bio exam first semester

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The centromeres of the duplicated chromosomes line up across the center of the cell.


In the human body, stem cells in the bone marrow produce a variety of blood cells. What process produces these cells?

Undifferentiated cells divide to produce differentiated cells.

Molecules are attracted to one another by Van der Waals forces. How do Van der Waals forces compare with ionic and covalent bonds?

Van der Waals forces are weaker than ionic and covalent bonds.

The movement of matter across a cell membrane against a concentration difference is called ___ and it requires ____

active transport ; energy

In nonliving systems, the presence of a___ allows the reaction to proceed very quickly and have a lower ___

catalyst ; activation energy

The molecule containing the most energy-storing chemical bonds is


By regulating the cell cycle, multicellular organisms gain what benefits?

healing wounds effectively replacing lost cells, such as shed skin cells

Cell division occurs in two stages: division of the nucleus, called ____, and division of the cytoplasm, called ____

mitosis ; cytokinesis

What does Carbon Dioxide do in the Calvin cycle?

provides the carbon and oxygen for sugars

These genes____ from each other when _____ are formed. Alleles for different genes usually segregate ____ of each other.

segregate ; gametes ; independently

Mendel worked with pea plants, which are usually ___. When he transferred pollen from one pea plant to another, he was ____ the pea plants to ____ the eggs and form embryos within a seed.

self-pollinating ; cross-pollinating ; fertilize

In pea plants, height is determined by an allele for tallness (T) that is dominant over an allele for shortness (t). What is the probability that a gamete, selected at random, would carry the short allele (t) in a cross of heterozygous tall pea plants?


Carbohydrates and proteins each release ____ calories per gram when burned and fat releases about ___ calories per gram.

4,000 ; 9,000

In a cross of purple flowered heterozygous plants (Pp), the letter P represents the allele for purple flowers and the letter p represents the allele for white flowers.What is the probability that an offspring of this cross expresses plants with purple flower phenotypes?


The chemical formula for glucose, a simple sugar, is C6H12O6. When a glucose molecule is assembled during photosynthesis, the process takes up 12 hydrogen ions from the stroma of the chloroplast. What process adds 12 hydrogen ions to the chloroplast?

6 water molecules splitting apart during the light-dependent reactions

A physician takes a biopsy, or tissue sample, from the skin of a patient. Which observation of the cells in the tissue would most strongly support the conclusion that the patient has skin cancer?

A group of cells appear larger and rounder than surrounding cells.

Blood is a mixture of a variety of materials. Some of the materials are dissolved in the fluid portion of blood. Other materials, such as blood cells, do not dissolve but move along with the blood.For these reasons, blood is an example of which type of mixture?

A suspension

Cells use a molecule called ___ to store and release energy like a battery.


As a result of mitosis, the cells of a multicellular organism share what properties?

All cells have the same number of chromosomes All cells have identical genetic information

As a result of mitosis, the cells of a multicellular organism share which of these properties

All cells have the same number of chromosomes. All cells have identical genetic information.

When a certain variety of black chicken is crossed with a white chicken, all of the offspring are checkered. Black and whitefeathers are produced in the offspring


Genetic information is bundled into packages of ____ known as _____

DNA ; chromosomes

What happens in the S phase

DNA replication only

Which are examples of active transport across the cell membrane?

Endocytosis and exocytosis

On a backpacking trip, Kenny hikes all day at a steady pace, covering 30 kilometers and burning 4000 Calories. At the school track, Janelle runs the 100-meter sprint in 13.5 seconds, burning 10 Calories. Afterward, Janelle's leg muscles are aching and she is breathing hard, while Kenny maintains normal breathing all day, even though he burns 400 times more calories than Janelle. Which two statements offer the BEST explanation for this phenomenon?

If the aerobic pathway—cellular respiration—cannot meet the energy demand, then the anaerobic pathway—lactic acid fermentation—starts up, resulting in lactic acid buildup and "oxygen debt. The rate of energy demand determines how the muscles will obtain energy, either from cellular respiration or from lactic acid fermentation if not enough oxygen is present.

