Bio Quiz questions

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T/F: After the age of 30, most people experience gradual decrease in bone mass due to the decreased activity of osteoblasts relative to osteoclasts


T/F: Homo habilis is considered to be the first of our human ancestors to make tools.


T/F: Osteoblasts convert cartilage to bone in the injured area in bone repair


T/F: Osteoporosis may result if the activity of osteoclasts outstrips the activity of osteoblasts.


T/F: Surgically removed growth plates from a child result in no further increases in bone length.


T/F: Veins are more distensible than arteries.


Bones continue to lengthen throughout childhood and adolescence because

a growth plate is present in each epiphysis until the late teens

In humans, the ability to roll the tongue is a dominant trait; the inability to roll the tongue is a recessive trait." If two individuals homozygous dominant for this trait have a child, what is the chance that the child will not be able to roll his tongue? a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 100%

a) 0%

likely vegetarian; ape-like anatomy; sexual dimorphism; walked upright a) Australopithecus afarensis b) Homo sapiens c) Homo erectus d) Homo habilis e) Ardipithecus ramidis

a) Australopithecus afarensis

In characterizing cartilage, which one of the following is CORRECT? a) Cartilage is found where support under pressure is required. b) All types of cartilage are produced by osteocytes. c) Cartilage functions to link muscles to bone. d) Cartilage fibers make up ligaments. e) Cartilage is flexible due to a spongy network of trabeculae.

a) Cartilage is found where support under pressure is required.

Which of the following restricts the movement of muscles by restricting the release of acetylcholine? a) botox b) creatine c) troponin d) tropomyosin e) fascia

a) botox

Muscles will not contract unless ________ is present. a) calcium b) oxygen c) potassium d) carbon e) nitrogen

a) calcium

Where are you most likely to find skeletal tissue? a) connecting to tendons b) in the heart c) surrounding the bladder d) surrounding the uterus e) surrounding blood vessels

a) connecting to tendons

A heart cell and a lung cell in your body: a) contain the same DNA b) contain different sets of DNA c) have not yet differentiated d) each express about 90% of their DNA e) b and c are true

a) contain the same DNA

Why would someone interested in building muscle mass consider supplementing his or her diet with creatine? a) creatine helps in the conversion of ADP to ATP b) creatine sends nerve impulses that contract muscles c) creatine is a form of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine (ACh) d) the only way to get have creatine in the body it to take it as a supplement

a) creatine helps the conversion of ADP to ATP

What evidence do we have that our ancestors had a tail? a) humans have a coccyx b) humans still develop a tail as adults c) chimpanzees have tails d) bipedalism

a) humans have a coccyx

A mutation that changes a light pocket mouse into a dark colored pocket mouse: a) is always beneficial b) is beneficial if the mouse lives in an area dominated by ancient volcanic activity c) occurs because that mutation is needed by the mouse d) happens after the mouse is born

b) is beneficial if the mouse lives in an area dominated by ancient volcanic activity

Which of the following provided strong selective pressure for the evolution of grasping hands? a) bipedalism b) color vision c) the "fine branch niche" d) the coccyx e) object permanence

c) the "fine branch niche"

Cell membranes: a) are only two molecules thick b) are made up of phospholipids c) surround all cells d) all of the above are true e) a and b only

d) all of the above are true

In the lower leg, the gastrocnemius muscle bends the foot away from the knee, as in pointing one's toes. The tibialis anterior muscle flexes the foot toward the knee. These two muscles are a) synergistic b) homeostatic c) mutualistic d) antagonistic e) cooperative

d) antagonistic

Which one of the following plays the most significant role in regulating the distribution of blood into tissues? a) arteries b) veins c) capillaries d) arterioles e) venules

d) arterioles

When a bone breaks, a(n) ________ forms until later being replaced with bone. a) cyst b) growth plate c) hematoma d) callus e) pore

d) callus

Exchange of nutrients and gases between blood and tissues is the primary function of a) arterioles b) epicardium c) arteries d) capillaries e) veins

