Biochem Lab Midterm

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6 - mercaptoethanol (HS-CH2-CH2-OH)

disrupts disulfide bridges

Benedict's Test

- As in Fehling's test, the reducing sugar because of having potentially free aldehyde or keto group reduce cupric hydroxide in alkaline solution to red colored curpous oxide.

Ammonium Sulfate (NH4)2 SO4

- Blue Solution - Exp. 4, B. Salting Out

Test Tube 4 (Starch + Amylase + ethanol + Heat + iodine sol)

- Blue color - Exp. 5, Action of Pancreatin and Amylase

Sucrose (Fehling's Test)

- Blue solution - Exp. 6, Part 2 Reduction test: Fehling's Test

Lactose & Sucrose (Barfoed's Test)

- Blue solution - Exp. 6, part 2: Reduction Tests: Barfoed's Test

Sucrose (Benedict's Test)

- Blue soluton - Exp. 6, Part 2: Reduction test: Benedict's Test

Test Tube 1 (Starch sol + iodine sol)

- Blue to Black color - Exp. 5, Action of Pancreatin and Amylase

Glucose & Fructose & Lactose (Benedict's test)

- Brick red precipitate - Exp. 6, Part 2: Reduction Test: Benedict's Test

Glucose & Fructose & Lactose (Fehling's Test)

- Brick red precipitate - Exp. 6, Part 2 Reduction Test: Fehling's Test

Barfoed's Test

- Oxides monosaccharides but not oligosaccharides; disaccharides are less easily oxidized but are oxidized if they undergo prolonged heating.

Glucose & Fructose & Sucrose (Phloroglucinol - HCl test)

- Brown Solution - Exp. 6, D. Phloroglucinol

Fructose (Phenylhydrazine Test)

- Bundles of hay - Exp. 6, E. Phenylhydrazine Test

Glucose (Phenylhydrazine Test)

- Bundles of hay/needle-like - Exp 6, E. Phenylhydrazine Test

conc. KOH & Glacial HAc

- Coloress - Exp. 4, A.1. Influence of concentrated mineral and organic acids and alkalies


- Compose of one sugar units - simple sugar


- Compose of two monosaccharides units

Xanthoproteic Test

- Denatured Protein (suspension 1): Yellow to Orange coloration - Coagulation Protein (suspension 2): Yellow to Orange coloration - Presence Tyrosine, Tryptophan, or Phenylalanine - Exp. 4, Denaturation & Coagulation of Egg Albumin - Color Reaction Test

Million's Test

- Denatured Proteins (suspension 1): Flesh to red precipitate - Coagulated Proteins (suspension 2): Flesh to red Precipitate - Presence of Tyrosine - Exp. 4, Denaturation & Coagulation of Egg Albumin - Color reaction Test

Biuret Test

- Denatured Proteins (suspension 1): Purple color - Coagulation Proteins ( suspension 2): Purple color - Peptide Bonds - Exp. 4, Denaturation & Coagulation of Egg Albumin - Color Reaction Test

Hopkins-Cole Test

- Denatured Proteins (suspension 1): Violet ring - Coagulation Protein (suspension 2): Violet ring - Presence of Tryptophan - Exp. 4, Denaturation & Coagulation of Egg Albumin - Color Reaction Test


- Disrupts H- Bonding

Denaturing Processes

- Disrupts H- Bonding - Heat - Mechanical Disruption - Drastic pH changes

Acids or Bases

- Disrupts H- Bonding and electrostatic interactions

Heavy metal ions

- Disrupts disulfide bridges and electrostatic interactions


- Disrupts hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions and H- bonding

SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate)/ soap or detergents

- Disrupts hydrophobic interactions and H- Bonding

Glucose & Lactose (Seliwanoff's test)

- Faint pink - Exp. 6, C. Seliwanoff's Test


- Formation of Bluish white precipitate - Exp. 4, A.2. Precipitation by Metallic Salts

Alcohol + NaOH + Egg Albumin

- Formation of Turbid or Cloudy solution - Exp. 4, A.3. Precipitation by Alcohol

Picric Acid

- Formation of Yellow precipitate - Exp. 4, A.3. Precipitation of Alkaloidal Reagents