How does apoptosis relate to cancer cells?

In cancer cells, to little apoptosis occurs, resulting in malignant cells that will not undergo programmed cell death.

The F1 generation produced by a cross between red-flowered (RR) and white-flowered (rr) Four o'clock plants consists of pink-colored flowers (Rr)

Incomplete dominance

Most bread rises primarily due to the CO2 produced during alcoholic fermentation as yeast feeds on sugars. Sourdough bread is unique in that it also has an initial stage, and requires a "starter" to act as a leavening agent. Michaela keeps a sourdough starter, refreshing it often to keep the starter alive and active. She adds a portion of the starter to dough when making sourdough bread. What is the BEST description of the process that occurs in the starter to give sourdough bread its famous tangy flavor?

Lactic acid is produced from lactobacilli as the starter undergoes fermentation.

Genetic disorders in human mitochondrial DNA follow non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance

Maternal inheritance

Which two molecules generated by the Krebs cycle pass their high-energy electrons to the electron transport chain?


Photosyntehesis also relies on a compound called ___, which is an electon ___ that accepts and transfers high-energy electrons

NADP+ ; carrier

The distribution of plant heights forms a bell-shaped curve with intermediate heights occurring most often

Polygenic traits

How are electric charges distributed within the atom?

Positive charges are concentrated in the nucleus; negative charges surround the nucleus.

Is DNA in the cytoplasm a feature of prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


Is DNA inside the nucleus a feature of prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


What limits cell size?

Ratio of surgace area to vulume, rate of movi

DeShawn is studying homeostasis and circulation. To organize his findings, he constructs two models of the human heart, veins, and arteries: one to represent a non-smoker, and one that includes attributes typically found in a smoker. By comparing the two models, which relationship of cause and effect can DeShawn best explain?

Smoking damages the function of the circulatory system.

Which of the following are functions of external regulators of the cell cycle?

Speed up or slow down the cell cycle stop the cell cycle

A geneticist crossed pure breeding black mice with pure breeding brown mice. All the 992 mice in the F1generation had black coats. When these mice were crossed, they yielded 961 black coated mice and 317 brown coated mice.How could you account for the ratio of black coated to brown coated mice in the F2 generation? Select all that apply.

The F1 male produced two kinds of sperm, half carrying an allele for black coat color, and half carrying an allele for brown coat color. The F1 female produced two kinds of eggs, half carrying an allele for black coat color, and half carrying an allele for brown coat color. An approximately three-to-one ratio of black to brown coated mice in F2 is accounted for by the black allele being dominant over the brown allele.

What stage is carbon dioxide released in cellular respiration?

The Krebs Cycle

Mendel studied seven traits in pea plants. One of the monohybrid crosses he made was between plants with round seeds and plants with wrinkled seeds. The offspring was a round pea. What was a conclusion Mendel drew from the F1 generation of this cross?

The dominant factor, or allele, is for round seeds.

During the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is combined with hydrogen to form sugars. What is the energy source, if any, that allows this process to occur?

The energy source is ATP from the light-dependent reactions.

High-energy radiation is often used to treat cancer. Which statement best explains why this treatment is effective?

The radiation is especially damaging to cancer cells because of their high rate of mitosis.

A cross between a plant with red flowers (R = dominant) and a plant with white flowers (r = recessive) yielded 47 plants with red flowers and 51 plants with white flowers. What are the genotypes of the parent plants?

The results are close to a 1:1 ratio of plants with red flowers to plants with white flowers. Therefore, the genotypes of the parents are Rr and rr.

Why are cancer cells harmful?

They absorb nutrients needed by other cells They block nerve connections The prevent organs from functioning properly

In eukaryotic cells, DNA is packaged with proteins into structures called chromosomes. What advantage do chromosomes provide the cell?

