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ascomycete, ascocarp, ascus, ascospore

Arrange the following from largest to smallest: 1. ascospore 2. ascocarp 3. ascomycete 4. ascus

Hydra has radial symmetry

Does a Hydra have radial symmetry, asymmetry, or bilateral symmetry.

by modification of the skeletal rods that previously supported the anterior pharyngeal gill slits, According to a leading hypothesis, this marked a reduction in the number of pharyngeal gill slits and a change in the function of gills from feeding to respiration.

Jaws evolved _____. from the bony armor of ostracoderms by modification of the skeletal rods that previously supported the anterior pharyngeal gill slits by modification of middle ear bones from arthropod jaws from the rasping tongue (Jaws likely evolved from a remodeling of a skeletal structure found in the heads of the ancestors of bony fish.)


Jaws first occurred in which extant group of fishes? lampreys ray-finned fishes chondrichthyans placoderms


The following figure depicts the outline of a large fairy ring that has appeared overnight in an open meadow, as viewed from above. The fairy ring represents the furthest advance of this mycelium through the soil. Locations A-D are all 0.5 meters below the soil surface. What is the most probable location of the oldest portion of this mycelium? A B C D


The following figure depicts the outline of a large fairy ring that has appeared overnight in an open meadow, as viewed from above. The fairy ring represents the furthest advance of this mycelium through the soil. Locations A-D are all 0.5 meters below the soil surface. Which location is nearest to basidiocarps? A B C D

lack of external segmentation

The following question refers to the description below. Terry catches a ray-finned fish from the ocean and notices that attached to its flank is an equally long, snakelike organism. The attached organism has no external segmentation, no scales, a round mouth surrounded by a sucker, and two small eyes. Terry thinks it might be a marine leech, a hagfish, or a lamprey. Which feature excludes the organism from possibly being a leech? elongated shape round mouth anterior sucker lack of scales lack of external segmentation


The heartworms that can accumulate within the hearts of dogs and other mammals have a pseudocoelom, an alimentary canal, and an outer covering that is occasionally shed. To which phylum does the heartworm belong? Annelida Nematoda Platyhelminthes Arthropoda

The bed bug injects an anesthetic as it feeds

Why can't you feel a bed bug feeding on you? -The bed bug has very soft feet and mouthparts. -The bed bug doesn't actually bite, but feeds by osmosis. -The bed bug is tiny and weighs very little. -The bed bug injects an anesthetic as it feeds.

It has no coelom

You find what you believe is a new species of animal. Which of the following characteristics would enable you to argue that it is more closely related to a flatworm than it is to a roundworm? It is shaped like a worm. It is a suspension feeder. It has a mouth and an anus. It has no coelom.

ingesting it

Both animals and fungi are heterotrophic. What distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungal heterotrophy is that most animals derive their nutrition by _____. using enzymes to digest their food ingesting it preying on animals consuming living, rather than dead, prey

ingesting it.

Both animals and fungi are heterotrophic. What distinguishes animal heterotrophy from fungal heterotrophy is that only animals derive their nutrition by ingesting it. preying on animals. using enzymes to digest their food. consuming living, rather than dead, prey.

Grow by shedding their exoskeleton

Nematodes and arthropods both _____. -develop an anus from the blastopore (pore) formed in the gastrula stage -are suspension feeders -grow by shedding their exoskeleton -have ciliated larvae

none of their cells are far removed from the gastrovascular cavity or from the external environment

Planarians lack dedicated respiratory and circulatory systems because _____. -they lack mesoderm as embryos and, therefore, lack the adult tissues derived from mesoderm -their flame bulbs can carry out respiratory and circulatory functions -their body cavity, a pseudocoelom, carries out these functions -none of their cells are far removed from the gastrovascular cavity or from the external environment


Some animals, such as roundworms, have an internal body cavity that is formed from both mesoderm-derived and endoderm-derived tissues. This type of animal is called a(n) ______

radial symmetry

Some symmetrical animals exhibit ____ ____, in which the body is wheel- or spoke-shaped, with no obvious front, back, right, or left.

hyphae ... mycelium, Hyphae form a network called a mycelium.

The body of most fungi consists of threadlike _____, which form a network called a _____. hyphae ... mycelium mycelia ... hypha sporangia ... dikaryon hyphae ... chytrid mycelia ... dikaryon (Review the structure of a multicellular fungus.)

an endoskeleton of calcified cartilage, The cartilaginous skeleton of sharks and their relatives is reinforced with calcium.

The diagnostic feature of Chondrichthyes is _____. jaws an endoskeleton of calcified cartilage a streamlined, torpedo-shaped body a lateral line system a swim bladder (Sharks are members of the Chondrichthyes.)


What would be the most direct effect of removing or damaging an insect's antennae? The insect would have trouble _____. seeing mating smelling hearing

a digestive system with a single opening

Which characteristic is shared by cnidarians and flatworms? radial symmetry dorsoventrally flattened bodies a distinct head a digestive system with a single opening


Which of the following are the only extant animals that descended directly from dinosaurs? lizards birds crocodiles tuataras snakes

sea stars, Humans and sea stars are deuterostomes.

Which of the following are thought to be most closely related to humans? ants jellies sea stars earthworms snails (Consider which phyla are deuterostomes)

Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae.

Which of the following best describes the physical relationship of the partners involved in lichens? Fungal cells are enclosed within algal cells. Lichen cells are enclosed within fungal cells. The fungi grow on rocks and trees and are covered by algae. Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae.

Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae

Which of the following best describes the physical relationship of the partners involved in lichens? Fungal cells are enclosed within algal cells. The fungi grow on rocks and trees and are covered by algae. Lichen cells are enclosed within fungal cells. Photosynthetic cells are surrounded by fungal hyphae. Algal cells and fungal cells mix together without any apparent structure.


