Bio test 2- 4,5,6 quizzes

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One centimeter= ______ millimeters


The diameter of most animal and plant cells ranges from

10 to 100 micrometers.

How many NADH are produced by glycolysis?


In glycolysis there is a net gain of _____ ATP.

2 It takes 2 ATP to produce 4 ATP.

During glycolysis, a molecule of glucose is partially oxidized. What is the net gain of ATP and NADH for each glucose molecule during this chemical pathway?

2 ATP and 2 NADH

A child dies following a series of chronic bacterial infections. At the autopsy, the physicians are startled to see that the child's white blood cells are loaded with vacuoles containing intact bacteria. Which explanation could account for this finding?

A defect in the lysosomes of the white blood cells prevented the cells from destroying engulfed bacteria.

What microscopes would you use to determine the size of a typical animal cell and compare it to the size of a virus?

A light microscope and an electron microscope can be used to study a typical animal cell, but only an electron microscope would be used for viruses.

In glycolysis, what starts the process of glucose breakdown?


The energy released from the redox reactions in the electron transport chain is used by the cell to make


Which energy-rich molecule produced by cellular respiration directly powers cell work?


In the first stage of cellular respiration (glycolysis), two molecules of pyruvate are produced in the cytosol. In the remaining stages of cellular respiration, a number of additional products are produced, such as __________. These other stages occur in the __________.

ATP ... mitochondria

Most cellular work is accomplished by the consumption of __________, which energizes molecules by __________ them.

ATP ... phosphorylating

During chemiosmosis,

ATP is synthesized when H+ ions move through a channel in ATP synthase.

Imagine an organism with mutations in complexes I, III, and IV that prevent pumping of hydrogen ions into the intermembrane space but still allow electrons to pass through the electron transport chain. Which of the following is the most likely consequence of these mutations?

ATP synthase will not convert ADP to ATP.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of active transport and facilitated diffusion?

Active transport moves solutes against their concentration gradient; facilitated diffusion moves substances down their concentration gradient.

Why do both mitochondria and chloroplasts possess circular chromosomes?

Both mitochondria and chloroplasts descended from free-living prokaryotes engulfed and maintained by early eukaryotic cells.

Use the graph and your knowledge of enzymes to identify the three true statements about enzymes.

By binding to reactant molecules, enzymes make it easier for the bonds in the molecules to break apart. Enzymes lower the overall energy input needed for a reaction to occur. Reactants cannot convert to products without an initial input of energy to start the reaction.

What is the correct general equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP energy

Adequate nutrition is important for human infants to maintain their layer of brown fat; malnourished infants have depleted brown fat amounts. On average, what should be observed in malnourished compared to healthy human infants?

Cooler body temperatures than healthy infants when both are exposed to cool temperatures.

The DNA-containing region of this bacterial cell is indicated by the letter _____.








Frequently, transplanted organs are rejected by the recipient's body. How is this reaction related to plasma membranes?

Each person has a unique set of glycoproteins with carbohydrate chains attached to his or her plasma membranes.

What is the basic difference between exergonic and endergonic reactions?

Exergonic reactions release energy; endergonic reactions absorb it.

Which of these is NOT a product of glycolysis?


_____ are surface appendages that allow a bacterium to stick to a surface.


What is the name of the process in which glucose is converted to pyruvate?


A researcher made an interesting observation about a protein made by the rough endoplasmic reticulum that was eventually used to build a cell's plasma membrane: the protein in the membrane was actually slightly different from the protein made in the ER. The protein was probably altered in the __________.

Golgi apparatus

The antibiotic oligomycin works by inhibiting ATP synthase. You would expect that

H+ will accumulate in the intermembrane space.

We inhale O2 and we exhale CO2. Carbon dioxide is produced __________.

In the reaction that creates acetyl CoA (coenzyme A) from pyruvate

Macrophages are white blood cells that roam the body searching for invading microbes. These invaders are destroyed inside macrophage vacuoles. How do the macrophages bring the microbes inside?

Microbes are engulfed into the macrophage via phagocytosis.

In cellular respiration, organic molecules become oxidized as _____ picks up electrons and H+ and becomes reduced to NADH.