They ensure equal division of genetic material when a cell divides.

During fermentation, how do changes to a molecule of pyruvic acid contribute to the formation of ATP?

They produce 2 NAD+ molecules, which cycle back to fuel the glycolysis reaction, producing 2 ATP molecules.

A variegated leaf has white patches. The patches occur where chlorophyll is missing from the chloroplasts in some of the cells. Chloroplasts have their own DNA, and are inherited from one parent only.How is the variegated leaf trait inherited?

Variegation is inherited from the female parent. Only the egg cell contributes cytoplasm with chloroplasts to the embryo.

Which is the most likely application of stem cell research?

a treatment for macular degeneration, in which cells of the eye are damaged or killed

Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen. It has a mass number of two. What describes a deuterium atom?

a nucleus of one proton and one neutron, which is orbited by one electron

What elements are in a protein? (the other box question)

carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur

When Pol filled another test tube to the top, the liquid formed a low dome, which is evidence of ____?


The cytoplasm pinches in half.


In chickens, the allele for black feathers is co-dominant with the allele for white feathers. Black-feathered and white-feathered bird are ______ or either the black (B) allele or the white (W) allele. The genotype of an offspring of a black rooster and a white hen is _____ and has a _____ of (BW). The ____ of the offspring shows _________.

homozygotes ; heterozygous ; genotype ; phenotype ; some white and some black feathers

All of these observations indicated the presence of ____ bonds.


Coat color in rabbits is expressed in four different phenotyes, and controlled by a single gene

multiple alleles

Adult stem cells are referred to as ____ because they can differentiate usually only into the cells of the tissues where they are found.


Pol determined that the pH of the sample is 7, which shows the sample is ___?


whereas embryonic stem cells are ____ because they can develop into any of the body's cell types, although they cannot form the tissues surrounding the embryo.


Is a single, cicular chromosome a feature of prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


The genetic material inside the nucleus condenses and the duplicated chromosomes become visible.


Yabine is studying energy from food in her nutrition class. She learns that fats, proteins, and carbohydrates can store different amounts of energy because they have different chemical ___ and different numbers of energy-storing chemical bonds.


The chromosomes which were distinct and condensed begin to spread out into a tangle of chromatin.


The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis are also known as ___. During this process, energy from ATP and ___ is used to assemble high-energy

the Calvin cycle ; NADPH

During the development of a multicellular organisms, which cells are totipotent?

the fertilized egg and the cells produced by the first few cell divisions

What BEST describes the relationship between light intensity and rate of photosynthesis?

the rate of photsynthesis increases with light intesnity, and might be limited by other factors such as water and temperature.

The zygote is said to be _____because it is able to develop into any kind of cell in the body.


Carrie is conducting an experiment on a solution. The solution's initial pH is 3.2. Then, as Carrie gradually adds Compound X into the solution, the pH increases to 9.8. What is the most likely identity of Compound X?

a strong base, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH)

An embryo grows into a multicellular organism made of a wide variety of cell types. How does the variation in cell types occur?

Embryonic stem cells divide to produce all types of specialized cells.

Are multiple chromosomes a feature of prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


Is a lack of a membrane-bound nucleus a feature of prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


Is a membrane-bound nucleus a feature of prokaryotes or eukaryotes?f


Gurdon inserted the nucleus of a differentiated tadpole cell into an enucleated frog egg, meaning the nucleus was removed. The frog egg then developed into a normal frog embryo. Which conclusion is supported by these results?

Factors in the cytoplasm of the egg cell affect cell development.

The drug colchicine inhibits the formation of spindle fibers during mitosis. If you treat dividing plant cells with colchicine, what would you expect the result to be?

The chromosomes do not pull apart during cell division and the result is a cell that has double the number of chromosomes than it would normally have.

