BIO10 - Cumulative Study Guide

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Match the organelle to its job

chloroplast = makes food mitochondria = gets energy from food lysosome = disposes of junk/recycles materials nucleus = houses the dna

Match each RNA to its role in translation

mRNA = carries the instructions to make the polypeptide chain tRNA = brings the correct amino acids in the correct order to the ribosome rRNA = what the ribosome is part of, which puts amino acids together to build the polypeptide DNA = This one is a trick! This isn't an RNA!

During the human life cycle,

meiosis produces haploid sperm and egg cells

Which statement is true of chordates?

members of chordata are all in the same phylum

In mitotic cell division (mitosis), if a parent cell has 16 chromosomes, each daughter cell will have how many chromosomes?


What is the difference between innate and adaptive immunity?

you're born with innate immunity, adaptive immunity is based on what your body is exposed to over time

Match the fungal phylum with the correct spore structures

zygomycota = zygospores and sporangiophores ascomycota = asci and conidiophores basidiomycota = basidiospores

Which animal phyla have a complete digestive system? (a mouth and an anus)

- Annelida (segmented worms) - Mollusca (bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods) - Arthropoda (crustaceans, arachnids, insects) - Chordata (urochordata, cephalochordata, vertebrata)

Select all of the following groups that are prokaryotic. Select all that apply.

- Bacteria - Archaea

What do prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have in common?

- a cell membrane - a cytoplasm - ribosomes - DNA

Which plant group(s) has/have seeds?

- angiosperms - gymnosperms

All animals... (select all correct statements)

- are multicellular - are chemoheterotrophs

Which is a piece of evidence that supports the endosymbiotic theory? Select all that apply.

- chloroplast DNA is more similar to cyanobacteria DNA than eukaryotic DNA - mitochondria have their own DNA - mitochondria must divide to multiply, cells can't build them

Which plants are angiosperms? Select all that apply. (hint: what do angiosperms have that the other groups don't?)

- cucumber plants - grape vines - apple trees - watermelon vines

Which words are associated with requiring energy?

- endergonic - anabolic

In which plant group(s) does the sperm need to swim to the egg in water, exposed to the environment?

- ferns - bryophytes

Which of the following types of reproductive isolation can occur in the same general location? Select all that apply.

- gametic isolation - behavioral isolation - hybrid inviability - temporal isolation

Select ALL of the true statements about transcription

- happens in the nucleus - DNA is used to build RNA - happens before translation - RNA polymerase does it

Select all the statements that are true for meiosis

- how organisms make sex cells (gametes) - has 2 rounds, each followed by cytokinesis - ends with 4 haploid cells

Which of the following are common methods of HIV transmission?

- in vaginal fluid or semen, through unprotected sex - in blood, through shared needles or contact with open wounds

Which statements are true for mitosis?

- involved in general growth and repair or asexual reproduction - produces identical daughter cells - produces diploid somatic cells

What do protists have that bacteria and archaea do not have?

- nuclei - mitochondria

The process of mitosis (select all that apply)

- occurs in somatic cells - produces two daughter cells - results in identical daughter cells - results in diploid daughter cells

Which groups contain at least some organisms that are photoautotrophs?

- protists - bacteria - plants

Which of the following would help increase an endotherm's body temperature?

- shivering - blood vessels narrowing

Which must be true for natural selection to occur?

- the trait must be heritable - there must be an advantage to having one version of - - the trait over others - there must be variation in the trait

What are true of plant cells but not animal cells?

- they have cell walls - they have a large central vacuole - they have chloroplasts

Which types of membrane transport can take place without the cell using energy to do it?

- water molecules going towards a hypertonic solution - ions going down their concentration gradients through protein channels - small non-polar molecules going down their concentration gradient without a protein channel

A cell is place in a hypotonic solution. Which of the following statements are correct? Select all that apply.

- water will move into the cell - outside the cell has a lower solute concentration than inside the cell - there is a higher water concentration outside the cell

Which is/are example(s) of negative feedback?

- when too much glucose builds up in the blood, insulin is released so that cells will absorb the glucose - when your body gets too hot, the body starts to sweat, which helps cool you down

How many chromosomes from each homologous pair gets inherited from an egg cell?