Oxidative phosphorylation is responsible for nearly all the ATP produced in your body. Select the three true statements about oxidative phosphorylation.

NADH and FADH2 deliver electrons to the electron transport chain during oxidative phosphorylation. Chemiosmosis is the final step in oxidative phosphorylation. Without oxygen, oxidative phosphorylation would not occur.

In fermentation, ________ is ________.

NADH; oxidized

Which statement regarding photosynthesis and cellular respiration is true?

Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts, and cellular respiration occurs in mitochondria

A group of single-cell organisms collected from the ocean was brought into the lab for examination. The lab assistant was concerned that the water had become full of toxic waste products and so added clean water to the culture. All of the organisms died, and when she looked at them under the microscope, all she could see were bits and pieces of them scattered throughout the water. What likely happened?

She added water that was hypotonic to the culture of organisms, and they ruptured.

In the figure below, working from the inside of the "water-filled bubble" out, what would be the order of components observed?

The hydrophilic heads would orient themselves so that they are in contact with the aqueous surroundings, forming water bubbles, with the hydrophobic tails oriented toward each other.

How are proteins with functions outside the cell exported?

The protein is packaged for transport to the Golgi apparatus for processing, after which it is sent to the cell membrane for export.

Which statement describes the citric acid cycle?

This process produces some ATP and carbon dioxide in the mitochondrion.

Which statement describes glycolysis?

This process splits glucose in half and produces 2 ATPs for each glucose.

In the lab, you use a special balloon that is permeable to water but not sucrose to make an "artificial cell." The balloon is filled with a solution of 20% sucrose and 80% water and is immersed in a beaker containing a solution of 40% sucrose and 60% water. Which of the following will occur?

Water will leave the balloon.

A man with a dirty cut on his hand appears at the emergency department for treatment. In order to clean the wound, the health-care provider should use

a weak (low concentration) solution of salt water.

Resolution is the

ability of an optical instrument to show two close objects as separate.

Which of these enters the citric acid cycle (also called the Krebs cycle)?

acetyl CoA

Which of these is NOT a product of the citric acid cycle (also called the Krebs cycle)?

acetyl CoA

What two-carbon precursor molecule from carbohydrate metabolism is used to produce fatty acids?


The sodium-potassium pump uses energy from ATP to move sodium ions out of the cell, and potassium ions into the cell. This is an example of

active transport.

Utah's Great Salt Lake has an average salinity seven times higher than that of the oceans. Very few multicellular organisms live in this harsh environment. An example is the brine shrimp, which must devote a large portion of its metabolic energy to osmoregulation. These brine shrimp must _____.

actively pump water back into their cells to counter its loss due to osmosis

Cell theory states that

all living things are composed of cells and that all cells come from other cells.

The membranous compartmentalization of a cell

allows different chemical conditions to be maintained in different parts of the cell.

In the plasma membrane, the phospholipid heads

are hydrophilic and face outward toward the aqueous solution on both sides of the membrane.

When molecules move down their concentration gradient, they move from where they _________ to where they ________

are more concentrated are less concentrated.

Mitochondria are found in _____.

both plant cells and animal cells

The structure that regulates the passage of material into and out of this bacterial cell is indicated by the letter _____.


Which figure depicts an animal cell placed in a solution hypotonic to the cell?

cell A

A scanning electron microscope is used to study ________, whereas a transmission electron microscope is used to study ________.

cell surfaces; internal cell structures

What name is given to the rigid structure, found outside the plasma membrane, that surrounds and supports the bacterial cell?

cell wall

Glucose molecules provide energy to power the swimming motion of sperm. In this example, the sperm are changing

chemical energy into kinetic energy.

A culture of bacteria is fed glucose containing radioactive carbon and is then examined. During the citric acid cycle, radioactive carbon would first appear in


Arsenic is a poison that binds to a molecule needed to build acetyl CoA. Based on this information, which part of cellular respiration would be stopped if arsenic were ingested?

citric acid cycle

The fluid mosaic model describes the plasma membrane as consisting of

diverse proteins embedded in a phospholipid bilayer.

The transfer of ____ from one molecule to another is an oxidation-reduction reaction, or redox reaction.