What are some treatments for cancer?

removal by surgery treatment with high-energy radiation treatment with chemical compounds

In most ___ ____organisms, each adult has ____ ___ of each gene.

sexually reproducing ; two copies

In horses, black coat (B) is dominant over brown coat (b) and trotter (T) is dominant over the recessive allele pacer (t) a dihybrid cross is conducted for these two traits. Which combination of traits is likely to appear in the offspring with a probabitlity of 1/16

brown coat, pace

Fermentation is a chemical reaction that occurs in the ____. Because it is ____, fermentation ____ ___ _____ oxygen. Compared to cellular respiration, lactic acid fermentation generates ___ ____ ATP and is less efficient.

cytoplasm ; anaerobic ; does not requier ; much less

In a ____ cross of _____pea plants with round (R) yellow (Y) seeds, there will be a ____ ratio of 9 ____ , 3 ____, 3 ____ , and 1 ____

dihybrid ; heterozzygous ; genotypic ; round, yellow ; round, green ; wrinkled, yellow ; wrinkled, green

The ____ is the innermost compartment of a____. Here, the____occurs, breaking down ____in a series of reactions.

matrix ; mitochondrion ; the Krabs cycle ; pyruvic

Which describes a tissue in the human body that will most likely undergo anaerobic respiration?

skeletal muscle near the end of an intense exercise session

In the human nervous system, the brain is an example of what level of organization?


The atomic number of carbon is six, which means that a carbon atom has six protons. Carbon has three naturally occurring isotopes: carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14. What is true about carbon and its isotopes?

All carbon atoms have six protons and six elecrons

Society expects scientists to follow ethical practices and meet many ethical standards. What's an example of one of these ethical standards?

Analyze data that was truly observed, and not data that was expected or desired.

Which are the main points of the cell theory?

Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. New cells are produced from existing cells. All living things are made up of cells

When the light-independent reactions are occurring, gases diffuse between the chloroplast and the air that surrounds the plant. Why is gas diffusion essential during this stage of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide is used to assemble sugar molecules

What elements are in a carbohydrate? (this is that one box question)

Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio

A student is comparing the cells of a prokaryote, an animal, and a plant. Identify which two cell parts would show that the cell was a plant cell, and not a cell of a prokaryote or an animal.

Cell wall and chloroplast

What structures are present in plant cells, but not animal cells?

Cell wall and chloroplasts

What represents the hierarchical organization of a multi cellular organism, from least complex level to most complex level?

Cell, tissue, organ, organ system

Living things are similar in many ways. Genes made of ____ carry the directions for inheritance, and offspring usually resemble their parents. With _____ ____ offspring have the same traits as their parents. With ___ ____ offspring differ from their parents in some ways. Living organisms use energy and materials to grow, develop, and reproduce. These life processes involve a set of chemical reactions called ____. Organisms have means of detecting a change in their environment and responding to this _____. Most organisms require that their internal environments remain in a fairly constant range, and so they maintain _____. The ability of a group of organisms to change, or _____ over time helps populations survive in an ever-changing environment.

DNA ; asexual reproduction ; sexual reproduction ; metabolism ; stimulus ; homeostasis ; evolve

What are the effects of enzymes on chemical reactions?

Enzymes decrease the activation energy. Enzymes increase the rate of the reaction. Enzymes provide a site where reactants can be brought together.

Escherichia coli, or E.coli, is a species of bacteria. Entamoeba histolytica, or E. histolytica, is a single-celled amoeba. What do E. coli and E. histolytica have in common?

They depend on sources of energy or food. They reproduce

Scientists are often faced with ethical questions, or questions of right and wrong. Which of the following are examples? I. Mairead wants to include a hypothesis in her report, and she asks if she must give credit to the scientist who first proposed it. II. Aiden is planning an experiment on gerbils, and he asks how large the cages should be. III. Paula is developing a new technique for mining fossil fuels, and she asks if the technique must avoid polluting the environment.

I, II, and III

What best describes the relationship between the two sets of reactions of photosynthesis, which are the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions?

Only the light-independent reactions produce sugars, but they depend on products of the light-dependent reactions.

