BIO chapter 4

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A small structure within a cell that performs a particular function for the cell is an ___________.


DNA with associated proteins that is present in the non-dividing nucleus as a network of strands is known as ___________.


Junction protein

assists in cell-to-cell communication and adhesion

Cell recognition proetin

Allows our bodies to distinguish between self and nonself

Select the motor proteins that function by attaching, detaching, and then reattaching further along a microtubule.

-Dynein -Kinesin

Transport protein

Aids in moving molecules and ions across the membrane

In plant cells, organelles called ___________ use carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to perform photosynthesis.


Sperm use a _______ to propel themselves toward the egg.


True or False: the extracellular matrix of a cell is only present in plant cells?


True or false: Chromatin is the highly condensed DNA and protein that becomes visible just prior to cell division in eukaryotic cells.


What does the cristae do for the mitochondria?

Increases the surface area for cellular respiration.

In animal cells, what cellular process do the centrioles play an important role in?

Cell division

Mitochondria have fluid called the matrix surrounded by a _____ _____ _____.

highly folded membrane

The process of cellular respiration occurs in the _________ of a eukaryotic cell.


Chloroplasts and mitochondria can both ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

transform energy in the cell.

Ribosomes are important sites of

protein synthesis.

Why are there so many different types of cells in the human body?

Each cell type is specialized to perform a particular function.

True or False: The smaller the cell, the greater its surface-area-to-volume relationship


True or Flase: The cytoskeleton of the cell is a network of protein filaments and tubules that gives support to the cell and may have organelles around inside the cell.


True or false: The Golgi apparatus modifies molecules before packing them into new transport vesicles.


A large membrane-bound sac found in plant cells that may contain plant pigments or toxins used in defense is called a _______.


The _______ of plants are used to store nutrients and ions.


Complete the following statements to explain the purpose of the extracellular matrix.

-A extracellular matrix (ECM) is a meshwork of fibrous proteins and polysaccharides. -Two well-known proteins are collagen, which resists stretching, and elastin, which gives the resilience. -The role of polysaccharides is to direct the migration of cells during development. -A tissue's extracellular matrix (ECM) can vary greatly, from flexible cartilage to rigid bone, depending on the types of arrangement of proteins present.

Which two domains contain prokaryotic cells?

-Achaea -Bacteria

Complete the following statements to explain the structure of a plant cell wall.

-All plant cells have a cell wall made up of both non cellulose and cellulose fibrils that allow for both flexibility and strength. -Living cells are connected through plasmodesmata, which are long membrane-lined channels that pass through the cell wall. -The plasmodesmata allow only water and small solutes to pass freely, while cytoplasmic strands allow other materials to flow through.

Complete the statements to summarize the relationship between the surface-area-to-volume ratio of a cell and the cell's size.

-Cells need a surface area large enough to allow nutrients into and waste out of the cell. -This means that smaller cells, not larger cells, have an adequately sized membrane to accomplish this movement. -Because of this, actively metabolizing cells are much smaller than nonactive cells. -As the cell's size decreases the surface area relative to the cell volume increases.

The process of endosymbiosis is supported by the discovery that chloroplasts...

-Have their own DNA -Reproduce with a process similar to binary fission.

Stem cells

-May be useful to treat macular degeneration, type 2 diabetes, and even Alzheimer disease. -Are unspecialized cells. -Can divide almost indefinitely. -Contain all of the genetic information and internal structures to become almost any other type of cell.

Which two organelles have more than one membrane?

-Mitochondria -Chloroplasts

Select the facts that support the endosymbiotic theory.

-Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA -Mitochondria and chloroplasts are surrounded by two membranes -Mitochondria are about the same size as most bacteria

Choose the three major features associated with the nucleus

-Nucleoplasm -Chromatin -Nucleolus

Most bacterial cells contain which three structures?

-Plasma membrane -Cytoplasm -Cell wall

Categorize the following as characteristics of prokaryotic cells, eukaryotic cells, or both.

-Prokaryotic: Lack membrane-bound nucleus, bacteria, archaea, nucleoid, and comparatively small. -Eukaryotic: membrane-bound nucleus present, comparatively large, contain many specialized organelles, pant and animal cells. -Both: filled with cytoplasm, plasma membrane, chromosomes.

Complete the following statements regarding the endomembrane system within cells.

-Proteins are synthesized by ribosomes located on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), while lipids are synthesized by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER). -These membranes form vesicles to transport these newly synthesized proteins and lipids to other parts of the cell. -The golgi apparatus, which can be thought of as a transfer station, receives the vesicles and modifies them as they move through the stacks to flattened saccules. -Once the proteins and lipids are modified, the golgi apparatus sorts and packages them into new vesicles to be transported to their new destination.

Which substances leave the nucleus through the nuclear pores?

-RNA -Ribosomal subunits

Indicate the uses for ATP in the cell.