The plasma membrane forms a pocket that pinches inward, forming a vesicle that contains material from outside the cell. This describes the process of


When a cell uses chemical energy to perform work, it uses the energy released from a(n) ________ reaction to drive a(n) ________ reaction.

exergonic; endergonic

A molecule moves down its concentration gradient using a transport protein in the plasma membrane. This is an example of

facilitated diffusion.

If ATP accumulates in a cell,

feedback inhibition slows down cellular respiration.

Wood frogs freeze solid during the winter and then thaw in the spring. As the freezing progresses, blood circulation stops, which means that cells are not being served by the circulatory system. How would you expect these cells to produce ATP during this time, and what by-product would you expect to build up in these cells?

fermentation and lactate

what type of microscopy allowed scientists to visualize the cytoskeleton in living cells?

fluorescence microscopy

Which of the following molecules is broken down in cellular respiration, providing fuel for the cell?


the purpose of cellular respiration is the production of


Which metabolic pathway is common to aerobic and anaerobic metabolism?


Which of the following processes takes place in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell?


Which stage of cellular respiration appears to have evolved first?


Select the correct sequence of steps as energy is extracted from glucose during cellular respiration.

glycolysis → acetyl CoA → citric acid cycle → electron transport chain

A manufacturing company dumps its wastes into a nearby pond. One of the wastes is found to paralyze the contractile vacuoles of certain protists. A biologist looking at individual samples of these organisms taken from the pond would find that they

have gained water and burst.

Which H+ has just passed through the inner mitochondrial membrane by facilitated diffusion?

hydrogen ion D

What is being pumped through the inner mitochondrial membrane into the intermembrane space, as indicated by the green arrows?

hydrogen ions

What type of reaction breaks the bonds that join the phosphate groups in an ATP molecule?


. A plant cell placed in a(n)______ solution will lose water and plasmolyze


There is a net diffusion of water out of an animal cell when it is placed in a(n)

hypertonic solution

An animal cell placed in a(n) _______ solution will gain water, swell, and possibly burst.


The ideal osmotic environment for a plant cell is a(n)

hypotonic environment.

Endocytosis moves materials _____ a cell via _____.

into ... membranous vesicles

Respiration ________, and cellular respiration ________.

is gas exchange; produces ATP

Some protozoans have special organelles called contractile vacuoles that continually eliminate excess water from the cell. The presence of these organelles tells you that the environment

is hypotonic to the protozoan.

. A plant cell surrounded by a(n) _______solution will be flaccid (limp).


The ideal osmotic environment for an animal cell is a(n)

isotonic environment

A cell that has neither a net gain of water nor a net loss of water when it is immersed in a solution must be

isotonic to its environment

When an enzyme catalyzes a reaction,

it lowers the activation energy of the reaction.

Light is _____ energy, which is converted by plants into molecules that possess _____ energy.

kinetic ... chemical

When a car engine burns gasoline, the results of the reaction are similar to when cells burn glucose. Both reactions release carbon dioxide and water. In cells, the chemical energy in food is converted to ATP and heat. In a moving car, the chemical energy in gasoline is converted to __________. View Available Hint(s)

kinetic energy and heat

In muscle cells, fermentation produces _____.

lactate and NAD+

Sports physiologists at an Olympic training center want to monitor athletes to determine at what point their muscles begin to function anaerobically. They could do this by checking for a buildup of __________.

lactic acid

Oxidation is the ________, and reduction is the ________.

loss of electrons; gain of electrons

The cells of a person with adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) swell with a buildup of fatty acids. In other words, fatty acids are not being broken down. Which organelle is most likely failing to function correctly?


Which of the following correctly matches an organelle with its function? The __________ functions in __________.

lysosome ... recycling of damaged organelles

the inner skeleton of a cell is composed of _______

microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments

A scientist wants to study the enzymes of the citric acid cycle in eukaryotic cells. What part of the cell would she use as a source of these enzymes?

mitochondrial matrix

The enzymes of the citric acid cycle are located in the

mitochondrial matrix.

In what organelle would you find acetyl CoA formation, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain?