d) capillaries

The finches Darwin studied on the Galapagos Islands had varying beak sizes. Which of the following cannot be true regarding those differences in beak size? a) beak size is a heritable trait b) there is variation in beak size in a population c) beak size correlated to seed size on different islands d) individual birds changed their beak size in response to seed size e) changes in beak size were a result of natural selection

d) individual birds changed their beak size in response to seed size

Vertebrae of the spinal cord are separated from each other by compressible, flat structures called ________ that assist in movement and flexibility. a) ribs b) hyoid bones c) clavicles d) intervertebral disks e) osteoblasts

d) intervertebral disks

All of the following are types of connective tissue EXCEPT for which one? a) bone b) cartilage c) blood d) muscle e) adipose

d) muscle

Which of the following can create a new allele in an individual? a) genetic drift b) evolution c) migration d) mutation e) natural selection

d) mutation

Which of the following is likely a direct consequence of a malfunction in the pulmonary circuit? a) oxygen-poor blood is not able to be carried back to the heart from the extremities in the body b) oxygen-rich blood is not able to circulate to the tissues of the body c) oxygen-rich blood is not able to be carried back to the heart from the extremities of the body d) oxygen-rich blood is not delivered back to the heart

d) oxygen-rich blood is not delivered back to the heart

The plasma membrane (also called the cell membrane) is mostly composed of: a) cholesterol molecules b) carbohydrate groups c) proteins d) phospholipids e) DNA

d) phospholipids

Which one of the following blood vessels transports oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart? a) pulmonary artery b) aorta c) carotid artery d) pulmonary vein e) iliac vein

d) pulmonary vein

Skeletal muscle groups that work together to create the same movement are referred to as a) involuntary b) antagonistic c) synergistic d) sarcomeres e) myofibrils

c) synergistic

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the fascia within the sole of the foot, resulting in foot and heel pain. What is a fascia?

the fibrous connective tissue sheath that surrounds the fascicles of the muscle

T/F: Mutation and natural selection are both random mechanisms of evolution


T/F: Stating that humans evolved from monkeys is an accurate depiction of human evolution as we understand it.


"In humans, the ability to roll the tongue is a dominant trait; the inability to roll the tongue is a recessive trait." If two individuals heterozygous for this trait have a child, what is the chance that the child will not be able to roll his tongue? a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 75% e) 100%

b) 25%

Young bone-forming cells that cause the hard matrix of bone to develop are:


Osteoporosis is a common condition that essentially results when homeostasis cannot be maintained in ________ and ________.

osteoclasts ; osteoblasts

Which of the following is a condition in which bones decrease in size over time due to an imbalance in the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts?


If a person had a mutation in the troponin protein of his skeletal muscles, such that troponin could not bind to calcium, his muscles would be: a) permanently relaxed b) permanently contracted c) able to function normally

permanently relaxed

About 55% of whole blood is ________, which is/are mostly made up of water.


The primary function of the ________ is to achieve a balance in ion and osmotic concentrations on both sides of the cell membrane.

sodium potassium pump

Many cells use tiny projections of their cell membrane called microvilli to increase the __________ __________ (two words) relative to cell volume.

surface area

According to the Body Story video, if Lisa lives to be 95, none of her bones will be more than ______ years old.


The following events are associated with muscle contraction. Which one of the following best describes the order in which these events occur, following the initiation of a contraction by a nerve impulse? 1 - T tubules transmit electrical impulses throughout the muscle cell. 2 - Myosin contacts actin and pulls it toward the center of the sarcomere. 3 - Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the muscle. 4 - Troponin-tropomyosin complex shifts to expose myosin binding sites. 5 - Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

3 - Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the muscle. 1 - T tubules transmit electrical impulses throughout the muscle cell. 5 - Calcium is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum. 4 - Troponin-tropomyosin complex shifts to expose myosin binding sites. 2 - Myosin contacts actin and pulls it toward the center of the sarcomere.

In DNA, A always pairs with _____ , and C always pairs with _____.

A always pairs with T C always pairs with G

Which one of the following blood types can a person with blood type B safely receive in a blood transfusion?

