bio lab concept exam

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gently mix small volumes of material and/or that which is easily fragmented.

"Flicking" or "tapping" a microcentrifuge tube is most appropriate to: thoroughly mix a completely full tube. gently mix small volumes of material and/or that which is easily fragmented. when you are angry or annoyed. vigorously mix structurally stable materials in a tube about 75% full or less.

reasons for infertility

-Decrease in egg production or egg quality -Abnormality in sperm production or sperm quality -Uterine fibroids -Duct issues -age basically

p-value must be what to reject the null hypothesis?

0.05 or less

how much does the ocular/ eye piece usually magnify?

10X, 15X, 20X

how many lobes does the rat liver have?


Incorporated a plasmid

A bacterial cell that has been transformed has: Doubled in size Incorporated a plasmid Doubled in number Been killed Duplicated its bacterial chromosome

1 billion

After 30 cycles of PCR, how many copies of the target sequence can potentially be produced from a single starting molecule of DNA? a few hundred 1 billion 1 million 1 thousand 30


Arrow B points to the spinal cord primitive groove (streak) somites heart prosencephalon

a wet mount of your red blood cells.

As outlined in your lab manual, you are to view all of the following specimens with various types of microscopy EXCEPT: a prepared mount of bovine pulmonary artery endotheial cells. a wet mount of your red blood cells. methylene-blue stained buccal cells. fluorophore stained buccal cells.

guard cells

As pictured, each stoma is formed by a pair of surrounding cells known as guard cells stomata cells tracheid cells xylem cells

Glowing E. coli colonies

Based on the bacterial transformation using the plasmid containing the gene for GFP, what phenotype would you expect for cells from a successful transformation spread on agar plates containing LB, ampicillin, and arabinose in the presence of UV light? A white smear or 'lawn' A brown smear or 'lawn' Glowing E. coli colonies White E. coli colonies No colonies / no growth

All of the above

Caenorhabditis elegans are useful model organisms because: The fate of every cell line has been mapped. Their nervous system has been completely mapped. They are easy to grow on agar plates They can easily be viewed and studied at low magnification (e.g., 4X) All of the above

sampling occurrences of a specific behavior

Certain behaviors are performed by the animal. When this happens, the behavior can be recorded as one event.


Considering that micropipetters are most accurate when delivering volumes of 50-100% of their total capacity, which micropipetter(s) would you choose to MOST ACCURATELY dispense a volume of 125µL? Both P200 and P1000 Both P10 and P200 P200 P10 P1000

what does DAPI bind to?

DNA - will be blue

negative, positive; Smaller

DNA, because it has a _____ charge, moves to the _____ end (e.g., anode) of the field in gel electrophoresis. _____ DNA molecules migrate the most quickly. negative, positive; Larger positive, positive; Smaller positive, negative; Smaller negative, positive; Smaller positive, positive; Larger


Dopachrome maximally absorbs wavelengths of light measuring around 470 nanometers. You can monitor the concentration of dopachrome by measuring the absorbance of this wavelength of light. Examine the figure below. What color of light has a wavelength measuring 470 nanometers? Blue Green Yellow Orange Red

primitive streak

During chick development, gastrulation begins with the formation of the: epiblast primitive streak blastoderm somites

The solution will become a darker orange/brown.

During lab this week, you will study tyrosinase activity by monitoring the color of the solution. As the reaction proceeds (and DOPA is oxidized), the concentration of dopachrome should increase in the solution. How should the solution change in color over time? The solution will become a darker orange/brown. The solution will become a darker red. The solution will turn pink. The solution will become clear. The solution will not change color.

lower the activation energy of a reaction

Enzymes: make endergonic reactions proceed spontaneously lower the activation energy of a reaction are not very specific in their choice of substrates are needed in large quantities because they are used up during catalysis are unaffected by changes in pH or temperature

relationship between pGLO and GFP

GFP inserted into pGLO plasmid

Only transformed bacteria have the gene that codes for green fluorescent protein (GFP)

How are transformed bacteria different from untransformed bacteria? Only transformed bacteria have chromosomal DNA Only transformed bacteria have the gene that codes for green fluorescent protein (GFP) Only untransformed bacteria can grow on agar plates containing ampicillin Only untransformed bacteria can flouresce Only transformed bacteria survive the heat shock procedure

All of the above help to minimize unnecessary risks

How can you minimize unnecessary risks? Follow protocols Work patiently Don't rush through steps Only use the cell phone OUTSIDE of the lab Only consume food, drinks, and gum OUTSIDE of the lab All of the above help to minimize unnecessary risks.

