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Only covering______% of the worlds surface, ________ are most diverse ecosystem on the plant.

0.1% ; coral reefs

On average, a person with heart disease loses _______ years of their lives.


Which statement accurately describes the term biodiversity?

Biodiversity determines the number, variety, and variability of all species in a given area.

Which of the following best explains the differences observed in aerobic and anaerobic pathways?

Cellular respiration is an aerobic pathway. It is much slower than the other pathways and produces the most ATP.

What is the endocrine function of the hypothalamus?

Controls the actions of the pituitary gland

What is the function of PurePulse, a smartwatch sensor function?

Determines the heart rate and cardio fitness by detecting blood flow

The nasal cavity is a major structure in the respiratory system. What is it's function?

Filters and moistens air entering the body

How do greenhouse gases cause climate warming?

Greenhouse gases prevent radiation of infrared energy back into space, trapping the heat near the Earth's surface and causing the climate to warm.

In what organ system would you find the spleen?


after mating, sperm and egg are not compatible

Prezygotic isolation

The alveoli are a major structure in the respiratory system. What is it's function?

Small sacs that promote gas exchange with the blood in the pulmonary capillaries

Which of the following best describes the relationship between climate change and global warming?

The increase in temperature is one aspect of climate change and can result in the increased temperature of the planet, which is known as global warming.

the colony of cells eventually formed

a hollow sphere


all the answers are correct.

Plants genetically modified with the Bt gene

are more pest resistant

Described as the increased amount of CO2 in Earth's atmosphere due to the burning of fossil fuels

climate change

In fact, human-induced_________ by the increase in________________in the atmosphere is the greatest threat to biodiversity.

climate change, greenhouse gases

While scientists have seen an increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, to date there has been no evidence to support the relationship between the increase of carbon dioxide and global warming.


Which of the following digestive system organs stores bile that is used in the small intestines?


Direct threat to biodiversity since this practice targets specific species without sustainable practices


Offspring is unable to produce its own offspring

postzygotic isolation

Species reproduce during different seasons

prezygotic isolation

Which of the following would fall under the definition of an alternative energy?


individual cells within the colony eventually became

specialized for particular functions

The total number of species on the planet is an estimated calculation offered by scientists.


In homeostasis, which organ system's central role is to remove liquid wastes and detoxification of chemicals?

urinary system

In which of the following BMI ranges would you place a person of healthy weight?


The average global temperature has always measured higher than the average since the


In the Calvin Cycle reaction, how would you describe the regeneration of RuBP?

3 phosphates from 3 ATP molecules are added to 5 G3P molecules

How many hours of sleep does the CDC recommend for teenagers?

8-10 hours

What two products of the light reaction are used in the Calvin cycle?


Climate change influences individuals and species by

All of the answer choices are correct.

Which of the following is evidence that weather patterns have changed because of climate change?

All of the answer choices are correct.

Desertification is an example of a biome level change that is associated with climate change. Which of the following is associated with desertification?

Associated with poor agricultural practices, including the overgrazing of cattle

What is the function of SmartTracker, a smartwatch sensor function?

Determines the type and intensity of exercise by detecting movement

In what organ system would you find the gallbladder?


Altering of landmasses and aquatic habitats for agricultural purposes

Habitat destruction

Since the 1950s, there has been a steady increase in the levels of atmospheric CO2 as a result of

Increased human activity

Why is ocean acidification problematic for some marine life?

It decreases the amount of carbonate in the oceans, making the creation of shells and other hard structures difficult for marine life.

What is the function of epithelial tissue in the human body?

Lines and covers the internal and external cavities of the body and forms glands

What is the main difference in the formation of coal vs. the formation of natural gas and oil?

Natural gas and oil formed mainly from deposits of plants and animals living in oceans and coal formed mainly from the remains of plants and animals in swampy anoxic environments.

Which of the following describes a disadvantage of nuclear energy, especially compared to other alternative energy sources?

Nuclear energy is not always safe because of the radioactivity involved.

Individuals from a wild population are being removed from an environment faster than they can be replaced


Which of the following describes how advances in fitness tracker technology can assist in personal medicine?