Francesca, a PhD candidate, conducts extensive research on aluminum corrosion. When finished, she will submit her research data and conclusions in a report to a scientific journal for peer review. What are three benefits of peer review?

Peer review allows other scientists the chance to try to replicate the experimental results. Peer review can lead to new ideas and further study. Peer review helps check for mistakes, bias, or fraud in a set of experimental work.

The pancreas is an organ present in some animals. It produces enzymes that are used in the digestive system of the animal. Which cell structure is likely to be abundant inside pancreas cells?

Ribosomes, because enzymes are synthesized on ribosomes

Which two types of organic polymers are made from the same type of monomer?

Starches and cellulose

Which of these events occurs during the normal function of ATP in the cell?

The chemical bond breaks between the second and third phosphate groups

The cell membrane is made up of a lipid bilayer. Which of the following describes the structure and function of the cell membrane?

The hydrophilic head groups of the lipid molecules are exposed to the outside of the cell and the cytoplasm, which is a water-like environment. The hydrophobic tails form an oily layer inside the membrane that keeps water out of the cell.

Neurons are cells of the nervous system. As part of its normal function, a neuron pumps sodium ions (Na+) out of the cell and potassium ions (K+) into the cell. Which statement describes the role of energy in this process?

The process requires energy that is provided by ATP.

Why don't electrons build up in chloroplasts during the light-dependent photosynthesis reactions?

They move through eletron carriers and are recieved by NADP+

what describes a light microscope but not an electron microscope?

Uses a beam of light to produce magnified images

Which of the following observations BEST demonstrates water's special property of cohesion?

Water forms droplets of dew on a spider web in the morning.

Which statement BEST describes the relationship between adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?

With an input of energy, ADP combines with a phosphate group to become ATP.

No single characteristic alone can describe a living thing, but all living things share certain characteristics. What is NOT one of these characteristics?

ability to move from place to place

The first stage, glycolysis occurs in ___ conditions, or w/o oxygen.


Examples of the small units include sugars, which combine to form ____; nucleotides, which form ___; and amino acids, which form ____ .

carbohydrates ; nucleic acids ; proteins

What is the function of lipids?

forming waxy leaf coverings, storing energy in fat cells, and forming cell membranes

Plants, algae, and some bacteria use the energy of sunlight in the process of ___. The process converts the energy from sunlight into chemical energy stored in the bonds of ___.

photosynthesis ; carbohydrates

There are many fields of biology, and in some branches, biologists are concerned with tiny ____ while others study vast ____. Biologists who study how the activities of all living organisms affect both the atmosphere and climate are working in the field of ____ ____. Researchers who seek to replace damaged genes or to genetically engineer bacteria are studying _____. Some biologists work to combine the latest genetic information with computer technology to organize all living things into a single universal _____ __ ____ Scientists concerned with HIV, bird flu, drug-resistant bacteria, and other pathogens are researching the _____ ___ ______ of infectious diseases, while others who look at the entire sets of DNA code contained in a wide range of organisms are studying ______. .

molecules ; planets ; global ecology ; biotecchnology ; tree of life ; ecology and evolution ; genomics

When, if ever, can a scientific theory become a scientific law?

never, under no circumstances

The energy is stored in chemical bonds between ___ groups of the molecule, and the energy is released when the chemical bonds are broken.


Thylakoids contain clusters of chlorophyll and proteins known as ____, They absorb sunlight and generate high-energy ___ that pass along the ___

photosystems ; electrons ; electron transport chain

Very long and large organic molecules called ___are made of small units called ___.

polymers ; monomers

Is water a reactant or product in photosynthesis?

reactant, it goes into the light-dependent reactions

Chemical reactions convert ___ to ___.

reactants ; products

Living things need energy to carry out their life processes. Animals get this energy from food through a process called cellular ___.


In the human digestive system, the stomach, pancreas, and intestines work together. Which of the following is an example of a tissue in the digestive system?

smooth muscle that lines the stomach

When Amanda added table salt to the first test tube and shook it, she noted that the liquid had dissolved the ____?