The rat's uterus consists of a pair of elongated uterine horns.

How is the uterus in the female rat different from that of humans? The rat's uterus consists of six segmented uterine pockets. The rat's uterus is smaller than the size of the oviducts. The rat's uterus encircles the ovaries. The rat's uterus consists of a pair of elongated uterine horns.


How many unfertilized sea urchin eggs are in the microscopic field of view? one three eight twelve Cannot be determined by the information provided.

All of these answers

How should the agar plates be stored to allow effective bacterial growth overnight? parafilmed rubber-banded together properly labeled on the bottom periphery place inverted in the 37C incubator All of these answers

You will make a window in the egg shell.

How willl you prepare the chick embryo so you can see its heartbeat? You will remove the yolk and embryo from the egg. You will isolate the embryo and remove it from the egg. You will suck out the embryo with a syringe and place it in a Petri dish. You will make a window in the egg shell. You will dissolve the egg shell.


In a typical bacterial transformation procedure using the "heat-shock" method, the vast majority of the bacteria become transformed double in size incorporate the plasmid grow as non-transformants die

Measure the relative size of an object.

In light microscopy an ocular reticle is used to: Determine the resolving power of a microscope. Stain a specimen to increase contrast. Determine the magnification of a microscope. Measure the relative size of an object. All of these answers

A polypeptide chain with active sites that bind DOPA and Oxygen

In the presence of oxygen, the enzyme TYROSINASE catalyzes the oxidation of DOPA (3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine), producing dopaquinone. Dopaquinone spontaneously converts into dopachrome (a dark orange/brown molecule). Here is a simple diagram that illustrates this reaction: DOPA + O2 ⇒⇒⇒TYROSINASE⇒⇒⇒ Dopaquinone ≈ Dopachrome (orange/brown) Which of the following statements best describes tyrosinase? A product of an enzymatic reaction A polypeptide chain with active sites that bind DOPA and Oxygen A substrate that is converted to dopachrome A coenzyme that binds to oxygen An inhibitor that prevents oxidation

a stimulant on a chick embryo's heart rate.

In this lab, you will conduct an experiment examining the effects of a depressant on sea urchin gastrulation. hypertonic solutions on chick embryos. a stimulant on a chick embryo's heart rate. moisture on sea urchin fertilization. All of these answers.


In this lab, you will identify and sketch all of the following structures in a chick embryo, EXCEPT: notochord developing brain gastrula neural tube heart

focal-animal sampling

In this sampling method, all of the actions of one animal are recorded for a specified time period. This continues until all of the animals in the group have been observed for the specified time period.

mm Hg (mercury)

In what units is blood pressure measured? pascal's mm H2O mm Hg (mercury) lbs/in2 (psi)

expected. Nontransformed cells became so numerous that colonies grew together and formed a "lawn".

Individual colonies are not visible on your LB-only (without antibiotic) plate. Instead, a white smear is visible. This result is: expected. Nontransformed cells became so numerous that colonies grew together and formed a "lawn". expected. Recombinant transformants grew much better and thus, out-numbered nontransformants. expected. All of the cells were transformed with plasmid DNA, but the presence of the plasmid inhibited their growth. NOT expected. The culture was probably too dilute so no bacteria grew up. NOT expected. None of the cells were transformed, so no colonies grew.

Yes; the wells containing DNA samples are far from the anode and can "run to red".

Is the agarose gel correctly oriented in electrophoresis rig as shown? No; the wells containing DNA samples are close to the cathode and will run off the gel. Yes; the wells containing DNA samples are far from the anode and can "run to red". No; the wells containing DNA samples are close to the red (-) cathode. Yes; the wells containing DNA samples are close to the red (+) anode. Yes; the wells containing DNA samples are far from the black (-) cathode.

founders of ethology

Lorenz (imprinting, intrinsic behavior) and Tinbergen (proximate and ultimate causes)


Movement in response to a stimulus (but not directly toward or away from the stimulus)


Movement toward (positive) or away from a stimulus (negative)

when can you use course knob focus?