- Formation of Yellow precipitate - Exp. 4, A.2. Precipitation by Metallic Salts

Phosphomolybdic Acid

- Formation of Yellowish White precipitate - Exp. 4, A.3. Precipitation by Alkaloidal Reagents

Tannic Acid

- Formation of brown Precipitate - Exp. 4, A.3. precipitation by Alkaloidal Reagents

Alcohol + HCl + Egg Albumin

- Formation of clear and colorless solution - Exp. 4, A.3. Precipitation of alcohol

Pb(Ac)2 & AgNO3 & BaCl2

- Formation of white precipitate - Exp. 4, A.2 Precipitation by metallic salts

Trichloroacetic acid & Phospostungstic Acid

- Formation of white precipitate - Exp. 4, A.3. Precipitation of Alkaloidal Reagents

Alcohol + Egg Albumin

- Formation of white precipitate (maximum precipitation) - Exp. 4, A.3. Precipitation by Alcohol

95% Ethyl alcohol

- Glucose: slightly soluble - Fructose: slightly soluble - Lactose: slightly soluble - Sucrose: slightly soluble

0.25% HCl

- Glucose: soluble - Fructose: soluble - Lactose: soluble - Sucrose: soluble - Exp. 6 Part 1 - General Test for Carbohydrates, A. solubility

Suspension 2 (Coagulated), Suspension 1 + Heat, Suspension 2 + Heat

- Insoluble with HCl - Insoluble with HCl - Exp. 4, Denaturation & Coagulation of Egg Albumin - Solubility test

Phloroglucinol-HCl test

- It involve the formation of furfural derivatives in the presence of concentrated HCl. The test is used to specifically detect galactose and lactose in a sample solution.


- Made up of 6 - D - fructose linked to an Alpha - D - Glucose by a Beta (2-1) glycosidic bond - a non reducing sugar

Sucrose (Phenylhydrazine test)

- No Osazane crystals since sucrose is a non-reducing sugar - Exp 6, E. Phenylhydrazine Test


- Oligo = "a few" - Usually 2 to 10 monosaccharides units

Lactose (Phenylhydrazine Test)

- Powder puff/puff-ball shape - Exp 6, E. Phenylhydrazine Test


- Presence of Protein in the urine. - This may indicate the presence of damage to or disease on the kidneys


- Presence of serum albumin, serum globulin, or other serum proteins in the urine. - This may be associated with kidney or heart disease, and may occur after strenuous exercise or after a long period of standing.

Test Tube 2

- Production of less bubbles - No reaction with lighted matchsticks - The yellow color was intensified with Benzidine

Test Tube 1

- Production of more bubbles - Production

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

- Purple Solution - Exp. 4, B. Salting out


- Purple to red violet - Exp 6, B. Molisch test


- Purple to red violet - Exp 6, B. Molisch test


- Purple to red violet - Exp. 6, B. Molisch test


- Purple to red violet - Exp. 6, B. Molisch test

Fructose & Sucrose (Seliwanoff's test)

- Red color - Exp 6, C. Seliwanoff's Test

Lactose (Phloroglucinol - HCl Test)

- Red solution - Exp 6, D. Phloroglucinol Test

Moore test

- Test for the presence of carbohydrates in a substance in the influence of a concentrated alkali

Picric acid test

- Test for the presence of reducing sugars - picric acid is a chemical compound formally called 2,4,6 - trinitrophenol (TNP). - a toxic yellow crystalline solid and one of the most acidic phenols

Fehling's Test

- The Blue alkaline cupric hydroxide present in solution, when heated in the presence of reducing sugars, gets reduced to yellow or red cuprous oxide and it gets precipitated. Hence, formation of the colored precipitated indicates the presence of reducing sugars in the test solution.

Molisch test

- is a general test for carbohydrates where sugars are mixed with alpha-naphthol, the test tube is inclined and about 1ml of concentrated sulphuric acid added along the sides of the tube.

Tollen's test

- is also known as silver mirror test - a qualitative test that distinguishes aldehydes from ketones on the principle that aldehydes are easily oxidized than ketones


- is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of starch into simple sugars


- The regaining of the correct secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure after denaturation of a protein.