People will be able to share their information with their physician.

Which of the following statements best explains the primary role of photosynthesis in plant nutrition?

Photosynthesis takes solar energy and converts it into the chemical potential energy of carbohydrates.

What is the function of nervous tissue in the human body?

Receives and sends signals throughout the body

What is the endocrine function of the pancreas?

Regulated blood glucose levels

How do invasive species impact ecosystems?

They occupy niches that other organisms traditionally occupy. They outcompete other organisms for limited resources. They are more capable of adapting to rapidly changing climates. All of the answer choices are correct.

Who was the first person to introduce a type of fitness tracker in the United States?

Thomas Jefferson

If the downward slope of the line continues, what would be the expected sea ice in September of 2024?

about 4 million square kilometers

Which element of a Fitbit smartwatch converts distance traveled to the number of steps taken?


____________ is a process that occurs to allow organisms to survive in their changing environments.


Which of the following is(are) collected by a smartwatch to calculate the number of calories burned?


The transition from colonial flagellates to multicellular animals began as

an aggregation of a few flagellated cells

A biome is defined by its

average temperature and precipitation

The modern era of genetic manipulation began when scientists first learned how to insert genes into


Which element of a Fitbit smartwatch detects the vertical movement of climbing stairs?


Because fossil fuels are the remains of once living organisms, they contain reservoirs of __________ that are released into the atmosphere when they are burned.


The measure of the impact on climate change by a person or a company is known as their

carbon footprint

Unfortunately, these areas are under threat from climate change and__________, coastal pollution and__________ runoff, and ____________ of the fishes that reside there.

coral bleaching, nitrogen, overharvesting

As a person increases in exercise, their heart muscle gets stronger. This will be reflected by a(n)

decrease in resting heart rate.

According to the figure, the extent of the Arctice Sea ice is _________, on average.


According to this figure, the extent of Arctice Sea ice is _______, on average.


Air enters the lungs when the diaphragm moves

down and pressure in the lungs decreases.

Over time, a species may not be able to adapt to a change in its climate, habitat, or food source, and may naturally go


A positive feedback system is used to maintain a stable internal body temperature.


Currently, there are approximately 8.7 million species that have been identified and described.


Hurricanes and other severe precipitation events have started becoming weaker and less intense as a result of climate change.


If you include bacteria and viruses, recent studies have indicated a realistic estimation of total biodiversity is up to 100 million species


Seasons are characterized by the position of the earth to the sun. In the summer solstice, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun in June.


The peripheral nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord.


The process of using the information contained within a gene to produce a protein is known as

gene expression

Which of the following is considered to be a "clean" energy source?

geothermal energy

The loss of many species is_________ and occurs no matter how well adapted those species were before the event.


In what way have AquaAdvantage Salmon been genetically modified?

grow faster

Results in patchy and degraded environments that do not support native species

habitat destruction

Blood sugar monitoring would be beneficial for those who

have diabetes.

In maintaining body temperature, the _______is the part of the brain that detects the increase in body temperature.


The World Health Organization defines a GMO organism as one that has had its genetic information altered

in a way that would not occur in nature.

Over the past several decades, the overall trend for earth's temperatures has been

increases in overall global temperatures at an accelerating rate, a phenomenon known as global warming.

Over 4,000 __________ are believed to utilizes these regions, and members of every major________ phyla can be found in coral reefs. The organisms found there not only serve as food but increasingly are the sources of new________to fight diseases and infections.

marine species, animal, medicines

In some instances, impact events, such as an asteroid impact, or rapid changes in the environment do not leave organisms time to adapt and leads to loss of many species very rapidly, called

mass extinctions

If a person was having difficulty with maintaining an upright position, which type of sensory receptor may have been affected?


If an adult consistently has less than 7 hours of sleep a night, they may experience

memory issues.mood changesa lack of coordination

What are the two most important insect vectors involved in the spread of bacterial and viral diseases?

mosquitoes and ticks

Which of the following is considered the most primitive group of plants?