ONLY when on the 4X objective


PCR can be used to amplify large amounts of target DNA in a matter of days weeks minutes hours


Pictured is a cross-section (transverse) through tissue from a root leaf stem flower fruit

Angiosperm- Monocot

Pictured is a day lily with a close-up of its leaf. How would you categorize this plant? Angiosperm-Eudicot Angiosperm- Monocot Bryophyte (non-vascular land plant) Gymnosperm Seedless vascular land plant

Seedless vascular land plant

Pictured is a fern. How would you categorize this plant? Angiosperm-Eudicot Angiosperm- Monocot Bryophyte (non-vascular land plant) Gymnosperm Seedless vascular land plant

the area around the teeth of the comb is flooded with water.

Removing the comb from a gel is made much easier, with less possibility of tearing the gel, if: the area around the teeth of the comb is flooded with water. the agarose is not yet completely solidified. the comb is pulled out very quickly in one rapid motion. the surface of the gel next to where the comb is inserted is covered with plastic tape.

improve contrast

Stains are often applied to a microscopic specimen mainly to increase or improve which aspect of light microscopy? improve contrast decrease resolution (increase d) decrease diffraction minimize artifacts/aberrations all of these answers

All of the above

Stomata regulate: Movement of carbon dioxide in and out of leaves Movement of oxygen in and out of leaves Movement of water vapor in and out of leaves All of the above

what allows the DNA to glow under the transilluminator?

Syber-safe - DNA stain

a decreased pulse rate

The "diving response" of the human body refers to the typical reaction of a person who submerges his/her face in cold water and is most characterized by... an increased pulse rate a dramatic increase in ventilation volume a decreased pulse rate an increase in blood pressure a dramatic increase in breathing rate

Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, Buffer solution

The Master Mix consists of which of the following components? Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, Primers Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, Buffer solution Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, Helicase Taq DNA polymerase, dNTPs, MgCl2, Template DNA


The ability to distinguish two points in the specimen (i.e., see two points, instead of one) relates to a property of light microscopes termed Diffraction or Scattering Numerical Aperature Contrast Resolution Focus

Denaturation - Annealing - Elongation.

The correct order of steps in a typical PCR cycle is: Elongation - Annealing - Denaturation. not important as long as all 3 are completed in each cycle. Denaturation - Annealing - Elongation. depends on the primer and/or template DNA sequence. Annealing - Denaturation- Elongation.

a locus found on human chromosome 1

The design of DNA primers is essential for a successful PCR experiment. For example, D1S80 primers can be used to amplify target sequences from which of the following DNA sources? a locus found on all human chromosomes a locus found on human chromosome 1 a locus found on bacterial plasmid DNA a locus found on bacterial chromosomal DNA a locus found on human mitochondrial DNA

have been injected with red latex.

The heart and arteries of the rat will be red in color because they have been stained with Congo red. have been injected with red latex. have a high concentration of hemoglobin contain the pigment hemocyanin. contain oxygenated blood.

instantaneous sampling

The observer records the behavior of an individual at predetermined time intervals.

continuous sampling

The observer simply records all of the activity that occurs while the animals are being watched.


The position of the esophagus is _______ to the trachea. dorsal ventral caudal pectoral


The property of some compounds to absorb light at a given wavelength and shortly thereafter emit light at a slightly longer wavelength is called: Absorbance Stokes' Reflectance Fluorescence Any of the above

Allow the polymerase to polymerize DNA.

The purpose of the 70°C heating (3rd step of each cycle) in a PCR protocol is to... Anneal the primers to the template. Denature the primers. Denature the template DNA to make single stranded DNA. Allow the polymerase to polymerize DNA.

Denature the template DNA.

The purpose of the first 95°C heating step in a PCR protocol is to Anneal the primers to the template. Denature the primers. Denature the template DNA. Allow the polymerase polymerize DNA.

Anneal the primers to the template.

The purpose of the ∼67°C heating (2nd step of each cycle) in a PCR protocol is to... Anneal the primers to the template. Denature the primers. Anneal the template DNA to make double stranded DNA. Allow the polymerase to polymerize DNA.

biohazard... in the "animal carcass disposal" container.