Which of the following cells or structures are associated with asexual reproduction in fungi? Zygosporangia basidiospores ascocarps conidiophores ascospores

They have tissues, organs, and organ systems, Sponges are considered animals, and they lack these levels of organization.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all animals? They are heterotrophic. They have tissues, organs, and organ systems. They are all multicellular. They ingest their food. They are eukaryotes. (Sponges are animals.)

More than one of these is correct.

Which of these are amniotes? amphibians placental mammals egg-laying mammals fishes More than one of these is correct.


Which of these are amniotes? amphibians turtles lungfish fishes


Which one of these mollusk groups can be classified as suspension feeders? cephalopods gastropods chitons bivalves

a radula

Which structure do sea slugs use to feed on their prey? a radula a mantle cavity an incurrent siphon nematocysts


A billionaire buys a sterile volcanic island that recently emerged from the sea. To speed the arrival of conditions necessary for plant growth, the billionaire might be advised to aerially sow what over the island? soredia yeasts basidiospores spores of ectomycorrhizae leaves (as food for fungus-farming ants)

annelid, The description matches the characteristics of annelids.

A marine biologist dredges up a small animal from the bottom of the ocean. It is uniformly segmented, with short, stiff appendages and soft, flexible skin. It has a complete digestive system and a closed circulatory system, plus multiple true coeloms. Based on this, you determine that the animal must be a(n) _____. mollusc lancelet roundworm annelid crustacean (The animal is a lophotrochozoan.)

no jaws

A new species of aquatic chordate is discovered that closely resembles an ancient form. It has the following characteristics: external armor of bony plates, no paired lateral fins, and a suspension-feeding mode of nutrition. In addition to these, it will probably have which of the following characteristics? an amniotic egg no jaws endothermy legs

no jaws

A new species of aquatic chordate is discovered that closely resembles an ancient form. It has the following characteristics: external armor of bony plates, no paired lateral fins, and a suspension-feeding mode of nutrition. In addition to these, it will probably have which of the following characteristics? no jaws endothermy an amniotic egg legs

feet with digits

A trend first observed in the evolution of the earliest tetrapods was _____. feet with digits the mineralization of the endoskeleton the amniotic egg the appearance of jaws

a solid body without a cavity surrounding internal organs.

Acoelomates are characterized by deuterostome development. a coelom that is not completely lined with mesoderm. a solid body without a cavity surrounding internal organs. the absence of a brain. the absence of mesoderm.

have jointed appendages, molt, have segmented bodies, have an exoskeleton or cuticle

All arthropods _____. 1) undergo complete metamorphose 2) have jointed appendages 3) molt 4) have segmented bodies 5) have an exoskeleton or cuticle

Ascospores have undergone genetic recombination during their production, whereas conidia have not.

Among sac fungi, which of these correctly distinguishes ascospores from conidia? Ascospores are larger, whereas conidia are smaller. Ascospores will germinate into haploid hyphae, whereas conidia will germinate into diploid hyphae. Ascospores are diploid, whereas conidia are haploid. Ascospores have undergone genetic recombination during their production, whereas conidia have not. Ascospores are produced only by meiosis, whereas conidia are produced only by mitosis.


Among the organisms listed here, which are thought to be the closest relatives of fungi? vascular plants brown algae animals mosses slime molds


An animal with only two embryonic germ layers, such as a jelly, is called a(n) _____


An animal with three embryonic germ layers, such as a reptile or insect, is called a(n) _____

help plants take up nutrients and water, Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations with the roots of plants, which enhance the absorption of nutrients.

An important example of interaction between fungi and certain other organisms is mycorrhizae, in which the fungal partners _____. cause the decay of cellulose and lignin help plants take up nutrients and water sicken herbivores that attempt to feed on plants provide carbohydrates to the plant partner control soil nematodes (This interaction is fundamental to primary production on this planet.)

is bilaterally symmetrical

An organism that exhibits cephalization probably also _____. is bilaterally symmetrical has a coelom is diploblastic is segmented


Animal tissues develop from embryonic germ layers. Triploblastic animals have three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and three basic body plans related to body cavities (acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate). ______ gives rise to muscles and most other organs between the digestive tract (or gut) and the outer covering of the animal. (Animals can be categorized by the number of embryonic germ layers that give rise to body tissues and by the type of, or absence of, an internal body cavity.)


Animal tissues develop from embryonic germ layers. Triploblastic animals have three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and three basic body plans related to body cavities (acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate). ______ gives rise to the lining of the digestive tract or gut. (Animals can be categorized by the number of embryonic germ layers that give rise to body tissues and by the type of, or absence of, an internal body cavity.)


Animal tissues develop from embryonic germ layers. Triploblastic animals have three germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm) and three basic body plans related to body cavities (acoelomate, pseudocoelomate, and coelomate). ______ gives rise to the outer covering of the animal. (Animals can be categorized by the number of embryonic germ layers that give rise to body tissues and by the type of, or absence of, an internal body cavity.)

radial symmetry, asymmetry, bilateral symmetry.

Animals vary tremendously in structure. Nevertheless, they can be categorized into a few basic body plans based on body symmetry, number of embryonic germ layers, type (or absence) of body cavity, and characteristics of embryonic development. Part A - Identifying body symmetry Which type of symmetry does each of the following animals display? 1. An animal that can be divided along at least two different planes to produce mirror images is said to have ________. 2. An animal that cannot be divided along any plane to produce mirror images is said to display ________. 3. An animal that can be divided along a single plane to produce mirror images is said to have _______. (The most basic way to categorize the shapes of animals is by whether or not they are symmetrical and, if they are symmetrical, the type of symmetry they exhibit.) (Many animals that have a bilaterally symmetrical body plan exhibit cephalization. Cephalization is the concentration of sense organs and nervous tissue in the anterior region of the body (the head).)

gnathostomes, osteichthyans, lobe-fins, tetrapods, amphibians

Arrange these taxonomic terms from most inclusive (most general) to least inclusive (most specific). 1. lobe-fins 2. amphibians 3. gnathostomes 4. osteichthyans 5. tetrapods


At least one of these has been found in all species of eumetazoan animals studied thus far. Otx Hox Dlx FOXP2 more than one of these


At which developmental stage should one be able to first distinguish a diploblastic embryo from a triploblastic embryo? cleavage coelom formation fertilization metamorphosis gastrulation


At which developmental stage should one be able to first distinguish a protostome embryo from a deuterostome embryo? cleavage coelom formation fertilization metamorphosis gastrulation


At which stage of a basidiomycete's life cycle would reproduction be halted if an enzyme that prevented the fusion of hyphae was introduced? plasmogamy germination karyogamy fertilization

meiosis, Basidia produce spores by meiosis.