B and O

A concentration gradient: a) is a source of potential energy b) is critical for active transport to occur c) occurs when ions are in equal concentrations on both sides of a membrane d) is found only in plants e) relies on carbohydrates embedded in the cell membrane

a) is a source of potential energy

Bones are connected to other bones across a joint by a) ligaments b) tendons c) osteocytes d) cartilage e) trabeculae

a) ligaments

Which of the following is a common symptom for a patient with cystic fibrosis? a) mucus build-up in the lungs b) blurred vision c) a persistent, red, itchy rash d) hypertension e) failure to properly regulate body temperature

a) mucus build-up in the lungs

The left ventricle has a more muscular wall than the other three chambers of the heart because the left ventricle: a) must generate enough blood pressure to pump blood into the aorta and throughout the body b) pumps blood more rapidly than the other chambers c) pumps blood into the atria d) must decrease the amount of pressure on the blood so it can flow more smoothly e) receives blood directly from major arteries

a) must generate enough blood pressure to pump blood into the aorta and throughout the body

Each of the following mechanisms plays a role in the return of blood to the heart via veins EXCEPT which one? a) osmotic pressure exerted by plasma proteins in the blood b) squeezing action of skeletal muscles c) valves that permit the one-way flow of blood returning to the heart and prevent backflow d) pressure changes in the abdominal and thoracic cavities associated with breathing

a) osmotic pressure exerted by plasma proteins in the blood

A scientist is interested in doing a research project on hemoglobin. From which one of the following could he extract the hemoglobin for his study? a) red blood cells b) plasma c) platelets d) white blood cells

a) red blood cells

Contraction of a skeletal muscle cell is initiated by the a) release of acetylcholine by a neuron terminating at the neuromuscular junction b) release of calcium ions by the neuron into the neuromuscular junction c) electrical current traveling from the neuron directly into the muscle cell d) hormones delivered by the blood supply to the nearby tissue e) release of sodium ions by the neuron into the neuromuscular junction

a) release of acetylcholine by a neuron terminating at the neuromuscular junction

After blood flows through the right atrium of the heart, its next major destination is the: a) right ventricle b) left atrium c) aorta d) left ventricle e) lungs

a) right ventricle

Muscle cells are surrounded by fascia. That fascia joins together to form the _________ that attaches to bone. a) tendon b) ligament c) muscle

a) tendon

Which one of the following is a molecule? a) water b) N c) O d) lead e) C

a) water

Which one of the following statements correctly describes activities of muscles? a) All muscles produce movement. b) All muscles shorten when they contract. c) All muscles are under conscious control. d) All muscles are attached to bones. e) All muscles are synergistic.

b) All muscles shorten when they contract.

A diploid cell can only have two alleles per gene. Why? a) Because gametes are diploid b) Because one came from the sperm, and the other from the egg c) Because sperm cells are diploid d) Because egg cells are diploid

b) Because one came from the sperm, and the other from the egg

All of the following are key elements of evolution EXCEPT which one? a) Organisms have changed from their ancestors over time. b) Change has been accomplished with a purpose and a plan. c) Change is unpredictable and determined by natural processes. d) Change depends on alterations in DNA. e) There are several mechanisms of evolution.

b) Change has been accomplished with a purpose and a plan.

If you were to extract your own DNA like in the DIY DNA video, what would it look like (to the naked eye, without the aid of a microscope)? a) You could clearly see the double-helix structure of the DNA b) It would look like white strings and clumps. c) It would have a blue, swirled pattern

b) It would look like white strings and clumps.

Why do individuals with kidney disease sometimes become anemic? a) The diseased kidneys destroy circulating red blood cells. b) The diseased kidneys do not secrete adequate erythropoietin. c) Excessive red blood cells are lost in the urine due to leaky filtration in the diseased kidneys. d) Kidney disease spreads to the bones and interferes with red blood cell production.

b) The diseased kidneys do not secrete adequate erythropoietin.

Which of the following was NOT one of Mendel's important conclusions from his experiments with pea plants? a) Plants inherit a pair of genetic instructions from each parent. b) The information inherited from the mother is always the same as the information inherited from the father. c) A plant that inherits one purple and one white allele will have purple flowers. d) The purple allele was being expressed more often, but was not necessarily more common. e) The Law of Segregation states that each individual possesses two alleles for a given trait, one from mom and one from dad.

b) The information inherited from the mother is always the same as the information inherited from the father.