The rat carcasses and any dissected parts are considered to be a(n) and should be most safely discarded where? nontoxic... in the regular trash. toxic... in the Solid Chemical Waste. biohazard... in the "animal carcass disposal" container. biohazard... in the "Biohazard" Waste beaker. biohazard... in the "Biohazard" Trashcan.

ocular / objective

The total magnification through a compound microscope is equal to the magnification of the _____ times the magnification of the _____. ocular / condenser eyepiece / ocular ocular / objective objective / tube None of these answers


The use of antibodies in fluorescence microscopy is a technique known as: autofluorescence immunofluorescence antifluorescence dichroic fluorescence

The cricket's body temperature will decrease

There is an interesting relationship between the mechanism of thermoregulation (endothermy or ectothermy), ambient temperatures and body temperature. As ambient temperatures decrease, an ectotherm's body temperature decreases; endotherms, on the other hand, will maintain a relatively constant body temperature as ambient temperatures decrease. Which of the following statements best describes how the body temperature of a cricket will change as ambient temperatures decrease? The cricket's body temperature will not change The cricket's body temperature will decrease The cricket's body temperature will increase The cricket's body temperature will fluctuate

The study of animal behavior.

This week in lab you will explore ethology. What is ethology? The study of ethical standards. The study of ethical behavior. The study of animal behavior. The study of organic compounds that have an ether group. The study of ethereal music and its effect on plants.

No, it is reflecting or transmitting orange wavelengths of light

This week in lab you will use the SpectroVis Plus Spectrophotometer to measure the light that is absorbed by dopachrome, a dark orange/brown molecule. Is a solution that appears dark orange in color absorbing orange wavelengths of light? No, it is reflecting or transmitting orange wavelengths of light Yes, it is absorbing orange wavelengths of light


To what immediate anatomical position of the rat's body is the arrow pointing? caudal cranial dorsal ventral

biohazard... in the Biohazard Waste beaker

Toothpicks used for collection of human cheek cells are considered to be a(n)? And would be most safely discarded? sharps... in the Sharps container biohazard... in the Solid Chemical Waste biohazard... in the Solid Bacterial Waste nontoxic... in the regular trash biohazard... in the Biohazard Waste beaker

The comb was inserted incorrectly at the adjustable end.

Upon its removal from the casting frame, the gel shown here tore apart at the wells (upper left side). What most likely explains how this gel was improperly cast causing it to break at the wells and became unusable? The comb was inserted incorrectly at the fixed end. The agarose was insufficiently heated or mixed with some particulates remaining. The agarose was allowed to set until it became opaque. The agarose was overheated causing the TAE buffer to boil and evaporate. The comb was inserted incorrectly at the adjustable end.


Usually the systolic pressure within the _____ artery is measured with a sphygmomanometer femoral brachial hepatic pulmonary carotid

Transverse plane

What anatomical plane is similar to a cross section? Longitudinal plane Frontal plane Saggital plane Transverse plane

Kinesis, Taxis, Tropism, and/or Long-Distance Orientation

What are the basic forms of orienting responses exhibited by animals? Kinesis or Taxis only Navigation by Compass, Map, and/or Landmarks Tropism or Long-Distance Orientation only Phototaxis, Chemotaxis, Phonotaxis, and/or Long-Distance Orientation Kinesis, Taxis, Tropism, and/or Long-Distance Orientation

Release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft

What do normal synaptic vesicles do? Release neurotransmitters in the presynaptic neuron Release sodium into the synaptic cleft Move through the synaptic cleft and bind to the postsynaptic membrane Pass the electrical current through the synaptic cleft Release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft

Both express the same jellyfish gene

What do the E. coli and C. elegans used in Exercise 10 have in common? Both are transformed during Exercise 10 Both are multicellular Both are Eukaryotic Both express the same jellyfish gene Both are resistant to antibiotics

All of the above

What does it mean to maintain good lab hygiene? Frequently wash hands Wash hands before leaving lab Maintain a work-space free of clutter Frequently change gloves All of the above

Bands that mark the location of D1S80 amplicons in the gel

What does the Transilluminator and SYBR Safe stain allow you see in the gel? Bands that mark the location of all 46 stained chromosomes in the gel Bands that mark the location of chromosome 1 in the gel Bands that mark the location of D1S80 amplicons in the gel

All of the above.