Matching the following phases to the correct order in which they occur.

1. Interphase 2. Prophase 3. Metaphase 4. Anaphase 5. Telophase 6. Cytokinesis

Jim and Pam would like to have a baby, but they know that albinism (an autosomal recessive disease) runs in both of their families. They do a genetic test, and learn that they are both carriers of the disease allele. What is the chance that their baby will have albinism? hint: use a punnet square


An incompletely dominant gene controls flower petal color in carnations, where R is red and W is white. If two pink carnations are crossed and produce 40 offspring, how many of these offspring would you expect to be red?


A purebred plant that produces yellow seeds is crossed with a purebred plant that produces green seeds. The F1 plants have yellow seeds. What is the expected phenotypic ratio of seed color of the offspring of an F1 × F1 cross? hint: use a punnet square


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Anaphase - crossing over/recombination occurs

In a lichen, the ______ provides ____ and the _____ provides_______

Answer 1:algae and/or cyanobacterium Answer 2:food Answer 3:fungus Answer 4:water and nutrients and a protected environment

In a mycorrhizal association, the ____ provides ____ and the ___ provides ____

Answer 1:plant Answer 2:food Answer 3:fungus Answer 4:water and nutrients

Which animal phyla have bilateral symmetry?

Arthropoda (crustaceans, arachnids, insects) Mollusca (bivalves, gastropods, cephalopods) Platyhelminthes (flatworms) Chordata (urochordata, cephalochordata, vertebrata)

Why does HIV make humans more susceptible to other infections?

HIV destroys T cells, which are necessary for adaptive immunity

Which is an advantage of seeds?

seeds can remain dormant until certain environmental conditions are met

Match the organ to its role in the digestive system

Esophagus - uses muscle contractions to push food towards the stomach Stomach - mechanically break down food, and use enzymes and acids to chemically break down food Liver - Makes bile to digest lipids Gallbladder - sends digestive fluids into the small intestine. Small intestine - breaks down biological polymers into their monomers so they can be absorbed Large intestine - absorbs water from the digested food and moves waste towards the rectum Oral Cavity - mechanically breaks down food through chewing, and chemically breaks down food.

The following is totally made up (not real). Smelly farts shows complete dominance. F is dominant and codes for smelly farts. f is recessive and codes for non-smelly farts. What is/are the possible genotype(s) for a person with smelly farts? Select all correct answers.


When in the cell cycle do chromosomes replicate?


Match the step in photosynthesis to its purpose

Light reactions = convert light energy to chemical energy Calvin cycle = use stored chemical energy to build glucose

Electrons are constantly being moved around in cellular respiration. What molecules move electrons around?


Match each agent of microevolution to the correct example.

Natural Selection = When a person doesn't finish their antibiotic treatment, the bacteria that are left to reproduce are those that are most resistant to the antibiotic Gene Flow = A group of monarch butterflies migrate from a population in Mexico to a population in Monterey, CA Genetic Drift = Half a population of cliff gulls lose their eggs in an avalanche Mutation = A new allele coding for white fur originates in a population of brown bears.

How does cytokinesis differ between an animal and plant cell?

Plant cells build a cell plate to complete cytokinesis

A purebred plant that produces yellow seeds (YY) is crossed with a purebred plant that produces green seeds (yy). The seeds of all of the offspring are yellow. Why?

The yellow allele is (completely) dominant to the green allele.

If a woman with type O blood has a child with type B blood, the father may have which blood type?

Type O only

Can a change in a protein's shape affect a trait? Why or why not?

Yes, because shape determines function and traits come from proteins

Why can't the electron transport step happen in the cytoplasm?

a membrane is necessary to build a gradient

Is evolution a theory or a hypothesis and why?

a theory because it is well supported by many lines of independent evidence

Which of the following increase genetic variation during meiosis and/or sexual reproduction?

all are correct

Which must stop for speciation to occur?

all must stop

A human protein, MC1R is responsible for telling human cells what type of pigment proteins to produce. One version of MC1R causes cells to make red pigments, while another version causes our cells to make black pigments. The red version causes red hair. The black version causes black hair. The two versions are called ____?


