marks the site of articulation with the lower jaw. *___ is an attachment site for muscles that rotate and extend our head.

Adipose tissue; diarthrotic; Synchondrosis; Diarthroses; synovial

Pads of ___ are often found around the edges of ___ joints to provide protection for the articular cartilages. ___ permits no movement and is described as an interposition of cartilage plates. ___ articulations are associated with ___ joints.

palatine; L-shaped; nasal cavity; orbit; vomer; nasal septum; lacrimal sac; nose;

Paired ___ bones form the posterior surface of the bony palate, or hard palate ("roof" of the mouth). The palatine's ___-shaped bones also contribute to the floor of the ___ and floor of each ___. The ___ articulates with paired palatine bones and supports partition forming part of the ___. Your eyelids have small canals (canaliculi) that move tears to a sac where the lids are attached to the side of the nose ___. From there tears travel down a duct (the nasolacrimal duct) draining into your ___.

upper limbs to the trunk; clavicle and the scapula; muscle attachment sites;

Pectoral girdle connects the ___ to the ___. It consists of the ___ and the ___. Both bones are extremely important for ___.

thigh bones; 2 large coxal (hip) bones; ilium, ischium, and pubis; sacrum at the sacroiliac joints; femur; acetabulum;

Pelvic girdle articulates with the ___ bones is more massive than the pectoral girdle and firmly attached to the axial skeleton. Pelvic girdle consists of ___ bones. Each a fusion of 3 bones: ___, ___ and ___. Hip bones articulate with the ___ at the ___ joints and with the ___ at the ___.

rotation; -Joint between the axis and atlas -Joint between head of the radius and proximal shaft of the ulna

Pivot joints only permit ___. Pivot joints are found at:

sacroiliac; joint capsule;

Posteriorly, the coxal bones articulate with the sacrum at the ___ joints. Found outside or inside a ___, structures that join bone to bone are called ligaments.

fibrocartilage; symphyses; 80; 22; 6 auditory ossicles and the hyoid bone; 25; 26;

Pubic symphysis is united with ___ cartilage and is a ___. Axial skeleton contains ___ bones. There are ___ skull bones. The bones associated with the skull are ___ and ___. There are ___ bones of the thoracic cage and ___ bones of the vertebral column

lateral; medial; olecranon; trochlear notch;

Radius lies along ___ side of forearm, while ulna is found on ___ side. Ulna features ___ the point of the elbow and the ___ which articulates with the trochlea of the humerus.

apex; base; sacral promontory;

Sacrum's narrow caudal area is the ___. The sacrum's broad superior surface is the ___. Bulge at anterior tip of base is the ___ an important landmark in females for labor and delivery.

concave and convex; saggital and frontal planes; -carpometacarpal joints at the base of the thumb (trapezium and metacarpal I)

Saddle joints are ___ along either axis and allow biaxial movement in the ___ and ___ planes. Saddle joints are found at:

vertebral foramen; body; T1-T12; heart; inferiorly; Costal facets

Size of ___ decreases, while size of ___ enlarges as progresses from ___. Thoracic vertebrae distinctive features are ___-shaped body; larger than cervical vertebra and large, slender spinous process that points ___. Thoracic vertebrae have ___ that articulate with the head of one or two pairs of ribs.

brain; birth; fontanelles;

Skull formation begins with many different centers of ossification that fuse together and the ___ enlarges more rapidly than skull bones. At ___ cranial bones connected by areas of fibrous connective tissue known as ___.

menisci in the knee; Fat pads; inside and/or outside the joint;

Some synovial joints have additional padding such as ___. ___ can also act as cushions. Ligaments join bone to bone May be found ___ capsule.

the ends of long bones; articular cartilages; fibrous joint capsule; synovial membrane; Synovial fluid;

Synovial joints with a wide range of motion are typically found at ___. Ends of bones covered with ___ Joints are surrounded with a ___, or articular capsule and inner surfaces of joints are lined with the ___. ___ in the joint cavity reduces friction.

