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In 1839, Theodor Schwann reported that all animal tissues consist of individual compartments called ______.


Lastly, mitochondrial ribosomes are similar in structure to bacterial ribosomes, and mitochondria divide by simple fission, as do bacterial cells.

Also, mitochondria and chloroplasts both contain circular loops of DNA, like prokaryotes do.

The theory of _____ proposes that mitochondria arose from bacteria that were engulfed by other cells.


A dense network of protein fibers called the______ provides a framework within the cell that supports the cell interior and anchors organelles.


Select all of the functions of the cell nucleus.

directs cell activity stores hereditary information

Lysosomes are components of the

endomembrane system

Cell structures called ______ are composed of rRNA and proteins and are the sites of protein synthesis.


What distinguishes the rough ER from the smooth ER?

The surface of the rough ER contains many bound ribosomes.

What molecule resides in the interior of the lipid bilayer and affects the fluidity of the membrane?


Select all of the features of the prokaryotic cell.

cell wall usually present cytoplasm ribosomes plasma membrane nucleoid region

The DNA of a eukaryotic cell is divided into several_____, which are segments of DNA associated with proteins.


Numerous, short extensions protruding from eukaryotic cells and having the same structure as flagella are called ______.


What is the function of Golgi bodies?

collect, package, and distribute molecules

Robert Hooke in 1665 and Matthias Schleiden in 1838 observed that plant tissue is an aggregation of independent, separate ______.


Plant cells contain organelles called______ in which photosynthesis takes place


Select all of the structures found in plant cells, but not in animal cells.

chloroplasts cell walls central vacuole plasmodesmata

Folded membranes within mitochondria are called ______.


Select all of the characteristics of a eukaryotic cell.

cytoplasm interior scaffold of protein fibers nucleus containing chromosomes encased by plasma membrane

Select all of the organelles of the endomembrane system.

endoplasmic reticulum Golgi complex vesicles

What organelles comprise the endomembrane system of a eukaryotic cell?

endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, and vesicles

__________ filaments are smaller than microtubules, but larger than actin filaments and provide structural reinforcement to the cell and organelles.


What organelle contains a concentrated mix of powerful enzymes that are used to break down and recycle macromolecules and worn-out cell components?


Select the two compartments of the mitochondrion.

matrix intermembrane space

In addition to phospholipids, plasma membranes contain a nonpolar steroid molecule called cholesterol, which plays a role in ______.

membrane fluidity

What protein fiber of the cytoskeleton is responsible for chromosome movement during mitosis?


Some types of animal cells can have fingerlike projections called ______ that increase surface area.


Cellular respiration takes place in organelles called ______, which have an inner folded membrane and an outer membrane.


The chemical reactions that extract energy from food molecules take place in bacteria-sized organelles called _______ which are present in most eukaryotic cells.


Select all the organelles that play a role in energy harvest in plant cells.

mitochondria chloroplasts

What organelles contain their own DNA and function in harvesting energy?

mitochondria and chloroplasts

Select all of the organelles in eukaryotic cells that likely arose as a result of endosymbiosis.

mitochondrion chloroplast

Select all of the organelles found in animal cells.

mitochondrion endoplasmic reticulum centrioles

What structures allow RNA and proteins to pass through the nuclear envelope?

nuclear pores

Ribosome subunits are assembled in a region within the nucleus called the ______.


Where are ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins assembled into ribosomes?


What is the purpose of the nuclear pores in the nuclear envelope?

permit proteins and RNA to pass into and out of the nucleus

Select all of the organelles found in a typical eukaryotic cell.

peroxisome Golgi complex mitochondria

Select all of the examples of human cells that utilize flagella or cilia.

tracheal cells sperm

Membrane proteins that provide passageways through the plasma membrane for ions and polar molecules are called ______.

transmembrane proteins

How does an organism composed of relatively small cells have an advantage over one made of larger cells?

A small cell can more efficiently direct synthesis of certain enzymes.

Select all of the following that are principles of the cell theory.

Cells arise only by division of a previously existing cell. Cells are the smallest living things. All organisms are composed of one or more cel

How do chloroplasts differ from mitochondria?

Chloroplasts are larger and have more complex organization.

Select all of the ways that surface area in cells is increased.

Larger cells are long and thin. Cells have finger-like projections. Cells are flat or plate-shaped.

How do prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes? Select all that apply.

Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea. Prokaryotic cells do not have special membrane-bounded compartments.

Why are lysosomes often referred to as the "recycling centers" of the cell?

The enzymes within the lysosome break down failing organelles and other structures within the cell.

The structure of the plasma membrane is often referred to as the fluid mosaic model because ______.

a diverse collection of proteins are embedded within a lipid framework

The arrangement of ________ filaments within the cell cytoplasm allows cells to crawl.


What filament within the cytoplasm allows cells to crawl and contract?


A eukaryotic flagellum arises from a microtubular structure called a ______

basal body

Because their nonpolar tails are hydrophobic or "water-fearing," phospholipids will form a lipid _____ in watery environments.


Membrane proteins that act as markers to identify types of cells are called ______.

cell surface proteins

The surface of the nucleus is bounded by a double membrane called the nuclear ______.


A long, threadlike structure protruding from the eukaryotic cell surface and composed of a 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules is called a ______.