Basidia produce spores by a process known as _____. decomposition mitosis meiosis hyphae binary fission

There were two populations of bat bugs, one feeding on humans, and one on bats. Reproductive isolation, mutation, and natural selection led to speciation.

Bed bugs probably evolved from bat bugs. Which statement best describes how this likely happened? -Bugs who fed on humans lost the ability to fly, and could therefore no longer feed on bats. -There were two populations of bat bugs, one feeding on humans, and one on bats. Reproductive isolation, mutation, and natural selection led to speciation. -Differences between human blood and bat blood forced individual bugs to adapt and grow larger mouthparts. -Larger bugs must feed on blood more often, and are therefore more likely to need to feed at night when bats are not around. These larger bugs evolved into bed bugs.


Chemicals, secreted by soil fungi, that inhibit the growth of bacteria are known as hallucinogens. aflatoxins. antibiotics. antigens. antibodies.

suspension-feeding devices.

Chordate pharyngeal slits appear to have functioned first as... suspension-feeding devices. components of the jaw. gill slits for respiration. the digestive system's opening. portions of the inner ear.

jelly fish has radial symmetry

Does a jelly fish have radial symmetry, asymmetry, or bilateral symmetry.

sponge has asymmetry

Does a sponge have radial symmetry, asymmetry, or bilateral symmetry.

turtle has bilateral symmetry

Does a turtle have radial symmetry, asymmetry, or bilateral symmetry.

not sink

Fishes that have swim bladders can regulate their density and, thus, their buoyancy. There are two types of swim bladder: physostomous and physoclistous. The ancestral version is the physostomous version, in which the swim bladder is connected to the esophagus via a short tube (see the figure above). The fish fills this version by swimming to the surface, taking gulps of air, and directing them into the swim bladder. Air is removed from this version by "belching." The physoclistous version is more derived, and has lost its connection to the esophagus. Instead, gas enters and leaves the swim bladder via special circulatory mechanisms within the wall of the swim bladder. The presence of a swim bladder allows the typical ray-finned fish to stop swimming and still _____. effectively circulate its blood not sink use its lateral line system use its swim bladder as a respiratory organ

not sink.

Fishes that have swim bladders can regulate their density and, thus, their buoyancy. There are two types of swim bladder: physostomus and physoclistus. The ancestral version is the physostomus version, in which the swim bladder is connected to the esophagus via a short tube (the figure). The fish fills this version by swimming to the surface, taking gulps of air, and directing them into the swim bladder. Air is removed from this version by "belching." The physoclistus version is more derived, and has lost its connection to the esophagus. Instead, gas enters and leaves the swim bladder via special circulatory mechanisms within the wall of the swim bladder. The presence of a swim bladder allows the typical ray-finned fish to stop swimming and still.. not sink. use its swim bladder as a respiratory organ. be highly maneuverable. use its lateral line system. effectively circulate its blood.

by flagella

For several decades now, amphibian species worldwide have been in decline. A significant proportion of the decline seems to be due to the spread of the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). Chytrid sporangia reside within the epidermal cells of infected animals, animals that consequently show areas of sloughed skin. They can also be lethargic, which is expressed through failure to hide and failure to flee. The infection cycle typically takes four to five days, at the end of which zoospores are released from sporangia into the environment. In some amphibian species, mortality rates approach 100%; other species seem able to survive the infection. Apart from direct amphibian-to-amphibian contact, what is the most likely means by which the zoospores spread from one free-living amphibian to another? by wind-blown spores by hyphae by cilia by flagella by pseudopods

nonbird reptiles

For the following item, match the extant vertebrate groups with the descriptions. Internal fertilization, leathery amniotic egg, and skin that resists drying are characteristics of... chondrichthyans. mammals. nonbird reptiles. birds. amphibians.

absorption, Fungi are heterotrophs that acquire their nutrients by absorbing small molecules from the surrounding medium.

Fungi obtain nutrients through _____. endocytosis ingestion absorption chemosynthesis photosynthesis (Consider the structure of fungi.)

saclike structures, The production of saclike structures during sexual reproduction is characteristic of the phylum Ascomycota.

Fungi of the phylum Ascomycota are recognized on the basis of their production of _____ during sexual reproduction. lichens yeasts flagellated zoospores saclike structures a dikaryotic structure (Consider the meaning of the prefix "asco-.")

surroundings , Fungi then absorb the digested nutrients.

Fungi release digestive enzymes into their _____. surroundings gastrovascular cavity stomach hyphae mycelia

primary germ layers, Gastrulation gives rise to either two or three germ layers.

Gastrulation is the process that directly forms the _____. central nervous system blastula muscles organs primary germ layers (Gastrulation establishes the basic body plan of an animal.)

It made additional food sources available.

