bio midterm

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Convert 0.75 mg to g a. .00075 b. .075 c. 75 d. 7.5


Which unit would be best to measure the length of a car? a. meters b. centimeters c. inches d. kilometers


Robert, an aspiring scientist in a biology class, wanted to conduct a study on the effects of cigarette smoke on the web-building ability of spiders. Which of the following statements is an incorrect use of terms pertaining to the scientific method? a. Robert made the observation that spiders weave webs b. Robert wanted to see if his theory was true that cigarette smoke will influence web-building in spiders c. Robert examined the webs from both control group and the test group and they were recorded in a table d. Robert concluded that there was no significant difference in the ability to weave a web under conditions of cigarette smoke compared to spiders that were not exposed


Analogous structures are always evidence of common ancestry. True False


Shared derived traits are found in all members of the ingroup of a clade. True False


The artificial selection of different breeds of dogs is an example of speciation. True False


Cladograms show the sequence of evolution of the characters in a clade. True False


Two organisms present in the same genus are usually more closely related to each other than to organisms in other genera. True False


A shared ancestral characteristic used in cladistics is found a. in both the outgroup and the ingroup. b. in two of the outgroups. c. only among the members of the ingroup. d. only in the two most recent ancestors. e. only in the most distant ancestor.


Cyanobacteria are important producers, more specifically called a. photoautotrophs. b. saprotrophs. c. chemoautotrophs. d. saproautotrophs. e. photoheterotrophs.


Fitness refers to a. reproductive success. b. mutations that benefit an organism's survival. c. the physical health of a population. d. the variation in traits within the population. e. the physical health of an individual


Many species of finches, tortoises, cacti, and iguanas are found on the Galápagos Islands and nowhere else in the world. Which physical attribute of these islands has not played a role in permitting such unique life forms to evolve? a. Food is plentiful and diverse on every island. b. There is geographic isolation from mainland species. c. Multiple islands exist. d. The islands are small compared to the South American mainland. e. Each island has its own unique environment.


Scientists were studying temperature selection amongst pregnant big brown bats. What would the test group be in this experiment? a. pregnant bats b. juvenile male bats c. juvenile female bats d. female bats that were not pregnant e. male bats


Similarity due to convergent evolution is called a. analogy. b. cladistics. c. phylogeny. d. taxonomy. e. homology.


Skin color is coded for by several different genes which results in a range of skin colors from very dark to very light. This is an example of a. polygenic inheritance. b. pleiotropy. c. codominance. d. incomplete dominance. e. a multifactorial trait.


When comparing chick and pig embryos, the similar eyes, pharyngeal pouches, and postanal tails are evidence of a. common ancestry. b. convergent evolution. c. biogeography. d. analogy. e. artificial selection.


Which event was not involved in the Permian mass extinction? a. a large meteor impact b. a decrease in the amount of shallow marine habitat c. dramatic environmental change d. shifting ocean currents e. shifting wind patterns


Which feature is believed to have been the first step in the evolution of land plants from the green algae? a. protection of the embryo b. evolution of seeds c. evolution of vascular tissue d. evolution of microphylls e. evolution of flowers in order to attract pollinators


Which of the following is not an example of artificial selection? a. different styles of potatoes; fried, mashed, baked, etc. b. different types of tomatoes; roma, beefsteak, grape, cherry, etc. c. different breeds of dogs; poodle, basset hound, Chihuahua, Great Dane, etc. d. different breeds of cats; Siamese, Persian, Himalayan, American shorthair, etc. e. different varieties of roses; yellow, pink, red, thornless, climbing, etc.


Which of the following is not true with regard to the law of segregation? a. Each gamete contains two genes for each trait. b. Gametes contain only one gene from each pair. c. Each individual has two factors for each trait. d. During fertilization, each new individual obtains two genes for each trait. e. Genes segregate during gamete formation.


Why are green algae placed in the kingdom Protista, while plants are given their own kingdom? a. Plants enclose and protect the embryo within the female plant, while green algae do not. b. The green algae use chlorophyll <i>a</i>, while plants use chlorophyll <i>b</i>. c. Green algae have a cell wall of chitin, while plants have cell walls of cellulose. d. All plants are vascular, while all green algae are nonvascular. e. Algae are sporophytes that reproduce only asexually, while plants are gametophytes and reproduce sexually.


You discover a green, filamentous multicellular eukaryote growing at the edge of a pond. How could you determine if the organism is a green alga or a plant? a. Determine if the organism protects and nourishes its embryos. b. See if the organism stores its excess carbohydrates in the form of starch. c. Determine if the organism protects its zygotes. d. Examine the cell walls to see if they are composed of cellulose. e. Test for the presence of chlorophylls <i>a</i> and <i>b</i>.


which of these worms are segmented? a. annelids b. planarians c. flukes d. roundworms e. all worms are segmented


which statement regarding the scientific method is false? a. original hypotheses are formed after an experiment b. the control and experimental group are identical except for one variable c. experiments need to be repeatable d. observations are used to form a hypothesis e. Inductive reasoning is used to form a hypothesis


All of the genes and all of their associated alleles within a population represent the population's a. gene flow. b. gene pool. c. genotype. d. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. e. genome.