Carbon is a vital part of the phospholipids that make up cell membranes and the carbohydrates that makeup cell walls. What allows carbon to bond with up to four other atoms at a time and form the macromolecules that are essential to life?

the four electrons in its outer shell

Based on all of the evidence Amanda and Pol gathered, the unknown liquid is ___?


During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide and ___ are converted through a series of reactions into 2 products: high-energy ___ and ___ gas

water ; sugars ; oxygen

Buffers are ________ that can react with strong acids and bases to ______.

weak acids or weak bases ; prevent sudden changes in pH

In tomatoes, red fruit (R) is dominant over yellow fruit (r). What is the probability that an offspring of plants that are heterozygous (Rr) produce plants with the homozygous recessive (rr) genotype?


When glucose, a 6-carbon sugar, is broken down during glycolysis, what product forms?

2 molecules of pyruvic acid, C3H4O3

Punnett squares use mathematical probability to help predict the genotype and phenotype combinations in genetic crosses. How do you contstruct a Punnett square?

All possible combinations of alleles in the gametes produced by one parent are written along the top edge of the square. All possible combinations of alleles of the other parent are written along the left edge of the square. All possible genotype are written inside the boxes within the square, as they might appear in the offspring.

What is the relationship between mutation, the cell cycle, and cancer?

As a result of unregulated cell cycles, cells may become cancerous, meaning that the cells grow and divide uncontrollably. Cancerous cells may form malignant tumors that invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue. Mutated, defective genes may cause cells to become unable to respond to signals that regulate the cell cycle.

Cellular respiration is balanced by photosynthesis; the two processes work together to maintain the cycling of carbon and oxygen among Earth systems. What describes the roles of carbon dioxide and water in these two processes?

Carbon dioxide and water are the reactants of phostythesis and the products of cellular respiration

What describes a eukaryotic cell, but not a prokaryotic cell?

Contains DNA in a nucleus

A geneticist crossed homozygous, dominant green pod color pea plants (GG) with homozygous recessive yellow pod color pea plants (gg). All the plants in the F1 generation had green pods.What ratio of green pod plants to yellow pod plants would you predict when you cross a green pod F1 plant with a yellow pod plant?

Half of the plants will have a green pod color, and half of the plants will have a yellow pod color.

How do high-energy electrons from glycolysis and the Krebs cycle contribute to the formation of ATP from ADP in the electron transport chain?

High-energy electrons supply the needed energy to synthesize ATP from the lower-energy ADP in the electron transport chain.

Which event occurs in meiosis, but not mitosis?

Homologous chromosomes pair to form a tetrad

A scientist is designing an experiment on tomato plants. Which is the best example of a hypothesis that the experiment could test?

Increasing the amount of sunlight that a tomato plant receives will increase its height

The thylakoid membrane contains a protein called ATP synthase. As hydrogen ions pass through the protein, ADP and a phosphate group are combined to form ATP. What is the direct energy source, if any, for the movement of hydrogen ions and the formation of ATP?

The energy source is the concentration difference of hydrogen ions across the membrane.

A cell undergoes meiosis. How do the gametes it produces compare with the original cell and with one another?

The gametes have half the chromosomes of the parent cell, and are genetically different from one another

How does a molecular compound compare to the elements that make up the compound?

The properties of a compound are usually very different from the properties of the elements that make it up.

which cell structure is correctly matched with its function

Vacuole: stores material inside the cell

Describe the process of aerobic cellular respiration?

a process of energy conversion that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen, forming new compounds

In cellular respiration, energy is trapped in the form of ATP, which is used for cellular work, and acts as a "currency" for energy transfers within a cell. Which everyday item functions in a way similar to ATP?

a rechargeable battery, because it can store energy and then release it

Although animals do not perform photosynthesis, their food supply depends on the sugars that photosynthesis produces. What is the other significant benefit to animals that photosynthesis provides?

adding oxygen to the atmosphere

One ___ of each ____ is located on each ____ chromosome. Drosophilia fruit flies produce gametes with one of each kind of chromosome. These gametes are called ____ cells. These cells contain ___N chromosomes.

allele ; gene ; homologous ; haploid ; 1

The chromosomes separate and move along spindle fibers to opposite ends of the cell.