What happens during photosynthesis? Light energy is converted into chemical energy (in the form of sugars). Inorganic carbon (CO2) is converted into an organic form of carbon. Carbon dioxide is reduced. Water is oxidized. Oxygen is produced. All of the above.

The synaptic vesicles

What has been directly tagged with green flourescent protein in the worms? The neurotransmitters The neuron The muscles The synaptic vesicles

sphygmomanometer and stethoscope

What instruments are to be used to measure human blood pressure? sphygmomanometer and oxygen meter oximeter stethoscope and spectrometer sphygmomanometer and stethoscope stethoscope and oximeter

All of the above

What is an example of PPE (Personal protective equipment)? Gloves Safety glasses Lab coat All of the above

All of the above

What is the purpose of a lab coat? To protect your clothes from stains To protect your skin from chemical spills To protect your skin from broken glass All of the above


What is the site of photosynthesis in algae? plasma membrane chloroplasts cytoplasm stomata guard cells

Report the spill to your Laboratory Instructor

What should you immediately do if a spill occurs in the lab? Use paper towels to contain the spill Report the spill to your Laboratory Instructor Find the chemical spill kit Exit the room Spray the area with ethanol

Only when the 4X objective is in alignment.

When is it acceptable to focus using the course focus knob? When any objective is in alignment. Only when the 40X objective is in alignment. When there is no objective in alignment. Only when the 4X objective is in alignment. Only when the 4X objective is not aligned.

add 6x dye to ALL samples and pipet the SAME total volume for each well.

When loading samples into an agarose gel: add 6x dye to ALL samples and pipet the SAME total volume for each well. use the SAME micropipetter tip for ALL samples. add control DNA to ALL your samples. load ALL samples BEFORE electrophoresis buffer is added fully over the gel in the electrophoresis rig. always go to the second stop of the micropipette to fully dispense ALL of the sample into its well.

Development, Causation, Survival Value (Function), and Evolution

Which are the four categories into which Tinbergen divided the mechanisms underlying animal behavior (also known as Tinbergen's Four Questions)? Territoriality, Reproduction, Parental Care, and Foraging Orientation, Causation, Ontogeny, and Information Fitness, Causation, Communication, and Evolution Development, Causation, Survival Value (Function), and Evolution Communication, Orientation, Survival Value (Function), and Fitness

Observe flourescent bacteria

Which of the following activities will you NOT complete during Exercise 10? Insert a plasmid into E. coli bacteria Spread bacteria on a plate Observe nematode behavior on agar plate Observe flourescent nematodes Observe flourescent bacteria

All of the above

Which of the following are environmental variables that might influence cricket behavior? Presence of other crickets Amount of light Food Chemicals (alcohol, bug spray, etc.) Predators All of the above

Remove one glove and then use its interior to help remove the other glove.

Which of the following best describes how to remove disposable gloves? Remove both gloves at the same time. Remove one glove, dispose of it, and then use your bare fingers to pull at the tips of the other glove. Remove one glove and then use its interior to help remove the other glove. Ask a lab partner to remove your gloves.

All of these choices affect enzymatic activity.

Which of the following environmental conditions can affect enzymatic activity? Absence of cofactors. pH. Substrate concentration. Temperature. All of these choices affect enzymatic activity.

Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe

Which of the following instruments will you use to measure the rate of photosynthesis? Gas Pressure Sensor Optical Dissolved Oxygen Probe pH probe Oxygen bubbler

The objective with the highest magnification should be in alignment.

Which of the following is FALSE concerning the state of the microscope when one wishes to remove a specimen slide after viewing? The objective with the greatest working distance should be in alignment. The scanning objective should be in alignment. The objective with the highest magnification should be in alignment. The mechanical stage should be lowered.

Rinse the petri dishes with hot water

Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding the proper disposal method for the chick egg and shell? Place stained and dissected chick embryo with filter paper in the animal carcass disposal container. Place liquid egg white and yolk material in the animal carcass disposal container. Place a scoop of kitty litter atop discarded egg material to absorb moisture and odors. Place egg shells in the animal carcass disposal container. Rinse the petri dishes with hot water


Which of the following is NOT a stage of early animal development? Fertilization Cleavage Gastrulation Organogenesis Blastoporation

all are photosynthetic

Which of the following is NOT photosynthetic? cyanobacteria diatoms elodea algae pteridophytes all are photosynthetic

When in doubt about the correct or safe way to conduct a procedure, just make your best guess or flip a coin.

Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement about our mandatory safety rules? No food or beverages are permitted in the laboratory rooms. Any spills, broken glassware, or other potentially hazardous issues must be reported immediately to the Laboratory Instructor. Protective gloves are required at all times in the laboratory rooms (including when using computers) but must be removed upon exiting. When in doubt about the correct or safe way to conduct a procedure, just make your best guess or flip a coin. Closed-toed shoes must be worn during the full lab period.

small intestine

Which of the following is the site of nutrient and mineral absorption in the rat? mouth esophogus stomach small intestine large intestine

Conduct an experiment using sea urchin embyros

Which of the following procedures will you NOT complete during Exercise 7? Observe and measure prepared sea urchin embryos and chick embryos Conduct an experiment using chick embryos Conduct an experiment using sea urchin embyros Determine the effect of a stimulant and depressant on a chick embryo's heart rate

Tennis shoes

Which of the following shoes could you wear to lab this coming week? Flip flops Crocs Sandals Tennis shoes Slippers

All above statements are correct

Which of the following statements DOES NOT accurately describe an engineered plasmid? A circular DNA molecule Used to create transgenic bacteria A DNA molecule that can confer resistance to an antibiotic A vector that can be used to insert a useful gene into a bacterial cell Replicates independently of bacterial chromosomal DNA All above statements are correct

Lab coats should be fitted (but not too tight) to prevent accidents.

Which of the following statements about lab coats is true? Lab coats should fit loosely to allow for freedom of movement. Lab coats should be fitted (but not too tight) to prevent accidents. You can tuck your long hair into a lab coat instead of tying it up. You can continue to wear a lab coat after a spill.

electron microscopy

Which of the following types of microscopy will you NOT use to view specimens this week in lab? brightfield micrscopy fluorescence microscopy electron microscopy

Nothing- this would be a tripping hazard

Which personal items can you place on the floor near your work area? Your backpack Your lab manual Your lab notebook Nothing- this would be a tripping hazard

Mitotic Cleavage

Which process most directly gave rise to the structure in Figure C? Meiotic Cleavage Fertilization Gastrulation Blastulation Mitotic Cleavage


Which type of light would be required to excite a fluorochrome that fluoresced blue? Depends on the nature of the fluorochrome Blue UV Red Green

Observe 20 different males, one at a time.

You are interested in studying whether crickets prefer high protein food over high fat food. Which of the following experimental designs is more scientifically rigorous? Observe one male twenty times. Put 20 males in the tunnel and observe their behavior. Observe 20 different males, one at a time. Put 10 males and 10 females in the tunnel and observe their behavior.

Crickets in your experiment seem to prefer protein over fat.

You will analyze the results of your experiment during lab using a chi-square test . The chi-square test determines the likelihood that the observed data is drawn from an expected distribution. Here is an example: Let's say you studied food choice using 100 crickets. You observed 40 crickets choose fat and 60 crickets choose protein. If crickets do not prefer one over the other (your null hypothesis), you would expect 50 crickets to choose fat and 50 to choose protein. A chi-square test answers whether there is a significant difference between observed and expected frequencies. Using Google Spreadsheets you can calculate the p-value for your chi-square test for independence. If the p-value for the chi-square test is less than or equal to 0.05, you "reject the null hypothesis" and the difference is "statistically significant". Here are the data and results for this experiment. The p-value is in red. What can you conclude? There is no significant difference between the observed and expected frequencies You can't reject the null hypothesis Crickets in your experiment seem to prefer protein over fat.

Design an experiment to measure the heart rate, pulse and blood pressure of a cricket

You will complete all of the following activities in Exercise 6 EXCEPT: Study the effect of environmental temperatures on the metabolic activity of an ectotherm Conduct an experiment using an ectotherm (a cricket) to explore the effect of temperature on cellular respiration Measure changes in respiration rates of a cricket Design an experiment to measure the heart rate, pulse and blood pressure of a cricket Measure your heart rate, pulse, blood pressure under different environmental conditions

variation in ambient / surrounding enviroment temperature

You will conduct an experiment of your own design to investigate thermoregulation in crickets. Which of the following factors would be the most important independent variable (experimentally controlled / varied / manipulated by you) to determine the relationship of temperature and metabolism in crickets? sex of cricket time variation in cricket body temperature variation in ambient / surrounding enviroment temperature cricket response (change in metabolic rate)