Some friends are trying to make wine in their basement. They've added yeast to a sweet grape juice mixture and have allowed the yeast to grow. After several days they find that sugar levels in the grape juice have dropped, but there's no alcohol in the mixture. The most likely explanation is that the

mixture needs less oxygen because yeasts only produce alcohol in the absence of oxygen.

In active transport,

molecules move across the plasma membrane against their concentration gradient.

Where is a bacterial cell's DNA found?

nucleoid region

Digestive cells produce and secrete many enzymes that break down ingested food. These cells have a large number of ribosomes __________.

on the rough endoplasmic reticulum

Some human cells, such as nerve cells, are restricted to aerobic respiration to recycle NADH and FADH2. If these cells are deprived of oxygen, then __________.

oxidative phosphorylation would come to a halt because there wouldn't be any oxygen to serve as an electron acceptor at the transport chain

In cellular respiration, glucose becomes ______ to carbon dioxide (CO2) as it loses electrons (in hydrogen atoms).


NADH delivers electrons to an electron transport chain, which passes the electrons through carrier molecules in a series of redox reactions to the final electron acceptor,


Which part of the ATP molecule breaks free of the rest when an ATP molecule releases energy?

part D

Diffusion across a biological membrane is called

passive transport.

Which organelle is involved in the breakdown of fatty acids and the detoxification of alcohol?


A white blood cell engulfing a bacterium is an example of _____


The function of chloroplasts is


Chloroplasts are found in __________.

plant cells and some protists

The _____ is the bacterial structure that acts as a selective barrier, allowing nutrients to enter the cell and wastes to leave the cell.

plasma membrane

What is the function of a bacterium's capsule?


A complete definition of food states that it provides

raw materials for biosynthesis and energy for cell activities.

Which of the following enables a cell to pick up and concentrate a specific kind of molecule?

receptor-mediated endocytosis

Which curve shows the course of the reaction in the presence of an enzyme--the black curve or the red curve? Which line represents the activation energy for that reaction--a, b, or c?

red curve; line b

In cellular respiration, oxygen becomes _____ to water (H2O) as it gains electrons (in hydrogen atoms) that came from glucose.


In a bacterium, where are proteins synthesized?


Which step of the citric acid cycle requires both NAD+ and ADP as reactants?

step 3

Which part of the mitochondrion shown enhances its ability to produce ATP by increasing the surface area of a mitochondrial membrane?

structure D

In glycolysis, ATP molecules are produced by _____.

substrate-level phosphorylation

In the citric acid cycle (also called the Krebs cycle), ATP molecules are produced by _____.

substrate-level phosphorylation

You can recognize the process of pinocytosis when _____.

the cell is engulfing extracellular fluid

The transport of molecules of a particular solute from inside an animal cell across the cell membrane to the extracellular fluid always requires energy when _____.

the concentration of the solute is lower inside the cell than outside it

What controls the net direction of the movement of oxygen molecules in passive transport?

the direction of the oxygen concentration gradient

Sunlight is essential for the varied life on Earth. Sunlight provides energy to photosynthetic organisms by providing __________.

the energy necessary to power the rearrangement of chemical bonds in H2O and CO2 to make organic molecules such as glucose

To enter or leave any cell, substances must pass through _____.

the plasma membrane

An immune system cell called the plasma cell produces thousands of antibodies (a type of protein) per second for release into the body. What type of intracellular structure would you expect to be very prominent within the cell?

the rough endoplasmic reticulum

Water crosses the plasma membrane

through facilitated diffusion or diffusion

In eukaryotic cells the first step in protein synthesis is the ____

transferring of information from DNA to messenger RNA

A pathologist who wants to examine a patient's liver cells to determine if the mitochondria have an internal structural defect will likely need to use a

transmission electron microscope.

Facilitated diffusion across a biological membrane requires ________ and moves a substance ________ its concentration gradient.

transport proteins; down

Which of the following structures is essential for the successful operation of the endomembrane system?

transport vesicles

Aquaporins are proteins that facilitate the transport of __________ across the membrane.


Which organism can make organic molecules from water and carbon dioxide?


You are adrift in the Atlantic Ocean and, being thirsty, drink the surrounding seawater. As a result

you dehydrate yourself.

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