The alternating light and dark layers in the core taken from the depths of the Arabian Sea indicated: a) periods of calm punctuated by periods of volcanic activity b) a cycling between wet and dry climates in African history c) a sharp shift from forest to savannah in Africa 23,000 years ago d) a shift from savannah to forest 2 million years ago e) swings in carbon dioxide concentrations over several millennia

b) a cycling between wet and dry climates in African history

In any DNA molecule, the number of guanine bases should: a) always be equal to the number of thymine bases b) always be equal to the number of cytosine bases c) be equal to the number of cytosine and adenine bases d) sometimes be equal to the number of thymine bases, and sometimes equal to the number of adenine bases e) always be equal to the number of adenine bases

b) always be equal to the number of cytosine bases

Water is an excellent solvent for biological systems because: a) it can maintain a relatively unstable temperature for chemical reactions to occur. b) compounds with ionic bonds as well as those with polar covalent bonds readily dissolve in water. c) it is semisolid at body temperature, preventing it from flowing freely through the human body. d) it can rearrange its bonds, forming covalent bonds with other molecules once dissolved. e) it is hydrophobic in nature

b) compounds with ionic bonds as well as those with polar covalent bonds readily dissolve in water.

The difference between evolution and the theory of natural selection is: a) natural selection is the change in genetic makeup of an organism over time, whereas evolution is the survival of the fittest b) evolution is the change in genetic makeup of a POPULATION over time, whereas natural selection is the mechanism of that change c) evolution is the change in genetic makeup of an ORGANISM over time, whereas natural selection is the mechanism of that change d) there is no difference - natural selection and evolution share the exact same definition

b) evolution is the change in genetic makeup of a POPULATION over time, whereas natural selection is the mechanism of that change

If a plant exhibits a recessive phenotype, what can you say about its genotype? a) nothing b) it is homozygous recessive c) it has two copies of the dominant allele d) it must have had at least one copy of the recessive allele e) it is heterozygous

b) it is homozygous recessive

Bones are connected to other bones across a joint by: a) tendons b) ligaments c) coccyx d) joint

b) ligaments

Which sequence lists the structures from largest, most inclusive, to smallest? a) muscle-thick filament-fascicle-muscle cell-myofibril b) muscle-fascicle-muscle cell-myofibril-thick filament c) fascicle-muscle-myofibril-muscle cell-thick filament

b) muscle-fascicle-muscle cell-myofibril-thick filament

Which one of the following tissues can respond to the environment by generating electrical signals? a) dermis b) nervous c) epithelial d) muscle e) connective

b) nervous

Place the following in order from smallest, simplest, least complex, to largest and most inclusive: a) chromosome, gene, genome, nucleotide b) nucleotide, gene, chromosome, genome c) genome, chromosome, gene, nucleotide d) gene, nucleotide, genome, chromosome e) nucleotide, gene, genome, chromosome

b) nucleotide, gene, chromosome, genome

Active transport is like facilitated transport in that both processes: a) move molecules down their concentration gradient b) require the presence of proteins in the plasma membrane that move molecules from one side of the cell membrane to the other c) require the use of ATP d) do not require a source of energy e) facilitate the movement of water through the phospholipids of the cell membrane

b) require the presence of proteins in the plasma membrane that move molecules from one side of the cell membrane to the other

What happens when viper blood mixes with human blood? a) nothing b) the blood coagulates c) the blood turns blue d) the blood is deoxygenated e) the blood turns to dust

b) the blood coagulates

While performing surgery, you accidentally cut a blood vessel. How could you identify that you had cut a vein, rather than an artery? a) the blood spurts in a pulsating fashion b) the blood pools rather than spurts c) the walls of the blood vessel are thick d) the vessel is not enclosed in contracting muscle e) A, C, and D are all true

b) the blood pools rather than spurts

The majority of oxygen in the blood is transported by ________.

