Bio Exam 1

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most common recent ancestor

(mcra) the branch point above the root of the tree


-a measure of how well individuals survive and reproduce in the environment -most fit have the most offspring


-a statement that is an educated guess about the cause of the observed phenomenon -must be testable and falsifiable

biological hierarchy

-an organizational concept map allowing us to focus on varying levels of life -atoms, molecules, cells, tissue, organs, organ system, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems, biospheres

in a phylogenetic tree, the most recent common ancestor of all the organisms in the tree would be found: -at the top left of the tree -at the branch point just above the root of the tree -at the top right of the tree -at the branch point just below two of the organisms listed across the top of the tree

-at the branch point just above the root of the tree

phylogenetic trees

-hypothesized reconstructions of evolutionary history of two or more groups of organisms -exant (living) organisms at the tips of branches with common ancestors located at the branch points

reproductive isolation of populations can be caused by: (select all that apply) -behavioral differences -a decrease in resource availability -an increase in resource availability -physical separation

1 & 4 are correct

lions and leopards are different species, but they are in the same genus. this means they also: (select all that apply) -are reproductively isolated from each other -share a common ancestor -are in the same order -are both common ancestors to tigers

1, 2, 3 are correct

scientific method

1. accumulate data and observations 2. formulate hypothesis and predictions 3. observation and experimentation 4. new data 5. conclusion 6. theory

for two closely related species, the most recent common ancestor is: (select all that apply) -the same as the most dominant of the two species -a population -exant (alive today) -not the same as either descendants

2 & 4 are correct

which of the following are considered evidence for evolution? (select all that apply) -comparative embryology -comparative anatomy -the fossil record -genetics

all of the above

which of the following is/are characteristics that could be used to determine if two species are related? (select all that apply) -physiology -genetic data -anatomy -fossil ancestors

all of the above

which of the following is/are characteristics that could be used to determine if two species are related? (select all that apply) -anatomy -genetic data -physiology -fossil ancestors

all of the above are correct


an approach to systematics in which organisms are placed into groups called clades based primarily on common descent

what are the characteristics found in the ancestor of a clade? -derived characteristics -ancestral characteristics -carton characteristics -analogous characteristics

ancestral characteristics

nested hierarchies

any individual set of branches is also part of a larger set of branches


change in generic makeup of a population over time (descent with modification)

what is the term for a group of organisms that consists of a common ancestor and lists all of its descendants? -polyphyletic group -paraphyletic group -clade -ancestry


an experimental sample/treatment that does not contain the variable being tested is called: -test sample -mitochondrial sample -non-variable sample -control sample

control sample

to test a hypothetical phylogeny, you need to: -declare it a theory and then design experiments to test predictions of that theory -publish the phylogeny and ask for the opinion of your colleagues -design an experiment to compare characteristics of the organisms -read about other phylogenies and see if yours shows the same relationships

design an experiment to compare characteristics of the organisms

the most widely accepted tree of life has all living things divided into three major groups called: -kingdoms -domains -species -communities


true or false: classification schemes (how scientists think organisms are related to each other) are permanent and cannot change


true or false: horizontal transfer slows down the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria


true or false: phylogenetic trees are theories that can not be tested and so are treated as a fact


what are the characteristics of a hypothesis? (select all that apply) -falsifiable -testable -correct/true -repeatable

falsifiable, testable, repeatable

derived characteristics

features that are different from features found in ancestors

ancesteral characteristics

inherited attributes that resemble those of an ancestor to the group

which of the following is a valid scientific hypothesis? -lions like tigers better than they like leopards -female lions think that male lions without manes are not sexy -lions and tigers are closely related species -tigers love to play in the water

lions and tigers are closely related species

what is the first step in the scientific method? -formulate a hypothesis -make an observation or review accumulated data -draw conclusions conduct an experiment

make an observation or review accumulated data


manipulations of the system, followed by additional observations

the mechanism that drives the evolution of new species is: -analogy -the fossil record -homology -natural selection

natural selection

homologous structures

occupy similar positions and arise from a common ancestral structure, but have different functions


organisms share a common ancestor in which that structure originated and evolutionary mechanisms resulted in modifications in size and shape we see today

a visual representation of the evolutionary relationship between groups of organisms is called a: -branch -taxa -taxonomy -phylogenetic tree

phylogenetic tree

the hypothesized evolutionary history of a species or group of species is a: -Linnean system -phylogeny -time-line -testimony


evolution is a change at the level of: -cells -populations -communities -organisms


analogous structures

share a function but do not arise from a structure that is found in a common ancestor


small changes (one or two genes in individuals of the same species) over a long period of time


some condition of the experimental setup that can be manipulated by the experimenter


systematics to describe the activity of classifying and naming living things

which of the following is NOT a characteristic of living things? -the ability to maintain homeostasis -the ability to respond to the environment -the ability to move using muscles -the ability to remain organized, relative to their environment

the ability to move using muscles


the accumulation of microevolutionary changes over a long period of time can lead to the formation of new species


the determination of the evolutionary history of a species or group of species


the graphical representation of the relationships between organisms in a clade (essentially the same as phylogenetic trees)


the hypothesized evolutionary history of a species or group of species

the most fit individuals in a population are: -the fastest individuals -the individuals that leave the most offspring -the individuals with the most new mutations -the strongest individuals

the individuals that leave the most offspring

natural selection is: -the same thing as evolution -the outcome of differences in survival and reproduction among individuals that differ in details of heritable traits -the survival of strongest -a random event in nature

the outcome of differences in survival and reproduction among individuals that differ in details of heritable traits


the physical structures of an organism

what is taxonomy? -the process of classifying living organisms -the physical structures of living organisms -a group of unrelated living organisms -a group if unrelated fossilized living organisms

the process of classifying living organisms


the scientific study of life

In Pasteur's experiment, whether dust had access to the surface of the broth was the: -hypothesis -experiment -variable -control


what kind of information is NOT typically used to construct a phylogeny? -anatomy -morphology -genetics -GPS location

GPS location

evolution is: -the change in the physical appearance of an individual over time -the adaptation of organisms to aquatic environments -a change in the genetic make-up of a population over time -a random and immediate genetic change after an individual adapts to a new environment

a change in the genetic make-up of a population over time


a group of organisms at any level (shorthand for taxonomic unit, plural = taxa)


a group of organisms that consists of a common ancestor and all its descendants


a setup where everything is the same except for the one variable being tested

theory/scientific theories

a statement or set of statements that explains some aspect of the natural world and that is supported by substantial amounts of data from diverse lines of investigation

a condition in an experiment that can be manipulated by a researcher is called: -the environment of the experiment -a hypothesis -the experimental/statistical design -a variable

a variable

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