-Synthesize molecules -Transportation of molecules

Select the three features below that are characteristic of chloroplasts

-Thylakoids forming grana -Stromoa with enzymes -Double membrane

Identify the two components of the cytoskeleton.

-Tubules -Protein filament

What are the four main components of the ecomembrane system?

-Vesicles -Nuclear envelope -Golgi apparatus -Endoplasmic reticulum

Which scenario below most likely explains how the nucleus originated?

A portion of the plasma membrane was internalized so that it surrounded the DNA within a cell

What molecule serves to carry energy inside the cell?


What molecules comprise the capsule of a bacterial cell?


How does the nucleus communicate with the cytoplasm of the cell?

Through nuclear pores

Prokaryotes that belong to _______ ________are well known as disease-causing agents and decomposers and are crucial to sustaining the biosphere

domain bacteria

Cells differ from each other in

shape and size

Unspecialized cells that have to divide almost indefinitely to produce a variety of cell types are termed

stem cells.

Endosymbiosis was important in the evolution of _______ ______.

eukaryotic cells

True or false: the inner membrane of a chloroplast and mitochondria is likely derived from the cell membrane of the host.


Select the structure that is NOT associated with the nucleus.


True or False: Both mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own circular DNA similar to that of prokaryotes


From the following list of options, select all that are characteristics of all cells.

-Genetic material that provides the information for all cellular activities -A semifluid interior where chemical reaction occur -A plasma membrane made of phospholipid that regulates the movement of materials into and out of cells

The site of the capture of solar energy in plants is the ________.


Which eukaryotic group lacks a cell wall?


Which organelle consists of saccules and vesicles that process, packages, and distributes molecules about or from the cell.

Golgi apparatus

Dynein and kinesin will work with the ______ ______ to transport cellular products to their final destination.

Golgi body

True or false: The lysosome contains hydrolytic enzymes


The boundary between the interior and exterior of all cells is called the ______ ______.

plasma membrane

Chloroplasts contain three membranes: the outer membrane, the inner membrane, and the membrane that forms the ___________.


True or false: The bacterial cell wall maintains the shape of the cell.


Single celled eukaryotic organisms, such as protists, may use which of the following to move?

-Flagella -Cilia

Choose the two functions that myosin can perform inside a cell.

-Interacts with actin to provide muscle movement. -Along with actin, pinches off the original cell into two cells during cell division.

Which of the following are types of motor proteins?

-Kinesin -Myosin -Dynein

Choose the functions of microtubules.

-Maintain cell shape -Provide tracks along which organelles are moved.

Select the functions of the cytoskeleton.

-Production of movement -Structural support

Receptor protein

Bind to signal molecules to aid in cellular response

What structures lie at right angles inside the centrosome and play a role as the major microtubule organizing center of the cell?


What is the name of the microtubule organizing center that lies near the nucleus?


The abbreviation for the genetic material of all cells is


Enzymatic protein

Directly participate in metabolic reactions

Which of these is an accurate description of the structure of a chloroplast?

Double smooth outer membranes with an inner space that contains enzymes and thylakoids.

Which of the following contains fibrous proteins like collagen and elastin and is responsible for directing migrating cells during development?

Extracellular matrix

True or False: The enzymes found in the lysosomes degrade lipids exclusively


What is the function of the centrosome?

It oversees the building and dismantling of microtubules

Which motor proteins help move organelles along the microtubule tracks within eukaryotic cells?

Kinesin and dynein

Which protein interacts with actin to produce movement?


What is the function of a motor protein?

They interact with cytoskeleton components and allow for cellular movement.

Why are cells so small?

To provide a favorable surface-area-to-volume ratio.

generally speaking, what is an endosymbiont?

a microorganism that lives within another cell

Active cultures in yogurt, human gut health, and the decomposition of dead remains are all benefits of


The protective polysaccharide layer on the outside of the cell wall in some bacteria is the


The ___ is the fundamental unit of life.


Moving from outside to inside of the bacterial cell, one would pass through a capsule, a _______, and then the plasma membrane before entering the cytoplasm.

cell wall

The plant ____ ____ lies outside the plasma membrane and allows the cell to stretch while growing, yet gives support to the cell.

cell wall

Rod-like structures of condensed chromatin that appear in the nucleus just prior to cell division are ____________.


The openings in the nuclear envelope that permit the passenger of mRNA into the cytoplasm are called _______ ________.

nuclear pores

The chromosome of a prokaryotic cell can be found within the


The plasma membrane of all cells are composed of


Prokaryotes are typically ____ and ___ complex than eukaryotes.

smaller and less

The _________ ER synthesizes lipids and makes transport vesicles, but does not have ribosomes associated with it.


The inner space of the chloroplast is called the ______.


The liquid found in the chloroplast is called the


The ______ __________ _______is a complicated system of flattened vesicles and membranous channels that contains ribosomes attached to its surface.

rough endoplasmic reticulum

Why is a large surface-area-to-volume ratio a necessity for cells?

