BIO107- Final Practice Questions

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57. Both the kidneys moves downward approximately _____ inche/s, during the deep inspiration


normal appendix can measure between


In the adult, splenomegaly is diagnosed when the length of the spleen exceeds __ centimeters (cm).


The functional portion of the breast consists of _________ lobes.


The kidneys move down approximately ________ with respiration:


The midportion of the right medial and left lateral breast would be annotated as


normal size of pancreatic head


average measurement of appendix


normal measurement of GB wall


The normal diameter of the common hepatic duct is approximately __ millimeters (mm).


the aorta bifurcates onto the right and left common iliac arteries opposite the _____ vertebrae non the intercostal plane

4th lumbar

how many lumbar vertebrae are in the vertebral column?


the sacrum consists of _____ fused bones


The fundus of the gallbladder usually lies opposite the tip of the right _____ costal cartilage


Which of the following is most commonly caused by alcohol abuse in adults and cystic fibrosis in children?

Acute Pancreatitis

When a person crosses their legs when sitting, which one of the following muscle groups is used?


Ovaries produces the following except


The common bile duct is joined by the main pancreatic duct. Together they open through the __ into the duodenal wall.

Ampulla of Vater

In which of the following the dorsal and ventral buds form a ring around duodenum?

Annular pancreas

Normal position of uterus is

Anteverted, anteflexed

The ______ is the basic unit of all matter.


viral signs include

BP, pulse, temperature, respiration, oxygen saturation

Which of the following is a type of Hip joint?

Ball & Socket

which cells secrete insulin

Beta cells

A normal extension of breast tissue into the axillary region is called __.

Breast tail

imaging modality that provides a composite transverse image of the entire body


Pancreas is divided into all, except:


Which is not a cause of cirrhosis?


Which of the following tissue secrets CSF?

Choroid plexus

the right and left hepatic ducts emerge from the right lobe of the liber in the porta hepatis and unite to form the:

Common hepatic duct

Which one of the following form(s) a fibrous "skeleton" that is responsible for maintaining the shape of the breast?

Cooper's ligaments

_____ is a length wise plane that runs from side to side and divides the body into anterior and posterior portions.


Choose the correct sequence of GI Tract arrangement:

Esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum

Bending the hip backward is called:


Five F's of cholelithiasis

Fat, female, forty, fertile, and fair

The appendix lumen may become obstructed by:

Fecal material, Foreign body, Carcinoma of the cecum

most common solid benign tumor of the breast


Clinical findings of lumpy, painful, tender breasts, usually bilateral that vary with monthly cycles usually represent which one of the following?

Fibrocystic changes

Bending the hip forward is called:


The coccyx consists of _____ fused bones.


what is the digestive tract referred to as bellow the diaphragm?

GI tract

a GB with a small outpouch at the neck

Hartmann Pouch

The colon is divided into segments called:


Signs of stomach disease

Hematemesis & melena

hepatocellular disease can be defined as a process that affects the

Hepatocytes and interferes with liver function enzymes

Hyperthyroidism has

High T3 and high T4

_______ is the ability to maintain a steady and stable internal environment.


The normal sonographic appearance of the splenic parenchyma is:

Homogeneous and similar to the liver

Most common cause of painless scrotal swelling is


Structures entering and exiting the renal hilum do not include

Inferior mesenteric artery

Fallopian tube is divided into four anatomic portions. Which of the following part is connected with uterus


In the case of a mammographic mass that is highly suggestive of malignancy, the correlating sonographic mass will likely show which one of the following features?

Irregular margin and taller than wide

Arrange the following layers in the order from inside to outside

Kidneys, Renal capsule, perinephric fat, renal fascia

Hypothyroidism may be caused by

Low intake of iodine (goiter) in body

the appendix is located at

McBurney's point

_________ is a two layered fold of the peritoneum that attaches the small intestine to post abdominal wall.


______ refers to all of the chemical and physical changes that occur in the body.


The sonographic appearance of Gall bladder stone is best described as:

Mobile, hyperechoic focus demonstrating posterior shadowing

NOT a pelvic cavity

Morison's pouch

space between the right lobe of the liver and the anterior right kidney and colic flexure

Morison's pouch

which of the following pathogen causes PID?

N. Gonorrhea

Most common etiology for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is

N. Gonorrhea & C. Trachomatis

Which of the following pathology belongs to the cervix?

Nabothian cyst

the cystic duct connect the ____ of the GB with the common hepatic duct to form the _____.

Neck; CBD

_________ is the functional unit of kidney


Which is common cancer that can occur if the patient had a family history of Breast cancer?

