bio chapter 11 learning curve

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a new animal is discovered with a prominent muscular foot that attaches to underwater rocks. The animal also has a one-piece shell. To which group does this new animal belong? A. gastropods B. cephalopods C. bivalves D. crustaceans E> echinoderms


according to the fossil record, the first modern humans appeared approx: A. 200k years ago B. 190 million years C. 6 million years D. 6k years E. 1 million years


marsupials are thought to be most closely related to: A. placental mammals B. monotremes C. amphicians D. birds E. reptiles


which of the following characteristics could NOT be used to differentiate the three worm phyla, annelida, platyhelminthes, and nematoda? A. presence of complete gut, with two openings B. bilateral symmetry C. segmentation D. growth by molting E. the presence of eye spots


which of the following is true about evolutionary success? A. vertebrates are the most evolutionarily successful B. darwin said that some species are better than others C. a successful organism can find food, escape predators, and reproduce D. humans are the crowning achievement of evolution E. any species that arises on earth is evolutionarily successful


birds have scaly feet and lay amniotic eggs. This supports the idea that: A. reptiles evolved from amphibians B. birds are the only creatures to ever have feathers C. birds are endothermic D. birds evolved from reptiles E. none of the above


phylum arthropoda includes all of the following kinds of animals EXCEPT: A. crabs B. butterflies C. millipedes D. bivalves E. scorpions


a molluscan mantle is used primarily for: A. reproduction B. excretion C. gas exchange D. feeding E. producing the shell


which of the following does not contain chitin? A. snails B. lobsters C. grasshoppers D. crabs E. scorpions


all species are either _____ or ______ A. higher; lower B. extant; extinct C. evolving; not evolving D. protected; endangered E. vertebrates; sponges


each group of animals is paired with a type of body symmetry. Which is INCORRECT: A. mammal; bilateral symmetry B. roundworm; radial symmetry C. cnidaria; radial symmetry D. fish; bilateral symmetry E. sponge; asymmetry


sponges are: A. hermaphrodites B. asexual C. sessile D. members of phylum porifera E. all of the above


which is an advantage of radial symmetry? A. movement with equal ease in any direction B. sense organs distributed around their circumference C. even distribution of appendages D. sense organs grouped at the front end of the body, opposite the side of locomotion E. the first three choices are all advantages


trichinella worms sometimes cause trichinosis in humans when undercooked pork is open. They have long cylindrical bodies but no segmentation. Most similar to: A. nematodes B. earthworms C. flatworms D. jellyfish E. none of the above


which is true of ALL animals? A. they are capable of movement at some stage of their life cycle B. they can sustain themselves exclusively by photosynthesis C. they reproduce asexually D. they have sense organs, like eyes and ears E. they are made of single and multicellular individuals


which of the following best explains why fins and jaws evolved in a parallel manner? A. fins and jaws work together: fins get you to the organism you're going to eat, jaws capture and kill it B. fins and jaws evolved in a parallel manner by chance C. fins and jaws developed from the same mutation and are on the same chromosome D. fins and jaws are both adaptations for living in water, so they evolved together E. none of the above; did not evolve together


which one common name is matched correctly with its phyla? A. roundworms; nematoda B. segmented worms; platyhelminthes C. flatworms; annelida D. roundworms; annelida E. tapeworms; nematoda


you find a protostome that has closed circulatory system and a segmented body. Which phylum does it most likely belong? A. annelida B. cnidaria C. mollusca D. arthropoda E. brachiopoda


what is the relationship between coral and zooxanthellae? A. competitive; zooxanthellae are the type of algae that compete with coral for space and nutrients B. mutually symbiotic; zoonxanthellae provide the coral with nutrition, while the coral provides carbon dioxide C. parasitic; zooxanthellae are the type of algae that grows inside coral, feeding off the coral's nutrients and causing coral bleaching over time D. commensal; zooxanthellae are the type of algae that resides among the coral, but the coral is unaffected by its presence E. there is no relationship between the two. Zooxanthellae are terrestrial animals, and coral is aquatic


which of the following correctly pairs a stage of arthropod metamorphosis with its most significant change at that stage? A. larva; embryological growth and change occurs at this stage B. Pupa; body structures of the larva are broken down and reassembled C. adult: changes occur throughout the entire life until reproduction D. pupa; the pupa eats and grows large enough to become an adult E> zygote: the sperm and egg unite