It results in a relatively greater area to absorb nutrients and excrete wastes.

Which cellular organelle is responsible for the breakdown of carbohydrates and the production of ATP?


The cell membrane regulates the movement of ____ and ____ into and out of the cell.

Molecules and ions

What is the correct orientation of the phospholipid molecules that make up a plasma membrane?

Nonpolar tails inward, polar heads outward.

Which of the following organelles are produced in the nucleolus?


Place the following organelles of the endomembrane system in the order they are used in the synthesis, packaging, and the export of proteins.

Ribosomes on rough endoplasmic reticulum, transport vesicle, golgi apparatus, secretory vesicles, plasma membrane

TRUE or FLASE: Because plant cells contain both mitochondria and chloroplasts, but animal cells only contain mitochondria, it is thought that early cells gained mitochondria first, before chloroplasts.


Describe the relationship between the number of types of cells and their functions in a human

There are many different types of cells that provide many different functions in the human body.

Why are organelles within the endomembrane system interchangeable?

They are all comprised of phospholipid membranes

The nucleus is separated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane called the ________ _________.

nuclear envelope

Classify the following characteristics depending on if they are describing centrioles or cilia and flagella.

-Centrioles: Typically exists in pairs at right angles to each other, thought to play a role in cell division, function as the major microtubule organizing center. -Cilia and Flagella: Hair-like projections that beat stiffly or undulate, aide in the movement of materials throughout parts of the body, often aid in cellular movement.

Select the three features that correctly describe the structure of a mitochondrion.

-Cristae -Double membrane -Matrix with enzymes

In addition to the nucleus, which of the following organelles are also though to have evolved from an invagination of the plasma membrane?

-Endoplasmic reticulum -golgi apparatus -lysosomes

Complete the following statements to describe the importance of microscopes.

-Even though cells are quite complex, they are also quite small in size. -Because of this, they are often measured in micrometers, which are 1000 times smaller than a millimeter(mm), or in nanometers (nm), which are 1,000,000 times smaller than a millimeter! -Plant and animal cells are approximately 10-100 micrometers in size and require light microscopes to view. -Proteins and viruses are approximately 10-100 nm in size and require electron microscopes to view.

Classify each of the following characteristics based on the type of junction it describes.

-Gap junctions: Allowed to open and close due to proteins found within plasma membrane-lined channels allow a flow of ions therefore, found in heart and smooth muscle cells. -Tight junction Found in kidney tubules Provide a tight barrier of cells Attach cells through plasma membrane proteins -Adhesion junctions Intercellular filaments join internal cytoplasmic plaques together Found in bladder, heart and stomach cells Allow sturdy, yet flexible sheets of cells

Complete the following statements on plasma membrane proteins.

-In addition to the phospholipids that comprise the bulk of the cell membrane, it is also embedded with proteins that aid in the transport of molecules in and out of the cell. -The phospholipids and proteins are arranged inpatters within the cell membrane and these patterns vary depending o n the type of cell -Because of this, the structure of the plasma membrane is referred to as a fluid-mosaic model. -In addition to aiding in the transport of molecules, the proteins within the cell membrane also function in cell recognition, eliciting responses within the cell communication between cells, and enzymatic reactions.]

Which of the following are components of the cytoskeleton?

-Intermediate filaments -Actin filaments -Microtubules

The first prokaryotic cell appeared on Earth approximately _______ years ago.

3.5 billion

Complete the following statements to explain how the plasma membrane functions within cells.

-The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer. This means that there are two layers of phospholipids. -In the outer layer of the membrane, the hydrophilic head points outward towards the internal environment. -The inner layer of the membrane, the hydrophilic head points inward towards the internal environment. -This means the hydrophilic tails point toward each other in the center of the plasma membrane. -Molecules of cholesterol are embedded within the membrane to give it fluidity, and proteins are embedded within the membrane to aid in the transport of molecules. -Molecules like water can move across membranes easily, but other molecules like sugar require energy to pass through.

The portion of the eukaryotic cell that helps compartmentalize the cell, separating enzyme reaction from one another, is the _________ _______.

Endomembrane system

True or false: Chromosomes are rod-like structures that consist only of DNA


The outer barrier of the nucleus is called the _______ ________.

Nuclear envelope

Where in the eukaryotic cell are the subunits of ribosomes produced?


What eukaryotic organelle contains chromatin and a nucleolus?


Which of the following cells would be expected to contain the most active lysosomes?

Phagocytosing white blood cell

how did early eukaryotic cells benefit from the photosynthetic bacteria that took up residence within them?

The aerobic bacteria were able to capture the sunlight and generate sugars from it.

Identify the benefits that organelles provide to eukaryotic cells.

The cells are more successful with organelles. -The cells are more efficient with organelles.

The process by which chloroplasts were derived from photosynthetic bacteria is called _________.


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