How did the evolution of the jaw contribute to diversification of early vertebrate lineages? It allowed for smaller body size. It increased the surface area for respiration and feeding. It was the first stage in the development of a bony skull. It made additional food sources available.

a gastrovascular cavity, a polyp stage, a medusa stage, and cnidocytes

How many of the following are characteristics of at least some members of the phylum Cnidaria? 1. a gastrovascular cavity 2. a polyp stage 3. a medusa stage 4. cnidocytes 5. a pseudocoelom

Homo sapiens, Humans are classified as Homo sapiens

Humans are _______. Australopithecus Homo erectus Ardipithecus Homo sapiens Homo habilis

respiring and feeding

If a tunicate's pharyngeal gill slits were suddenly blocked, the animal would have trouble _____. respiring respiring and feeding moving feeding

water and minerals

In both lichens and mycorrhizae, what does the fungal partner provide to its photosynthetic partner? carbohydrates antibiotics protection from harmful UV fixed nitrogen water and minerals


In what structures do both Penicillium and Aspergillus produce asexual spores? rhizoids zygosporangia conidiophores asci gametangia

reptiles and mammals

In which vertebrates is fertilization exclusively internal? reptiles and mammals amphibians, mammals, and reptiles reptiles and amphibians chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and reptiles chondrichthyans, osteichthyans, and mammals

mosses & cyanobacteria.

Lichens are symbiotic associations of fungi and A. mosses. B. cyanobacteria. C. green algae. A and B B and C.

amniotic eggs, In contrast to the shell-less eggs of amphibians, amniotic eggs (of most reptiles, and a few mammals) have a shell that retains water and can be laid in a dry place.

Listed below are four adaptations of terrestrial vertebrates. Which is a characteristic only of truly terrestrial animals with no need to return to water at any stage of the life cycle? tetrapod locomotion lungs amniotic eggs hearts with more than two chambers All of these are essential for a completely terrestrial existence. (It is also the characteristic that evolved most recently.)


Mammals and birds eat more often than reptiles. Which of the following traits shared by mammals and birds best explains this habit? ectothermy endothermy terrestrial amniotic egg

The infectious agent is inactivated within the gut of the bed bug.

Many bloodfeeding parasites carry diseases but bed bugs do not. What is the most logical explanation for this? -Bed bugs only feed on healthy hosts, and therefore do not pick up diseases. -The infectious agent is inactivated within the gut of the bed bug. -The use of DDT starting in the 1940s to control bed bugs wiped out the diseases carried by the bed bugs. -Bed bugs are unlikely to come into the homes of humans, and therefore do not bring in any diseases.

are soft-bodied and often covered by a shell, Members of the phylum Mollusca are soft-bodied and are often covered by a shell.

Members of the phylum Mollusca _____. have segmented bodies and paired, jointed appendages have closed circulatory systems have tentacles surrounding a central mouth/anus are softbodied and often covered by a shell are filter feeders (A clam is a mollusc.)

decomposers, Fungi obtain nutrients from nonliving organic matter.

Most fungi are _____. photoautotrophs decomposers herbivores carnivores chemoautotrophs

amphibians, Amphibians typically have a water-permeable skin that does not easily resist drying. Thus, amphibians tend to be found in moist environments.

Most members of which of the following groups are most closely associated with a wet or moist environment? birds amphibians pterosaurs mammals dinosaurs (What kind of vertebrate would you expect to see in shallow water at the edge of a pond?)

bilateral symmetry

Other symmetrical animals exhibit ___ ___, in which the body has left and right sides, a front and back, and a top and bottom.

2) They do not form heterokaryons. & 3) Their spores are probably produced by mitosis.

Sexual reproduction has never been observed among the fungi that produce the blue-green marbling of blue cheeses. What is true of these fungi and others that do not have a sexual stage? 1) They are currently classified among the ascomycetes. 2) They do not form heterokaryons. 3) Their spores are probably produced by mitosis. 4) They form dikaryotic mycelium. 5) The spores undergo crossing over during meiosis.


Some animals, such as flatworms, lack an internal body cavity. This type of animal is called a(n) ____.


Some animals, such as mammals and fishes, have an internal body cavity that is formed entirely from mesoderm-derived tissues. This type of animal is called a(n) _____.


Some fungal species can kill herbivores while feeding off of sugars from its plant host. What type of relationship does this fungus have with its host? mutualistic parasitic commensal predatory

Using the anticoagulant to prevent blood clots in humans.

Some scientists are conducting research on the "saliva" of bed bugs. Which of the following is the most logical medical benefit from this research? -Finding a chemical that helps us locate people in the dark. -Deriving a treatment or even a cure for skin cancer. -Using the anticoagulant to prevent blood clots in humans. -Determining the relationship between bat bugs and bed bugs.

ave larvae which are motile and move via the motion of cilia have

Sponges _____. -have feeding cells called dinoflagellates -have larvae which are motile and move via the motion of cilia have -a nerve net but not a central nervous system -are the simplest diploblastic animals

Filter feeders

Sponges are most accurately described as... chemoautrophs filter feeders freshwater scavengers marine predators aquatic predators

sexual selection

Suppose you traveled back in time and located the first animals to have evolved feathers. You found that these animals were tree-dwelling ectotherms, able to run quickly but unable to fly. You also noticed that only males had feathers. Which hypothesis of feather evolution would these data most support? Feathers initially evolved in a role associated with _____. gliding insulation flight sexual selection

an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition.

The adaptive advantage associated with the filamentous nature of fungal mycelia is primarily related to... avoiding sexual reproduction until the environment changes. an extensive surface area well suited for invasive growth and absorptive nutrition. the ability to form haustoria and parasitize other organisms. the increased probability of contact between different mating types. the potential to inhabit almost all terrestrial habitats.

Porifera, Evidence that supports this includes the lack of true tissue in sponges and the close similarity between choanocytes and choanoflagellates.

The animal phylum most like the protists that gave rise to the animal kingdom is _____. -Ctenophora -Lycophyta -Cnidaria -Echinodermata -Porifera (Consider which of these exhibits the least complexity and is the "basal group" of the animal kingdom.)

Cambrian, This saw the culmination of the rapid diversification of animals that began in the late Precambrian.