During photosynthesis, cells capture the energy of sunlight using ____, which is a type of

chlorophyll ; pigment

Leaves on a tree can have different sizes and shapes depending on the amount of light they recieve

environmental influence on gene expression

In living systems, this function is carried out by proteins called ____


The pancreas produces enzymes that aid in digestion. By what process are these digestive enzymes excreted from pancreas cells?


How many sperm cells are formed from an origianal cell in a Drosophila fruit fly at the conclusion of meiosis?

four haploid sperm cells

The inheritance of biological characteristics is determined by individual units called ____ which are passed from parents to offspring. Where two or more ____ of the gene for a single trait exist, some alleles may be ____ and others may be recessive.

genes ; alleles ; dominant

Together, the stages of cellular respiration break down one molecule of ____ to generate a total of ___molecules of ATP. The remaining energy is released as

glucose ; 36 ; heat

Gene (C) controls fur pigmentation in Himalayan rabbits. Although the two rabbits in the picture have the same genotype, the rabbit reared at temperatures above 30°C has no black fur pigmentation on its ears, nose, and feet. The gene C is _____ at these higher temperatures. The gene fails to express the particular _____ specified by the gene. In this case, ____is an _____ influence that affects ____ _____.

inactive ; phenotype ; temperature ; environmental ; gene expression

Where are chlorophyll located?

inside the thylakoid membrane

The cell grows and replicates its DNA and centrioles.


When electrons transfer from one atom to another, both atoms become ____ and they are held together by an ______ bond. When electrons are shared between atoms, a ____ bond forms between the atoms, and the joined atoms become a ____ .

ions ; ionic ; covalent ; molecule

The instructions for making proteins are coded in the ___ of a cell. In a eukaryotic cell, these instructions are located in the ____

DNA ; nucleus

Which task would be best accomplished in a field of engineering?

Designing and building an artificial heart for the human circulatory system

Scientific methodology is a well-established method used to study biological systems and conduct experiments leading to valid results. In the methods of science, which step generally comes before the others?

Developing a hypothesis.

Modern scientists continue the tradition of the Greek philosophers in their efforts to understand the world around them. They know that the universe consists of objects, organisms, and processes that interact in many different ways, and proper scientific methods can help this understanding. What is the goal of science?

A goal of science is to generate testable explanations for events in the natural world. A goal of science is to make useful predictions about natural events, and to understand patterns in nature by using explanations supported by data.

The famous scientist Albert Einstein sometimes used "thought experiments" such as imagining himself chasing a beam of light or riding in an elevator in free-fall. These thought experiments, which would not be possible to conduct physically, helped him challenge current scientific thinking and develop his theories of gravity and of special relativity.

In actual physical experiments, scientists must select equipment carefully and avoid errors in data collection and analysis. There is variation in nature, so the larger the sample size, the more accurately researchers can determine dissimilarities within each group, and analyze variances between experimentals and controls. When interpreting data, researchers use statistical analysis to decide if an experimental treatment is significantly different from the control group. When drawing conclusions, the hypothesis being tested may either be supported, or refuted and revised to be tested again.

Betel is developing a model of the process of photosynthesis. One of her goals is to identify the products of photosynthesis that will later be used to assemble sugars, lipids, amino acids, and other essential compounds for the organisms. In which part of the model should these products be identified?

In the light-independent reactions, where 3-carbon sugars exit the cycle

Josey wants to look at the cells of an onion under a light microscope. She peels off a thin, transparent layer of onion and places it on a microscope slide. Josey places the sample on the microscope stage, looks through the eyepiece, and adjusts the stage to focus the image. However, she is unable to see any details of the cells.Which of the following possible solutions could possibly help Josey to see the onion cells in detail?