Tarsal bones: Calcaneus Trochlear of talus; Navicular Cuboid; Lateral, intermediate, medial cuneiform bones; I-V, Metatarsal I is the big toe; hallux; promixal, middle and distal;

Tarsal bones are ___. Metatarsal bones are ___. The ___ of the foot only has a proximal and distal, while other phalanges have a ___, ___ and ___.

zygomatic arches; parietal; squamos;

Temporal bones form part of both sides of the cranium and ___ arches. Temporal articulate with the ___ bones at the ___ suture.

fibula; does not articulate; Lateral malleolus; Interosseus membrane;

The ___ articulates with tibia inferior to the lateral condyle of tibia. The fibula ___ with the femur. ___ is distal end of fibula. ___ connects tibia and fibula.

tibia; Lateral and medial condyles; Patellar ligament

The ___ is a large, medial shinbone. ___ and ___ of tibia articulate with lateral and medial condyles of femur. ___ connects patella to tibial tuberosity, rough spot just below knee joint.

annular; head of the femur; structural joint;

The ___ ligament is part of which elbow joint. The ligament of the ___ is part of the hip joint? Adjacent bone strongly anchored to each other by fibrous connective tissue is a ___.

acromioclavicular; range of motion; patella;

The ___ ligament is part of which shoulder joint. This joint also permits the greatest ___ of any joint in the body? ___ glides over the smooth anterior femoral surface, between the lateral and medial condyles.

coccyx; 3-5 (usually 4) fused vertebrae; adulthood; elderly;

The ___ provides attachment for muscle that closes the anal opening and is ___ fused vertebrae. Coccyx fusion is not complete until late in ___. Coccyx may fuse to sacrum in ___ people.

pectoral girdle, upper limbs, pelvic girdle and lower limbs; Axial skeleton; 8 cranial bones; flat shaped; 14 facial bones; irregular shaped; cranial cavity;

The appendicular skeleton has bones of the ___ girdles and ___ limbs. ___ is framework for support and protection of the brain, spinal cord, and organs in the ventral body cavity. There are ___ cranial bones and ___ facial bones. Cranial bones are ___ shaped and facial bones are ___ shaped. The skull encloses ___, chamber supporting the brain.

longitudinal and transverse arch; along; medial to lateral borders;

The arches of the foot are ___ and ___. Longitudinal arch transfers weight ___ the foot and is maintained by ligaments and tendons. Transverse arch is a degree of curvature that changes from ___ to ___ of the foot.

The bony surfaces of the humerus and ulna interlock; stabilize the joint at full extension; Symphysis joint (amphiartrotic)

The elbow joint considered to be extremely stable because ___. The function of the tibial and fibular collateral ligaments is that they ___. ___ is a cartilaginous joint between bones separated by fibrocartilage pad.

coronal; synarthroses; interlocked fibrous connection; tibial tuberosity; provides lateral stability to the ankle;

The frontal and parietal bones articulate at the ___ suture. Functionally this is a ___ and structurally it is a ___. The patellar ligament connects the patella to the ___ just below the knee joint. The fibula provides ___.

symphyses; connection by a fibrocartilage pad; synchondrosis (syndrosis); hyaline; ribs and sternum

The intervertebral articulations are classified as ___ joints. Structurally these joints are a ___. Epiphyseal plate is a temporary ___ joint with ___ cartilage. Joints between the ___ are this type also.

hinge; ball and socket; cruciate;

The joints between the phalanges are ___ joints. ___ joints can perform rotation movements. The ___ ligaments of the knee cross each other as they attach the tibia to the femur.

head and the radial tuberosity; Distal styloid process;

The neck of the radius is between the ___ and the ___. The ___ of radius articulates with bones of wrist (carpal bones).

lateral and medial condyles; tendon of quadriceps femoris;

The patella glides over smooth anterior surface (patellar surface), between ___ and ___ of the femur. The patella forms within ___ the group of muscles that straighten the knee.

articular capsule; wrist; condyloid;

The structure that surrounds a synovial joint is called a(n) ___. carpals form bones of the ___. The scaphoid and lunate make a ___ type of functional joint with the radius and ulna.

thoracic vertebrae, ribs, sternum; heart, lungs, and internal organs; Ribs and sternum;

Thoracic cage consists of ___, ___ and ___. Thoracic cage protects ___, ___ and ___ and forms the walls of the thoracic cavity. ___ and ___ form rib cage.

syndemosis or symphysis; synovial; suture, gomphosis or synchondrosis;

Types of amphiarthroses may be ___ or ___. Types of diarthroses may be ___ or ___. Types of synarthroses may be ___, ___ or ___.