- Unfolding of Complex secondary, Tertiary, and quaternary structure of proteins - reversible process

Test Tube 5 (starch + pancreatin + Heat + iodine sol)

- Violet color - Exp. 5, Action of Pancreatin and Amylase

Test Tube 2 (Starch sol + pancreatin sol + Heat + iodine sol.) & Test Tube 3 (Starch sol. + Amylase sol. + Heat + iodine sol.)

- Violet to blue color - Exp. 5, Action of Pancreatin and Amylase

Robert's Test

- White ring or white precipitate - Exp. 4, A.1. Influence of concentrated mineral and organic acids and alkalies


- a fruit sugar - is the simplest ketonic sugar - it is the sweetest naturally occurring carbohydrate


- a reducing sugar - repeating disaccharides unit if starch - present in malt, the juice from sprouted barley and other cereal grains

Nylander's test

- a reduction test that used bismuth subnitrate which is reduced to Black precipitate bismuth when reacted with a reducing sugar


- are polymers of the simple usually more than 10 monosaccharides units


- are proteins that act as biological catalyst by reducing the activation energy of a chemical reaction


- beta - galactopyranosyl - (1-4) beta - D - glucopyranoside - is the principal sugar present in milk; it makes up about 5 to 8 present of human milk and 4 to 6 percent of cow's milk

Glucose & Fructose (Barfoed's Test)

- brick red precipitate - Exp 6, part 2: Reduction Tests: Barfoed's Test

Trommer's Test

- is like the Benedict's test for reducing sugars only that it involves treating the sample with concentrated H2SO4 which results to acid hydrolysis of disaccharides forming monosaccharides


- is the main type of sugar in the blood and is the major source of energy for the body's cells

Alkaloidal reagents

- combines with positively charged proteins and disrupts electrostatic interactions

Guanidium hydrochloride

- disrupts hydrophobic interactions, if detergent is charged, it can disrupt electrostatic interactions

conc. HNO3

- formation of Yellow precipitate - Exp. 4, A.1. Influence of concentrated mineral and organic acids and alkalies

Conc. H2SO4 & conc. HCl

- formation of white precipitate - Exp. 4, A.1. Influence of concentrated mineral and organic acids and alkalies


- glucose: freely soluble - fructose: freely soluble - lactose: freely soluble - Sucrose: freely soluble - Exp. 6 part 1: general test for carbohydrates. A. solubility

10% NaCl

- glucose: soluble - fructoe: soluble - lactose: soluble - Sucrose: soluble - Exp. 6. Part 1: General Test for carbohydrates, A. solubility


- is a C-4 epimer of glucose - It is known as the brain sugar - it supports the brain development


- is a common enzyme found in nearly all living organisms exposed to oxygen which catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen


- mixture of several digestive enzymes produced by the exocrine cells of the pancrease. - It is composed of Amylase, Lipase, and Protease


- simple clumping together of dispersed chains of denatured protein - When heated further, the clumped chains become matted together in a mass which is insoluble

Suspension 1 (Denatured/Precipitated)

- soluble with HCl - Soluble with NaOH - Exp. 4, Denaturation & Coagulation of Egg Albumin - Solubility Test

Phenylhydrazine Reaction

- the ketoses and aldoses react with phenylhydrazine to produce a phenyldrazone which in turn reacts with another two molecules of phenylhydrazine to form the osazone

Seliwanoff's Test

- use to differentiate ketohexoses from aldehexoses - In the concentrated HCl ketones undergo dehydration to yield furfural derivatives more rapidly than do aldoses. These derivatives form complexes with resorcinol to yield deep red color

Salting Out

- use to seperate proteins based on their solubility in the presence of high concentration salt. - High concentration of salt like ammonium sulfate compete with proteins to bind to the water molecules. - This removes the water molecules from the protein and decreases it's solubility resulting in precipitation

Heller's Test

- used to detect the presence of Protein in urine - forms a yellow ring (due to the nitration of benzene ring of the amino acid present in the protein albumin - Exp. 4, A.1. Influence of concentrated mineral and organic acids and alkalies

Metallic Salts

used as antiseptic and germicides by precipitating bacterial proteins

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