Ovarian carcinoma

The spleen is variable in size and is not considered to be


Following is incorrect of pyloric stenosis:

Projectile vomiting of bile stained fluid

Choose the correct arrangement of structures anterior to posterior in female pelvis

Pubic symphysis, urinary bladder, uterus, rectum

Which of the following muscle is NOT a part of anterior abdominal wall?

Quadratus lumborum

In which quadrant is the liver located?


Following is not the pouches/spaces in the pelvic cavity:

Rectovesical pouch

Structures from anterior to posterior in female pelvis include all of the following except:

Rectovesical pouch

Which one of the following is a function of the gallbladder?

Reservoir for bile

Skin dimpling may be caused by which one of the following?

Retraction of tissue secondary to tumor infiltration

______ lies on the posterior abdominal wall behind the parietal peritoneum and extends from the 12th thoracic vertebra and the 12th rib to the sacrum and iliac crest

Retroperitoneal Space

The majority of the pancreas lies within which abdominal cavity?


congenital variant of liver

Riedel's lobe

The caudate lobe of the liver is located in the _____ lobe of the liver


Morison's pouch is anterior to which organ?

Right kidney

cystic duct is somewhat


Sacroiliac joint is between

Sacrum & iliac bone

_____ is a length wise plane running from front to back and divides the body or any of its parts into right and left sides


The male pelvic cavity has a small outpocket called the ________, which contains the testes

Scrotal cavity

What is the name of the structure that forms between the corpus callosum and the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle?

Septum pellucidum

Which of the following is NOT a retroperitoneal organ?


All of the following are part of strap muscles except:


Splenomegaly does not result from

Sub phrenic abcess

Which of the following is true about the anatomic position of the body?

The body is standing erect, eyes are looking forward, arms at the side, palms and toes directed forward

Which one of the following statements about the spleen is false?

The spleen is located within the retroperitoneum

main function of the spleen

To filter the peripheral blood.

Tunica vaginalis lines the inner walls of scrotum, covering each testis and epididymis, and consists of following two layers, except:

Tunica Albuginea

Hydroceles form in space between layers of

Tunica vaginalis

Area of vaginal lumen surrounding the cervix is divided into four fornices. Which of the following is incorrect

Two posterior

Select the sonographic characteristic of a Fibroadenoma.

Uniform, low-level homogeneous echoes

Renal pelvis of ureter is the

Upper extended part of ureter

Vagina lies posterior to _______ and _______ , anterior to ______ and ______

Urinary bladder, urethra; rectum, anus

Which of the following connects two cerebellar hemispheres?


_______ Peritoneum does cover the viscera but does not lines the abdominal wall.


a spleen that has migrated from its normal location is termed a

Wandering spleen

the linea alba is found in the

abdominal wall

muscle tear is caused by

abrupt stretching of the muscle; trauma; penetrating injury

exocrine function of pancreas is performed by the

acini cells

the activation of the pancreatic pro-enzymes leads to auto digestion

acute pancreatitis

In cases of choledocholithiasis, stones tend to lodge in the:

ampulla of Vater

the dorsal and ventral dubs form a ring around duodenum

annular pancreas

Renal veins are _____ to the renal arteries


normal position of the uterus is

anterverted, ante flexed

spleen produces


what is stored in the GB


most common cause of acute pancreatitis

biliary disease

which of the follow is not a renal function test


structure that divides the peritoneal space into the anterior and posterior pouches


in pyelonephritis, the infection usually begins in the _____ and ascends the _____ into the renal pelvis

bladder, ureter

the internal jugular vein combines with the subclavian vein to form the

brachiocephalic vein

the part of the brain that connects the forebrain and the spinal cord is which one of the following:


fluid-filled space to reduce friction between two musculoskeletal structures


entrapment of the median nerve at the wrist joint by repetitiveness

carpal tunnel syndrome

The head of the pancreas is inferior to the __ of the liver

caudate lobe

the portion of the brain that lies posterior to the cranial fossa under the tentorium is called which one of the following?


nabothian cyst belongs to which of the following part?


a positive Murphy sign is a clinical finding associated with


inflammation of the GB


most common disease of the GB


which of the following tissue secrets CSF?

choroid plexus

most common form of GB inflammtion

chronic cholecystitis

irreversible diffuse fibrosis with the formation of regenerative liver nodules


patients who have hepatocellular carcinoma are likely to have had


name of the bone underneath the sacrum


hypothyroidism clinical signs include

cold intolerance

name of the artery present in the neck next to IJV?

common carotid artery

structure that divides at the level of the aortic bifurcation

common iliac arteries

terminal part of the spinal cord is known as

comus medullaris

which of the following connects two cerebral hemispheres?

corpus callosum

the valves of Heister are tiny valves found within the

cystic duct

The hepatic duct is joined by the ______ to form the ______.

cystic duct; common bile duct

other functions of the spleen

destroy old, abnormal RBCs

function of cystic duct

drains gallbladder

cause of acute & chronic pancreatitis

drug & alcohol abuse, gallstones

most common malignant neoplasm of the breast which is not spreading

ductal carcinoma in situ

digestion of food takes place mainly in


first 22cm of small intestine make up the


which of the following is the most common symptom of endometriosis?


which of the following symptoms match with edometriosis except?


