bio mod 3

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Which of the following individuals would be considered the fittest in evolutionary terms?


Which of the following is a step in the process of artificial selection?


Which polysaccharide is usually found in the cell walls of bacteria?


Which statement about bacteria is correct?


Which statement is true?


Which statement about bacteria is incorrect?

All bacteria are pathogenic to humans.

Based on the evolutionary tree of the three domains, which of the following is false?

All three domains are equally related to one another.

Based on the evolutionary tree of the three domains, which of the following is true?

All three domains have a common ancestor.

The primary difference between amphibians and reptiles is what?

Amphibians have a moist, permeable skin, while reptiles have a dry, scaly skin.

A scientist traversing a remote wooded area discovers what he thinks is a new plant species. He makes observations of the plant, discovers that it produces a nut similar to an acorn, and concludes it is what type of plant?


Which of the three domains contain(s) prokaryotic organisms?

Bacteria and Archaea

Which of the following is a correctly written scientific name?

Escherichia coli

Which of the three domains contain(s) plants?


How could you show experimentally that photosynthesis is important for plant growth?

Expose groups of plants to different amounts of sunlight

The mountain zebra (Equus zebra) and the donkey (Equus asinus) belong to the same species.

False because the specific epithet is different.

What is a phylogenetic tree?

It is a diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among organisms.

Which of the following best describes evolution?

It is the change in heritable traits in living populations over successive generations.

Which of the following does not provide support for the endosymbiotic hypothesis?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts contribute to different metabolic processes in the eukaryotic cell.

Which one of the following statements is true?

Natural selection can only work on variation that already exists.

Which of the following is not a step in the process of natural selection?

People select which individuals breed and which ones do not.

The biological kingdom ________ includes photosynthetic multicellular with cellulose cell walls organisms.


The biological kingdom ________ includes both unicellular and multicellular organisms.


How could you show experimentally that leaves are necessary for plant growth?

Remove different numbers of leaves from plants in each test group, and measure their growth under the same conditions

Which type of snail would be best suited to hide from predators if this population existed in an environment consisting of dark areas?

The dark-colored snails would most easily hide from predators.

Which type of snail would be best suited to hide from predators if this population existed in a variable (mixed patches of light and dark areas) environment?

The multicolored (variable) snails would most easily hide from predators.

If a new population is established by a few individuals via the founder effect and this new population grows to the same population size as the original population size, which statement is correct regarding this newly founded population?

The newly founded population shows less genetic diversity than the original population.

A scientist traversing a remote wooded area discovers what he thinks is a new plant species. He observes a variety of characteristics and concludes that the plant is an angiosperm. What is one possible supporting observation for this conclusion?

The plant produces nuts that are quite similar to maple tree seeds.

You take a large sample of soil and put it all into individual pots. You then divide the pots into two groups. In the first group, every pot of soil has been sterilized, and thus contains no bacteria. In the second group, none of the pots of soil have been sterilized. You plant soybean seeds in all the pots. What would you expect to see as the seeds sprout and grow?

The plants growing in the non-sterile soil are bigger because they have mutualistic associations with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

If a population recovers to its original population size after experiencing a bottleneck, which statement is correct regarding this population?

The recovered population shows less genetic diversity than the population prior to the bottleneck.

Which of the following situations will lead to natural selection?

The seeds of two plants land near each other and one grows larger than the other.

A team of scientists is trying to categorize a new life form they believe is an insect. On what criteria will the scientists base their decision on whether or not to classify the creature as an insect?

The team will study insects in the phylogenetic tree and see whether their new creature matches the characteristics of one of the tree's branches.

You take a large sample of soil and put it all into individual pots. You then divide the pots into two groups. In the first group, every pot of soil has been sterilized, and thus contains no fungi. In the second group, none of the pots of soil have been sterilized. You plant the same type of tree seeds in all the pots. What would you expect to see as the seeds sprout and grow?

The trees growing in the non-sterile soil are bigger because they have mutualistic associations with mycorrhizae fungi.

The mountain zebra (Equus zebra) and the donkey (Equus asinus) belong to the same genus.

True because they both start with Equus.

Which statement is true?

Viruses are acellular.

Which of the following statements is not true of all viruses?

Viruses have envelopes.

In the figure shown here, which of the following organisms would have the same shared derived trait?

W, Y, and Z

In the figure shown here, ________ and ________ have a common shared derived trait that is not possessed by ________.

Y; Z; X

A clade includes which of the following?

a common ancestor and all its descendant species

What is a clade?

a group of organisms that all share a common ancestor

Fungi often grow a large mass of hyphae called

a mycelium

A diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among organisms is called

a phylogenetic tree

Animals with bilateral symmetry have ___________, which other animal do not:

a right and left side

What is a major distinction scientists use to divide the animal kingdom? Whether the animal has

a vertebral column or not

Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites. This supports the fact that viruses are


Which of the following does not generate genetic variation within a population?


A heritable trait that confers on an individual a survival and reproduction advantage in its current environment is called what?

an adaptation

The wing of a bird and the wing of an insect are examples of _________ structures.


Bacteria that cause ear infections have increased their resistance to antibiotics over time. Which of the following is the selective agent?


Organisms that stain as Gram-positive or Gram-negative because of differences in the cell wall are


In order to mate, male blue-footed boobies must display an elaborate courtship dance. This is an example of

behavioral isolation.