Alleles are a. exact copies of the same trait. b. alternate versions of the same trait. c. dominant traits. d. recessive traits. e. two versions of the same trait.


How is the mycelium a valuable adaptation for a fungus? a. It discourages animals from feeding on the fungus. b. It provides a large surface area for the absorption of nutrients and moisture. c. It provides physical support for the fragile sporophyte generation. d. It provides a strong anchor for the fungus. e. It provides a vast surface area for the generation of spores.


If a population recovers to its original population size after experiencing a bottleneck, which statement is correct regarding this population? a. The recovered population is more likely to go extinct as is the population prior to the bottleneck. b. The recovered population shows less genetic diversity than the population prior to the bottleneck. c. The recovered population is as likely to go extinct as is the population prior to the bottleneck. d. The recovered population shows more genetic diversity than the population prior to the bottleneck. e. The bottleneck subjected the population to directional selection.


In the process of natural selection, individuals that are most fit are the ones that are a. most likely to migrate. b. most likely to reproduce. c. most likely to mutate. d. most likely to survive. e. most likely to be physically fit.


Linked genes a. are found on homologous chromosomes. b. tend to be close together on a single chromosome. c. never cross over during prophase I. d. undergo crossing-over of sister chromatids at a high rate. e. always assort independently.


Scientists were studying temperature selection amongst pregnant big brown bats. What would be the best control group for this study? a. juvenile female bats b. female bats that were not pregnant c. pregnant bats d. juvenile male bats e. male bats


The purpose of a control group in an experiment is a. to prove the prediction b for comparison to the other test groups c. to control the dependent variable d. for comparison to the results of other experiments e. to prove the hypothesis


What do transitional fossils illustrate? a. Natural selection happened long ago just as it does today. b. Shared ancestral traits. c. All life is related. d. All transitional links are now extinct. e. Convergent evolution occurred in the ancient past.


Which geological timescale contains the greatest number of years? a. decades b. eras c. periods d. epochs e. centuries


Which is the largest, most diverse group of arthropods? a. millipedes b. insects c. centipedes d. arachnids e. crustaceans


Which of the following correctly reflects the division of the history of life on Earth, from most inclusive to least inclusive? a. period - epoch - era b. era - period - epoch c. epoch - era - period d. era - epoch - period e. epoch - period - era


Which of the following is the most encompassing level of organization? a. class b.ecosystem c. population d. species e. cells


Which of the following statements is not correctly matched with the given scientific method term? a. biologist suggested that 2-3 cups of coffee per day can decrease death rates amount women (hypothesis) b. all organisms are comprised of cells (data collection) c. a researcher reported that red-foot tortoises preferred red-colored fruits and vegetables to those that were green or white (conclusion) d. Leslie set up mist nets to catch bats flying over a small stream. Each bat that was caught was weighted and sexed (experimental design) e. Bethany watched butterflies feeding in a large field of wild flowers. She noticed that more butterflies approached the yellow and purple flowers than the red flowers (observation)


Which of these would be best able to reproduce during a period with little to no rainfall? a. ferns b. gymnosperms c. bryophytes d. lycophytes e. No plants can reproduce except during rainy weather.


animals are not a. motile b. autotrophic c. eukaryotic d. heterotrophic e. multicellular


the circulatory system of a whale is considered an organ system because it is composed of different a. molecules b. organs c. hearts d. tissues e. cells


Convert 1750 ml to liters. a. 17.50 b .1750 c. 1.750 d 1750


Many insects do not see into the red color range, and as a result, many insect-pollinated flowers are colors other than red. This flower coloration would be considered a(n) a. competition b. selection c. adaptation d. mutation e. mistake


Ryan has type A blood and is color-blind (an X-linked recessive trait). Which of the following combinations are possible for his parents? a .1, 3, and 4 b. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 c. 1, 3, 4, and 5 d. 1 and 2 e. 1, 2, and 3


Shared derived traits a. are homologies found between the ingroup and the outgroup. b. are found within members of the outgroup. c. are homologies found only in certain members of the ingroup. d. are shared by all organisms on the cladogram. e. are shared only by common ancestors.


The fact that DNA is the molecule containing the genetic code for all life on Earth is a part of a. comparative embryological evidence. b. biogeographical evidence. c. biochemical evidence. d. comparative anatomical evidence. e. evidence of artificial selection.