Sphenoid bone; sella turcica; Ethmoid bone;

___ acts as bridge, uniting cranial and facial bones and braces sides of skull. It has the central depression the ___ which houses and protects the pituitary gland. ___ bone is anterior to the sphenoid bone.

Intervertebral foramina; pedicles;

___ allow passage of nerves to and from spinal cord. These are gaps between ___.

Medial and lateral menisci; amphiarthroses; CARTILAGINOUS connections; cushion and conform to changing shape; Fat pads and bursae;

___ and ___ are fibrocartilage pads between femur and tibia. Fibrocartilage pads are functionally ___ and structurally ___. Medial and lateral menisci ___ with femoral movement. ___ and ___ also assist in reducing friction.

Sinuses; mucous membrane; epithelial cells overlying a layer of loose connective tissue; obrits; reduce weight;

___ are air-filled cavities lined with mucous membranes. *Frontal sinuses are lined with ___, which are composed of ___ overlying a layer of ___. *frontal sinuses sit above the ___. Frontal sinuses connect with the nasal cavity and help ___ of the bone.

6 auditory ausicles; Hyoid bone;

___ are encased by the temporal bones. ___ is connected to inferior skull by pair of ligaments.

Ribs; 7 pairs; vertebrosternal; 8-12; vertebrochondral; Last two pairs (11 and 12);

___ are long, curved, flattened bones of 12 pairs. First ___ are true ribs, or ___ ribs bc they connect to sternum by separate costal cartilages. Ribs ___ are false ribs because do not attach directly to sternum. Ribs 8-10 are ___ ribs whose costal cartilages fuse and merge together with cartilages of rib pair 7. ___ are floating ribs because have no connection with the sternum.

Bursae; reduce friction and absorb shock; circumduction; rotation;

___ are packets of connective tissue containing synovial fluid. Bursae ___ and ___. ___ is moving the limbs in a loop and ___ involves turning around the longitudinal axis of the body or limb like turning the head, looking left to right.

Lumbar vertebrae; intervertebral discs; thicker; posteriorly; articulations for ribs

___ are the largest vertebrae with thickest ___. They upport most of body weight. Lumbar vertebral body is significantly ___ and more oval than that of thoracic vertebra. Massive, stumpy spinous process projecting ___ Lumbar vertebrae have bladelike transverse process lacking ___.

Articular processes; articular process; articular facets (superior);

___ arise at junction between pedicles and laminae on both sides of the vertebrae. Each side of vertebra has superior and inferior ___. Processes of successive vertebrae contact one another at the ___.

Maxillary bones; largest; orbit rims; nasal cavity; bony palate

___ articulate with all other facial bones except for the mandible. These 2 bones are the ___ facial bones. It forms the floor and medial parts of the ___, the walls of the ___, and the anterior roof of the mouth called the ___.

patellar ligament; front of the knee;

___ attaches to anterior surface of tibia and is a continuation of quadriceps tendon (which contains the patella). Patellar ligament provides support to ___.

talus; Syndesmosis; fibrous ligamentous connection;

___ bone articulates with the tibia and fibula, transmitting the body's weight from the tibia toward the toes? Distal articulation of tibia and fibula is a ___. Structurally this joint is a___.

Synarthroses; suture; fibrous interlocked connection Gomphosis; Synchondrosis;

___ can be fibrous or cartilaginous. ___ connects skull bones with dense connective tissue. Structurally these joints are ___. ___ is a ligament binding each tooth in the socket. ___ is a rigid cartilaginous connection as in between the first pair of ribs and the sternum.

Interosseus membrane; fibrous ligamentous connection; syndemosis; radial head; radial notch; proximal radioulnar joint;

___ connects ulna/radius tibula/fibula along length of bone. Structurally these joints are a ___. Functionally these joints are a ___. On the radius, the ___ articulates with capitulum of humerus and ___ of ulna. This forms the ___ joint.

Pelvis; Female pelvis; broad, low pelvis, larger pelvic outlet, broader pubic angle;

___ consists of the hip bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx stabilized by a network of ligaments ___ pelvis is smoother, lighter in weight, less prominent markings Adaptations for childbearing are ___.

Sternum; clavicles; first pair of ribs; jugular notch; xiphoid process; incorrect placement of hands;

___ consists of three parts that fuse by about age 25. Broad, triangular manubrium articulates with the ___ of the appendicular skeleton and cartilages of ___. Manubrium contains shallow indentation called ___. Sternum has an elongated body and inferior tip called the ___. Can be broken by impact or strong pressure such as with ___ during CPR.