Match the advantage to the correct adaptation.

allows plants to transport water and sugars quickly across long distances = xylem and phloem allows the sperm to travel to the egg safely, without water = pollen allows the sporophyte embryo to wait for the right conditions before growing = seeds helps seeds disperse to new places when animals eat them = fruits

What do reptiles have that amphibians do not?

amniotic eggs

Which adaptation makes it possible for an animal to live its whole life cycle on land?

amniotic eggs

Which 2 land plant groups are the most related and how can we tell using only traits we learned in class?

angiosperms and gymnosperms, they share the most derived traits

Match the word with its job in our immune system

antigens = signals on the outside of a cell that lead to an immune response antibodies = usually Y shaped proteins that bind to specific antigens macrophages = large cells that engulf and destroy pathogens

Which is the correct order of the organization of life, from smallest to largest? (smallest ------> largest)

atom, molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere

Why is the breakdown of ATP often coupled with other reactions in a cell?

breaking ATP releases energy, which can fuel endergonic reactions for the cell

How does HIV get past our 2nd and 3rd lines of immune defense?

by attacking and infecting our immune cells

match each biological polymer to a correct example

carbohydrate = sugars nucleic acid = DNA protein = hemoglobin lipid = oil

Which of the following is NOT true of interphase?

cell goes from haploid to diploid

Which is a correct statement about energy in cellular respiration?

cellular respiration converts potential energy in food to a form cells can use

Match each description to the correct phase of mitosis.

chromosomes line up in the middle = metaphase sister chromatids are pulled apart = anaphase cells start to divide, nuclei begin to reform = telophase chromosomes condense, nucleus falls apart = prophase

The following is totally made up (not real). The defense mechanisms of Jack's beanstalk show the following pattern: T codes for thorns. t codes for spines. Beanstalks that are TT have thorns Beanstalks that are tt have spines Beanstalks that are Tt have both thorns and spines What type of dominance is this?


What's the difference between adhesion and cohesion?

cohesion is the same substance, adhesion is different substances

Which is the smallest, most exclusive taxonomic group out of these choices?


Select all the structures that are haploid in the plant life cycle.


Select the FALSE statement.

gametes have homologous pairs

Which must stop for speciation to occur?

gene flow

Match the -troph term with the correct definition.

gets energy from chemical bonds = chemotroph gets carbon from inorganic sources (carbon dioxide) = autotroph gets carbon from organic sources (other organisms) = heterotroph gets energy from light = phototroph

Match the body stimulus to how your pancreas responds.

glucose levels are too high = pancreas releases insulin glucose levels are too low = pancreas releases glucagon

After meiosis 1, are the resulting cells haploid or diploid? How can you tell?

haploid; there are no homologous pairs

Match the word with its job in our immune system

helper T cells = activate B and T cells in our 3rd line of defense B cells = some are responsible for making antibodies Cytotoxic T cells = find and destroy specific pathogens memory B and T cells = retain information about a specific pathogen to launch quick response if the pathogen returns

Mendel crossed purebred purple-flowered plants with purebred white-flowered plants, and all of the resulting offspring produced purple flowers. The offspring are all ________, and the allele for purple flowers is ________.

heterozygotes; dominant

Match each attribute with how to find it using the periodic table

how many protons an element has = the atomic number how many neutrons an element has = the atomic mass minus the atomic number how many valence electrons an element has = the column, or group number how many energy shells an element has = the row, or period number

Which bonds attract two water molecules to one another?

hydrogen bonds

As electrons move through the electron transport chain in mitochondria, _________ are pumped into the __________, establishing a concentration gradient that is exploited by ATP synthase to make __________.

hydrogen ions...intermembrane space...ATP

Which is true of electronegativity?

if two elements have the same electronegativity, they cannot form a polar covalent bond

How is an insect's circulatory system different from a human's?

in insects the circulating fluid bathes the cells - it is also the interstitial fluid

In a well planned experiment, there should only be one ____________. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentence.

independent variable

Match the hormone to the response it causes in our body

insulin = signals cells to use and store glucose, and signals the liver to stop producing glucose glucagon = signals cells in the liver to release glucose

Match the molecule involved in insulin signaling with what it does

insulin receptor = binds to insulin and sends signal to cell glucose = a carbohydrate taken into cells as an energy source insulin = a protein hormone that signals cells to import glucose glucose transporter = physically brings glucose into the cell

While Jeff was looking under the microscope at cells in different stages of mitosis, he commented on the fact that many cells were in the same stage. If you were looking under the compound light microscope at an onion root tip, in what stage of the cell cycle would the majority of the cells be?