Which of the following is a way that bacteria can reproduce without genetic recombination?

binary fission

Which of the following is not a way that bacteria can gain genetic recombination without meiosis?

binary fission

Evidence believed to support the theory of evolution fall into which major categories? Fossil record, homologous structures,

biogeography, and molecular biology

As you hike up a mountain, you realize that the plants and animals present at the base are not the same as those at the top. This observation is the basis of


Using prokaryotes to clean up pollutants is called


Which of the following is not a defining characteristic of a chordate animal?

bony spinal column

Xylem and phloem are specialized structures found in vascular plants that have the function of

carrying water and nutrients

Prokaryotes stain as Gram-positive or Gram-negative because of differences in the

cell wall

Which best describes the relationship between chimpanzees and humans?

chimpanzees and humans evolved from a common ancestor

Which polysaccharide is usually found in the cell walls of fungi?


Which of the following is the characteristic reproductive structure for gymnosperm plants?


Which classification of life contains the highest number of species?


Which of these has segmentation?


Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own genomes, can synthesize proteins, contain genes that are strikingly similar to bacterial genes, and are enclosed within double membranes. This evidence provides support for


The change in heritable traits in living populations over successive generations best describes


Which statement is true about vaccination? Vaccination

exposes the immune system to potential pathogens to create immunity.

Which of the following is the characteristic reproductive structure for angiosperm plants?


The ovary of a flowering plant can grow and transform into:


Which of the following increases genetic variation within a population?

genetic recombination and independent assortment of alleles

Organisms that are more closely related overlap more how?

genetically and morphologically

Pinus strobus is the scientific name for the white pine. Pinus is the


Which classification of life contains the lowest number of species?


The wing of a bird and the wing of a bat are examples of _________ structures.


Fungi often grow a large mycelium made up of

individual filaments called hyphae

Which of these never occurs during the bacteriophage lytic cycle?


Which of these occurs during the bacteriophage lysogenic cycle but not the lytic cycle?


The vast majority of animal species alive today belong to which major group?


Which of these has radial symmetry?


Which list is correct in descending classification (from largest to smallest grouping)?

kingdom, order, family, species

Seeds of a particular type of plant have increased their resistance to drought over time. Which of the following is the selective agent?

lack of water

The primary site of photosynthesis in a plant is in the


Which variable increases the likelihood of allopatric speciation taking place more quickly?

longer distance between divided groups

A researcher infects a bacterium with a bacteriophage and notices that the infection does not immediately bring about the destruction of the host cell. Instead, the phage's genetic material is copied whenever the host reproduces. Which viral replication cycle is described here?

lysogenic cycle

A researcher infects a bacterium with a bacteriophage and notices that the infection immediately brings about the destruction of the host cell. Which viral replication cycle is described here?

lytic cycle

Which animal development most directly allowed for most animals to have differentiated true tissues like nervous and muscular tissues?


"Survival of the fittest," or the reproductive advantage in individuals who inherit traits that help it adapt to a changing environment was something Darwin called

natural selection

The primary pressure on species to change over time is what?

natural selection

Although Lamarck hypothesized that adaptations to the environment did occur, he also believed that

offspring inherited characteristics that were acquired by their parents during their lifetime.

Following Lamarck's ideas, if a person were to lose his arm in an accident, then that person's children would inherit

one arm.

In order from largest to smallest classification, which list is correct?

order, family, genus, species

The theory of evolution states that:

organism populations can change physically over long periods of time

Cyanobacteria are thought to have contributed to

oxygenation of the atmosphere

What event is thought to have contributed to the evolution of eukaryotes?

oxygenation of the atmosphere

Which of the following is one of the defining characteristics of a chordate animal?

pharyngeal gill slits

The leaves of plants serve as the primary sites of what?


Organisms that obtain energy from sunlight are called


In general, which two characteristics of an organism are used to classify it?

physical features and genome

The male gamete of a flowering plant is known as:


The biological kingdom Bacteria includes

prokaryotic organisms

Echinoderm animals have ___________, but lack _________unlike other animals.

radial symmetry, a head

Evolutionarily speaking, fitness refers to

reproductive success.

Birds are most closely related to which group of vertebrates?


Which statement is false about vaccination? Vaccination

results in viral DNA integrating into the host cell's DNA.

Vascular plants have two main organ systems. What are they?

roots and shoots

The biological kingdom Fungi includes

saprophytic eukaryotic organisms

Organisms that secrete digestive enzymes into their surroundings in order to decompose nonliving organic matter are called


How would you test to see if carbon dioxide was required for optimal plant growth?

set up an experiment using different amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide

How would you test to see if organic nitrogen was required for optimal plant growth?

set up an experiment using different amounts of nitrogen fertilizer

To which of the two main plant organ systems do stems belong?


The animal phylum which lacks symmetry and true tissues consists of which animals and is called what?

sponges, Porifera

The simplest animal phylum consists of which animals and is called what?

sponges, Porifera

Two species of termites live in the same location but don't mate because they have different breeding seasons. This is an example of

temporal isolation.

In the figure shown here, the letter V represents which of the following?

the common ancestor for X, Y, and Z

In the figure shown here, the letter W represents which of the following?

the common ancestor for Y and Z

When hiking high in the mountains, you find fossil marine shells lying about. This provides evidence that

the mountain top was once under the ocean and has been uplifted.

Bioremediation includes the use of prokaryotes

to clean up pollutants

Which of the following is not a specific animal evolutionary development?


Stems carry water through ________tissue and nutrients through _________tissue.

xylem, phloem

Which best describes the relationship between horses and zebras?

zebras and horses evolved from a common ancestor

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