key difference between protostomes and deuterostomes? A. protostomes represent a lineage of bilaterally symmetrical animals, whereas deuterostomes represent a lineage of radial symmetrical animals B. protosomes are animals with soft exteriors and deuterostomes are animals with hard exteriors (i.e., shells) C. the protostome gut develops from front to back, so the first opening is the mouth. The deuterostome gut develops back to front, and the second opening becomes the mouth D. protostomes represent animals that are prokaryotes, the deuterostomes represent all other animals E. the protostome gut develops from back to front and the second opening becomes the mouth. The deuterostome gut develops from front to back, so the first opening is the mouth


which of the following is unique about vertebrates in terms of phylum CHordata: A. all vertebrates have a tail EXCEPT humans B. the notochord disappears without replacement after the amniotic stage C. the notochord is not present throughout life; rather, it is only found in embryos and is replaced by the vertebral column (backbone) D. the dorsal hollow nerve cord forms the peripheral nervous system E. nothing is unique about vertebrates because they are the only subphyla of chordates


which of the following statements about cnidarians is true? A. cnidarians are omnivores B. they have a specialized sensory organ known as a cnidocyst C. cnidarians can be sessile (polyp) or free floating (medusa) D. cnidarians include jellyfish, sea urchins, and corals E. none of the above


which statement is true? A. invertebrates are unique because they are a monophyletic group B. echinoderms are similar to vertebrates in that they are protostomes C. more than 95% of the animal kingdom is made up of invertebrates D. arthropods are the closest relatives of chordates E. roughly half of the invertebrates are protostomes and the other half are deuterostomes


which is NOT true about neanderthals? A. they were nearly the same size as modern humans B. they lived in organized social groups C. they hunted large game with short spears D. they lived primarily in Africa E. they were more muscular and robust than modern humans


which of the following about insects is FALSE? A. insects have a tough exoskeleton that acts like body armor B. wings and the ability to fly first appeared in insects C. all insects are arthropods D. all insects have life stages: larva, pupa, adult E. the primary role of an adult insect is to reproduce


which of the following is NOT an important feature distinguishing animals from each other? A. development of the gut B. growth of skeletal elements C. presence and cellular arrangement of tissues D. method of locomotion (movement) E. body symmetry


which of the following is NOT one of the major evolutionary adaptations that occurred as animals moved from water to land? A. four legs B. lungs C. eggs that resist drying out D. swim bladder E. a rigid backbone


which of the following would NOT be classified as an arthropod? A. jumping spider B. centipede C. deer tick D. giant clam E. spider crab


an air environment, gravity, and desiccations are three challenges that were addressed in the evolution of reptiles. What 3 evolutionary innovations addressed these challenges? A. the amniotic egg, sturdy fins, and a cartilaginous skeleton B. gills, bony skeleton, and lungs C. dorsal nerve cord, notochord, and a post-anal tail D. better limb support, gills, and pharyngeal slits E. lungs, better limb support, and the amniotic egg


sea stars, a type of echinoderm, are seemingly harmless organisms. Which of the following, if any, is a defense/predation mechanism of the sea star? A. the tube feet create a combined force to pull apart the shells of a clam or mussel B> the stomach can be pushed out into the mouth into a slightly opened clam shell, secreting digestive enzymes C. Sharp, tooth-like surfaces can scrape algae loose from rocks D. streams of mucus can be used to capture food E. the first two choices are correct


the lineage that first separated from the common ancestor of all animals, and retains many of the same primitive features to this day, is: A. the jellyfish B. the sea turtle C. earthworm D. grasshopper E. the sponge


the notochord that characterizes all chordates at some stage in their life cycle provides all of the following functions EXCEPT: A. a longitudinal stiffening of the main body axis B. a base for trunk muscles C. makes locomotion possible by stiffening when muscles contract D. an axis around which vertebral column develops E. bony protection for the nerve cord


which species living today is the most evolutionarily successful? A. the house mouse (mus domesticus) B. the housefly (musca domestica) C. the western gorilla (gorilla gorilla) D. the irukandji, most toxic box jellyfish (carukia barnesi) E. all of the above are equally successful because they are not extinct


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