Elbow joint; Hinge joint;weak joint; head of the humerus; glenoid fossa (cavity); capitulum of humerus; head of radius; Trochlea of humerus; trochlear notch of ulna

___ consists of two parts, the ___ between the humerus and ulna and a ___ between the humerus and radius. The humerus' articulations are the ___ of the humerus with the ___ of the scapula. The ___ of the humerus and the ___ of the radius. The ___ of the humerus and the ___ of the ulna.

Sacral canal; sacral hiatus; Sacral foramina;

___ extends along posterior surface of the sacrum. Inferior end is the ___ ___ open on either side of median sacral crest.

Anterior margin; Medial malleolus; Fibula;

___ extends down anterior tibial surface. ___ is a large distal process that articulates with the ankle. ___ is a slender bone that runs parallel and lateral to tibia.

Nasal bones; frontal and maxillary; Lacrimal bones; Inferior nasal conchae; nasal;

___ form the bridge of the nose between the orbits. They also articulate with the ___ and ___ bones. ___ located within the orbit on its medial surface and articulate with the frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary bones. ___ change airflow and deflect air toward olfactory receptors and project from lateral walls of ___ cavity.

Coronoid process; disk-shaped head; styloid process

___ forms the inferior lip of the trochlear notch. Ulnar shaft ends distally at ___ and short ___ process.

Capitulum; radial fossa; small projection from radius;

___ forms the lateral region of the condyle. Shallow ___ fossa is proximal to the capitulum and articulates with ___.

Parietal bone; coronal; sagittal;

___ forms the roof and superior walls of the cranium. *It articulates with frontal bone along ___ suture. Parietal bones interlock along the midline of the cranium forming the ___ suture.

Knee joint; femur and tibia; patella and femur;

___ functions as hinge joint between femur and tibia. Knee joint has 3 separate articulations: Two between ___ where condyles contact. One between ___ and ___.

Humerus; Greater tubercle; Lesser tubercle; intertubercular groove;

___ has a rounded head at proximal end articulates with the scapula. ___ is rounded projection on lateral surface of head. ___ lies anterior to and is separated from greater tubercle by the ___.

Hip joint; Hip fractures; hip dislocations

___ is a ball-and-socket joint formed from head of the femur and the acetabulum. Extremely stable joint with very dense and strong joint capsule. The capsule is reinforced by several ligaments and hip joint has strong surrounding muscles. Hip ___ more common than hip ___.

Subscapular fossa; Coracoid process;

___ is a depression in the anterior surface of the body where the subscapularis muscle attaches. ___ is smaller, anterior projection over the glenoid cavity.

syndemosis (amphiarthrotic); before birth; thoracic and sacral curves; Secondary curves; cervical and lumbar; age 10

___ is a fibrous joint connected by a ligament. Primary curves develop ___ and include the ___ and ___ curves. ___ develop several months after birth and include the ___ and ___ curves. All four spinal curves fully developed by age ___.

Linea aspera; Large epicondyles; lateral and medial condyles;

___ is a prominent ridge and attachment for adductor muscles ___ are on distal end. Inferior surfaces of the femur form ___.

borders; angles;

___ is a triangular bone with anterior surface of body of scapula bounded by superior, medial, and lateral ___. The three tips are the superior, inferior, and lateral ___.

Conchae; ethmoid bone and vomer bone; nasal cavity;

___ is any of several thin, scroll-like (turbinate) bones in the sides of the nasal cavity. Nasal septum is formed from ___ and ___ bone. *Nasal septum separates right and left portions of ___.

synchondrosis; interposition of cartilaginous- bridge Gomphosis; fibrous connection between bony socket and a tooth synarthrosis;

___ is articulation between the diaphysis and epiphysis in a growing long bone. Structurally it is a___. ___ is a joint that binds each tooth within a bony socket. Structurally it is a ___. These two are functionally ___.

kyphosis; lordosis; scoliosis;

___ is exaggerated thoracic curvature. ___ is exaggerated lumbar curvature and ___ is abnormal lateral curvature.

Ilium; iliac crest; ischial tuberosity; supports body's weight when sitting; Ischium; pubic symphysis;

___ is superior and largest component of the coxal bone. Superior margin forms the ___. Ischium has a rough projection called ___. It functions to ___. ___ branch fuses with the pubis, creating the circle of the obturator foramen. Pubic bones articulate at the ___.