binding to hemoglobin

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that results from the inheritance of two recessive alleles. What is the chance that a child will inherit the disorder if one parent is heterozygous for this gene and one parent has cystic fibrosis? a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 100%

c) 50%

In 1994, scientists unearthed fossils in rocks that were 4.4 million years old. These fossils belonged to an ancestral human who walked upright but was also a climber, had grasping hands and feet, and lived amongst the trees. To which species did this organism belong? a) Australopithecus afarensis b) Homo sapiens c) Ardipithecus ramidis d) Homo habilis e) Homo erectus

c) Ardipithecus ramidis

Identify the sequence of DNA with an insertion mutation. The original DNA sequence is CTGAACGTTA: a) CTGAACGTTA b) CTCAACGTTA c) CTGATACGTTA d) CTGAACGTA e) CTGAACGATA


brain enlargement; decline in sexual dimorphism; longer infancy; formation of hunting and gathering groups that shared food and lived in caves; first in the human line to move from Africa to Europe and Asia a) Australopithecus afarensis b) Homo sapiens c) Homo erectus d) Homo habilis e) Ardipithecus ramidis

c) Homo erectus

If an individual is O+, which of the following antigens are on the surface of his or her red blood cells? a) O and Rh b) A, B, and Rh c) Rh d) O e) A and B

c) Rh

Why were the researchers in the Great Transformation video interested in studying lemurs? a) Lemurs are an analog to the ancestors from which humans have evolved b) Lemurs may provide clues into how humans developed bipedalism c) a + b are true

c) a + b are true

In the Galapagos Islands, which of the following is NOT true regarding finches? a) beak size and shape differed from island to island b) beak size and shape were related to food availability c) beak size and shape remained constant from year to year d) average beak size is correlated to water availability

c) beak size and shape remained constant from year to year

Which one of the following types of tissues surrounds hollow organs that change shape or size regularly? a) loose connective tissue b) dense connective tissue c) elastic connective tissue d) reticular connective tissue e) all of the above

c) elastic connective tissue

Mendel's law of segregation states that a) when two identical alleles come together, complete dominance occurs in terms of phenotype b) genes for different traits assort independently of each other during the formation of egg and sperm c) genes separate from each other during gamete formation so that each sperm and egg receive only one allele from each pair

c) genes separate from each other during gamete formation so that each sperm and egg receive only one allele from each pair

Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in North America and results from which genotype? a) homozygous dominant b) dominant c) homozygous recessive d) heterozygous e) polygenic

c) homozygous recessive

What type of cells are used for the recellularization process in Dr. Ott's research? a) mature heart cells b) embryonic cells c) induced pluripotent stem cells d) strictly endothelial precursor cells e) strictly muscle progenitors

c) induced pluripotent stem cells

Why has moonwalking been selected for in the manakin? a) manakins use moonwalking to escape predators b) moonwalking is used to exhibit dominance over other males c) moonwalking is interpreted as a sign of fitness by females d) moonwalking increases a manakin's chance of survival

c) moonwalking is interpreted as a sign of fitness by females

Which of the following is a condition in which bones decrease in size over time due to an imbalance in the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts? a) stress fracture b) arthritis c) osteoporosis d) carpal tunnel syndrome e) sinusitis

c) osteoporosis

DNA contains the instructions for the assembly of: a) monosaccharides b) nucleotides c) proteins d) trans fats e) steroids

c) proteins

A student is describing the tissue that makes up the walls of the alveoli in the lungs. It appears that these walls are composed of flattened cells arranged in a single layer to facilitate gas exchange. Which one of the following terms best describes this tissue? a) simple cuboidal b) stratified squamous c) simple squamous d) simple columnar e) stratified cuboidal

c) simple squamous

Most of the muscle mass in the body is: a) cardiac muscle b) smooth muscle c) skeletal muscle

c) skeletal muscle

Which type of muscle can sustain a contraction indefinitely? a) skeletal b) cardiac c) smooth

c) smooth

What forces a cell to stay small? a) cell surface area b) cell volume c) the need for large surface area : volume ratio d) the need for small surface area : volume ratio e) simple genetic machinery

c) the need for large surface area : volume ratio

Deoxygenated blood always flows: a) into the left ventricle b) toward the left atrium c) toward the right atrium d) in the systemic circuit e) from capillaries to arterioles

c) toward the right atrium

Which of the following specifically denotes a homozygous recessive genotype? a) TT b) Tt c) tt

c) tt

When a bone breaks, a(n) ________ forms until later being replaced with bone.