All of the above

You will design an experiment to study cricket behavior using a two-chamber choice kit (see picture below). The two chambers are connected by a tunnel and gates. You will place a cricket in the tunnel joining the two chambers, remove the gates, and observe its behavior. You will record which chamber the cricket selects (the dependent variable). What are variables you will need to control? Number of crickets placed in tunnel Sex of cricket placed in tunnel Amount of time before gates are opened Position of the choice kit in the lab The amount of time to observe behavior All of the above

as a product of cell respiration, CO2 levels should be directly proportional to metabolic rate

You will have the a CO2 probe, O2 probe and a temperature probe available to you to monitor temperature and carbon dioxide and oxygen. This data will be useful to study the effect of temperature on cricket metabolic rate because as a product of cell respiration, CO2 levels should be directly proportional to metabolic rate as a substrate of cell respiration, CO2 levels should be directly proportional to metabolic rate. as a substrate of cell respiration, CO2 levels should be inversely proportional to metabolic rate. ambient / surrounding enviromental temperatures increase with increased metabolic rate. temperature directly determines the rate of metabolic reactions.

All of the above

You will use algae to examine the relationship between photosynthetic activity and oxygen production. Which of the following should result in a DECREASE in oxygen production? Placing the algae in the dark Blocking their electron transport system Disrupting their cell membranes (like the thylakoid membrane) Denaturing their proteins (such as those found in Photosystem II) All of the above

To determine the relationship between distance traveled and number of base pairs

You will use the Gel Analysis Feature to determine the size (in bp) of your amplicons. Why is it important to set the Standard Ladder? To indicate the location of the top of the gel (the origin) To determine the relationship between distance traveled and number of base pairs To set the scale To add a lane

where does DAPI bind?

adenine-thymine rich regions of DNA

is a big or small NA better for resolution?


negative control

check for contamination. if no contamination, then no amplicons

where is the DS180 locus located? what is it?

chromosome 1. 16 bp repeat

FIX solution

fixes cell parts onto slide

phenotype =

genotype + environment

proximate causes

how animal exhibits behavior

evolution type question

how did that behavior arise over time?

development (ontogeny) type question

how did that behavior arise?

survival value type question

how does that behavior contribute to survival/fitness?

causation type question

how does the animal do that?

22 r.u.

how many reticle units long is this specimen in microscopic view? 10 r.u. Depends on the magnification. Cannot be determined. 22 r.u. 2.2 r.u.


in the cell's interior where they maintain their shape by resisting compressive forces


low magnification

purpose of 6X EZ loading dye

makes DNA easier to load because it gives it more weight and makes it easy to see so to load wells

purpose of heat shock

makes bacteria competent, helps to introduce DNA

what does alexa 555 bind to?

microfilaments - will be red

what does bodipy bind to?

microtubules - will be green

what makes up the cytoskeleton?

microtubules and microfilaments

cytoplasmic streaming

movement of cytoplasm that carries organelles, nutrients, and proteins

null hypothesis

no significant difference between mean slopes. (i.e., temp has no effect on CO2 accumulation/time)

Which arteries carry deoxygenated blood?

pulmonary arteries


response of animals to environmental cues. controlled by endocrine and nervous systems

how to male crickets chirp?

rubbing their forewings together (tegmina)

postitive control

sample that you know works, should see amplicons

are shorter or longer wavelengths better for resolution?


alternate hypothesis

significant difference between mean slopes

mammalian dive response

slowed pulse rate and redirection of blood to vital organs (heart, brain) upon immersion into cold water

whiskers function on mouse

tactile sensing. helps them find things in the dark


thicken the cortex around the cell's inner edge. Like rubber bands, they resist tension. made of actin

why do rats have a more pronounced cecum than in humans?

to digest cellulose

what media do pGLO bacteria survive on? how do you know?

transformed bacteria survive on media with ampicillin


turning or bending toward OR away from an external stimulus (sessile organisms)

paired t-tests

used to compare before and after observations on the subject

when is the GFP gene transcribed? why?

when arabinose is present in the media since the GFP gene is inserted into the arabinose operon

which blood cells carry DNA?


ultimate causes

why animal exhibits behavior

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