Biodiversity Final Exam

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Moss animals or ______________ form colonies of minute interconnected individuals, called zooids.


Most cnidarians are specialized as:

mesoderm and central nervous system

Members of the phylum Platyhelminthes are characterized by having

FALSE; monocot

dicots (eudicots) typically have parallel venation and fibrous roots. true or false


red tides are most often caused by:


some protists consist of a single cell with multiple nuclei. This condition is know as ?

FALSE; female

the archegonium is the multicellular male gametangium that produces sperm or male gametes. true or false

Chitin AND phospholipids

the cell walls of fungi are composed of what?


the condition of having 2 sets of chromosomes per nucleus


the condition of having one set of chromosomes per nucleus.


the division of the cell nucleus resulting in two daughter nuclei, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus


the fusion of two haploid nuclei


the gametophyte generation of fern is the:


the gametophyte is the dominant stage in the life cycle for what plant group?


the haploid portion of the plant life cycle is called the __________________ because it gives rise to haploid gametes by mitosis.


the most diverse, successful and familiar group of plants today are:


the phylum gnetophyta is very unusual because it is composed of a single species. true or false


the purpose of the sepals of a flowering plant is to bear ovules. true or false


the sac fungi are characterized by sexual reproductive structures called:


the sori of most ferns are found on the underneath surface of the fonds. true or false

in the ovule one sperm fuses with two ova to form a 3n zygote, the second sperm fuses with a haploid polar nucleus to form the endosperm.

what is FLASE of angiosperm reproduction?


what is best defined as an early stage of development of an organism, typically part of the plankton.


when a moss spore lands in a subtle spot, it germinates and grows into a filament of cells called a:

green algae

which group exhibit a diverse morphology and have representatives that are unicellular, colonial, and multicellular?

pollen grain

which part of a flowering plant (angiosperm) is the immature male gametophyte?


which protist phylum is characterized by having a micronucleus and a macronucleus?

are always photosynthetic

which statement about euglenoids is FALSE?

they lack vascular tissues

why are mosses hornworts and liveroworts limited in size?

seeds contain a young plant and also are protected by a seed coat

why are seeds re productively superior to spores?

False; ascomycota

yeast, morels, and penicillium molds are members of the phylum zygomycota- true or false


yeasts produce asexually by what

parapodia, setae

A characteristic of most polychaete worms is the presence of usually flat lateral extensions called ___________ present on each of the body segments. Each is provided with stiff and sometimes sharp bristles, or ______________.

are dioecious (separate sexes)

A characteristic that could be used to distinguish nematodes from annelids would be that nematodes:


A nudibranch is a type of flatworm (Phylum Platyhelminthes). (True or False)

have a soft body covered by a mantle

All molluscs:

sea fans

An example of an anthozoan is:

phylum polycystina

Another organism in your sample (question 8) has secreted a spherical silica shell with radiating spines. Closer examination shows the presence of thin needle-like pseudopods. In what PHYLUM would you place this organism?


Free-floating cnidarians like jellyfish are referred to as having a ______________ type form

distinguished by eight bands of cilia

Ctenophores are:


In the evolution of animals, ____________ or the development of a head, resulted in the concentration of feeding and sensory organs and nervous tissue at the anterior end.


Insects are arthropods with three body segments and three pairs of legs as adults. They are the most diverse group of terrestrial animals but are rare in the sea. (True or False)


Leeches secrete the salivary enzyme ____________ which prevents coagulation of the host's blood.


Lichens are currently thought to be an example of controlled parasitism . true or false?


Most protists are terrestrial - true or false

horseshoe crab

NOT a crustacean


One distinctive feature of all adult echinoderms is bilateral symmetry. (True or False)

jointed legs

One distinctive feature of arthropods:

by mycelium

Protists have various means of locomotion; they move by all of the following menas EXCEPT:


Radiolarians are characterized as being AUTOTROPHIC and having calcareous skeleton. true or false


Reproduction in diatoms can be both asexual and sexual? TRUE OR FALSE


The development of bilateral symmetry in invertebrates has particularly influenced the evolution of a more complex nervous system (True or False)


Special multicellular or unicellular structure of plants, protists, and fungi in which gametes are formed.


Symbiotic dinoflagellates which live in the bodies of reef-building corals and other animals are known as what?


The body of water mold is called a mycelium ? true or false


The club fungi typically reproduce by producing basidia


The octpuses, squids, chambered nautilus and cuttlefishes are nearly all agile predators with a complex nervous system. They are all grouped in the Molluscan class __________________________ meaning "head-footed".


The vast majority of sponge species would be considered passive suspension feeders. (True or False)


Turbellarians are a class of flatworms which are typically parasites of fishes, seabirds, and other marine animals.(True or False)

they are nonmotile and reproduce either sexually or asexually

What correctly describes fungal spores?

they lack true stems

What is FALSE about a wisk fern

bread molds

Which of the following are NOT considered protists?


Which of the following protists is responsible for malaria in humans, parasitic to both humans and mosquitoes?

plasmodial slime molds

Which protist group are characterized by a multinucleate amoeboid-like feeding form?


_____________ algae are the largest and most complex seaweeds.


______________ are small leaves with a single vascular strand which are only found in club mosses.

________________ are divided into three distinct phyla: mosses, liverworts, and hornworts

________________ are divided into three distinct phyla: misses, liverworts, and hornworts


___________________ is the vascular tissue in both gymnosperms and angiosperms which conducts water and dissolved minerals from the soil upwards through the stems to the leaves.

incomplete and imperfect

a flower that has sepals, petals, and stamens, but lack carpels, is known as:


a select group of dinoflagellates called ___________ carry on a complex symbiotic relationship with sea anemones and corals by producing sugars and oxygen while using the cnidarian's carbon dioxide and waste.


a sex cell; in plants and animals, an egg or sperm


after sampling plankton in the southern chesapeak bay you begin observing the reddish-brown sample under the microscope. One organism exhibits a whirling motion; is covered in porous armored plates and possesses two flagella. This specimin is most likely a:

chlorophylla a & b

characteristic shared between green algae and plants?

Red Algae

coralline forms of which macroalgae are ecologically important in the formation of coral reefs?

dioecious and having motile sperm

cycads may be characterized as being:


fungi that lack septa are called what?


fusion of 2 n gametes : results in the formation of a 2n zygote


fusion of the the cytoplasm of two cells without fusion of nucleus

mycorrhizae increase a plants absorptive surface area of roots

how do mycorrhizae benefit plants?


hyphae that contain 2 genetically distinct, sexually compatible nuclei within each cel are described as dikaryotic . true or false

fruiting body

in a fungus, a complex multicellular reproductive structure is called?


in angiosperms, as a seed develops from an ovule, the ovule wall enlarges and develops into what?


in conifers, each female cone scale bears two megasporangium, or _____________ on its upper surface.


in most developing dicot seeds, the primary source of nutritive material is in the:


in plants when two gametes fuse, the diploid portion of the life cycle is called the gametophyte generation . true or false


in the miss life cycle, meiosis occurs forming spores within what?


land plants are thought to have arisen most directly from red algae ancestor. true or false


members of this protist group are responsible for the fossilized deposits in the unique geological formation of the White Cliffs of Dover.


most conifers have seperate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. what is this condition referred to as?


on the liverwort gametophyte plant there are tiny, hair-like absorptive structures known as what

FALSE; downward from the leaves

phloem is the vascular tissue responsible for conducting water and dissolved minerals from the soil upward through the stems to the leaves . true or false


process in which 2n cel undergoes two successive nuclear divisions potentially producing 4 n nuclei - leads to the formation of gametes in animals and spores in plants

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