Which is NOT a property of water?

it helps prevent drastic changes in pH

Imagine a population of bacteria growing in a carefully controlled and isolated petri dish in a laboratory. The bacteria are all genetically identical to each other. How can the trait frequencies change over time in this population?


Are all mutations bad? Why or why not?

no, some result in better functioning proteins and some have no effect

Match the building block to the correct macromolecule it builds.

nucleotides = nucleic acids amino acids = proteins

Which best describes blood flow through the heart?

oxygenated blood comes into the heart's left atrium, is pumped into the left ventricle, then pushed throughout the body

Which of these organisms is a chemoheterotrophic protist?

paramecia, which are eukaryotic single celled organisms that eat other organisms for food and energy

Which is a correct statement about energy in photosynthesis?

photosynthesis converts light energy to chemical energy

Which bonds connect the oxygen and the hydrogen atoms within a water molecule?

polar covalent bonds

Which adaptation allows plants to accomplish fertilization without living in a wet habitat?


Which of the following is NOT a consequence of the 2nd law of thermodynamics?

processes that increase disorder will require a net energy input

Human muscle cells use lactic acid fermentation to _____

produce ATP without O2 (oxygen).

What are the 4 groups within the domain Eukarya? (3 are kingdoms, 1 used to be a kingdom)

protists, animals, plants, fungi

Match the circuit to its job in the human circulatory system

pulmonary = bring de-oxygenated blood to the lungs and oxygenated blood back to the heart systemic = bring oxygenated blood to the body and de-oxygenated blood back to the heart

The following is totally made up (not real). unicorn mane color shows incomplete dominance. R codes for a red mane. r codes for a blue mane. What would be a reasonable phenotype for an individual who is Rr?

purple mane

The imaginary enzyme rainbowase breaks down rainbow molecules. Rainbowase works best at 25 degrees celsius (room temperature). What do you predict would happen if you changed the temperature to 100 degrees celsius (the boiling point of water)?

rainbowase might unfold, changing its shape and preventing it from doing its job

Which of the following would pass most easily through a cell's membrane by simple diffusion?

small non-polar molecules

Why is it important that arteries and veins are lined with muscle tissue?

so blood can be squeezed through these vessels

Which water property allows water striders (insects) to balance on top of water?

surface tension

Without oxygen, what happens in animal cells?

the electron transport chain stops

which is true of a phospholipid?

the fatty acid tails are hydrophobic and repel water

Which of the following is not necessary to complete the scientific process?

the hypothesis is correct

match the description to the correct term

the underground mass of a fungus = mycelium individual strands of a fungus = hyphae the sexual structure of a fungus from the phylum basidiomycota = mushroom or fruiting body

Which is a true statement about birds and mammals?

they evolved endothermy independently

Which is NOT true of animals?

they have cell walls

Why are nucleic acids important for living things?

they hold the instructions to build proteins

Why are the Cnidaria neither protostomes nor deuterostomes?

they only have 1 hole in their digestive cavity

Match each definition to the correct word.

unit of DNA containing thousands of genes = chromosome the substance chromosomes are made of - composed of DNA wrapped around histone proteins = chromatin 1/2 of a replicated chromosome sister = chromatid the center of a chromosome = centromere

Which adaptation allows plants to grow tall?

vascular tissue

what is bronchitis?

when a build up of mucous makes it hard for air to get through our bronchi

How do large proteins get transported across a cell's membrane?

with the help of membrane pumps, through active transport

In general, are somatic cells genetically identical? Why or why not?

yes - they come from mitosis

If a change in a DNA sequence occurred, could that affect the mRNA? Why or why not?

yes because the mRNA is made using the DNA as a template

Can a mutation affect a protein's primary structure? Why or why not?

yes, a mutation could change a codon, which could change an amino acid

Do cells undergoing mitosis have homologous pairs? Why/why not?

yes, because they are diploid

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