Acromion; distal end of the clavicle; Scapular spine;

___ is the larger, posterior process that articulates with the ___. ___ divides posterior surface of the scapula into the supraspinous fossa and the infraspinous fossa.

Femur; acetabulum; Greater and lesser trochanters;

___ is the longest and heaviest bone in the body. The femur head articulates with pelvis at the ___. ___ are large, rough projections extending laterally from neck and shaft of the femur.

Vertebral body; intervertebral discs; Vertebral arch; Vertebral foramina; Pedicles; laminae;

___ is the more massive, weight-bearing portion of a vertebra. Bodies of adjacent vertebrae separated from each other by ___. ___ forms posterior margin of vertebral foramen. ___ of successive vertebrae form the vertebral canal enclosing spinal cord. ___ form walls of arch and the roof of arch formed by ___.

Mandible; Ramus; condylar; mandibular condyle;

___ is the only bone of the lower jaw. ___ is a vertical process on either side extends toward the temporal bone and has two processes. Posterior process is the ___ process and it ends at the ___.

Anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments; Fibular (lateral) and tibial (medial) collateral ligaments; head of the femur; acetabulum; lateral and medial condyles of femur; patellar surface;

___ located inside the joint capsule attach the tibia to femur. ___ reinforce the sides of the knee. The ___ of the femur articulates with the ___ in the pelvic bone forming the hip joint. The ___ of the femur articulates with the tibia the patella (kneecap) with the ___ forming the knee joint.

Elevation; depression; depression; lateral flexion;

___ moves a structure superiorly and ___ moves a structure inferiorly. Opening the mouth is ___. ___ is bending of the vertebral column to the side.

Lateral angle; humerus; shoulder joint;

___ or head of the scapula, contains the glenoid cavity (fossa). Glenoid cavity articulates with the ___ to form the ___.

Shoulder joint; dislocated; mobility; Ball and socket joint; rotator cuff;

___ permits the greatest range of motion of any joint. It is also most frequently ___. Stability is sacrificed for ___. ___ contains several large bursae to reduce friction. Muscles that surround and move the shoulder joint form the ___.

maxillary sinuses; lighten the weight; Infra-orbital foramen; styloid process;

___ produce mucus that drains into nasal cavities and help ___ of the maxillary bones. ___ is the opening for trigeminal nerve from the face. *___ is the attachment site for ligaments that support hyoid bone.

Transverse processes; Transverse processes; Spinous process; Spinous process;

___ project laterally or dorsolaterally from the pedicles. ___ are sites for muscle attachment. ___ projects posteriorly from the laminae. ___ forms bumps that can be felt along midline of back.

Vertebral column (spine); 26 bones; 24 bones; sacrum and coccyx (tailbone);

___ provides weight-bearing column of support and protection of spinal cord. Spine consists of ___ bones. ___ are in the vertebrae and the others are the ___ and ___.

Deltoid tuberosity; deltoid muscle; epicondyles

___ runs along lateral border of shaft and is attachment site for ___. Distally, the humerus' medial and lateral ___ project to either side.

Hyoid bone; larynx; styloid processes; lesser horns;

___ serves as base for muscles associated with the larynx (voicebox), tongue, and pharynx and supports and stabilizes the ___. It is small and U-shaped and suspended from the ___ of the temporal bones to the ___.

Condylar; Symphysis;

___ type of synovial joint is described as an oval articular face nestling within a depression on the opposing surface. ___ is a cartilaginous joint between bones separated by fibrocartilage pad (intervertebral discs).

Cervical; protect blood vessels supplying brain; vertebral foramen; transverse foramina; Transverse foramina;

___ vertebrae body is relatively small, oval and concave. It functions to ___. It has relatively large ___. It has a stumpy spinous process, usually with notched tip and a uniquely have a ___ (that protect blood vessels). ___ are within transverse processes.

Ethmoid, sphenoid, temporal and occipital; nasal; crista galli; Holes in cribriform plate;

___, ___, ___ and ___ bone forms part of the cranial floor. Ethmoid bone contributes to medial surfaces of the eye orbits and forms roof and sides of the ___ cavity. Ridge called ___ projects above superior surface of ethmoid bone. *___ allow olfactory nerves to pass through, carrying sense of smell.

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