The earliest ancestors of about half of all extant animal phyla can be traced back to the _____ explosion. Carboniferous Jurassic Devonian Cambrian Pleistocene (This time period is famous for its "explosion" of animal diversification.)

flagellated protist.

The last common ancestor of all animals was probably a multicellular fungus. flagellated protist. multicellular algae. unicellular chytrid. unicellular yeast.


The most recently discovered phylum in the animal kingdom (1995) is the phylum Cycliophora. It includes three species of tiny organisms that live in large numbers on the outsides of the mouthparts and appendages of lobsters. The feeding stage permanently attaches to the lobster via an adhesive disk, and collects scraps of food from its host's feeding by capturing the scraps in a current created by a ring of cilia. The body is sac-like and has a U-shaped intestine that brings the anus close to the mouth. Cycliophorans are eucoelomate, do not molt (though their host does), and their embryos undergo spiral cleavage. Cycliophorans have two types of larvae. One type of larva is produced when the digestive system of a female is impregnated by a male. The digestive system then collapses and develops into a larva, which swims away in search of a new host after the surrounding female dies. Which is the embryonic tissue that is apparently most important in forming this type of larva? mesoglea mesoderm endoderm ectoderm mesohyl

a green alga.

The photosynthetic symbiont of a lichen is often a small vascular plant. an ascomycete. a moss. a green alga. a brown alga.


The three basic body plans of triploblasts relate to the presence or absence of a body cavity. Body cavity lined entirely by mesoderm-derived tissue: _____


The three basic body plans of triploblasts relate to the presence or absence of a body cavity. Body cavity lined on the inner side by endoderm-derived tissue and on the outer side by mesoderm-derived tissue: ______


The three basic body plans of triploblasts relate to the presence or absence of a body cavity. No body cavity: _____

functions in locomotion and feeding

The water vascular system of echinoderms _____. - is bilateral in organization, even though the adult animal is not bilaterally symmetrical -functions in locomotion and feeding -is analogous to the gastrovascular cavity of flatworms -functions as a circulatory system that distributes nutrients to body cells

method of reproduction, Monotremes are egg-laying mammals, marsupials are pouched mammals, and eutherians are placental mammals.

There are three major groups of mammals, categorized on the basis of their _____. presence or absence of hair habitat size method of reproduction method of locomotion (Contrast echidnas, kangaroos, and elephants.)c

a radula

This nudibranch, a type of sea slug, has many reddish cerata on its dorsal surface, as well as two whitetipped rhinophores located on the head. The nontaxonomic term sea slug encompasses a wide variety of marine gastropods. One feature they share as adults is the lack of a shell. We might think, therefore, that they represent defenseless morsels for predators. In fact, sea slugs have multiple defenses. Some sea slugs prey on sponges and concentrate sponge toxins in their tissues. Others feed on cnidarians, digesting everything except the nematocysts, which they then transfer to their own skins. Whereas the most brightly colored sea slugs are often highly toxic, others are nontoxic and mimic the coloration of the toxic species. Their colors are mostly derived from pigments in their prey. There are also sea slugs that use their coloration to blend into their environments. Which structure do sea slugs use to feed on their prey? a radula a mantle cavity an incurrent siphon nematocysts

False, An organism that is radially symmetric does not have a well-developed head region.

True or false? An organism that is radially symmetric has many well-developed head regions. Hint 1. (What is the difference between bilateral and radial symmetry?)

False, In most fungi, fertilization is a two-step process consisting of the fusion of cells and then the fusion of nuclei in the fused cells.

True or false? In most fungi, fertilization is complete after the cells fuse together. (How does fungal reproduction differ from reproduction in other organisms?)

True, A mushroom consists mainly of hyphae that are heterokaryotic, which means they have two distinct haploid nuclei per cell; these nuclei may fuse in specialized cells called basidia and become diploid in preparation for meiosis and spore production.

True or false? Most of the cells in a mushroom contain haploid nuclei. (A mushroom is the mature fruiting body of a group of fungi called the Basidiomycota, and most of its cells are heterokaryotic.)

have some embryonic development outside the uterus

Unlike eutherians, both monotremes and marsupials _____. lay eggs lack nipples are found in Australia and Africa have some embryonic development outside the uterus

the skeletal morphology of H. floresiensis to that of each of the other hominin species.

Use the following information to answer the question(s) below. Brown et al. and Morwood et al. reported in 2004 that they had found skeletal remains of a previously unknown type of hominin, now dubbed Homo floresiensis, on the Indonesian island of Flores. These hominins were small (approximately 1 meter tall) with small braincases (approximately 380 cubic centimeters) as compared with other hominins. The remains of H. floresiensis were found alongside handmade stone tools and the remains of dwarf elephants that also inhabited the island, suggesting that H. floresiensis was able both to make tools and to coordinate the hunting of animals much larger than itself. H. floresiensis is estimated to have lived at the site where the remains were found from at least 38,000 years ago to 18,000 years ago. Refer to the paragraph on Brown et al. and Morwood et al. Which would be the most feasible method of figuring out to which other hominin species H. floresiensis was most closely related? Compare the type of prey hunted by H. floresiensis to that hunted by each of the other hominin species. Compare the skeletal morphology of H. floresiensis to that of each of the other hominin species. Compare the estimated life span of H. floresiensis to that of each of the other hominin species. Compare the average body size of H. floresiensis to that of each of the other hominin species.