What is the correct classification of vertebrae, from the skull to the pelvis?

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal

Where are you most likely to find skeletal muscle tissue?

connecting to tendons

Which of the following is true regarding decellularization? a) It eliminates antigens that could cause a transplant recipient to reject the organ b) It leaves behind a matrix of structural proteins, including collagen c) it prevents re-population by new cells that are immunologically matched to the recipient d) A and B only

d) A and B only a) It eliminates antigens that could cause a transplant recipient to reject the organ b) It leaves behind a matrix of structural proteins, including collagen

Darwin saw nature as a battlefield. Why is this significant? a) There is variation in traits within a given species b) There is similarity in traits between species c) Variation is heritable d) Competition leads to differential reproductive success

d) Competition leads to differential reproductive success

Which of the following is made up of nucleotides, can change, and is housed in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell? a) protein b) RNA c) cell membrane d) DNA e) carbohydrates

d) DNA

first in the human line to use tools; had fine motor skills and good vision; had a diet that included meat instead of a vegetarian diet a) Australopithecus afarensis b) Homo sapiens c) Homo erectus d) Homo habilis e) Ardipithecus ramidis

d) Homo habilis

Which one of the following statements is TRUE regarding bone? a) The epiphysis of a long bone is filled with yellow bone marrow. b) Bone is not considered to be a living tissue because it does not contain cells or blood vessels. c) Dense compact bone is located in the center of a long bone. d) Stem cells responsible for the production of blood cells are located in red bone marrow. e) The outer surface of a bone is covered with loose connective tissue.

d) Stem cells responsible for the production of blood cells are located in red bone marrow.

Each of the following statements accurately describes a feature of arteries EXCEPT which one? a) Arteries have an endothelial lining that reduces friction and promotes smooth blood flow. b) Arteries have a smooth muscle layer on the outside, which provides some stiffness. c) Elastin fibers in arterial walls allow stretching of the arteries. d) Valves along major arteries maintain directed blood flow. e) A tough supportive layer of connective tissue containing collagen is found on the outer surface of arteries.

d) Valves along major arteries maintain directed blood flow.

Which of the following can we confidently state has the highest evolutionary fitness? a) a cheetah who can run in excess of 70mph b) a katydid that has effective camouflage c) an octopus that evades predation by mimicking the shape of other animals d) a fruit fly that produces 1,000 offspring e) a chimpanzee that produces 3 offspring

d) a fruit fly that produces 1,000 offspring

Which of the following is true regarding Ardi? a) her knees were close together, which allowed her to walk less awkwardly b) she probably only had 2 opsin genes c) she lived in an open savannah d) she was able to walk upright amongst trees e) she had grasping hands, but not grasping feet

d) she was able to walk upright amongst trees

What was the prevailing viewpoint before Darwin? a) all organisms shared common ancestry b) DNA was fundamental in tracing heredity c) all species possess slight imperfections d) species never change e) mutations in DNA are what drive change in phenotypes

d) species never change

What can we say about the number of chromosomes humans possess as compared to chimpanzees? a) humans and chimpanzees have the same number of chromosomes b) humans have more chromosomes than chimpanzees c) humans have lost a chromosome pair in the course of evolution d) the common ancestor to humans and chimpanzees had 24 pairs of chromosomes e) chimpanzees have one pair of chromosomes that have fused together

d) the common ancestor to humans and chimpanzees had 24 pairs of chromosomes

The atrioventricular (AV) valves are closed when the a) right atrium is contracting b) left atrium is contracting c) heart is completely relaxed d) ventricles contract e) ventricles are relaxed

d) ventricles contract

You have been advised to check your pulse during exercise in order to monitor your heart rate. What is happening in your heart as your pulse is produced? a) ventricular diastole b) atrial diastole c) the aortic valve and pulmonary valves are closing d) ventricular systole e) atrial systole

d) ventricular systole

Why were the researchers in the Great Transformation video interested in studying lemurs? a) Lemurs are an analog to the ancestors from which humans have evolved b) Lemurs may provide clues into how humans developed bipedalism c) The fact that they only ever walked on four legs makes them a good analog to our four-legged ancestors d) Lemurs are related to chimpanzees, and humans evolved from chimps e) A and B are true

e) A and B are true a) Lemurs are an analog to the ancestors from which humans have evolved b) Lemurs may provide clues into how humans developed bipedalism