Josey should apply a stain, such as iodine, to her sample

Parts of some plants and animals grow according to the Fibonacci sequence of numbers, developed by an Italian mathematician, in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. The shell of the chambered nautilus, the seeds in a sunflower, and pineapples all exhibit a structure called the "Fibonacci spiral". Which crosscutting concept of biology do these phenomena BEST represent?


Mark argues that proteins within the body have two functions: structure and transport. Sara disagrees. Which significant function of proteins did Mark omit from his list?

Proteins increase the speed of reactions in the body.

A student is developing a model to show how proteins are synthesized in animal cells. Which organelles should the student include in the model?

Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus

Your assignment in biology lab is to design an experiment that would detect whether a substance is breaking down, or digesting, a protein. Which of the following experimental designs would be your best choice?

Test tube A: Water and egg white Test tube B: Water, egg white, weak acid, and pepsin Test tube C: Water, egg white, strong acid, and pepsin Procedure: Record the mass of the egg white in each test tube before you begin. Measure the egg whites every 15 minutes.

Kari is testing the hypothesis that plants rely on photosynthesis to grow. She conducts an experiment in which she observes the sprouting and growth of bean seeds. The beans are raised either in sunlight or darkness. She records her observations in a data table. Which statements from Kari's records convey qualitative data, and not quantitative data

The beans in the control group have a white spot on day 2. The beans in the control group feel soft on day 2. The beans of both groups appear equally green and healthy on day 1.

Wes places red blood cells in a petri dish with pure water and observes them under a microscope. Several of them have exploded. What is the most likely explanation for Wes's observations?

The red blood cells were placed in a hypotonic solution. Water moved from the outside of the cells to the inside of the cells until the cells burst.

Scientists use the metric system when gathering data and performing experiments. What is true about the metric system?

The units of the metric system are scaled on multiples of 10, making mathematical calculations easier to perform. The units of the metric system include kilograms for mass, meters for length, liters for volume, and degrees Celsius for temperature. Scientists often retest others' experiments, so a common system of measurement is essential.

A mushroom gains its energy by decomposing the tissues of dead organisms. Should mushrooms be classified as autotrophs, heterotrophs, in both groups, or in neither group, and for what reason?

They are heterotrophs because their food is made by other organisms.

Are NADPH and ATP reactants or products of photosynthesis?

They are neither reactants nor products, because they are recycles instead of made or used up

Elizabeth is conducting an investigation to study how molecules are transported into and out of a cell. Elizabeth builds a model of a cell using a U-shaped tube. A barrier, which is permeable to water, but not sugar, is placed on the bottom of the tube to model the cell membrane. Elizabeth adds two different solutions to each side of the tube. The solute in each solution is sugar and the solvent is water. The initial levels of solution in Side A and Side B are equal. The concentration of sugar in Side A is lower than the concentration of sugar in Side B.

Water molecules will move from Side A to Side B. The solution level on Side A will fall and the solution level on Side B will rise.

When Amanda poured some of the liquid in a test tube, she noticed that the edges of the water curved upward, which is an example of


The second stage, called the Krebs cycle, and the third stage, electron transport, require the presence of oxygen, and are therefore ____


what describes each hydrogen bond?

an attraction between the positive end of one molecule and the negative end of another molecule

The invention of which instrument allowed scientists to discover cells?


Cells in a large multicellular organism communicate with each other by chemical signals. These signals are passed from one cell to another. To receive and respond to a chemical signal, a cell must have a ____ for that chemical.


The cell walls of a plant consist mostly of cellulose, a carbohydrate, which provides a strong structure. The cell membrane gets its structure primarily from lipids, and embedded proteins allow for material transport .Which of the following elements would be found in the LOWEST amounts in both the cell wall and cell membrane?


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