Use the following information to answer the question(s) below. An elementary school science teacher decided to liven up the classroom with a saltwater aquarium. Knowing that saltwater aquaria can be quite a hassle, the teacher proceeded stepwise. First, the teacher conditioned the water. Next, the teacher decided to stock the tank with various marine invertebrates, including a polychaete, a siliceous sponge, several bivalves, a shrimp, several sea anemones of different types, a colonial hydra, a few coral species, an ectoproct, a sea star, and several herbivorous gastropod varieties. Lastly, she added some vertebrates-a parrotfish and a clownfish. She arranged for daily feedings of copepods and feeder fish. One day, Tommy, a student in an undersupervised class of forty fifth graders, got the urge to pet Nemo (the clownfish), who was swimming among the waving petals of a pretty underwater "flower" that had a big hole in the midst of the petals. Tommy giggled upon finding that these petals felt sticky. A few hours later, Tommy was in the nurse's office with nausea and cramps. Microscopic examination of his fingers would probably have revealed the presence of _____. teeth marks nematocysts spines spicules

Sea Star

Use the following information to answer the question(s) below. An elementary school science teacher decided to liven up the classroom with a saltwater aquarium. Knowing that saltwater aquaria can be quite a hassle, the teacher proceeded stepwise. First, the teacher conditioned the water. Next, the teacher decided to stock the tank with various marine invertebrates, including a polychaete, a siliceous sponge, several bivalves, a shrimp, several sea anemones of different types, a colonial hydra, a few coral species, an ectoproct, a sea star, and several herbivorous gastropod varieties. Lastly, she added some vertebrates-a parrotfish and a clownfish. She arranged for daily feedings of copepods and feeder fish. The bivalves started to die one by one; only the undamaged shells remained. To keep the remaining bivalves alive, the teacher would most likely need to remove the _____. sea anemones ectoprocts gastropods sea star

a medusa stage

Use the following information to answer the question(s) below. An elementary school science teacher decided to liven up the classroom with a saltwater aquarium. Knowing that saltwater aquaria can be quite a hassle, the teacher proceeded stepwise. First, the teacher conditioned the water. Next, the teacher decided to stock the tank with various marine invertebrates, including a polychaete, a siliceous sponge, several bivalves, a shrimp, several sea anemones of different types, a colonial hydra, a few coral species, an ectoproct, a sea star, and several herbivorous gastropod varieties. Lastly, she added some vertebrates-a parrotfish and a clownfish. She arranged for daily feedings of copepods and feeder fish. The teacher and class were especially saddened when the colonial hydrozoan died. They had watched it carefully, and the unfortunate creature never even got to produce offspring by budding. Yet, everyone was elated when one of the students noticed a small colonial hydrozoan growing in a part of the tank far from the location of the original colony. The teacher was apparently unaware that these hydrozoans exhibit _____. a medusa stage abiogenesis alternation of generations spontaneous generation

asexual structures that produce haploid spores

What are the sporangia of the bread mold Rhizopus? asexual structures that produce haploid spores sexual structures that produce diploid spores sexual structures that produce haploid spores asexual structures that produce diploid spores

have a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue, whereas pseudocoelomates do not.

What distinguishes a coelomate animal from a pseudocoelomate animal is that coelomates -have a complete digestive system with mouth and anus, whereas pseudocoelomates have a digestive tract with only one opening. -have a gut that lacks suspension within the body cavity, whereas pseudocoelomates have mesenteries that hold the digestive system in place. -contain tissues derived from mesoderm, whereas pseudocoelomates have no such tissue. have a body cavity completely lined by mesodermal tissue, whereas pseudocoelomates do not. -have a body cavity, whereas pseudocoelomates have a solid body.

partial or complete skull

What do all craniates have that earlier chordates did not have? brain bone partial or complete skull cartilaginous pipe surrounding notochord vertebrae

The pore (blastopore) formed during gastrulation becomes the anus.

What do all deuterostomes have in common? Embryos have pharyngeal pouches that may or may not form gill slits. The pore (blastopore) formed during gastrulation becomes the anus. All have a spinal column. Adults are bilaterally symmetrical.

presence of Hox genes

What do animals as diverse as corals and monkeys have in common? number of embryonic tissue layers presence of Hox genes body cavity between body wall and digestive system type of body symmetry degree of cephalization

presence of Hox genes

What do animals ranging from corals to monkeys have in common? type of body symmetry number of embryonic tissue layers a mouth and an anus presence of Hox genes

Speciation can occur in just a few thousand years.

What does the bed bug illustrate in regards to evolution? -Speciation can only occur between unrelated species. -Speciation can occur in just a few thousand years. -Speciation requires millions of years to occur. -Speciation can only occur through intervention by humans.

Tetrapods were no longer tied to the water for reproduction.

What is believed to be the most significant result of the evolution of the amniotic egg? Tetrapods were no longer tied to the water for reproduction. Embryos are protected from predators. Newborns are much less dependent on their parents. Tetrapods can now function with just lungs.


What is the single unique characteristic that distinguishes extant birds from other extant vertebrates? an amniotic egg a four-chambered heart endothermy flight feathers

Bed bugs prefer humans over other hosts.

What makes bed bugs different than most other blood-feeding parasites? -Bed bugs are most commonly found outdoors. -Bed bugs feed mainly on birds. -Bed bugs prefer humans over other hosts. -Bed bugs are not insects.

karyogamy and meiosis, During karyogamy, the haploid nuclei fuse, and meiosis produces genetic variation in several ways.

What sexual processes in fungi generate genetic variation? karyogamy and meiosis budding and meiosis haustoria and karyogamy diploidy and the heterokaryotic condition plasmogamy and meiosis (Fungal reproduction is different from reproduction in plants or animals. One of the answers is obvious, but the other is only associated with fungi.)

They should indicate limited adaptation to life on land.

What should be true of fossils of the earliest tetrapods? They should be transitional forms with the fossils of chondrichthyans that lived at the same time. They should show evidence of internal fertilization. They should indicate limited adaptation to life on land. They should feature the earliest indications of the appearance of jaws. They should show evidence of having produced shelled eggs.

book lungs, The extensive surface area of book lungs is a structural adaptation that enhances the exchange of O2 and CO2 between the hemolymph and air.

