Bio First test study (chapter 1-3)

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A buffer donates H+ when conditions become too basic and accepts H+ions when conditions become too acidic

a 5-carbon sugar, a phosphate group, and a base containing nitrogen

A nucleotide consists of which of the following?

amino, dehydration

A peptide bond forms when the carboxyl group of one amino acid joins with the __________ group of another amino acid in a __________ reaction.

100 times more (4-2=2, 10^2=100)

A solution with a pH of 2 has how many more protons (hydrogen ions) in it than a solution with a pH of 4?


Hydroxyl group

factor X is strongly associated with heart disease

In a study of factors that might contribute to heart disease, a relative risk of 1.75 for factor X indicates which of the following?

adenine: guanine

In the DNA molecule, thymine always bonds with __________, while cytosine always bonds with __________.

Order-the pattern things form in Reproduction Growth and development - proportionate growing Response to environment Evolutionary adaptation Energy processing Regulation- regulating body temperature

List the 7 characteristics of living things and provide a definition of each

1. evolution 2. form fits function 3. transfer and transformationof energy and matter 4. Flow of Information 5. Interactions between and within systems

List the five unifying themes in biology

10-4 M, acidic

Measurements show that the pH of a particular lake is 4.0. What is the hydrogen ion concentration of the lake and is it acidic, basic or neutral?


NaOH is a base as it has a pH of 3

20, 4

Proteins are made of sequences of __________ amino acids. DNA consists of sequences of __________ nucleotides.

composed of more than one polypeptide chain

Quaternary structure can be observed in proteins that have which of the following characteristics?

single C-C bonds allow the molecules to "pack together" SATURATED FATS CONTAIN SINGLE BONDS

Saturated fats are semi-solid at room temperature, whereas unsaturated fats are usually liquid. Why?

5-carbon sugars plus phosphate groups

The "backbone" of the RNA molecule consists of __________.

Domain, species

The Taxonomic group that is the most inclusive is the _______? Least inclusive?

Dehydration, water

The __________ reaction that occurs when two monomers combine to form a polymer releases molecules of __________.

negative feedback

The body must maintain the homeostasis of blood glucose to properly function. When blood glucose level rises, the pancreas secretes insulin, and as a result blood glucose level falls. When blood glucose level is low, the pancreas secretes glucagon, and as a result blood glucose level rises. Such regulation of blood glucose level is the result of

the flow of energy from sunlight to producers and then to consumers, and the recycling of chemical nutrients

The dynamics of any ecosystem include the following major processes: the flow of energy from sunlight to producers and then to consumers the recycling of chemical nutrients the flow of energy to producers and the recycling of nutrients the flow of energy from sunlight to producers the flow of energy from sunlight to producers and then to consumers, and the recycling of chemical nutrients


The element present in all organic molecules is ________.


The formation of starch from simple sugars such as glucose involves a series of _______________ reactions.


The hydrogen atoms of a water molecule are bonded to the oxygen atom by hydrogen bonds, whereas neighboring water molecules are held together by polar covalent bonds.


The oil and vinegar in your salad dressing remain separate from one another due to the __________ properties of the oil.

electrons in the outer electron shell of the atom

The reactive properties or chemical behavior of an atom mostly depends on the number of

sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain.

The structure of a protein is primarily determined by the: sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain. way in which the peptide bond forms. hydrogen bonds formed on the polypeptide backbone interaction of the R groups on each of the amino acids.

common ancestor

The unity in diversity of populations is explained by the observation that all organisms evolved from a ________.

Different, same

Typically, carbon atoms have a mass number of 12 and atomic number of 6. An isotope have carbon would have the [ Select ] ["same", "different"] mass number but the [ Select ] ["same", "different"] atomic number.

the water molecule is polar.

Water molecules form hydrogen bonds because: the hydrogen atoms are negatively charged the water molecule forms a tetrahedron. the water molecule is polar. the oxygen molecule is positively charged.


Water molecules stick to other water molecules because the hydrogen atoms of adjacent water molecules are positively charged and are attracted to the oxygen atoms of adjacent water molecules because they are negatively charged

both are important components of cell membranes

What do phospholipids and cholesterol have in common?

What is being measured

What is a dependent variable


What is the shape of a 6-carbon sugar molecule dissolved in an aqueous solution?

all lipids are hydrophobic

What property is common to all members in the lipid group of macromolecules?


What type of macromolecule is Lactose?

carbohydrate molecules contain carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen

What, if any, is the difference between a carbohydrate and a hydrocarbon?

Hydrogen bonds between the bases will break

When proteins are heated, they usually denature. If moderate heat were applied to this molecule of DNA, which would happen first? (Use your knowledge of chemical bonds.) Choose 1 or 2.

covalent, unequally, polar covalent

When two atoms share electrons they form a [ Select ] ["covalent", "ionic", "", "hydrogen"] bond. If these two atoms have very different electronegativity then they would share electrons [ Select ] ["unequally", "equally", "weakly"] and form a polar covalent bond.

R group

Which component of a protein is primarily responsible for its shape?

carboxyl group

Which component of an amino acid provides its acidic properties?

two polynucleotide chains twisted into a double helix.

Which of the following best describes the structure of DNA?


Which of the following functional groups of organic molecules consists only of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom?

They have double bonds in their fatty acid chains.

Which of the following is true of unsaturated fats?

complementary base sequences are copied onto RNA

Which of the following occurs when a gene is transcribed?


Which of the following pairs of base sequences could form a short stretch of a normal double helix of DNA?

may take the shape of a ring

Which of the following statements about carbon skeletons is true?


Which of the four macromolecules (polysaccharides, polypeptides, lipids and nucleic acids) is/are not polymers?

DNA is double stranded but RNA is single stranded. DNA stores genetic information by the sequence of its nucleotides.

Which statements below are True? 1. DNA is double stranded but RNA is single stranded. 2. DNA is made of phosphate, base and ribose sugar. 3. DNA has the four bases A, U G, C. 4. DNA stores genetic information by the sequence of its nucleotides.

it contains hydrogen bonds

Why can't humans digest cellulose?

organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere

hierarchy of biological organization


Carbonyl Group


Carboxyl group

Globular, fibrous

Consider the shape of proteins. Enzymes are usually __________, while structural proteins are usually __________.


Darwin proposed the theory of natural selection. For the most part, natural selection acts as a filtering agent at the _____ level of life's hierarchy.`

Archaea, bacteria, eukarya Archaea- prokaryotes that live in extreme environments Bacteria- most diverse prokaryotes Eukarya- eukaryotes that have single cells - plants, animals, and multicellular fungi

Distinguish among the three domains of life.

testosterone: people who suffer from muscle-destroying diseases

Anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of the hormone __________. To which of the following persons can they be appropriately prescribed?


Amino Group

protons- 18 neutrons- 22 electrons-18

An uncharged atom of argon has an atomic number of 18 and an atomic mass of 40.


C, H ,0 and N are the four most common elements in living organisms


Fructose and glucose are isomers since they have the same molecular formula (C6H12o6) different structural formula

making a protein using instructions in the DNA

Gene expression refers to:

they have the same molecular formula

Glucose and fructose are isomers. What does this tell you about the two molecules?


HCl is an acid because it adds H+ ions to a solution


methyl group


phosphate group

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