Bio Final Bones

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bone cells that break down and reabsorption of the material

extracellular matrix

a collection of extracellular molecules secreted by cells that provides structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells

Structure of epiphyseal plate

a layer of hyaline cartilage located in the metaphysis of growing bone that has 4 zones

calcium concentration in blood plasma

9.2-10.4 mg/dL

parathyroid hormone

A hormone that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, promotes calcitrol synthesis

development of primary ossification center

A nutrient artery penetrates the center of the cartilage model and stimulates mesenchyme to mature into osteoblasts Osteoblasts will form a periosteum around the model and spongy bone trabeculae in the center of the cartilage model, now the primary ossification center. Ossification spreads toward the ends of the model.

growth of cartilage model

Chondroblasts are now called chondrocytes. Chondrocytes increase in size and secrete extracellular matrix, Cartilage begins to calcify and die

zone of hypertrophic cartilage

Large, mature chondrocytes that are arranged in columns

zone of resting cartilage

Layer closest to end of epiphysis, Resting cells, anchor epiphyseal plate to epiphysis


Lowers blood calcium levels


Vitamin D deficiency causing bones to become soft

bone deposition

addition of minerals and collagen fibers to bone by osteoblasts

Perferating canals (Volkmann's canals)

blood vessel path through osteon

zone of bone deposition

breakdown of lacuna walls, leaving open channels; death of chondrocytes; bone deposition by osteoblasts, forming trabeculae of spongy bone


build bone

hormones present at bone deposition


bone elongation is due to

cartilage growth

what is common to find in compact bone but not in spongy bone

central canals

zone of cell hypertrophy

cessation of mitosis; enlargement of chondrocytes and thinning of lacuna walls

zone of cell proliferation

chondrocytes multiplying and lining up in rows of small flattened lacunae

concentric lamellae

circular plates of mineralized extracellular matrix of increasing diameter, surrounding a small network of blood vessels and nerves located in the central canal

osseous tissue

connective tissue made of bone

spongy bone tissue

consists of an irregular latticework of thin plates of bone called trabeculae, with spaces in-between filled with red bone marrow


deficient calcium in the blood

reactive phase of bone repair

early inflammatory phase where a hematoma forms

thyroid hormone

enhances synthesis of growth hormone

development of secondary ossification center

epiphyseal artery enters epiphyses and bone formation begins


excessive calcium in the blood

reparative phase of bone repair

formation of a fibrocartilaginous callus by chondroblasts and then a bony callus forms from osteoblasts producing spongy bone trabeculae

zone of proliferating cartilage

function in interstitial growth, chondrocytes are stacked on each other in columns and they divide and secrete extracellular matrix

medullary cavity

hollow space in the diaphysis that contains yellow bone marrow and blood vessels

growth hormone

hormone secreted by anterior pituitary gland that stimulates growth of bones by increasing excretion and absorption of ca2+

formation fo articular cartilage and epiphyseal plate

hyaline cartilage becomes articular cartilage

articular cartilage

hyaline cartilage that covers the epiphysis of the bone


inhibits osteoclasts and in excess cause osteoporosis by stimulating osteoclasts

bone remodeling phase of bone repair

last step as the bony callus is remodeled

central canal

location of blood vessels and nerves within an osteon


mature osteoblasts that have trapped themselves in extracellular matrix and are responsible for metabolism in the bone


membrane that lines the medullary cavity

development of cartilage model

mesenchymal cells develop into chondroblasts, which form the cartilage model

what is the zone of the epiphyseal plate where in children and adolescents bone can be seen replacing cartilage


bone remolding

on going replacement of old bone with new bone

bone formation

ossification or osteogenesis

which bone cell has the greatest amount of lysosomes


Development of the medullary cavity

osteoclasts break down newly formed spongy bone and leaves a cavity

Blood Ca2+ deficiency stimulates __________ secretion, which leads to _____________.

parathyroid hormone, increased osteoclast activity

endochondral ossification

process in which bone forms by replacing hyaline cartilage


promotes intestinal absorption of ca2+ and stimulates osteoclasts


proximal and distal ends of the bone


radiate from lacunae and contain extracellular matrix

The process of dissolving bone and returning its minerals to the bloodstream is known as



shaft of the bone


small cavities in bone that contain osteocytes


softening of the bone in adults due to lack of blood calcium

spicules and trabeculae are found in

spongy bone

epiphyseal plate is present at

step 5 of endochondral ossification


stimulates bone formation


stimulates osteoblasts and promotes protein synthesis


stimulates osteoblasts in adolescents, prevents osteoporosis


structural unit of compact bone

Function of bones

support, movement, protection, mineral storage, blood cell formation, energy metabolism

zone of calcification

temporary calcification of cartilage matrix between columns of lacunae

bone resorption

the removal of minerals and collagen fibers from bone by osteoclasts and released into the bloodstream

zone of calcified cartilage

thin layer of dead cartilage cells and calcified matrix


tough protective sheath that covers the bone

zone of reserve cartilage

typical histology of resting hyaline cartilage

osteoprogenitor cells

undifferentiated bone stem cells that undergo mitosis and are the source of new osteoblasts

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