What structure is responsible for gas exchange in most spiders? chelicerae the pedipalp tracheal tubes Malpighian tubules book lungs (These respiratory structures consist of stacked plates contained in an internal chamber.)

number of shell plates

What would be the best anatomical feature to look for to distinguish a gastropod from a chiton? production of eggs presence of a muscular foot presence of a rasplike feeding structure number of shell plates

fungicide might also kill mycorrhizae.

When pathogenic fungi are found growing on the roots of grape vines, grape farmers sometimes respond by covering the ground around their vines with plastic sheeting and pumping a gaseous fungicide into the soil. The most important concern of grape farmers who engage in this practice should be that the sheeting is transparent so that photosynthesis can continue. fungicide might also kill mycorrhizae. lichens growing on the vines' branches are not harmed. fungicide might also kill the native yeasts residing on the surfaces of the grapes.

Basidia, Basidia are specialized cells in the gills of a mushroom in which haploid nuclei fuse in preparation for meiosis.

Where does meiosis occur in a mushroom? Spores Basidia Mycelium Hyphae (Remember that meiosis occurs in a diploid nucleus.)

Their body plan, Echinoderms exhibit a unique body plan characterized by an endoskeleton and a water vascular system.

Which characteristic distinguishes echinoderms from the other two deuterostome lineages? Their body plan Their habitat Their ability to move The presence of an endoskeleton (The three deuterostome lineages are echinoderms, hemichordates, and chordates.)

The presence of four specific morphological traits, Chordates are defined by the presence of four morphological traits: a notochord, a dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal gill slits, and a tail behind the anus.

Which characteristics define a chordate? -The presence of a well-developed circulatory system -The ability to live on land -The presence of four specific morphological traits -The development of an anus from the blastopore (Think about how chordates are distinguished from other organisms in the deuterostome lineage.)


Which extant chordates are postulated to be most like the earliest chordates in appearance? amphibians lancelets chondrichthyans adult tunicates reptiles


Which extant chordates are postulated to be most like the earliest chordates in appearance? lancelets adult tunicates chondrichthyans amphibians

flagellated spores

Which feature seen in chytrids supports the hypothesis that they diverged earliest in fungal evolution? parasitic lifestyle the absence of chitin within the cell wall coenocytic hyphae flagellated spores

flatworm, Flatworms are acoelomates, even those that are not classified as acoels.

Which of the following animals does NOT have a body cavity? earthworm nematode mouse clam flatworm (Animals without body cavities are acoelomates.)

presence of flagella

Which of the following characteristics is unique to chytrids compared to other groups of fungi? presence of flagella autotrophic mode of nutrition cell walls of cellulose heterotrophic mode of nutrition nucleotide sequences of several genes

Echinodermata - bilateral symmetry as a larva, water vascular

Which of the following combinations correctly matches a phylum to its description? Nematoda - segmented worms, closed circulatory system Echinodermata - bilateral symmetry as a larva, water vascular system Platyhelminthes - radial symmetry, polyp and medusa body forms Cnidaria - flatworms, gastrovascular cavity, acoelomate

Hyphae are produced by mitosis. The spore undergoes mitosis to produce hyphae, which then form a filamentous network called a mycelium.

Which of the following events occurs first in the development of a spore into a mature mushroom? A heterokaryotic mycelium forms. The mycelium forms. Haploid nuclei fuse to form a diploid nucleus. Hyphae are produced by mitosis. (Haploid spores are released by the mature fruiting body and then germinate.)

nervous conduction and muscular movement

Which of the following is (are) unique to animals? the structural carbohydrate, chitin cells that have mitochondria flagellated gametes nervous conduction and muscular movement heterotrophy

vertebrae, Lancelets and tunicates are two subgroups of chordates that lack vertebrae. Hagfishes do, too.

Which of the following is NOT a diagnostic feature of the Chordata? a hollow dorsal nerve cord vertebrae notochord a muscular, post-anal tail pharyngeal slits or clefts (The phylum Chordata includes invertebrates.)

post-anal tail

Which of the following is a characteristic of all chordates at some point during their life cycle? four-chambered heart post-anal tail vertebrae jaws

Gastrovascular cavity, The gastrovascular cavity, characterized by a single opening, is the digestive compartment of cnidarians.

Which of the following is a characteristic of cnidarians? gastrovascular cavity an anus radula bilateral symmetry mesoderm (Jellies and sea anemones are cnidarians.)


Which of the following is a diploblastic phylum of aquatic predators? Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda Annelida Cnidaria

They are dorsoventrally flattened, This is why they are also called flatworms.

Which of the following is characteristic of the phylum Platyhelminthes? They are radially symmetrical. They are diploblastic. They typically reproduce asexually. They are dorsoventrally flattened. They are all parasitic. (Tapeworms, flukes, and flatworms are members of the phylum Platyhelminthes.)

spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth

Which of the following is descriptive of protostomes? -radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth -spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes anus -radial and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes anus -spiral and indeterminate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth -spiral and determinate cleavage, blastopore becomes mouth

a doughnut, A doughnut has no front, no back, no left, and no right

Which of the following is radially symmetrical? a dog an automobile a doughnut a submarine sandwich a spoon (Contrast radial symmetry with bilateral symmetry.)

They may use a gastrovascular cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton

Which of the following is true of members of the phylum Cnidaria? -They may use a gastrovascular cavity as a hydrostatic skeleton. -They have either, or both, of two body forms: mobile polyps and sessile medusae. - They are primarily filter feeders. -They are the simplest organisms with a complete alimentary canal (two openings). -They are not capable of locomotion because they lack true muscle tissue.

All deuterostomes exhibit radial symmetry in their bodies, This statement is false; in the deuterostome lineage, only adult echinoderms exhibit radial symmetry.

Which of the following statements about deuterostomes is false? All deuterostomes have a coelom. All deuterostomes exhibit radial symmetry in their bodies. All deuterostomes have a similar pattern of early embryonic development. All deuterostomes are triploblastic and have three tissue layers. (Which characteristics are common to organisms in the deuterostome lineage?)