Which of the following was a strong selective force for the evolution of grasping hands? a) Being able to wrap fingers around fine branches b) Being able to exploit a resource that was previously not utilized (food located at the tips of branches) c) Being able to walk upright d) All of the above e) A and B only

e) A and B only a) Being able to wrap fingers around fine branches b) Being able to exploit a resource that was previously not utilized (food located at the tips of branches)

Why are mutations not always bad for an organism? a) The mutation may not actually change the protein's function. b) Mutations may change protein function in a way that is beneficial for the organism. c) Mutations cannot affect the way an organism functions. d) This is a trick question. Mutations are always bad. e) Both a and b are true

e) Both a and b are true a) The mutation may not actually change the protein's function. b) Mutations may change protein function in a way that is beneficial for the organism.

Which species fits the following description: Is characterized by having longer infancy, more parental care, less sexual dimorphism, more developed tools like axes and cleavers, lived in small groups (often in caves), spread out of Africa into Europe and Asia, and had mostly died out about 400,000 years ago a) Australopithecus afarensis b) Ardipithecus ramidis c) Homo habilis d) Homo sapiens e) Homo erectus

e) Homo erectus

An example of potential energy is/are: a) chemical bonds b) water flowing under a dam c) a concentration gradient across a membrane d) all of the above are examples of potential energy e) a and c only

e) a and c only a) chemical bonds c) a concentration gradient across a membrane

In order for a muscle contraction to occur, cross-bridges must form between which one of the following structures within a muscle cell? a) the plasma membrane and the sarcoplasmic reticulum b) troponin and tropomyosin c) calcium and tropomyosin d) acetylcholine and muscle cell receptors e) actin and myosin

e) actin and myosin

Walking on two legs has resulted in several modifications to the human skeleton, including: a) our spinal cord comes out of the base rather than the back of the skull b) our spinal cord points straight down c) our pelvis is short and squat d) we walk with our knees close together e) all of the above

e) all of the above

Which of the following is true regarding the evolution of color vision in primates? a) proteins called opsins are responsible for detecting color b) most mammals see a limited range of color c) enhanced color vision is correlated with a decreased sense of smell d) lacking a third opsin results in not being able to differentiate green from red e) all of the above are true

e) all of the above are true

Which of the following describes when differential reproductive success is determined by humans, rather than nature? a) sexual selection b) natural selection c) genetic drift d) mutation e) artificial selection

e) artificial selection

Which type of mutation(s) can have the largest effect on a protein's structure? a) substitution b) deletion c) insertion d) heritable e) b and c

e) b and c b) deletion c) insertion

When extracting your own DNA, why is it important to add soap to the mixture? a) cleanliness is critical in DNA extraction b) soap breaks down cell and nuclear membranes c) DNA is enclosed inside the nucleus d) soap is what makes the DNA visible to the eye e) both b and c

e) both b and c b) soap breaks down cell and nuclear membranes c) DNA is enclosed inside the nucleus

Each of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton EXCEPT which one? a) ribs b) vertebrae c) sternum d) maxilla e) clavicle

e) clavicle

Each of the following bones is part of the axial skeleton EXCEPT which one? a) ribs b) vertebrae c) sternum d) maxilla e) clavicle

e) clavicle

A scientist is interested in doing a research project on hemoglobin. From which one of the following could he extract the hemoglobin for his study? a) globulins b) white blood cells c) platelets d) clotting proteins e) red blood cells

e) red blood cells

The movement of large molecules or large quantities of molecules into a cell is accomplished through ________; movement of these molecules out of the cell is accomplished through ________.

endocytosis ; exocytosis

Vertebrae of the spinal cord are separated from each other by compressible, flat structures called ________ that assist in movement and flexibility.

intervertebral disks

Bones of trained athletes may be visibly thicker and heavier than those of nonathletes because

weight-bearing exercise increases bone mass and strength

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