NOT a layer of the uterus:


The pancreas is located in the


correct sequence of GI tract

esophagus, stomach, duodenum, jejunum

normal secretion of thyroid hormones is


hyperthyroidism clinical signs include

excessive sweating

parts of the cervix

exocervix & endocervix

The liver is suspended from the diaphragm and anterior abdominal wall by the:

falciform ligament

_________ attaches the liver to the anterior abdominal wall and to the undersurface of the diaphragm

falciform ligament

bile is important for the mechanical digestion of


the hip bones are the fusion of three separate bones. which one of the following bones does not belong in this group?


the right crus of the diaphragm arises from the sides and bodies of the _______

first 3 lumbar vertebrae

clinical significance of peritoneal recessess

fluid and infection may accumulate in the recesses

A Phrygian cap of the gallbladder is:

folding of the gallbladder fundus

which part of the stomach is most proximal to esophagus


process of urine formation

glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion

________ is a malignant tumore of the alpha cells


the ______ hangs down over the intestine like an apron

greater omentum

vomiting blood


signs of stomach disease

hematemesis, melena

classic symptom of GB disease


oxygenated blood supply to the liver is provided by

hepatic artery

Budd-Chiari syndrome is a rare disorder caused by obstruction of the:

hepatic veins

Damage to the fundus would have greatest effect on:

histamine secretion

Sonographic appearance pf the splenic parenchyma

homogeneous & similar to the liver

pancreas secretes

hormones and digestive enzymes

dilation of pelvo-calyceal system is called


over secretion of thyroid hormones is


In cases of acute pancreatitis, the parenchyma of the pancreas generally appears:


in cases of acute pancreatitis, the parenchyma of the pancreas generally appears:


sphincter muscle between the small intestine into the large intestine

ileocecal valve

which of the following statements is true about the epidemiology of renal calculi

incidences have increased in the past 20 years

purpose of villi linning the small intestine

increase surface area for digestion & absorption

hyperthyroidism clinical signs include

increased appetite

The pelvis minor is found _______ to the brim of the pelvis


the pelvis minor is found ________ to the brim of the pelvis


oblique passage through the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall

inguinal canal

ligaments of the uterus are all of the following except

inguinal ligament

Beta cells secrete


The spleen is located in the

intraperatoneal cavity

in the case of a mammographic mass that is highly suggestive of malignancy, the correlating sonographic mass will likely shows which one of the following features?

irregular margin and taller than wider

miroscopic collection of endocrine cells within the pancreas

islets of langerhans

the thyroid gland is connected by


icrease in bilirubin can cause


______ removes wastes from the blood and produce urine


layers of the kidney (inner to outer)

kidneys, renal capsule, perinephric fat, renal fascia

IVC is located ______ compared to the abdominal aorta at the level of 12th thoracic vertebra


The spleen is located in the

left hypochondriac region

lymphatic in the neck drain via

left thoracic duct

which is the most common pelvic tumor


which of the following tumor is estrogen dependent?


fibrous band of tissue connecting bone to bone


The Falciform ligament extends from the umbilicus to the diaphragm in a parasagittal plane containing the:

ligamentum teres

Accessory digestive organ include


Hypothyroidism has

low T3 and T4

hypothyroidism may be caused by

low intake of iodine (goiter) in the body

which of the following chemical is not found in the renal calculi


the common carotid artery is ___________ to internal jugular vein


the head of the pancreas lies

medial to the duodenum (in the C-loop)

dark colored stool


large double folds of peritoneal tissue; attached to the small intestine


brain & spinal cord develop from


_______ refers to all of the chemical and physical changes that occur in the body


most common neoplastic involvement of the liver

metastasis tumor of liver

which of the following component are part of the brain stem?

midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata

the plane dividing the body into equal right and left halves

midsagittal plane

the pelvis _____ is found inferior to the brim of the pelvis and contains the pelvic cavity


sonographic appearance of cholelithiasis

mobile, hyperechoic focus demonstrating posterior shadowing

Which of the following is true about Cholelithiasis?