There are multiple organ systems involved in maintaining homeostasis. Which organ system is considered the control center of homeostasis?

nervous system

Which of the following minor contributing greenhouse gases are produced from agricultural practices such as the use of burning of fossil fuels and used in fertilizers?

nitrous oxides

Which of the following sources of alternative energy involves using uranium or other materials to split the nucleus of an atom?

nuclear energy

Carbon sinks are reservoirs that hold large amounts of carbon. Which of the following are considered to be carbon sinks?

oceans. fossil fuels deep underground. the atmosphere. All of the answer choices are correct.

Substance introduced into the environment that adversely affects the health or reproduction of a living organism


Offspring lacks the fitness to survive and reproduce

postzygotic isolation

Fertilization occurs but the zygote does not survive

postzyogtic isolation

Individuals do not respond to the other's courtship behavior

prezygotic isolation

Reproduction is inhibited before the gametes form a zygote

prezygotic isolation

Species occupy different habitats and are not able to mate

prezygotic isolation

In the first GMO experiment, researchers genetically modified E. coli by giving the bacteria the gene it needed to

provided antibiotic resistance

Which of the following acts as a source of carbon dioxide within the carbon cycle?

respiration from humans and animals

The____take information and send it to the ______where it is integrated and processed.

sensory neurons; interneurons

If a scientist was studying methods to reduce the heating of earth by reducing the amount of solar heat from being trapped in greenhouse gases, this scientist would be studying

solar radiation management

Evolution is a natural process that occurs over time. Evolution has been disrupted by climate change because the changes are occuring at such a rapid rate,

species are not able to adapt to the changes fast enough.

Today, the rate of ________ is comparable to those periods of mass extinctions, and___________ are considered the driving force behind the current biodiversity crisis.

species loss, human activities

Thinking about a negative feedback system, the_______ is the condition being measured and the _______ is the target of the actions of the control center.

stimulus; effect

the function of DNA is to

store information for producing all the molecules required by cells for life.

In addition to their diversity, this ecosystem helps protect coastlines from the effects of________, such as hurricanes.


In males, which of the following would be produced by the testis in the endocrine system?


Climate can best be described as

the average weather patterns in a given area over long periods of time.

tissues layers arose by

the infolding of certain cells

Flavr-savr___________were the first GMO that were approved by the FDA for human consumption.


As the climate changes, genetic modifcation can help make plants more heat and drought resistant.


As the heart grows stronger, the flow of blood to the lungs increases, which allows the body to maintain a more consistent oxygen level to tissues.


Of the described species, approximately 391,000 species are plants, 140,000 are fungi, and 1.5 million species are animals.


Scientists generally agree that many more species exist than are formally described, but they disagree about how many there really are.


Which of the following diets would contribute to the lowest carbon footprint?


The accelerometer sensor determines three points of movement. Which point would detect steps climbed?


On the underside of the Fitbit smartwatch, there are two green lights that blink when the watch is moved. What are these green lights designed to measure?

your rate of blood flow

Which of the following is an example of an alternative energy that uses renewable resources?

geothermal energy

According to the evidence of climate change, there has been an overall __________ in ocean and land temperature, and an overall ________ in ice formations.

increase, decrease

According to the evidence of climate change, there has been an overall ___________in ocean and land temperature, and an overall________ in ice formations.

increase; decrease

Climate change influences individuals and species by

increasing the spread of diseases. causing droughts and heat waves. decreasing the amount of habitat available to animals. All of the answer choices are correct.

Which organ system's role is to protect the exterior of the body?


Can have deleterious effects on biological communities by preying on native species or competing with them for resources and displacing them

invasive species

Introduced to a new area, it spreads rapidly and displaces native species

invasive species

Increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide are altering Earth's temperatures

climate change

If a person increases their exercise by 150 minutes per week, they would expect to experience a(n)

increased amount of deep sleep time

Fires and volcanic activity are natural events that produce


How does climate change affect earth's oceans?

The pH level of the ocean will shift to a more acidic environment, leading to stress and the possible extinction of many species of shellfish and corals.

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