The upright posture and enlarged brain of humans evolved separately.

Which of the following statements about human evolution is correct? The upright posture and enlarged brain of humans evolved separately. Modern humans are the only human species to have evolved on Earth. Human evolution has occurred within an unbranched lineage. Human ancestors were virtually identical to extant chimpanzees.

The development of an amniotic egg and internal fertilization allowed vertebrates to reproduce away from water, Reptiles and their descendants reproduce on land via an amniotic egg, which prevents the embryo from drying out.

Which of the following statements about vertebrates is true? -The development of an amniotic egg and internal fertilization allowed vertebrates to reproduce away from water. -The development of more efficient surfaces for gas exchange in reptiles stimulated expansion into terrestrial habitats. -All vertebrates have jaws with which to catch their prey. -Birds are more related to mammals than to dinosaurs. (Consider how vertebrates made the transition from living in aquatic environments to living on land.)

All animals share a common ancestor, It is thought to have been a protist similar to a choanoflagellate.

Which of the following statements is correct? Most animal phyla belong to the clade Radiata. The origin of all extant animal phyla can be traced to the Cambrian explosion. Eumetazoans have three embryonic tissue layers. All animals share a common ancestor. Sponges are diploblastic animals. (Animals are a monophyletic group.)

-A pseudocoelom has the same functions as a true coelom. -A diploblast has no mesoderm. -In a coelomate, the tissue lining the inner side of the body cavity arises from the same germ layer as the tissue lining the outer side of the body cavity.

Which phrases describe characteristics of both a true coelom and a pseudocoelom? Select the three phrases that apply. -The digestive tract of a coelomate functions as a coelom. -In a pseudocoelomate, the tissue lining the inner side of the body cavity arises from the same germ layer as the muscles. -An acoelomate triploblast has no endoderm. -A pseudocoelom has the same functions as a true coelom. -In a coelomate, the tissue lining the inner side of the body cavity arises from the same germ layer as the lining of the digestive tract. -A diploblast has no mesoderm. -In a coelomate, the tissue lining the inner side of the body cavity arises from the same germ layer as the tissue lining the outer side of the body cavity.

-helps prevent internal injury by cushioning organs -allows internal organs to move independently of each other and the outer body wall -Allows pressurized fluid to act like a skeleton in some invertebrates

Which phrases describe characteristics of both a true coelom and a pseudocoelom? Select the three phrases that apply. -helps prevent internal injury by cushioning organs surrounded inside and outside by mesoderm-derived tissues -allows internal organs to move independently of each other and the outer body wall -allows pressurized fluid to act like a skeleton in some invertebrates -surrounded by mesoderm-derived tissue on the --outside but by endoderm-derived tissue on the inside

Mycelium, The mycelium is a mass of filaments with a high surface-area-to-volume ratio, which allows for efficient nutrient absorption.

Which structure allows the growing mushroom to nourish itself? Basidia Mycelium Gills Spore (This structure is found below the soil.)

Pharyngeal gill slit, A pharyngeal gill slit is an opening into the throat that can be used for feeding and gas exchange.

Which structure can be used for feeding and gas exchange? Notochord Endoskeleton Dorsal nerve cord Pharyngeal gill slit (This structure opens to the external environment.)

Exoskeleton, Exoskeletons are present in groups other than the vertebrates, including some in the protostome lineage.

Which structure is not an innovation that occurred during vertebrate diversification? Jaws Bone Exoskeleton Amniotic egg (hich structure appears in other groups of organisms?)

Mycelium, A mycelium is a network of filaments that forms the body of a fungus.

Which structure is not directly involved in the reproduction of at least one major group of fungi? Mycelium Basidium Motile spores Asci (Which structure is found in all fungi?)

the amnion

Which structure of the amniotic egg most closely surrounds the embryo? the yolk sac the allantois the chorion the amnion

Plasmogamy, Plasmogamy is the fusion of cytoplasm from different individuals.

Which term describes the fusion of cytoplasm from two individuals? Spore Karyogamy Heterokaryotic Plasmogamy

exhibits spiral cleavage or radial cleavage

While looking at some seawater through your microscope, you spot the egg of an unknown animal. Which of the following tests could you use to determine whether the developing organism is a protostome or a deuterostome? See whether the embryo _____. exhibits spiral cleavage or radial cleavage develops germ layers develops an archenteron develops a blastopore

The proteins injected by the bed bug trigger an inflammatory response in the human body.Bed bugs probably evolved from bat bugs. Which statement best describes how this likely happened? ANSWER:

Why do we often get an itchy red bump after being bitten by a bed bug? -The large mouthparts of bed bugs cause physical damage that can take a few days to heal. -If you observe a bed bug biting you, you are likely to expect it to itch, so you begin scratching. -The itchy red bump signals that the person is about to have a severe allergic reaction. -The proteins injected by the bed bug trigger an inflammatory response in the human body.

Some phyla vary too widely in morphological characteristics to be classified accurately.

Why might researchers choose to use molecular data (such as ribosomal RNA sequences) rather than morphological data to study the evolutionary history of animals? Morphological changes usually do not result from molecular changes. Some phyla vary too widely in morphological characteristics to be classified accurately. Molecular data can be gathered in the lab, while morphological data must be gathered in the field. Sequence data can be gathered faster than morphological data, and morphological data provides a different perspective.


You are given an organism to identify. It has a fruiting body that contains many structures with eight haploid spores lined up in a row. What kind of a fungus is this? zygomycete ascomycete basidiomycete chytrid deuteromycete

poisonous fangs

You find a multilegged animal in your garden and want to determine if it is a centipede or a millipede. You take the animal to a university where a myriapodologist quickly tells you that you have found a centipede. Which of the following may have allowed her to make this distinction? poisonous fangs molting segmentation egg-laying

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