most common disease of the GB; single, large or multiple tiny stones; stones consist of Cholesterol

correct pathway for digestion

mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine

type of tissue consisting of contractile fibers that affect movement of an organ or part of the body


functional unit of the kidney


conduit for impulse to and from the muscle and the CNS is known as


________ two layered fold of the peritoneum that attached the stomach to the other visceral organ


which is common cancer that can occur if patient had family history of breast cancer?

ovarian carcinoma

ovaries produce the following

ove, estrogen, progesterone

most common clinical sign of breast carcinoma

palpable lump

which is common test to diagnose cervical cancer?

pap smear

______ peritoneum is the portion that lines the abdominal wall but not the viscus


layers of tunica vaginalis

parietal layer and visceral layer

The breast is sonographically divided into three layers

pectoralis major, subcutaneous region, parenchyma

what is the mot common cause of female infertility and ectopic pregnancies?

pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

the ________ is part of the abdominal cavity proper and superior to the pelvic brim

pelvis major

the heart is surrounded by a cavity called the


inflammation of the peritoneum


correct sequence of digestive tract

pharynx, esophagus, stomach, duodenum

the vascular membrane that closely covers the brain and spinal cord is the _________?

pia mater

nutrients and antibodies are supplied to the liver by

portal vein

sonographic findings of acute hepatitis

postal vein echogenic, liver parenchyma hyperechoic

external pelvic landmark include all of the following except

posterior fornix

the progression of acute appendicitis to frank perforation is more rapid in

preschool children

primary purpose of breast screening examinations:

provide for early detection of breast carcinoma

correct arrangement of structures anterior to posterior in male pelvis

pubic symphysis, urinary bladder, recto-sigmoid colon

choose the correct arrangement of structures anterior to posterior in female pelvis

pubic symphysis, urinary bladder, uterus, rectum

exit of the stomach is guarded by

pyloric sphincter

_____ is associated with progressive hypertrophy of the circular muscles in the pyloric sphincter found 3-5 weeks after birth

pyloric stenosis

_______ occurs when pus is found within the collecting renal system


structures from anterior to posterior in female pelvis do not usually include

rectocesical pouch

the uterus lies anterior to the _________ and posterior to the __________ and divides the pelvic peritoneal space into anterior and posterior pouches

rectum, bladder

what structures entering and exiting the renal hilum

renal artery & vein, ureter

apex of renal pyramid that indents into each minor clayx

renal papilla

most of the pancreas lies within the


what is the most common cause of endometriosis?

reverse flow of menses through fallopian tubes

best position to evaluate the spleen

right decubitus

The liver is located in the

right hypochondriac region

Liver is located in the ______

right hypochondrium

the male pelvic cavity has a small outpocket called the

scrotal cavity

alpha cells of pancreas

secrete glucagon

what is the name of the structure that forms between the corpus callosum and the anterior horn or lateral ventricle?

septum pellucidum

________ is most characteristic of non-shadowing, low-amplitude echoes in a dependent GB


_____ lies in the hypochondriac under cover of the 9th, 10th, & 11th ribs


all of the following are part of strap muscles except:


which organ does not carry out excretory function


function of the GB

store bile

which of the following space is filled in with CSF?

subarachnoid space

which of the following spaces contains CSF?

subarachnoid space

Upper horizontal imaginary line that joins the lowest point of the costal margin on each side of the body

subcostal plane

the spinal cord is surrounded by three meninges, which include all of the following except:

subdural mater

fallopian tube is divided into 4 anatomic positions. Which of the following is not a part of it?


uterus is divided in to all, except


Extension of breast tissue into the axilla is called the:

tail of spence

fibrous band of tissue connecting muscle to bone is known as


organs within the pelvic cavity do not include

the small intestine

Which plane passes through the neck of the pancreas and hilum of the kidneys?


CT and US share terminology describing the body planes. which plane divides the body into upper and lower sections?


Splenomegaly is caused by

trauma, congestion, neoplasm

the sphincter of Oddi is made up of circular muscle fibers


vesicouterine pouch is the anterior pouch in female


area of vaginal lumen surrounding the cervix is divided into four fornices, which of the following is incorrect?

two posterior

fibroadenoma sonographic appearance

uniform, low-level homogeneous echos

Normal CBD diameter

up to 6mm

vagina lies posterior to _______ and _______, anterior to __________ and _______________

urinary bladder; urethra, rectum, anus

spermadic cord is formed by multiple structures including

venous pampiniform plexus

which of the following connects two cerebellar hemispheres?


space between body & the vertebral arch through which the spinal cord passes is known as

vertebral foramen

abdominal membrane that covers internal organs

visceral peritoneum

in glycogen storage disease, type 1 is the most common and is also known as __________ disease

von Gierke

the signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism include

weight gain

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