Bio Lab Practical
One of the questions is MEIOSIS then MITOSIS
This is Crustose (crustlike lichen)
It will have a diagram of a mushroom and point to middle ring the answer is what?
You will be given a diagram of Plasmodium in your book whats the answer?
Are all the plants bilateral or radial?
You will see a volvox and the answer is ?
What is a mature moss?
Gametophtye Haploid
In a petri dish you will see tiny green leaves with little lumps (gemmae cups) what is this?
You will see a peanut butter looking substance answer is ?
What are the characteristics of Gnetophyta?
It is a Sporophyte, Heterosporous, and has seeds
The slideshow will show a structure that is from page 3.3 of the book figure 5a. and the answer is Antheridium
Microgametophyte inside
What kind of fruit is a Pineapple?
Whats in the petri dish full of yellow gunk?
There will be a tub of Mushrooms
Phylum Basidiomycota
There will be a green sludge in a tub
Phylum Chlorophyta
What phylum is made of calcium carbonate or calcerous tests?
Phylum Foraminiferans (shells)
The slide will show an arrow pointing to a purple dot in a microspore the answer is?
Pollen grain
Whats the mature gametophyte of a fern?
You will be given a piece of paper with a cover over it that has dried red looking plant stuff and the question will say something about how it gives off calcium carbonate what is this?
What kind of fruit is a Tomato?
What kind of fruit is an Orange?
There will be a pine cone what type and is it pollinated?
Staminate cones or Ovulate cone or Closed ovulate cone and No it hasnt been pollinated
On page 1.13 the life cycle shown is on the test. The question will show figure 5 to 7 and ask what process goes in the blank where figure 6 is
The answer is Meiosis ZYGOTE--->Free Swimming Meiospores
What does the male sperm fuse with to make endosperm?
Two Polar nuclei
Up or Down