Organelles called Golgi bodies are _____

flattened stacks of membranes

The basic structure of the plasma membrane is a diverse collection of proteins floating within a lipid framework, which is often referred to as the ______.

fluid mosaic model

Select all the functions of pili in prokaryotic cell

help the prokaryotic cell attach to appropriate substrates aid in the exchange of genetic information between cells

Lysosomes contain ________ enzymes.


What holds part of a transmembrane protein within the lipid interior of the bilayer?

hydrophobic nonpolar amino acids

How do chromosomes differ from chromatin?

in chromosomes, the DNA is tightly coiled.

______ are ropelike structures that make up the cytoskeleton, they give strength to the cell and provide structural reinforcement.


Bacteria and archaea are two types of organisms consisting of simple cells called ______ cells.


The plasma membrane is made up of ______.

proteins and lipids

What type of microscope can produce a three-dimensional image of a specimen, with the resolution power of 0.2 nanometers?

scanning electron microscope

Select all the types of microscopes that are capable of resolving objects only 0.2 nanometers apart.

scanning electron microscope transmission electron microscope

Cilia are _____

short flagella that occur in dense rows

Select all of the following that are characteristics of prokaryotes.

some bacteria have a capsule outside the cell wall single-celled organisms cells enclosed by plasma membrane includes bacteria and archaea

_______are long, threadlike structures on some prokaryotic cells that rotate and allow the cells to move.


Select all of the following that are true about cells.

- all organism are composed of one more cells, and the life processes of metabolism and heridity occur within these cells. -cell arise only by division of a previously existing cell. -cells are the smallest living things, the basic units of organization of all organisms.

What evidence supports the theory that mitochondria evolved from bacteria? Select all that apply

-Cristae resemble folded membranes in various groups of bacteria. -Mitochondria are about the same size as bacteria. -Mitochondria divide by fission just as bacterial cells do

What evidence supports the theory that mitochondria and chloroplasts arose by endosymbiosis of bacteria? Select all that apply.

-Mitochondria and chloroplasts possess an inner membrane that resembles the folded membrane of some bacteria. -Mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA molecules are circular like those of bacteria.

Which of the following describes how eukaryotic cells move? Check all that apply.

-cells crawl using actin filaments -cells swim by a whipping motion of the flagella -some eukaryotic cells can move using organized rows of cilia

Select all of the functions of the cytoskeleton.

-provides a framework that supports the shape of the cell -anchors organelles to fixed locations within the cell's interior

microfilament ------------> microtubule -------------> intermediate filaments ----------->

-responsible for cellular movement -organize metabolism and intracellular transport in the non-dividing cell -provide structural reinforcement to the cell and organelles

Select all of the following that are functions of membrane proteins.

-transport chemicals into and out of cell -serve as recognition molecules -anchor cell membrane to cytoskeleon

Put the following steps describing the transport of materials through the Golgi in order, beginning with the first step at the top.

1. Vesicles from the ER fuse with the membrane of the Golgi bodies. 2. Golgi receives molecules, processes them, and tags them for different destinations. 3. Processed molecules collect at the end of Golgi cisternae 4. Molecules are packaged into vesicle that pinch off the Golgi and travel to different parts of the cell or to the plasma membrane.

Select all the reasons why most cells are so small.

As cells grow larger, they have far less surface available to service each unit of volume. Larger cells do not function efficiently.

Identify the prokaryotic cell structure indicated by the arrow.


True or false: Prokaryotic cells have an organized nucleus whereas eukaryotic cells have no distinct nucleus.


What system of internal membranes within a eukaryotic cell functions in protein, carbohydrate, and lipid synthesis?

endoplasmic reticulum

Evidence supporting the endosymbiotic theory includes the similarity in size that bacteria have to mitochondria and chloroplasts.

The endosymbiotic theory hypothesizes that mitochondria and chloroplasts were formed when prokaryotic cells were engulfed by larger cells that were precursors to eukaryotic cells.

How do phospholipids form a lipid bilayer in a watery environment?

The nonpolar tails of phospholipids face away from the watery environment, and polar heads end up on the exterior of the bilayer.

Select all of the statements that correctly describe the rough ER and the smooth ER.

The surface of the rough ER is where the cell makes proteins. The surface of the smooth ER synthesizes carbohydrates and lipids. Regions of the rough ER are studded with many ribosomes while the smooth ER has relatively few ribosomes.

All photosynthesis in plants and algae takes place within a bacteria-like organelle called the


What organelle is bounded by two membranes and is the site of photosynthesis?


Eukaryotic chromosomes that are uncoiled and available to be copied into RNA are called ______.


Microscopes that magnify in stages using several lenses are called _____ light microscopes.


What molecules in plasma membranes can have functions such as transporters, receptors, and cell surface markers?

membrane proteins

what molecules in plasma membranes can have functions such as transporters, receptors, and cell surface markers?

membrane proteins

Select all the structural characteristics of a phospholipid molecule.

modified fat molecules polar head with two nonpolar tails attached to it

The lipid bilayer that forms the foundation of a plasma membrane is composed of modified fat molecules called ______.


All cells are enclosed by a ______, which is a thin sheet of lipids embedded with proteins.

plasma membrane

A eukaryotic cell is characterized by _____

specialized organelles and a distinct nucleus

What is the function of plant vacuoles?

store water and other substances

Select all of the structures contained in chloroplasts but not in mitochondria.

stroma grana thylakoids

Select all of the substances stored by the vacuoles of plant cells.

sugars water ions pigments

What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?

synthesis and transport of proteins and lipids

What is the function of ribosomes?

synthesize proteins

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