The only single-celled organisms are prokaryotes, such as archaea and bacteria a. true because prokaryotes are the simplest cell form b. false because some prokaryotes are multicellular c. false because some eukaryotes, including protista, are single-celled d. false because all single-celled organisms are prokaryotes e. true because all eukaryotes are multicellular


What feature enables the paramecium to move? a. pseudopodia b. contractile vacuole c. cilia d. nucleus e. flagella


convert 0.25 liters to ml a. 2.5 b. 0.0025 c. 250 d.2500


A couple has three children, two of which have blonde hair. The third child and both parents have dark hair. What can be determined about the gene for hair color in this family? a. Blonde hair color;conveys a lethal mutation. b. Blonde hair color is an autosomal dominant trait. c. Blonde hair color;is a sex-linked recessive trait. d. Blonde hair color is an autosomal recessive trait. e. Blonde hair color is a sex-linked dominant trait.


A homozygous red-eyed female Drosophila mates with a red-eyed male Drosophila. What proportion of the female offspring will have white eyes? a. 50% b. 25% c. 75% d. 0% e. 100%


A red-eyed male Drosophila mates with a red-eyed female Drosophila. One of the female's parents had white eyes. What proportion of the male offspring will have white eyes? a. 75% b. 25% c. 100% d. 50% e. 0%


Homologous structures a. are shared by organisms of the same genus. b. have fully divergent functions. c. have identical functions. d. are often shared by organisms in the same line of descent. e. are also called analogous structures.


Most dinosaurs became extinct at the end of which of the following periods of the Mesozoic? a. Jurassic b. Triassic c. Permian d. Cretaceous e. Devonian


Parents with the dominant phenotype cannot have offspring with the recessive phenotype. a. True, because the dominant gene must be passed down from each parent. b. False, because one parent could carry the recessive allele. c. True, because at least one dominant gene will be passed down from each parent. d. False, because both parents could carry the recessive allele. e. True, because both parents have the dominant allele.


The central dogma of molecular biology states that the information contained within genes flows in which direction? a. DNA to rRNA to protein b. DNA to DNA to protein c. DNA to tRNA to mRNA to protein d. DNA to mRNA to protein e. mRNA to DNA to protein


What characteristic is common of both a genetic bottleneck and a founder effect? a. Both encounter a population crash. b. Both involve a portion of a population becoming isolated. c. Both affect the entire population. d. Both involve a decrease in a population's genetic diversity. e. Both are a type of natural selection.


Which of the following is not a step in the process of natural selection? a. Over multiple generations of reproducing, a larger proportion of the population will have those favorable traits and thus adaptation has occurred. b. The population produces more offspring than the environment can support. c. Members of a population possess heritable variations. d. People select which individuals breed and which ones do not. e. Individuals who have favorable traits survive and reproduce more than those individuals lacking such traits.


Which of the following is not thought to have contributed to the many mass extinction events that have occurred throughout Earth's history? a. plate tectonics b. meteorite impacts c. continental drift d. punctuated equilibrium e. habitat loss


Which of the following would not result in a decrease of genetic variation? a. genetic drift b. bottleneck effect c. natural selection d. mutation e. founder effect


which are the most numerous and diverse vertebrates a. lancelets b. cartilaginous fishes c. reptiles d. bony fishes e. mammals


Conifers such as pine trees are classified as a. lycophytes. b. angiosperms. c. charophytes. d. bryophytes. e. gymnosperms.


The punctuated equilibrium model of evolution suggests that new species appear a. only after older species disappear from the fossil record. b. gradually after long periods of time with little to no change; as groups become isolated, they slowly evolve through their own individual pathways. c. gradually over very short periods of time so that intermediate species are often observed in the fossil record. d. gradually; as groups become isolated, they slowly evolve through their own individual pathways. e. suddenly after long periods of time with little to no change.


The smallest unit of life is a(n) a. organ b. species c. organism d. tissue e. cell


Which of these would you expect to thrive in areas with abundant moisture? a. ferns only b. mosses only c. lycophytes only d. mosses and ferns but not lycophytes e. mosses, ferns, and lycophytes


Which similarity is not shared between algae and plants? a. Algae are producers. b. Algae were once classified as plants. c. Algae are eukaryotes. d. Algae are photoautotrophs. e. Most algae have some form of locomotion.


which of the following correctly lists the classification categories from least to most inclusive? a. phylum, species, genus, kingdom, domain, order, class, family b. domain, kingdom, class, order, family, phylum, genus, species c. species, genus, family, class, order, domain, phylum, kingdom d. kingdom, phylum, domain, class, order family, genus, species e. species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, domain


Members of two different species are never capable of mating. True False


The similarity of the fossil glyptodont to the living, modern armadillo is an example of comparative anatomy. True False


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